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      • KCI등재

        초등학교 쓰기장애 위험학생과 일반학생의 쓰기 성취 비교

        서주영(Ju-Young SEO),김자경(Ja-Kyoung KIM) 한국수산해양교육학회 2018 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.30 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the writing achievement of elementary students at risk for writing disabilities. A total of 96 children(Grades 1∼6) of elementary students in the region of P-city were participated. In this sample, 41 children were identified as students at risk for writing disabilities and 55 children were identified as typical students. For the purpose, we examined and analyzed the writing fluency, spelling and composition. The results are as follows; First, the average scores of writing skills of elementary students at risk for writing disabilities were lower than typical students. Second, there were significant differences in all of writing skills among four groups. The post hoc comparisons indicated that the writing fluency performance of lower grade elementary students at risk was significantly lower than of upper grade students at risk and typical. And the writing fluency performance of upper grade elementary students at risk was significantly higher than that of lower grade typical students. The spelling performance of lower grade elementary students at risk was significantly lower than that of lower grade typical students, upper grade students at risk and typical. And the spelling performance of upper grade elementary students at risk was significantly lower than that of upper grade typical students. The composition performance of lower and upper grade elementary students at risk was significantly lower than that of lower and upper grade typical students. In conclusion, the results show that generally the writing abilities of elementary students at risk for writing disabilities is poorer than typical students. Our finding is useful to develop instruction for the students at risk for writing disabilities.

      • 중․고등학생의 구강건강상태와 악안면외상 실태조사연구

        김민자(Min-Ja Kim),신동일(Dong-Il Shin),양희정(Hee-Jeong Yang),이승연(Seung-Youn Lee) 한국보건복지학회 2012 보건과 복지 Vol.14 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to carry out a survey of the oral health and maxillofacial trauma status of middle and high school students in Jeollabuk-do for establishing therapeutic and preventive measures and using as basic data on oral health care in an adolescent period. The results of this study are as follows. First, the prevalence status of oral diseases showed that male middle and female high school students have a little bit more dental caries than female middle and male high school students. And male middle and female high school students had more periodontitis than female middle and male high school students. Second, the maxillofacial trauma status of middle and high school students showed that both male middle and high school students have a little bit more experience of maxillofacial trauma than both female middle and high school students. And male middle and high school students had more experience of maxillofacial trauma than female middle and high school students, driven by unilateral hit in the fighting between male middle school students, and a car accident, fall, exercise, game, or unilateral hit in the fighting between male high school students. Third, the oral health status of middle and high school students showed that high school students have more dental caries, sealed permanent teeth, DMFT(Decay, Missing, Filling Teeth), and periodontitis than middle school students. Consequently, education for regular oral health care should be conducted through the importance of oral health care, and a systematic early diagnosis and remedy. It is urgent for adolescents to change their perception of the prevalence control, poor care prevention, and replacement reduction related to the importance of oral care.

      • KCI등재

        한국 의과대학생들의 의학교육환경에 대한 인식

        박귀화,박주현,김선,이정애,김종훈,안영준,한재진,서덕준 한국의학교육학회 2015 Korean journal of medical education Vol.27 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine students' perception of the educational environment of medical schools in Korea. Methods: A total of 9,096 of 12,035 students (75.6%) responded to our questionnaire. This study was conducted at the end of the 2013 academic year using the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) at 40 medical schools in Korea. DREEM comprises five domains: students' perceptions of learning (SPL); students' perceptions of teachers (SPT); students' academic self-perceptions; students' perceptions of atmosphere; and students’ social self-perception. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, and one-way analysis of variance. Results: The overall mean DREEM score was 113.97 (of 200), and the scores for the 40 medical schools ranged from 100.24 to 134.32. The overall mean and domains scores of the DREEM differed significantly between educational systems, grades, genders, and academic achievement levels. Graduate-level medical students had higher scores for the DREEM and its five domains than undergraduate medical students. The scores were lowest in second-year students (mean, 111.80). Male students' perceptions were significantly higher than those of female students except for SPL and SPT. High academic achievers' perceptions were also greater versus low academic achievers. Conclusion: Students' perceptions of their educational environment are positive in Korea. The learning environment should be evaluated by curriculum planners and administrators of medical schools to improve its quality.

