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      • KCI등재

        Molecular diversity and distribution of indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal communities colonizing roots of two different winter cover crops in response to their root proliferation

        Masao Higo,Katsunori Isobe,Yusuke Miyazawa,Yukiya Matsuda,Rhae A. Drijber,Yoichi Torigoe 한국미생물학회 2016 The journal of microbiology Vol.54 No.2

        A clear understanding of how crop root proliferation affects the distribution of the spore abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and the composition of AMF communities in agricultural fields is imperative to identify the potential roles of AMF in winter cover crop rotational systems. Toward this goal, we conducted a field trial using wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) or red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) grown during the winter season. We conducted a molecular analysis to compare the diversity and distribution of AMF communities in roots and spore abundance in soil cropped with wheat and red clover. The AMF spore abundance, AMF root colonization, and abundance of root length were investigated at three different distances from winter crops (0 cm, 7.5 cm, and 15 cm), and differences in these variables were found between the two crops. The distribution of specific AMF communities and variables responded to the two winter cover crops. The majority of Glomerales phylotypes were common to the roots of both winter cover crops, but Gigaspora phylotypes in Gigasporales were found only in red clover roots. These results also demonstrated that the diversity of the AMF colonizing the roots did not significantly change with the three distances from the crop within each rotation but was strongly influenced by the host crop identity. The distribution of specific AMF phylotypes responded to the presence of wheat and red clover roots, indicating that the host crop identity was much more important than the proliferation of crop roots in determining the diversity of the AMF communities.

      • 작물 생육 상태 파악을 위한 뿌리 발육 측정법

        김기영 ( Gi Young Kim ) 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2010 농업생명과학연구 Vol.41 No.1

        Plant root growth is sensitive to environmental stresses and to changes in soil properties associated with farming practices. Since root system is the net result of time, space, and genetic responses to climatic and soil conditions, it would be most beneficial to incorporate multiple evaluations of root changes such as length, surface area, number, etc. into the assessment of the crop-growth conditions. Modeling of plant-soil system requires accurate quantification of subterranean as well as aerial plant structures. Unfortunately, not much information about root system is known because the study of roots requires tremendous time and labor. Although a sizable research effort has contributed to solve the root quantification problem, more accurate, faster, and less expensive approaches are needed. Also further work is needed in formulating techniques to measure root length, root length density, orientation, and branching. In this study, several existing root investigation methods were reviewed and compared to provide a guideline for developing efficient root investigation method.

      • KCI등재

        윤작물 재배에 의한 인삼 뿌리썩음병 발생 억제 효과

        이성우,이승호,박경훈,Jin Mei Lan,장인복,김기홍 한국약용작물학회 2015 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        To study the effect of crop rotation on the control of ginseng root rot, growth characteristics and root rot ratio of 2-year-old ginseng was investigated after the crops of 18 species were cultured for one year in soil contaminated by the pathogen of root rot. Fusarium solani and Cylindrocarpon destructans were detected by 53.2% and 37.7%, respectively, from infected root of 4-year-old ginseng cultivated in soil occurring the injury by continuous cropping. Content of NO3, Na, and P2O5 were distinctly changed, while content of pH, Ca, and Mg were slightly changed when whole plant of crops cultured for one year were buried in the ground. All of EC, NO3, P2O5, and K were distinctly increased in soil cultured sudangrass, peanut, soybean, sunnhemp, and pepper. All of EC, NO3, P2O5, and K among inorganic component showed negative effect on the growth of ginseng when they were excessively applied on soil. The growth of ginseng was promoted in soil cultivated perilla, sweet potato, sudangrass, and welsh onion, while suppressed in Hwanggi (Astragalus mongholicus), Deodeok (Codonopsis lanceolata) Doraji (Platycodon grandiflorum), Gamcho (Glycyrrhiza uralensis), Soybean. All of chicory, lettuce, radish, sunnhemp, and welsh onion had effective on the inhibition of ginseng root rot, while legume such as soybean, Hwanggi, Gamcho, peanut promoted the incidence of root rot. Though there were no significant correlation, NO3 showed positive correlation, and Na showed negative correlation with the incidence of root rot.

