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        『잘자요, 엄마』에서 보여 지는 구원적 의미의 죽음 충동

        김영지(Kim Young-Ji) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2010 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.25

        『잘 자요, 엄마』('night, Mother, 1983)는 1970년대 등장한 미국의 여류 극작가 마샤 노먼(Marsha Norman)의 대표작으로서, 자살을 결심한 딸 제씨(Jessie)와, 딸의 죽음을 막아보고자 애쓰는 엄마 델마(Thelma)사이의 대화로 구성된 작품이다. 극의 구조는 비교적 단순한 형태를 취하고 있지만, 작가는 이 안에서 가부장제 사회로부터 억압받고 있는 여성들의 현실과, 주체성을 지닌 인간으로서 얻고자 하는 진정한 자아의 해방, 나아가 삶의 의미를 박탈당한 개인에게 있어 죽음이 가져다주는 의미에 대해 말하고 있다. 뿐만 아니라 노먼은 제씨의 죽음을 예고에 그치지 않고 실행에 옮김으로써, 주체적 자아를 추구하는 그녀에게 현재 죽음이란 것이 얼마나 '필요한 것인지를 강조한다. 그리고 작가는 두 모녀 사이의 마지막 대화를 통해 비참했던 제씨의 지난 삶의 모습들을 드러내고, 그러한 현실 속에서 제씨가 느꼈을 고통을 표현해냄으로써, 그녀가 선택한 죽음의 당위성을 더욱 부각시키고 있다. 제씨는 자신의 의지대로 살 수 없었던 고통스러운 삶으로부터의 해방을 원했으며, 어느 순간부터 죽음만이 이에 대한 해결책이 될 수 있음을 깨닫는다. 작품 속에서 쭉음을 자신 삶의 최종 목적지로 여기며 이를 간절히 갈망하고 바라는 제씨의 심리 상태는 지그문트 프로이트(Sigmund Freud)의 죽음 충동 이론을 통해 더욱 자세히 이해해 볼 수 있다. 인간이 견딜 수 없는 극한의 상황에 처했을 때 아무런 고통도 느낄 수 없는 무(nothingness)의 상태 즉, 죽음을 추구한다는 프로이트의 이론은 고통으로부터의 해방을 가져다준다는 점에서 제씨가 죽음을 바라보는 시각과 상당한 유사점을 보인다. 그녀에게 있어 죽음은 자아를 파괴하는 행동이 아닌, 진정한 자아 존재를 위한 수단으로서 작용한다. 다시 말해, 죽음을 향한 충동은 '삶을 위한' 마지막 희망 이었고, 그녀는 자신의 삶을 구제해줄 가장 확실한 수단으로 자살을 택하게 됨으로써, 그녀 삶의 고통을 죽음과 함께 제거해 버린다. 가부장제의 숨 막히는 억압과 실존의 무의미함 속에서 지금까지의 삶 자체가 죽음이었던 제씨에게, 자살은 포기가 아닌 자신의 삶을 의지대로 통제하고자 하는 최초의 선택이자 권리로써 작용한다. "night, Mother' (1983), representative work of American playwright Marsha Norman who made her debut in the 1970s, is a play of a relatively simple plot, which traces the conversations between a daughter, who decides to kill herself and a mother, who tries to dissuade her daughter. Through their dialogue, the author talks about women oppressed in patriarchal society, their desires as an independent human, and finally what is the real freedom that the characters want to have at the cost of death. The author also explains what made Jessie, the daughter choose such an extreme end, suicide and how her oppressed independence is restored by her suicide. In addition, psychological factors in her unconsciousness which made her decide to kill herself are examined on the basis of Sigmund Freud's concepts of death drive and life drive. As these two kinds of drive coexist in human unconsciousness, rather than conflicting with each other, Jessie also tries to maintain tensions of intense life drive to survive. Despite her effort, however, the world does not give her fair reward, and thinking continually how absurd life is, she believes that committing suicide as planned is the only way to help her become an independent self in this world where she cannot obtain what she wants. She chooses death not for 'self destruction,' but for real 'self establishment.' In other words, death drive is her last hope 'for life,' and she removes absurdity of her life by choosing suicide as a most secure means to save her life. For Jessie whose life itself has been death amid the choking patriarchal oppression and existential meaninglessness, suicide is the first ever choice that she makes in her life and a right to control her life as she wants, not to give it up.

