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      • KCI등재

        자치계층구조개혁의 성공적 추진요인: 영국과 한국의 사례를 중심으로

        하혜수 한국행정학회 2007 韓國行政學報 Vol.41 No.2

        본 연구는 자치계층구조의 개혁이 검토되고 있는 우리나라의 상황에서 영국(잉글랜드와 스코틀랜드)과 우리나라(제주특별자치도)의 개혁사례를 분석하여 성공적 추진에 미치는 영향요인을 도출함으로써 향후 전국적인 자치계층구조 개혁추진에 주는 정책시사점을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 분석결과 첫째, 중앙정부의 역할과 관련하여 대통령을 포함한 중앙정부 핵심행위자들의 적극적인 관심과 의지가 필요하며, 영국의 지방정부위원회와 같은 정치적으로 중립적인 기구의 설치가 검토되어야 할 것이다. 둘째, 중앙-지방정부간 전략적 관계의 측면에서 중앙정부는 자치계층구조 개혁의 거시적・적극적 목표와 지향점을 명확히 하여야 할 것이다. 비용(예산)절감이나 조직과 인력의 감축을 통한 효율성 제고뿐만 아니라 책임성 있고 자립적인 지방정부의 구현과 분권적 국정체제 등이 전제되어야 할 것이다. 이와 더불어 지방의 특성과 여건을 반영한 부분적・단계적 전략을 사용하고, 지방정부 주도의 개혁추진이 이루어지도록 해야 한다. 셋째, 지방이해관계집단과의 관계 측면에서 자치계층구조의 개혁은 지역주민의 투표에 의해 추진여부가 결정되는 만큼 지역주민의 지지를 확보하는 것이 중요하고, 이를 위해 지방공직자의 적극적인 역할을 유도해야 한다. [주제어: 자치계층구조, 단층제, 제주특별자치도] Factors for Successful Reorganization of Local Government Structure in the United Kingdom and South Korea ----------------------------------------- Ha Hyue Su This paper examines several factors for successful reorganization of local government structure in the United Kingdom and South Korea. First of all, concerned with the role of central government the paper shows that both key political actors such as the president or ministers and the politically independent organization like Local Government Commission for England exert an important influence on the successful reorganization of local government structure. Second, with regards to the strategic relationship of central-local governments, the central government should clarify the macro goal and directions for the reorganization of local government structure in the future. Reorganization of the local government structure would be directed toward the creation of a responsible, self-reliant local government which contributes to the decentralized national governance system than toward the enhancement of immediate efficiency of local governments. In addition, it should be step by step driven, while leading local governments to formulate a master plan for the reorganization which reflect socio-economic, geographic conditions. Finally, the reorganization of the local government structure needs to qualify the support of local residents and local public employees.

      • Relationship between the Changes in Policy Tools of the Central Government and the Local Fiscal Structure: Focused on the Changes in the Transaction Taxes

        Lee, Miae,Seo, Inseok World Association for Triple Helix and Future Stra 2017 Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia Vol.16 No.1

        This study aimed to determine the changes in the local fiscal structure brought about by the change in the transaction tax, including the acquisition tax, by the central government. The review of the analysis results proved the following. First, the government's transaction tax exemption policy effectively influenced the expansion of the local fiscal budget. Transaction tax exemptions such as acquisition tax exemptions would not contribute to the expansion of the local fiscal budget in the short run, but may do so in the long run. Second, the review of the effect of the transaction tax exemption policy by the central government on the local fiscal structure confirmed that its impact on the local fiscal structure may vary depending on the timing of such tax exemption. Third, the overall local fiscal structure as a result of the transaction tax exemption by the central government was confirmed to have been influenced more by the fiscal capability of the local government than by the income level of the local residents. In conclusion, the stimulation of real estate transactions using tax tools may positively influence the overall fiscal structure of local governments, but it would also put pressure on the fiscal management of local governments because it is largely influenced by the fiscal capability of the local governments.

      • KCI등재

        지방정부의 권력구조와 재정지출정향

        권경환(Gyeong Hoan Kwon) 서울행정학회 2005 한국사회와 행정연구 Vol.16 No.3

        This study focuses on analyzing the impacts of the power structure of Korean local governments on the spending patterns of local public expenditures by using panel data of 195 local governments from 1996 through 2001. In this study, the construct 'power structure' was conceptually defined as the structure of policy role between the local government chief and the council, and then it was operationalized into dummy variable 'Domin'(chief-dominant pattern=1, chlef -nondorninant pattern=0) through the scale composed of the suggestion of ordinances and the oversights such as audit, inspection and interpellation. Some other variables(the third variables) except power structure variable that are expected to affect Korean local expenditures were included in the model as independent variables, and the expenditures related to growth policy, welfare policy, and development policy were operationalized into dependent variables on the basis of the literature review, the theories that explain the changes of local public expenditures, and the annual expenditure items. The empirical results indicated that chief-dominant-type governments had more expenses related to growth policy than chief-nondominant-type governments. The increase of growth expenditures may possible because local government chiefs very sensitive to any structural vulnerability of our local finance took interest in growth policy to revitalize local economy, to secure financial resources useful to carrying out commitment projects, and to increase in tax revenues through the aftereffects of the extension of corporate earnings.