      • KCI등재

        다문화 가정 학생과 학습부진/학습장애 학생의 사회과 교수․학습에 관한 일반 초등교사의 인식

        김의정,김애화,유현주 한국학습장애학회 2012 학습장애연구 Vol.9 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to explore perceptions of general elementary school teachers on social studies teaching and learning of students from multicultural families as well as low-achieving/students with learning disabilities(LD) through focus group interview(FGI). 12 teachers(6 who have taught students from multicultural families-FGI #1, 6 who have taught low-achieving students/students with LD-FGI #2) participated in the focus group interviews which were based upon three open-ended questions. After the interviews were completed, the data were transcribed and coded by three coding systems. The major findings about students from multicultural families were as follows: First, students have difficulties learning social studies due to the influence of their parents, their external appearance, periods of their life spent in Korea/different countries, and Korean skills. Second, teachers have difficulties teaching social studies because they don’t know how to support to meet the needs of students from multicultural families. Third, teachers indicated that they need human, physical and systematic support for students from multicultural families. The major findings about low-achieving students/students with LD were as follows: First, low achieving students/students with LD have trouble learning social studies because of their lack of motivation to learn, insufficient reading skills, and cognitive deficiencies. Second, teachers have difficulties teaching social studies due to problems in administrative system and not being able to set the same learning objectives for low-achieving students/students with LD as those for typical students. Third, although teachers use various teaching and learning strategies for low achieving students/students with LD, there is limited time to allocate instructional time for them. 본 연구에서는 다문화 가정 학생과 학습부진/학습장애 학생의 사회과 교수․학습에 관한 일반 초등교사의 인식을 알아보기 위하여 포커스 그룹 인터뷰(FGI)를 실시하였다. 총 12명의 교사(다문화 가정 학생을 지도해 본 경험이 있는 교사 6명-FGI #1, 학습부진/학습장애 학생을 지도해 본 경험이 있는 교사 6명-FGI #2)가 포커스 그룹 인터뷰에 참여하였고, 인터뷰는 3개의 개방형 질문에 따라 진행되었다. 인터뷰 자료를 전사한 후 총 3차례에 걸쳐 코딩하였다. 다문화 가정 학생에 대한 주요 결과로는 첫째, 학생들이 사회과 학습에 어려움을 겪는 이유는 어머니의 영향과 학생의 국내/외국 거주 기간, 외모적 특성 및 한국어 능력과 관련이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 교사가 사회과 교수에 어려움을 겪는 이유는 다문화 가정 학생의 교육적 요구에 적합한 지원 방법을 잘 모르기 때문인 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 다문화 가정 학생을 위해 인적, 물적, 제도적 지원의 필요성을 지적하였다. 학습부진/학습장애 학생에 대한 주요 결과로는 첫째, 학생들이 사회과 학습에 어려움을 겪는 이유는 학습에 대한 동기 결여, 읽기 능력 부족, 인지 결함 등 때문인 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 교사가 사회과 교수에 어려움을 겪는 이유는 행․제도적인 문제와 일반학생과 동일한 학습 목표를 적용하는 데 한계가 있기 때문인 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 교사가 학습부진/학습장애 학생을 위해 교수․학습 전략 및 자료를 사용하고 있으나, 이들을 지도하기 위한 시간이 부족하다는 점을 지적하였다.