      • 딥러닝 기반 실시간 픽셀 단위 주행 가능 영역 검출 및 격자 지도 생성 알고리즘

        김경수(Kyeongsu Kim),곽기성(Gisung Gwak),이재인(Jaein Lee),황성호(Sung-Ho Hwang) 대한기계학회 2021 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2021 No.11

        Self-driving, a core technology that leads the Fourth Industrial Revolution era, aims to create a route and driving safely to the target location based on information obtained through various sensors. In real-world driving environments, all processing processes are guaranteed real-time and require high accuracy for different environments. In this paper, we implement a deep learning model that detects drivable areas for real-time autonomous driving and generates noise-removed grid map. The pixel-level segmentation model for detecting drivable area is using BiSeNet v2 with guaranteed real-time and excellent performance. A vehicle simulator was constructed to reflect the vehicle characteristics and various environments of the BRT. Data for deep learning models is used driving videos from vehicle simulator and the Cityscapes dataset. The grid map generation algorithm proposed in this paper eliminates noise for the drivable area, increasing the IoU of the driveable area by up to 3%.

      • KCI등재

        신경증의 기록과 염인증자(厭人症者)의 연서쓰기 -김유정 문학에 나타난 죽음충동과 에로스

        정주아 ( Jua Joung ) 한국문학연구학회 2015 현대문학의 연구 Vol.0 No.57

        이 논문은 김유정의 소설이 위기 상황에 놓인 인간의 심리를 묘사하는 데 탁월하다는 지점에서 출발한다.김유정은 피폐해진 농촌이나 들병이로 나선 여성들처럼 식민치하 농촌의 현실을 고발하는 계몽적 주제를 선택하지만, 정작 그가 써낸 서사는 주어진 삶의 방식을 스스로 파괴해버리는 일탈의 순간과 사회적 질서 밖의 자유를 옹호하고 동경하는 감성적 충동으로 마무리되는 경향이 있다.이때 이러한 일탈을 감행하지 못하는 일상적인 인물군상은 현실의 폭력을 감내하는 과정에서 심리적으로 병든 신경증자들이 된다.일반적으로 김유정의 소설은 토속성과 해학성 등의 범주에서 읽혀 왔다.그러나 이 논문에서는 농촌이 ‘땅과 가족’이라는 전통적인 가치를 절대시하고 그에 따른 역할론이 확고한 탓에 변화에 매우 보수적인 공간이라는 점, 이에 외적 조건의 변화에도 불구하고 동일한 삶의 양상을 유지하려는 관성이 강해서 그만큼 심리적 억압이 큰 공간이 된다는 점에 주목하였다.이글은 김유정 소설에 등장하는 인물군상이 지닌 파괴와 해체의 충동이 곧작가 자신도 ‘염인증’이란 이름으로 불렀던 죽음충동과 연결된다고 보고, 김유정의 문학과 삶을 광적인 ‘연애편지 쓰기’, 즉 생의 충동으로서의 에로스로 죽음충동을 극복하려 시도하는 대립구도 속에서 분석해보았다. Kim You Jeong is known as a novelist who focused upon rural life under Japanese colonial rule. He had written many short stories about poor farmers who had lost their farm land, and had written about farmer’s wives who had to prostitute themselves in order to provide for their families. This essay approaches his novels from a psychoanalytic perspective, and not from a point of view realistic. His life was a series of misfortunes. He had suffered the death of his mother, the financial ruin and bankruptcy of his family’s fortune, crushing poverty, and chronic disease. Kim used to say that ‘writing novels was a way to overcome his fate.’ This essay tries to analyze his novels in a confrontation between the death drive and the life drive(eros). Naturally, we can hear the author’s voices in his criticism of colonial exploitation policy and his concern over rural poverty in his novels. At the same time, we can also find characters who were tempted by the deviation and release from previously accepted norms. For example, the farmers had felt frustrated due to the loss of their farm land, meanwhile, they felt like a burden had been lifted from their shoulders. They went back to a much more simpler life without the desire to acquire material things or having to resort to tenant farming. While farmers and their families tried to fit themselves into the social order, more often than not, they suffered from mental disorders due to the misery of poverty. Many of Kim’s literary works focus on life in rural spaces. Many scholars have lauded Kim’s works as being apt in their bucolic and idyllic depictions of rural life. Some others have lauded his works as being apt in their realistic and detailed depictions of rural life in colonial period. But this essay takes note that the members of rural communities were under the stressful social pressure. They are so conservative in change of social norms as much as they think normative customs related to family and farmland are absolutely important. In his novels, Kim is able to brilliantly portray the psychiatric state of his characters as being wrought with inhibition and feelings of burden over their duties as a head of household, yet possessed a strong desire to lead an unencumbered and carefree life. This essay will attempt to analyzed the various psychiatric states of the his characters through the concepts of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of the death drive.

