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        심리적·물리적 거리와 기억의 차이: 4·16 세월호 참사 희생자 추모영화 <생일> 속 인물의 기억현실을 중심으로

        이완수,양영유 한국언론정보학회 2020 한국언론정보학보 Vol.99 No.-

        This study explored how people memorize the death of a teenager in the memorial film “Birthday” through “who”, “when”, “where”, “what”, and “how”. In particular, we examined the process of ventilation and recall of memory based on five concepts, namely, time and space of memory, objectivity of memory, memory mode, memory behavior, and memory level. We also compared the differences in memory based on the relationship with the subject, closeness, experience, and importance. In methodology, we used Multimodal Discourse Analysis, which is one of image analysis methods such as movies and TV. And we applied Construal Level Theory (CLT) that individual memory is different according to psychological distance, Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) that message processing is different depending on relevance and importance of memory subject, and general memory theory. Mom’s memory is temporal, everyday, constant, spatially omnipresent, memory objects are concrete and diverse. Memory is a central and invasive memory, and memory is intrinsic and attachment-centered. The level of memory is concrete. Dad remembers intermittently around a specific point and a specific space, and restrictively memorizes certain elements. The memory mode shifts from peripheral route memory to central route memory, and memory behavior is characterized by meaning searching and memory performance. Memory construal level is abstract. Peer friends are always temporal, and memory is made in a specific place spatially, and memory objects are limited. The memorization method is a peripheral and a traumatic at the same time, and a memorizing act that reveals emotional bonds through memory sharing and rumination of the dead. Memory level is concrete. Neighborhood communities remember at a specific point in time, spatially specific locations, and memory objects are limited. Memory is normative and acts in the form of empathy, solidarity, and healing. Memory levels are abstract. We discussed how the memory of death depends on the memory actors.

      • KCI등재

        A Critical Look at the Multimodal Pragmatic Approach to Translation

        Xia Jiang,Han-gyu Lee(이한규) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2020 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.64

        번역은 일종의 다중기호체계를 이용한 의사소통이다. 다중기호체계는 번역과정과 번역텍스트에서 점점 더 중요하게 고려되고 있다. 번역 영역에서 다중기호 텍스트의 등장과 더불어, Dicerto (2018)는 다중기호 원본텍스트 (source text) 분석을 위한 다중기호적 화용분석 모델을 제시했다. 다중기호체계 연구(multimodal studies)와 번역연구 분야에 화용 이론을 응용함으로써 언어적, 비언어적 다중기호(언어, 음향, 시각 기호)들의 해석을 보편적 원리로 설명하려 하였다. 이 다중기호적 화용분석 모델은 다학문적 연구가 가지는 장점을 통해 번역 분석을 이론적으로, 체계적으로 설명할 수 있는 모델이다. 본 연구에서는 Dicerto의 모델이 가지는 장단점을 실제 텍스트, 즉 정적 다중기호 텍스트 (static multimodal text) 뿐만 아니라, 동적 다중기호 텍스트 (dynamic multimodal text)에도 적용해 봄으로써 그 적용가능성을 살펴본 후, 그 번역모델의 한계점과 문제를 적시하고, 이를 해결하기 위한 모델의 확장 필요성과 가능성을 논의한다. Translation is a kind of multimodal communication. Its multimodality is getting more significant in the translation process and translation texts. With the rise of multimodal texts in translation landscape, Dicerto (2018) proposes a multimodal pragmatic (MP) model for the analysis of multimodal source texts in translation. However, a critical look at her MP model shows that, for all of its multi-disciplinary advantages, it limits its theoretical applications to only target texts, and static multimodal texts; it does not pay attentions on various relations between source and target texts, and dynamic multimodal texts. In line with such limitations, we apply the model to a dynamic pragmatic example, and suggest some modifications to get over such limitations.