      • KCI등재

        개화기(1883~1905) 미국 유학생과 민족운동

        허동현 ( Huh Dong Hyun ) 한국민족운동사학회 2004 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.38 No.-

        The Chǒson dynasty suffered from the power competition among three world powers such as China, Japan and Russia during the onset of the opining. The ruling class as well as intellectuals tended to view the United States as a favorable country to protect Korea. Most of them have the friendly viewpoint toward the United States, and it was expected that students would go to the United States in order to secure human resources, material assistant and diplomatic support necessary for modernization, self-strengthening and independence. However, the exchange of the knowledge and human resources under the ‘Shufeldt Treaty' was ruptured since the United States unilaterally broke the Treaty. The number of Korean students in the United States reached only 70 during the opening when the relations between Korea and the United States were not concretely built. A small number of the Korean students stayed in the Untied States compared to the number of Japanese students in America. Nonetheless, the students in the United States have largely influenced on the development of modern and contemporary Korean history. The learners were considerable persons in a sense that they were the ongll1 of sharply increasing students in America immediately after the end of Japanese colonial period when the relations between the United States and Korea started to be more tightened. However, it is hardly difficult to find out any main research concerning collective backgrounds of the students in the United States and the nationalist movement by the students. Each Korean student in the United States during the opening acknowledged the American society in a basis of his or her own perspective, which rcf1ecrcd his or her political and social strata, religions, motivation of overseas studies and spans of the studies. Furthermore, whether the students had positive or negative viewpoints on the American society determined the direction toward the nationalist movement. Therefore, this paper will deal with collective features of the Korean students in the United States reason for study abroad, political and social background, major career after studies, perception on the United States, and characteristics developed by the students. It focuses on both the first period (1883~1894) and the second period (1895~1905). In examining both periods, it will be revealed how the United States and Korea exchanged knowledge and human resources at the very beginning of the relations between two countries. Also, how the result from the exchange had impact on the Korea history will be coped with. The accomplishment of the research is as follows. First, the students in the United States were very small in number compared to the Japanese students. However, the students in America disseminated the value of the United States Christianity and democracy, and these cultural elements affected the Korean society after they returned to homeland. If their influence on the Korean society is considered, the students can be said to be a new type of innovative intellectuals leading a new era. As a matter of fact, the Korean students in the United States originally came from the lower class in the Korean society, not from the core ruling groups. However, they did not surrender under their origins. Rather, the students became the “creative minority, properly responding to challenges in a new era and leading the development of the Korean society. Second, the students in the United States were a type of achievement oriented persons. They were actively receptive of the practical knowledge like foreign languages and international laws after Kabo Reform movement in 1894. The students characterized the best elites who were well educated in the department of Humanitarian or Social Science in the United States university when they went to the United States in their adolescence. Since the students adapted themselves to the value and way of thinking of the United States at that time with the intermediary of Christianity, they were absorbed into the American culture and value. Therefore, the students played the disseminators for Christianity and democracy after coming back to Korea For example, Syngman Rhee shortly dreamed of the Korean style Christianity nation and the establishment of the democratic republican government when studying in the United States. Rhee strove to realize his hope in his presidential tenure. Similarly, majority of students in the United States had in common; such desires and belief to apply Christianity and democracy to its own country can be found among them. Third, almost all students in the United States except small percent of students like Yu Kiljun in the United States viewed Christianity as a shortcut to liberalize individuals and the nation. They were diversified in a variety of way of reforms or the independence. Yu Kiljun thought that altruistic love in Christianity was incompatible element with the Korean interests. Kim Kyusik criticized the pretended ‘altruism’, pointing out the other side of it, the aspect of invasion to other country. Contrary to Yu Kiljun and Kim Kyusik negative viewpoint on the United States, people including Philip Jaisohn and Syngman Rhce kept their favorable perspectives on the United States, recognizing Christianity as the ‘good therapy’ to rescue individuals and the nation. Accordingly, Syngman Rhee and Philip Jaisohn conceived of the reform or the ideal nation applying the democracy of the United States and Christian nation. In contrary, Yu Kiljun advocated gradually practical reforms based on Dongdosokiron, and Kim Kyllsik unfolded the independence movement and the state building movement through coalition between the leftists and the rightists. Fourth, the students in the United States have various political spectrums depending on when they returned to Korea and how long they stayed in the United States. Yu Kiljun and Yun Ch'i-ho, returning to Korea after study in America, were inclined to pro Japanese. In other sides, Syngman Rhee and Philip Jaisohn who stayed after study and dedicated themselves to the independence movement strongly took pro American positions. Among people keeping pro Japanese tendency, their inwards were influenced by individual experiences and values; Yun Ch’i-ho by racial discrimination and Yu Kiljun by deferred conversion into Christian. More fundamentally, however, these inclinations reflected the class or actual interest under the Japanese rule. Fifth, the native class strata of the Korean students in the United States during the opening became diverse as the time went by. The students were persons tightly connected with the core authorities groups. However, origins of students were extended to the lowest class such as kisaeng and merchant after 1896. Thus, it was turned back to the opening after the independence from Japan and reestablishment of the relations between Korea and the United States that was the America studying in the United States in order to raise the social ladder and to move their social position upward.