      • KCI등재후보

        영국의 지방행정체제 개편

        김권일(Kwonil KIM) 한국국가법학회 2021 국가법연구 Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구는 영국 지방자치단체에 대한 지방행정체제 개편 사례를 살펴보고 우리나라 지방행정 체제 개편에 있어 시사점을 도출하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 영국은 잉글랜드, 웨일즈, 스코틀랜드, 북아일랜드로 구성된 국가로 이 중 스코틀랜드, 웨일즈, 북아일랜드 지방은 지방자치 체제가 기본적으로 단일계층제이나 잉글랜드 지방의 경우에는 계층구조가 2계층, 단층제인 유니터리가 혼합되어 있다. 영국 지방자치단체 구조 변화를 살펴보면 종래 카운티와 디스트릭트 2계층 체제에서 점차 단일 계층인 유니터리에 대한 설립이 증가하고 있다. 이러한 유니터리는 기존 지방자치단체에서 유니터리로 변경하는 경우도 있지만 기존 지방자치단체를 통합하는 형태로 설립되는데, 지방자치단체 스스로 만드는 것이 아니라 정부와 위원회 등을 통한 일정한 절차를 거친다. 영국에서는 정당의 공약에 따른 자치단체 개편으로 그 법적 정당성 확보, 선거를 통한 의사의 결정 등으로 법적 근거 및 법적 추진력이 담보된 상황에서 자치단체 개편이 추진되었다. 또한 추진과정에서 반대론자를 극복하고 주민의견 수렴에 있어 합리적인 방법 등이 동원되어 구조 개편에 추진력을 얻을 수 있었다. 우리나라의 지방자치단체 행정통합 등 행정체제 개편에 있어서 영국의 사례를 참조하여 국가주도의 행정통합, 주민 의견수렴 방식 등에 대한 시사점을 참고할 필요가 있다. The aim of this study is to look at examples of local administration reform for local authorities in the UK and to draw implications for local administration reform in our country. The United Kingdom consists of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland have a single-tier structure by default, while England has a two-tier structure and a single-tier structure. Looking at changes in the structure of local governments in the UK, the establishment of a single-tier, Unitary Authority, is gradually increasing in the existing two-tier county and district systems. Such Unitary Authority is sometimes changed from existing local governments to Unitary Authority, but it is also established in the form of integrating existing local governments. It is not made by local governments themselves, but goes through certain procedures through the government and committees. In the United Kingdom, political party commitments to reorganise municipalities ensure legal legitimacy. In addition, the reorganization of local governments will be carried out while legal momentum has been gained through the decision of doctors through elections. In addition, reasonable methods are used to overcome opponents in the process of gathering opinions from residents. It is necessary to refer to this example of the United Kingdom in reforming the administrative system of local government administration in our country.

