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        문학공간을 활용한 장소마케팅 방안: 종로지역을 사례로

        이은숙,정희선,장은미 국토지리학회 2007 국토지리학회지 Vol.41 No.1

        본 연구에서는 문학공간을 체계적으로 발굴하여 일반 사람들이 한 장소의 특성을 다각도로 체험하고, 장소에 대한 이해를 넓히며, 동시에 장소마케팅의 수단으로 활용할 수 있는 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 문학공간을 활용한 장소마케팅의 강점은 특정 장소에 대한 대중의 관심과 방문을 효과적으로 유도할 수 있다는 점, 다양한 유형의 공간 기술을 바탕으로 한 장소 이미지 형성, 장소성 형성 과정에 대한 이해 증진, 장소에 대한 기억 형성과 의미 체험에서 찾아볼 수 있다. 더욱이 문학공간을 활용한 장소마케팅은 문화산업의 발달, 문화소비층의 확대, 유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 및 위치기반서비스 기술의 발달 등에 기인하여 그 응용범위가 확대되고 있으며, 지리교육·문학교육으로서의 유용성이 커서 지속적 장소발전전략으로 성공가능성이 크다. 종로지역 문학공간을 활용한 장소마케팅 방안으로는 문학공간 답사코스 개발, 문학관 설립, 작가와 문학작품을 활용한 이벤트 개발, 문학공간 커뮤니티 사이트 구축 등의 하드웨어적 자원과 소프트웨어적 자원 개발이 고려될 수 있다. 문학공간을 활용한 장소마케팅의 성공을 위해서는 지방정부의 정책·제도·재정 상의 지원과 지역주민의 참여가 필수적이며, 지방정부, 지역단체, 지역주민의 네트워킹과 파트너쉽에 바탕을 둔 추진주체와 지역의 자연·인문환경, 역사적 발전과정, 장소성 등에 맞는 추진목표가 설정되어야 한다. This paper aims to develop strategic ways of place marketing utilizing literary space as a case study of Jongno area in Seoul. Literary space shapes positive images of place, enables readers to share individual experiences and values of place, delivers the meanings of a certain environment, increases the level of awareness of specific places, and defines unique identities of place. The strengths of place marketing based on literary space, therefore, can be found from the fact that literary space is able to easily attract visitors to certain places, to form positive images of place on the basis of various descriptions of place in literary works, to increase the level of understanding the placeness-forming process, and to create a strong memory of place. Service methods of providing information on literary space are getting diversified mainly owing to the development of culture industry and technologies related to location-based services and ubiquitous computing along with the diversification of leisure activities. Strategic ways of place marketing utilizing literary space include not only expanding physical resources but also inventing event programs, such as organizing literary tour programs, establishing literary museums, developing event programs with elements related to novelists, poets, and literary works, and building literary community sites on the internet. Institutional as well as financial supports from local governments and active participation of local residents in place marketing practices are the most essential factors of successful place marketing in addition to forming public-private partnerships and establishing clear goals of regional development.

      • KCI등재

        분단 접경지역 문학공간의 의미

        박덕규(Park Duk-kyu),이은주(Lee Eun-joo) 우리문학회 2014 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.43

