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      • KCI등재


        沼田浩通 ( Numata¸ Hiromichi ) 한국일어교육학회 2021 일본어교육연구 Vol.- No.56

        これまで、付帯状況を表わす「姿勢変化動詞+ナガラ」のアスペクト的意味は〈結果の継続〉になると説明されることが多かった。しかし、実例を調査してみると、数は少ないものの〈動作の継続〉を表す用例も確認できる。本稿は、同じ「姿勢変化動詞+ナガラ」の構文であっても、ナガラ節が異なるアスペクトを表す用例に注目し、「姿勢変化動詞+ナガラ」の用例をナガラ節のアスペクトの違いによって分類することで、ナガラ節のアスペクトとナガラ節が表す意味との関連性について考察したものである。 その結果、「姿勢変化動詞+ナガラ」の用例をナガラ節のアスペクトが<動作の継続>を表すもの、〈結果の継続〉を表すもの、<反復相>を表すものの3種に分類できた。このうち、アスペクトが〈動作の継続〉であるナガラ節は主節の出来事と同時並行的な主体の姿勢の変化を表わし、〈結果の継続〉であるナガラ節は主節の出来事が実現する過程で主体がとっている姿勢を表わす。また、〈反復相〉の場合、ナガラ節は主節の出来事と同時並行的に反復して行われる主体の姿勢の変化をひとまとまりに捉えることを確認した。 重要なのは、主節の出来事がナガラ節の出来事の運動過程を時間的に超えずに実現する場合、「姿勢変化動詞+ナガラ」は従来なされてきた説明とは異なり、〈動作の継続〉を表わすことができることが確認できたことである。このことは、ナガラという接続形式は“動作動詞=動作の継続、変化動詞=結果の継続”という二分法の動詞分類では捉えることができない、姿勢変化動詞が表わす出来事の〈運動〉局面に焦点を当てることができることを示している。 Previous studies have suggested that the 'postural change verb + nagara' representing collateral circumstances indicates the “resultative” aspect. However, some case studies have shown that there are a few examples where the postural change verb + nagara construction indicates the “progressive” aspect. Noting the examples where some nagara clauses indicate different aspects even if they have the same construction of postural change verb + nagara, this paper is to classify these examples of postural change verb + nagara construction according to the differences in aspects and study the relationship between the aspect and meaning of nagara clause. According to the study findings, the aspects of nagara clauses in examples containing postural change verb + nagara constructions could be classified into three: progressive, resultative and iterative. Among them, while the nagara clause whose aspect was progressive indicated the postural change of an agent running parallel with the event of the principal clause, the nagara clause whose aspect was resultative indicated a posture taken by the agent while the event of the principal clause was realized. Likewise, in case of iterative aspect, the nagara clause comprehensively indicated the postural change of an agent repeatedly performed along with the event of the principal clause. More importantly, it was confirmed that if the time interval for the event of a principal clause is shorter than that for the event of the nagara clause, the postural change verb + nagara can indicate the “progressive” aspect unlike the previous explanations. It means that the conjunction forms of nagara can be focused on the ‘action’ stage of an event indicated by a postural change verb which cannot be understood in the dichotomous classification of verbs where they are verbs of action and verbs of change.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어의 상황상 연구

