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      • KCI등재

        영어와 한국어의 담화 맥락구조에 대한 연구

        양용준(Yang, Yongjoon) 미래영어영문학회 2021 영어영문학 Vol.26 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to examine how the discourse markers needed to make the contextual structure in discourse softer and smoother are used in English and Korean. According to the survey, in order to smooth the context structure of the discourse, it was necessary to use the discourse cover properly and also that it must be used in an appropriate situation. In addition, the context of discourse is divided into a linguistic context and a social and cultural context, and it would be objectionable to examine the discourse between generations as a discourse contextual structure. This is because there are so many things that need to be considered in order to properly discourse through contextual structures between the youths of the SNS generation and the older generations. This part should be the subject of future research. Because discourse is a life of language and language is also changing, it is said that proper communication can be achieved only by analyzing and understanding the discourse context structure between the older generation and the younger generation. In English, the discourse context structure is based on the type of GSTON, the type of information, including Hymes" SPEAKING model for discourse form. In the case of Korean, the context structure of the discourse must be examined through the structure of direct vision and agreement. In order to form a smooth and smooth communication relationship in a language life, the most basic and essential matter is to form a context structure of an appropriate discourse.

      • KCI등재

        담화 단위와 의미

        박철우(Park Chulwoo) 한국어학회 2017 한국어학 Vol.77 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to reveal what the correlation between the discourse unit and its meaning is. Here I tried to show what can be called as a discourse unit. I accept the criteria Grosz and Sidner(1986) suggested for, which is (a) linguistic structure, (b) intention structure, and (c) attention state. According to the criteria, a discourse unit should have a distinct intention(kind of discourse function) and internal information structures to make it cohesive, besides its linguistic units included. Though it is not easy to define a discourse unit formally, we can try to assess some hierarchical relations within a discourse. About the meaning of a discourse, we need to separate the explicit meaning and the implicit meaning of it. Utterances within a discourse are situationally constrained within the context(discourse domain) they occur. Therefore, to interpret the meaning of the discourse clearly, we need to make explicit all the meanings of utterances within the discourse first. And then, we should evaluate them considering other cognitive structures human minds have in common, e.g. plan, frame, schema, script, etc. and stretching all our inferential ability to exploit all the common knowledge available at the moment.

      • KCI등재

        비대조 ‘은/는’의 실현 기제와 담화적 기능-구어 담화를 중심으로-

        서정숙 ( Seo Jeong-suk ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2020 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.58

