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      • 확장된 계획행동이론이 주얼리 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김소라(Kim, So Ra),김귀옥(Kim, Gwi Ok),배채수(Bae, Chai Soo) 한국공공정책학회 2020 공공정책연구 Vol.27 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 확장된 계획행동이론을 주얼리 구매에 적용시켜 주얼리 구매 소비자들은 어떠한 의사결정과정을 통해서 구매하는지 실증적 검증을 실시하여 파악함으로써 주얼리 산업에서 다양하게 활용할 수 있는 근거자료를 생산하고자 한다. 본 연구에서는 주얼리 산업이 확대되고 있는 현 상황을 반영해 주얼리 소비자들의 태도, 주관적 규범, 지각된 행동 통제감, 사전지식 그리고 구매의도간의 관계를 검증하고자 하였으며, 그 과정에서 4개의 독립변수가 주얼리 소비자들의 구매의도에 영향을 미치는 요인으로 작용하는지를 파악하고자 계획행동이론을 확장 및 적용하여 분석하였다. 실증 분석을 위해 명확한 내용타당성을 확보하고자 경기도 권에 거주하는 20대 이상 주얼리 소비자 180명을 조사 대상으로 169부를 유효 표본으로 선정해 본 연구에 활용하였다. 가설검증을 위한 분석방법으로 IBM SPSS Statistics 24를 사용해 빈도분석, 신뢰도분석, 상관관계분석을 실시하였고 영향관계에 대한 가설검증을 위해 회귀분석을 실시했다. 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 태도는 구매의도에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 주관적 규범은 구매의도에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 지각된 행동 통제감은 유의한 영향을 미치지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 사전지식은 구매의도에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 태도가 구매의도에 가장 큰 영향을 미쳤고 그 다음으로는 사전지식, 주관적 규범순으로 나타났다. 분석 결과를 통하여 연구의 시사점을 제시해보면 확장된 계획행동 이론은 구매의도에 부분 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 첫째, 확장된 계획행동이론의 태도요인은 구매의도에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이것은 주얼리 구매의도에 관한 영향 관계는 구매의도에 대한 개인의 태도와 의지가 중요하다는 결과이다. 둘째, 주관적 규범이 주얼리 구매의도에 대한 영향 관계는 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며 준거인인 가족, 친구, 회사 동료 등 주변 사람들을 의식하여 구매하는 의도가 높은 것을 알 수 있다. 셋째, 지각된 행동 통제감은 주얼리 구매의도에 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타나 지각된 행동 통제감이 본인의 구매의지와 경제력만으로 구매의도에 직접적인 영향을 미친다고 하기에는 다소 무리가 있으며 주얼리 구매자들의 인식전환을 위해 목표이익을 낮추거나 인지도를 높이며 자연스럽게 접하게 한다면 긍정적인 인식전환에 도움을 줄 것이라 사료된다. 넷째, 사전지식이라는 변수를 추가하여 주얼리 구매 시 정확하고 상세한 정보를 제공하며 접근한다면 긍정적인 영향을 주어 점진적인 확대를 고려해 볼 수 있을 것이다. 이러한 연구의 결과는 확장된 계획행동이론과 주얼리 소비자의 구매의도를 설명하는 주요지표로 설정할 수 있음을 나타내고 있다. 주얼리 시장의 성장에 비하여 구매의도와 행동을 예측한 연구가 저조하기에 앞으로 보다 많은 연구가 이루어질 필요가 있을 것이며, 다양한 확장요인을 추가하여 연구할 노력이 필요하다. The objective of this study was to produce supporting data that can be used for various purposes by empirically identifying what kind of decision-making processes jewelry consumers went through by applying the expanded theory of planned behavior to jewelry purchases. This study aimed to evaluate the relationships among attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavior control, prior knowledge, and purchase intention by reflecting that the jewelry industry had been expanding. This study analyzed by expanding and applying the theory of planned behavior in order to examine the effects of these four independent variables on the purchase intention of jewelry consumers. This study handed out questionnaires to 180 subjects who were 20 years or older to secure content validity for empirical analyses. This study selected 169 copies as valid samples and used these copies for this study. This study conducted frequency analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analysis to test the hypothesis and carried out regression analysis for testing the hypothesis about the influence relationship The analysis results are as follows. First, attitude positively affected purchase intention. Second, subjective norm positively influenced purchase intention. Third, perceived behavior control did not have a significant effect. Fourth, prior knowledge affected purchase intention positively. Attitude had the greatest influence on purchase intention, followed by prior knowledge and subjective norm in the order of magnitude. The analysis results of this study implied that the expanded theory of planned behavior had a significant effect on purchase intention partially. First, the attitude factor of the expandable theory of planned behavior affected purchase intention positively. The results indicated that the attitude and will of an individual’s purchase intention were important in the influence relation about jewelry purchase intention. Second, subjective norm positively influenced purchase intention and many people intended to purchase goods by paying attention to family members, friends, coworkers, and acquaintances. Third, it was found that perceived behavior control did not have a significant relationship with purchase intention, which indicated that it was too much to say that perceived behavior control directly affected purchase intention solely using willingness and economic power. It is believed that lowering the target profit or making purchasers access to it naturally with raising awareness would contribute to changing their perception positively. Fourth, if purchaser are accessed with receiving accurate and detailed information while purchasing jewelry by addind a new variable prior knowledge a gradual may be considered by giving a positive effect. The results of this study indicated that the expanded theory of planned behavior could be a key index explaining the purchase intention of jewelry consumers. Since there are not many studies predicting purchase intention and behavior compared to the growth of the jewelry market, more studies are needed. It is also needed to add and study more diverse expansion factors.


