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        통합 물관리를 위한 우리나라 지하수 관리 패러다임 전환과 정책방향

        현윤정,한혜진,Hyun, Yunjung,Han, Hye Jin 한국지하수토양환경학회 2021 지하수토양환경 Vol.26 No.6

        This paper aims to develop a new paradigm for groundwater management which is compatible with integrated water management policies in Korea. Three key roles of groundwater are defined for addressing water cycle distortion, high water stress, water quality degradation, aquatic ecosystems deterioration, and water-related hazards. Firstly, groundwater plays an important role in contributing soundness of water cycle as a component of water cycle. Secondly, it is a local water resource to ensure water supply sustainability. Thirdly, groundwater is an essential water resource for drought and emergencies. In order to support the groundwater roles, we propose a paradigm shift for groundwater management and policy directions towards integrated water management. The new paradigm consists of managements for sound water cycle on a watershed scale and groundwater environment(quantity, quality, and groundwater dependent ecosystems) managements for both human and nature. A prospective management also constitutes the new paradigm. In addition, this paper proposes four policy directions in groundwater management. The policies emphasize the integrated management of groundwater and surface water, management of groundwater environment(quantity, quality, and groundwater dependent ecosystems), management of groundwater uses for water sustainability and security, and enhancement of groundwater publicity.

