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      • KCI등재

        Prediction of essential genes in prokaryote based on artificial neural network

        Luo Xu,Zhirui Guo,Xiao Liu 한국유전학회 2020 Genes & Genomics Vol.42 No.1

        Background Rapid identification of new essential genes is necessary to understand biological mechanisms and identify potential targets for antimicrobial drugs. Many computational methods have been proposed. Objectives To construct an essential genes classifier which satisfies more different organisms, and to study the redundancy of features used in the prediction of essential genes. Methods We designed a 57-12-1 artificial neural network model to predict the essential genes of 31 prokaryotic genomes. Four methods including self-predictions of each organism, the leave-one-genome-out method, predicting all by one organism, and self-predictions of all organisms were applied to assess the predictive performance. Additionally, the 57 features used in the artificial neural network model were analyzed by weighted principal component analysis to screen the key features strongly related to the essentiality of genes. Results Our results compared with previous researches indicate that our models had better generalizability. Furthermore, this method reduced the features to 29 while maintaining stable prediction performance overall, suggesting that some features are redundant for gene essentiality, and the screened features contained more important biological information for gene essentiality. Conclusion This study showed the effectiveness and generalizability of our artificial neural network model. In addition, the screened features could be used as key features in computational analysis and biological experiments.

      • KCI등재

        Development of phenomic approaches to estimate harvesting time of Artemisia argyi and classifying its quality based on flavonoids, essential oil and leaf weight ratio

        허성,Chung Suna 한국식물생명공학회 2023 Plant biotechnology reports Vol.17 No.4

        Artemisia argyi has been widely used as an herbal medicine and food in South Korea. However, the harvesting time of A. argyi is still not known. In addition, quality-based classification of A. argyi used for consumption is necessary because of its pharmacological properties. To this end, the A. argyi harvesting time was determined, and quality grading of A. argyi was performed based on the following factors: the contents of eupatilin, jaceosidin, essential oils and the leaf weight ratio. It is appropriate to harvest A. argyi at the end of June in 2019 and the plants harvested in early July exhibit the highest quality, considering weather condition and statistical analyses. To grade the quality of A. argyi, machine learning algorithms were applied based on the aforementioned four components. Among the various models, the logistic regression model showed the best performance, with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.906. In this study, we developed methods for determining the harvest time and classifying its quality so that it can be applied to different weather conditions every year with precision.

      • KCI등재

        균등침해의 적극요건(대상판결: 대법원 2014. 7. 24. 선고 2012후1132 판결)

