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      • KCI등재

        Fusion research on gender differences of MOBA gamers and preference factors of PLEX theoretical model

        펑명연,조동민 한국전시산업융합연구원 2022 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.40 No.3

        Statistics on the number of video game players show that the ratio of male to female players is close to 1:1. But in MOBA games, there are almost twice as many male players as female players. To this end, this study starts from the literature review of MOBA games and gender differences and finds that the gender differences of players will affect the preference needs of game experience. However, specific preference demand elements have not been studied from the perspective of the PLEX theoretical model. The PLEX theoretical model is 22 interesting elements provided by Arrasvuori J for game designers based on players' psychological cognition. These elements can evoke player expectations and preferences. The 22 elements are Fellowship, Suffering, Captivation, Challenge, Control, Competition, Humor, Nurture, Expression, Sympathy, Fantasy, Control, Relaxation, Sensation, Exploration, Thrill, Submission, Discovery, Simulation, Eroticism, Cruelty, Subversion. This theoretical model is widely used as a design principle and game evaluation method in game design, product design, and user experience. Especially in recent years, game designers often combine the PLEX theoretical model with player experience preferences for fusion research. Therefore, this paper takes the PLEX theoretical model as the research starting point and selects MOBA games with large differences in the number of male and female players as the research object. The purpose is to combine the gender differences of MOBA game players with the PLEX theoretical model. The empirical results and content of this paper are as follows: Gender differences affect competition, completion, and humor choices. Men have the highest preference for competitive elements in games, while women prefer humor. Therefore, this paper suggests that game designers can enhance the humor element in MOBA game design to attract female players from the perspective of the PLEX theoretical model, to solve the problem of more male players than female players. In addition, the fusion research results of this paper can also play a positive theoretical guiding role in the development of related games that take the gender needs of players and female players as potential development objects. This article also provides opinions to help MOBA game users and game developers' satisfaction experience for better future development and research games.