        문학공간은 대상지역이 함유하고 있는 다른 장소자산과 결합해 그 지역의 역사와 문화에 대한 기억을 회상하고 보전하고 재생산하는 동력으로 작용한다. 특히 근대소설에서 그것은 근현대사의 문화적 기억에 대한 공동체적 동질성을 확보하게 해준다. 6ㆍ25전쟁의 중단으로 그어진 군사분계선을 중심으로 한 분단 접경지역은 한국 사회에서 특별한 사회문화적 상징성을 띤 공간이라 할 수 있다. 한국문학 또한 이 공간을 배경으로 하는 많은 작품을 생산해 왔다. 본 논문은 지리적으로 분단 접경지역의 중심이라 할 수 있는 강원도 철원을 배경으로 하는 소설 작품의 공간성에 주목해 그것의 의미를 탐색하고 있다. 삶의 배경으로서의 철원의 지명과 건물을 작중 배경으로 하는 이들 문학작품들은 사멸되어 가는 개인적 체험적 기억을 문화적 기억으로 이행시켜 준다. 철원은 광복 이전부터 현재까지 다양한 작품의 공간으로 제공되어 왔다. 이곳에서 태어나 자란 이태준의 다수의 작품을 비롯해서 1970년대 이후 활약한 유재용, 임동헌, 이현의 주요 작품들의 배경이 바로 철원 일원을 공간 배경으로 하고 있다. 이태준의 작품은 주로 광복 이전의 구철원읍과 안협, 용담을 주무대로 하고 있다. 유재용의 작품 다수는 창성(창도)을 중심으로 한 분단 접경지역을 배경으로 하고 있는데 그중 특히 「달빛과 폐허」는 민통선 안의 구철원읍을 무대로 하고 있다. 이현의 작품도 구철원읍을, 임동헌의 작품은 현재의 민통선 마을을 배경으로 하고 있다. 이태준의 작품들은 근대와 전근대의 생활양식이 공존하는 삶의 현장으로서의 철원을 묘사한다. 당시 철원은 일제의 수탈로 낙원에서 실낙원으로 전락해가는 공간으로 설정된다. 땅을 가지지 못한 인물들은 이 공간을 떠날 수밖에 없다. 이때 철원은 땅을 토대로 한 삶의 공간이라는 의미로 부각된다. 일본 제국주의에 대한 작가의 비판적 인식은 이러한 공간에 대한 특별한 인식을 통해 드러나고 있다. 다음, 유재용의 1970년대 후반 작품들과 이현의 작품은 공산치하 접경지역이라는 공간 배경에서 각 계층의 욕망이 충돌하는 혼돈의 비극을 드러낸다. 이때, 몰수에 이은 무상분배, 그로부터의 상실의 자리에서 배태되는 새 체제에 대한 희망이라는 스토리라인이 형성되면서 작품의 공간적 의미가 부각된다. 한편, 민통선 마을을 공간 배경으로 하는 임동헌의 작품과 유재용의 또 다른 작품은 분단의 현실을 구체적으로 드러내면서 그 공간 배경에 내재된 유구한 역사와의 소통을 기반으로 분단을 극복하는 정신적 근거를 마련해 보이고 있다. 이 역시 이들 작품이 지니는 문학공간이 지니는 특별한 의미라 할 수 있다. A literary space combined with other place asset of target area works as a motive to remember, maintain and regenerate the memories for history and culture of that area. Especially in modern novels, it can secure communal homogeneity for cultural memories of modern and contemporary history. Divided border area around the DMZ built the result of Korean War is a special place in Korea which has a sociocultural symbolism. Korean literary has produced lots of works based on this area. This study has focused in spatiality of novels based on Cheolwon, Gangwon-do as it could be center of divided border area geologically and has searched its cultural meaning. These literary works using the place name and buildings in Cheolwon as a background of life can convert the dying personal experienced memories to cultural memories. Cheolwon has become a space of various literary works from pre-liberation to present. The main literary space of Lee Tae-joon who was born and grown-up in Cheolwon, Yoo Jae-yong, Lim Dong-hun and Lee Hyun who actively engaged in post 1970s was around Cheolwon area. The main stage of Lee Tae-joon’s works were Pre-liberation old Cheolwon, Anhyup and Yongdam. Yoo Jae-yong’s many works were based on divided border area around the Changsung(Changdo) and especially “Moon Light and Ruins” was based on old Cheolwon inside Civilian Control Line. Lee Hyun’s works were based on old Cheolwon and Lim Dong-hun’s works were based on current Civilian Control Line Village. Lee Tae-joon’s works described Cheolwon as a scene of life co-existing the pre-modern and modern life-style. At that time, Cheolwon was set the changing space from Paradise to Paradise Lost cause by Japanese exploitation. Those persons without land had to leave and Cheolwon was focused as the living space based on land. The author’s critical recognition against our old intellectual at that time and Japanese Imperialism was revealed through this special recognition for space. Next, the literary space of Yoo Jae-yong’s works in second half of 1970s and Lee Hyun’s works exposed tragedy of chaos crashing with desire of all social standings based on geological characteristic of communist-run border area. And at that time, a new storyline was made from forfeiture, free distribution and the hope to new social system generated from lost space and accordingly spatial meaning was focused. On the other hand, the literary space of Lim Dong-hun’s and Yoo Jae-yong’s work based on Civilian Control Line was space showing the divided reality. And further it arranged the spiritual base included in spatial background to overcome the division through the communication with eternal history. This also could be the special cultural meaning of literary space of these works.