        정보구조적인 관점의 논의에서 비대조의 ‘은/는’은 선행 명사구가 문내 서술어의 언급 대상으로서 화제임을 표지하며 비대조 '은/는'의 선행 명사구는 대하여성, 한정성, 주어짐성이라는 담화적 속성을 지니는 것으로 간주한다. 그러나 정보구조적인 관점의 논의는 선행 명사구가 화제의 속성을 지니고 있음에도 주격 표지 ‘이/가’나 무조사구로 실현되는 경우, 동일한 발화 구조에서 주격 표지 ‘이/가’와 화제 표지 ‘은/는’이 실현되어 상호 교체가 되지 않는 경우에 대해서는 설명적 한계를 지닌다. 본 연구는 이러한 정보구조적 관점의 논의가 안고 있는 설명적 한계를 담화적인 관점에서 접근함으로써 비대조 ‘은/는’의 실현 기제와 담화적 기능을 살피고자 하였다. 비대조의 ‘은/는’은 통사 층위가 아닌 담화 층위와 관련을 맺는 문법 형태로 화제의 운용과 관련을 맺는다. 화제는 담화 이면의 추상적인 도식으로서 발화의 결속에 관여하며 비대조 ‘은/는’의 선행 명사구는 담화 화제의 중심축을 이룬다. 비대조 ‘은/는’명사구는 담화 화제의 중심축으로서 전제된 맥락을 필수 조건으로 하며 전제된 맥락에 의해 청자에게 활성화되어 있는 것을 화제로 담화가 시작되거나 담화 전개 과정에서 화제가 전환되어 이전 담화와 경계가 구분될 때 실현된다. 비대조의 ‘은/는’은 담화 표지로서 담화의 경계를 구분 짓고 새로운 담화의 영역이 설정됨을 표지하며 동일한 담화 영역 내에서 발화 간 응집을 이루는 결속 장치로 기능한다. In the perspective of information structure, the Non-Constrast ‘eun/neun’ is regarded to signify that the preceding noun phrase is the subject of reference in the predicate within the sentence and the preceding noun phrase is considered to have attributes of discourse such as aboutness, limitedness, and givenness. However, when the preceding noun phrase has the attribute of topic but is realized as a nominative case marker ‘ei/ga’ or a postposition-free phrase, the discussion of information structure perspective has explanatory limitations in the case when the nominative case marker ‘ei/ga’ and topic marker ‘eun/neun’ are realized in the same speech structure and is not interchangeable. This study aims to examine the mechanism of realization and discourse functions of Non-Contrast ‘eun/neun’ by approaching the explanatory limitations of the discussions on the perspective of information structure from a discourse perspective. The Non-Contrast ‘eun/neun’ relates to the operation of topic in the form of grammar which relates to the discourse level, not to the syntactic level.. The topic is involved in the binding of speech as an abstract diagram behind discourses, and the preceding nominative phrase of Non-Contrast ‘eun/neun’ works as the central axis of discourse topic. The noun phrase with Non-Contrast ‘eun/neun’ essentially requires the premised context as the central axis of discourse topic, and this is realized when a discourse begins with a topic activated to the listener by the premised context, or when the topic is changed in the course of the discourse, separating the boundaries from the previous discourse. The Non-Contrast ‘eun/neun’ separates the boundaries of a discourse, marks the establishment of a new discourse area, and also functions as the binding mechanism for cohesion between speeches within the same discourse area.

      • KCI등재

        한국어교육학에서의 담화 연구 분석

        강현화 국제한국어교육학회 2012 한국어 교육 Vol.23 No.1

        The aim of this study is to observe the trend of discourse study in language education and analyze the main issues by investigating the literatures related to discourse in Korean language education in the last ten years. This study observed the discourse study conducted in Korean language education from the perspectives of study subject, study method and study data. Moreover, based on the results, it estimated the achievements and effectiveness of the discourse study conducted in Korean language education. The subject of discourse study was mainly dealt with discourse function, discourse pattern, discourse marker, discourse structure. In the study methods, analysis of corpus and survey were mainly used as the study methods, and spoken corpus, written corpus and semi-spoken corpus were used as study materials. In particular, the semi-spoken corpus was used at a very high rate among them. This showed that discourse study in Korean language education was mainly focused on spoken corpus study. This study divided the detailed field of Korean language education into four fields of linguistic knowledge, communication function, teaching activities and learning activities, and observed the trends of discourse study in each field. Overall, it was recognized that relatively many studies were focused on linguistic knowledge, particularly in pragmatic perspective. It can be said that the study based on discourse has a language educational effectiveness in that it is based on actual data and improves practical communication skills in the environment of various languages.

      • KCI등재후보

        국어학 : TV 시사 토론에 대한 담화 유형적 접근

        이은희 ( Eun Hee Lee ) 한성대학교 한성어문학회 2013 漢城語文學 Vol.32 No.-

        A current affairs TV debate program is the debate type that we can easily access, but people have been critical about whether the program meets the criteria of the discourse type of debate. This study deals with the characteristics of TV debate programs focusing on the features of discourse types as debate. Since the features of discourse types that debate has are various, this study places emphasis on the roles of participants in debates. Chapter 2 investigates the characteristics of discourse types in terms of the structure of communication and the role of participants. Chapter 3 and 4 discuss the role of the debate participants through both the formal structure of debate by the changing of the participants` order and the formation of content structure. A current affairs TV debate program is a subject-centered competitive discourse, in which its rules regarding the structure of form and content are not strictly stated compared to other types of debate. Therefore, the interruptions by debaters are frequent, so it gives the impression that this debate type does not satisfy the conditions that a debate discourse type must be equipped with. However, this study shows that the moderator and debaters perform their speech acts within the scope of their allowed roles, which corresponds to the characteristics of the discourse type of debate. Overall, we can see the process of how formal and content structure of TV debate programs are being formed according to the rules of the discourse type of debate.

