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      • Private Colleges in China : their Core Competences and Future Development

        Duan Yong,Zhao Xiaokang 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Hybrid Information Techno Vol.8 No.12

        Private colleges in China have the dual natures of public products and profit-driven entities. Since the late 1970s, private higher education began, the positioning and development model are in the process of constantly updated and improved. In this paper, I try to describe the current situation of the development through the development scale, development model and development characteristics of the private higher education in China, analyze the internal and external influencing factors in the development process of private higher education emphatically. In the end, propose the countermeasures and suggestions for the future development of private colleges. Conclusions: Private colleges should design strategy under the guidance of national policy, choose the future development mode actively; Strive for government support and subsidies actively; Guide the whole society’s investment in private higher education actively; Improve the ability and level of teaching staff; Pay special attention to students’ recruitment, cultivating and employment, to improve students' quality.

      • KCI등재

        1920~30년대 보성전문학교의 운영과 공공성 문제

        김일환 ( Kim Il Hwan ) 역사문제연구소 2021 역사문제연구 Vol.25 No.1

        이 연구는 1920~30년대 보성전문학교의 사례를 통해 식민지 사립전문학교의 조직 및 운영구조를 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 특히 1915년 「개정사립학교규칙」의 공포 이후 조선 내 사립전문학교 운영에 재단법인 설립이 요구되었다는 것에 주목하여, 재단법인화 이후 학교 조직 운영에서 나타나는 학교와 외부의 사적 기부자, 총독부 행정당국과의 복합적 관계를 규명하고자 한다. 1921년 설립된 ‘재단법인보성전문학교’의 법인 기구 중 ‘평의원회’는 독특한 위상을 부여받고 있었는데, 이는 조선인 사회의 모금운동과 ‘민립’ 전문학교로서의 정체성을 일정 부분 반영하는 것이었다. 1932년 김성수의 재단 인수 이후 이러한 법인 구조는 상당한 변화를 겪지만, 이후에도 보성전문학교가 조선 민족의 ‘공기’(公器)라는 관념은 학교운영에 여러 영향을 미쳤다. 이러한 보성전문학교의 사례는 공공성(公共性)와 사사성(私事性) 사이의 긴장 속에 운영되었던 식민지 사립전문학교의 사회적 존재 방식과 그 제도적ㆍ조직적 유산에 대해서 보다 면밀한 탐구가 필요함을 보여준다. In this article, I examined the organizational and governing structure of private college during the Japanese colonial period, focused on Boseong College case in 1920’s-30’s. Since the enforcement of the revised ‘Private School Regulation’ in 1915, every private college should establish foundational juridical person, which was endowed with sufficient amount of assets to run the college. And the incorporation of private college was accompanied by reorganizing the governing structures, as well as interrelationships between college and private donors. Boseong college foundation, founded in 1921, was a product of public fund-raising campaign within colonial society, which led to peculiar council-based foundational form. Even after the takeover of Boseong college by Kim Sung-Soo in 1932, this tradition had remained as countervailing force against private initiatives in college. In this sense, Boseong college case can be interpreted in terms of colonial publicness and privateness.

      • KCI등재

        사교육의 대학진학 효과 분석

        양정호(Yang, Jung-Ho) 한국교육재정경제학회 2012 敎育財政 經濟硏究 Vol.21 No.2

        본 연구는 한국노동패널조사 자료를 이용하여 중학교2 학년인 2000년부터 대학에 진학한 2005년까지 6년간 사교육을 받은 경험이 대학진학에 미친 효과를 종단분석하였다. 최종 분석대상은 2004년도에 고등학교 3학년인 학생들을 기준으로 한 184명이다. 주요 연구결과를 살펴보면 2000년도 이후 사교육 참여비율이 상당히 높게 나타났고 사교육비 지출도 계속해서 증가해 왔다. 4년제 대학에 진학한 학생들은 대부분 최소 3년이상 사교육을 받았던 것으로 나타났다. 특히 다항 로지스틱 회귀분석을 이용한 분석결과, 사교육의 대학진학효과는 미진학 대비 2년제 전문대학에서는 낮게 나타났으나 2년제 전문대학보다 4년제 일반대학에 진학한 학생들에게는 높게 나타났다. 따라서 사교육이 대학진학에 일정부분 효과가 있었다. 끝으로 본 연구결과에 기초해서 사교육과 대학진학에 대한 적절한 교육정책 수립과 후속연구를 위한 시사점을 제시하였다. Using the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study(KLIPS) data of 184 students in Korea, this study investigated the effects of private tutoring on college entrance. To accommodate the unique structure of the data and research questions, the study used several different methods to estimate private tutoring effects. We found that most middle and high school students took private tutoring from 2000 to 2005, and the expenditure of private tutoring also increased before they got into college. College freshmen tended to take private tutoring for at least three years. The multinomial logistic regression showed that although there were no significant relationships between private tutoring and two-year college entrance, getting into four-year college over two-year college was affected by whether they took private tutoring. Suggestions and implications of conducting a future study on private tutoring effects of college entrance are also discussed.