        Matthew Tingchi Liu,Di Liu, Sunny 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Introduction With awareness of the importance of environmental protection, encouragement of green consumption has been an important part of the Chinese government's efforts to promote sustainable development. Green consumption is similar to the concept of environmental responsible consumption, which refers to individual’s behavior with a consideration of the environmental impacts in the process of purchasing, using and disposing of various products, or use of various green services (Stern, 1999). Previous studies tried to predict pro-environmental behavior with social-psychological factors, such as values, attitudes and beliefs. However, researches about the relationship between environmental attitudes and behaviors do not produce consistent results. Some prove that they are positive related, and others argue that their relationship is very weak. Studies have testified that lots of consumers declare that they concern about the environmental situation, but hesitate to pay for green products due to this affect (Chang, 2011). Advancing knowledge about the motivations and obstacles that shape intention and behavior of green consumption is important. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 1991) is appropriate as an initial framework for studies investigating consumers’ pro-environmental behaviors. With the inclusion of a new construct perceived behavioral control, the explanatory ability of this model is strengthened. However, simple adoption of this model does not give us deep insight into consumers’ behavior. Later studies apply TPB in different contexts (e.g. Paul, Modi, Patel, 2016; Mancha & Yoder, 2015; Han, Hsu, Sheu, 2011). The mechanism of how attitude, norms and perception of behavioral control are formed may differ in different circumstances, which is still under research especially in China. The purpose of this paper is to (a) identify applicability of TPB model in predicting green purchasing intention and behavior in China and capture which factor including attitude, perceived behavioral control and norm is the most influential determinant; (b) to examine the most useful psychological and situational antecedents, which indirect influence consumers’ green purchase behavior through the factors in TPB framework. Literature Review and Hypothesis Development Green products refer to those produced with consideration of less harm to the ecological environment such as air, water and land. Green purchase behavior should be considered as a typical socially conscious behavior that is different from other types of consumer behaviors, which can deliver instant personal gain and gratification (Kim & Choi, 2005). Most of the time, pro-environmental purchasing is future-oriented and benefits society as a whole (Author, Mccarty, & Shrum, 2001). Previous research models seek to explain green purchase behavior from two aspects of causal factors. Some emphasize intra-personal determinants from within and others may stress that from outside. However, a single consideration of any one set of these factors will weaken the interpretation of consumers’ green consumer behavior. The research model of this study is based on the most influential TPB framework. Some significant psychological and situational factors are integrated into the framework with the purpose of further understanding Chinese consumers’ purchase behavior. Theory of planned behavior According to the TPB model, individual’s decision making is oriented by a rational evaluation of behavioral consequences (Bamberg & Moer, 2007). The intention to perform a behavior, is considered as the central factor in the TPB model (Tarkiainen & Sundqvist, 2005). Attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm about the behavior, and perceived behavioral control regarding the performance of the behavior are three principal factors that determine behavioral intention. H1: Intention to buy green product has a positive relationship with the green purchase behavior. Attitude refers to individuals' beliefs about the outcomes of the behavior together with an evaluation of the importance of these outcomes. Consumers who feel positive toward green products and have agreement on their environmental goodness will most likely to consider buying products with pro-ecological features. H2a: Attitude toward buying green product is positively associated with the intention to perform green purchase behavior. Subjective norm refers to the responses of important reference group (e.g. family members, close friends) to a particular behavior. Some scholars argue that “subjective norm” is the weakest component in the TPB model when predicting behavioral intentions due to its feature of both self and social interest (Armitage & Conner, 2001; Bagozzi et al., 2000). In this study, “moral norm” instead of “subjective norm” is proposed as a direct predictor of intention toward green purchasing. Moral norm indicates individual’s perception that whether performing a certain behavior is morally correct or not (Ajzen, 1991). H2b: Moral norm regarding buying green product is positively associated with the intention to perform green purchase behavior. Perceived behavioral control is an individual’s perception about if performing a particular behavior is easy or difficult. People tend to be more involved in behaviors that are considered to be easier to realize than what they think is difficult and have less control (Bamberg & Moer, 2007). H2c: PBC of buying green product is positively associated with the intention to perform green purchase behavior. Psychological antecedents of attitude Environmental concern indicates consumers' awareness about environmental issues and people’s worry that the human intervention will have threat to the environment (Kim & Choi, 2005). Literatures reveal an indirect relationship between ecological affect and actual behavior. Bang et al. (2000) concludes that environmental concern has indirect effect on purchase intention through the influence of consumer’s attitude toward paying a premium for renewable energy. The emotional responses to ecological problems help consumers to create a positive attitude toward green purchase behavior. H3a: Environmental concern is positively associated with the attitude toward green purchase behavior. Environmental knowledge represents consumers’ understanding of the environmental conditions, as well as fundamental factors that contribute to environmental change and crucial ecological effects (Pagiaslis & Krontalis, 2014). Knowledge has impact for individual’s cognitive processing. Zhao et al. (2014) confirms knowledge as one of the factors that form people’s attitudes toward