      • KCI등재

        과소군 지방행정체제 개편의 논거와 대안

        정정화 한국지방자치학회 2020 韓國地方自治學會報 Vol.32 No.2

        This study suggests the rationale and alternatives for the reform of the local government structure of depopulation county when local extinction is concerned due to the rapid population decline. Among the eight reform alternatives derived based on the status of depopulation county, town, and township, three alternatives are suggested on a comprehensive review of feasibility and effectiveness. First, the “self-governing town and township” type is to convert the depopulation county into an administrative agency and appoint a head of a local government (i.e., governor) from the upper government. This type has great significance in implementing resident autonomy by forming neighborhood town and township government by the residents and reviving self-governing town and township, which was introduced in the early days of local government. Second, the “institutional integration” type is to transform the institutional form of depopulation county from institutional separation to institutional integration. In this type, town and township do not form a local council but reorganize them into a quasi-local government where the head of a local government is elected by the residents. This type is considered to be the most feasible in that it complements the self-governing town and township while maintaining the status of the depopulation county as the current local government. Third, the “coalition government of town and township” type is to implement self-governing town and township while the depopulation county is constructed in the form of the coalition government of town and township (special-purpose local government). This type is considered as the most innovative autonomous model. The finding of this study is meaningful in that we present an autonomous model that conforms to local characteristics by introducing various autonomous classes (e.g., single-tier system and three-tier system) as well as diversifying the organization of local government through the reform of local government structure. 본 연구는 급격한 인구감소로 인해 ‘지방소멸’이 우려되는 상황에서 과소군의 지방행정체제 개편의논거와 대안을 제시하였다. 과소군 및 읍면의 지위를 기준으로 도출한 8개 개편 대안 가운데 실현가능성과 효과성 등을 종합적으로 검토하여 세가지 유형을 제시하였다. 첫째, ‘읍면자치형’은 과소군을 행정기관으로 전환해 상위정부에서 단체장을 임명하고, 읍면자치를실시하는 방안이다. 이 유형은 지방자치 초창기에 도입했던 읍면자치를 부활해 주민들이 직접 읍면근린정부를 구성해 풀뿌리 주민자치를 구현하는데 가장 큰 의미가 있다. 둘째, ‘기관통합형’은 과소군의기관구성 형태를 현재의 기관대립형에서 기관통합형으로 전환하고, 읍면은 의회는 구성하지 않고 단체장을 주민 직선으로 선출해 준자치단체로 개편하는 방안이다. 이 유형은 과소군의 지위를 현행대로 자치단체로 유지하면서 읍면자치를 보완하고 있다는 점에서 실현가능성이 가장 높은 대안으로 평가된다. 셋째, ‘읍면연합정부형’은 읍면자치를 실시하면서 과소군은 읍면연합정부(특별지방자치단체) 형태로구성하는 방안이다. 이 유형은 가장 획기적이며 새로운 자치모델로 평가된다. 본 연구는 과소군의 지방행정체제 개편을 통해 지방정부의 기관구성 다양화는 물론 3층제, 단층제 등다양한 자치계층을 도입함으로써 지역 특성에 부합하는 자치모델을 제시하였다는 점에 의의가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Fe60Si40 기계적 합금의 자성 및 미세구조분석

        양동석,유성초,김봉수,성현석,이신욱,정재헌,조은상,홍정아 한국물리학회 2009 새물리 Vol.58 No.6

        The relationship between the local structure and the magnetic properties for Mechanically - alloyed Fe60Si40 was investigated. The mechanical alloying process was conducted by milling an Fe-Si mixed powder for 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 hours. The long - range order in the crystalline state was examined by using X-ray diffraction, and the short - range order in the noncrystalline solids was examined by using the extended X-ray absorption fine structure. The diffraction peaks decreased gradually as the milling time was increased. The EXAFS analysis showed that the BCC shells of the Fe cluster decreased gradually and that the local structure was changed completely in 12 hours. We found the reduction in the saturation magnetization to be related to a reduction in the number of Fe-Fe bonds in the local structure. 기계적 합금법으로 제조된 Fe60Si40의 미세구조 및 자기적 특성을 분석하여 구조 및 자기적 특성과의 관련성을 조사하였다. 기계적 합금화 시간은 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24이었으며 각 시료의 구조는 XRD 및 EXAFS에 의해 분석되었다. XRD 분석에 의하여 시료의 long range order이 조사되었고, EXAFS에 의하여 시료의 local structure가 조사되었다. XRD 분석 결과 1시간 이내에 시료들의 Si peak들이 현저히 줄어들었다. EXAFS 분석 결과 12시간이 지나면서 시료의 local structure가 바뀌기 시작하여 24시간이 지났을 때 local structure는 최초 시료의 구조와 전혀 다른 구조가 관측되었다. 이것으로 기계적 합금법에 의하여 Fe60Si40 합금이 12시간에 형성됨을 확인하였다. 시료의 자기적 특성은 VSM에 의해 측정되었고 시료의 자화는 기계화합금 시간이 경과함에 따라 점차 감소하였고, 기계화 합금 시간이 12시간 경과하였을 때 시료의 자화 값은 거의 변화하지 않는 것을 관측하였다. EXAFS 분석 결과 포화자화 값의 감소와 local structure에서 Fe-Fe결합의 감소와 밀접한 관련이 있음을 확인하였다.