      • KCI등재

        Life stress, dietary attitudes, and frequency of snack intake for college students in Seoul and Gyeonggi area: the difference between male and female students

        Oh Hyun Seung,Kim Yu bin,Park Soyoung,Song Kyung Hee 한국영양학회 2023 Nutrition Research and Practice Vol.17 No.1

        BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: This study examines life stress, dietary attitudes, and snacking frequency for college students living in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. The purpose of this study is to assist college students feeling stressed by offering desirable dietary attitudes and choices of the appropriate snacks by providing educational materials that offer appropriate nutrition education and nutritional information. SUBJECTS/METHODS: A survey was conducted on a total of 600 college students aged 19–29-year-olds living in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province (234 male students and 366 female students). Collected data were analyzed using SPSS WIN 28.0 program. RESULTS: Life stress among college students did not differ significantly between the genders. Male students were more stressed about lover (P < 0.01), while female students were more stressed about value problems (P < 0.01) and future problems (P < 0.05). Dietary attitude ratings were 3.1 for both male and female students with no significant difference. The overall snacking frequency was 4.1 times/day—4.2 times/day for male students and 4.0 times/day for female students—thus, there was no significant difference. Male students consumed ‘beverage’ (P < 0.01) more frequently than female students. Life stress and snacking were positively correlated for ‘biscuit/cookie,’ ‘chip,’ ‘cereal,’ ‘juice/smoothie,’ ‘café americano,’ ‘café latte,’ ‘tea,’ ‘jelly,’ ‘chocolate,’ ‘rice cake,’ ‘milk,’ ‘flavored milk,’ and ‘ice cream’ among male students. Among female students, life stress and snacking were positively correlated with ‘cereal,’ ‘caramel,’ and ‘soymilk,’ and negatively correlated for ‘biscuit/cookie’ and ‘carbonated drink.’ CONCLUSIONS: College students should manage their stress by identifying its causes and learning how to deal with stressful situations. Additionally, providing them with proper nutrition education based on the correct nutritional information is essential for promoting good food attitudes and snacking behaviors.

