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      • 1인 가구 사회서비스 현황과 정책과제

        김은정 사회복지정책실천회 2018 사회복지정책과 실천 Vol.4 No.2

        Although family unit has long been a representative unit at social service policy, the singleton will be the most popular unit before long. This study starts at the point that our society is not fully ready to cope with this dramatic change, and we need to hurry to prepare the effective ways to deal with increasing number of singletons. The study first tries to grasp current features of our singletons and then to evaluate current social service policies for them under the criterion of whether current polices are meeting the needs of today’s singletons in our society. Singletons in Korea are segmented into various types in terms of generations, gender, and economic status. Yet, social services for the singleton are still focused on the specific groups such as the old singleton, and providing only the limited content of support such as care services. According to the directions of changes in the characteristics of singletons, existing ways to deal with singletons are not effective. Social service policy entitlement should be universalized and singletons should be regarded as a product of life-cycle process. Everyone would be a potential singleton in the process of their own life-cycle. Also, singletons do not only suffer economic hardships and care deficiency, but also suffer from lack of relationships and emotional isolations. Therefore social service should be expanded into the relational area. Community based social services would be more effective, especially for the singletons, so that collaborative governance should be established among policy agents such as central gov., local gov. and non-public organizations rooted in community. 지금까지 사회서비스를 포함한 사회정책은 결혼한 2인 이상 가구를 표준화하는 방식에서 크게 벗어나지 못하고 있다. 사회서비스 정책을 포함하여 조세정책이나 의료, 보건 정책 전반에 이르기까지 모두 표준적 생활공유 단위를 가족으로 상정해 두고 있지만, 그다지 오래지 않은 미래에 1인 가구의 비중이 전체가구 중 가장 높아질 전망이다. 본 연구는 현재 우리사회가 1인 가구를 위한중장기적 사회서비스 정책을 시급히 설계해야 한다는 문제의식 하에서, 현재우리 사회의 1인 가구가 어떤 모습인지를 파악하고 이들에게 주어지고 있는사회적 지원들이 현재의 1인 가구가 갖는 특성에 부합하는지를 분석해 보았다. 1인 가구의 특성은 세대별, 성별, 경제적 특성별로 분화되고 있는데 비해이들을 위한 사회적 지원서비스는 특정한 집단과 특정한 내용, 특정한 방식에만 한정되고 있는 경향을 보였다. 1인 가구의 변화추세와 방향을 고려할때 정책대상을 특정 인구집단으로 한정하여 접근하는 것은 뚜렷한 한계가있음을 확인하였다. 이에 향후 1인 가구 사회서비스 정책에서는 생애주기적관점에서 정책대상을 보편적으로 규정하여 각 생애단계에 적합한 사회서비스를 지원해야 한다. 뿐만 아니라 1인 가구의 주된 어려움은 경제적인 측면을 넘어서서 정서적, 관계적 결핍으로 확장되고 있었다. 이에 사회서비스정책의 내용도 포괄적으로 확장할 필요가 있다. 1인 가구 사회서비스 정책의 대상과 내용이 이러한 방식으로 변화되기 위해서는 개인단위 정책지원방식을 넘어서서 지역공동체를 정책단위로 확장하고 정책 실행 주체들간의협력적 거버넌스 구축이 이루어져야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        남해에 도착한 탐험가/상인/해적: 『싱글튼 선장』과 『새로운 세계일주』에 드러난 무한한 부라는 신기루

        전인한 영미문학연구회 2024 영미문학연구 Vol.46 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the desire to obtain infinite wealth in Daniel Defoe’s Captain Singleton and A New Voyage Round the World. First, this paper examines Defoe’s mercantile protectionism in trade thinly disguised as the advocacy for free trade. Then, this paper analyzes how Singleton amasses considerable wealth through his journey across the African interior and his subsequent engagement in piracy and trade on the high seas. Captain Singleton reveals, this paper argues, that there is only a vague line between legitimate trade and piracy; the amassment of wealth cannot but be predatory in the world governed by the scarcity principle; the accumulation of wealth by predatory means exacts the price. Third, this paper investigates how, in A New Voyage Round the World, Defoe attempts to overcome Singleton’s failure through the narrator’s scheme of developing the South Seas where, he believes, Britain can acquire infinite wealth through the colonization of the southern part of South America. This paper points out that, though attractive as colonial propaganda, the narrator’s scheme is only viable in the imaginary South Seas where the scarcity principle is absent. This paper concludes that Defoe’s dream of infinite wealth turns out to be a mirage that only reveals the insatiable pursuit of wealth in the wake of modern capitalism.