      • KCI등재

        학생부종합전형, 수능전형으로 진학한 학생들의 대입 준비를 위한 사교육 패턴 분석 : A대학 사례를 중심으로

        이슬기(Lee, Seul-ki),차정민(Cha, Jung-min) 한국교육사회학회 2021 교육사회학연구 Vol.31 No.1

        이 연구는 학생부종합전형, 수능전형으로 대학에 진학한 학생들이 대입 준비 과정에서 어떠한 사교육 패턴을 보이는지 확인했다. 자료는 서울 소재 A대학교 2018학년도 입학생들의 ‘사교육 경험에 관한 설문조사’ 결과를 이용했다. 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 사교육 참여와 시간, 비용의 면에서 두 집단 간 차이는 1, 2학년 때보다 3학년과 재수 시기에 뚜렷했다. 수능전형 집단은 학생부종합전형 집단에 비해 3학년과 재수 시기에 사교육에 더 많이 참여하고, 사교육 시간이나 비용을 크게 늘렸다. 둘째, 두 집단이 사교육을 활용하는 구체적인 ‘양상’도 달랐다. 학생부종합전형 집단은 1학년 때부터 교과내신 사교육에 ‘집중’하다가, 3학년이 되면 비교과 자기소개서 면접, 수능, 논술 사교육으로 참여가 ‘분산’되었다. 수능전형 집단은 1학년 때에는 수능이나 교과내신 사교육을 고루 활용하다가 학년이 올라갈수록 수능과 논술 사교육에 ‘집중’하는 양상이다. 셋째, 학생들이 사교육을 동원하는 전략은 전형요소(교과내신, 수능, 비교과 면접 자기소개서, 논술)에 따라 달랐다. 학생들은 교과내신을 관리하기 위해 1학년 때부터 적극적으로 사교육을 활용하는 반면, 수능 준비를 위해서는 학년이 올라갈수록 사교육을 늘렸다. 비교과 면접 자기소개서나 논술 대비를 위해 사교육을 활용하는 학생들은 많지 않지만, 이들은 대입이 가까운 3학년 때 집중적으로 사교육을 활용하는 전략을 취했다. 이처럼 두 집단은 전형에 최대한 유리하게 사교육을 활용하고 있었다. 사교육이 진학 경쟁을 위해 동원되는 한, 대입전형 방식이나 정책의 변화를 통해 사교육 부담을 해결할 수 있다고 여기는 우리의 상식은 재고될 필요가 있다. This study examined the differences in patterns of private tutoring in high school between students who entered the university through the “Comprehensive evaluation system of high school records for university admission” (Records group) and CSAT (CSAT group). The data are based on a survey on the private tutoring experience of freshmen who entered A university in 2018. The results are as follows. First, there were few differences in private tutoring patterns between the two groups during their first and second years. However, variations in the patterns between the groups were apparent in their senior year or repeated year when the CSAT group intensely increased their participation rate, time, and expense to private tutoring. Second, the two groups also have different private tutoring ‘mode’. The Records group usually had ‘focused’ on a private tutoring for high school GPA in the first year and took part in diverse private tutoring activities such as extracurricular activities, writing Statement of Purpose, interviews, CSAT in the senior year. The CSAT group, on the other hand, participated in private tutoring to prepare for the CSAT and GPA from the lower grades. In addition to that, as they became seniors, they ‘focused’ on private tutoring for CSAT and essay test. Third, what kind of private tutoring students had taken was determined based on the characteristics of the evaluation criteria. While students actively had utilized private tutoring from the first grade to manage a GPA, as their grades went up, the participation rate and time of private tutoring for the CSAT increased. Students rarely participated in private educations for extracurricular activities, interviews, or essays. Even if some students received these kinds of private tutoring, they got it in the very short term when they faced a college entrance exam. The two groups maximized the advantages of private tutoring to prepare for college entrance. As long as private tutoring is treated as a tool for the college entrance exam, our common sense that the burden of private tutoring would decrease by changing college admission policies needs to be reconsidered.

