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        공장입지에 따른 대도시 근교지역 농촌마을의 경관변화 특징

        손용훈 ( Yong Hoon Son ),이차희 ( Cha Hee Lee ),사이토유키히코 ( Yu Ki Hi Ko Saito ) 한국농촌계획학회 2014 농촌계획 Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to identify characteristics of the landscape changes in Gwangjyu city and Icheon city, the suburban areas on the outskirts of the Seoul metropolitan area, by focusing on the causes of the urban sprawl and the resultant morphological characteristics of landscape degradation. Particular attention has been given to the ‘advantages for developing suburb including geographical proximity and land price’, ‘institutional regulation such as land-use regulation’ and ‘community solidarity’ as drivers for possible introduction of external factors. The types of landscape change were divided into three, after having on-the-ground research on eleven chosen towns and interviews with head of a village: Overwhelming Change, Separated and Small-Scale Change. It was found that, in general, the quality of landscape was best for the small-scale change type, followed by separated and overwhelming change types. While the types of landscape change are correlated with the geographical proximity, its relevance with land regulation is relatively weak. The study found that imposing a land-use regulation as a means to prevent changes in suburban village landscape may not be fully effective. Also it analyzed that villages could better manage with keen interest the surrounding landscape if there is a high degree of solidarity within the village community. Therefore, the sense of community could play an important complementary role to land-use regulation which does not suffice in itself to manage suburban landscape.

      • Implementation of Remote Sensing and Mathematical Modeling for Study of Risk Assessment to Linear Engineering Structures due to Thermokarst Processes in Disturbed and Undisturbed Territories

        ( Veronika Kapralova ) 대한지질공학회 2019 대한지질공학회 학술발표회논문집 Vol.2019 No.2

        Risk estimation under the conditions of hazardous geological processes development is one of the most challenging tasks of geology. It is especially important in rapidly changing natural conditions of the Northern regions. One of the important problems is to find principles of distribution and dynamics of thermokarst development with the purpose of forecasting environmental changes. With statistic approach to risk estimation, a researcher faces certain problems due to the fact that statistics gathering requires significant time which often equals the structure’s functioning time. Methods of mathematical morphology of landscape were suggested as another approach allowing to avoid aforementioned problems. Mathematical morphology of landscape is a branch of landscape science, investigating quantitative laws of landscape mosaics and methods of the mathematical analysis of these mosaics. The theoretical basis of mathematical morphology of a landscape is formed by mathematical models of morphological structures. The equations of the mathematical model of a morphological pattern for thermokarst lake plains were used for the data analysis and forecast constructions. They represent combination of the probabilistic mathematical relations reflecting the most essential geometrical features of the pattern. This work aims at trying to develop and substantiate the quantitative risk estimation procedure for linear objects in disturbed and undisturbed territories with thermokarst processes with the help of remote sensing and methods of mathematical morphology of landscape. We performed the model approval in several test districts which are characterized with quite different conditions. The research was held with the support of RSF project 18-17-00226.

      • KCI등재

        지오투어리즘 관점에서 본 안데스 파타고니아와 아타카마의 지형경관

        박종관 ( Jong Kwan Park ) 한국지형학회 2013 한국지형학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        This paper was made on the basis of geotourism to explain morphological characteristics of Patagonia and Atacama region in the Andes through 10-day fieldwork. The Patagonian landscape was focused on the Torres del Paine National Park, Chile and the Los Glacier National Park, Argentina; on the other hand, the Atacama morphological landscape was investigated around the San Pedro de Atacama. Many geomorphological features such as uplift, semiarid and glacier landscapes can be found in Patagonia, so it is strongly recommended to have an opportunity to enjoy these landforms by geotourism. Massive intrusive rock bodies of granite can be shown in those two National Parks declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. And, the Atacama Desert located on the forearc depression in the Andes, Chile has also many geomorphological destinations of arid and volcanic landforms; badland, pediplain, pediment, salt lake and geyser. Especially, huge pediplain is one of the greatest view points in the Atacama Desert. Patagonia and Atacama are the best geographical tourism sites to know diverse tectonic landforms made by the conflict between South American and Pacific plates.

