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      • KCI등재

        잎들깨의 개화 및 결실에 미치는 파종기와 단일처리의 영향

        韓尙益,郭在均,吳起源,裵石福,金正泰,郭龍鎬 한국작물학회 1997 Korean journal of crop science Vol.42 No.4

        Vegetable perilla, "Ipdlkkae 1"(Perilla frutescens var japonica Hara), was tested about the flowering and maturing responce in summer and winter. In summer season, it was researched about those responses according to the change of seeding date from May 15th to Oct. 15th at one month interval in the field. "Ipdlkkae 1" flowered Oct. 2nd under the day length of eleven hours and fourty-one minutes, compared with Sep. 6th (day length of twelve hours and fourty-three minutes) of "Yepsildlggae". And those responses showed that vegetable perilla was have to seeded before July 15th for two reason. The first is a unique response of perilla to day length. If perilla stay under short-day condition for some days, perilla will flower after four weeks. The second is a weather, especially frost and cold. In the test of latest seeding at Oct. 15th, the plants flowered more late than normal flowering period and they were not able to mature for frost of early winter. And this result showed that any other species, which has the characteristic of later flowering than that of "Ipdlkkae 1", could not able to mature in the field. In winter time, this species was tested about the same responses according to the change of short-day treatments. In the case of the test from May 1st (above fourteen hours day length), even if the test plants were stayed under short-day condition for more than 10 days, they were not able to mature, but flowerd. From the test of Apr. 15th, day length of thirteen hours, the plants were showed variable reaction to the short-day treatment. In this test, 11days for short-day treatment was a basic day to decide whether flowering was delayed or not. In the test from Apr. 1st, perilla seeds were able to harvest at least 5 days short-day treatment. In the final test from Mar. 15th, it had no need to take short-day treatment for harvesting of normal seeds, because the day length of that are twelve hours, which is an enough time to induce flowering and maturing, previously reported.

      • KCI등재

        Influence of Short Day Treatment on Autumn Fruit Production of June-bearing Strawberry Cultivars

        Jiwei Ruan,이영훈,용영록,Kirk D. Larson 한국원예학회 2011 Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology Vol.52 No.3

        Short-day (SD) strawberry cultivars were grown in 2008 and 2009 fall each year to evaluate effects of short-day (SD) treatment on flowering and fall fruit production in the high elevation of South Korea. In 2008, daughter plants of six cultivars ‘Maehyang’, ‘Seolhyang’, ‘Keumhyang’ (Korean short-day cultivars), ‘Akihime’, ‘Red pearl’, and ‘Sachinoka’ (Japanese short-day cultivars) were exposed to short-day (10-h photoperiods) conditions at the high elevation (HE, 800 m elevation) for 35 days beginning in late June. On 31 July, plants were removed from the SD environment and established in a substrate system at the highland. In 2009, the ‘Akihime’ and ‘Seolhyang’ were examined again. In 2008, flower bud initiation rate was above 90.0% for all cultivars except for ‘Akihime’ (83.3%). Fruit harvest commenced 1st of October 2008 and average fruit weight was consistently > 20g except for ‘Sachinoka’ (18 g). By mid-November, plants of ‘Seolhyang’ and ‘Akihime’ produced 222-260 more grams of fruit compared to other cultivars, with ‘Seolhyang’ having the earliest production. In 2009 experiment, flower bud initiation rates of ‘Akihime’ and ‘Seolhyang’ plants were 85.4% and 82.4%. Due to the earlier planting in 2009, fruit harvest commenced on 8 September (one month earlier than in 2008) and extended over 10 weeks. Yield and fruit numbers of ‘Akihime’ and ‘Seolhyang’ were 397.7 g, 22.7 and 331.7 g, 19.8, respectively. Results of this study indicate that exposure to SD photoperiods and relatively cool temperatures at HE can increase autumn fruit production in SD strawberry cultivars ‘Akihime’ and ‘Seolhyang’.