      • 통합물관리 이행을 위한 수리권 정비의 정책 현안과 개선 방향 연구

        정기철,문현주,김호정,정아영,박상근 한국환경연구원 2022 수시연구보고서 Vol.2022 No.-

        Ⅰ. 연구의 개요 1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 □ 연구의 배경 ㅇ 2018년 6월 「정부조직법」, 「물관리기본법」, 「물기술산업법」 물관리 3법의 제정·개정으로 물관리 이원화에서 물관리일원화의 실행기반이 마련되었고 통합물관리를 기치로 삼아 분산되어 있는 물 관련 법령들의 일관성과 체계성을 유지하기 위해 수량, 수질, 수재해, 수생태, 환경 등의 다양한 물 관련 문제를 통합하여 관리하려고 함 ㅇ 통합물관리는 물순환 전 과정의 통합·연계 체계 구축 및 법령·계획·제도 정비를 통한 효율적이고 균형적인 물관리를 일컫는 것으로 통합물관리 이행에 있어 무엇보다 물 사용 권리의 통합, 즉 수리권의 통합이 중요하며 이는 수량 중심의 수리권 관련 규정에서 수량·수질·수생태를 통합하여 규정할 수 있는 수리권 형태를 의미함 □ 연구의 목적 ㅇ 통합물관리 이행을 위한 여러 형태의 환경·생태·물 관련 법령 정비 및 계획 분석과 함께 통합물관리 형태의 수리권(자연과 인간 모두를 위한 수리권) 정립 방향을 논의하고자 함 2. 연구 내용 및 범위 □ 연구 내용 ㅇ 「물관리기본법」과 수리권 규정 및 정책 현황들을 조사하였고 통합물관리 형태의 갈등 해결을 위한 현 수리권 제도 적용의 한계점을 분석함 ㅇ 선진국들의 통합물관리 형태를 포함하는 수리권 제도 검토를 위해 프랑스, 호주, 독일의 물관리 정책을 검토함 ㅇ 국내 다양한 통합물관리 형태의 주요 수리권 갈등 사례들을 살펴보았고 통합물관리 체계하의 수리권 정비의 필요성을 분석하며 지속가능한 통합물관리 형태의 수리권 정립 방향을 분석함 □ 연구 범위 ㅇ 본 연구에서 수리권 사례 분석 및 제도 정비는 수질·수생태·수량을 포함하는 통합물 관리 형태의 수리권에 국한하며, 아래의 연구 범위는 포함하지 않음 - 농·공업의 물이용만 고려한 수리권 분석 - 댐 저수와 기득수리권 간의 용수 공급 갈등 해결을 위한 수리권 분석 - 지하수 이용을 고려한 지표수·지하수 관계 기반의 통합물관리 수리권 분석 3. 연구 관련 개념 정의 □ 하천유지유량 ㅇ 「하천법」에서는 생활·공업·농업·환경개선·발전·주운(舟運) 등의 하천수 사용을 고려하여 하천의 정상적인 기능 및 상태를 유지하는 데 필요한 최소한의 유량으로 정의함 ㅇ 하천유지유량은 갈수기와 같이 생업·공업·농업용수 사용이 어려운 시기에는 희생되는 대상으로 기존의 수리권 제도와 하천유지용수 조항으로는 환경과 수생태 보호에 어려움이 있음 ㅇ 하천유지유량도 수리권적인 유량으로 간주할 수 있지만 하천유지유량은 고시되는 시점부터 취득되며 기득 하천사용자의 권리에 비해 우선순위가 낮은 문제가 있음 ㅇ 물이 부족한 시기에 수리권의 조정원칙이나 관련한 법적 장치가 미비한 상황이며 용수 사용에 대한 갈등과 수생태계 및 수질 보호를 위한 용수 사용자에게서의 취수 제한을 가할 수 있는 체계나 법적인 근거 마련이 필요함 □ 환경생태수리권 ㅇ 하천유지유량을 고려한 통합물관리 형태의 수리권, 즉 자연이 가지는 수리권을 ‘환경 생태수리권’으로 정의하고 있으며 통합물관리 체계하의 수리권 용어로 사용함 ㅇ 환경생태수리권과 하천유지유량은 비슷한 목적을 하고 있지만, 연구를 통해 자연환경과 수생태를 위한 물의 사용을 법 및 제도적으로 구체화하여 그 권리를 인정하기 위한 노력으로 볼 수 있음 Ⅱ. 물관리기본법과 수리권 제도 현황 및 국외 수리권 제도 분석 1. 물관리기본법과 통합물관리 ㅇ 「물관리기본법」의 공포 이후 하위법령 제정 작업을 거쳐 국가 차원의 통합적인 물관리 및 유역중심의 물관리를 위한 국가물관리위원회 및 유역물관리위원회 설치 등 통합된 물관리 정책 수행을 위한 관리체계 및 법체계가 구축됨 ㅇ 「물관리기본법」 제9조(건전한 물순환), 제10조(수생태환경의 보전), 제12조(통합물 관리)은 물관리에 있어 지구상의 생명을 유지하고 보전을 고려한 물이용과 국가 및 자치단체의 수자원 정책 수립 시 생태·환경을 고려한 통합물관리 정책을 강조함 ㅇ 「물관리기본법」 제32조(물분쟁의 조정) 및 제33조(조정의 처리)에서 수자원의 개발·이용에 있어 이해관계자 간의 수리권 분쟁을 조정하는 위원회 및 제도는 존재하고 있지만, 자연환경 및 수생태와 물배분 간의 수리권 분쟁 조정을 위한 규제는 미비함 2. 우리나라 수리권 제도의 현황 및 한계 분석 □ 수리권 제도의 현황 및 법적 기반 ㅇ 1971년 개정 「하천법」 제25조 제1호에서 유수의 점용이라는 명칭으로 하천수의 사용을 위해 관리청의 허가를 받아야 함을 규정하고 있으며 이후 현재에 이르기까지 이른바 ‘하천수 사용 허가제도’로서 수리권이 제도로서 정착되어 옴 ㅇ 하천수를 사용하기 위해서는 일반적으로 취수시설의 신설 또는 변경 등을 수반하기 때문에 홍수통제소 외에 하천점용에 관한 업무를 담당하는 지방국토관리청(국가하천), 지방자치단체(지방하천)와 협의하여 허가해야 함 ㅇ 수리권이라는 용어 자체는 「하천법」을 비롯하여 법적으로 규정된 용어는 아니다. 하지만 일반적으로 「하천법」상 수리권의 설정은 대물적 특허에 속하는 것으로서 설권적 행위임 □ 현 수리권 제도의 관점과 환경생태수리권의 도입 ㅇ 수리권 제도는 물이용의 관점에서 제도가 정비되어 왔지만 2000년대에 들어오면서 하천의 무분별한 개발에 대한 국민의 강한 반발과 함께 환경부를 중심으로 ‘하천 생태계의 건강성 회복’을 위하여 생태하천 복원사업이 대대적으로 추진됨 ㅇ 권리를 가진 객체를 국민으로 규정하고 있는 우리 헌법의 환경권에서 하천의 동식물에게 그 권리를 부여하는 것은 생각하기 어렵지만 인간 중심에 서서 자연을 바라보는 시각을 넘어서는 환경생태수리권 제도의 도입에는 많은 연구가 필요할 것임 ㅇ 최근 환경권의 실체적 구현을 위한 개선방안 연구와 같이 자연이 가지는 권리에 대하여 인정하자는 노력이 지속되고 있고 나아가 환경생태수리권의 자연의 물 사용 권리에 대한 수리권 정립 방향 연구도 가능하게 함 3. 국외 물관리 체계 및 수리권 제도 조사 □ 프랑스 물관리 체계 및 수리권 제도 ㅇ 프랑스는 1964년 새로운 물법을 도입하여 전국을 6대 유역으로 나누어 각 유역별 유역관리청과 위원회를 설치하고 유역 중심의 물관리 제도를 수립하였으며, 1992년에 중앙정부의 유역 물관리 체계 감독을 강화해 유역별 물관리 계획 수립을 의무화하였고 2006년 물법을 개정하는 등 효율적인 물관리를 시행하고 있음 ㅇ 프랑스의 수리권은 관련 법률상에 수리권를 명시하고 있으며, 개인 또는 집단에 자격을 부여할 수 있고, 재산소유권과는 분리되며, 수리권 취득은 영향평가 및 공개 조사 절차를 통해 이루어지고, 소규모 가정용 취수자는 별도로 취득할 필요가 없음 □ 호주 물관리 체계 및 수리권 제도 ㅇ 2007년 연방 정부 「물법」 제정 이후, 호주의 유역 물관리 기관은 수자원장관, 유역 주정부 위원회, 유역주민위원회, Murray-Darling 유역청, 유역 주 정부 등으로 구성하여 국가 물관리 계획의 효과적 실행을 위한 역할을 수행하고 있음 ㅇ Murray-Darling 유역청은 유역 수자원의 지속가능한 이용을 위한 유역통합계획 수립 및 실행, 연간 각 주별 이용 가능한 수자원량을 결정하며, 하천 시설물 운영 및 자산관리계획의 수립 및 실행 등 하천 시설물의 자산관리를 총괄하고 있음 ㅇ 수자원이 가변적인 상황에서 일정한 양의 물이용 권한을 부여하는 것은 불가능하다는 점을 인식하고, 수자원의 상황과 관계없이 일정한 수리권과 당해 수자원의 상황에 따라 달라지는 할당량을 구분하여 가용량과 우선순위에 따라 할당량을 조정함 □ 독일 물관리 체계 및 수리권 제도 ㅇ 독일은 1990년 이후 16개 자치주로 이루어진 연방국가 체제이며 연방정부와 주정부는 정책 집행을 위해 서로 공조하는 협력 관계에 있고, 연방정부는 제도와 정책을 수립하고 주정부는 이를 실행하는 형태를 지님 ㅇ 하천수의 이용이나 하천공사는 관할 행정청의 허가를 받아야 하며, 지하수 또한 독일 연방헌법재판소의 골재채취결정에서 지하수를 희소한 자원으로 국가의 보호를 받는 다는 점을 강조하여 이용관계를 공법적 성격으로 규정하고 있음 Ⅲ. 통합물관리 형태의 수리권 갈등 사례 조사 및 시사점 분석 1. 섬진강 수계 물배분과 생태·환경적 가치의 반영 요구 증대 ㅇ 섬진강 수계를 타 수계로의 물 공급 수원으로 활용토록 한 물이용 정책으로 인해 섬진강 본류 지역 주민들은 용수부족과 이로 인한 생물 서식 환경의 악화에 따른 피해 문제를 지속적으로 제기 중임 ㅇ 섬진강 하구 재첩 생육을 고려한 하천유지유량 산정은 기존 하천유지유량 산정요령에서 하천 생태계를 고려한 필요유량 산정 시 ‘하천생태계는 원칙적으로 하천에 서식하는 생물을 대상으로 하나, 사회적 중요도와 생태자료의 획득 가능성 등을 고려하여 하천에 서식하는 고등생물인 어류를 대상으로 할 수 있다’를 기준으로 하지만 향후 물 확보 요구 증가에 따른 제도적인 대응 체계 마련이 필요함 ㅇ 득량만 측의 농업용수 필요 수량 검토의 경우 주민들이 주장하는 꼬막 등 득량만 생태 환경 변화는 고려되지 않고 있으며 물이용 변화에 따른 생태계 영향 등에 대한 종합검토를 진행하였으나 관련 기관의 이견으로 협약이 이뤄지지 않고 있음 2. 만경강·동진강 농업용수 수요량 관리 강화를 통한 수질개선 요구 증대 ㅇ 만경강과 동진강의 농업용수 이용 체계로 인해 수문이 설치된 지류의 경우 농업배수의 정체로 인한 수질 악화, 본류는 유입 유량 감소로 인한 수질 악화가 발생하고 강우 발생 시 지류 수문을 일제히 개방하여 오염도가 높은 농업배수가 본류로 일시에 유입되어 수질과 수생태에 악영향을 주는 것으로 분석되고 있음 ㅇ 농지를 확보하고자 하는 농림부, 지역 개발의 기회로 이용하고자 하는 전라북도, 바다와 갯벌을 없애고 농지로 개발하는 것에 대한 문제 제기를 시작으로 농지뿐만 아니라 복합 단지로 조성하도록 하는 사업 목적이 변경될 때부터 수질 확보에 대한 문제를 제기한 환경단체와의 갈등이 심각한 상황임 3. 낙동강 하굿둑 개방으로 인한 재자연화와 물 공급 개선 요구 증대 ㅇ 하굿둑 개방은 낙동강 하구의 환경적 가치와 보전에 대한 인식과 함께 하굿둑 개방 및 훼손 하구의 복원 필요성 증대로 진행되고 있으며 하굿둑 개방 시 염해피해 우려와 취수 및 농업용수 사용에 관한 요구와 갈등이 지속적으로 일어나고 있음 ㅇ 하굿둑 물관리 방안 마련을 위해 하굿둑, 대저수문, 녹산수문, 운하수문 등 각 시설물의 운영주체들 간의 통합운영 관리체계 구축과 재자연화를 둘러싼 용수 사용 문제에 대하여 제도적·법적 정비가 무엇보다 먼저 필요할 것으로 판단됨 Ⅳ. 통합물관리 이행을 위한 수리권 제도 정비 및 정립 방향 1. 환경·생태 및 통합물관리 관련 법령 및 계획 정비 연구 □ 환경·생태를 고려한 환경권 구현 방안 연구 ㅇ 환경권 규정은 「헌법」 제35조 제1항의 “모든 국민은 건강하고 쾌적한 환경에서 생활 할 권리를 가지며, 국가와 국민은 환경보전을 위하여 노력하여야 한다”에서 찾아볼 수 있으며 환경을 인간만을 위함이 아니라 생태계 차원을 바탕으로 보호하고 지켜나 가야 하는 생존기반으로 이해하고 환경권의 법적 권리성을 인정해야 함을 나타냄 ㅇ 국회 헌법개정특별위원회 자문위원회에서는 환경권을 모든 사람이 누릴 수 있는 권리로 인정하고 모든 생명체는 국가의 보호 대상임을 명시함 ㅇ 환경권과 마찬가지로 물을 대상으로 한 자연이 가지는 권리를 인정할 필요가 있으며, 환경권의 실체적 구현 연구를 기반으로 수생태 및 자연 또한 물을 사용할 수 있는 권리에 관한 환경생태수리권 실질화 연구의 필요성과 방향 제시의 가능성을 보여줌 □ 통합물관리 관련 법·제도 정비 방향 연구 ㅇ 「물환경보전법」과 「수자원법」의 경우 하천, 유역 등 대상범위가 유사하며, 통합물관리 이후 수량·수질·수생태로 연계되어 관리되어야 한다는 점에서 통합 정비 방안과 관련하여 연구가 수행되고 있음 ㅇ 「하천법」 제7장에서는 하천수 사용과 조정 및 하천유지유량 계획에 관하여 다루고 있으며 나아가 하천수 사용과 계획에 있어 수생태 보존, 환경생태유량, 수변생태구역 관리 등에 대한 구체적인 내용을 하천관리 계획에서 추가할 필요가 있음 ㅇ 「물관리기본법」 제2장의 제9조(건전한 물순환), 제10조(수생태환경 보존)의 목적과 부합되는 환경생태수리권과 같은 정책수단을 추가하여 보다 통합적이고 적극적인물 사용 해결책을 유도함이 필요하고 환경부로의 「하천법」 이관에 따라 환경생태유량, 하천 수생태계 복원 및 보존, 수변생태구역에 대한 법령 정비가 필요함 2. 