      • KCI등재

        화제 표지 ‘은/는’의 담화적 기능과 교육 방안

        서정숙(Seo, Jeong-suk) 중앙어문학회 2016 語文論集 Vol.66 No.-

        담화는 궁극적인 의미를 지향하는 여러 문장의 구조물로서 일정한 정보적 흐름을 이루며 결속된다. 담화를 이루는 문장들은 명제적인 의미 외에 일정한 정보 구조를 이루는데 화제는 문장의 정보 구조와 관련을 맺는다. 화제는 담화 맥락에 공유되어 기지 정보를 이루는 것으로서 발화자 및 텍스트 생산자의 의도적 판단에 의해 선정되며 전개될 담화의 영역을 설정할 뿐만 아니라 선행절과 후행절의 결속기제로도 기능한다. 국어에서 화제는 생략되기도 하고 실현되기도 하는데 화제가 실현될 때는 화제 표지 ‘은/는’이 동반된다. 화제 표지 ‘은/는’은 담화의 도입부에서 선행 명사구를 중심으로 담화가 전개될 때, 담화의 전개 과정에서 화제가 선행명사구로 전환될 때 실현되며 화제는 다양한 양상으로 전개되어 담화를 결속시키는 응집 장치로 기능한다. 담화 응집 장치로서의 화제 표지 ‘은/는’은 한국어 교육의 초기 단계에 학습이 이루어지지만 고급에 이르기까지 높은 오류율을 보이는데 화제 표지 ‘은/는’의 정확한 사용을 위해서는 화제의 개념과 화제의 전개 방식에 대한 이해가 선행되어야 하며 화제 표지 실현의 담화 조건에 대한 교수학습 및 다양한 연습 활동이 이루어져야 한다. 또한 반복 및 확장을 통해 ‘은/는’의 통합적 기능에 대한 교육이 이루어져야 한다. Discourse is a structure of several sentences comprising a regular informational stream and aiming for eventual significance. The sentences that comprise a discourse form a regular information structure besides having propositional significance; however, the topic becomes involved with the informational structure of the sentences. Topic forms the base information by being shared in the narrative context, which is selected by the intentional determination of the speaker and the text producer functioning to unite the precedent sentence and the following sentence besides selecting the area of discourse to be developed later. Topic is either omitted or embodied in Korean; when a topic is embodied, the topic marker “un/nun” accompanies the topic. Topic marker “un/nun” is embodied when the topic is transferred to the precedent noun phrase in the course of the development of the discourse when the discourse is developed mainly with the precedent noun phrase in the introduction of the discourse. Accordingly, the topic is developed to its various aspects and the topic marker functions as a cohesive device that consolidates the discourse. In Korean language education, the use of topic marker “un/nun” as discourse-cohesive device is learnt in the initial stages; however, there is a high degree of error seen up to the level of advanced classes as the exact use of topic marker “un/nun” requires precedence of concept and condition of topic and an understanding of topic development. In addition, teaching and learning discourse conditions for topic marker embodiment and various practice activities are also required to understand its function thoroughly. Furthermore, learning the integrated functions of “un/nun” needs practice through repetition and extension.