      • KCI등재

        감마선 조사에 의한 포인세티아 ‘Clara Pink’와 ‘Clara White’ 육성

        권오현,유봉식,이수영,이혜진,김완순 한국화훼학회 2015 화훼연구 Vol.23 No.3

        Cuttings of Euphorbia pulcherrima ‘Clara’ at callused stage were irradiated with 100 Gray of gamma ray on May and September 2008. Among the mutations induced by the first gamma ray treatment, a pink colored bract mutation was selected. Growth characteristics of the selected mutation were evaluated three times during 2008- 2010 and the mutation was named ‘Clara Pink’. After second gamma ray treatment, a creamy white colored bract mutation was selected among the occurred mutations. After examining character stability of the selected mutation by advancing generation until 2011, growth characteristics of the mutation were evaluated three times during 2012-2013 and the mutation was named ‘Clara White’. Both new cultivars shared characteristics of short height and strong branching ability with ‘Clara’. The bracts had an ovate shape and a weak wrinkle between the veins, and transitional leaves were fully colored 9 weeks after the commencement of short day treatment. However, while the bract color of ‘Clara’ was red, that of ‘Clara Pink’ was pink and that of ‘Clara White’ was light yellow green. 방사선 동위원소 코발트(60Co)를 유기원으로 한 100Gy 의 감마선을 2008년 5월과 9월 두 번에 걸쳐 ‘Clara’ 품종의 캘러스묘에 24시간 처리하였다. 1차에 감마선을 처리하여 유기된 돌연변이 중 착색엽이 분홍색인 변이지를선발하였다. 2010년까지 포인세티아의 특성을 3차에 걸쳐 검정 한 후 ‘Clara Pink’로 명명하였다. 2차로 감마선을 처리한 캘러스묘에서는 2011년까지 세대를 진전시키면서 형질의 안정성 검토 후 착색엽이 연황색인 변이주를 선발하여 계통화하였다. 2012년부터 2013년까지 3차에 걸쳐 특성 검정하였으며, ‘Clara White’로 명명하였다. ‘Clara Pink’와 ‘Clara White’는 ‘Clara’와 같은 소형으로적심하지 않은 상태에서 분지가 많이 발생하였다. 두 품종 모두 착색엽이 결각이 없는 난형으로 엽맥 사이에약한 주름이 있으며, 단일처리 약 9주 후 완전히 착색되었다. 그러나 ‘Clara’의 착색엽은 적색인 반면 ‘Clara Pink’는 분홍색이며, ‘Clara White’는 연황색이다.

      • KCI등재

        감마선 조사에 의한 포인세티아 ‘Clara Pink’와 ‘Clara White’ 육성

        권오현,유봉식,이수영,이혜진,김완순 한국화훼학회 2015 화훼연구 Vol.23 No.3

        방사선 동위원소 코발트(60Co)를 유기원으로 한 100Gy의 감마선을 2008년 5월과 9월 두 번에 걸쳐 ‘Clara’ 품종의 캘러스묘에 24시간 처리하였다. 1차에 감마선을 처리하여 유기된 돌연변이 중 착색엽이 분홍색인 변이지를선발하였다. 2010년까지 포인세티아의 특성을 3차에 걸쳐 검정 한 후 ‘Clara Pink’로 명명하였다. 2차로 감마선을 처리한 캘러스묘에서는 2011년까지 세대를 진전시키면서 형질의 안정성 검토 후 착색엽이 연황색인 변이주를 선발하여 계통화하였다. 2012년부터 2013년까지 3차에 걸쳐 특성 검정하였으며, ‘Clara White’로 명명하였다.‘Clara Pink’와 ‘Clara White’는 ‘Clara’와 같은 소형으로적심하지 않은 상태에서 분지가 많이 발생하였다. 두 품종 모두 착색엽이 결각이 없는 난형으로 엽맥 사이에약한 주름이 있으며, 단일처리 약 9주 후 완전히 착색되었다. 그러나 ‘Clara’의 착색엽은 적색인 반면 ‘ClaraPink’는 분홍색이며, ‘Clara White’는 연황색이다. Cuttings of Euphorbia pulcherrima ‘Clara’ atcallused stage were irradiated with 100 Gray of gamma rayon May and September 2008. Among the mutationsinduced by the first gamma ray treatment, a pink coloredbract mutation was selected. Growth characteristics of theselected mutation were evaluated three times during 2008-2010 and the mutation was named ‘Clara Pink’. After secondgamma ray treatment, a creamy white colored bract mutationwas selected among the occurred mutations. After examiningcharacter stability of the selected mutation by advancinggeneration until 2011, growth characteristics of the mutationwere evaluated three times during 2012-2013 and themutation was named ‘Clara White’. Both new cultivarsshared characteristics of short height and strong branchingability with ‘Clara’. The bracts had an ovate shape and aweak wrinkle between the veins, and transitional leaveswere fully colored 9 weeks after the commencement ofshort day treatment. However, while the bract color of‘Clara’ was red, that of ‘Clara Pink’ was pink and that of‘Clara White’ was light yellow green.