environment-friendly behavior. Compared with less knowledgeable consumers, those who have more environmental knowledge incline to be more concerned about the environment, which in turn leads consumers to take attention to products’ ecological features while purchasing (Kim, Park, & Schwarz, 2010). H3b: Perceived environmental knowledge is positively associated with attitude toward green purchase behavior. In the pro-environmental behavior domain, PCE indicates to what extent consumers feel that every single person can contribute to solve environmental problems through their own efforts and their everyday purchase behavior (Straughan & Roberts, 1999).With the absence of belief that individual’s actions have observable outcome in making different solution to a problem, people will hesitate to take into action. Kim and Choi (2005) conclude that PCE has indirect effect on green purchasing through the role of ecological sensitive attitudes. H3c: PCE is positively associated with attitude toward green purchase behavior. Moral norm and subjective norm Bamberg and Moer (2007) suggest that people make use of subjective norms to determine whether a specific behavioral choice is easy to perform or whether it is beneficial. The opinions from “important others” deliver the standards for people to conform when they encounter the same situation. That is, the views about what is right or wrong from reference group will be absorbed and transformed as one’s personal moral norms (Bamberg & Moer, 2007). H4: Subjective norm is positively associated with moral norm regarding green purchase behavior. Situational factors influencing PBC Perceived availability indicates if consumers feel they can easily obtain or consume a certain product. If green products are not easy available, most consumers will not spend too much time and effort for searching. The limited availability and inconvenience in obtaining products is bound to hamper green products purchasing (Vermeir & Verbeke, 2006). H5a: Perceived availability of green product is positively associated with PBC regarding green purchase behavior. Perceived price is one of the most important factors that have impact on consumers’ decision-making of green consumption (Osterhus, 1997). Green products are generally priced higher than conventional products. However Chinese consumers who would like to pay a large premium are still in the minority. The perceived high price is a barrier that influences consumers’ perceived capability over green purchase behavior. H5b: Perceived price of green product is negatively associated with PBC regarding green purchase behavior. Information has an impact on individual’s cognitive process. It is an influential factor that leads consumer behavior change (Bator & Cialdini, 2000). Atkinson and Rosenthal confirm that eco-labels have effects on consumer’s trust and purchase intention. If consumers feel hard to recognize eco-labels and cannot understand their difference with regular ones, their perception of control will be highly influenced and the green purchase may be hindered. H5c: Perception of information provided by eco-label is positively associated with PBC regarding green purchase behavior. Methodology This research adopted the survey approach for data collection. A questionnaire that consisted of 46 items was designed according to relevant previous studies. All the items in the questionnaire use five-point Likert scale, which ranging from “strongly disagree” (1) to “strongly agree” (5). The target group of this study was consumer who is over 18 years old in the urban areas of Mainland China. An online survey was conducted for collecting data in the mid-October, 2017 and 500 samples were collected totally. After removing the disqualified questionnaires, 485 questionnaires were identified as eligible for further analysis. To testify the proposed hypotheses, the simple and multiple linear regression analyses using IBM SPSS Statistics was primarily adopted in the study. Meanwhile, the structural equation modeling (SEM) was also conducted as an alternative approach to examine the arguments. Results Firstly, the theory of planned behavior suggested by Ajzen (1991) was proved to be applicable in the green purchasing circumstance. Attitude was identified to play the most significant role in predicting the intention. The construct “moral norm” was resulted to be more predictable for green purchase intention compared with the original “subjective norm”. It indicates that in certain contexts, personal feeling of moral obligation or responsibility is more crucial and direct reason for consumer conducting ethical behaviors. Perceived behavioral control was testified as the third prediction of purchase intention. The proportion of variance explained (R2=0.546) for intention was even better compared with previous studies, which claimed that the three determinants account for between 40% and 50% of the variance in intention (Ajzen, 1991; Amireault et al., 2008; Conner & Armitage, 1998). This model revealed consumers’ mental development of their purchase intention before enacting the buying behavior. Secondly, the results testify that PCE plays as the central role in predicting attitude. Respondents who believe that their consumptions can help to reduce environmental deterioration will be much likely to hold positive attitudes toward green purchasing. Environmental concern and perceived knowledge have a considerable, but only indirect impact on consumers’ attitude. Implications for practice The results of this study suggest that consumers’ intentions to buy green products are directly predicted by attitude, moral norm and their perceived behavioral control. Firstly, enterprises in the green market need to adopt effective communication strategy to inform consumers about the advantages of environmentally friendly products in order to help consumers to develop a positive attitude to pro-environmental products. Moreover, due to the significant effect of PCE on consumer attitude, it's necessary for the government to quantify the effect of green consumption by real cases and data, so that people can perceive the effectiveness of green buying behavior in a more intuitive way. Meanwhile, companies should take more emphasis on consumer’s ability to solve the problem in a positive manner in marketing communications. Secondly, personal moral norm is also found to have direct effects on purchase green products. Thus, normative appeal is needed for creating consumers' emotional connection and should be presented in the promotion programs to stimulate green consumption. Thirdly, this study reveals that the availability is the main factor that affects consumers’ perceived behavioral control over green purchasing.