      • KCI등재후보

        Designing female-oriented computer games : Emotional expression

        稅琳琳(Lin-Lin Shui),이원정(Won-Jung Lee) 한국만화애니메이션학회 2010 만화애니메이션연구 Vol.- No.20

        최근 여성 게이머의 수가 급속히 증가하면서, 전자 게임 산업계에서는 아직 상당 부분 미 개척된 여성 시장을 공략할 방법을 모색하기 시작했다. 중국 인터넷 네트워크 정보 센터(CNNIC)에서 최근 발표한 게임시장 조사보고서에 따르면, 중국 내 전체 게이머의 수는 2009년에 24.8%가 증가한 69,130,000명에 이르며, 이 중 거의 40%에 이르는 38.9%가 여성 게이머이다. 중국 상하이의 I리서치 회사에서 작성한 일련의 연구 보고서는 2003년에서 2009년 사이에 여성 게이머가 8%에서 49% 이상으로 급격히 증가하였다는 것을 보여주고 있다. 이는 과거에 게임 제작 회사들이 남성 게이머에게 얼마나 신경을 쏟았는지 그리고 여성 게이머를 얼마나 간과해왔는가와 상관없이, 게임회사들은 이제 이러한 현실에 직면해야하고, 이에 맞춰 마케팅 정책을 바꿔나가야 한다는 것을 의미한다. 본 연구에서는 첫째 비디오 게임에서의 성별에 따른 선호 요소를 분석하여, 남성 게이머들은 전자 게임을 하면서 공격, 폭력, 경쟁, 빠른 동작의 요소에 더욱 끌리는 반면, 여성 게이머들은 인물의 관계를 이해하는 게임의 정서적, 사회적 측면에 관심을 가진다는 점을 보인다. 관련문헌에서도 여성 게이머들은 익숙한 환경을 지닌 게임, 게이머들이 함께 할 수 있는 게임, 한 가지 방식 이상으로 승리할 수 있는 게임 그리고 캐릭터가 죽지 않는 게임을 선호한다는 점을 지적하고 있다. 둘째, 정서적 측면에서 본 여성 친화적 게임의 특성을 논하면서, 펫 게임(육성 게임), 드레싱 게임(옷 입히기 게임), 사회적 시뮬레이션과 같은 시뮬레이션 범주가 여성 게이머가 가장 선호하는 타입이라는 것을 제시한다. 왜냐하면 이러한 게임들은 여성 게이머에게 절대적으로 매력적인 사랑, 공유, 질투, 우월, 신비와 같은 정서를 가득 채우기 가장 적합한 게임 타입이기 때문이다. 마지막으로, 앞서 논의한 내용과 연관해서, 여성 지향적인 게임 디자인과 관련한 몇 가지 원리를 제안한다. 이는 호감 가는 외모의 주 캐릭터의 소개, ‘생동감 있는’ NPC와 함께할 재미있는 이야기 만들기 그리고 타인 돌보기와 분류, 선별하는 여성적 특성과 관심을 만족시킬 수 있는 방법들을 포함한다. Recently, as the number of female players has increased rapidly, the electronic gaming industry has begun to look at ways to appeal to the largely untapped female market. According to the latest game market investigative report by China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), the total number of game players in China increased by 24.8% in 2009, reached 69,130,000 people, and 38.9% of them are female players. This growth in the number of female player is corroborated by a series of investigative reports from IResearch Company in Shanghai, China: from 2003 to 2009, the number of female players grew from 8% to more than 49%. Therefore, no matter how much attention the game production companies have given to male players or how they have ignored the female players before, the companies would be sensible to face up this reality and adjust their marketing policy a bit more. This article analyzes gender preferences in video games which shows that male players are more likely to be attracted to elements of aggression, violence, competition and fast action in electronic game-playing, while female players are drawn to emotional and social aspects of the games such as an understanding of character relationships. The literatures cited indicates that female players also show apparent preference for games with familiar environments, games that allow players to work together, games that have more than one way to win, and games in which characters do not die. It also discusses the characteristics of female-friendly games from the aspect of emotion, pointing out that the simulation games involving pet, dressing-up, and social simulation games are very popular with female players. Because these are the most suitable game types to fill with emotions of love, share, jealousy, superiority, mystery, these are absolutely attractive to female players. Finally, in accord with the above, I propose some principles of designing female-oriented games, including presenting a good-looking leading character, making the story interesting with “live” NPCs(Non-Playing Characters), and finding ways to satisfy female nature instincts such as taking care of others and the inborn interest of classifying and selecting.

      • KCI등재

        오픈월드게임 사용자의 고독감 외부 요인과 숙련도 타입에 관한 연구

        양명,조동민 한국전시산업융합연구원 2022 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.40 No.3