      • KCI등재

        보편적 학습설계를 위한 지적장애학생과 일반학생의 정보처리 능력 특성

        박찬웅 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2018 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.19 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of the comprehension of language and perception reasoning in information processing of students with disabilities and general students in inclusive education settings, and to investigate the gap between the comprehension of language and perception reasoning of those students in order to provide validity evidence of universal design for learning. This study examine the gap between the students' sequential and concurrent processing based on the comprehension of language and perception reasoning scores by conducting K-WISC-Ⅳ for 26 students with intellectual disabilities and 25 general students, controlling the chronological age and gender of students, The results indicate that the ability of comprehension of language is lower than that of perception reasoning for students with intellectual disabilities. On the other hand, the ability of comprehension of language is higher than that of perception reasoning for general students. In addition, the individual differences are founded between the ability of comprehension of language and perception reasoning of students with intellectual disabilities and general students. The results are supported by the general concepts of information processing that students with intellectual disabilities have a higher ability of perception reasoning compared with that of comprehension of language, and general students have a higher ability of comprehension of language compared with that of perception reasoning. Based on the result, the following conclusion is provided. First, the ability of comprehension of language is lower than that of perception reasoning for students with intellectual disabilities, and the ability of comprehension of language is higher than that of perception reasoning for general students. Second, the individual differences between the ability of comprehension of language and perception reasoning of students with intellectual disabilities and general students are significantly different and contradicted each other. Thus, universal design for learning for students with intellectual disabilities in inclusive education setting could minimize the disability barrier and maximize the possibility of their learning including general students by providing multiple means of engagement, representation, and action and expression. 본 연구는 보편적 학습설계의 타당성을 검증하기 위해 통합교육 환경에 배치된 지적장애학생들과 일반학생들의 정보처리 과정에 있어 언어이해 능력과 지각추론 능력의 차이 특성과 두 처리과정의 격차에 차이가 있는가를 밝히려는 목적으로 수행되었다. 지적장애학생들과 일반학생의 생활연령과 성별을 통제하여, 통합 학급에 배치된 지적장애학생 26명, 일반학생 25명을 대상으로 K-WISC-Ⅳ 실시하여, 언어이해 지표점수와 지각추론 점수를 통해 대상학생들의 순차처리 능력과 동시처리 능력의 차이를 알아보았다. 연구 결과, 지적장애학생의 경우 언어이해 능력은 지각추론 능력보다 낮게 나타났으며. 반면 일반학생의 경우는 언어이해 능력은 지각추론 능력보다 높게 나타났다. 그리고 지적장애학생과 일반학생 집단 간 언어이해와 지각추론의 개인내차 크기 차이가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 결과는 정보처리 능력의 일반적인 양상, 즉 지적장애학생들은 언어이해보다 지각추론 능력이 상대적으로 더 높으며, 일반학생들은 일반적으로 언어이해 능력이 더 높다는 점이 분명하게 드러냈다고 해석된다. 이러한 연구 결과를 토대로 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 지적장애학생의 언어처리 능력은 지각추론 능력보다 낮으며, 일반학생의 언어이해 능력은 지각추론 능력보다 높다. 둘째, 지적장애학생과 일반학생의 언어이해 능력과 지각추론 능력 간의 개인내차는 서로 상반되고 분명한 차이가 있다. 그러므로 지적장애학생들이 통합된 학급에서의 보편적 학습설계는 인지방법의 다양화, 언어 및 수식 등의 다양한 선택, 이해를 돕기 위한 다양한 제시방법의 정보 선택 및 다양한 표현 수단의 제공 등을 통해 지적장애학생 뿐만 아니라 일반학생에게도 장애 요인을 최소화시키고 개별 학생들의 가능성을 극대화시킬 것으로 여겨진다.