      • KCI등재

        중국 20대 여성의 라이프스타일과 화장품구매행동과의 관계에서 외모관심도의 매개효과

        송효정,최미옥 한국미용학회 2023 한국미용학회지 Vol.29 No.6

        This study was attempted to find out demographic characteristics of women in their 20s in China, identify lifestyle, appearance interest, and cosmetics purchase behavior, and reveal the mediating effect of appearance interest in the effect of lifestyle on cosmetics purchase behavior. To this end, this study selected a woman in her 20s in China as the subject of the survey and conducted a survey. A total of 491 copies of the survey were used as final analysis data, excluding 15 incomplete or insincere responses among the questionnaires collected from August 1 to August 31, 2023. The data analysis used frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability verification, technical statistics analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and Sobel test using the SPSSWIN 21.0 program, and the following analysis results were raised. First, the most common characteristics of the survey subjects were the current residence in large cities (Beijing, Tianjin), the final academic background was a four-year university (re-school), unmarried, employed, monthly income was less than 500,000 won, and the average monthly cosmetics purchase cost was less than 200,000 to 300,000 won. Second, the correlation with each sub-factor of lifestyle, appearance interest, and cosmetics purchasing behavior all showed a positive (+) correlation, indicating that the higher the lifestyle, the more active the appearance interest and the higher the cosmetics purchasing behavior. Third, in terms of the impact of lifestyle on appearance interest, the higher the trend-seeking type and personality-seeking type, the higher the appearance interest. Fourth, the higher the trend-seeking type, a sub-factor of lifestyle, the higher the self-directed type of cosmetics purchase behavior, and the higher the trend-seeking type of lifestyle, the higher the brand preference for cosmetics purchase behavior. Fifth, as a result of verifying the mediating effect of appearance interest in the relationship between lifestyle and cosmetics purchase behavior, the mediating effect of appearance interest in the relationship between fashion-seeking type and self-directed type of cosmetics purchase behavior was significant, and the mediating effect of appearance interest in the relationship between fashion-seeking type and cosmetics purchase behavior was significant. The results of step-by-step verification of the mediating effect of appearance interest in the relationship between lifestyle and cosmetics purchase behavior are as follows. In Stage 1 and Stage 2, the significant trend-seeking type no longer significantly affects the self-directed type of cosmetics purchase behavior in Stage 3, indicating that appearance interest completely mediates the relationship between fashion-seeking type and self-directed type of cosmetics purchase behavior, and appearance interest partially mediates the relationship between fashion-seeking type and brand preference type of cosmetics purchase behavior. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data necessary to identify the characteristics of the lifestyle of women in their 20s in Huabei, China, and to develop and specify cosmetics industry services and marketing strategies based on lifestyle using the results of this study are expected to be used.

      • 여대생의 환경제품 구매의식과 친환경적 구매행동 실태

        조은미 誠信女子大學校 生活文化硏究所 2009 生活文化硏究 Vol.23 No.2

        This study examines the awareness and behavior of environmental purchase in female undergraduates, a generation that grew up within material abundance and who now play a leading role in expanding consumption in modem society. The purpose of this study is to provide a groundwork for promoting an eco-friendly purchase behavior throughout society. The research objects are as follows. First, to examine the level of environmental purchase awareness in female undergraduates. Second, to look at their environmental purchase behavior in terms of clothing life, food life and housing life. Third, to observe the environmental education of female undergraduates, and to examine the levels of environmental purchase awareness and behavior in relation to environmental education. Fourth, to assess whether there is a significant difference in environmental purchase behavior according to environmental purchase awareness, in the specific areas of clothing life, food life, and housing life. The findings are as follows. The environmental purchase awareness and behavior of female undergraduates in their clothing life, food life and housing life are at a lower than average level. A large number of female undergraduates were familiar with ecological concerns, with 61.7% having received some form of environmental education. However, a significant difference was not shown in their environmental purchase awareness or behavior according to whether or not they had received environmental education. Nevertheless, a significant difference was found in their environmental purchase behavior according to their awareness, and it seems that a higher environmental purchase awareness does lead to a more eco-friendly purchase behavior. Accordingly, it can be suggested that there is a need to raise the level of environmental purchase awareness with systematic and positive environmental education in order to facilitate an eco-friendly purchase behavior in female undergraduates.