      • KCI등재

        인삼 연작지 수확 경과년수에 따른 토양화학성 및 뿌리썩음병 발생율의 변화

        연병열,현근수,배영석,이성우,성낙술,강승원 한국약용작물학회 2007 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        인삼 연작장해 원인과 경감대책을 수립하고자 2004년에는 2005년까지 작물과학원 증평시험지 연작토양에서 인삼 수확경 과년수와 예정지관리 유무에 따른 시험을 수행한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 인삼 연작지 수확경과년수가 짧을수록 생존율이 낮아지며 3~4년 경과구 81~95%의 뿌리썩음 이병주율을 보였다. 예정지 관리구는 미관리구보다 생존율이 다소 높으며 뿌리 썩음병 피해도 예정지 미관리와 같은 경향으로 예정지 관리효과는 크지 않다. 수확경과년수가 10년이상의 연작지에서도 연작장해를 일으키는 병원균 (C. destructans)이 분리되므로 재작 또는 연작시는 이점을 고려하여 재배지를 재선정하거나 예정지 토양관리대책을 수립해야 할 것으로 판단된다. To study the cause of the injury by continuous cropping and the countermeasure for reduction on it's injury in ginseng cultivation by the period passed since post-harvest, and previous soil management far planting, the injury by continuous cropping was investigated from 2004 to 2005 at the continuous cropping field of National Institute of crop Science in Jungpyong county, Korea. There was negative correlation between the ratio of survived root and the Period Passed since post-harvest. The ratio infected by Cylindrocapon destructans and Fusarium spp. in root was about 81~95% at continuous cropping field that passed by 3~4 years since post-harvest. Though the previous soil management for planting was somewhat effective to increase the ratio of survival root, but which was not effective to protect the infection of Cylindrocapon destructans and Fusarium spp. in root. There was no significant difference in reducing rotted root between management and nonmanagement. When previous soil management for planting was programed, it should be considered that Cylindrocapon destructans was detected at continuous cropping field that passed by above 10 years after harvesting.

      • KCI등재

        연구보문 : 국제감자연구소(CIP) 종자은행의 유전자원 보존 및 관리현황

        이호선 ( Ho Sun Lee ),정진철 ( Jin Cheol Jeong ),최유미 ( Yu Mi Choi ),강만정 ( Man Jung Kang ),강정훈 ( Jeong Hoon Kang ),김창영 ( Chang Yung Kim ),전영아 ( Young Ah Jeon ),백형진 ( Hyung Jin Baek ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2011 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.23 No.1

        CIP is a member of the alliance of the 15 centers of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and receives its principal funding from CGIAR. CIP seeks to reduce poverty and achieve food security on a sustained basis in developing countries through scientific research and related activities on potato, sweetpotato, other root and tuber crops, and on the improved management of natural resources in the Andes and other mountain areas. The mandate of the genebank comprises the collection, conservation, regeneration, evaluation for morphological and functional components, and distribution of genetic resources for potato, sweet potato and Andean root crops. The total of 16,762 accessions from 257 plant species as of Jan. 2010 are conserved at CIP genebank, which composed 7,180 accessions from 148 species for potato, 8,026 accessions from 68 species for sweet potato, and 1,556 accessions from 41 species for other Andean root crops. The CIP-genebank holds one of the most comprehensive collections worldwide for potato and sweet potato. Seed germination test is conducted every three years and accessions which showed germination rate less than 60 % have been regenerated. Usually about 300 accessions a year have been characterized for morphological traits and functional components and analyzed the genetic identification and duplication using molecular techniques for maintain genetic purity of accessions. The results are made available through the national germplasm database. CIP-genebank distributes the genetic resource to the users who use it for research, breeding, and training for food and agriculture, and accept the conditions of standard material transfer agreement(SMTA) of International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture(ITPGRFA) multilateral system. A total of 103, 061 accessions were distributed to 153 countries as of 2007.

