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      • KCI우수등재

        근대계몽기 국한문체 번역문의 ‘한글토’와 한문의 ‘之’

        韓銀實(Han, Yinshi) 국어국문학회 2021 국어국문학 Vol.- No.196

        국한문체 번역문의 한글토는 번역자에 의해 한문의 구절, 단어 등 성분들 뒤에 추가된 것과 한문 원문의 ‘之’와 같은 문법 요소로부터 번역된 것으로 나눌 수 있다. 번역자가 한문 문법 요소를 어떻게 번역하느냐에 따라 다양한 국한문체 유형들이 형성된다. 고한문의 ‘之’는 한국어의 지시대명사, 관형격 조사 ‘의’, 관형사형 어미 ‘-ㄴ, -는’, 주격 조사 ‘이/가’ 등에 해당된다. 한국어 어순에 가까운 번역문에서는 ‘之’가 더 이상 번역문에 나타나지 않는다. 이것은 한국어 어순을 이루는 과정에서 ‘之’가 문장 성분들의 관계를 나타내주는 역할을 하거나 번역 과정에서 생략되는 경우가 대부분이기 때문이다. 한국어 어순을 이루지 못하고, ‘한문 문장체’, ‘한문 구절체’, ‘한문 단어체’ 등 다양한 글쓰기 형태가 혼재되어 있어 일관된 번역 양상을 보이지 않는 번역문에서는 ‘之’에 대한 번역에 있어서도 혼란상을 보인다. 이러한 특징을 보이는 번역문들에는 ‘之’를 번역문에 그대로 남겨두는 경우가 있는가 하면 그것을 기계적으로 ‘의’로 번역하는 경우, ‘之’의 역할에 따라 관형격 조사나 관형사형 어미, 주격 조사 등으로 정확하게 번역하는 경우도 있다. “Hangle-to” in translated Korean-Chinese writings can be divided into two types according to different translators’ works. One is what is added to a Chinese phrase or word, and the other is what is translated from grammatical elements as “之” in Chinese writings. The methods which are used to translate Chinese grammar elements are different, thus the forms of Korean-Chinese writings are also varied. “之” from ancient Chinese writings can take many roles in Korean ones, such as demonstrative pronoun, article auxiliary “-e”, suffix of article “-n, -neun”, subject auxiliary “-i/-ka”, and so on. “之” won’t be seen in a translated Korean-Chinese writing when its grammatical order of the sentences is closed to that in Korean sentences. That is because in Korean writings, “之” has usually been omitted or substituted by other grammatical relations which are performed by different parts of the sentences. However, the translated forms of “之” will appear to be varied and confused when the sentences in Korean-Chinese writings are not in a Korean grammatical order and mixed with different types of Chinese sentences, phrases and words. In such sentences, “之” will be used in its own Chinese form, or just be technically translated into “-e”, or be accurately translated into article auxiliary, suffix of article, subject auxiliary, and so on.

      • KCI등재

        한글을 이용한 중국어 교육 방안 연구(1)

        정원수(Jeong Won-soo) 우리말글학회 2009 우리말 글 Vol.47 No.-

        Hangeul alphabets can be the writing system for Chinese language education. The Korean writing system is based on the doctrines of Eumyang (Yin-Yang) and Ohaeng (the five primary elements). Hangeul embraces many aspects of ancient Asian wisdom and can be called a ‘philosophical system’. The first aspect is the Way of Three Powers, which explains the most important three powers of the universe based on Yin-Yang doctrine. In Korean alphabet, heaven is symbolized by a round dot: ‘?’. Likewise, the earth is represented by a letter "ㅡ." Lastly, man is denoted by the ‘ㅣ’ character. These three symbols are the basic elements of vowels in the Korean alphabet system. Meanwhile, Korean consonants are formulated based on the doctrines of Ohaeng. The five primary elements of this doctrine are manifested by five principle consonant characters: velar sound ㄱ, alveolar sound ㄴ, labial sound ㅁ, dental sound ㅅ, and glottal sound o. By combining these core characters or adding strokes to the core characters, the Korean alphabet system can denote literally endless consonant sounds.

      • KCI등재

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