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      • KCI등재

        Non-aspectual Uses of the English Progressive

        이승아 한국영어영문학회 2011 영어 영문학 Vol.57 No.6

        While there is a high degree of convergence in linguistics in the treatment of the progressive as an aspect, the English progressive is unusually wide in its range of uses. This paper highlights the distinction between aspectual and non-aspectual progressives. The primary function of the progressive is to present a situation as ongoing, and this strictly aspectual use of the progressive is referred to as ‘aspectual progressive’. On the other hand, the uses of the English progressive that are not, in a strict sense, aspectual is called ‘non-aspectual progressive’. There are at least three basic uses of non-aspectual progressives. The first is the so-called progressive futurate (e.g., John is leaving tomorrow). In English, the present progressive can be used to express future time reference. This use of the progressive is regarded as a non-aspectual one, on the grounds that its meaning cannot be accounted for in terms of ongoingness. The second use is the habitual progressive (e.g., She’s smoking a lot these days). Given that the habitual is an aspect, it is natural that the habitual progressive is not an aspectual progressive because one cannot view a situation in two different ways. In addition, ongoingness is not a defining property of the habitual progressive but is only a contingent or subsidiary property. The real essence of the habitual progressive is habituality. The third use of non-aspectual progressives is the experiential or interpretative progressive (e.g., You’re imagining things), whose main characteristic is the subjectivity of the speaker’s interpretation. The experiential or interpretative progressive does not serve a primarily aspectual function because the meaning of ongoingness has nothing to do with the content of the utterance.

      • KCI우수등재

        Non-aspectual Uses of the English Progressive

        ( Seung Ah Lee ) 한국영어영문학회 2011 영어 영문학 Vol.57 No.6

        While there is a high degree of convergence in linguistics in the treatment of the progressive as an aspect, the English progressive is unusually wide in its range of uses. This paper highlights the distinction between aspectual and non-aspectual progressives. The primary function of the progressive is to present a situation as ongoing, and this strictly aspectual use of the progressive is referred to as ``aspectual progressive``. On the other hand, the uses of the English progressive that are not, in a strict sense, aspectual is called ``non-aspectual progressive``. There are at least three basic uses of non-aspectual progressives. The first is the so-called progressive futurate (e.g., John is leaving tomorrow). In English, the present progressive can be used to express future time reference. This use of the progressive is regarded as a non-aspectual one, on the grounds that its meaning cannot be accounted for in terms of ongoingness. The second use is the habitual progressive (e.g., She`s smoking a lot these days). Given that the habitual is an aspect, it is natural that the habitual progressive is not an aspectual progressive because one cannot view a situation in two different ways. In addition, ongoingness is not a defining property of the habitual progressive but is only a contingent or subsidiary property. The real essence of the habitual progressive is habituality. The third use of non-aspectual progressives is the experiential or interpretative progressive (e.g., You`re imagining things), whose main characteristic is the subjectivity of the speaker`s interpretation. The experiential or interpretative progressive does not serve a primarily aspectual function because the meaning of ongoingness has nothing to do with the content of the utterance.