      • KCI등재

        여대생의 퍼스널컬러 인식과 메이크업 행동, 색조화장품 구매행동과의 상관관계

        박민선 ( Min Sun Park ),임은진 ( Eun Jin Im ) 대한미용학회 2024 대한미용학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between personal color perception, makeup behavior, and color cosmetics purchase behavior of female university students. For the study, survey questionnaires were handed to the above-mentioned student participants, out of which 434 scripts were used for analysis. Data analysis was done using statistical program SPSS v. 21.0. The results obtained are as follows. First, analysis of makeup recognition and actual conditions revealed that the most important parts for highlighting appearance included 44.9% of the cosmetics expenditure items were ‘eye and lip point makeup cosmetics,’ 36.9% was ‘skin care’ in ‘appearance investment,’ 32.5% was ‘face’ and 39.6% was ‘for self-satisfaction’. Second, personal color perception was the highest information and demand perception by sub-factor, followed by personal color perception and preferred color perception. Makeup behavior appeared in the order of satisfaction-oriented behavior and fashion-oriented behavior by sub-factor. For color cosmetics purchase behavior, color consideration purchase by sub-factor had the highest expenditure percentage, followed by quality consideration purchase and fashion consideration purchase. Third, personal color perception was found to have a statistically significant positive (+) correlation with makeup behavior. Fourth, analysis of the relationship between personal color perception and color cosmetics purchase behavior showed that personal color perception and preference color perception of personal color perception had significant positive correlation with purchase considering the trend of color cosmetics purchase behavior. Fifth, from the analysis of relationship between makeup behavior and color cosmetics purchase behavior, it was found that makeup behavior had a significant positive (+) correlation with color cosmetics purchase behavior.


        Akira Shimizu 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2014 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2014 No.7