      • KCI등재

        국제감자연구소(CIP) 종자은행의 유전자원 보존 및 관리현황

        이호선,정진철,최유미,강만정,강정훈,김창영,전영아,백형진 한국국제농업개발학회 2011 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.23 No.1

        국제감자연구소(International Potato Center:CIP)는 국제농업 자문그룹 산하의 국제농업연구센터 중의 한 기관으로 종자은행을 운영하여 페루 원산인 감자와 고구마 및 마카, 야콘 등 안데스 뿌리작물을 중심으로 다양한 유전자원을 보존하고 있다. 1. 총 257종 16,762점의 유전자원을 보존하고 있는데(2010년 1월 기준), 감자가 148종 7,180점(42.8%), 고구마가 68종8,026점(47.9%)로 세계에서 가장 많이 보존하고 있고, 기타 안데스뿌리작물 9작물 41종, 1,556점(9.3%)을 보존하고 있다. 2. 감자의 경우 종자, 괴경(tuber), 조직배양(in-vitro) 및 식물표본의 형태로 보존한다. 3. 중기저장고(온도 4oC, 습도는 30~40%)는 종자를 10년간 보존하고, 장기저장은 -20oC에 30년 이상 저장을 목표로한다. 식물표본은 감자에 한해서 총 195종 25,000점을 보존하고 있다. 4. 종자의 경우는 3년마다 발아율을 조사하여 60%미만 발아율을 보이는 자원은 증식하게 되고 영양체는 조직배양이나 초저온으로 동결 보존한다. 5. 작물별로 년 300점 정도의 유전자원을 포장에 전개하여 농업적 형질과 식품적 기능성 형질에 대한 특성평가를 하고 분자생물학적 방법을 이용하여 중복성과 진위성 검정을 실시하고 있다 6. 유전자원정보화시스템(germplasm database)에 유전자원을 정보화하고 분양신청이 가능하도록 홈페이지에 공개한다. 7. 분양은 품종육성 등 연구목적의 경우 무상분양을 원칙으로 하며, 분양시 식량농업식물유전자원국제조약(International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: ITPGRFA)의 다자체제에 따른 식물유전자원분양계약서(Standard Material Transfer Agreement:SMTA)를 작성하고 그 결과를 데이터베이스에 등록하여 공개한다. 2007년 기준으로 총 153개 국가에 103,061점을 분양하였다. CIP is a member of the alliance of the 15 centers of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and receives its principal funding from CGIAR. CIP seeks to reduce poverty and achieve food security on a sustained basis in developing countries through scientific research and related activities on potato, sweetpotato, other root and tuber crops, and on the improved management of natural resources in the Andes and other mountain areas. The mandate of the genebank comprises the collection, conservation, regeneration, evaluation for morphological and functional components, and distribution of genetic resources for potato, sweet potato and Andean root crops. The total of 16,762 accessions from 257 plant species as of Jan. 2010 are conserved at CIP genebank, which composed 7,180 accessions from 148 species for potato, 8,026 accessions from 68 species for sweet potato, and 1,556 accessions from 41 species for other Andean root crops. The CIP-genebank holds one of the most comprehensive collections worldwide for potato and sweet potato. Seed germination test is conducted every three years and accessions which showed germination rate less than 60 % have been regenerated. Usually about 300 accessions a year have been characterized for morphological traits and functional components and analyzed the genetic identification and duplication using molecular techniques for maintain genetic purity of accessions. The results are made available through the national germplasm database. CIP-genebank distributes the genetic resource to the users who use it for research, breeding, and training for food and agriculture, and accept the conditions of standard material transfer agreement( SMTA) of International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture(ITPGRFA) multilateral system. A total of 103, 061 accessions were distributed to 153 countries as of 2007.