      • KCI등재

        민족문학과 세계문학의 역학: 제임스 조이스를 중심으로

        오길영 ( Gil Young Oh ) 한국근대영미소설학회 2011 근대 영미소설 Vol.18 No.2

        This essay aims at exploring Joyce`s literary project as an excellent example which compromises the tension and opposition of national literature and world literature, drawing on Pascale Casanova`s provocative study of world literary space. Casanova`s The World Republic of Letters has the merit of analyzing insightfully the unequal structure of the global literary market. Her work proffers a critical weapon in the service of all deprived and dominated writers on the periphery. This paper purposes to deal with the issues of international literary competition and the asymmetrical mechanism in the world literary space. Casanova demonstrates a detailed analysis in this ground-breaking work on the meaning of world literary space as a hegemonic site for fierce rivalries and the desire of recognition among various national literature with different competitive powers. As Joyce`s case exemplifies, entry into world literary space based on the unequal hegemonic relationship between the center and the periphery occurs in the area of international canonicity. Joyce`s case is an illustrative case which offers a critical assessment of deconstructive projects to subvert the center with valorized peripheries, and eventually the re-shaping of world literary space. Joyce chooses a strategy of dual refusal. He rejects not only the submission to colonial power that exile in London as a literary center along with Paris would have represented, but equally any display of conformity to the national literary norms of Ireland. He was free to carry out an enterprise of unprecedented and novelty. Joyce opened up a literary connection to Paris, thus providing a solution for all those who rejected the colonial alternative of retreat to Dublin or treasonous emigration to London like Yeats. With Joyce (and later Beckett), Irish literature was constituted in terms of a triangle of capitals formed by London, Dublin, and especially Paris. This literary triangle was less geographic than aesthetic and that had been imagined and created in the space of European literature in Joyce`s time. Joyce`s dual opposition to Dublin and London was spatial as well as literary. He refuses to obey either the law of London or that of Dublin. He chose exile on the continent in order to produce an Irish literature in his own terms and established a new space for his imagined Irish literature in the republic of European literature.