      • KCI등재

        1900~1920년대 북미 한인유학생사회와 도산 안창호

        장규식 한국근현대사학회 2008 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.46 No.-

        Students and migrant workers were two major groups of the early Korean community in America. Especially the first generation students including Dosan Ahn Chang-ho were the pioneers of founding the Korean community of North America in 1900s. Dosan came to San Francisco in 1902 to study. There lived about 20 students and ginseng merchants at that time. Along with them, Dosan established the Korean Fellowship Society in September of 1903, which became the first Korean organization in North America. The Korean Fellowship Society was developed into the United Korean Association (共立協會) in April of 1905, which proclaimed the beginning of the Korean national movement in North America. Besides Dosan, Rhee Syng-man and Park Yong-mahn arrived in America as students in the mid-1900s. Syngman Rhee distanced himself from the Korean community and concentrated on his own studies. But Park Yong-mahn moved on to Denver of Colorado and Lincoln of Nebraska, where he established the Boys’ Military Academy during his study and initiated a foundation for the Korean independence movement in the Midwestern US. The majority of the Korean students stayed in both California and Nebraska during the 1910s, mainly because there were two major centers for them: the Korean Student Center in Claremont of Southern California, and the Boys’ Military Academy in Hastings of Nebraska. The Claremont Student Center was established by the Korean National Association(大韓人國民會) in order to produce future Korean leaders through education. The Student Center opened for the first time in September 1908, taking in 10 resident students. They lived together and cultivated patriotism and freedom of thought through the weekly debate. They also attended American schools to learn English and other academic skills. The Korean National Association built a new Student Center house in Claremont and held an opening ceremony on October 14, 1911. Around that time, Dosan returned from Korea as a political exile, and the Student Center became instrumental in carrying out Dosan’s vision for the national movement. Meanwhile in Nebraska, the student activities were centered on the Boys’ Military Academy(少年兵學校) which was established by Park Yong-mahn. Park trained the young students for the independence war against Imperial Japan. He opened the Military Academy within a farm in Kearny, Nebraska in June 1909 and moved it to Hastings College in the following year. The school continued its operation, training 30 students every year for two months in summer until 1914. It was notable that the Korean Students’ Alliance was formed on the basis of the school in December of 1912, which was the first Korean students’ association united in North America. Many of these students in 1910s went on to become middle-management leaders in the Korean National Association of North America and the Young Korean Academy(興士團). Furthermore, they also sponsored Korean independent movement. Korean students during the 1920s were different a lot. These students came with official permission from the Japanese colonized government, vis-à-vis the students in exile from the previous decade. These newly arrived ones were highly educated, and they entered colleges or college preparatory schools. There were only 70 college students in 1919, but by 1930, the number grew to 300. With the increase of college student population, in Chicago and New York areas in particular, the dynamics of the student activities in the US changed. In April 1921, the students sought to build a new coalition in support of the March 1st independence movement back in the homeland. The student group formed "The Korean Student Federation of North America" and held its first Convention in Chicago in 1923. Around the time when the student organizations became properly active, Dosan left for Shanghai to set up the Provisional Government for Republic of Korea in April 1919 and he wasn’t di... Students and migrant workers were two major groups of the early Korean community in America. Especially the first generation students including Dosan Ahn Chang-ho were the pioneers of founding the Korean community of North America in 1900s. Dosan came to San Francisco in 1902 to study. There lived about 20 students and ginseng merchants at that time. Along with them, Dosan established the Korean Fellowship Society in September of 1903, which became the first Korean organization in North America. The Korean Fellowship Society was developed into the United Korean Association (共立協會) in April of 1905, which proclaimed the beginning of the Korean national movement in North America. Besides Dosan, Rhee Syng-man and Park Yong-mahn arrived in America as students in the mid-1900s. Syngman Rhee distanced himself from the Korean community and concentrated on his own studies. But Park Yong-mahn moved on to Denver of Colorado and Lincoln of Nebraska, where he established the Boys’ Military Academy during his study and initiated a foundation for the Korean independence movement in the Midwestern US. The majority of the Korean students stayed in both California and Nebraska during the 1910s, mainly because there were two major centers for them: the Korean Student Center in Claremont of Southern California, and the Boys’ Military Academy in Hastings of Nebraska. The Claremont Student Center was established by the Korean National Association(大韓人國民會) in order to produce future Korean leaders through education. The Student Center opened for the first time in September 1908, taking in 10 resident students. They lived together and cultivated patriotism and freedom of thought through the weekly debate. They also attended American schools to learn English and other academic skills. The Korean National Association built a new Student Center house in Claremont and held an opening ceremony on October 14, 1911. Around that time, Dosan returned from Korea as a political exile, and the Student Center became instrumental in carrying out Dosan’s vision for the national movement. Meanwhile in Nebraska, the student activities were centered on the Boys’ Military Academy(少年兵學校) which was established by Park Yong-mahn. Park trained the young students for the independence war against Imperial Japan. He opened the Military Academy within a farm in Kearny, Nebraska in June 1909 and moved it to Hastings College in the following year. The school continued its operation, training 30 students every year for two months in summer until 1914. It was notable that the Korean Students’ Alliance was formed on the basis of the school in December of 1912, which was the first Korean students’ association united in North America. Many of these students in 1910s went on to become middle-management leaders in the Korean National Association of North America and the Young Korean Academy(興士團). Furthermore, they also sponsored Korean independent movement. Korean students during the 1920s were different a lot. These students came with official permission from the Japanese colonized government, vis-à-vis the students in exile from the previous decade. These newly arrived ones were highly educated, and they entered colleges or college preparatory schools. There were only 70 college students in 1919, but by 1930, the number grew to 300. With the increase of college student population, in Chicago and New York areas in particular, the dynamics of the student activities in the US changed. In April 1921, the students sought to build a new coalition in support of the March 1st independence movement back in the homeland. The student group formed "The Korean Student Federation of North America" and held its first Convention in Chicago in 1923. Around the time when the student organizations became properly active, Dosan left for Shanghai to set up the Provisional Government for Republic of Korea in April 1919 and he wasn’t directly in...