        In an open world game with a high degree of freedom, give the player an engaging experience. But after completing something in the game, many elements of an open-ended open-world game can only lead to a deep sense of loneliness. Open world games have gone through a lot of changes in the last 10 years. In recent years, as technology has improved and player demand has increased, developers have taken the genre to an interesting new level. The gaming market has changed as gaming technology has evolved, and the level of integration of loneliness in open-world games has also affected motivation. Loneliness leads to User motivation in games. This study was conducted on players who played games. In the first experiment, an open questionnaire was conducted to extract the external factors of loneliness (factors determined by the players themselves) and the players' proficiency in an open-world game. In the second experiment, factor analysis was carried out to verify the reliability of the factor through the answers obtained from the experiment. external factors of loneliness in open world games. First, players proved their feelings through questionnaires. Through the first and second experiments, the external integration factors of loneliness were analyzed. Based on the analysis, Games are divided into "Player Sense of Difference," "Game interactivity," "Game Experience," "Game reward and Punishment)", "Game reward and punishment" and other 5 main integration elements group. These are external elements of loneliness in open-world games, not isolated elements, but relationships that need to complement and cooperate. The purpose of this study is to extract the external factors of integrated loneliness in open world games, identify players' proficiency and external factors that affect loneliness, and make good use of integrated loneliness factors. As a positive factor, it helps game developers study open world games. This is to keep the player from feeling lonely. Improve players' sense of experience and satisfaction with open world games, and provide help for subsequent research and exploration by scholars. 자유도가 높은 오픈월드 게임에서 게이머가 강한 몰입감을 느낀다. 그러나 게임 속의 임무를 완성하고 나면 무제한의 오픈월드 게임 세계에서 고독감만 느낀다. 오픈월드 게임은 지난 10년 동안 변화를 많이 겪었다. 최근에 기술의 발전과 게이머의 니즈 증가에 따라 개발자들은 이러한 종류의 게임을 많이 개발하고, 흥미롭고 새로운 단계를 발전시키려고 노력을 했다. 본 연구는 게임 유저를 대상으로 하였다. 우선 1차 실험은 오픈월드 게임의 고독감 외부요인(유저 자체로 결정되는 요인)과 유저의 숙련도를 추출해 설문을 실시하였다. 2차 실험에서는 1차 실험의 결과를 바탕으로 요소 분석을 진행하여 요소의 적용성과 확실성을 검증한다. 마지막으로 오픈월드 게임의고독감 외부요인 간의 상관관계를 알아본다. 1차 실험과 2차 실험을 통하여 고독감에 대해 외부요인을 분석할 수 있다. 분석한 결과에 따르면 '유저 차이감(Player sense of difference)', '게임 인터랙티브(Game interactivity)', '유저 체험감(Game Experience)', '게임컨셉(Game reward and punishment)', '게임 상벌' 총 5 개 주요 상위 요인을 정리하였다. 이것들은 오픈월드게임 속의 고독감 외부요인이며, 독립적 요소가 아니라 상호 보완하고 협력하는 관계이다. 본 논문은 오픈월드 게임에서 고독감 외부요인 추출한 연구하고, 유저의 숙련도와 고독감에 영향을 미치는 외부요인을 식별하여 고독감 외부요인을 잘 활용하는 연구이다. 이를 통해 게임 개발자들이 오픈월드 종류의 게임을 기획하고 개발하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있을것으로 기대한다. 또한, 오픈월드 게임을 할 때 게이머의 체험감과 만족감을 높이고, 후속 학자들의 관련 연구 활동에 기여할 것으로 기대한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국과 중국 국가대표 남자탁구선수의 경기내용 분석

        이택우,정구인,이강헌 한국스포츠학회 2015 한국스포츠학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        The purpose of this research was to contribute to materialization and systematization of the analysis of table tennis game contents and help the improvement of Korean players' athletic performance. To achieve those purposes, 100 games of total 10 players including 5 Korean national table tennis players and 5 Chinese players were analyzed. For the tool of research, analytic paper developed by Gang, Woo-Young(2009) was revised, supplemented and used. The analyzed data was divided into serve, receive, success/failure set, player's type, etc. and score getting and losing factors and attack succeeding rate of Korean players and Chinese players were compared. The results of this study were as follows. 1. Chinese players managed score and set more effectively than Korean players and operated games easily without giving lots of scores lost to opponent players. 2. Score getting rate of Chinese players by attack success was higher than that of Korean players by 7.6%. 3. Chinese players showed high score getting rate by forehand and backhand attack success and Korean players showed high score getting rate by opponent attack failure and opponent mistakes. 4. Chinese players showed high score-losing rate by forehand attack failure and backhand attack failure and Korean players showed high score-losing rate by opponent attack success and all kinds of mistakes. 5. In both Korean players and Chinese players, score getting rate was clearly lower during the receive than serve, but Korean players' width of reduction was relatively bigger than Korean players. 6. For the backhand attack success by type, shake-hand type is clearly higher than penholder type. 7. Korean players' score getting area was backhand, medium and forehand in order and their score losing area was backhand, forehand and medium in order. Chinese players' score getting and score losing area was backhand, forehand and medium in order. 8. Korean players' average number of rallies during the score getting and score losing was 4.09 and 4.98 and Chinese players' was 4.04 and 4.92. During the score getting of Korean and Chines players, rally was highest in three balls. And, it was the highest in four balls during the score losing.