통합물관리 차원의 환경생태수리권 정립 방향 □ 환경을 고려한 생태손해책임 법령 규정 ㅇ 기존 공법인 「환경법」에서 규제하여 왔던 환경에 대한 보호정책에 더하여 2016년 「민법」의 개정을 통하여 ‘생태손해’를 구체적으로 규정하고 이에 대한 손해배상 청구에 관한 규정을 새롭게 도입함 ㅇ 프랑스의 생태손해배상책임을 우리나라에 바로 도입하기는 어렵겠지만, 환경단체의 금지청구권 및 원상회복 청구권 도입과 생태손해의 공법상 규제 보완에 참고가 될 수 있을 것이라 사료됨 ㅇ 프랑스의 「민법」상 생태손해배상책임을 그대로 적용하기에는 쉽지 않겠지만 우리나라의 공법상 규제 수단에 미비한 부분이 있다면 보완할 수 있도록 하며 장점들을 참고하여 공법적 규제의 틀 안으로 스며들게 하는 노력이 필요함 □ 지속 가능한 수리권 배분을 위한 유역계획 ㅇ 환경생태수리권을 제도적으로 정립하기 위해 생태손해 규정을 참고한 규제의 구체화뿐 아니라, 체계적인 유역계획을 세워 자연과 수생태가 가지는 물에 대한 기본적 권리를 확보해야 함 ㅇ 호주의 환경용수계획, 수질과 염도 관리계획, 물 거래 등을 활용한 유역계획은 본 연구 사례로 조사하였던 물 사용에 따른 수질·수생태 악화 및 하천 자연화와 염수 침해 관련 갈등과 같은 환경생태수리권 갈등 해결 방향 마련에 좋은 예일 것임 ㅇ 또한 환경용수 확보를 위해 기득 수리권 사용자에게 정부의 환경용수 매입이나 하천 운영 및 취수방법의 현대화를 통한 확보된 수자원의 환경용수 배분·전환 등 하천 생태의 건강성 유지와 환경생태 복원을 위한 계획들은 앞으로의 유역계획에 참고할 수 있을 것임 ㅇ 현행법상 하천수 사용에 대하여 일반적인 허가만을 규정하는 우리나라는 하천수 사용의 허가를 공법상 수리권 부여 및 헌법상의 재산권으로 인정하기 어려운 제도이지만, 물관리일원화 실현과 같이 법이론적인 근본적 접근으로 개선의 여지가 있음 □ 물관리법상의 허가수리권 제도 ㅇ 수자원에 대한 국가의 합리적 관리가 일반화되고 통합물관리 체제가 수립되었음에도 「민법」의 공유하천용수권 및 관행수리권 규정과 민법상의 수리권에 우선하는 등 수리권에 대한 법적 불확실성이 존재함 ㅇ 독일의 「연방물관리법」은 우리나라의 「하천법」과 유사하게 하천수 사용을 위해 담당 행정청의 허가를 받아 물을 사용할 수 있도록 하지만 소극적인 허가유보의 개념보다물 사용에 대한 일정한 법적 지위 부여로 설권행위에 가까운 허가수리권 제도임 ㅇ 독일과 같이 공공과 관련된 중요 수자원 계획에 승인제도를 둘 것인가에 대한 논의는 필요하겠지만, 그럼에도 불구하고 생활·공업·농업용수의 통상적인 용수허가뿐 아니라 공공의 목적을 위한 허가수리권 제도 수립은 우리에게 시사하는 바가 큼 Ⅴ. 결 론 ㅇ 통합물관리 이행을 위한 현 수리권 제도의 정비와 통합물관리 형태의 수리권 갈등 사례 조사 그리고 환경·생태·물 관련 법령들의 개선 방향을 살펴봄으로써 환경생태 수리권 정립을 모색함 ㅇ 선진국들의 물관리 체계 및 수리권 현황 조사와 함께 각국의 물 관련 법령과 제도를 분석함으로써 환경생태수리권 도입 방향을 제시하였음 ㅇ 환경·생태를 위한 수리권의 조정원칙이나 관련한 법적 장치가 필요한 상황이며 용수 사용에 대한 갈등과 수생태계·수질 보호를 위한 용수 사용의 지속적인 관리체계나 법적 근거 마련을 위한 노력이 필요함 Ⅰ. Background and Aims of Research 1. Background and Purpose of the Study □ Background of the Study ㅇ The enactment and revision of three Water Management Acts--「the National Government Organization Act」, 「the Framework Act on Water Management」, and 「the Water Technology Industry Act」--in June 2018 established the basis for implementing the change from dual water management to unified water management. Under the banner of integrated water management, various water-related issues such as water quantity, water quality, water disasters, aquatic ecosystem, and environment are integrated and managed in order to maintain the consistency and system of dispersed water-related laws and regulations. ㅇ Integrated water management refers to efficient and balanced water management by establishing an integrated and linked system for the entire water cycle and the modification of laws and regulations, plans, and systems. Above all, the integration of water rights is essential for implementing integrated water management. This implies a form of water rights that can integrate and regulate water quantity, water quality, and aquatic ecosystem in the water rights-related regulations based on water quantity. □ Purpose of the Study ㅇ In order to implement integrated water management, we intend to discuss the direction of establishing water rights (for both nature and humans) in the form of integrated water management, as well as the modification of various types of environment, ecosystem, and water-related laws and regulations and the analysis of the modification plans. 2. Content and Scope of the Study □ Content of the Study ㅇ The state of the 「Framework Act on Water Management」 and the water rights regulations and policies were investigated, and the limitations of applying the current water rights system to resolve conflicts in the form of integrated water management were analyzed. ㅇ In order to review the water rights systems, which include the integrated water management of the developed countries, the water management policies of France, Australia, and Germany were examined. ㅇ Various cases of major integrated water management-related water rights conflicts in Korea were examined. The need for revising the water rights under the integrated water management system was analyzed, and the direction of establishing water rights in the form of sustainable integrated water management was analyzed. □ Scope of the Study ㅇ In this study, the analysis of the water rights cases and the modification of the water rights system are limited to water rights in the form of integrated water management. Moreover, the scope of the research shown below is not included in this study: - Analysis of water rights considering only water use in agriculture and industry - Analysis of water rights for resolving water supply conflicts between dam reservoir water and those already vested with water rights - Analysis of water rights on the relationship between the surface water and the groundwater considering the use of groundwater 3. Definition of Concepts related to the Study □ Flowing Water Quantity for River Maintenance ㅇ The 「River Act」 defines the “flowing water quantity for river maintenance” as the minimum quantity of flowing water required to maintain the normal functions and state of a river considering the use of the river water, such as daily life, industry, agriculture, environment improvement, power generation, and transportation by ship. ㅇ The flowing water quantity for river maintenance is sacrificed in times, such as during a dry season, when it is difficult to use water for daily life, industry, and agriculture. Hence, it is difficult to protect the environment and aquatic ecosystem with the existing water rights system and the article for the water flow for river maintenance. ㅇ The flowing water quantity for river maintenance can also be considered a water right, and it is acquired from the time it is announced. However, the flowing water quantity for river maintenance has a lower priority than the rights of river users who had already acquired the water rights. ㅇ In times when water is scarce, the principle of adjusting water rights or related legal mechanisms is inadequate. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a system or legal basis to restrict water intake from water users in order to deal with conflicts over water use and protect aquatic ecosystems and water quality. □ Water Rights for Environmental Ecosystems ㅇ The ‘water rights for environmental ecosystems’ is defined as the water rights in the form of integrated water management that considers the flowing water quantity for river maintenance. In other words, it is the water rights that belong to nature, and it is used as a water rights terminology in the integrated water management system. ㅇ The water rights for environmental ecosystems and the flowing water quantity for river maintenance have similar purposes. However, the water rights for environmental ecosystems can be seen as an effort to recognize these water rights by legally and institutionally providing the specifics of water uses for the natural environment and aquatic ecosystem through research. Ⅱ. The Current State of the Framework Act on Water Management and Water Rights System and the Analysis of Overseas Water Rights System 1. The Framework Act on Water Management and Integrated Water Management ㅇ After the 「Framework Act on Water Management」 was proclaimed, lower-level statutes were enacted to establish the National Water Management Committee and the Basin Water Management Committee for integrated water management at the national level and water management centered on river basins. As a result, a management system and legal system were established to implement the integrated water management policies. ㅇ Article 9 (Sound Water Cycle), Article 10 (Conservation of Aquatic Ecosystems), and Article 12 (Integrated Water Management) of the 「 Framework Act on Water Management」 emphasize the use of water that considers the maintenance and preservation of life on earth in water management. These articles also emphasize integrated water management policies that consider ecosystems and environments when establishing national and local water resource policies. ㅇ Article 32 (Mediation of Water Disputes) and Article 33 (Processing of Mediation) of the 「Framework Act on Water Management」 include committees and systems that mediate water rights disputes between stakeholders in the development and use of water resources. However, there are inadequate regulations for mediating water rights disputes between the natural environment/aquatic ecosystem and water distribution. 2. The State of the Current Water Rights System and the Analysis of the Water Rights System □ Current State and Legal Basis of Water Rights System ㅇ Article 25, Section 1 of the 「River Act」, amended in 1971, prescribes that permission to use the river water under the name of occupancy must be obtained from the river management agency. Since then, water rights have been established as a so-called ‘River Water Use Permit System’. ㅇ The use of river water generally involves constructing or modifying a water intake facility. Hence, permission must be granted in consultation with the Regional Construction and Management Administration (national rivers) or local government (local rivers) in charge of the occupation and use of the river, as well as the flood control center. ㅇ The term water rights is not a terminology prescribed by laws or statutes, including the River Act. However, the establishment of water rights under the River Act generally belongs to a property patent. □ The Perspective of the Current Water Rights System and the Adoption of Water Rights for Environmental Ecosystems ㅇ The water rights system has been revised from the water use perspective. However, there has been strong public opposition to the indiscriminate development of rivers since the 2000s. Along with this opposition, a river ecosystem restoration project was carried out on a large scale, led by the Ministry of Environment, to ‘restore the health of river ecosystems’. ㅇ Our Constitution stipulates that environmental rights belong to citizens. In light of the Constitution, granting these rights to animals and plants in rivers would be inconceivable. From the human-centered perspective towards nature, there may be limitations in establishing the water rights for environmental ecosystems as a system. ㅇ However, efforts are being made in recent times to recognize the rights of nature by conducting studies on improvement measures for the practical implementation of environmental rights. Furthermore, it has been made possible to study the direction of establishing the water rights of nature in the water rights for environmental ecosystems. 2. Overseas Water Management Systems and Water Rights Systems □ Water Management System and Water Rights System in France ㅇ France introduced a new water law in 1964 and divided the country into six major basins. Basin management agency and committee were established for each basin, and a basin-oriented water management system was established. In 1992, the central government reinforced the supervision of the basin water management system, making it mandatory to establish a water management plan for each basin. Since then, efficient water management has been implemented, including the amendment of the water law in 2006. ㅇ In France, water rights are specified in the corresponding laws. Water rights can be granted to individuals or groups, and they are separate from ownership of properties. Water rights are acquired through an impact assessment and public investigation procedure, and small households do not need to obtain water rights separately. □ Water Management System and Water Rights System in Australia ㅇ Since the Commonwealth Government enacted the Water Act in 2007, Australia's basin water management agencies―consisting of the Minister for Resources and Water, the Basin Officials Committee, the Basin Community Committee, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, and Basin state governments―have played the role of effectively implementing the national water management plans. ㅇ The Murray-Darling Basin Authority establishes and implements a basin integration plan for the sustainable use of basin water resources, and it determines the amount of annual available water for each state. In addition, the Murray-Darling Basin Authority oversees the asset management of river facilities, including the operation of river facilities and the establishment and implementation of asset management plans. ㅇ Recognizing that it is impossible to grant the right to use a certain amount of water in situations where water resources