      • 錦山地域에서 耕種的 方法에 依한 人蔘의 漣作障害 解消 硏究

        金茂男,都銀洙 中部大學校 農業開發硏究所 1993 農業開發硏究論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        人蔘을 심고난 논에다 여름에 담수상태에서 몇 년 동안 벼를 栽培하므로써 人蔘의 連作障害를 解消시키려는 方案을 硏究할 目的으로 錦山那내의 人蔘 栽培 農家중 논삼 栽培 農家에 대한 設問紙 調査 및 논삼 栽培 圃場의 人蔘 生育 狀況을 調査하였다. 作成된 有效 設問紙는 220枚였고, 再作한 經驗이 있는 農家가 61.68%였으며, 輪作期間은 3年 以下가 52.59%나 되었다. 豫定地 管理를 할때 1年 휴경을 하는 農家가 11.49%인데 반하여 아무런 조치도 하지 않는다는 農家도 12.26%였다. 이때 使用하는 肥料는 有機質 肥料를 많이 使用하고(24.14%), 靑草를 使用하는 農家는 13.79%에 불과하였다. 耕耘回數는 4回 以下가 30.91%, 11回 以上은 13.50%로써 1年 휴경을 하면서 耕耘을 제대로 하는 農家가 많지 않은 편이었다. 논삼을 再作하면 初作에 반해 收量이 減少했다는 대답이 90.28%에 달하였으며 그 原因으로는 根腐病, 黃病 및 竹病등의 病害때문이라는 대답이 95.05%였다. 初作은 再作地에 比하여 缺株率이 10%정도가 적었으며, 病의 發生때문에 4年根 까지 두지 못하고 3年根에서 서둘러 收穫하는 農家가 많았다. 缺株率은 再作回數가 1年 늘어나면 4.9%씩 늘어나는 傾向이었으며, 反面에 輸作期間이 1年 길어짐에 따라 3%씩 줄어들고, 耕耘回數가 1回씩 많아지면 1.4%씩 줄어드는 것으로 나타났다. 土壤의 化學成分을 分析한 結果를 보면, 土壤酸度가 平均 4.5이고 5.0以上인 農家가 4農家에 불과하여 권장하는 土壤酸度(pH) 5.0 - 6.0보다도 낮았다. 질소와 인산은 대체로 너무 많은 傾向이었으며, 반대로 칼륨은 不足하였다. 有機物은 不足하지 않은 傾向이었으나 微量要所는 不足한 圃場이 많았다. 地上部 生育 狀況, 특히 缺株率은 土壞의 化學成分과는 有意性이 없는 것으로 나타났다. This study was conducted to find out a solution to one crop system obstacles in ginseng fields by cultivation method. It was investigated by a question paper to paddy field ginseng cultivation among farm houses which ginseng cultivation in kumsan area, and question papers of 220 parts were recollected. The results were as follows; 62 percentage of farm houses did recultivation experience, 53 percentage of them did crop rotation blow 3 years. 12 percentage of farm houses did one year fallow idle land and 12 percentage of them did not any other treatment in preparation soil management. Kinds of fertilizer used in presumptive area were mainly organic fertilizer, manure, barnyard manure and soiling. Most of farm houses which investigated did plowing above 5 times when presumptive area was managed. Above 90 percentage of farm houses answered that yield of paddy field ginseng decreased when it was recultivated, and that was resulted from root-rot disease, leaf chlorosis and gray mold etc. Percentage of missing plant was high with increase of recultivation frequency, and decreased with long period of crop rotation and increase of plowing frequency. Average pH of ginseng cultivated soil was pH 4.5, and it was deficient to recomendation pH(5.0 - 6.0). Nitrogen and phosphorus contents were tend to sufficient but it of potassium was not in cultivated soil of ginseng. Organic matter was not deficient but mineral was. Growth and development of top part and percentage of missing plant were not significant to chemical component in cultivated soil of ginseng.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Development of Meloidogyne arenaria on Oriental Melon (Cucumis melo L.) in Relation to Degree-day Accumulation Under Greenhouse Conditions

        Kim, Dong-Geun,Yeon, Il-Kwon The Korean Society of Plant Pathology 2001 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.17 No.3