        A large body of recent research has established that word-of-mouth websites have a major impact on consumer purchases and that this trend is particularly prevalent among the young in Japan. However, prior research into consumer decision-making processes has mainly discussed the sequence of events leading up to purchase, and only a few studies have considered the generation of word-of-mouth communication. Moreover, in the empirical analyses of this research, data was mainly gathered by experiments, and a survey field to firmly gather data has not been developed. This research has two objectives: 1) To propose a new decision-making process that considers the generation of word-of-mouth communication and 2) to create and empirically demonstrate a field that can observe the generation of such communication. Specifically, the author presents a new model of the consumer decision-making process that is based on the AISAS model, a model of advertisement flow, and empirically exhibits a survey field that uses mobile phones. From the results of the analysis in this paper, the following findings were confirmed for the three consumer packaged goods (CPG) investigated: the actual existence of a decision-making process of word-of-mouth communication for the functional drink; in post-purchase behavior, a high percentage of consumers not only engage in word-of-mouth communication, but also view product official homepages; in the case of the line-extension product, while awareness is easy to obtain, only a small amount of word-of-mouth communication takes place on the Internet and even for a private-brand product, information can be spread widely by skillfully utilizing topics in the mass media. Theoretical Background Research into consumers’ decision-making processes can be broadly divided into two flows. The first is constructed from research into consumer behavior and the second from research into advertising messages. The differences between the two are that the former is advanced by investigators who are focused on attitude formation in the decision-making process, while the latter is developed by practitioners who concentrate on how information flows. The stimulation-response type and the information-processing type decision-making processes have been constructed by research into consumer behavior. In the stimulation-response type, it is thought that consumers are mobilized by external stimuli, such as advertisements, store promotions, and discounts, which ultimately cause them to make a purchase. The Howard-Sheth model that appeared in the 1960s is representative of this type, and it describes a decision-making processes that occurs when the product purchased is comparatively inexpensive and requires low participation. In contrast, the information-processing type is a decision-making process for a purchase in which the consumer actively collects information and decides on his or her attitude in achieve personal purchasing goals. It is represented by the Bettman model and describes actions taken when the product price is comparatively high and when risks exist at the time of purchase. Consumers are assumed to adopt either of these decision-making processes, depending on which is more appropriate for their particular situations, but both models mainly describe the process up to the time the purchase is made and hardly mention word-of-mouth communication after it. The area that has been being researched from the perspective of successfully communicating an advertising message to consumers has relied on the AIDMA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Memory, and Action) model that was published in 1956, which was based on the AID (Attention, Interest, and Desire) model, advocated in 1898. Searching for advertisement effects based on this flow is known to be useful in predicting consumer behavior and in corporate branding. It is widely used in the business world, since it can be usefully applied to actual businesses, but it involves hardly any empirical analysis and so is frequently used just as a concept. As described above, consumer decision-making processes have developed as two systems, but as is seen in the review, the conventional decision-making process barely touches on word-of-mouth effects after purchase. Incidentally, during the last few years in the area of advertising messages, models incorporating word-of-mouth communication after purchase have spread in Japan. A typical example is AISAS, which is an abbreviation of Attention about the product; Interest; Search, including on the Internet; Action, namely, the purchase; and Share, such as purchasers writing their impressions of the product on the Internet. Related research has established that those people who are aware of and interested in the product are more likely to listen to word-of-mouth communication and that some people tend to be more likely to listen to it than others. The SIPS model, which was developed from AISAS and assumes that word-of-mouth communication is the starting point for a purchase, is an abbreviation of Sympathize→Identify→Participate→Share & Spread. It is a model with a new paradigm in that rather than the mass media, the trigger for a purchase is word-of-mouth communication, such as a comment on Facebook. From the above, it is clear that a decision-making process for the Internet age that addresses the following points needs to be established: 1) Rather than the conventional one-way model that starts with awareness and ends with the purchase, it is necessary to consider the effects that the sharing of information after a purchase have on others who are searching for information; and 2) the decision-making process is not concluded solely within the individual, and it is necessary to consider the effects that individuals have on the market as a whole. However, in actual purchase scenes, if there are products that are bought through the proliferation of information via SNS, then, as before, there are still many purchases generated by promotions. In other words, it is thought that decision-making processes will vary according to differences in products and consumers and that these various processes coexist. Therefore, next, we will consider how these processes vary because of differences in products and consumers. Empirical Analysis For the analysis in this paper, Minrepo from Docomo Insight Marketing Inc. (DIM) was used. DIM is a joint venture between NTT Docomo Inc., which is the mobile phone company with the largest share of the Japanese market, and Intage Inc., which is Japan’s largest research company. DIM’s Minrepo is a survey and an experiment field for an SNS that uses smart phones and a mechanism by which information posted on the SNS can be confirmed. The Docomo smartphone users post reports with attached photographs of products, meals, and other items they have been used or consumed, in response to which other Docomo smartphone users click on buttons such as “Looks good” and “Wish.” Unlike Facebook, users connect loosely with people with whom they are not acquainted, and so, in actuality, its network structure is closer to that of Twitter or blogs. In addition to observing their actions, it also enables the participants to be surveyed. The current survey period was one month, July 2013, and 2,342 people participated in the survey (of whom, 1,140 were men and 1,202 were women), and a total of 19,196 reports were posted. These postings included reports on three product brands: A, a high-selling functional beverage; B, a line-extension ice bar; and C, a private-brand sweet roll. Brand A was surveyed twice via smartphone, at the beginning and at the end of the survey period. Results First, data were compiled on whether many routes existed for the decision-making processes. From these data, among the 374 people who bought brand A during the relevant period, it was found that 254 of them had some sort of awareness or interest in the product prior to their purchase, that 55 of them purchased it without thinking, and that 65 were aware of and interested in the product and had word-of-mouth communication about it prior to their purchases. Moreover, of these purchasers, 33 of them said word-of-mouth communication was the information that spurred their purchases. Many people were aware of and interested in the low-price beverage prior to their purchase of it, which might be because it is a functional beverage. The percentage of people who sent out word-of-mouth communication was slightly more than 15%, while marginally more than 10% of people were influenced by it, and it is thought that this demonstrates that it is meaningful to take word-of-mouth communication into account when considering decision-making. Next, the routes for the awareness of the three products and the consumers’ behavior after the purchase were investigated. Table 1 shows the results of this investigation. In terms of this characteristic, the awareness rate within the store was high for each of the products, but the awareness rate for brand A was often the result of the many TV commercials that were broadcast for it, while the awareness rate for brand B, which is a line-extension product, was significantly influenced by the parent brand. In contrast to these findings, the cognizance from SNS was high for brand C, and even though consumers were not subject to advertisements about it through the mass media; it was ascertained that this brand succeeded in earning awareness in stores and via SNS. Table 2 shows the consumers’ behavior after their purchases. From it, we see that much word-of-mouth communication was generated for each of the three brands, but compared to brands A and C, the volume of word-of-mouth communication generated on the Internet for brand B was extremely small. This is result is thought to reflect the fact that brand B is a brand-extension product, and so while awareness of it tends to be high, it lacks freshness to the extent that it becomes a topic on the Internet. In addition, for brand A, a large percentage of the people surveyed checked the product on the company site after their purchases of it. It is thought that this was to ascertain what was meant by it being described as functional. Finally, for brand A, the results of the surveys of the conditions before and after the experiment were compared, and the characteristics of those people who responded that they did not first send out word-of-mouth communication but did so after the experiment were investigated. From this investigation, it was ascertained that those who frequently use Twitter and Facebook and those who believe that other people expect them to be a source of information engage in word-of-mouth behavior. This shows that it is not only the product, but also the characteristics of the consumer that greatly influence word-of-mouth communication. Discussion From a review of prior research on consumers’ decision-making processes and on the flow of advertisements, this paper presents a consumer decision-making process that corresponds to the present age of a developed Internet environment. This process was confirmed with data obtained from a pseudo-Twitter world, via actual mobile phones. From this, the following findings were established: the existence of decision-making behaviors that generate word-of-mouth communication; the coexistence of conventional information-processing and stimulation-response processing, according to the product investigated; differences in behaviors for coming into contact with information prior to purchase and for transmitting and searching for information after purchase; and the greater likelihood that people who use Twitter and Facebook to engage in word-of-mouth communication.