      • KCI등재

        탈후견주의적 시각에서 바라본 자율주행 자동차의 일률적 프로그래밍의 한계

        오도빈 ( Dobin Oh ),유지원 ( Jiwon Yoo ),양규원 ( Kyuwon Yang ),구보민 ( Bomin Ku ) 고려대학교 법학연구원 2017 고려법학 Vol.0 No.84

        `인간을 대체한 인공지능`이라는 말이 이미 낯설지 않은 지금 자율주행 자동차도 우리 삶의 일부가 될 시기가 머지않았다. 그러나 자율주행 자동차의 기술 발전 속도에 비해, 이에 대한 윤리적·법적 논의는 지체되어 기술과 규범의 공백이 점차 벌어지고 있다. 본고는 새로운 과학 기술이 인간의 기본권 체계에 긴장을 가져오는 구체적인 사례로 자율주행 자동차의 트롤리 딜레마를 제시했다. 트롤리 딜레마는 (1) 운전자 한 명의 생명권과, (2) 다수 보행자의 생명권을 포함한 자동차 외부의 법익이 충돌하는 상황을 가정하고 있다. 이 경우 공리주의적 프로그래밍은 전자를 희생시킬 가능성이 큰 반면, 운전자 우선주의적 프로그래밍은 전자를 우선시하고 후자의 법익을 포기할 것이다. 기존의 논의들은 모든 자율주행 자동차에 위의 두 입장 중 하나의 프로그래밍을 일률적으로 실시하는 것을 기본적인 전제로 삼아왔다. 하지만 제삼자인 국가가 일률적 프로그래밍으로써 사고 상황에 처한 자동차의 선택을 강제하는 것은, 생명과 관련된 중대한 사안에서 개인의 의사와 상관없이 국가가 그 개인의 이익을 위한다는 이유로 특정 행동을 강제하는 점에서 후견주의적 발상에 해당한다. 본고는 일률적 프로그래밍의 위헌성을 (1) 인간 존엄과 생명권, (2) 자기결정권, (3) 양심의 자유의 측면에서 논증 한다. 그리고 일률적 프로그래밍의 한계를 극복하는 해결책으로 운전자 스스로 사고 상황에서의 행동 양식을 결정할 수 있도록 보장하는 개별적 프로그래밍을 제안한다. 개별적 프로그래밍은 생명을 수단화해서는 안 된다는 신념의 표현으로서 인간 존엄을 보호하며, 운전자의 의사나 가치관에 따른 선택을 가능하게하기 때문에 자기결정권 또한 보장한다. 나아가 개별적 프로그래밍은 옳고 그름에 대한 자신의 신념, 즉 양심에 따라 행동할 자유를 허용한다. 개별적 프로그래밍은 새로운 과학기술로 인해 개척된 새로운 삶의 양식에서도, 인간 존엄을 기치로 하는 헌법적 가치가 여전히 보장되어야 한다는 것을 재확인한다는 의의를 갖는다. Now that the phrase `Artificial Intelligence replacing human` is already familiar, self-driving cars will soon be part of our life. However, delayed discussion on self-driving car`s ethicalㆍlegal issue compared to its fast technical development led to the growing gap between its technique and ethics. This article adduces self-driving car`s trolley dilemma as an example which shows how newly developed technology can bring tension to the system of fundamental human rights. Trolley dilemma assumes the situation when (1) one driver`s right to life and (2) the benefit and protection of the law outside the car, including many pedestrian`s right to life, conflict. In this situation, utilitarian setting raise a concern of sacrificing the former, while driver-priority setting takes the later`s precedence over the former. Previous discussions were based on the premise which assumes one of the two settings being uniformly applied to all self-driving cars. However, uniform setting, in which the government enforces cars` reaction in an accidental situation, is paternalistic approach, as the setting induces the government to enforce drivers a particular choice about important matter of life without considering individual`s opinion for a reason that the government`s choice is the best choice for the individuals. This article argues unconstitutionality against the uniform setting in the aspect of (1) human dignity and right to life, (2) right to self-determination, (3) the freedom of conscience. Then, as the alternative to overcome the limits of uniform setting, this article suggests personal setting which guarantees each driver to determine their own car`s reaction in the accidental situation. Personal setting not only protects the human dignity by expressing the belief that human life must not be a mean, but also respects the right to self-determination by enabling drivers to follow their own opinion and value. Moreover, personal setting allows the freedom to act according to each person`s conscience, a moral sense of right and wrong. Personal setting has a meaning of reconfirming the necessity to protect the constitutional values such as human dignity in the new life style opened by new technology.

