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        日本語の連体修飾と名詞志向構造 - 「~からの+名詞」構文を事例に-

        金光成 ( Kim Kwang-sung ) 한국일어일문학회 2024 日語日文學硏究 Vol.130 No.0

        본고에서는 「~からの+名詞」구문의 용법을 코퍼스를 활용해서 실증적으로 분석하였다. 코퍼스를 활용해서 용례를 검토한 결과, 「~からの+名詞」는 「名詞+からの+名詞」와 「動詞のテ形+からの+名詞」로 나누어볼 수 있었다. 분석에서는 「名詞+からの+名詞」와 「動詞のテ形+からの+名詞」가 문장성분(주어, 목적어, 술어)에 따라 어떠한 공기관계 및 특성을 보이는지에 대해 빈도가 높은 사례를 중심으로 검토를 진행하였다. 일본어 학습자의 경우, 「~からの+名詞」와 같은 구문에 대한이해만으로는 문장의 형태로 적절히 활용하는 데에는 한계가 있다. 그러한 이유로 문장 안에서 어떠한 공기관계를 이루는지에 주목하였다. 「名詞+からの+名詞」의 경우, 주어로 사용된 사례는 (i)존재와 관련된 술어, (ii)수량·크기·강도와 관련된 술어, (iii)전달 및 이동과 관련된 술어와의 공기빈도가 특히 높았다. 목적어로 사용된 사례는(i)수용 및 획득과 관련된 술어, (ii)지각 및 사고와 관련된 술어, (iii)목적·실행·달성과 관련된 술어와의 공기빈도가 특히 높았다. 술어로 사용된 사례는 수식부가(i)시간과 관련된 사례, (ii)사람과 관련된 사례, (iii)장소와 관련된 사례의 빈도가 특히 높았다. 그리고 「動詞のテ形+からの+名詞」의 경우, 주어로 사용된 사례는 명사의 위치에 「方(ほう)」가 사용된 사례가70.05%, 술어로 사용된 사례는 명사의 위치에「こと」가 사용된 사례가 70.1%였다. 「~からの+名詞」 는 이른바 중명사(重名詞)로 볼 수 있는데 일본어 특유의 중명사는 일본어가 어떠한 표현방식을 선호하는지 보여주는 흥미로운 사례라고 할 수 있겠다. This paper empirically analyzed the usage of '~からの+noun' using corpus. Examples of '~からの+noun' can be divided into 'noun+からの+noun' and '-te form of a verb+からの+noun'. In the analysis, the characteristics of 'noun+からの +noun' and '-te form of a verb+からの+noun' were examined in terms of how they are used as sentence components (subject, object, predicate) especially focusing on high-frequency cases. In the case of 'noun+からの+noun', the cases used as subjects had a particularly high co-occurrence with predicates related to (i) existence, (ii) quantity, size, or strength, (iii) delivery or movement. The cases used as objects had a particularly high co-occurrence with predicates related to (i) acceptance or acquisition, (ii) perception or thought, (iii) purpose, execution, achievement. The cases used as predicates had a particularly high co-occurrence with modifiers related to (i) time, (ii) person, (iii) place. In the case of '-te form of a verb+からの+noun', 70.05% of the cases used as subjects had '方(ほう)' as the noun part. Similarly, 70.1% of the cases used as predicates had 'こと' as the noun part. Heavy nouns unique to Japanese like '~からの+noun' are interesting examples showing what kind of expressions Japanese prefer.