        이은수 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2009 中國學論叢 Vol.26 No.-

        In Slavic languages, viewpoint aspect is represented by the contrast between perfective and imperfective aspects, and perfective aspect expresses `totality`. There have been attempts to account for aspects in other languages, and it is often misunderstood that perfective aspect in those languages means `totality`. Chinese perfective marker `Le` is also claimed to express `totality`. However, just as the aspectual meaning in Korean excludes `totality`, so does the aspectual meaning in Chinese. That is, the form and meaning of viewpoint aspect differ from language to language. It is well-known that viewpoint aspect differs from language to language, but it is generally assumed that situation aspect is similar in every language. In fact, Smith(1991) classified situation aspect into five types, applying them to several languages. However, considering that classification of situation aspect is based on viewpoint aspect, I claim that if the latter differs from language to language, then the former will, too. Therefore, it is necessary to study viewpoint aspect before situation aspect. First of all, the perfective aspect `Le` does not represent `totality`, but it represents that a situational boundary (a initial boundary or a terminal boundary) existed in the relative past. Also `Zai` represents the active continuation of situation and `Zhe` expresses the static situation. Besides, `Guo` is not considered in this paper because it is not important in the classification of situation aspect. Considering semantic features on which classification of situation is based, I review previous studies on situation aspect and propose a new situation aspect in Chinese. I classify the situation aspect into four types: state, activity, result and complex change. `Activity` includes `semelfactive`. `Accomplishment` is excluded from consideration, whereas `complex change` is added to the list.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 장차철학에서 변화와 시간의 문제