      • KCI등재

        상향성의 적색 포엽을 가진 포인세티아 ‘Red Elf’ 육성

        권오현,박기영,유봉식,정현환 한국화훼학회 2017 화훼연구 Vol.25 No.3

        포인세티아 ‘Red Elf’는 국립원예특작과학원에서 2014년에 육성한 품종이다. 진한 적색의 ‘Max Red’와 분홍색의 주름이 많은 상향성의 포엽을 가진 ‘Pink Elf’를 2010년에 교배하여 획 득한 실생 계통을 선발하여 육성한 품종이다. 2012년부터 2013년까지 생육특성, 개화특성, 균일성에 대하여 1, 2차 특성 검정을 실시하였다. 2014년에 3차 특성검정을 실시하여 최종 선발하였으며, 직무육성품종심의회에 상정하여 ‘Red Elf’로 명 명하였다. ‘Red Elf’품종은 적색의 상향성인 포엽과 열편이 거 의 없는 착색엽이 우수한 화형을 형성한다. 초장이 작고 엽병 이 짧은 잎몸을 가진 줄기의 발생이 많아서 균형 잡힌 수형을 이룬다. 단일 처리 후 약 8주가 경과하면 완전히 착색되어 출 하가 가능하다. 이 품종은 2016년 3월 17일에 국립종자원에 품종등록(등록번호 5953호)되었다. A new poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) cultivar named ‘Red Elf’ was bred by the National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science (NIHHS), Korea, in 2014. This cultivar was derived from a cross between ‘Max Red’, which has dark red bracts, and ‘Pink Elf’, which has rugose, upward-pointing pink bracts, in 2010. The growth and flowering characteristics of the resulting lines were investigated from 2012 to 2014, resulting in ‘Red Elf’ finally being selected. ‘Red Elf’ has a free-branching ability and a small plant height. The bracts are red, elliptical, and upward-pointing, the transitional leaves have few lobes, the leaf blades are ovate and green, the petiole length is short, and the stem color is greenish. The bracts and transitional leaves are completely red 8 weeks after short day commencement. A plant variety protection right for ‘Red Elf’ was registered in March 2016 (grant number 5953).

      • KCI등재

        High Temperature Adaptive Poinsettia Cultivar ‘Red Pearl' With Bright Red Colored Bract

        O Hyeon Kwon,Bong Sik Yoo,Ki Young Park,Hwan Hyun Jung 한국화훼학회 2018 화훼연구 Vol.26 No.3

        포인세티아 ‘Red Pearl’은 국립원예특작과학원에서 2016년에 육성한 품종이다. 생육이 우수한 적색의 착색엽을 가진 포인세티아 ‘Freedom Red’를 모본으로, 키가 작고 밝은 적색의 결각이 깊은 착색엽을 가진 ‘Little Star’를 부본으로 2013년에 교배하여 획득한 실생 계통을 선발한 품종이다. 2014년부터 2015년까지 생육특성, 개화특성, 균일성에 대하여 1, 2차 특성 검정을 실시하였으며 2016년에 3차 특성검정을 실시하여 최종 선발하였다. ‘Red Pearl’의 잎은 계란형의 녹색이고, 초장과 엽병의 길이는 중간 정도이며, 줄기는 녹색으로 적심을 하지 않아도 분지력이 뛰어나다. 하계 고온에서도 줄기 신장이 우수하였으며, 스트레스에 의한 생리장해가 발생하지 않았다. 이 품종은 2018년 1월 24일에 국립종자원에 품종등록(제6922호)되었다. A new poinsettia cultivar 'Red Pearl' was bred by the National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science (NIHHS) in 2016. This cultivar was derived from the cross in 2013 between 'Freedom Red' with good vigor and dark red colored transitional leaves and 'Little Star' with bright red colored and lobed transitional leaves. From 2014 to 2015, first and second characteristics tests were carried out on growth, flowering, and uniformity, and then 'Red Pearl' was finally selected in 2016 after the third investigation of the growth and flowering characteristics. 'Red Pearl' has bright red bracts and deep lobed transitional leaves with excellent flower form after 7.5 weeks short day commencement. Leaves of 'Red Pearl' are ovate and green color, plant height and petiole length are middle, and greenish stem color has free-branching ability. Stem elongation was excellent even at high temperature in summer, and no physiological disorder due to stress occurred. Plant variety protection right of 'Red Pearl' was registered in January 2018, and its grant number is 6922.

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