      • 지방행정체제개편 논의의 쟁점과 문제점

        심익섭(Shim Ik-Sup) 경기연구원 2008 경기논단 Vol.10 No.4

        Reorganization of the local government structure would be directed toward the creation of a responsible, self-reliant local government which contributes to the decentralized national governance system than toward the enhancement of immediate efficiency of local governments. In addition, it should be step by step driven, while leading local governments to formulate a master plan for the reorganization which reflect socio-economic, geographic, and politico-administrative conditions. This paper examines framing analysis and several factors for successful reorganization of local government structure in Korea. First of all, concerned with the role of central government the paper shows that both key political actors such as the president and the politically independent organization exert an important influence on the reorganization of local government structure. Second, with regards to the strategic relationship of central-local governments (IGR), the central government should clarify the macro goal and directions for the reorganization of local government structure in the future. Third, the reorganization of the local government structure needs to qualify the support of local residents and the Korean nation.

      • KCI등재

        Local Strain-Based Low-Cycle Fatigue Assessment of Joint Structure in Steel Truss Bridges During Earthquakes

        Chao Jiang,Takeshi Hanji,Kazuo Tateishi,Masaru Shimizu 한국강구조학회 2020 International Journal of Steel Structures Vol.20 No.5

        During the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, a truss bridge joint structure was cracked due to large cyclic deformation, making us recognize the importance of assessing the seismic performance of joint structures in truss bridges from the viewpoint of low-cycle fatigue. In this study, seismic response analysis of an actual deck truss bridge was performed under diff erent seismic waves, and local strain behavior generated at welded joints around a joint structure was clarifi ed using a zooming analysis technique. The results revealed the possibility that welded joints for a lateral gusset-plate in a joint structure can be cracking sites during earthquakes. In addition, it was indicated that seismic isolation bearings can signifi cantly reduce the local strain at the joint structure and improve its low-cycle fatigue performance. Moreover, as a simple countermeasure, weld toe treatment by grinding is also eff ective to decrease the possibility of low-cycle fatigue cracking at the joint structure.

      • KCI등재

        Influence of exterior joint effect on the inter-story pounding interaction of structures

        Maria J. Favvata,Chris G. Karayannis,Asterios A. Liolios 국제구조공학회 2009 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.33 No.2

        The seismic induced interaction between multistory structures with unequal story heights (inter-story pounding) is studied taking into account the local response of the exterior beam-column joints. Although several parameters that influence the structural pounding have been studied sofar, the role of the joints local inelastic behaviour has not been yet investigated in the literature as key parameter for the pounding problem. Moreover, the influence of the infill panels as an additional parameter for the local damage effect of the joints on the inter-story pounding phenomenon is examined. Thirty six interaction cases between a multistory frame structure and an adjacent shorter and stiffer structure are studied for two different seismic excitations. The results are focused: (a) on the local response of the critical external column of the multistory structure that suffers the hit from the slab of the adjacent shorter structure, and (b) on the local response of the exterior beam-column joints of the multistory structure. Results of this investigation demonstrate that the possible local inelastic response of the exterior joints may be in some cases beneficial for the seismic behaviour of the critical column that suffers the impact. However, in all the examined cases the developing demands for deformation of the exterior joints are substantially increased and severe damages can be observed due to the pounding effect. The presence of the masonry infill panels has also been proved as an important parameter for the response of the exterior beam-column joints and thus for the safety of the building. Nevertheless, in all the examined inter-story pounding cases the presence of the infills was not enough for the total amelioration of the excessive demands for shear and ductility of the column that suffers the impact.


        Influence of exterior joint effect on the inter-story pounding interaction of structures

        Favvata, Maria J.,Karayannis, Chris G.,Liolios, Asterios A. Techno-Press 2009 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.33 No.2

        The seismic induced interaction between multistory structures with unequal story heights (inter-story pounding) is studied taking into account the local response of the exterior beam-column joints. Although several parameters that influence the structural pounding have been studied sofar, the role of the joints local inelastic behaviour has not been yet investigated in the literature as key parameter for the pounding problem. Moreover, the influence of the infill panels as an additional parameter for the local damage effect of the joints on the inter-story pounding phenomenon is examined. Thirty six interaction cases between a multistory frame structure and an adjacent shorter and stiffer structure are studied for two different seismic excitations. The results are focused: (a) on the local response of the critical external column of the multistory structure that suffers the hit from the slab of the adjacent shorter structure, and (b) on the local response of the exterior beam-column joints of the multistory structure. Results of this investigation demonstrate that the possible local inelastic response of the exterior joints may be in some cases beneficial for the seismic behaviour of the critical column that suffers the impact. However, in all the examined cases the developing demands for deformation of the exterior joints are substantially increased and severe damages can be observed due to the pounding effect. The presence of the masonry infill panels has also been proved as an important parameter for the response of the exterior beam-column joints and thus for the safety of the building. Nevertheless, in all the examined inter-story pounding cases the presence of the infills was not enough for the total amelioration of the excessive demands for shear and ductility of the column that suffers the impact.

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