are variable, the amount of water allotted is adjusted according to the available amount and priority by distinguishing between the consistent water rights that are independent of the water resource conditions and the amount of water allotted, which varies according to the water resource conditions in the given year. □ Water Management System and Water Rights System in Germany ㅇ Since 1990, Germany has adopted a federal state system consisting of 16 autonomous states. The federal government and the state governments have a cooperative relationship, and they work together to implement policies. The federal government establishes systems and policies, and the state governments implement them. ㅇ In order to use river water or perform a river construction, permission must be obtained from the district administrative agency. In addition, the German Federal Constitutional Court's decision on the extraction of aggregates defined the relationship of use as having the characteristics of public law by emphasizing that the state protects groundwater because it is considered a scarce resource. Ⅲ. Investigation of Water Rights Conflict Cases in the Form of Integrated Water Management 1. Increased demand for distribution of water in the Seomjin River water system and reflection of ecological and environmental values ㅇ Due to the water use policy to use the water system of the Seomjin River as a source of water supply to other water systems, the residents of the main Seomjin River region did not have a sufficient amount of water available for use. As a result, the habitat for living organisms also deteriorated. Therefore, the residents have continually raised the issue of damages caused by the water use policy. ㅇ In the calculation of flowing water quantity for river maintenance in consideration of the growth of Jaecheop clams in the Seomjin River estuary, the river ecosystem is considered for the calculation using the following criterion based on the existing method: ‘Although a river ecosystem pertains to organisms that inhabit the river in principle, it may pertain to fish, higher organisms living in the river, considering social importance and the possibility of obtaining ecological data.’ It is necessary to prepare a systematic response system based on the increase in demand for securing water in the future. ㅇ In the case of the review of the required amount of water for agricultural use in Deukryang Bay, changes in the ecological environment of Deukryang Bay, such as ark clams, have not been taken into consideration, as was asserted by the residents. In addition, a comprehensive review was conducted on the impact of the changes in water use on the ecosystem. However, an agreement has not been reached due to a disagreement between related organizations. 2. Increased Demand to Improve Water Quality by Strengthening the Management of the Water Demand for Agricultural Use in the Mangyeong River and Dongjin River ㅇ Due to the agricultural water use system of the Mangyeong River and Dongjin River, the water quality deteriorates due to stagnation of agricultural drainage water in the tributaries where sluice gates are installed. In the case of the main river stream, the water quality deteriorates due to the reduced inflow of water. It is analyzed that sluice gates in tributaries are opened all at once when heavy rainfall occurs. This allows highly polluted agricultural drainage water to flow into the main river stream at once, adversely affecting the water quality and aquatic ecosystem. ㅇ There is a serious conflict among the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Jeollabuk-do Province, and the environmental group. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry wants to secure farmland, whereas Jeollabuk-do Province wants to use the project as an opportunity to develop the region. On the other hand, the environmental group initially raised the issue of removing the sea and tidal flats and developing it as farmland. Since the purpose of the project was modified to include not only the development of farmland but also the development of a complex, the environmental group has also raised the issue of ensuring water quality. 3. Increased Demand for Re-naturalization and Improvement of Water Supply due to Opening of the Nakdong River Estuary Bank ㅇ The floodgates of the estuary bank are opened with the awareness of the environmental value and conservation of the Nakdong River estuary, as well as the increased need for opening the estuary bank’s floodgates and restoring the damaged estuary. However, there are concerns about damages from the seawater when the estuary bank’s floodgates are opened. Furthermore, demands and conflicts regarding water intake and agricultural water use occur continually. ㅇ In order to prepare a water management plan for the river estuary bank, above all, an integrated operation management system needs to be established among the entities in charge of operating each facility, such as the river estuary bank, the Daejeo floodgate, the Noksan floodgate, and the canal floodgate. In addition, institutional and legal modifications need to be made regarding the water use issues centering around re-naturalization. Ⅳ. Direction for Revising and Establishing the Water Rights System to Implement Integrated Water Management 1. A Study on Revising the Environment, Ecosystem and Waterrelated Laws, Regulations and Plans □ A Study on the Implementation of Environmental Rights Considering the Environment and Ecosystem ㅇ The environmental rights regulations can be found in Article 35, Section 1 of the 「Constitution」, which states “all citizens shall have the right to a healthy and pleasant environment. The State and all citizens shall endeavor to protect the environment.” The environmental rights regulations indicate that the environment should be understood as the basis for survival that must be protected and conserved not only for humans but also at the ecosystem level. The environmental rights regulations also indicate that the legal rights of environmental rights should be recognized. ㅇ The Advisory Committee of the Special Committee on Constitutional Amendments of the