      • KCI등재

        식민지 일상성과 생활의 ‘곤란’

        오창은(Oh Chang-eun) 우리말글학회 2007 우리말 글 Vol.39 No.-

        This thesis is written to explore the daily life of the Japanese occupation by force, observing ‘modernity’ and ‘coloniality’. It is from twenties to thirties when the daily life of colonial modern is putting down roots. We might say that it is the time of ‘colonial daily life’ until July, 1937, that is, the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War since the 1919 Independence Movement of Korea, which made the government-general its way of ruling. Since the outburst of the Sino-Japanese War, Jo-sun had turned unusual because of entering into the system of wartime- calling-out. Under this system colonial power does not feel to cover up itself firmly. On the contrary, it will strengthen its justice violently standing on the basis of the power relation constructed in daily life. It is fully worth paying attention to a study of daily life in relation to ‘the logic of Japanophilism and conversion’ which is being embossed these days. It is still important what an individual subject had chosen in an emergency. The surrender of Moo-han and Sam-jin in October, 1939, and Paris in June, 1940 is very surprising to the intellectuals in the colonized Jo-sun. However, but for the repetitive training course in daily life, any historical event could not have been the critical moment of ‘thinking-changing’. To explore deeply ‘the logic of Japanophilism or conversion’, we should examine wholly ‘daily/unusual life’. Through it, it is also considered what daily training course had put down roots at the back of Japanophilism and conversion embodied after the Sino-Japanese War. That is why we need to focus newly the daily life of colonial ruling from twenties to thirties. I should take notice of Yi Ik-sang(1895~1935) in relation to colonial daily life. There is no lively argument about him in the Korean literary history yet. Although placing a good deal of weight in the early literary world, Yi has not been mentioned enough. Yi is a typical character to have committed himself to the colonial daily life resisting the colonial reality. Yi, sinking into urban daily life at the front line of the Anti-Conventional School and proletarian literature, died before the Sino-Japanese War, April 19th, 1935, at the age of 41. In a matter Yi experienced the colonial daily life in full before wartime emergent system. This thesis aims to reconstruct the way of conversion which some of KAPF literary men had chosen through the study of ‘colonial daily life’ which influenced Yi's literary world and world view.

      • KCI등재

        트라우마의 관점에서 본 프리엘의 『제게 답을 주세요, 제발!』 읽기

        이미향(Mihyang Lee) 한국영미어문학회 2024 영미어문학 Vol.- No.152

        본 논문은 프리엘의 연극 <제게 답을>을 트라우마의 관점에서 고찰한다. 이 극에서 작가 톰은 10년 전 딸 브리짓이 정신병원에 격리 수감된 이후 트라우마를 겪고 있다. 브리짓의 정신병원 수감에 대한 고통과 아픔의 깊이를 표현할 수 없는 상처에 대한 톰의 반응은 하드코어 포르노그래피 소설을 쓰는 행위로 나타난다. 이런 점에서 톰의 포르노그래피 소설은 그가 겪고 있는 트라우마에 대한 고통과 분노의 신체적 글쓰기이자 그의 생명(삶)을 보존하기 위한 창조적인 행위로서 자기표현의 방법이다. 작품 속 톰의 자기 파괴적인 행동은 삶 충동에 의해 추동될 뿐만 아니라 생존을 위한 그의 노력은 끊임없이 죽음 충동에 의해 반작용을 불러일으킨다. 이러한 점들은 트라우마를 입은 자에게 지배적인 죽음 충동과 이에 상반되는 자기 보존과 생명을 향한 삶 충동이 끊임없이 투쟁을 벌이면서 서로 타협하고 공생하고 있음을 증언한다. 본 연구는 데이비드의 역할을 심리치료 작업에서 트라우마 환자를 치료하는 치료사로 해석하고, 그의 섣부른 최종평가를 트라우마 치료의 조기 종결을 내리는 것으로 분석한다. 그러나 트라우마는 단번에 치유될 수 없는 것이기에 치료는 무한히 연기될 수 있고, 회복은 끝없이 다가가는 과정으로 탐구한다. This paper examines Friel's Give Me Your Answer, Do! from the standpoint of trauma. In the play, Tom, a writer, has been traumatized since his daughter Bridget was committed to a mental institution ten years ago. Tom's response to the pain of Bridget's confinement and his inability to express the depth of his suffering is manifested in the act of writing hardcore pornographies. In this sense, Tom's pornographies are a form of self-expression, both as a physical writing of his pain and anger at the trauma he is suffering and as a creative act to preserve his life. Not only are Tom's self-destructive behaviors driven by the life drive, but his efforts to survive are constantly counteracted by the death drive. These aspects testify to the continuous struggle, compromise, and symbiosis between the dominant death drive and the opposing self-preservation and life drive of the traumatized individual. This study interprets David's role as a therapist treating traumatized patients in psychotherapy work and analyzes his hasty final assessment as premature termination of trauma treatment. However, since trauma cannot be cured once and for all, the treatment can be postponed indefinitely, and recovery is explored as an endless process.