      • KCI등재

        다니엘 디포의 『선장 싱글턴』: 잔인한 해적과 "양심적인" 제국주의 주체의 등장

        배경진 ( Kyungjin Bae ) 한국18세기영문학회 2015 18세기영문학 Vol.12 No.1

        It was during the golden age of piracy from 1650 to 1730 that pirates -whether they were called buccaneers, privateers, rovers or otherwise- were ruthless in their pursuit of profit. At the end of the golden age, Daniel Defoe published the novel Captain Singleton (1720). Intriguingly, his vast knowledge on piracy, which was demonstrated clearly in his other novels and prose, kept the novel far from the cruel and inhumane scenes of piracy. In this paper, I argue that the absence of specific descriptions on piracy was intended to justify contemporary commerce and trade as a legitimate pursuit of wealth and examine Alexander Exquemelin’s The Buccaneers of America (1684) to show that depictions of cruel scenes, which guarantee the authenticity of his writing, leave him vulnerable to criticism against his involvement in piracy. In the novel, Defoe attributes contradiction and cruelty to piracy, exposing the satirical or comical distance from pirates. He does not depict scenes of inhumane violence and cruelty by Singleton and his gang but rather takes pains to describe pirates as inferior traders. In other words, they aim to get more money but have no clear idea of how to maximize profit. Right after the pirates, like traders, appear to pursue interests with economic consideration of their actions, Defoe begins to describe Singleton’s religious repentance and attempted to reconcile the social convention with piracy. More important is not the ending but rather the way of understanding piracy: Implicit in rendering pirates as inferior traders is his support of legitimate trade. While removing atrocities from pirates and placing them adjacent to traders, Defoe indirectly glorifies imperialistic commerce as a legitimate pursuit of wealth.

      • KCI등재

        모음 [ɨ] 분포의 관점에서 본 경음의 기저구조

        이상직(Sang Jik Rhee) 사단법인 한국언어학회 2009 언어학 Vol.0 No.53

        The issue of the underlying representation of tense consonants in Korean is highly controversial. Two competing proposals have been put forward, i.e. the singleton and the geminate hypothesis. The former regards a tense consonant as a singleton underlyingly, while in the latter a tense consonant is lexically specified as a geminate lax obstruents. This paper argues against the geminate hypothesis on the basis of the phonotactic constraints on coda-onset clusters in Korean, including geminates. We investigate whether or not a geminate lax obstruent is phonotactically well-formed in Korean. On the basis of the assumption that a geminate is syllabified as a doubly-linked coda-onset cluster, this paper explores the distribution of [?] in Korean, since this vowel plays a crucial role in determining the well-formedness of internal coda-onset clusters. The absence of this vowel between certain consonants indicates that the sequences of liquid-nasal and liquid-lax obstruent are well-formed coda-onset clusters. When the order of sequences is reversed, however, the vowel [?] is present. The geminate hypothesis incorrectly predicts that the vowel [?] is absent in (identical) two lax obstruent sequences. The examples, such as [t?ti?] ‘at last’, show that this vowel does occur between two lax obstruents. This suggests that these clusters are not well-formed. Therefore, the presence of [?] in this position significantly undermines the geminate hypothesis. We conclude that a tense consonant is underlying represented as a singleton.

      • KCI등재

        The underlying representation of tense consonants in Korean revisited

        Sang Jik Rhee 한국음운론학회 2012 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.18 No.1

        The issue of the underlying representation of tense consonants in Korean is highly controversial. Two competing proposals have been put forward, i.e. the singleton and the geminate hypothesis. The former regards a tense consonant as a singleton underlyingly, while in the latter a tense consonant is lexically specified as a geminate lax obstruents. This paper argues against the geminate hypothesis on the basis of the phonotactic constraints on coda-onset clusters in Korean, including geminates. We investigate whether or not a geminate lax obstruent is phonotactically well-formed in Korean. On the basis of the assumption that a geminate is syllabified as a doubly-linked coda-onset cluster, this paper explores the distribution of [ɨ] in Korean, since this vowel plays a crucial role in determining the well-formedness of internal coda-onset clusters. The absence of this vowel between certain consonants indicates that the sequences of liquid-nasal and liquid-lax obstruent are well-formed coda-onset clusters. When the order of sequences is reversed, however, the vowel [ɨ] is present. The geminate hypothesis incorrectly predicts that the vowel [ɨ] is absent in (identical) two lax obstruent sequences. The examples, such as [tɨtiə] ‘at last’, show that this vowel does occur between two lax obstruents. This suggests that these clusters are not well-formed. Therefore, the presence of [ɨ] in this position significantly undermines the geminate hypothesis. We conclude that a tense consonant is underlyingly represented as a singleton.