National Assembly recognizes environmental rights as a right that all people are entitled to and states that all living things are subject to protection by the State. ㅇ Similar to environmental rights, it is necessary to recognize the rights of nature regarding water. The study on the substantive implementation of environmental rights shows the need for and possibility of a study on realizing water rights for environmental ecosystems, which deals with the rights of aquatic ecosystems and nature to use water. □ A Study on Revising Water-related Laws and Systems ㅇ For the 「Water Environment Conservation Act」 and the 「Water Resources Act」, target scope, such as rivers and basins, is similar. And a study is being conducted on the integrated maintenance plan for managing the water quantity, water quality, and water ecosystem in connection with the integrated water management. ㅇ Chapter 7 of the 「River Act」 deals with the use and control of river water and planning the flowing water quantity for river maintenance. Regarding the use and planning of river water, it is necessary to add specific details about the conservation of aquatic ecosystems, environmental flows, and management of waterside ecological zones in the river management plan. ㅇ A more integrated and active water use solution needs to be developed by adding policy measures such as water rights for environmental ecosystems that correspond to the purpose of Article 9 (Sound Water Cycle) and Article 10 (Conservation of Aquatic Ecosystems) in Chapter 2 of the 「Framework Act on Water Management」. Furthermore, since the 「River Act」 is transferred to the Ministry of Environment, it is necessary to revise the laws and regulations on environmental flows, restoration and conservation of river ecosystems, and waterside ecological zones. 2. Direction of Establishing Water Rights for Environmental Ecosystems in terms of Integrated Water Management □ Laws and Regulations on Liabilities for Ecological Damages ㅇ In addition to the environmental protection policies regulated by the Environmental Act, an existing public law, the revision of the Civil Act in 2016 specifically stipulated ‘ecological damages’ and introduced new regulations regarding claims for damages. ㅇ It would be difficult to immediately introduce France’s regulations on liability for ecological damage in Korea. However, these regulations can be referred to in introducing environmental groups’ rights to claim injunction and restoration and supplementing regulations on ecological damages in the public law. ㅇ It would not be easy to apply the ecological damage liability specified in the French 「Civil Act」 as it is. However, if there are any deficiencies in the regulatory means in Korean public law, it should be referred to for improvement, and its merits needs to be incorporated into the framework of the regulations in our public law. □ Basin Plans for Sustainable Use of Water Resources ㅇ In order to systematically establish water rights for environmental ecosystems, it is necessary to concretize the regulations by referring to the ecological damage regulations. Furthermore, a systematic basin plan needs to be established to secure the basic water rights that nature and aquatic ecosystems have. ㅇ In order to secure environmental water, future basin plans can refer to the plans for maintaining the health of the river ecosystem and restoring the environmental ecosystem, such as the government purchasing environmental water from the users already vested with the water rights, converting water resources obtained through the modernization of the river operation and water intake method into environmental water. ㅇ The current law in Korea only regulates general permission for the use of river water. Hence, it is difficult to grant permission for the use of river water under public law and recognize the water right as a property right under the Constitution. However, there is a possibility for improvement by taking a fundamental approach based on the theory of law, such as realizing the unification of water management. □ Permitted Water Rights under the Water Management Act ㅇ The nation’s rational management of water resources has been generalized, and the integrated water management system has been established. However, regulations for the rights to use public river water and customary water rights in the 「Civil Act」 and the water rights under the 「Civil Act」 take precedence. Hence, there are legal uncertainties regarding water rights. ㅇ The 「Federal Water Management Act」 in Germany is similar to the 「River Act」 in Korea in that river water can be used after acquiring permission from the district administrative agency. However, it is a permitted water rights system that is close to an act of establishing rights because it grants certain legal status for using water rather than the concept of passively withholding the permission. ㅇ There is a need to discuss whether to establish an approval system for important public water resource plans, similar to Germany. Nevertheless, the establishment of a permitted water rights system for public purposes, not alone the permission of general water use for daily life, industry, and agriculture, is very suggestive. Ⅴ. Conclusion ㅇ Revision of the current water rights system to implement integrated water management, investigation of water rights conflict cases in the form of integrated water management, and the direction of improvement for laws and regulations related to the environments, ecosystems, and water were reviewed to find a way to establish water rights for environmental ecosystems. ㅇ The direction for adopting water rights for environmental ecosystems was suggested by surveying the water management systems and water rights of developed countries and analyzing each country's water-related laws, regulations, and systems. ㅇ There is a need for a principle or related legal mechanism to adjust the water rights for the environment and ecosystems. In addition, efforts are needed to establish a continuous management system or legal basis for water use to protect aquatic ecosystems and water quality and resolve or mediate water use-related conflicts.