      • 경작지 내 소규모 수림의 경관생태적 특성 분석

        조현주,나정화 경북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2008 慶北大農學誌 Vol.26 No.-

        This research put most emphasis on setting the guidelines for improvement through character analysis of landscape ecology to cope with ecological malfunction of the woodland surrounded in cultivated areas. The results are as follows. 1) As a result of character analysis of the woodland in cultivated area in point of landscape ecology in five case sites, the size of case site 3 is the largest as 3,000㎡ and it is shown that a colony of pine trees which is valuable in terms of ecological, scientific, historic and cultural senses. 2) As a result of analysis on expansibility of woodland in cultivated area, case site 1 is 0.25, the lowest, flexibility is 4, the highest, In order to improve ecological function in woodland, it is regarded that maintaining curve form rather than straight one. 3) As a result of analysis of morphological diversity , case site 5 shows 1.3, the highest. However, the condition of vegetation and emergence frequency of species indicates low value degree. 4) Based on the result of analysis of landscape ecological character like above, the number of guidelines for the woodland in cultivated area is three and vegetation is four.

      • KCI등재

        하노이의 세장형필지와 도시조직

        송인호(Song In-Ho) 대한건축학회 2008 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.24 No.10

        This study is focused on urban tissues in ancient quarter and old quarter of Hanoi from the viewpoint of typo-morphology. I suggest that the unique urban landscape of Old Hanoi has its origins in deep and narrow lot. The tectonic form and the characteristics of four urban tissues, composed of deep and narrow lots, can be summarized as followings. First, although the construction system and program were changed, deep and narrow lot maintains its influence on the morphology of urban tissue. The morphological homogeneity and dynamics of old Hanoi result from the continuance of lots and the fluctuation of buildings' forms. Second, on the deep and narrow lot, the keen competitions to face the street coexists with the tensions to the deep inside. Despite the morphological change of each lot, the liveliness are continued on the surface layer of buildings. Third, the formative process of deep and narrow lot can distinguish into two patterns. One is the deep and narrow lot that was made by extending to inside from the streets. The other is the deep and narrow lot that were divided into pertinent width after fixing an outline of a block. The former is of the traditional urban tissue, and the latter is of the modern urban tissue.

      • KCI등재

        칼 사우어(Carl O. Sauer)의 문화·역사지리학에 투영된 환경관

        홍금수 한국문화역사지리학회 2024 문화 역사 지리 Vol.36 No.2

        본고는 사우어 문화·역사지리학이 함의한 비판적 환경관을 살펴본다. 1909년 시카고에서 학위 과정을 시 작한 사우어는 연역적 지형학과 환경론에 경도된 학계 분위기에도 솔즈베리의 영향 아래 지역에 집중함으로써 인간·자연 관계의 공론을 우회할 수 있었다. 벌목·과목·화입·사면경작에 따른 토양침식을 현장에서 목격한 그는 첫 부임지 미시간 대학교에서 오대호 연안 화이트 파인 군락의 파괴로 인한 문제를 타개하려 지역조사에 집중하 였고, 1923년 버클리로 전직한 다음에도 뉴딜 정부를 위해 토지이용 및 토양침식 관련 현안을 진단하고 정책을 입 안하는 데 주도적으로 관여한다. 한편, 사우어는 동인으로서 문화가 매개인 자연경관에 작용하여 문화경관을 형 성한다는 경관형태학을 독자의 방법론으로 정립하며, 크로버 인류학파와의 교섭을 통해 문화와 문화경관의 기 원·분포·전파·변천을 논의하는 문화·역사지리학을 완성함으로써 자연지리의 권위를 해체하고 인간과 문화의 주 체성으로 환경론의 예봉을 꺾는다. 나아가 인간 동인에 의한 생태적 파국을 경계했음에도 개발주의 담론으로 인 해 망각에 붙여진 마시를 1955년 심포지엄 <지표 변화에서의 인간의 역할>을 통해 화려하게 부활시킨다. 보존주 의자 사우어는 인류세 한가운데 놓인 우리에게 환경 훼손의 당사자라는 냉철한 성찰의 토대 위에 미래 세대에 대 한 생태적 책무의 자각을 촉구한다. Despite Sauer set out his coursework in 1909 in the midst of Davisian physiography and environmentalism, Salisbury at Chicago assisted him to avoid the causative man-nature relation by laying emphasis on field observations. Having witnessed the widespread soil exhaustion in Illinois and Missouri, Sauer now at Ann Arbor had to redress economic and ecological problems from the deforestration of white pines on the Great Lakes. Advising on the issues of land utilization and soil erosion for the New Deal Government, Sauer in Berlekey shaped up the landscape morphology in which culture was conceived as an agent, natural landscape a medium and cultural landscape an outcome. The intellectual encounter with Boasian anthropology resulted in cultural and historical geography or culture history of seeking out the origin, diffusion and transformation of culture and cultural landscape, bearing the brunt of environmentalism. To be noted is that Sauer resurrected Marsh’s Man and Nature by organizing the 1955 international symposium on ‘Man’s Role in Changing the Face of the Earth’. Sauer’s environmental ethics urges us to do our moral and ecological duties for the coming generation.