        정택수 사법발전재단 2014 사법 Vol.1 No.30

        The subject case can be evaluated as a progressive succession of the legal principles on affirmative requirements for infringement of equivalence, which have been affirmed in a consistent line of Supreme Court precedents, from Supreme Court Decision 97Hu2200 decided July 28, 2000, to Supreme Court Decision 98Hu836 decided June 15, 2001, and to Supreme Court Decision 2007Hu3806 decided June 25, 2009. First, the subject case summarized the expression concerning the disputed point of equivalence by the term, “variant” components. The greatest significance of the subject case lies in demonstrating that the first requirement (identity of the problem-solving principle) can be determined by substantively researching the “core of the technical idea” upon which the “unique problem-solving method” of the relevant patented invention is based, without reducing the first requirement to concepts such as “nonessential part” or “distinctive component.” Second, the subject case provided a typical model for affirming the second requirement by stating that, although the adoption of common technical means unrelated to the core technical idea may cause different secondary effects, both resulting effects may still be viewed as substantively identical. The subject case no longer determined the identity of purpose as an affirmative requirement for infringement of equivalence. Finally, the subject case summarized the explanation of legal principles on the third requirement, and postponed the explanation concerning the base point in time and the specific method to determine the third requirement, as they were not in dispute in the case. In sum, by resolving the theoretical and practical difficulties which could have made the first requirement an excessive barrier to acknowledging equivalence, the subject case implies that it would be necessary to likewise accumulate specific precedents in a balanced manner as to the second and third requirements as affirmative requirements for infringement of equivalence. 대상판결은 대법원 2000. 7. 28. 선고 97후2200 판결로부터 대법원 2001. 6. 15. 선고 98후836 판결과 대법원 2009. 6. 25. 선고 2007후3806 판결에 이르기까지 확인해 온 균등침해의 적극요건에 관한 법리를 발전적으로 계승한 것으로 평가할 수 있다. 먼저 대상판결은 구성의 ‘변경’이라는 용어로 균등이 문제되는 영역에 관한 표현을 정리하였다. 대상판결은 과제해결원리의 동일성이라는 제1 요건에 관하여 ‘비본질적 부분’ 또는 ‘특징적 구성’이라는 개념으로 환원함이 없이 특허발명에 ‘특유한 해결수단’이 기초한 ‘기술사상의 핵심’이 무엇인지를 실질적으로 탐구하는 방법으로 제1 요건을 판단할 수 있음을 보여주었다는 데에 가장 중요한 의의가 있다. 또한 대상판결은 기술사상의 핵심과 관련 없는 관용적 기술수단을 채택함에 따른 부수적인 효과의 차이가 있더라도 작용효과가 실질적으로 동일하다고 볼 수 있다고 명시함으로써 제2 요건을 긍정할 수 있는 대표적인 유형을 제시하였고, 한편 목적의 동일성을 균등침해의 적극요건으로 더 이상 판시하지 않았다. 마지막으로 대상판결은 구성변경의 자명성이라는 제3 요건에 관한 법리설시를 정리하고 그 판단의 기준시점과 구체적인 판단방법에 관하여는 사건의 쟁점이 되지 아니한 관계로 설시를 유보하였다. 요컨대 대상판결은 제1 요건이 균등침해를 인정하는 데에 과도한 장벽이 될 수도 있었던 이론적·실무적 난점을 해소함으로써 장차 균등침해의 적극요건으로서 제2 요건과 제3 요건에 관한 구체적인 판단사례도 균형 있게 축적될 필요가 있다는 점을 시사하고 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        “예배갱신”의 내포적 의미와 그 실현범위-예배본질의 회복과 그 시공간적 조건으로서의 본질적 요소들-