      • KCI등재

        왕양명의 ‘광자(狂者)’ 정신과 그 자득 경지

        전상모 ( Jun Sang Mo ) 한국동양예술학회 2018 동양예술 Vol.40 No.-

        Confucius' thought of ‘Progressiveness and Obstinacy(狂狷)’ has innovative and revolutionary meaning in Chinese history of thought. Yangming was a ‘Saint’ of ‘Progressiveness’ and a ‘Progressive Man’ of ‘Saintliness’. Yangming was able to attain ‘the mind of a progressive man’ without being shaken by the evaluation of others because he had self-conviction about the study of the innate knowledge. He reached the stage of a ‘Saint’, but he did not reject nor give up ‘Progressiveness’. He rather viewed ‘Progressiveness’ and ‘Saintliness’ as one, and even saw ‘Progressiveness’ as a necessary condition to become a ‘Saint’. He actively interpreted Confucius’ idea of ‘Progressiveness’ and ‘Obstinacy’, and developed it into the two different ideas of ‘Confucian saint’ and ‘Confucian progressive man’. He was a ‘saintly progressive man’ who adhered the spirit of a ‘Progressive man’ for a lifetime in order to heal his ‘ills of progressiveness’. Yangming regarded a ‘progressive man’ as a person who had the possibility of becoming a saint, and he highly appreciated CengDian(曾點) with such a temperament of a ‘progressive man’. Because CengDian’s spirit has no intention or assurance of fulfillment, the person who has the ‘mind of a progressive man’ like CengDian does not have any obstacles or interruptions so that he is always able to accomplish ‘self-attainment’ wherever he goes. Yangming emphasized the temperaments or qualities of each individual, and his ultimate goal was to realize the innate knowledge. Since Yangming believed that the recognition of a progressive man’s spirit was the key to accomplish ‘self-attainment’ in the process of studying, he evaluated CengDian, who possessed the specificity of the temperament, as a man of virtue who possessed a virtue of the mean. Yangming said that the spiritual boundary of ‘Harmonious Enjoyment’ of an action subject should preexist regardless of whether he was involved in political affairs or practiced the teaching of Confucius. ‘Harmonious Enjoyment’ that Yangming said is not in the repercussions or evaluations of the surrounding environment, but in the individual's inward self-supervision. Yangming referred to this as the ‘self-attainment’, and the highest stage that he pursued was to accomplish self-attainment wherever he went. Yangming said that the fundamental reason why a progressive man can be courageous in avoiding secular corruption was because he knew that all secular ties were not the substance of nature. This is a stage of the innate knowledge, and it is a stage of liberty in which there is no differentiation or correlation. It is the key to accomplish the ‘self-attainment’ that such a stage transcends the secular restraint. A creative inspiration comes from transcendence. In this regard, it can be said that the spirit of a ‘progressive man’ that Yangming pursued is a variation of the spirit of liberty that the feelings of liberty is expressed in.

      • KCI등재

        일한기계번역에서 진행형てぃる의 번역처리

        김정인(Jung In Kim),문경희(Kyong Hi Moon),이종혁(Jong Hyeok Lee) 한국정보처리학회 2001 정보처리학회논문지B Vol.8 No.6

        This paper describes how to disambiguate the aspectual meaning of Japanese expression ´-te iru´ in Japanese-Korean machine translation. Due to grammatical similarities of both languages, almost all Japanese-Korean MT systems have been developed under the direct MT strategy, in which the lexical disambiguation is essential to high-quality translation. Japanese has a progressive aspectual marker ´-te iru´ which is difficult to translate into Korean equivalents because in Korean there are two different progressive aspectual markers : ´-ko issta´ for ´action progressive´ and ´-e issta´ for ´state progressive´. Moreover, the aspectual system of both languages does not quite coincide with each other, so the Korean progressive aspect could not be determined by Japanese meaning of ´-te iru´ alone. The progressive aspectual meaning may be partially determined by the meaning of predicates and also the semantic meaning of predicates may be partially restricted by adverbials, so all Japanese predicates are classified into five classes : the 1st verb is used only for ´action progressive´, 2nd verb generally for ´action progressive´, but occasionally for ´state progressive´, the 3rd verb only for ´state progressive´, the 4th verb generally for ´state progressive´, but occasionally for ´action progressive´, and the 5th verb for the others. Some heuristic rules are defined for disambiguation of the 2nd and 4th verbs on the basis of abverbs and abverbial phrases. In an experimental evaluation using more than 15,000 sentances from ´Asahi newspapers´, the proposed method improved the translation quality by about 5%, which proves that it is effective in disambiguating ´-te iru´ for Japanese-Korean machine translation.

      • 초점진행상과 지속진행상의 구분에 대하여 - 한ㆍ중 진행상 표지를 중심으로 -

        우려경,임근석 한국언어유형론학회 2017 언어유형론연구 Vol.4 No.1

        This study aims to examine the usefulness of the division between focalized progressive and durative progressive suggested by Bertinetto et al.(2000) through contrasting Korean progressive sentences with those corresponding Chinese progressive sentences. In Korean '-go iss-' and '-neun jungi-' are usually used to express progressive reading, and In Chinese 'zai', 'zhengzai', 'zheng' and 'zhe' are used for that meaning. This article has initially began to seek the reason why more than one progressive maker are used for progressive sentences. In order to solve those curiosity presents writers depend on the approach of Bertinetto et al.(2000). In chapter 2, the concepts of focalized progressive and durative progressive are introduced and some Korean and Chinese progressive sentenced discussed in terms of the concepts. In chapter 3, 100 sentences of '-go iss-' and 100 sentences of '-neun jungi-' are extracted from a corpus, and then they are compared to those corresponding Chinese progressive sentences. Through the comparison, the present writers argue that '-go iss-' is more related to durative progressive and '-neun jungi-' to focalized progressive. Among Chinese progressive markers, 'zheng' is more related to focalized progressive than 'zai' and 'zhe'; 'zhengzai' is quite similar to 'zheng' because it shares the marker 'zheng'.