        윤천근 ( Chun Keun Yoon ) 한국동서철학회 2015 동서철학연구 Vol.76 No.-

        장자철학에서 시간은 변화를 본질로 하는데, 빅뱅우주론 속의 시간과 상호 연관될 수 있는 유사성을 풍부하게 갖추고 있다. 시간은 원래 형체를 갖지 않는 요소로서, 우리가 감각으로 포착할 수 있는 것이 아니다. 그것은 빅뱅우주론에서나 장자찰학에서나 마찬가지이다. 그러므로 우리는 시간 자체를 말할 수는 없고, 다만 시간양상을 말할 수 있을 따름이다. 빅뱅우주론에서 시간의 양상은 전체 우주시간을 꿰뚫고 팽창하는 우주를 펼쳐나가는 ‘시간의 화살’로 존재한다. 다시 말해서 팽창하고 있는 시공간적 양상 자체가 우주의 존재양상이라는 말이다. 이런 긴 단위의 우주시간은 빅뱅우주론 속 본질적 시간이다. 빅뱅 우주론적 본질시간에 대응하는 것으로는 장자철학의 영원시간이 있다. 영원시간은 물질을 구성하는 기본요소인 기운 자체의 존속과정 전체를 꿰뚫는 시간양상인데, 여기서의 영원성이라는 것은 사실 빅뱅우주론의 우주시간 전체와 연관된다고 하기 보다는, 그 속의 우리우주에서 유통되는 시간양상이라는 제한이 두어질 필요가 있을 것이다. 그런 점에서 이것은 실제에 있어서는 빅뱅우주론적 시간양상에서 ‘긴 단위의 지속시간’으로 분절되어 나오는 부수적 시간양상에 적용될 수 있는 것이라고 하겠다. 장자철학 속 시간양상 속의 ‘가장 긴 단위의 시간양상’인 영원시간 양상은 실제적으로 영원한 것이 아니라 우리우주에서 가장 긴 지속시간을 갖는 것으로 이해되어야 한다. 장자철학에서 가장 짧은 시간양상은 찰라시간이다. 장자철학의 변화하는 현상세계는 바로 이 찰라시간을 시간의 현상적 양상으로 주목한다. 이것은 빅뱅우주론의 짧은 지속시간을 갖는 점멸하는 시간과 같다. 장자철학에 있어서 문제가 되는 것은 ‘어느정도의 지속시간’이다. 이것은 생사의 사이에 놓여지는 인생이나, 아침 저녁 사이에 놓여지는 하루 등과 같은 것인데, 우리의 생각이 개입할 수 있는 여지를 갖고 있는 시간양상이다. 이것이 자아에 의하여 어떤 모습으로 포착되느냐에 따라 사람의 가치의 세계는 달라진다. 빅뱅우주론에서는 이것도 물리적 시간양상의 한 부분에 지나지 않지만, 장자철학에서는 자아가 개입할 수 있는 시간이 되는 것이다. 장자철학은 이 어중간한 길이를 갖는 시간양상이 일으키는 문제를 영원시간이나 찰라시간을 개입시켜 해소하고자 하는 내용구조를 갖는다. 장자철학의 세계는 ‘영원시간’과 ‘어느만큼의 지속시간’, ‘찰라시간’ 등이 복합되어 있는 존재론적 시간양상을 갖춘다. 장자철학은 ‘어느만큼의 지속시간’을 ‘없는 시간’으로 만들고자 하는 것이 아니라, 영원시간과 찰라시간을 동행하여 복합적으로 운용되는 시간으로 환원시키고자 한다. ‘어느만큼의 지속시간’이 영원시간 과 중첩되어 놓여지게 되면, 그 단기적 지속성은 결정적인 의미를 갖지 못하게 되고, ‘어느만큼의 지속시간’이 찰라시간을 이어서 이루어져 있는 것으로 환원되면, 시간의 파편화된 분절을 통하여 그 지속성 자체는 무화될 수 밖에 없게 된다. 장자는 이런 세차원의 시간이 하나로 묶여서 돌아가는 복합적 시간양상을 제출하는데, 그것은 빅뱅우주론 속에 있는 물리학적 시간양상과도 같다. 그런 복합적 시간양상을 제출하여 장자는 생사의 지평 위에서 만들어져 나오는 가치의 문제를 돌파하는 것이다. The essence of the lime is the change, in CHANG,TZU``s philosophical systems. Because CHANG-TZU aCL"epl the time for a phenomenaly related aspectS. The time include the three parts may consist, fOf ex:ample, ``a time ofelemiIY``, ``a time lasted for a while``, ``a time of momentariness``. It is response the great space of a big bang theory which conL``1ins of three part``s of time element, that is, ``a time dUf``dtion of the huge in giant space expansion of tbe process``, ``a time eJ{isl in every small space in giant one``, ``3 time exist in short inteIVal of any specific things``, The time element of three in the great space within expansion procedure which resulting from the Big J3."1ng, organic be combined \vith mutual, not derive any problems in it. CHANG-TZU``.., time aspects are very similar to tllls, it``s organic be combined with mutual, but in one point, ``;1 time lasted for a while`` reveal other "spects, in between with being paired with a time exLst in every sm,,1] space in giam one. The biggest dilTerence lies in ``a time lasted for a while`` of CHANG-TZU``s time aspects is appe:lmnce which that the being of conscious "I". A conscious "I" is" person``s self, that is, tied dmvn by one``s own time, tllerefore Inevitably one``s behavior is not free. Undennine personal life is it. 111e mind of the CHANG-TZU is focused on this poim. He think that we can to resolve the dispute by restore the comprehensive nature of tlle time. TIle naillI``d.! aspects of the time there is not arrested or not e-Jger by any poim, but a mixture of going on in any trend which overall time of one aspect. CHANG-TZU pursuit to recover natuml :lspects of time, and then esc"pe from any dosing time period, so we shall eXTend in time is the existence of eternity, and accepts the changing shape of the time for ways of being for replaces in very short time. CHANG-TZU think th:1t all of our existence is Implemented witllout restrictions by comprehensive implementation of procedures three times.

      • KCI등재

        <연구논문> 조상현(趙相賢) 창(唱) 판소리 <춘향가(春香歌)>’의 판짜기 양상(樣相)에 대한 일고찰

        김은희 ( Kim Eunhee ) 덕성여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2013 인문과학연구 Vol.18 No.-