        한재동 한국실천신학회 2009 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.18

        본고는 예배의 변화가 예배학도들의 이론적 관심을 넘어 다양한 회중과 목회자들의 현실적 관심과 실천이 되고 있는 오늘의 한국적 상황에서 예배갱신 자체의 본질적 의미를 분석적이고 비판적으로 이해해 보려는 시도의 하나이다. 예배에 관한 관심은 세계적 추세지만 한국교회는 오랜 예배사적 전통을 지닌 구미교회들과 달리 별다른 외적 갈등 없이 변화가 추구되고 실현되고 있다. 본고는 이 같은 표면적 평온이 보다 위험스런 이면적 문제의 결과일 수 있음에 착안하고 있다. 심각한 신학적 반성이나 진지한 실천적 검토가 없이 변화가 추구되고 실천되고 있다는 말이 될 수 있기 때문이다. 예배를 바꾼다는 것이 무엇인가 하는 보다 근본적인 질문을 던질 필요가 있다는 것이다. 본고에서 필자는 예배갱신은 예배의 일반적 정의로부터 연역될 수만 없는 고유한 문제성을 갖고 있음을 전제로, 방법론상 “예배갱신”의 내포적(內包的) 의미를 분석적으로 해명함으로써 위에서 제기된 질문에 답해보려고 한다. 다수의 공감을 얻기 위해 필자가 선택한 접근법은 누구나 인정할 만한 “예배갱신”의 가장 기본적인 사전적 의미로부터 출발하여 타당한 것과 타당치 않은 것을 분석적으로 밝혀내는 것이다. 물론 특정한 종교현상에 관한 문제를 오직 언어분석만으로 답할 수는 없기 때문에 필자는 성경과 전통을 논의의 타당성 근거로 삼았다. 필자는 위의 비판적 분석과정을 통해 예배갱신은 예배본질의 회복 외에 다른 것이 될 수 없다는 일차 결론에 도달한다. 이 결론은 다시 예배본질에 관한 인식론적 및 존재론적 문제를 제기하는데, 필자가 강조하는 것은 예배본질이 역사적으로 형성된 특정 형식이나, 신학적으로 반성된 예배 정의나, 경험적으로 지각되는 예배 영성 이상의 것을 함의하는 통시적이고 보편적이면서, 포괄적이고 관계적인 실체적 사건이라는 것이다. 필자는 전통적 기독교 예배의 두 가지 원리인 lex orandi, lex credendi와 성례전성(sacramentality)이 갖는 의미를 검토함으로 이 문제를 해명하려고 한다. 필자는 예배갱신이 예배본질의 회복인 한에서 인간 쪽의 일방적 주도에 의해 의도된 결과를 생성할 수 있는 것이 아니며 오히려 초자연적이고 주권적인 신적 주도가 우선이고 인간의 참여는 신적 주도에 따른 응답이거나 준비라는 논지에 도달한다. 이 점은 인간의 책임을 배제하는 것은 아니나 인간의 참여를 제한된 범위 안에 묶으며 그 범위는 하나님의 선택과 약속에 따라 주워진 은혜의 수단으로서의 예배의 본질적 요소들에 초점이 모아져야 하고 이 요소들 간의 관계 곧 구조적 문제의 해결은 예배본질의 신학적 반성을 통해 얻어진 예배의 본성과 원리에 충실해야 한다는 마지막 결론에 도달한다. 본고의 보수적 전제와 접근은 변화의 좌표가 교회 밖이 아닌 교회 안에, 예배 밖이 아닌 예배 안에 있어야 함을 재천명하는 것이다. This article is an attempt to understand analytically and critically the meaning of "worship renewal" itself, against the current situations of Korean churches, where "worship renewal" is popular issues and practices of churches and pastors beyond theoretical interests of liturgical scholar- ship. Although the concern for worship is worldwide, conflicts around worship matters, as seen in the western churches, are seldom observed in Korean churches. This kind of surface peace, however, may hide a more dangerous problem: no serious theological reflections or sincere practical considerations. This situation needs answers to a fundamental question: What should we mean by the change of worship? Presupposing that "worship renewal" has its own conceptual proble- matics, not resolved by definitions of worship, I answer the question through an analytical clarification of the connotative meaning of "worship renewal." For the agreement of more various groups, I begin with the most basic possible dictionary meaning of "worship renewal." Since a mere linguistic analysis, however, is not enough for dealing with a particular religious phenomenon, I use the Bible and tradition as the reference frame for the validity of my argument. The analyzing process reaches the initial conclusion that worship renewal is a restoration of the essence of worship. The next raised question is about the epistemological and ontological problems concerning the essence of worship. The point is that the essence of worship includes more than specific liturgical shape, theological definition of worship, or experiential worship spirituality; it is a diachronic and universal, and comprehensive and relational reality- occurrence. For this subject, I explain two traditional principles: lex orandi, lex credendi; and sacramentality. It then follows that worship renewal is not a human work, but a divine work. The human participation in worship renewal is a response to the divine or a preparation for it. Though this does not exclude human responsibility altogether, it confines the human to a limited scope, and this scope is within the worship essentials as means of grace, provided by God's choice and promise. I suggest five essentials. And the matter of the relationship among the essentials must be faithful to the nature and principles of Christian worship, based on theological reflections of the worship essence. The article is to claim that the reference point for change must be within the Church, not without it; within Christian worship, not without it.