      • KCI등재

        이야기꾼 ‘거시기 담론’의 미학, 구조, 가치에 관한 구비문학적 시론

        허정주(Heo, Jeong-Joo) 실천민속학회 2015 실천민속학연구 Vol.25 No.-

        살아 있는 모든 언어는 그 언어 나름의 역사-사회적 특성을 형성해 나아가며 지역에 따라 각기 다른 방언권을 형성해간다. 이러한 특성들은 그것을 활용하는 그 방언권 내부의 이야기꾼 담론에도 영향을 미쳐, 이야기의 방법·구조·미학·철학에까지 중요한 영향을 미친다. 그러한 사례 중에 전라도 지역의 ‘거시기’란 말이 있다. 이 말은 어떤 말을 대신하는 ‘대용어’ 로서 대명사·형용사·동사·부사·접속사 등으로 다양하게 변용될 뿐만 아니라, 이 말이 서사 담론의 지평으로 나아가게 되면, 품사적 혹은 문장 성분적 변화를 자유롭게 기하는 가운데 이야기꾼 담론 내부에 여러 ‘틈’을 만들기도 한다. 그리고 이런 틈들을 통해서 그 담론을 청관중들에게 ‘개방’하여 공연자-청관중 간의 상호소통적인 ‘이야기의 판(장)’을 구축하고, 그 장에 참여하는 참여자들의 독특한 상호작용적 공동체 담론구조를 이룩해내기도 한다. 또한, 이 ‘거시기 담론’ 그 자체가 그러한 개방적·역동적·상호적 소통관계 속에서, 이야기꾼의 담론을 전승하는 집단 공동체의 ‘사회적-반성적 거울’이 되게 하고, 이를 통해 그 공동체 구성원들의 능동적인 ‘집단적 사고’를 자극·작동시키며, 이러한 과정에서 그 공동체의 ‘공동의 선(善)’을 지향?추구하는 합의의 지평에 도달하게 한다. 전통적으로 전라도 지방의 이야기꾼은 설화 현장에서 이 ‘거시기’라는 말과 그 계열에 속해 있는 말들의 지대한 영향 하에서 이야기를 구성해 나아가게 되며, 그렇기 때문에 이 지역이야기꾼들의 설화들은 일종의 독특한 이야기문화인 ‘거시기 담론’의 전통을 형성해 왔다. ‘거시기 담론’은 담론의 구조를 ‘닫힌구조’에서 ‘열린구조’로 전환시켜주며, 미학적으로 일종의 ‘비움-채움의 미학’, ‘여백의 미학’, ‘흐름 형성의 미학’, ‘몰입의 미학’ 등을 구현하기도 하고, 철학적인 차원에서는 ‘집단적 사유’와 ‘이심전심’ 미학을 추구하고자 한다. 이러한 담론 방식은 일종의 ‘치유담론’으로서의 가치도 무시할 수 없다. All of the live language are specialized with socio-historical characteristics and areas of dialects. These characteristics of areas of dialects have important effects on storyteller’s discourses in these areas of dialects and method, structure, aesthetics, and thoughts of these stories. There is an example, Gusigi in these examples in the area of Jeollado. This word is used as substitute; pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, conjunction, etc., And this word makes diverse cracks in discourses of storyteller under horizon of narrative discourses by changes in word class or constituent of sentence. In addition to this, Gusigi discourses open these discourses to audiences and compose interactive field of stories and interactive structure of discourse. Gusigi discourse itself becomes ‘socio-reflective mirror’ of community of Gusigi discourse, arouse ‘collective thinking’ of that community, and make the members of the community arrive to horizon of ‘communal goodness’. Storyteller in Jeollado province composes stories under influence of Gusigi discourse, traditionally. Gusigi discourse converts ‘close structure’ of story into ‘open structure’, realizes ‘emptying-filling aesthetics’, ‘blank-space aesthetics’, ‘flow-formation aesthetics’, ‘aesthetics of immersion’, and seeks philosopher of ‘thought transference’, philosophically. This method of discourse can be used as curing discourse, too.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 3학년 사회 교과서에 나타난 설명 담화의 구조 분석