      • KCI등재후보

        멀티모달코퍼스 언어연구와 채팅대화분석

        양경미 한국인간과자연학회 2022 인간과자연 Vol.3 No.2

        This study started from the following several premises. 1) Human verbal communication is a social act. 2) Humans interact multimodally with the outside world (including humans) through their sense organs. 3) A language can express data of different modalities due to its zero modality (amodal). This paper introduced Verschueren's pragmatic point of view, Gu's simulative modeling of multimodal corpus linguistics research method, and the principle of coincidence of language expression(言思情貌整一原则). Based on them, SNS chatting conversations reflecting the characteristics of spoken language dynamically were analyzed. As the result, it was shown that the chatting conversations generate meanings by expressing emotions through photos and emoticons and are discontinued by one party. 본 연구는 아래의 몇 가지 전제에서 출발한다. 1) 인간의 언어 의사소통은 사회적 행위이다. 2) 인간은 감각기관을 통해 외부세계(인간을 포함)와 멀티모달적으로 상호작용한다. 3) 언어는 제로모달리티성(amodal)으로 인해 다른 모달리티의 데이터를 표현할 수 있다. 본 연구는 Verschueren의 화용론적 관점과 Gu, Yueguo의 멀티모달코퍼스언어학(multimodal corpus linguistics)의 연구방법인 시뮬레이션 모델링(simulative modeling), 언어표현의 일치원리(言思情貌整一原则:언어생각감정모습의 일치원리)를 소개하고 이를 활용하여 SNS 채팅대화를 분석한다. 구어의 특징이 반영된 채팅대화는 사진과 이모티콘을 통해 정서를 표현하는 등 역동적으로 의미를 생성하였고 일방에 의해 단절되었다.

      • Examining the possibilities for children’s digital literacy practices at home: Two theoretical perspectives

        Lisa Kervin 경인교육대학교 교육연구원 2020 The Journal of Education Vol.3 No.2

        The everyday use of digital technologies influences the literacy practices of young children and their families. Literate knowledge, skills, and understandings emerge through interactions between elements of the environment, artefacts or ‘tools’ (digital and non-digital), and people. As technologies become increasingly portable, affordable and efficient there is need to examine how digital experiences contribute to emergent literacy development. I draw upon the 2020 Australian COVID-19 experience which saw children and their families using technology in unprecedented ways. Using a television advertisement that showcased children at play, and was first seen during the isolation period, I look to how various semiotics including speech, colour, movement, image and sound work together to build our understanding of the potential for children’s digital literacy. Looking at this as an instance of social semiotics, I then use Engeström s (1993) activity theory to further understand digital experiences in home contexts as I examine the relationships between issues of access, the affordances of the digital resources, potential for interaction and literacy learning opportunities. Drawing upon these two theoretical perspectives enables an agenda to be set to more fully examine implications for digital literacy practices in home contexts.


        Automodulation Processes in Clinotrons With Low-Focusing Magnetic Field

        Sattorov, Matlabjon,Khutoryan, Eduard,Lukin, Konstantin,Ohjoon Kwon,Sun-Hong Min,Bhattacharya, Ranajoy,In-Keun Baek,Seontae Kim,Minwoo Yi,Joonho So,Gun-Sik Park Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2015 IEEE transactions on electron devices Vol.62 No.5

        <P>The automodulation processes in backward-wave oscillator with an inclined electron beam (the clinotron) operating at low-focusing magnetic fields have been studied. The automodulation behavior has been analyzed in the clinotron for different angles of the beam inclination. It has been shown that at low magnetic fields, the RF transverse electric field may cause significant changes in electron trajectories, and hence in the beam-wave interaction power that leads to the automodulation.</P>