      • 경기환경공단 설립을 위한 사전 연구

        강철구,이정임,조영무,전소영 경기연구원 2018 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        The importance of environmental values is increasing due to the deterioration of environmental pollution caused by economic and regional development, the increase in the need for quality of life and environmental quality due to the improvement of income level. It is important to practice environmental values, and the demand for environmental needs of residents such as clean water, fine dust, and waste management is increasing. In the field of environment, the systematic planning and enforcement of environmental management policies are limited due to the absence of specialized integrated enforcement agencies. There are professional agencies in most bureaus in Gyeonggi-Do, including five specialized agencies in the Economic Bureau, but there are no specialized agencies in the Environment Bureau. It is necessary to improve the efficiency and specialization of environmental management system in order to carry out environmental management suited to Gyeonggi-Do"s environmental demand. It is necessary to introduce Gyeonggi-Do units" operation mode such as local public corporation as the optimal operation management method that can achieve publicness, economy, environment, and expertise through linkage, integration, specialization and efficiency of environmental management facilities. As a result of examining the need for professional integrated management through the establishment of Gyeonggi Environment Corporation in Gyeonggi-Do"s environmental management policy and environmental management facilities, it was analyzed as appropriate in terms of policy management, economic aspects, technical aspects and management performance of existing management cases. However, it is necessary to pay attention to disadvantages and constraints such as infringement of private sector, insufficiency of transfer of city and county specific business, political use, labor cost, excessive equipment investment and so on. Establishment of Gyeonggi Environment Corporation will be carried out in the basic direction of clarification and specialization of environmental planning and environmental enforcement management. Based on the publicity and economic efficiency, it is necessary to step up the business area of Gyeonggi Environment Corporation step by step and to set up the Korea Environment Corporation as a model in the long run. As the first business area, it is aimed at direct management facilities with large facility capacity, private fostering low-performing public sewage treatment plants, public electric vehicle charging facilities, and inter regional environmental facilities requiring professional management through autonomous agreement with small and medium cities in Gyeonggi-Do. As the second business area, it covers the projects such as inter regional waste disposal business, air emission prevention business, support for employment program in environment field, etc. Gyeonggi Environment Corporation Establishment TF promotes review of establishment requirements and form determination, preparation of review of the establishment of the corporation, and consultation of related agencies such as the Ministry of Public Administration and Security and the Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly,

      • KCI등재

        사용자의 경영권과 근로자의 노동3권의 충돌에 관한 연구

        이희성(Hee-Soung Lee) 한국고용노사관계학회 2007 産業關係硏究 Vol.17 No.1

        노동법은 근로자보호 이전에 기본적으로 노사관계를 규율하기 위한 발전적인 방향을 정립하여야 할 것이다. 그 근본 취지에 비추어 노동법상 규율되고 있지 않은 조합활동상의 제 문제에 대해서 또는 보다 더 근본적인 문제는 단순히 기초적인 기준을 설정하고 있을 뿐인 현재의 노동법의 체계를 벗어날수 있도록 노력하여야 할 것이다. 따라서 현대사회에 걸맞는 보다 발전적인 노사관계를 지향하기 위한 독자적이며 합리적이고 포괄적인 새로운 노동관계법률의 입법이 요청된다. A method of industrial action to be intense in industrial relation of the day and various demand condition that occurred very much simultaneously is true to be giving a large shock to our industrial world and company management. Absence of effort for rights protection of each other party is the important cause an employee and employer this phenomenon. Employees unite for an elevation of employment conditions as a means of a survival security as man independently and negotiate for name of he union sieve, and an organization can collective action if negotiation does not consist smoothly. It is three labor that this rights are defining in our constitutional law Article 33(1). Employees was recognized three labor right with a way of a survival maintenance as opposing the liberty of contract and freedom of private right that is a basic principle of modern private law. Therefore, three labor right is composed a characteristic basis right concept which was different from the former right to freedom to call a basis right of right to live. It opposed force of a capital for guarantee of three this labor, and a labor movement was approved as a means to secure the right to live of a worker and rights of labor. On the other hand an employer has the right of management. The right of management is a rights of constitutional ensured employer with a three labor right of employee equally. According to the judgment of our Supreme Court, the right of management of an employer is called a concept based on the constitutional law Article 23, 119 and 15. It is true that the right of management of an employer is not said directly at constitutional law and labor-related laws, but it is a concept necessary so that a company achieves the purpose with the “equipment-administration-right” which civil law defines and “labor-direction-right” which was based on an labor contract. Therefore, the right of management of an employer carries the legal value that must be ensured absolutely so long as it is used within just range. Employees in our industrial relation ask an employer and employee concluding an collective agreement of labor contract in an equivalent rank through a labor movement, and are done an collective action for a achievement of an collective agreement. However, labor and management do a demonstration of actual force or a similar action in order to negotiate in advantageous entrance in each oneself. Because an organization acts temporarily if dissatisfaction of worker itself cannot be solved through the course which is a system, industrial dispute is generated. Groups to have been contrary to varying understanding cannot solve this industrial disputes smoothly through a conversation and a compromise groups and it is for each group to can spout at the same time out force to have. Therefore, a process of negotiation and agreement decision between labor and management stood up in order to be performed by the order that did not exceed a social common idea and type justly, labor and management absolutely need effort to admit all. It must be respected each other, three labor right that are rights of employee and right of management that are rights of employer, and can say that protection about this is requested for industry social peace and development. However, if labor and management cannot be respected each other and want solution in one-sided force, may not develop with social economy rest that the right of management collides against three labor right to the industrial relation which was not able to be amicable. This study considers a legal meaning of the right of management and three labor right in actual industrial relation and offers a solution plan when a basis right of three labor right collides against the right of management, also is going to contribute to industrial relation development concerned with finds out an evaluation standard more definitely, and offering the right of management and a plan for concrete guar


        Direct Share: Photo Management System Based on Round-robin Concept-driven User Preference Feedback

        ( Tae Houn Song ),( Soon Mook Jeong ),( Hyung Min Kim ),( Key Ho Kwon ),( Jae Wook Jeon ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2011 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.5 No.7

        As the size of camera modules is decreasing and as the computing performance of portable devices is improving, taking photos has become a part of daily life. However, existing photo management programs and products that manage such photos still require extensive user effort to facilitate the sharing and browsing of images. It is especially difficult for novice users to manage and share photos. In this paper, we develop a round-robin concept-driven user preference feedback mechanism for achieving direct photo sharing, instant display, and easy management using optimized user controls and user preference-driven classification. Compared with commercial photo management systems, our proposed solution provides new features: optimized user controls, direct sharing and instant display, and user preference feedback driven classification. These new features boost the round-robin concept-driven user preference feedback. This paper proposes a photo finder that automatically searches for photos in storage spaces or cameras. The proposed photo finder relies on user preference feedback to share photos by leveraging user preferences, and the round-robin connection transmits photos to the family``s digital photo frame or web album by arbiter. The proposed method saves time and spares users the effort required for photo management. Moreover, this method does not merely direct photo sharing and simple photo management, but it also increases the satisfaction level of users viewing the photos.