      • KCI등재

        신동엽 문학공간의 에듀테인먼트 활용 연구

        김수복 ( Soo Bok Kim ) 한국언어문화학회 2011 한국언어문화 Vol.0 No.44

        Edutainment is meaningful that induce lifelong study and active participation in the knowledge-based society in 21st century. Although some courses already have tried a related research, a result has been unsatisfactory and it was not actively discussed in literature education. This research focus on locality and dynamics of literary space and try to suggest edutainment plans which allow personal experiences. The research divide Shin Dong-yup`s literary space into historical space, popular·actual space, and mythical?archetypal space and examine educational value that each space has. The possibilities of integrated education between literature and history are suggested through historical space. Moreover, popular?actual space and mythical·archetypal space indicate recognition of reality and creative methodology which can be applied to education for creative writing. Three suggestions are proposed; ``an experiential learning applying storytelling``, ``a museum of literature as literary theme park``, and ``a creation of paintings of fairy tale and learning comics``. First, an epic 〈Geumgang〉 is selected as the work that can be used in ``an experiential learning applying to storytelling`` since it includes plentiful illustrative factor, educational and thematic factor. It is considered that easiness of experiential learning and the connection with other cultural contents. Moreover, a model for experiential learning using storytelling of 〈Geumgang〉. The model is organized for integrated study of history and literature and, in particular, the role of fields experts are emphasized. That is, two fields experts play in costumes as ``Shin, Ha-nui`` and ``Jeon, Bong-joon`` who are leading characters in 〈Geumgang〉 and it will incite learners effectively. The second suggestion is construction of a museum of literature as literary theme park which maximizes the effect of an experiential learning and originates related cultural contents. The museum of Shin Dong-yups`s literature would be classified into ``Geumgang Theme park``, ``Choraechung Them park``, and ``Azalea Them park`` and his poems would also be arranged into each theme park. For active operation of museum, a cultural performance and a management of cyber-literary-museum could be suggested. Shin`s poetical drama 〈A Shade dug in lips〉 and his operetta 〈Seokga Pagoda〉 can be applied for cultural performance. The videos of poetry recitation and cultural performance, information about augmented points, and web communities can be offered through cyber-literary-museum. The third is a creation of paintings of fairy tale and learning comics. It can make practical application of learning comics. There would be works that deal with Shin`s lifetime and that deal with his dramatized poems. The participation of experts, who are literary researcher, storyteller, illustrator, and educator, is crucial in the process of creation. All this proposals are suggested through personal experience in educational field and local research. This research proposal is worthy of notice since it is very feasible in practical way.

      • KCI등재

        국문학계와 지리학계의 문학지리학 연구동향과 전망

        권혁래 ( Kwon Hyeok-rae ) 경희대학교 인문학연구원 2021 인문학연구 Vol.- No.47

        This thesis examines recent trends in literary geography research being conducted in the fields of Korean literature and geography, and discusses research prospects. In the study of the literary space of the geography research, the direction of the research topic has changed from ‘explanation of the landscape and grasping geographic information ’ to ‘focusing on the dynamics and product value of the literary space ’ . In addition, I reviewed the research cases of place marketing, DB work in literature space, and information and communication utilization. In literary research, it is found that research on sense of place and image space through literary space, educational use cases, travel literature and travel experiences are actively taking place. The prospect of research on literary geography needs to be found in terms of first, in-depth interpretation of literary space’s sense of place, storytelling based on this, and use of contents. Second, a geography researcher and a Korean literature researcher comprehensively grasp the literary space and do dictionary work and database work. It is necessary to work together to produce digital contents using information and communication technology. In terms of research, utilization, and expression of literary geography, it is necessary for literature researchers, geography researchers, cultural contents studies, tourism management studies, humanities and information science researchers to discuss, collaborate, and conduct fusion research. In this case, practical research results of literary geography research will come out.

      • KCI등재

        종로 문학공간의 데이터베이스 구축방안

        이은숙(Eunsook Lee),김일림(Il-Rim Kim),정희선(Heesun Cheong) 한국문화역사지리학회 2007 문화 역사 지리 Vol.19 No.2

          본 연구의 목적은 종로지역의 문화컨텐츠 개발로서 문학공간을 발굴하고, 그것을 데이터베이스로 구축하는데 있다. 종로지역을 사례지역으로 선정한 이유는 이 지역이 조선시대에 북악산, 인왕산, 낙산의 자연능선을 따라 만들어진 도성 안 부분으로서 근ㆍ현대를 거치면서 많은 문인들의 흔적이 남아있는 공간이며, 다양한 문학 작품 속에 생생하게 묘사되었기 때문이다. 본 연구의 결과는 종로지역 작품의 배경이 된 소설과 시로부터 작품 중심 문학공간, 작가 중심 문학공간, 가시적 문학공간을 발굴하여 데이터베이스를 구축하였다. 그 선정기준은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중ㆍ고등학교 국어와 문학 교재에 포함된 작가들과 그들의 작품, 둘째, 대학교양 국어 교재 속의 작품, 셋째, 교육부와 신문 필독도서에 포함된 작가들과 그들의 작품, 넷째, 문학사조와 관련된 주요 작가들과 그들의 작품을 포함하였다. 결국 본 연구목적은 종로지역의 문학공간을 데이터베이스로 구축한 독창적인 실험모델로서 다른 지역에 선행모델을 제시해주고자 한다.   This research aims to establish databases of information on literary space and to develop literary space as a case study of Jongno area in Seoul. In this research, databases of information on literary space, including literary works, memorials and writers related to Jongno area are constructed in order to establish providing information on Jongno literary space. The criterion of this study are as follows. first, literary works and writers including the national language of middle, highschool, and literary textbooks, second, literary works on national language of college educations, third, literary works and writers including a must book by Ministry of Education and newspapers, forth, literary works and the principal writers related to the tend of literature are included. This study suggests a pilot model established databases of information on literary space of Jongno area in Seoul.