      • 유아기 복합양식 문식성 교육 관련 국외 연구 동향

        이수원 한국유아교육학회 2018 정기학술대회 논문집 Vol.2018 No.-

        본 연구에서는 최근 10년 동안 해외에서 만 7세까지의 유아를 대상으로 이뤄진 연구 중 복합양식(multimodal)이 연구제목이나 키워드로 명시된 연구를 선별하여 연구 방법과 내용을 분석하였다. 복합양식 문식성이란, 언어 기호, 이미지 기호, 움직임 기호 등 한 가지 이상의 기호 양식이 조합된 의사소통방식을 의미한다. 분석 결과, 연구방법상 대부분의 복합양식 연구가 질적연구로 이뤄졌다. 연구내용에서 유아의 기호 사용을 분석한 사회 기호학(social semiotics) 연구, 유아의 기호 활용과 유아가 속한 사회적 실제와 문화 간의 관련성을 분석한 문화역사 활동론(cultural-historical activity theory) 연구, 기호 사용과 정체성 변화와의 관계를 탐색한 후기구조주의(post-structuralism) 흐름이 있었다. 즉, 복합양식 문식성은 의사소통의 도구이자 개인의 인지활동과 집단 지성의 지렛대 역할을 하며 유아는 기호 양식을 차용ㆍ변용하면서 사회문화 집단의 주변인에서 참여자로 정체성이 변화하는 것으로 보고되었다.

      • KCI등재

        An Analysis of Infographics and Implications for L2 Writing Education

        유호정 ( Yu Ho Jung ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2021 현대영어영문학 Vol.65 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to analyze infographics that deliver information and messages with images and text and have practical potentials for L2 writing pedagogy. It is a qualitative text analysis that delves deeper into the limited number of infographics, unveiling their coherent structures and elements cohesively connected to one another. Two infographics selected for this study represent the rhetorical genres of argument and explanation. This study showed the results of in-depth examinations on two infographics, and its examinations involved the rhetorical mode, the layout structure, verbal and non-verbal elements, and rhetorical relations. Especially, the rhetorical relations of each infographic were identified with the use of Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST). It found that the two infographics demonstrated their unique and coherent structure, signifying a variety of rhetorical relations between images and texts, as well as between texts. (Kyungil University)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        언어적 의사소통의 유형과 성패

        양경미(KyongMi Yang) 한국인간과자연학회 2023 인간과자연 Vol.4 No.2

        본 고는 언어적 의사소통의 유형에서 출발, 멀티모달코퍼스 언어학의 연구방법과 상담심리학의 관련 이론을 접목하여 일상생활에 발생하는 몇 가지 의사소통의 유형을 소개하고, 각 담화가 성공과 실패로 이어지는 과정을 관찰·분석였다. 언어자료는 가족구성원 간의 대면 음성소통 및 비대면 문자소통, 한·중친구간의 문자소통, 일상생활의 문제해결을 위한 비대면 음성소통 등 8가지 유형을 수집하였으며, 소통언어는 대부분 한국어이고, 일부는 중국어이다. 언어자료는 소통의 목적, 소통의 공간, 참여자 간의 관계, 전달체의 종류, 이중메시지의 전달 여부 등의 관점에서 분석하였다. This article starts from the types of language communication and combines research methods from multimodal corpus linguistics and related theories from counseling psychology to introduce several types of communication that occur in daily life and explain the process by which discourse leads to success and failure. It was an observational analysis. Eight types of language data were collected, including face-to-face voice communication between family members, untact text communication, text communication between Korean and Chinese friends, and untact voice communication for solving problems in daily life. The communication language is mostly Korean, but sometimes Chinese. Linguistic materials were analyzed from the perspectives of the purpose of communication, communication space, relationships between participants, type of communication medium, and double messages.

      • KCI등재

        추상어휘 연구의 비판적 검토와 한국어 추상어휘 연구의 필요성

        임서현 사단법인 한국언어학회 2018 언어학 Vol.0 No.82

        Recently, the NLP capacity of AI becomes more important for successful communication between human and AI. Especially it is one of the very difficult problems to teach the meaning of abstract words like ‘truth’ to AI. The aim of this article is to review critically the previous research on abstract words to help study Korean abstract words. This paper argues that concreteness effect argument, Embodied Cognition Theory, and AI motivated the research on abstract words. In section 3, we introduce three point-of-views about how to represent the abstract word meaning. We suggest the feature-based multiple representation with hierarchical structure. In section 4, we briefly introduce the research on abstract words in AI. In conclusion, we suggest that we need to study Korean abstract words and provide a desirable research direction.

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