      • KCI등재

        Air Temperature and Humidity Affect Petunia Ornamental Value

        김완순,Le Hong Nhung Hoang 한국원예학회 2018 원예과학기술지 Vol.36 No.1

        Petunias are a representative bedding plant known for their tolerance for hot and dry climates. However, petunia growth and ornamental value as bedding plants in a year-round hot but humid climate such as that in tropical regions is not well studied. In order to evaluate the adaptability of petunias in hot and humid climates, petunia ‘Madness Red’ was treated with 50% relative humidity (RH) at an air temperature (AT) of 25°C, and with 80% RH at 25°C, 30°C, and 35°C AT. The results showed that at 25°C AT, 80% RH briefly delayed flowering but partially improved shoot growth and ornamental value variables such as plant weight, leaf area, and flower size and longevity compared to 50% RH. At 80% RH, increased AT significantly promoted flowering time and number, but also caused a slight decline in plant development parameters like biomass, flower size, and flower color. Conversely, a rapid decline in plant development was observed at 35°C AT only, indicating heat damage symptoms such as anatomical distortion of the leaf surface. The ornamental value of bedding plants was determined by flower production and longevity during the landscapingperiod. Petunia ornamental value was optimal at 30°C AT, even though 25°C AT is generally reported to be suitable for plant development in bedding petunias. These results indicate that humid conditions improve the high temperature adaptability of ornamental value in petunia ‘Madness Red’ which can thus be used as a street landscaping plant in tropical regions.

      • Stochastic Modelling of Thermokarst Hazard for Gas Pipelines in Uniform Geological Conditions

        ( Timofey Orlov ) 대한지질공학회 2019 대한지질공학회 학술발표회논문집 Vol.2019 No.2

        The aim of this work is to improve stochastic model of thermokarst depressions appearing and expanding along the gas pipeline on the icy ground. We assume that thermokarst depressions are constantly appearing (i.e. asynchronous start). This stochastic process is running independently for the non-crossing strips during non-crossing periods. So, we can find an equation of the probability of the depressions to appear within a sample strip which depends exclusively on the strip length and time. The main results of this model are: density of lake location should fit Poison distribution and thus the distance between lakes projections to the road should fit exponential distribution. This means that depression appearances are independent events. We used modern high resolution images captured at 1960-2012-2017 years with resolution 0,3-0,7-2 m/pix (Corona, Digital Globe by DigitalGlobe Foundation). There were found 587 newly appeared depressions at the 9 km length pipeline. For newly appeared lakes in homogenous environment the distance between projections of lakes centers to the pipeline fits exponential distribution. It means that lakes location along the road fits Poisson distribution. Projections to the road and to the perpendicular have lognormal distribution. The ratio between these projections fits lognormal distribution. The approach can be implement to the prediction of lake appearance and thermokarst hazard forecast for the unsealed roads in similar environment. The research is done with the support of Russian Geographic Society and Russian Foundation for Basic Research Grant # 17-05-41141.

      • 딥러닝 기반 OFDM 부반송파 간격 추정

        박명철(Myung Chul Park),차대웅(Daewoong Cha),한동석(Dong Seog Han) 한국통신학회 2021 한국통신학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2021 No.6

        본 논문은 서로 다른 부반송파 간격을 가진 OFDM(orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) 기반 무선 통신 신호를 분별하기 위하여 MFB(multiple FFT window banks) 기반의 CNN(convolutional neural network) 모델을 제안한다. 기존 딥러닝 기반 ACM(automatic modulation classification) 모델은 단일 반송파 기반의 변조 방식에 대한 분류 정확성을 향상시켰다. 그러나 동일한 대역폭에서 서로 다른 부반송파 간격을 가진 OFDM 신호를 분류하지 못하는 문제점을 가진다. 본 논문에서 제안한 MFB 기반 CNN 모델의 분류 성능이 기존 시간영역에서의 IQ(in-phase and quadrature phase) 기반 CNN 모델과 A/P(amplitude/phase) 기반 LSTM(long-short term memory) 모델의 분류 성능보다 향상됨을 모의실험을 통하여 보였다.

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