      • KCI등재

        마스크 미착용에 따른 외모관리기대가치가 화장행동과 색조화장품 구매의도에 미치는 영향

        이지용,김용선 한국미용학회 2023 한국미용학회지 Vol.29 No.1

        Through this, the purpose of this study is to examine the various effects of not wearing a mask in recent years by examining the effect of makeup behavior and the expected value on appearance due to not wearing a mask, and examining the relationship between makeup behavior and purchase intention of color cosmetics. Through this, the purpose of this study is to examine the various effects of not wearing a mask in recent years by examining the effect of makeup behavior and the expected value on appearance due to not wearing a mask, and examining the relationship between makeup behavior and purchase intention of color cosmetics. In order to achieve this objective, 300 women in their 20s and 40s who are sensitive to their appearance were selected from August 26, 2022 to August 30, 2022, using a non-probability sampling method called Convenience Sampling. Data were collected through an Internet-specialized survey company and used in the final thesis. Frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability test, descriptive statistical analysis, and linear regression analysis were performed using SPSS 18.0 to examine the effect on the expected value of appearance management, makeup behavior, and purchase intention of color cosmetics. As a result of examining the effect of appearance management expectations on makeup behaviors, self-satisfaction expected values are in line with conformity-seeking makeup behaviors, fashion-seeking makeup behaviors, personality-seeking makeup behaviors, change-seeking makeup behaviors, and relationship-seeking makeup behaviors. In pursuit of makeup behavior, fashion-seeking makeup behavior, change-seeking makeup behavior, show-off makeup behavior, relationship-seeking makeup behavior, and conformity-seeking makeup behavior, fashion-seeking makeup behavior, individuality-seeking makeup behavior, show-off makeup behavior, these were found to have an effect on relationship-seeking makeup behavior. Next, as a result of examining the effect of makeup behavior on purchase intention of color cosmetics, fashion-seeking makeup behavior affects both base makeup and point makeup. In conclusion, we can confirm that it is possible to predict the change in the color cosmetics market as not wearing a mask increases the expected value of appearance and affects the makeup behavior. Accordingly, in the beauty industry, it is necessary to develop detailed services and various products that meet the needs of consumers. Furthermore, as the expectations of men's appearance are increasing in line with the expectation of not wearing a mask as a future study, it seems that a study comparing men and women should be conducted.

      • KCI등재

        연령과 의복쇼핑성향 유형에 따른 의복구매행동

        채진미 한국의류학회 2020 한국의류학회지 Vol.44 No.1

        This study examines age differences with respect to consumers’ clothing purchase behavior. First, the differences of age groups were investigated according to clothing purchase behavior, which include purchase item, purchase price, purchase channel, information resources, purchase frequency, and monthly clothing expenditures. Second, the differences of segmented groups by age variable were investigated according to clothing purchase behaviors after segmenting consumers by clothing shopping orientation. An on-line survey was conducted from July 2 to July 10, 2019, and 500 data were collected from adults aged 20s to 60s who had bought their own clothes within one year. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, chi-squared test, ANOVA and Duncan-test using SPSS 21.0. This findings showed that there were significant differences in purchase item, purchase price, purchase channel, purchase frequency, and information resources according to age group. As a result of segmentation by shopping orientation, consumers were classified into three groups of high shopping involvement, low shopping involvement, and economic pursuit. In addition, there were partly significant differences in clothing purchase behavior according to classified groups by age variable.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Halal Awareness on Purchase Intention of Halal Food: A Case Study in Indonesia

        Nico Alexander VIZANO,Khamaludin KHAMALUDIN,Mochammad FAHLEVI 한국유통과학회 2021 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.8 No.4

        This study seeks to examine the effect of attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control on the purchase behavior of students enrolled in a private higher education establishment in Tangerang, Indonesia. This is a quantitative study and it employs samples by simple random sampling of 410 university students. The returned and valid questionnaire results totaled 261 samples. Data processing used the SEM method with SmartPLS 3.0 software. The findings of this study reveal that attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control have a significant effect on purchase intention. Meanwhile, purchase intention has a significant effect on working students’ purchase behavior, and halal awareness had a moderating effect of purchase intention on purchase behavior. Purchasing interest has a positive effect on purchasing behavior, and this study proves that halal awareness is able to moderate the effect of purchase intention on purchasing behavior toward halal food products. The higher the awareness of halal products, the greater the relationship between buying interest and buying behavior of halal food. The results of this study also show the importance of paying attention to halal awareness factor in the form of increasing the relationship between buying interest and buying behavior of halal food products.