      • KCI등재후보

        제주사립대학의 문제와 대안 모색-지도감독권 이양 이후를 중심으로-

        정민 제주학회 2019 濟州島硏究 Vol.52 No.-

        본고는 대학설립 및 운영에 관한 권한이 제주도지사에게 이양된 이후 제주사립대학의 경쟁력이 약화되고 있는 현상의 배경을 분석하고 대안을 모색하고자 시도되었다. 먼저 한국사립대학의 공공성 위기를 짚어보았다. 신자유주의적 정책에 따라 도입된 대학설립준칙주의의 폐해로 나타난 부실대학 양산과 족벌지배구조사학들의 대물림 현상이 만연되어있고, 사립대학에 대한 공적 관리감독이 부실하여 사학비리와 부정 등의 관행이 고착되어있다. 제주대학조례 제정 이후, 2+4대학 인가조건 완화로 기존학과와 유사학과들의 난립, 정원 외 학생수를 대학조례의 기준에 추가로 허용함으로써 교원 1인당 실제 학생수 증가, 구성원들의 대의기구인 대학평의원회에 교외인사가 45%를 차지하는 기현상 출현, 지도감독기관의 전문성과 지속성 부족으로 관리감독 부실 등이 나타났다. 제주사립대학의 공공성 회복과 경쟁력 강화 방안으로 사학법과 제주대학조례 개정, 지도감독권 강화, 사학공공성 강화를 위한 특별위원회 설치, 지방정부책임형 사립대학 육성, 제주형 대학연합체제 구축이 제시되었다. 제주사립대학이 평화의 섬에 걸맞게 국제적 경쟁력을 갖춘 사학으로 거듭나게 되기까지 저항과 비판의 목소리가 지속되기를 고대한다. This study analyses the reasons Jeju's colleges' competitiveness has got weaken since the jurisdiction of college-foundation and management was transferred to Jeju Governor, and seeks the solutions. The first result shows that crisis of publicness is the overall situation throughout private colleges in Korea. Because of the adverse effects of college-foundation normative system, a new liberalism applied to higher education, substandard colleges have increased, and private colleges' clan-inheritance has widely spread out. In addition, public administration and supervision for them have been so poor that their corruption and scandals are more endemic. The newly established Jeju college ordinance brought the results as follows; As the result of the easy permission to establish '2+4' year colleges, Jeju is flooded with too many similar departments. The number of students per professor has seriously increased because extra students are permitted over the assigned quota. 40% of the college general committee, a major representative body, is occupied by members unrelated with a school. Civil officials in charge of administration and overseeing lack professionality and durability. To recover publicism of Jeju's private colleges and elevate their competitiveness, I suggest revision of private school law and Jeju's college ordinance, enhancement of public supervision jurisdiction, establishment of a special committee for private schools' publicism, promotion of private colleges a province government is mainly in charge of, build-up of Jeju's college alliance. Finally, I expect harsh criticism and tenacious resistance to make Jeju's private colleges jump up to really educational institutes equipped with international competitiveness.

      • KCI등재

        사립학교법상 사립대학 부동산의 법률관계

        김상명(Kim Sang Myeong) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2014 圓光法學 Vol.30 No.4

        Private colleges are affiliated institutions founded and operated by educational corporations, which are special corporations governed by the Private School Act, and institutions defined in the Administrative Law. Therefore, the legal entities of private colleges are the educational corporations that found and operate them, and these corporations become the owners of the real estate properties owned by the private colleges. Also, the real estate properties owned by the private colleges are classified into educational properties and profit properties. The authority's permission is required in order to dispose of the basic assets of private colleges or provide them for collaterals for mortgage, etc. However, it is valid to annul the sale or provision of educational properties that are directly used for education even if it is permitted by the authority, as it is against the fair customs and the social order. Also, the educational properties that are directly used for education shall not be subject to any enforcements or provisional seizure for preservative measure. In case a private college goes bankrupt or two school corporations or two colleges affiliated to the same school corporation merge and it is clear that the real estate properties of private colleges will no longer be used for education purposes, it shall generally be valid to allow their sale and provision for collateral with the authority's permission.