      • KCI등재

        문학공간 답사를 통한 한국어 학습자의 문화교육 방안 연구

        남궁정,김경훤 한국문화융합학회 2019 문화와 융합 Vol.41 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to propose plans to promote cultural education for Korean learners through explorations of literary spaces. If learners connect literary spaces with the content of literary works, they will be able to experience Korean culture and the sentiments of the Korean people as well as understand the spaces and texts together. In other words, explorations of literary spaces will open the door to an advanced level of education in a way that surpasses simple experience- based field trips. Such explorations can also propose specific methods of practice to make literature a part of one’s life and self in that they substantialize fictional literary experiences through realistic spaces. The present study thus proposes a teaching and learning model for explorations of literary spaces. Stage 1, “understanding of literary works,” introduces the goals of the unit and consists of activities to encourage appreciation and understanding of literary works. Stage 2, “identification of literary spaces and surveying & planning,” involves identifying and surveying spaces in literary works and planning exploration schedules and activities for these literary spaces. Stage 3, “exploration of literary spaces,” offers opportunities to actually explore literary spaces, compare them with the spaces in literary works, and discover the culture of the target society in the literary spaces. Stage 4, “arrangement through criticism and discussion,” provides the following options for activities: to discuss the culture of the target society discovered in the literary spaces, criticize literary works freely based on what one felt or discovered in the literary spaces, write a travel essay about spaces based on literary works, and write a critical essay about literary works, thinking of their spaces. Cultural education for Korean learners through explorations of literary spaces holds significance in a range of areas in addition to Korean education. It can create opportunities to globally promote Korean authors, literary works, and literary. In addition, it can lead to the development of tourism content connected with literary works for Korean learners, and thus promote the vitalization of concerned areas.

      • KCI우수등재

        2015 JELL Forum on Space and Literature: A Roundtable “Why Space beyond Time Means Something in the Literary Studies?”

        ( Youngmin Kim ) 한국영어영문학회 2016 영어 영문학 Vol.62 No.3

        In the past half-century, our sense of space as physical space has been undergoing fundamental changes. From physical setting (place, region, environment, locale, landscape) to socioeconomic and political geographies (slavery, occupation, colonialism, imperialism, globalization, militarism, tourism), to lived experiences and identity categories (private, public, gender, race, religion, sexuality, class), space as an organization of society embodies the overlapping, relational networks of human societies. National boundaries are destabilized by global forces such as terrorism, climate change, the eventual depletion of fossil fuels, and the volatility of the global economy. The increasing mobility of people and cultures destabilizes the connection between geographic space and cultural identity. The pervasive influence of technology (such as robotics and computer networks) destabilizes our very definitions of physical space and the environment that we inhabit. In this context, the JELL editorial collective choose the theme “Space and Literature” along with its subtheme, “Why Space beyond Time Means Something in the Literary Studies?,” and explore space in its multiple, simultaneous, and plural manifestations, histories of practices and encounters of/with/in space and the theoretical and aesthetic articulations, disillusioned and empowering, that are constructed and mobilized around space. For this, 2015 JELL Forum on Space and Literature was held at 14: 50-16: 30 pm, at Busan-Bexco on Saturday, December 12, 2016. The Chair of the session was Prof. Robert Tally, Texas State University. Seven out of all the keynote speakers at the 2015 ELLAK Convention were invited to this roundtable on Space and Literature. Their dialogues during this roundtable were videotaped and transcribed, and the editor has slightly edited the transcription to change the awkward expressions in readable context. Biographical data and the titles and abstracts of all the discussants/keynote speakers can be found at this end of this section. The purpose of this roundtable is to extract the core of the arguments of the keynote speakers.