        ‘趙相賢 唱 판소리 <春香歌>’ 중, 뒷부분인 (라)(마)(바)의 열녀담과 암행어사 이야기 분석 결과, 다음과 같은 판짜기 양상의 특징과 기능이 드러난다. 후반부는 전반부보다 敍事的 構成에 더욱 의존적이며, 따라서 잦은 서사적 단락 교체 및 전개양상에 따라 판짜임도 변화·反復되고 있다. 또한 <춘향가> 후반부는 한 장면 안에 아니리와 창의 교체, 창과 창의 교체가 많은 것이 확인되는 바, 각 서사적 단락의 짜임이 전형적이고 규칙적인 전반부에 비해, 다양한 변이형이 15장면에 나타나고 있어 훨씬 다채롭고 화려하며 변화가 많은 판짜기 양상으로 구성되어 있다. 이러한 창과 아니리 및 장단의 교체는 배역 전환의 알림, 생동감의 상승, 인물의 흥취와 감정 변화의 효과적 전달 기능을 갖는다. 전반부와 마찬가지로 ‘아니리’는 주로 敍事的 進行이나 事件展開와 관련된 부분을 담당하며, ‘唱’은 문맥적 필연성이나 서사적 유기성과 관련이 없거나 적은, 擴張的 內容으로, 서사적 전개보다는 부분적 감흥을 통한 興趣指向的 機能과 밀접한 관련이 있다. 그러나 전반부에 비해 후반부는 많은 장면에서 서사적 기능과 흥취 지향적 기능이 혼효된 양상으로 나타난다. 창부분에도 事件 전개나 서사적 진행을 책임지는 부분이 많고, 아니리 부분에도 상황적 의미와 정서의 강화 기능이 보이는 등 일관된 짜임과 규칙성을 보이던 전반부와 달리 매우 다양하고 자유로운 양상으로 나타난다. 특히 후반부에는 ‘긴 아니리’가 빈번하게 보이는데 긴 아니리는 서사적 상황과 그 전개를 위해 필요한 정보를 전달하고 사건 전개의 필연성을 확보하기 위해 기능하다. 이러한 분석 결과, 판소리라는 갈래의 재미와 예술성의 기본은 이야기라는 점을 확인시켜 준다. 판소리가 부분의 흥취를 추구하는 예술적 특징이 있다 하더라도 결국은 이야기의 힘이 얼마나 중요한 것인지 알려준다. 공연은 부분적으로 이루어지지만 전체 판짜기에 의해 부분창의 예술적 발전과 대중적 인기가 함께 함을 확인한 것이다. At the result of the analysis of stories about the virtuous woman and royal secret emissary from later parts (Ra) (Ma) (Ba) of ‘Pansori < Chunhyangga > sung by Cho Sang-hyun’, the following characteristics and functions of aspects of Organizing-chapters are revealed. The former part is more dependant on the descriptive organization than the later part, therefore, Organizing-chapters have been changed and repeated depending on the frequent replacements of descriptive paragraphs and development aspects. Also there are many changes of Aniri and Chang(chant) or Chang and Chang in a scene of the later part of < Chunhyangga >. The later part is consisted with aspects of Organizing-chapters so the part is much better various and splended because of 15 various changed scenes compare to the each descriptive paragraphs in the former part which is more regulated and typical. These kinds of changes between Chang and Aniri or rhythms have effective transmittive functions as a alarm of change characters, increase of vividness, changes of character’s emotion and excitement. Same as the former part, ‘Aniri’ mainly takes a part of a descriptive development or unfolding events, and ‘Chang’ is closely related to the excitement-oriented function through partial interest rather than a descriptive development which is rarely related to the contextual necessity and descriptive organism. The later part than in the former part, however, in many scenes, there are many confused aspects between descriptive functions and excitement-oriented functions. Chang part take many parts of descriptive development or unfolding events, and Aniri part take parts of the functions of situational meanings and emotional reinforcement in the later part. I assume that Chang and Aniri parts are shown up as various and liberal aspects. ‘long Aniri’ are shown up frequently in a later part. ‘long Aniri’ performs a function to transmitting necessary information and securing the inevitability of unfolding events for the development of a descriptive situation. As a result of this study, it confirm that the basic of enjoyment and artistry of Pansori genre is a story. in conclusion, it shows that the power of the story is the most important part although the artistic feature of Pansori is partly on the pursuit for the excitement. Performances are performed partially but part-Chang achieved the artistic development and popularity together affected by the whole Organizing-chapters.