      • KCI등재후보

        풍력 발전기용 요 드라이브의 가속수명시험 조건에 관한 연구

        이용범(Young-Bum Lee),강보식(Bo-Sik Kang) 한국신뢰성학회 2014 신뢰성응용연구 Vol.14 No.4

        Wind turbine, which is attracting part of the renewable energy and is researching continuously, is going to be large size for high efficiency. There is a yaw system rotating the nacelle, weighted about 600 tons, to be perpendicular with the wind direction blowing in the large wind turbine. The wind turbine is focusing on the reliability improvement because working environment effect is bigger than any other points and specially, the reliability improvement of the yaw drive is required by the customer because it is the key component of the wind turbine. Because of this, the establishment of criteria for yaw drive is required because yaw drive system is the part of the wind turbine closely related with ensuring the reliability. So, this study did the failure analysis of the yaw drive system, which is consisted with 10 sets of yaw drives through researching and analyzing the site conditions. Also this study designed the life test method based on the failure analysis and working condition of the yaw drive. To design the accelerated life test of the yaw drive, this study reviewed the torque, lubrication condition, and frequency of use and etc. Finally, this selected the torque as the acceleration factor which is affected mainly to the system and also, the test equipment was developed based on the requirement of the life and performance test.

      • KCI등재

        죽음과 죽음욕동의 담론들: 프로이트, 라캉, 하이데거

        김성호(Sungho Kim) 한국비평이론학회 2012 비평과이론 Vol.17 No.2

        This essay is a comparative examination of three discourses on death and/or the death drive. From Beyond the Pleasure Principle onwards Freud builds and rebuilds the hypothesis of the death drive. His initial idea is profoundly conservative as well as dualistic. It suffers substantial changes as he turns the death drive into an aggressivity working against “the Nirvana principle.” Still, the conservative character of the drive remains, for the pleasure of aggression means the taming of the death drive by Eros, at least in the masochistic subject. Lacan, likewise, explains the death drive in several different ways. It lies in the signifying chain as the cause of “aphanisis” (the disappearance of the subject); it suggests itself in various attacks on the human Gestalt resulting in imagos of the fragmented body; or it expresses the ontological“limit” of the historical subject as the returning past. Seemingly Lacan moves on from Freud’s biological conservatism, but things are ambivalent due to the everydayness of the function of the Lacanian death drive. It might even be said that, in comparison, Freud has more clues to the radical withdrawal from mundane modernity. Lacan’s invocation of Heidegger with regard to the “limit” is justified only to a limited extent. Heidegger promotes, as Freud and Lacan do, the idea that life and death (or nothingness) belong together. Yet the possibility of death, for the German philosopher, is also the sole source of Dasein’s singularity and authentic Being. An “anticipation” (Vorlaufen) of death makes Dasein free from its own tenaciousness at the same time as it renders Dasein’s “Being-with” (communality) authentic. These differences notwithstanding, the three discourses on death deliver insights into the negativity that introduces rupture and rejuvenation into life’s progress.

      • KCI우수등재

        승용차 이용시간과 운동시간 연관성에서의 삶의 만족도와 여유시간의 조절 효과

        김우람(Kim, Woo-Ram),성현곤(Sung, Hyungun) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2021 國土計劃 Vol.56 No.4

        The inordinate dependence of travel on private cars has caused both a lack of physical activity and an increase in chronic disease. However, the advantages of private cars in superior mobility and easier accessibility than other travel modes may encourage people to exercise more in daily life while spending less on travel. Nevertheless, few studies have demonstrated the potentially positive relationship between sports participation time and driving time in daily life. This study employed multiple regression modeling not only to demonstrate how driving time can be significantly related to individuals’ sports time, but also to identify whether it can be moderated by life satisfaction and free time in the daily life of an individual. The results of our analysis indicate that personal driving time is positively associated with individual sports time. Additionally, we found that although the moderating effects of life satisfaction and free time are statistically significant; their impacts differ in the association of driving time with sport participation time in daily life. We confirmed that the interaction of life satisfaction had a confrontation effect on its relation, while the interaction term of free time had a reinforcing effect.

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