      • KCI등재

        학생 인권문제와 상징폭력: <말죽거리 잔혹사>에 대한 학생들의 비평문을 중심으로

        계운경 문학과영상학회 2011 문학과영상 Vol.12 No.2

        Students’ Rights and Symbolic Violence in Their Comments on Spirit of Jeet Keun Do This study examines the status quo of education in Korea and its symbolic violence by analyzing students’ film comments on Spirit of Jeet Keun Do. This film shows the 1970’s school violence in Korea which has continued until now. 278 college students who attended high school in the late 2000’s wrote the film comments which were based on their own experiences. The comments reflect the range of their awareness of students’ rights. The students’ responses can be divided into three types. 140 out of 287 students felt that the present students’ rights situation is “the same” as that of the 1970’s. 78 out of 278 students thought the current status of students’ rights is “better” than that of the past. 56 out of 278 students thought this is the time when teachers’ rights should be protected. Different opinions between male and female students became apparent. 85 female students replied “the same” and 62 female students replied “better.” However, 56 male students replied “the same” and 69 male students replied “better.”The result raises two questions: the first is about why students have different experiences in spite of their living in the same time and place; and the second is the different opinions between boys and girls. In general, it is considered that female students are less exposed to violence than males. However, more female students stated that school violence is a serious problem in society. Based on these results, the students’ film comments were analyzed on the basis of The Bourdieu theory of “symbolic violence”, “champ”, and “habitus.” In conclusion, this study pays much attention to the invisible and gentle violence legitimation by school system, suppressing students’ rights in Korea. Even at present, organized school violence which continues from 1970’s is not an individual problem.