        류정선,권순복 한국언어치료학회 2022 言語治療硏究 Vol.31 No.2

        Purpose: This study aimed to exam the structure of explanatory discourse in social studies textbooks in the third grade of elementary school to present basic data for structure-oriented discourse instruction. Methods: The frequency according to type was analyzed by dividing texts into a single structure and a complex structure. Then, the existence of a structural aspect according to the sub-topics was confirmed. Results: First, in the single structural text, collection accounted for 50% and causality 39.3%; comparative comparison and problem solving rarely appeared. Second, the complex structure showed 61% of collection+causality, 23% of causal+comparison/contrast, 9.5% of collection+comparison/contrast, 4.7% of comparison/contrast+problem solving, and the rest did not appear. Third, the frequency of appearance by sub-topic was 21.8% in geography, 58.6% in history, and 19.5% in general society. In terms of form diversity, history had a high frequency of appearance, but the forms were not diverse; collection and causal structures were shown mainly. However, the general society showed the most diverse forms despite the frequency being low. Conclusions: Both the frequency and form of explanatory statements increased significantly in the second semester. In addition, in both the single structure and the complex structure, the form containing the causal and the collection was the most frequent, while problem-solving was the rarest. The structure that frequently appeared differed depending on the sub-topic. Therefore, the explanatory discourse guidance reflecting these results may help children understand the explanatory discourse. 목적: 초등 3학년 사회 교과서의 설명 담화 구조를 알아봄으로써, 구조 중심 담화 지도를 위한 기초 자료를 제시하는 데 있다. 방법: 담화 유형에 따른 빈도를 단일 구조와 복합 구조로 나누어 분석하였으며, 하위 주제에 따라 나타나는 구조적 양상이 있는지 확인하였다. 결과: 첫째, 단일 구조 텍스트는 빈도 측면에서 수집 구조가 50%, 인과 구조가 39.3%를 차지하였고, 비교 대조 구조와 문제 해결 구조는 드물게 출현하였다. 둘째, 복합 구조에서는 수집+인과가 합쳐진 구조가 61%, 인과+비교/대조가 합쳐진 구조가 23%, 수집+비교/대조가 합쳐진 구조가 9.5%, 비교/대조+문제 해결이 합쳐진 구조가 4.7%를 차지하였으며 나머지는 출현하지 않았다. 셋째, 하위 주제별 설명 담화 출현 빈도는 지리 영역이 21.8%, 역사 영역은 58.6%, 일반 사회 영역은 19.5%로 일정하지 않게 나타났다. 형태의 다양성 측면에서 역사 영역은 설명 담화의 출현 빈도는 높았으나 출현 형태가 다양하지 않고 주로 수집과 인과 구조가 나타났다. 그러나 일반 사회 영역은 출현 빈도는 낮은 데 반해 형태는 세 하위 영역 중 가장 다양하게 나타났다. 결론: 설명 담화의 빈도와 형태 모두 2학기에 확연히 증가하였다. 또한 단일 구조와 복합 구조 모두에서 인과 구조와 수집 구조가 포함된 형태가 가장 빈번했으며 문제 해결 구조가 가장 드물게 출현하였다. 그리고 하위 주제에 따라 자주 출현하는 구조가 다르게 나타났다. 따라서 이러한 결과를 반영한 설명 담화 지도 프로그램이 아동들의 설명 담화의 이해를 도울 수 있을 것이다.