      • KCI등재

        「の」を介する名詞修飾に関する考察 ー「名詞+での+名詞」構文を事例にー

        김광성 대한일어일문학회 2024 일어일문학 Vol.103 No.-

        본 연구에서는 '명사+での+명사'구문의 용법을 문장성분(주어, 목적어, 술어)과 공기관계에 초점을 맞추어서 분석하였다. 선행연구에서는 한국어에 비해 일본어가 이른바 명사구조를 지향한다고 하는 지적이 있었다. '명사+での+명사'구문도 그 근거 중의 하나로 지적되는 사례인데 그 용법에 관한 구체적인 분석은 이루어지지 못했다. 본 연구에서는 코퍼스를 활용하여 '명사+での+명사'구문의 용법에 대한 실증적인 분석을 시도하였다. 분석 결과, '명사+での+명사'구문의 용법과 관련하여 다음과 같은 특징을 밝혀내었다. 주어로 사용된 '명사+での+명사'는 실행의 과정을 나타내는 술어(30.27%), 대소 및 증감을 나타내는 술어(19.35%), 존재 및 발생을 나타내는 술어(17.08%)와의 공기빈도가 상대적으로 높았다. 목적어로 사용된 '명사+での+명사'는 실행의 과정을 나타내는 술어(35.85%), 지각 및 사고를 나타내는 술어(20.84%), 메시지 및 정보 전달을 나타내는 술어(9.12%)와의 공기빈도가 상대적으로 높았다. 그리고 술어로 사용된 '명사1+での+명사2'는 명사2가 선행하는 사태를 나타내는 사례(88.79%)가 상대적으로 많았다. 명사2의 사례 중에서는 'こと'가 29.71%로 특히 그 빈도가 높았다. 본 연구에서는 '명사+での+명사'의 수식부에 대해서도 검토를 진행하였다. 시공간과 관련된 사례가 상대적으로 많았지만, 부대상황, 범위, 수단, 대비 등 다양한 용법을 확인할 수 있었다. This study analyzed the usage of the 'noun+での+noun' structure, focusing on the co-occurrence of sentence components (subject, object, and predicate). In previous studies, it was pointed out that Japanese, compared to Korean, prefer to use the so-called noun structure. The 'noun+での+noun' structure is cited as a reason, but its usage has not been analyzed. In this study, an empirical analysis of the usage of ‘noun+での'noun+での+noun' used as a subject has a relatively strong co-occurrence, with predicates indicating the process of execution (30.27%), predicates indicating size and increase/decrease (19.35%), and predicates indicating existence and occurrence (17.08%). 'noun+での+noun' used as an object has a relatively strong co-occurrence with predicates indicating the process of execution (35.85%), predicates indicating perception and thinking (20.84%), and predicates indicating conveying messages and information (9.12%). And 'noun1+での+noun2' used as a predicate had relatively many cases (88.79%) indicating a situation or content preceded by noun2. Among the cases of noun 2, 'こと' was particularly frequent at 29.71%. This study also examined the modifiers of 'noun+での+noun'. Although there were relatively more cases related to time and space, we also identified a variety of other uses, such as attendant circumstances, scope, means, and contrast.

      • KCI등재

        名詞と助詞からなる重名詞に関する分析 ― 「名詞+への+名詞」構文を事例に ―

        金光成 ( Kim Kwang-sung ) 한국일본어교육학회 2024 日本語敎育 Vol.- No.108

        This paper conducted a case analysis on the usage of heavy nouns consisting of nouns and particles. Specifically, we examined the usage of the ‘noun + への + noun’ construction in detail, focusing on collocations as elements of sentences (subjects, objects, predicates). The analysis revealed certain tendencies in the usage of the ‘noun + への + noun’ construction. In cases where ‘noun + への + noun’ was used as a subject, as in ‘noun + への + noun + が’, there was a particularly high frequency of collocation with predicates expressing increase or decrease in size, predicates representing the process of execution, and predicates related to existence, appearance, or occurrence. The proportion of these predicates was 72.6% among those with a frequency of occurrence of three or more. In cases where ‘noun + への + noun’ was used as an object, as in ‘noun + への + noun + を’, there was a particularly high frequency of collocation with predicates representing the process of execution, predicates expressing expression, predicates related to perception or thought, and predicates expressing increase or decrease. The proportion of these predicates was 60.64% among those with a frequency of occurrence of three or more. In cases where ‘noun + への + noun’ was used as a predicate, as in ‘noun + への + noun + だ/です/である’, nouns expressing movement or transition, nouns representing response, and nouns related to heart or emotion had a particularly high frequency as modified nouns. The proportion of these modified nouns was 79.35% among those with a frequency of occurrence of three or more. This study provides an empirical analysis of how the ‘noun + への + noun’ construction is used as subjects, objects, and predicates.