        Influence of soil temperature [accumulated degree-day for the base temperature $5^{\circ}$($\textrm{DD}_5$)] on the development of Meloidogyne arenaria were studied in a winter grown oriental melon greenhouse in Seongju, Korea. Egg masses were first observed on roots at the accumulation of 565 $\textrm{DD}_5$(40 days after transplanting), suggesting that the nematode has completed the first generation in 40 days. Second-stage juveniles (J2) densities were lowest at 863 $\textrm{DD}_5$ in April, first increased at 1,334 $\textrm{DD}_5$ in May, peaked at 2,951 $\textrm{DD}_5$ in July, and decliner thereafter. Development of egg masses and J2 density in soil revealed that M. arenaria could develop in 7-8 generations in a year in the greenhouse. Degree-day monitoring, therefore, could aid to predict nematode development in soil and can be valuable tool a to develop root-knot nematode control strategies.

      • KCI등재

        Molecular Characterization and Expression of the Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase Gene Family in Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) under Environmental Stresses

        김영화,허경혜 한국원예학회 2019 원예과학기술지 Vol.37 No.2

        Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) catalyzes the final step of monolignol biosynthesis and isa key enzyme for lignification. Most of the CAD genes in angiosperms belong to a multigenefamily. As in other plants, 13 cDNAs encoding CAD (IbCADs) were isolated from the expressedsequence tag (EST) library of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). A phylogenetic analysis revealedthat IbCADs belonged to the nondevelopmental CAD proteins, which are not conserved as bonafide CADs. The IbCAD proteins were classified into four groups (Groups I-IV) according to theiramino acid similarity. In all groups, IbCADs contain the Zn-binding domains, suggesting that theybelong to a family of zinc-dependent alcohol dehydrogenases. Each group showed sequencedivergence in the residues related in substrate specificity. Different structural characteristics ofIbCADs were supported by their different transcriptional expression patterns. The IbCAD genes infour groups were highly induced in response to environmental stresses (cold, H2O2, and wounding),but each group showed different patterns and levels of expression. The differential response of theIbCAD gene family under different stresses might indicate a more complex nature of the CAD geneexpression in sweet potato. These diverse expression patterns represented an important function ofeach IbCAD gene in tolerance to environmental stresses. To the best of our knowledge, this is thefirst study to characterize genes of the CAD family genes in a root crop. These results could beuseful in understanding the physiological roles and characteristics of the IbCAD multigene family.

      • KCI등재

        인삼 논재배 연작지에서 윤작물 재배가 토양화학성, 토양 미생물상 및 2년생 인삼의 생육에 미치는 영향

        이성우,박경훈,이승호,장인복,Mei Lan Jin 한국약용작물학회 2016 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        Background: Crop rotation plays an important role in improving soil chemical properties, minimizing the presence of disease pathogens, and assists in neutralizing autotoxic effects associated with allelochemicals. Methods and Results: Five rotation crops of sudan grass, soybean, peanut, sweet potato, and perilla were cultivated for one year with an aim to reduce yield losses caused by repeated cropping of ginseng. In 2-year-old ginseng grown in the same soil as a previous ginseng crop, stem length and leaf area were reduced by 30%, and root weight per plant was reduced by 56%. Crop rotation resulted in a significant decrease in electrical conductivity, NO3, and P2O5 content of the soil, whereas organic matter, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, and Zn content remained-unchanged. Soil K content was increased following crop rotation with sudan grass and peanut only. Rotation with all alternate crops increased subsequent ginseng aerial plant biomass, whereas root weight per plant significantly increased following crop rotation with perilla only. A significant positive correlation was observed between root rot ration and soil K content, and a significant negative correlation was observed between ginseng root yield and the abundance of actinomycetes. Crop rotation affected the soil microbial community by increasing gram negative microbes, the ratio of aerobic microbes, and total microbial biomass whereas decreases were observed in actinomycetes and the ration of saturated fatty acids. Conclusions: In soil exhibiting crop failure following replanting, crop rotation for one year promoted both soil microbial activity and subsequent ginseng aerial plant biomass, but did not ameliorate the occurrence of root rot disease.

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