      • Visible Issues and Invisible Discourse Structures of Physical Education Classes: Foucault`s Archaeological Discourse Analysis for the Policy Recommendations

        ( Ho Jin Chung ),( Chan Min Park ),( Do Young Pyun ) 한국체육학회 2015 국제스포츠과학 학술대회 Vol.2015 No.1

        Purpose: Great attention has been shown to the reality of school physical education in South Korea. Even though much scholarly work has been done on the topics of challenges for physical education teachers in South Korea, this area still remains far from fully answered with consideration of policy stance. The purpose of this study was to reveal challenges which teachers face in their school settings, but which people do not question and review the discourse structure of truth that exists beyond teachers` perspectives employing a Foucault`s archaeological discourse analysis as the unique approach. Method: Data were collected by interviews with teachers and the Internet archive (e.g., documents and books in a digital library and news articles in the Internet websites). Foucault`s archeological discourse analysis attempted to dig up what is underneath discourse and reveal epistemological structures surrounding the discourse. This is a relatively recent approach to the examination of systematic bodies of knowledge arising from the traditions of critical social theory, linguistic analysis, post structuralism, and postmodern feminism (Barker & Galasinski, 2001; Gavey, 1989; Gray, 1999; Hinshaw, Feetham & Shaver, 1999; McNay, 1992; Phillips & Hardy, 2002; Titscher, Meyer, Wodak & Vetter, 2000). Result: The results indicated internal/external changes as to why teachers used the particular discourse, not other discourses in teachers` statements that are too normal to not be seen. Also, this study excavated a truth structure/system of hidden rules for why a view looking at things became that way (Kendall & Wickham, 1999). The results were found by looking at not only the present but also the historical components because these create such a tangled knot of shifting meanings, definitions and interested parties over periods of time (Powers, 2007). Conclusion: The challenges of physical education classes revealed through this study are discourse structures, as absence which is not visible, which are connected underneath social phenomena, coexist, and interfere in one another. They are not discursive objects as existence which is visible but are naturally seen on the surface of social phenomena, are not in doubt, are accepted naively. This study provides a political ground that supports efforts of Ministry of Education and governing bodies in South Korea for normalisation of school physical education and suggests alternatives.

      • KCI등재

        김수영 시의 교차 융합적 대구 연구

        오형엽 ( Hyung Yup Oh ) 국제비교한국학회 2015 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.23 No.2

        This writing wishes to analyze discourse structure of ‘crossover convergence antithesis’ of Kim Soo-young’s poetry focusing on ‘aesthetic effect and function’ and investigates ‘structurizing principle’. The most representative discourse structure of ‘variation’ is ‘antithesis’ in Kim Soo-young’s poetry. ‘Antithesis’ is used to similar concept with ‘parallelism’, method that repeats equal surface structure by each unit but is inserted new component in the structure. ‘Parallel antithesis’, ‘round-trip antithesis’, ‘chain antithesis’ appears frequently in Kim Soo-young’s poetry. And ‘crossover convergence antithesis’ is very important antithesis in Kim Soo-young’s poetry. We can find ‘crossover convergence antithesis’ on “The Thinking about the Room”, “Petal 2”, “Grass” in Kim Soo-young’s poetry. “The Thinking about the Room” show discourse structure of ‘chain antithesis’ and ‘crossover convergence antithesis’ that is spreaded by A(1 stanza)-B(2 stanza)-C(3 stanza)-D(4 stanza)-E(5 stanza). This poem is connecting A, B, C by the chain antithesis, and show that both poles is presented to A and B crosses and converges mutually in C. “Petal 2” show discourse structure of ‘parallel antithesis’ and ‘crossover convergence antithesis’ that is spreaded by A(1 stanza)-B(2 stanza)-C(3 stanza)-D(4 stanza)-E(5 stanza). “Yellow flower” that it contain ‘disturbance’, ‘accidental’, ‘other time’ offers force that recovers ‘freedom’, ‘being’, ‘truth’ as original state of ‘flower’ again. D intercross and converges between both poles through discourse structure of ‘crossover convergence antithesis’. “Grass” show discourse structure of ‘gradation antithesis’ and ‘crossover convergence antithesis’ that is spreaded by A(1 stanza)-B(2 stanza)-C(3 stanza). ‘Crossover convergence antithesis’ appears laying stress on C in A-B-C’s process of development in this poem. Subjecthood of ‘grass’ and post-subjecthood of ‘wind’ are intercrossing and converging in here.

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