      • KCI등재

        모바일 게임의 목표달성 방식과 이용자 선호도

        김종무(Kim, Jong Moo),강내원(Kang, Naewon) 한국디지털디자인협의회 2013 디지털디자인학연구 Vol.13 No.3

        본 연구는 구글 플레이 스토어에서 2013년 3월 기준 상위 20개 앱 중 16개로 80%의 점유율을 기록하고 있는 카카오게임의 게임 유형을 파악하고 개별 게임이 지니고 있는 목표달성 방식의 유형을 분석하고자 하였다. 또한 이러한 1차 자료를 기초로 하여 카카오게임 중에서 매출이 높은 게임의 유형과 목표달성 방식의 차이 및 연관성을 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 총 5개의 연구문제를 제시하고, 2013년 4월 1일 현재의 카카오게임 인기 순위와 게임 다운로드 정도를 기준으로 107개의 게임에 대해 양적 내용 분석(Quantitative Content Analysis)을 실시하였다. 연구 결과 첫째, 카카오게임의 게임 유형에 따른 목표달성 방식 대부분은 ‘고득점 순위’의 방식을 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 카카오게임의 게임 유형별 빈도는 퍼즐 게임, 시뮬레이션 게임, 슈팅 게임, 롤플레잉 게임 순이었다. 셋째, 목표달성 방식에 따른 인기 순위 범주의 빈도는 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 넷째, 카카오게임의 목표달성 방식에 따른 게임 다운로드의 정도는 ‘고득점 순위’, ‘성공 통과’, ‘대결 승패’, ‘무한게임’ 순이었으며, 각 방식의 평균 차이는 통계적으로 의미 있는 것으로 나타났다. 연구 결과를 종합할 때, 대부분의 카카오 게임을 이용하는 사용자는 아케이드 게임(퍼즐게임) 유형과 ‘고득점 순위’의 게임목표달성 방식을 선호하는 것으로 나타났으며, 추후 새로운 모바일 게임 개발에 앞서 게임 사용자가 선호하는 게임유형과 목표 달성 방식을 이해하는데 본 연구가 기초자료로 사용될 수 있을 것이다. This study investigated mobile games of Kakao Game which dominated the 80% shares of top 20 mobile applications as of March 2013, focusing on game types and diverse goal-attaining methods. It further analyzed the relationship of goal-attaining methods of games with game popularity and downloading ranks (i.e., players’ preference). To do this, five research questions were asked and game contents of a total of 107 Kakao games based on game popularity and downloading ranks as of April 1, 2013 were analyzed quantitatively. Results showed that, first, games with ranks based on attaining high scores had a large percentage of mobile games. Second, among various types of games both puzzle games and simulation games had higher frequencies than others. Third, the respective frequencies of goal-attaining methods according to popularity ranks revealed statistically significant differences. Fourth, the most frequently downloaded games were those with ranks based on attaining high scores, and those with ‘pass or fail’, ‘win or lose’, and ‘infinite game’ followed. The mean difference of these four goal-attaining methods also showed statistically significant. All in all, most of mobile game players preferred the type of Arcade games and the game method of attaining high scores. The results of this study were desired to be used as basic data in order for the mobile game industry to develop new games afterwards.