      • 지방사립전문대학의 설립배경과 발전과정에 관한 고찰 -충북 제천 대원과학대학을 중심으로-

        권영인 ( Kwon Young-in ),김동환 ( Kim Dong-hwan ) 세명대학교 지역문화연구소 2005 지역문화연구 Vol.4 No.-

        The purpose of this study was considered of establishment and developing process of local private college, especially Daewon Science College in Chechon city, Chungchong north province. The major research for the purpose of this study is as follows: First, the educational situation of the local society acted greatly in the establishment of Daewon Science College. Second, when we investigate the process of change in the number of department for major and of students, it seems to be such the process of internal pain as the reduction of the regular member for entrance of this college. Third, the course of study in Daewon Science College was adopted to accorrding to the change of technology and society in the part of specialization for college. Fourth, the percentage of employment of students have been maintained with the effort of school so that it is high. Fifth, Daewon Science College made ‘college development plan’ almost every year it had being the opening of the college. Also, such plans has being a purpose and cause by the time.

      • KCI등재

        How to reach a top college? Private tutoring vs. student interests in the race for college entrance success

        Robert Rudolf,강규원 한국교육개발원 2021 한국교육 Vol.48 No.2

        Purpose: Using the Korean Education and Employment Panel Survey, this study addresses the question of how time use during middle school affects college entrance outcomes of Korean students. In particular, we investigate the effectiveness of time and money spent in private tutoring. We further investigate the role of student academic interests and self-rated skills. Design/Methodology/Data/Approach: We use data from the Korean Education & Employment Panel (KEEP) Survey for 1,030 students which were observed in their third year of middle school in 2004 and in their first year of college in 2008. Our main dependent variable is a student’s college rank in 2008. We run OLS regressions of the college rank on a student’s time use as a middle school senior in 2004. We include a large set of control variables including student, family, and school background. Besides time and money invested in private tutoring, we further investigate the particular role of student academic interests and self-rated skills for a student’s college entrance success. Findings/Results: Findings indicate that time spent in private tutoring in middle school has no statistically significant effect on college entrance outcomes. On the contrary, money spent on private tutoring has a statistically significant impact, yet the size of the impact is very modest. Compared to socioeconomic factors, student interests and self-rated skills, other time use, and location, the effects of private tutoring are rather modest and contribute only 9.2 percent to the explained variation in college ranks. Value: The results suggest that a more holistic approach to education should take into account the important role of academic interests and innate skills. Future education should take this finding into account and aim to nurture students’ interests and intrinsic motivation from early ages. 본 연구는 한국직업능력개발원의 한국교육고용패널 자료분석 결과를 바탕으로 중학생 때 사교육에 사용한 시간이 한국 학생들의 대학 입시에 미치는 영향을 살펴본다. 특히, 본 연구는 학생들이 사교육에 투입한 시간과 비용의 효과를 조사한다. 나아가 학업에 대한 학생들의 흥미와 자가평가 스킬(skill)의 역할에 대해서도 살펴본다. 본 연구는 2004년 당시 중학교 3학년이던 1,030명의 학생을 대상으로, 4년 뒤 이들이 대학에 진학한 시점에 다시 추적하여 얻은 한국교육고용패널조사 데이터를 활용하여 분석했다. 중학생 시절 사교육에 들이는 시간은 학생들의 대입 결과에 통계적으로 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않음을 연구를 통해 확인하였다. 반면, 사교육에 지출된 비용은 유의미한 영향을 미치기는 하나, 그 영향이 크지 않다. 사회경제적 요인, 학생의 관심사, 자가평가 스킬(skill)과 비교해 볼 때, 사교육은 대학별 순위 변화에 9.2%밖에 기여하지 못한다. 본 연구의 결과는 학생들의 학문적 흥미와 타고난 스킬의 역할을 고려한 교육이 필요하다는 것을 암시한다. 미래 교육은 어린 학생의 관심과 내재적 동기를 육성하는 것을 목표로 해야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 교육의 시장화와 사립학교의 성장

        양한순(Yang Han-Sun) 동북아시아문화학회 2011 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.26