      • KCI등재

        A Diachronic Study of English Progressive -ing : focusing on its function

        Shin Sung Kyun 한국중앙영어영문학회 2015 영어영문학연구 Vol.57 No.1

        Concerning the same events in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, for example, in the year of A.D. 994, different manuscripts depict them differently, and modern scholars translate them differently depending on their understanding of the OE Anglo-Saxon Chronicle using either the simple preterit tense or the preterit progressive aspect. What is interesting about the usage of the PE progressive as regards to the OE progressive is that the PE present progressive may express the idea that something shocking or irritating often happens or annoyance at a repeated action. As in the case of contrast of the Parker MS (Ã or A-Prime) and the Laud (Peterborough) MS. (E), the Parker uses the simple preterit tense fuhton “attacked” whereas the Laud (Peterborough) uses the past progressive feohtende wæron “were attacking” describing the same events. Concerning the same events, especially in the year of A.D. 994, we come to the conclusion that a scribe, for example, of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (the Parker MS. Ã or A-Prime) adopted a historic, objective style using simple preterit tense. Another scribe, for instance, of Laud (Peterborough) MS. (E) expressed his attitude of anger, shock, or annoyance toward the events, adopting subjective, emotional, expressive style using the “emotional progressive”. To the question why there is a difference between these constructions concerning the same event, the answer might be that it is the difference of the scribes’ objective or subjective attitude toward the events. In this respect, the usage of English progressive has remained the same from OE to PE. The English language has changed just the form, the outward clothes from OE -ende to PE -ing. As many scholars have observed, while the progressive has been expanding its area with increasing use of it as the English language is approaching PE, but its main functions remain the same.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 성취동사 진행상 — 영어와의 비교를 중심으로

        정지수 중국어문연구회 2019 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.96

        This paper analyzed the co-occurrence of achievement verbs with progressive aspect marker, i.e. progressive achievements and its interpretations in Mandarin Chinese. Achievement verbs denote change of state, so they are regarded as [-durative], and they typically can’t co-occur with progressive aspect marker. But we claim that achievement verbs have [±durative] feature, because there is a subclass of achievement verbs so-called degree achievement which have [+durative] feature, and they can occur with progressives. Furthermore, some of [-durative] achievement verbs can also occur in progressives. According to the interpretation of progressives, we classified English progressive achievements into seven classes, i.e. preliminary stage, iterative event, slow-motion effect, near future event, ongoing process of [-durative] achievements, ongoing process of [-durative][+open scale] degree achievements, and ongoing process of [+durative][+closed scale] degree achievements. Comparing with English, Chinese has one more class ― “continuation”. Each class shows different entailments on the imperfective paradox. We found that the interpretation of progressive achievements have a high dependency on context in Mandarin Chinese. Because the Chinese progressive ZAI(在) is less grammaticalized than English, and the progressive achievement is not a generalized form in Mandarin Chinese.

      • KCI등재

        State Readings and Boundedness in the Korean Progressive

        Sungki Suh 한국생성문법학회 2017 생성문법연구 Vol.27 No.3

        Suh, Sungki. 2017. State Readings and Boundedness in the Korean Progressive. Studies in Generative Grammar, 27-3, 649-674. The Korean progressive -ko iss form often produces a state reading rather than a progressive reading when it occurs with a state verb, whereas the English progressive is basically incompatible with state verbs and produces a state reading only in very limited cases. We claim that, in spite of such a contrast, progressives in the two languages share a crucial property: The presence of Hold and the absence of Cul (culmination) in the sense of Parsons (1989) govern the basic distribution of progressives in Korean as well as in English. Meanwhile, the more generous distribution of Korean progressive can be attributed to its unique licensing condition, i.e., the boundedness condition, which only excludes the verbs describing an unbounded state from taking the progressive form. As for the exceptional cases of English progressive, the mechanism of type coercion can explain how a state verb occurs in its progressive form.