      • KCI등재

        공간명사의 의존 용법과 규정 기능

        이영제(Lee, Young-je) 중앙어문학회 2014 語文論集 Vol.58 No.-

        본고는 양식적 공간명사의 의존 용법을 자립 용법과 구별하여 범주화할 필요가 있음을 제안하는 데 목적이 있다. 양식적 공간명사의 의존 용법은 의존명사와 마찬가지로 통사적 의존성을 특징으로 한다. 의존명사의 개념을 통사적 의존성의 명사로 확대하고자 한 일련의 선행연구들의 주장에 따르면 의존 용법의 양식적 공간명사도 확대된 의존명사의 범위에 속한다. 한편 의존 용법의 양식적 공간명사들은 선행 성분을 규정(規定)하는 기능을 갖는다. 이것은 기능요소에 대비되는 문법적 특성이며, 의미도 [상황], [조건], [환경]이나 [결과], [(특정) 범위] 등 의존명사처럼 관계적이고 추상/형식적인 의미를 나타낸다. 이와 같이 통사적으로 의존적이고 기능요소적인 특성으로 볼 때 의존 용법의 양식적 공간명사는 자립명사로부터 구별하여 의존명사와 관련시켜 설명할 필요가 있다. This paper aims to propose that we need to categorize each bound/dependent usage and free/independent usage in relation to modal spatial nouns. The bound usage of the modal spatial nouns same as bound nouns are characteristic of syntactic boundness. Furthermore, they have relational and notional/formal meanings. In terms of grammatical description, we have to categorize these modal spatial nouns in relation to the bound nouns. The conclusion of this paper might support for the arguments of the previous studies as for the expansion of an extent of the bound noun. Meanwhile, the modal spatial nouns which included to dependent usage of nouns have functions as post-nominal modifiers. These functions are equal to the syntactic properties of the functional elements. The semantics of these nouns are included with [circumstance], [condition], [background], [resultative] and [(specific) extent] which are related to the relational, notional and formal meanings of the bound nouns. These properties of the modal spatial nouns as like functional elements need to be investigated in relation to the bound nouns.

      • KCI등재

        「[名詞]という[名詞]」의 용법

        안선주 한양대학교 일본학국제비교연구소 2020 비교일본학 Vol.49 No.-

        복합사 「という」 전후에 명사가 접속하는 「名詞という名詞」 형태는 그 의미내용이 다양하다. 이 형태 속의 두 명사는 동일한 명사일 때와 다른 명사일 때가 있으며, 「という」 뒤에 形式名 詞가 접속되는 경우도 있다. 특히 이 형태의 대부분을 차지하는 「[名詞1]という[名詞2]」일 경우 어느 쪽 명사에 중점이 있는지, 두 명사 사이에 어떤 관련성이 있는지에 따라 다시 몇 가지 패턴으로 나뉜다. 먼저 「[名詞1]という[名詞1]」은 같은 명사의 반복으로 그 명사가 강조된다. 다음 「[名詞1]という[名詞2]」에서, [名詞1]이 메인이면서 [名詞2]의 하위어일 때 [名詞1]을 강조 하는 것이 되고, 그 외는 메인인 [名詞1]을 [名詞2]가 해설하는 것이 되는데 [名詞2]가 [名詞1] 의 유의어, 화자의 만단, 비유, 그리고 자격/속성/방식의 의미내용으로써 [名詞1]을 제한한다. 또 다른 패턴인 [名詞2]가 메인일 때는 [名詞1]은 미지의 요소, 세부내용, 예시로써 [名詞2]를 수식하는 것이며, 「という」 대신 적당한 동사삽입으로 [名詞2]를 수식하는 일도 있다. 마지막으로 「[名詞]という[形式名詞]」에서는, 「という」 뒤에 「の」, 「もの」, 「こと」가 올 때 단순 히 명사만 제시되는 경우와 미묘한 차이가 있음을 언급하였다. The form of ‘Noun/TOIU/Noun’ where nouns connect before and after the ‘TOIU’ has various meanings. Two nouns in this form may be the same noun and may be different nouns, and there are cases where a restricted noun is connected after ‘TOIU’. In particular, in the case of ‘Noun1/TOIU/Noun2’, which occupies most of this form, it is divided into several patterns depending on which noun is the focus and the relationship between the two nouns. First, ‘Noun1/TOIU/Noun1’ is emphasized by repetition of the same noun. In regards to ‘Noun1/TOIU/Noun2’, when ‘Noun1’ is the main and subword of ‘Noun2’, it aims to emphasize ‘Noun1’. When it is the case of ‘Noun2’ a comemtary of ‘Noun1’, ‘Noun2’ restricts ‘Noun1’ as a synonym for ‘Noun1’, the judgment of the speaker, the metaphor, and the meaning of qualification/attribute/method. In another pattern where ‘Noun2’ is the main, ‘Noun1’ modifies ‘Noun2’ as unknown elements, details, and examples. Sometimes, instead of ‘TOIU’, ‘Noun2’ is modified by appropriate verb insertion. Finally, in ‘Noun/TOIU/Restricted Noun’, there is a subtle difference from the case where only nouns are presented when ‘NO’, ‘MONO’, and ‘KOTO’ come after ‘TOIU’.