        This paper examines the development of Chinese private schools in the context of educational decentralization and marketization. China has a long history of private schools since the Confucian school. It played an important role along with government schools in traditional education which was a crucial passage of social success in China. Yet, all the private schools were either closed or nationalized after the socialist revolution. It was the early 1980s when private schools began to reemerge to meet the diverse educational needs in rapidly growing Chinese market economy. Marketization of education accelerated as the government decentralized the educational financing and regulations and allowed the school to diverse its revenue. In China, the first choice for most excellent students is public “key schools” which usually shows good performance in the university entrance exam. It is the elite private school that appears in Chinese education market to meet the needs of the student who came from wealthy family but had not get enough score to enter those key schools. Receiving expansive tuition, elite private schools try to provide students with quality education such as English immersion program or study abroad opportunities. In contrast, private schools for migrant workers' children emerged to meet the educational needs of poor migrant workers who have to bring their children to urban areas. Migrant workers choose this school for their kids not only because of its cheap tuition but also of lack of discrimination against their kids in ordinary public schools. Private colleges are also growing in China. In many cases, newly established private colleges called “independent colleges” borrow the name and resource from a public university, which receives a part of the college's profit in return. This study also suggests that the dichotomy between the socialist state and capitalist market is impossible in Chinese education. As shown in the cases of key schools which marketize their fame and build their own private schools, the border between private school and public school are blurred. The state run public schools no longer aims to educate socialist citizens. Public schools also have become an active agent in educational market in China. In all, this research shows that the boundary between the state and market are increasingly blurred in education.

      • KCI등재

        일제 강점기 연희전문학교의 학칙을 통해 본 교육 운영

        강명숙(Kang, Myoung Sook) 교육사학회 2018 교육사학연구 Vol.28 No.2

        제국대학과 전문학교라는 일제강점기 고등교육 체제의 구조적 특징을 보다 세밀하게 드러내기 위해 사립 전문학교의 설립 운영의 실상을 연희전문학교의 학칙변화를 통해 분석하였다. 연희전문학교는 1917년 문과, 상과, 신과, 수물과, 응용화학과, 농과의 6개 과로 구성된 종합형 전문학교로 출발하였다. 그러나 제2차 조선교육령기 이후에는 실질적으로 문과, 상과, 수물과의 3개 과로 운영되었다. 일제가 사립대학 설립 운영을 인가하지 않고, 관립 전문학교와 중복되는 과나 자격증을 부여하는 전공 과에 대해 견제하는 가운데 개설 학과가 축소되었다. 하지만 증과 대신 증원은 지속적으로 이루어졌다. 사립 전문학교에 대한 법제적 차별로 인해 연희전문학교 졸업자는 관립 전문학교와는 달리 자격과 학력에 대해 별도의 지정을 받아야 했다. 문과는 1924년부터 실업학교, 사립 고등보통학교 교원 자격을 부여받고, 1928년부터 고등학교 고등과 혹은 대학 예과와 같은 동등 학력 인정을 받았다. 상과는 1926년부터 교원 자격을 부여받고, 1927년부터 학력 인정을 받았다. 수물과는 1928년부터 교원 자격을 받았다. 전문학교 가운데서도 관립 전문학교와 사립 전문학교의 위계적 서열이 제도적으로 구축되어 있었다. 연희 전문학교의 교육과정은 학년 학급제로 운영되었고, 영어와 수학, 특히 영어가 강조된 교육과정이었다. 제2차 조선교육령기부터 성서와 조선어를 필수 교과로 개설하였고, 교육학 과목의 강화를 통해 중등교원 양성 기능을 강화하였다. 교과목의 세분화와 선택 교과제의 도입 및 강화로 고등교육기관으로서의 사립 전문학교의 취약한 제도적 기반을 극복하고자 하였다. This paper studies the foundation and management of a private college during the Japanese colonial period, focusing on the changes in the charter of Chosen Christian College(C.C.C 延禧專門學校). Chosen Christian College was founded in 1917 as a comprehensive college constituted of six departments. However, it operates only 3 departments after the second Chosen educational regulation; the literary department, the commercial department and the science department. The reduction was due to the non-approval and a check on the departments that provided the same courses as government colleges or licences. Unlike government colleges, the departments of Chosen Christian College needed to be qualified separately. It implies that there was a structural hierarchy between government colleges and private colleges. The curriculum of Chosen Christian College, based on three-term-system, was focused on English and mathematics, especially more on English. The college opened a bible course and a Korean language course as compulsory in the second Chosen educational regulation period. It also subdivided its courses and introduced elective courses in order to compensate for the weak institutional basis of a private college as a higher educational institution.

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