      • KCI등재후보

        이효석 소설의 문학공간과 활용방안

        조성경 ( Jo Seong-gyeong ) 대구가톨릭대학교 인문과학연구소 2017 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.30

        Determining the meanings of spaces revealed in literary works has an intrinsic value that cannot be dealt with separately from research on works in that it is an act of doing research on the new spaces recreated by the intention of the producers of the works and by the interpretation of the readers and in that it is a way of considering the interface where the literary actions, that is the production and consumption of literary works, can interact with each other. In this piece of writing, Lee Hyo-seok`s works were intended to be analyzed and methods of utilizing them were intended to be presented, with such a value of literary spaces in mind. As for his works, the spaces that have themes on represented spaces, authors, and works have conditions where the visitors can experience the fascinating stories as well as there is high literary and aesthetic merit intrinsic to their texts. But they are restricted to a one-off and passive view, and have an adequate value as a discussion topic. Incidentally, to secure a research achievement, his literary spaces were divided into cities and nature based on when his works were created, and the meanings of the spaces were drawn. Then methods for experience were intended to be suggested by reinterpreting the spaces. As a result, the spaces represented in his works and the meanings of them could be categorized into 2 types - first, cities that clearly showed the naked face of fast-changing times; second, nature that relaxedly (but in a definite way) helped people develop their thoughts and emotions. In addition, based on the categorization, methods of utilizing the spaces were intended to be presented. Specifically, they were assigned so they can actually be operated in the cultural industry by reviewing the examples of utilization of the existing literary spaces and by suggesting `human library` and `story bank`, which are being recently noted.

      • KCI등재

        문학교육의 활성화 방안 연구 -『이스탄불, 도시 그리고 추억』의 문학 공간 답사 콘텐츠를 중심으로 -

        이난아(Nan-A,LEE) 한국중동학회 2016 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.36 No.3

        It is undeniable that literary space is a factor of an author's life and experience. Istanbul is a city which had an extremely great influence on Orhan Pamuk's works and in which most of his works were set, making literary field investigation on it effective for understanding Orhan Pamuk and his works. Especially unlike the spaces Pamuk transformed and created in his works of fiction, actual spaces were reflected in Istanbul: Memories and the City according to the autobiographical nature of the work, offering an advantage in a sense that the field investigations on the city can let people experience the literary spaces from the work more vividly. Various literary spaces in Istanbul are more than just spaces in Pamuk's novels; they are the spaces in which the author was born and has lived to date and which have been settings of his diverse works. Hence, making field investigations on various parts of the city described in his works is one of the ways to understand the past and future of the author and Istanbul. In programs for students, encouraging students to understand the author alongside the anthropogeographical traits of the region related to the author's work by appropriately arranging the author's biographical factors and the historical, literary, geographical, and cultural inheritance-related factors of the region should precede. For deepening and expanding knowledge in the course of education, it would be desirable for the lecturers and students to participate together in activities including planning, executing, and evaluating the field investigations on literary spaces. However, as the subject of this study, Istanbul, is a city in a foreign country—which means that visiting the region can be difficult for some students—development of teaching materials and aids for achieving similar effects without an actual field investigation is necessary. Overcoming the limitations of two-dimensional contents for literary education can only be possible through proposing and actively utilizing various models of educational contents in the sphere of the humanities by preparing contents from multiple angles. With that as the basis, inducing the combination of literary space resources in which literature and space are combined and culture industry will contribute to the development of culture industry in a comprehensive sense.

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