      • KCI등재

        배드민턴 선수의 경력 훈련시간 및 경기수준에 따른 스포츠 자신감의 특성 분석

        정재희(Jung, Jae-hee),김선응(Kim, Seon-Eung) 한국체육과학회 2014 한국체육과학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        This study attempts to analyze some features of sports confidence of badminton players in relation to their affiliation, career, the amount of time spent on training, and the prize winning career etc. The subjects of investigation were the players participated in the fall National Badminton League in 2009. The total number of the players was 302: 99 players in high school division, 103 players in college division, and 100 players in adult division. The criteria of the analysis were ability establishment, social support, coach leadership, and physical & mental readiness etc., which are the sub-factors of sports confidence. The following results were drawn from the analysis. First, the adult players’ sports confidence was higher than that of the high school and college players in the areas such as ability establishment, social support, physical & mental readiness which are the sub-factors of sports confidence in relation to the affiliation. Second, the players belonging to the division with a longer career had higher sports confidence in the areas of ability establishment, social support, and physical & mental readiness. Third, the players belonging to the division which spent just proper amount of training time out-achieved the players both in the division which spent comparatively short amount of training time(less than 4 hours a day) and the players in the division which spent much more time (more than 7 hours a day) respectively. Fifth, the champions, the semi-finalists, and the third prize winners showed higher sports confidence respectively when analyzed by the criterion of prize winning career.

      • KCI등재

        Examining the Loyalty of MMOG players

        Weiyi Luo,Young-Chan Lee 한국인터넷전자상거래학회 2018 인터넷전자상거래연구 Vol.18 No.5

        Despite the overall market of Massive Multiplayer Online Game keeps a sustained growth, the practitioners of Massive Multiplayer Online Game are likely to feel increased competitive pressure in sustaining their market advantage. Considering the important role of perceived value and loyalty in predicting consumer’s behavior, a comprehensive understanding of the internal influencing mechanism from perceived value to loyalty towards the players is crucial for the practitioners to delivering superior value to their players in an efficient way. Accordingly, the construct of game context is adapted as the moderator in this study to classify the game players into two groups: core players and casual players. Furthermore, structural equation model is adopted to obtain an overall understanding of the generation of players’ loyalty and multi-sample analysis is adopted to obtain a deeper insight on the differentiation of the loyalty generation between core players and casual players. The analysis results indicate that all four dimensions of perceived value (quality value, social value, emotional value and price value) can significantly impact on players’ repurchase intention and three dimensions of perceived value (quality value, social value and emotional value) can significantly impact on players’ word of mouth. It’s noteworthy that the construct of game context plays a partial moderating effect on the generation of players’ loyalty from the perspective of perceived value, which indicates the necessity to distinguish different kinds of players in order to obtain a more comprehensive understanding towards players’ behavior.

      • KCI등재

        Examining the Loyalty of MMOG players: A Comparative Study between Casual and Core Players

        라위의,이영찬 한국인터넷전자상거래학회 2018 인터넷전자상거래연구 Vol.18 No.5

        Despite the overall market of Massive Multiplayer Online Game keeps a sustained growth, the practitioners of Massive Multiplayer Online Game are likely to feel increased competitive pressure in sustaining their market advantage. Considering the important role of perceived value and loyalty in predicting consumer’s behavior, a comprehensive understanding of the internal influencing mechanism from perceived value to loyalty towards the players is crucial for the practitioners to delivering superior value to their players in an efficient way. Accordingly, the construct of game context is adapted as the moderator in this study to classify the game players into two groups: core players and casual players. Furthermore, structural equation model is adopted to obtain an overall understanding of the generation of players’ loyalty and multi-sample analysis is adopted to obtain a deeper insight on the differentiation of the loyalty generation between core players and casual players. The analysis results indicate that all four dimensions of perceived value (quality value, social value, emotional value and price value) can significantly impact on players’ repurchase intention and three dimensions of perceived value (quality value, social value and emotional value) can significantly impact on players’ word of mouth. It’s noteworthy that the construct of game context plays a partial moderating effect on the generation of players’ loyalty from the perspective of perceived value, which indicates the necessity to distinguish different kinds of players in order to obtain a more comprehensive understanding towards players’ behavior.