      • KCI등재

        경북 성주지역의 언어 추이에 대한 연구

        김덕호 ( Deok Ho Kim ),김명주 ( Myeong Ju Kim ) 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2012 嶺南學 Vol.0 No.21

        20세기 후반에 들어 우리나라는 산업화를 이루면서 교통과 매스미디어의 급격한 발달이 이루어졌으며, 획일화된 중앙어 중심의 교육으로 인해남한 전체에 표준어가 급속도로 퍼지게 되었다. 이로 인해 표준어 사용을 강조하는 풍토가 만들어지면서, 지역어를 사용하는 화자는 상대적인 박탈감을 느끼게 되었다. 또한 지역어를 사용하지 않는 것이 살아가는데 유리하다는 생각을 많은 사람들에게 생겨나게 되면서 지역어는 소멸 위기에 처해 있다고 많은 방언학자들이 우려하고 있다. 그런데 이렇게 표준어로 민족의 언어가 획일화되어 가면 지역의 언어만 사라지는 것이 아니라 예부터 내려온 우리말의 풍부한 표현들이 사라지게 되고 이로 인해 다양한 지역어 속에 녹아 있는 지방의 고유문화들이 점점 없어지게 될 것이다. 본고에서 연구의 대상으로 삼고 있는 경북 성주는 경상북도 서남부에 위치하여 동쪽으로는 대구광역시 달성군과 칠곡군, 서쪽으로는 김천시와 경남 거창군, 남쪽으로는 고령군 및 경남 합천군, 거창군, 북쪽으로는 김천시와 칠곡군과 경계를 이루고 있다. 그래서 급격한 산업화가 이루어지고 있으며 사통팔달로 교통이 발달하고 있는 지역이다. 또한 여느 지역과 마찬가지로 매스미디어의 영향을 받고 있는 지역이기도 하다. 1970년대 성주지역어를 방언권으로 구획할 때 경상방언권에 포함시키면서, 방언구획 상 경상방언권 가운데 의문형 종결어미가 ``-능교``형인 제1지구의 방언 지역에 속하고, 문법체계 상으로는 제1유형 지역, 어휘를 기준으로 해서는 남부지역에 속한다고 설정한 적이 있다. 2011년 현재 시점에 이러한 30여 년 전의 설정이 계속해서 유지되고 있는지 의문이 생긴다. 본 연구는 성주 사람들의 2011년 현재 공시적인언어 현상을 알아보고 국어학적인 측면에서 성주지역어의 특징을 파악하고자 하는 취지에서 이루어졌다. 나아가 2011년 성주지역어를 기준으로 음운, 어휘, 문법에 걸쳐서 이전에 조사되었거나 연구된 자료와 대비하여 변화된 언어 추이를 살펴보고 분석하면서 현재 성주지역어의 특징을 알아보는 것을 최종 목적으로 삼으려고 한다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the appearance of the language changes on Seongju in Gyeongbuk. This study is also to survey the difference between the dialect data in 1980 and those in 2011. The changes in the phonological system, the lexical aspects, and the grammatical elements focusing on the changes have been investigated. As a result, when compared with the 1980s, the Seongju dialect was as follows: The first phoneme of the syllable, tense ``ㅅ``[s`]``s distinction has become more obvious in the consonant system. In the vowel system, neutralization of ``ㅡ``[□] and ``ㅓ``[□], that was previously in Gyeongbuk dialect, will start to recognize other phonemes. Several changes were found in the lexical aspects. Changes in the names of crops and farm implements were found. And Some changes were found in the grammar element. The language changes on Seongju in Gyeongbuk have relevance to the rapid industrialization and the diminished agriculture and the development of a variety of media and regional development. Seongju dialect has been changed and will change in the future. That is why we can not stop to study regional dialect and continue to research the change of dialects.