      • KCI등재

        전사적 PL 대응시스템의 핵심요인이 기업 성과에 미치는 영향

        서준혁(Jun Hyeok Seo),배성민(Sung Min Bae) 한국산업경영시스템학회 2017 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.40 No.2

        PL (Product Liability) refers to the legal responsibility of a manufacturer or seller for bodily injuries or property losses caused by product defects. Therefore, it is important for companies to construct a product liability response system that strategically manage and effectively adapt to product liability. A PL response system refers to companywide operations of PL prevention (PLP) measures, product safety (PS) measures, and PL defense (PLD) measures appropriate for a company’s scale and environment. To establish an enterprise product liability response system, each essential component of corporations should be systematically operated and maintained considering the scale and characteristics of the corporations. Essential components of PL response system is Strategy, Organization, Training, Technology, Investment, and Awareness. Role of essential components is that companies need specific strategies to secure product safety and protect customers from product defects, and appropriate organizations must be composed for effective operation of such strategies. The objective of this paper seeks to examine the relationships among the essential components of the product liability response system and PL performance. PL performance consists of positive performance and negative performance. In particular, positive performance include increased efforts in product or process innovation such as strengthening research and development (R&D) to produce safer products without defects. In order to carry out this research we obtained 98 questionnaire of manufacturing company. A summary of the analyses is as follows: First, the awareness and technology among essential components affect significantly to the positive performance. Second, the awareness and strategy among essential components negative affect to the negative performance.

      • KCI등재

        Phenology, Essential Oil Yield and Quality of Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) Affected by Sowing Dates and Plant Densities

        Bahram Mirshekari 한국원예학회 2010 Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology Vol.51 No.5

        Field experiments were conducted for evaluation of effects of sowing dates and plant densities on phenology and essential oil quality of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.). The experiments were arranged as factorial based on randomized complete block design with sowing the dates of 26<SUP>th</SUP> March, 5<SUP>th</SUP>, 15<SUP>th</SUP> and 25<SUP>th</SUP> April, and densities as 25.0, 31.3, 41.7 and 62.5 plants.m<SUP>-2</SUP>. Results showed that the lowest growth period was on 25<SUP>th</SUP> April. Plants sown on 26<SUP>th</SUP> March had greater seed yield than those sown on later sowing dates. The earliest sowing date produced the largest seeds with a thousand seed weight of 3 g. The treatment of 26<SUP>th</SUP> March × 62.5 plants.m<SUP>-2</SUP> produced higher essential oil. Among tested independent variables, seed yield showed a significant effect on essential oil yield. Essential oil content improved 7.55 × 10<SUP>-3</SUP> mL.m<SUP>-2</SUP> per ㎏, increasing seed yield of cumin. Plant density did not show any considerable effect on the essential oil components of cumin. Delaying in sowing date caused a significant effect on cuminaldehyde concentration in essence; thus, a maximum value was obtained from 26<SUP>th</SUP> March and 5<SUP>th</SUP> April sowings. For successful seed production and higher essential oil quantity and quality, cumin must be sown until late March (26<SUP>th</SUP> March) with density of 62.5 plants.m<SUP>-2</SUP> in Tabriz region.

      • KCI등재

        Variation of the Essential oil and Main Component from Different Origin of Levisticulum officinale Koch.

        chunghaegon,kimseongmin,E.nemeth 한국약용작물학회 2002 韓國藥用作物學會誌 Vol.10 No.4

        The essential oils were isolated by hydrodistillation and their composition determined capillary GC method with standard. The essential oil content showed significant differences between the two populations on the vegetative organs. The essential oil level of the leaves and roots was considerably higher in the Korean population at full flowering and waxy ripening stage but essential oil content of the roots was significantly higher in the Hungarian taxon at leaf rosette stage. We observed the essential oil accumulation tendency was mianly dependent on plant organs and intra-specific taxon during the vegeation period. Butylidene-phthalide was proved to be the main component of the oil in both population roots (50.9­73.3%), while dimethyl­acetate was showed as a major compound on the over­ground parts (56.7­62.0%). The qualitative composition of the essential oil in the reproductive organs concerning the identified compounds was the same as the vegetative parts with the main component α­phellandrene (4.8­28.1%) and butylidene­phtalide (9.7­16.1%). The quantitative composition showed some changes during the ontogenesis phases. Most characteristic ones are the decreasing proportion of dimethyl­acetate (from 7.3% to 1.1%) and the appearance of α­pinene (from 0.5% to 1.5%) only after fruit setting in both population.