      • 수준별 이동수업이 성적 변화에 미치는 영향에 대한 고등학생들의 인식 연구

        유준상 인하대학교 교육연구소 2008 교육문화연구 Vol.14 No.1

        This paper aims to explore students' attitudes on the effects of various fields of ability grouping-based education. These fields include individual learning habits, organizing of differentiated classes, learning atmosphere in a class, teaching activities, and students' evaluation for the classes and the differences of evaluation of the effective elements of ability grouping-based education according to the differentiated classes. In order to accomplish this purpose, 180 students in the second grade of a secondary school were selected to be examined. The survey was done by a questionnaire completed by 180 students and by interviews with 30 of them. The results are as follows:First, the students showed favorable attitudes about the teaching activities and individual learning habits. In the field of students' evaluation, they expressed neutral and unfavorable attitudes. Second, in the field of individual learning habits, the students showed favorable attitudes concerning all the subordinate questions. Third, in the field of organizing of differentiated classes, the data showed that there were more students who had favorable attitudes about the question of proper organizing of the classes. Fourth, concerning the effect of comfortable feeling from the ability grouping-based education, there were more students showing negative attitudes than positive ones. Fifth, concerning the improvement of understanding the lessons, there were more negative attitudes than positive. Concerning the teaching methods, appropriate usage of teaching materials, proper explanations of homework, and compliments from teachers, there were more students who showed positive attitudes, and so almost half of them had favorable attitudes. Sixth, concerning the appropriate classes to the students abilities, supplement from differentiated classes, increased conviction for the English study, and help from friends, the data showed that almost half of the students had neutral attitudes and there were more unfavorable attitudes than favorable ones. But concerning the appropriate test according to the differentiated classes, almost half of the students showed neutral attitudes and there were more favorable attitudes than unfavorable ones. Seventh, in the analysis of the differences of evaluation of the effective elements of ability grouping-based education according to the differentiated classes, upper class students thought that learning atmosphere in a classroom had more positive effects on improving English grades than middle class students. They also thought that individual learning habits had more positive effects on improving English grades than middle and low class students. Now I would like to make some suggestions to heighten the efficiency of ability grouping-based education. Firstly, engage students to understand the true meaning of it and participate in the classes with a comfortable and eager mind. Secondly, teachers should try to do their best to develop the effective materials and teaching methods and care for the emotional problems of the students as well. Thirdly, teachers have to pay much more attention to the lower class students who are a kind of isolated class and provide positive reinforcement by giving compliments and encouragement. Lastly, through academic and career counseling with parents, positive support from parents and developing the learning programs with a local community, a school should provide a favorable educational environment for students. 본 연구에서는 교육과학기술부의 학교자율화 추진계획에 의거 전국적으로 확대될 것으로 예상되는 수준별 이동수업과 관련하여 고등학교 2학년 180명의 학생을 대상으로 한 설문지와 18명을 대상으로 한 인터뷰를 통해 개인의 학습 성항, 수준별 학급 편성, 학습활동 분위기, 교사의 교수 활동, 학생들의 수업평가 등이 성적 향상에 미치는 영향에 대한 학생들의 인식이 어떻게 나타나는지 알아보았다. 첫째, 수준별 이동수업에 영향을 주는 5가지 영역 중 학생들은 교사의 교수활동 개인의 학습 영역 요인들이 긍정적 영향을 주었다고 응답하였다. 학생들의 수업평가 영역은 보통과 부정적 평가가 많았다. 둘째, 영어 사교육 경험, 영어 교과에 대한 흥미, 희망 직업을 갖기 위한 노력, 부모님의 관심과 지도 등 모든 항목에 대하여 많은 학생들이 자신들의 영어 성적 향상에 긍정적 영향을 주었다고 응답하였다. 셋째, 수준별 학급 편성 요인들 중 적절한 수준별 학급 편성 요인의 성적 변화에 미친 영항은 긍정적 응답이 부정적 응답보다 많았다. 넷째, 수준별 이동수업으로 생성된 편안한 기분의 영향은 긍정적 영흥을 주지 않았다는 응답이 많았다. 수준별 학급 편성이라 할지라도 중ㆎ하위 반으로 떨어지지 않아야한다 또는 나는 부족한 실력의 학급이이라는 새로운 형태의 긴장감이 조성되었다는 것을 알 수 있다. 다섯째, 수업 이해도가 높아져 영어 성적에 긍정적 영향을 주었다는 항목은 부정적 응답이 많았다. 그러나 담당교사의 수업방식, 적절한 자료 활용, 적절한 과제 제시, 칭찬과 격려 등의 요인들에 대해 긍정적 응답이 훨씬 많았고, 수준별 수업 담당교사의 수업에 대해 거의 절반의 학생들이 긍정적으로 응답하였다. 여섯째, 학습자의 학습능력에 알맞은 수준의 수업진행, 수준별 수업이 자신의 부족한 부분을 보충, 이동 수업으로 교과학습에 대한 자신감 증가, 수준별 이동 수업으로 친구의 도움을 받아 성적향상에 긍정적 영향을 주었다는 질문에 보통이 절반정도였고 부정적 응답이 많았다. 그러나 수준별 학급 편성에 따른 적절한 평가 실시에는 보통의 응답이 절반 정도였고 긍정적 응답이 많았다. 일곱째, 수준별 이동수업 학급에 따른 영향 요인들의 평가에서, 상급반 학생들이 중급반 학생들보다 학습 활동 분위기가 영어 성적 향상에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다고 응답했다. 개인별 학습 성향에 대해서도 상급반 학생들이 중급반과 하급반 학생들보다 성적 향상에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다고 생각하는 것으로 나타났다.

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