      • KCI등재

        MMO(Sassively Multiplayer Online)게임의 네트워크 외부효과에 대한 연구

        박소라(Sora Park) 사이버커뮤니케이션학회 2008 사이버 커뮤니케이션 학보 Vol.25 No.1

        최근 온라인 게임은 산업적 규모나 이용자 규모 측면에서 모두 급성장하였다. 특히 MMO 게임 그 가운데 비중을 많이 차지하고 있다. 그런데 MMO 게임과 같이 다수이용자가 동시에 참여하여 게임을 하는 네트워크형 게임의 이용패턴에 대한 연구는 많지 않다. 본 연구에서는 MMO 게임의 장르적 특성이 이용자패턴과 어떠한 관련성이 있는지를 분석하고자 하였다. MMO 게임과 일반 온라인 게임에 띠라 이용패턴이 다른지, 같은 MMO 게임이라 하더라도 규모에 따라 이용패턴이 달라지는지를 분석한 결과, MMO 게임의 경우 이용자 체류시간이 더 길 뿐 아니라 이용 빈도도 더 높았으며, 전체적인 이용시간도 긴 것으로 나타났다. 같은 MMO 게임이라 하더라도 게임의 규모가 클수록 총 이용시간, 1인당 이용시간, 평균 이용 빈도가 모두 높게 나타나, 게임의 규모와 종류가 이용패턴과 밀접하게 관련이 있음을 알 수 있었다. 마지막으로 MMO 게임과 일반 온라인 게임의 생명주기와 이용자 효용을 분석한 결과, MMO 게임의 경우에만 규모와 효용 간에 상관관계가 있어 네트워크 외부효과 가 발생하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 한편, MMO 게임과 일반 온라인 게임의 생명주기의 차이를 분석한 결과 MMO 게임의 경우 생명주기가 더 긴 것으로 나타났다. The online game industry has grown exponentially, among which MMOGs take up much of the market share. However, there are few studies examining the uniqueness of MMOGs. In this study, I examine how the usage pattern differs according to the type of game. The analysis of the differences in the user patterns of MMO and other online games reveal that in the case of MMO games the per user game playing time and the frequency of usage were both systematically higher. Among MMO games, the larger the market share of the game, the longer the average playing time and the higher the frequency of playing. Size, or market share of network games had significant relevance to how much and how long a gamer engages in the game. Similarly, the life cycle of MMO games were longer than general online games. And in the case of MMO games, the larger the game the higher the utility of the game players. However, for general online games, the size of the game users was not related to the game's utility. This means that network externalities occur in the case of MMO games but not in other general online games.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠심리학 : 아테네 올림픽 사격선수의 인지행동전략

        장덕선(DukSunChang) 한국체육학회 2005 한국체육학회지 Vol.44 No.4

        The subjects of this study are 8 players among shooting players who participate in 2004 Athens Olympic Games. They were selected according to having voluntarily participated intention, the education of mental skill, individual consultation, and discussion with coaches. The purpose of this study was to analyze habitual cognitive behavior strategy of the players' by in-depth counseling and discover personal characteristics of mental state and stress, and preferable strategies. Based on this, we offer a suitable cognitive behavior strategy to them in order to contribute to achieving players' goal in the games. For this, first of all, we ask them to describe their thoughts and actions at ordinary times and at each occasion in a broad and a narrow routine. In a broad meaning of routine, it is examined in four sets when they wake up, when they go to a field for shooting, when they arrive at the field, and when before going into bar. A narrow meaning of routine consists of firing routine and error return routine. Secondly, the routines were examined in order to modify and supplement in terms of sport psychology. Those routines offer personal and individual information in each case because they were analyzed and operated in an individual way. Cognitive behavior strategy was suggested and operated one month before the Olympic Games. During the class for educating the players for mental skill, the established strategies were introduced with various situations in the Olympic Games and carried out with mental imagery training and the simulation training of the Olympic game situations.

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