      • KCI우수등재SCOPUS

        Variation of the Essential oil and Main Component from Different Origin of Levisticulum officinale Koch

        Hae-Gon Chung,Seong-Min Kim,E. Nemeth 한국약용작물학회 2002 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        The essential oils were isolated by hydrodistillation and their composition determined capillary GC method with standards. The essential oil content showed significant differences between the two populations on the vegetative organs. The essential oil level of the leaves and roots was considerably higher in the Korean population at full flowering and waxy ripening stage but essential oil content of the roots was significantly higher in the Hungarian taxon at leaf rosette stage. We observed the essential oil accumulation tendency was mianly dependent on plant organs and intra-specific taxon during the vegeation period. Butylidene-phthalide was proved to be the main component of the oil in both population roots (50.9-73.3%), while dimethyl-acetate was showed as a major compound on the over-ground parts (56.7-62.0%). The qualitative composition of the essential oil in the reproductive organs concerning the identified compounds was the same as the vegetative parts with the main component α-phellandrene (4.8-28.1%) and butylidene-phtalide (9.7-16.1%), The quantitative composition showed some changes during the ontogenesis phases. Most characteristic ones are the decreasing proportion of dimethyl-acetate (from 7.3% to 1.1%) and the appearance of α-pinene (from 0.5% to 1.5%) only after fruit setting in both population.

      • KCI등재

        쑥갓으로부터 추출한 정유의 휘발성 향기성분 분석

        최향숙,Choi, Hyang-Sook 한국식품영양학회 2022 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.35 No.3

        This study investigated the volatile flavor components of the essential oil from Chrysanthemum coronarium var. spatiosumBailey. The essential oil obtained from the aerial parts of the plant by the hydrodistillation extraction method was analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. One hundred and one (99.11%) volatile flavor components were identified in the essential oil from the Chrysanthemum coronarium var. spatiosum Bailey. The major compounds were hexanedioic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester (12.45%), 6.10.14-trimethyl-2-pentadecanone (7.94%), 1-(phenylethynyl)-1-cyclohexanol (6.34%), α-farnesene (5.55%), phytol (4.99%), and α-caryophyllene (4.39%). When the volatile flavor components of Chrysanthemum coronarium var. spatiosum Bailey were classified by functional group, the content was high in the order of hydrocarbons, alcohols, esters, ketones, aldehydes, and phthalides. Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons were the most common hydrocarbons, mainly due to α-farnesene and α-caryophyllene. Among the alcohols, the content of aliphatic alcohols was significantly higher, mainly due to 1-(phenylethnyl)-1-cyclohexanol (6.34%) and phytol (4.99%). The analysis of the volatile flavor components of Chrysanthemum coronarium var. spatiosum Bailey in this study will provide useful information to consumers when purchasing food and to industries using fragrance ingredients.

      • KCI등재

        가열처리 방법에 따른 쑥의 정유 성분 및 함량 분석

        김충호(Choong Ho Kim) 한국조리학회 2011 한국조리학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        The essential oil obtained by steam distillation from a medicinal plant of Artemisia princeps. The essential oil was analyzed by GC-MS. The heat treatments in roasted condition of temperatures were 80℃, 110℃, and 230℃, and the lengths of the time were 6 min, 10 min, and 14 min, respectively. The blanching conditions(100℃) of the treatments lasted 1 min, 2 min, and 5 min while the time of oven dry (50℃) was 5 min. As the result, the essential oil content of the control plot was higher than the others, and that of the roasted ones was the second highest in low temperature with short treatment time. The major components were eucalyptol, cyclohexadience, phenol, terpineol, and caryophyllene.

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