      • KCI등재

        소비 주체와 구매량이 다양성 추구 행동에 미치는 영향

        박소진 한국마케팅관리학회 2012 마케팅관리연구 Vol.17 No.4

        This research investigated the effects of consuming subject, purchase quantity, and interaction effect of consuming subject and purchase quantity on consumers' variety-seeking behavior in bundle promotion situation. This study suppose three conditions when consumers’ variety-seeking behavior is occurred. Namely, one might choose multiple items simultaneously for self, for other person, or for group members. As is often the case, a housewife buys several number of snacks for herself, her friend or for her child's classmates. First, this study expected the degree of variety-seeking behavior would be varied depending on consuming subject which means for whom one makes choice. Second, this study expected the more a consumer purchase items the more a consumer seek variety. Third, this study also expected the interaction effect. To test these hypotheses, the experiment was conducted by 3(consuming subject: self vs. other person vs. group members) x 2 (purchase quantity: 5 vs. 9 items) ANOVA. Participants were asked to choose a total five or nine snacks from the list of five snacks. The dependant measure was how many different types of snack participants chose. As predicted, the degree of variety-seeking behavior was different for self, for other person, and for group members). Importantly, the author found consumers sought ‘group-variety’ rather than ‘group-uniformity’ when they made choices for group members. The result showed the degree of variety-seeking behavior was the highest when they made choices for other person, followed by choice for self and for group members. Additionally, participants chose more variety when their total purchase quantity was large than small. The author also found the significant interaction effect of consuming subject and purchase quantity on consumers' variety-seeking behavior. When consumers selected items for self and for other person, they chose more variety of snacks when total purchase quantity was large than small. However, When consumers selected items for group members, the degree of variety-seeking behavior didn't increase as much as when they made choices for themselves and for other person. Finally, this research suggests managerial implication for bundle promotions and develops directions for future research. 본 연구는 누가 소비하느냐 하는 소비주체와 구매량이 소비자의 다양성 추구 행동에 미치는 영향을 탐구하였다. 본 연구는 소비자의 다양성 추구행동이 발생하는 세 가지 상황, 즉, 소비자 자신이 미래에 소비할 다수의 제품을 동시에 선택하는 상황, 다른 한 사람을 위하여 다수의 품목을 동시에 선택하는 상황, 다수의 타인(집단구성원)을 위하여 다수의 품목을 선택하는 상황을 가정하였다. 본 연구는 소비자의 다양성 추구 행동 정도가 소비주체에 따라 다르게 나타날 것으로 가정하고, 소비주체와 구매량이 다양성 추구행동에 미치는 상호작용 효과를 검증하였다. 본 연구는 피험자들에게 소비주체에 따른 세 가지 상황을 가정하도록 요구하고 5개 종류의 과자로 구성된 대안들 중에서 5개의 또는 9개의 과자를 선택하도록 하였다. 본 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 소비자들의 다양성 추구행동은 누가 소비하느냐 하는 소비주체에 따라 다양성 추구행동 정도가 다르게 나타났다. 소비자들의 다양성 추구 행동은 타인소비, 자신소비, 집단소비 순으로 높게 나타났다. 소비자들은 다수의 집단구성원을 위하여 다수의 품목을 선택할 때에도 다양성을 추구하나, 그 다양성 추구 정도는 타인소비나 자신소비 경우보다 상대적으로 낮음을 발견하였다. 둘째, 구매량이 증가할수록 소비자들의 다양성 추구행동도 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 피험자들은 5개를 선택할 때보다 9개를 선택할 때 여러 종류의 과자를 선택함으로써 높은 다양성 추구 행동 경향을 보였다. 셋째, 본 연구는 소비주체와 구매량의 상호작용 효과를 발견하였다. 자신 또는 다른 한 사람을 위하여 다수의 품목을 동시에 구매할 때는 한 번에 구매하는 구매 수량이 증가할수록 다양성 추구행동이 증가하나, 집단을 위하여 다수의 품목을 구매할 때는 구매량이 증가하여도 다양성 추구행동이 크게 증가하지 않았다. 즉, 소비자들은 구매량이 증가해도 2-3 가지 품목으로만 선택집합을 구성하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 소비자가 정해진 제품 구색 내에서 특정 구매수량을 구매하면 번들가격할인을 제공하며, 정해진 제품 범주 또는 품목 내에서 자유롭게 품목을 선택할 수 있는 ‘골라담기’ 판촉과 관련하여 실무적 시사점을 제안하고 있다.

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