      • KCI등재

        用言의 名詞形과 冠形詞形에 介入하는 ‘-ㅗ/-ㅜ’ 의 機能 考察 : 後期中世國語 時期에 限하여

        趙宰亨 중앙어문학회 2012 語文論集 Vol.50 No.-

        This studying is for the function and meaning of insertional vowel in the conjugation of verbs and adjectives on 15c. The studying which was existing for ‘-ㅗ/ㅜ-’ has tried to research the function of ‘-ㅗ/ㅜ-’ in a final morpheme for a connection and ending. However, they only have been interested in analysis of morphological inflection for noun form but have not been interested in ‘-ㅗ/ㅜ-’ in morphological inflection for noun form. Because, it was regularly injected in morphological inflection for noun form. Also, resent studying try to explain ‘-ㅗ/ㅜ-’ with included sentence of generative grammar. Firstly, the form of a morphological inflection for noun form is originally same with the form of derivated noun on 15c. However, noun form of a morphological inflection was changed because of ‘-ㅗ/ㅜ-’s injection in. It means that the changed form brought the distinction of meaning between them, and additionally had caused the changing of their form. Secondly, ‘-ㄴ, -ㄹ’ were the ending of pre-noun. If a morphological inflection chooses pre-noun form, it will has ‘-ㄴ’ or ‘-ㄹ’. If it chooses ‘-ㄴ’, it has the meaning of a condition with the function of a modification, if it chooses ‘-ㄹ’, it also has the meaning of a condition with the function of a modification. However, if it wants to have the meaning of a description, it has a different form to avoid the confusion of meaning with the meaning of a condition. According to the above statements, the changed form by ‘-ㅗ/ㅜ-’ means not only transforming but changed the meaning of a morphological inflection for the form. Also, if form of a morphological inflection needs the meaning of a description, ‘-ㅗ/ㅜ-’ is always injected in the form. Therefore, ‘-ㅗ/ㅜ-’ could be regarded as the morpheme which has the meaning of a description.

      • KCI등재

        관형격 구성의 특성과 유형에 관한 연구

        변정민 한국국어교육학회 2008 새국어교육 Vol.0 No.79

        This paper investigated the types and properties of genitive constructions according to the existence of '-ui'. In genitive constructions, 'noun' is the representative constituent as a former one. Usually noun phrase or even clause can be the constituent as a former one. In the case of later constituent, it could be the expanded noun phrase as well as noun. The types of genitive constructions are classified according to the existence of '-ui'. When the appearance of 'ui' is arbitrary, two nouns has the meaning of 'possessor-possession', 'whole-part', 'kinship', 'object-predicate'. When the appearance of 'ui' is obligatory, we can divide into two: morphological-syntactic and semantic. In the morphological-syntactic analysis, the former noun could be realized having the nominalized form '-um', the combination of cases, sentence and subject argument. Also expanded construction of later noun, and quantification expression. In the semantic analysis, genitive constructions has the meaning of representation, idiom or figurativeness. 이 연구는 ‘의’의 분포를 통해 관형격 구성의 특징과 유형을 살피는 데 목적이 있다. ‘의’의 선행성분으로는 명사가 오는 경우가 전형적인 구조이나 명사구나 문장까지도 올 수 있으며, 후행성분도 확장된 명사구가 올 수 있다. 관형격 구성의 유형은 ‘의’의 실현 유무에 따라 두 가지 측면에서 살펴보았다. 첫째, ‘의’의 실현이 수의적인 경우인데, 소유주-피소유물, 전체-부분, 친족 관계, 목적격과 부사격 논항 구조에서였다. 둘째, 의‘가 필수적으로 실현되는 경우는 두 가지 측면에서 다시 살펴보았다. 먼저 형태·통사적 측면에서, ‘-음’ 명사화된 N1, 명사가 후행하는 수량 구문, N2의 확장 구문, 주격 논항 구문, N1이 조사와 결합될 때, 선행성분이 문장일 때, 의미적 측면에서는 대표성, 관용성, 비유성이라는 관점에서 ‘의’가 실현되는 관형격 구성을 설명할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        수상한 수식 구조에 대하여