      • KCI등재

        한국인 영어 학습자의 상태 진행상 습득 연구

        이정현(Lee Jeong Hyun) 한국영어학학회 2015 영어학연구 Vol.21 No.1

        This paper attempts to investigate the language tendency of Korean English learners as regards the acquisition of stative progressive. The main motive of study lies in this discrepancy: Stative progressive has been considered a non grammatical expression with its aspectual properties although it is naturally used by English native speakers. This study explores the acquisition of stative progressive through three perspectives: Different groups of stative verb, aspectual coercion through time adverbials and three proficiency levels of Korean learners. The main findings of this study are as follows: (1) Korean English learners are more successful at marking progressive with action verb than stative verb. (2) They reveal different usage of stative progressive for different stative verb groups. (3) Aspectual operator such as time adverbial is an influential factor for usage of stative progressive. (4) Three different proficiency levels of Korean learners represent different perspective and usage of stative progressive. Different perspective of Korean and English for stative progressive and L1 transfer are supposed to be significant elements for these findings.

      • KCI등재

        누진가입도렌즈 착용 어린이의 독서시 하방편위

        김학준,김현아,전인철,김신영,장만호,마기중 대한시과학회 2013 대한시과학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        Purpose: To clarify the effect of downward deviation at reading to myopic progression who myopic children wear progressive addition lenses for the purpose of retardation of myopia progression. Methods: Eighty subjects (aged 8 to 12 yrs, spherical refractive error -0.50~-5.00D) including progressive lens group (42 subjects) and single vision lens group (38 subjects) were randomly arranged. We measured downward deviation at reading by using digital camera after 1 week, 2 weeks and 4 weeks. We analyzed correlation between downward deviation at reading and changes of refractive error and axial length after 6 months. Results: Mean downward deviation of progressive lens group at near work was 7.14±1.19mm. As the downward deviation was increased, the change of refractive error(r=0.52, p=0.00) and axial length(r=-0.47, p=0.00) were decreased. Myopic progression for six months in progressive lens and single vision lens groups were -0.25±0.22D and -0.37±0.23D, respectively. The difference between two groups was significant(p=0.02). The change of axial length between PAL group(0.13±0.10mm) and SV group(-0.19±0.14mm) also showed significant difference(p=0.03). Conclusion: By wearing progressive addition lenses to children for six months, myopic progression was slower than single vision lens group. As the downward deviation at reading was increased, the effect of retarding myopic progression was increased. To maximize the effect of retarding myopic progression, there is considered that the practice to posture for sufficient downward deviation at reading is necessary to children wear progressive addition lenses. 목 적: 근시진행을 지연시키기 위해 누진가입도렌즈를 착용하는 어린이의 독서시 하방편위량이 근시진행에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 한다. 방 법: 근시성 어린이 80명(8~12세, 구면굴절이상도 -0.50D~-5.00D)을 대상으로 누진가입도렌즈(42명)와 단초점렌즈(38명)를 무작위로 착용시켰다. 안경착용 1주 후, 2주 후 및 4주 후 카메라를 이용하여 근거리작업시 하방편위량을 측정하였다. 6개월 후 굴절이상도와 안축장의 변화와 독서시 하방편위량의 상관성을 분석하였다. 결 과: 누진가입도렌즈 착용군의 근거리작업 시 하방편위량은 평균 7.14±1.19mm였으며, 하방편위량이 클수록 6개월 동안 굴절이상도의 변화량이 적고(r=0.52, p=0.00), 안축장의 변화량도 적은 것으로 나타났다(r=-0.47, p=0.00). 6개월 간 근시진행도는 누진가입도렌즈 착용군에서 -0.25±0.22D, 단초점렌즈 착용군에서-0.37±0.23D로 유의한 차이가 있었고(p=0.02), 안축장의 변화는 누진가입도렌즈 착용군에서0.13±0.10mm, 단초점렌즈 착용군에서 0.19±0.14mm로 유의한 차이가 있었다(p=0.03). 결 론: 어린이에게 6개월 동안 누진가입도렌즈를 착용시켰을 때 단초점렌즈와 비교하여 근시진행이 지연되었고, 독서시 하방편위량이 클수록 효과가 큰 것으로 나타났다. 누진가입도렌즈의 착용 효과를 높이기 위해서는 독서시 충분한 하방주시가 이루어지도록 교육하는 것이 중요하다고 생각된다.

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