      • KCI등재

        The underlying representation of tense consonants in Korean revisited: A government approach

        이상직 한국음운론학회 2012 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.18 No.1

        The issue of the underlying representation of tense consonants in Korean is highly controversial. Two competing proposals have been put forward, i.e. the singleton and the geminate hypothesis. The former regards a tense consonant as a singleton underlyingly, while in the latter a tense consonant is lexically specified as a geminate lax obstruents. This paper argues against the geminate hypothesis on the basis of the phonotactic constraints on coda-onset clusters in Korean, including geminates. We investigate whether or not a geminate lax obstruent is phonotactically well-formed in Korean. On the basis of the assumption that a geminate is syllabified as a doubly-linked coda-onset cluster, this paper explores the distribution of [ɨ] in Korean, since this vowel plays a crucial role in determining the well-formedness of internal coda-onset clusters. The absence of this vowel between certain consonants indicates that the sequences of liquid-nasal and liquid-lax obstruent are well-formed coda-onset clusters. When the order of sequences is reversed, however, the vowel [ɨ] is present. The geminate hypothesis incorrectly predicts that the vowel [ɨ] is absent in (identical) two lax obstruent sequences. The examples, such as [tɨtiə] ‘at last’, show that this vowel does occur between two lax obstruents. This suggests that these clusters are not well-formed. Therefore, the presence of [ɨ] in this position significantly undermines the geminate hypothesis. We conclude that a tense consonant is underlyingly represented as a singleton.

      • 모먼트를 이용한 금융자산가격결정모형의 진단 및 검정

        김봉준 한국재무학회 2007 한국재무학회 학술대회 Vol.2007 No.04

        본 연구는 기초자산(FF25 포트폴리오와 T-bill)의 균형가격산정함수(pricing kernel)집합의 모먼트 하한을 차수별로 도출한 후, 이를 이용하여 기존의 이론적 모형을 진단하고 검정한다. 또한 모먼트 진단 및 검정 결과를 비교하는 기준(benchmark)으로 Hansen-Singleton의 optimal GMM검정과 Hansen-Jagannathan(H-J)의 distance 검정을 실시한다. 그리고 세 개 의 검증 결과를 상호 비교 분석한다. 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 본 연구의 모먼트 진단 및 검정은 H-J 검증의 사전적 진단 및 검증으로 H-J 검증과 상호 보완적으로 사용될 수 있다. 이론적으로 모먼트 검증은 H-J 검증에 대해 필요조건 관계 에 있는데, 실증결과는 이러한 관계를 잘 보여준다. 둘째, 기초자산으로부터 도출된 모먼트의 하한은 대칭축에서 멀어질수록 체증적으로 증가한 다. 그리고 이러한 현상은 고차 모먼트로 갈수록 심해진다. 또한 모먼트의 차수가 높아짐에 따라 곡률이 점점 감소하여 9차 모먼트의 경우 거의 사라진다. 모먼트 하한의 이러한 성질은 이론적 가격산정함수의 기대값의 중요성을 말해준다. 즉, 이론적 가격산정함수의 기대값이 모 먼트 하한의 대칭축에서 멀어질수록 모먼트 하한을 통과하기가 점점 더 어려워진다. 본 연구 에서 상정한 모형들 중에서도 이론적 가격산정함수의 기대값이 대칭축에서 이미 상당히 떨어 져 있는 경우에는 모먼트 지체 현상이 이내 나타났고, 다변량 부등식 검증에서 기각되었다. 필요조건을 위배하였으므로 HJ 검증에서도 기각되었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Some notes on fuzzy subring

        A. A. A. Agboola,L. S. Akinola 장전수학회 2008 Proceedings of the Jangjeon mathematical society Vol.11 No.2

        The objective of this paper is to present certain properties of fuzzy subring using the concept of fuzzy singleton.

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