      • KCI등재

        일본 지배계층 복식의 변화와 양상

        이자연(Lee Ja-Yeon) 한복문화학회 2008 韓服文化 Vol.11 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the aspects and the change in and the characteristics of court dress of the ruling class women of the Nara-Heian period of Japan by comparing the clothes of the ruling class of the early Nara-Heian period to those of the middle and late Heian period. In the early Nara-Heian period, the types of clothes included Ungeon, Baeja, Dae-Soo-Eui, Joong-Dan, Nae-Eui, Goon-Seub, Pye-Seul, Bi-Dae, and Young-Gun. Bo-Gye was put on the head and Mal and Seok were worn on foot. On the other hand, in the middle and late Heian period, the clothes such as Dang-Eui, Pyo-Chak, Ta-Eui, Gyu, Dan, Sang, Go, Bi-Rye, and Gun-Dae were put on. Bo-Gwan was put on the head and Mal and Seok were worn on foot. The comparison of the clothes of the two periods showed that the Chinese-style clothes in the early period had changed to Japanized clothes in the middle and late Heian period. The simple composition of the Japanese-style clothes led to invent a new ways of wearing clothes layering another clothes over clothes. While there were changes in the name and composition of Baeja and Dang-Eui, Bi-Dae and Gun-Dae, and Young-Gun and Bi-Rye, the purposes of wearing those clothes were not been changed. This change in the composition of clothes made the clothes in the middle and late Heian period to be more decorative and massive as well as more varied in colors compared to the clothes in the early Nara-Heian period. It can be noted that this change is highly related with the composition of the clothes and ways of wearing the clothes.

      • KCI등재

        부산 강서지역 마을신앙의 전승양상과 전승력

        오세길,김주희 국립민속박물관 2021 민속학연구 Vol.- No.48

        Since 1990, the Gangseo area has been under development. In this regard, this report will first examine the transmission of traditional culture and aspects of changes of Village Faith in the Gangseo area. Then, it will focus on analyzing the cases of villages with strong transmission power and villages with poor transmission power to analyze the factors of transmission that maintain village faith. The conclusions of the discussion are as follows. First, the biggest factor in the disconnection of village faith in the Gangseo area was the acceptance of natural villages as development areas. In particular, Myeongji-dong had the most disconnected village faiths. And there is no place in Mieum-dong, Sinho-dong, Jisa-dong, and Hwajeon-dong where village faiths are passed down due to the development of industrial complexes. Next, there are some places where the village faith has been cut off due to the agreement of the villagers. This is because superficially no one was selected to perform the Dangsan Ritual. However, it is the result of a combination of factors such as the dissolution of communities, the financial burden, and the weakened faith of the residents. Second, the change of organizations was small, but the resident officer and the form of ancestral rites were greatly changed. Most of the resident officers were monks, followed by shamans in charge of the Dangsan Ritual. This change in the resident officer also involved a change in the form of the ancestral rites. The change to the Buddhist style presided over by monks was the most frequent. In the case of shamanistic Dangsan Ritual, there was a simple form of rubbing hands prayerfully, Pung-Eo Gut and Jae-Su Gut. Third, certain organizations led to the transmission of village faiths. Although the natural village disappeared after being accommodated as a development site, the Dangsan ritual and Pungeo ritual are being held together with the fishing community at the center. In addition, if there is a Dangsan Shrine near the temple, the Dangsan ritual is held by the temple. The village where Dangsan Shrine is located in horse racing park is holding a Dangsan ritual after discussing the date and time of the ritual with the horse society. Fourth, there are three factors that determine the transmission power of village faiths, including human, physical, and psychological factors. The human foundation is related to subjects of transmission of the Dangsan ritual. This is formed through the community spirits and regional connections of the supervision group. The physical foundation is a real factor that inherits the Dangsan ritual and is related to the economic power of the subjects of transmission. Specifically, it is related to the expenses of the Dangsan ritual. The psychological foundation is confirmed by the attitude of the villagers at the site of the ritual. The more active, the stronger the psychological foundation.