      • 일본 대한투자기업의 지배구조가 진출기업에 미치는 영향 -3사(社)의 사례분석을 중심으로-

        김현경 ( Hyun Kyung Kim ) 한국창업정보학회 2007 창업정보학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        This study selected three Japanese invested companies in Daegu, and conducted case studies so as to identify what governance structures have been used for corporate management by Japanese firms, which are known to use owner management mode conventionally, in a host country. Actually, this study closely examined the impacts of the change in governance structures of those three companies on their stability, profitability, and growth. As a result of the case studies, the Japanese companies use owner management mode, which is a Japanese style management mode, after the Asian financial crisis, despite a negative view that such an owner management mode does not fit free market logic. This phenomenon appears to derive from the perception that the U.S. style management mode (agent management mode) can no longer be in line with Japanese sentiment or culture, in fierce competition in the world market. It is also because the U.S. style corporate management activity is exposed through mutual stock holding and information exchange among companies within a corporate group, and individual manager`s activities are put under observation. Meanwhile, the Japanese style management mode (owner management structure) is to make a decision by the company owner`s direct participation in management; therefore, investment can be more aggressive in the fierce market preemptive age, and major decision making can be promptly made, which leads to easy initiation of active multinational corporate activities. Moreover, the positive roles of family enterprises are recently noted again in the industrialization process centered on large corporations, and the discussions of the roles and significances of such family enterprises are consistent in such a context. This study has found out that the Japanese style management mode fits the cultural tradition, and national sentiment of Korea, which is geographically and culturally close to Japan; consequently, Japanese invested companies can grow by more easily adapting to the Korean market.

      • KCI등재

        EU Water Framework Directive-River Basin Management Planning in Ireland

        R. Earle,G. Almeida 대한환경공학회 2010 Environmental Engineering Research Vol.15 No.2

        The European Union (EU) Water Framework Directive (WFD) (2000/60/EC) was transposed into Irish law by Statutory Instrument Nos. 722 of 2003, 413 of 2005 and 218 of 2009, which set out a new strategy and process to protect and enhance Ireland`s water resources and water-dependent ecosystems. The Directive requires a novel, holistic, integrated, and iterative process to address Ireland`s natural waters based on a series of six-year planning cycles. Key success factors in implementing the Directive include an in-depth and balanced treatment of the ecological, economic, institutional and cultural aspects of river basin management planning. Introducing this visionary discipline for the management of sustainable water resources requires a solemn commitment to a new mindset and an overarching monitoring and management regime which hitherto has never been attempted in Ireland. The WFD must be implemented in conjunction with a myriad of complimentary directives and associated legislation, addressing such key related topics as flood/ drought management, biodiversity protection, land use planning, and water/wastewater and diffuse pollution engineering and regulation. The critical steps identified for river basin management planning under the WFD include: 1) characterization and classification of water bodies (i.e., how healthy are Irish waters?), 2) definition of significant water pressures (e.g., agriculture, forestry, septic tanks), 3) enhancement of measures for designated protected areas, 4) establishment of objectives for all surface and ground waters, and 5) integrating these critical steps into a comprehensive and coherent river basin management plan and associated programme of measures. A parallel WFD implementation programme critically depends on an effective environmental management system (EMS) approach with a plan-do-check-act cycle applied to each of the evolving six-year plans. The proactive involvement of stakeholders and the general public is a key element of this EMS approach.

      • KCI등재후보

        대학생 자기관리 역량 측정도구 개발 및 타당성 연구

        송홍준 교육종합연구원 2021 교육종합연구 Vol.19 No.4

        This study was conducted to redefine self-management competency with relevance for university students, develop components, and develop a scale with validity in order to vitalize the competency-based curriculum of higher education. Self-management competencies is defined as the ability to establish a goal-oriented plan in a self-directed manner and to appropriately perform emotional self-regulation, time management, and health management during the execution of the plan and sub-components are goal-oriented planning, planning execution, self-directed learning ability, emotional self-regulation ability, time Management and health management. Scale items were developed by the item development expert committee and confirmed their validation. Content validity met the criteria of item level content validity (I-CVI), scale level content validity (S-CVI), and content validity ratio (CVR). For construct validity, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were performed, and only items that met the standard values were used as a measure. In order to confirm the criterion validity, the official validity test was conducted and it was confirmed that the standard value was exceeded. The significance of this study is to construct a self-management competency scale that has secured validity based on recent previous research cases. This measurement tool will be usefully used to analyze, design, and develop major, liberal arts, and non-specialty curriculum for strengthening self-management capabilities of university students.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 문화관리와 율곡제

        김천영 ( Cheon Young Kim ) (사)율곡연구원(구 사단법인 율곡학회) 2011 율곡학연구 Vol.23 No.-

        본 연구는 관계적 접근으로 문화관리의 새로운 방향성을 탐구하고자 한다. 이를 위하여 문화관리의 8가지 방향을 찾아 율곡제의 문화관리 가능성을 타진하였다. 그 결과 문화관리의 방향성의 중요성을 발견하고, 관리 방향을 제시하는 동시에 그것의 유용성을 확인하였다. This study aims to investigate a new directionality of culture management by ``The Relation-Approach``. For this, I probed the possibility of culture management of ``Yulgok Festival`` through traveling 8 directions of culture management. So, I found the importance of directionality of culture management, also suggested and identified the usefulness of management directions.

      • KCI등재

        국문제목직영판매점과 대리점의 내부마케팅효과성에 관한 비교연구 : 국내 자동차 판매점을 대상으로

        윤철호,최동오,서유황 한국무역연구원 2014 무역연구 Vol.10 No.6

        This study compared and analyzed the effectiveness of internal marketing activities of direct management- stores and dealerships of automobile. For the comparative analysis, this study proposed the basic research model that the major components of internal marketing, that is, internal communication, delegation of authority, the education and training, reward system, and management support affect customer orientation and turnover intention. An empirical comparative analysis was performed through path analyses using structural equation modeling (SEM) via PLS. Valid data were obtained from a total of 355 car salespeople who engage in direct management stores and dealerships. Results showed that the effects of internal marketing components are distinctly different in direct management stores and dealerships. The internal communication, education and training internal marketing components indicated significant impact on customer orientation in the direct management stores, but the delegation of authority represented significant impact on the customer orientation in the dealerships. In addition, education and training internal marketing components played an essential part in reducing turnover intention of the employees in direct management stores, while internal communication and management support were important in reducing turnover intention among the employees of the dealerships. These findings provide strategic guidelines for managers in executing their internal marketing activities in companies which operate plural distribution channels, such as car dealerships.

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