        목정수(Mok Jung-Soo) 중앙어문학회 2009 語文論集 Vol.40 No.-

        This paper focuses on adjectivo-adverbial modifications in Korean such as ‘gingeup 긴급 pagyeonhada파견하다 (dispatch urgently or make an urgent dispatch)’, and ‘eomjung 엄중 hangeuihada항의하다 (protest strictly or make a strict protest)’. In order to solve these problematics related to conversion of parts of speech, it is necessary to elucidate the nature of the construction ‘X-hada’. It is also important to know what is its correlation with the construction ‘X-leul hada’. We analyze the construction ‘X-hada’ as a syntactic combination of predicative noun X and support verb hada, which is lexicalized as a verbal unit. And the construction ‘X-leul hada’ is analyzed as a syntactic construction inserted by the delimiter/determiner ‘leul’. Consequently we argue that the so-called root or adnominal noun gingeup 긴급, eomjung 엄중 should be redefined as adjectives, at least ‘adjectival nouns’ so as to account for the ambiguity of both adjective-noun modification ‘eomjung 엄중 hangeui항의’ and adverb-verb modification ‘eomjung 엄중 hangeuihada항의하다’ through the universality of the conversion of adjectives into adverbs.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        L2 Writers’ Use of Signaling Nouns: A Focus on Modification and L2 Proficiency

        Minjin Kim,Sun-Young Oh 한국영어학회 2023 영어학 Vol.23 No.-

        This study investigates the relationship between Korean students’ English proficiency and their utilization of signaling nouns (SNs) and SN modifications in argumentative essays. Data were collected from four proficiency levels within the Yonsei English Learner Corpus, while the Louvain Corpus of Native English Essays served as a benchmark reference. A set of 35 target SNs was identified, with non-SN usages rigorously filtered out. The analysis focuses on SN frequency, various complexity levels of modifications, and contextual usage across the different corpora. Findings suggest that second language (L2) learners heavily rely on a restricted set of SNs, with increased proficiency correlating to a higher frequency of the remaining SNs. The modification of SNs shows a developmental progression, particularly through the use of prepositional phrases, which enhance both clarity and conciseness in writing. Furthermore, the use of attributive adjectives, the most basic level of modifiers, increases with proficiency but leads to excessive modifier usage in learner data. A close look at the contexts of SN usage reveals patterns instrumental for academic writing, underscoring the importance of integrating these insights into English for Academic Purposes (EAP) pedagogy.

      • KCI등재

        부정의 기능동사 '않-/안하-', '못하-' 의 설정에 대하여

        김양진 한국어학회 2007 한국어학 Vol.35 No.-

        If short negations such as 'an meok-(don't eat)' are called modificational short negation, short negation such as 'saenggak anh-(don't think)' may be called substitutional short negation. 'ang-/anha-(don't), motha-(can't), andwe-(not be done), ansikhi-(don't cause)' appearing in substitutional short negation is all light verbs having parallel structures of 'ha-(to do), dwe-(to be done), sikhi-(to cause)' which are predicational forms of predicational noun in Korean. Those 'ang-/anha-(don't), motha-(can't), andwe-(not be done), ansikhi-(don't cause)' are syntactically conjunct with animate predicational nouns in syntactic component meaning of negation, but they are not conjunct with adjectival predicational nouns. They also dependantly appear behind intransitive predicational nouns which are syntactically independent, but they are not conjunct with roots kinds which are internal elements of a word. Lexical negation such as 'moreu-(don't know), eops-(not be)' and substitutional short negation such as 'saenggak anh-(don't think)' and modificational short negation such as 'an meok-(don't eat)' are generated in a sequent order and they show syntactic blocking phenomena based on generating order.

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