      • KCI등재

        영어사에서 타동사 증가를 향한 결합가 변화

        박상수,Sangsoo Park 한국영미어문학회 2015 영미어문학 Vol.- No.117

        This paper analyzed valency changes which were derived by a decrease in intransitive verbs and an increase in transitive ones in the history of English. From the OE period a syntactic structure was changed by a lexical verb that determined the number and form of argument, its assignment position with a particular theta-role, and features on the lexical aspect Asp. It means that a diachronic change of lexical verb in use between intransitivity and transitivity triggered the reinterpretation of syntactic-semantic features on the v P-AspP-VP layers. A causative affix - i in OE that was inherited from - j in Germanic derived anticausative or intransitive verbs to function as causative or transitive ones. Other causative affixes like - en , - se and - ø introduced in OE and - ate , - (i)fy and - ise borrowed from Latin and French in Early ME made it possible that anticausative or intransitive verbs came to be used as causative or transitive ones, too. The leveling and loss of inflectional ending of verbs from Late OE via ME to Early ModE rendered labile verbs, or ergative verbs available with a large extent, which brought about the effect that many lexical verbs alternated in valency without any change in their forms. The opacity of morphological varieties also induced the reanalysis of lexical aspect-feature and measure-feature like [±telicity], [±definiteness] and [affectedness], and as a result, almost all of these features have been incorporated onto the light verb v in PDE from on the lexical aspect Asp in OE.

      • KCI등재

        국어의 시제 형태소 체계와 그 기능 변이

        홍종선 한글학회 2008 한글 Vol.- No.282

        In Contemporary Korean, when tense morphemes are reiterated in their use, the later changes its function to express mood or aspect. This function changing could be attributed to the properties that the grammatical categories of tense, mood and aspect are related to one another and furthermore that the formation of tense morphemes took place in correlation with mood or aspect. Thus, this kind of function changing is also found in Middle Korean as well as in other periods. In Contemporary Korean, the tense morphemes expressing past, present and future, i.e. ‘-eoss’, ‘-neun’ and ‘-gess’, change their functions to express perfective aspect, confirmative mood and presumptive mood respectively. These changes reflect the fact that the morphemes came to gain new functions which are closely related to their original functions. In addition to the morphemes previously mentioned, the past tense morpheme ‘-deo’, the future tense ‘-ri’ and the morphemes ‘-neu’ and ‘-ni’ also underwent function changing to express retrospective mood, the mood of intention or presumption and principle mood. In Middle Korean, the past tense morpheme ‘-ni’ functions as the one expressing principle mood after another tense morpheme, and the past tense morpheme ‘-deo’ and the future tense ‘-ri’ have additional functions to express retrospective mood and the mood of intention and presumption. Based on the claim that the tense developed from the mood in Korean, it can be suggested that the fact reflects the historical stage in which the functional differentiation of the morphemes were not completed. In Middle Korean in which the tense was not formulated as a complete grammatical category, past events were mainly expressed with the aorist mood(infinitive form) in written language. Thus, it is fairly implausible to argue that the aorist mood itself is to express past tense. 현대국어에서 시제 형태소가 중첩될 때 후행하는 형태소는 서법이나 동작상으로 기능 변이를 한다. 이들 세 문법 범주가 서로 관련성을 갖는 속성이 있기도 하지만, 시제 형태소들이 형성 단계에서 서법이나 동작상과의 관계성 속에서 이루어진 때문으로 보인다. 따라서 이러한 기능 변이는 중세국어 등 다른 시기에서도 나타난다. 현대국어에서 과거 시제 ‘-었-’은 완료상으로, 현재 시제 ‘-는-’은 확인법 ‘-느-’로, 미래 시제 ‘-겠-’은 추측법으로 기능을 바꾸는데, 이러한 기능 변이는, 공시적으로는 그가 원래 가진 시제에서의 기능과 관련을 갖는 기능으로 확대되는 것이며, 통시적으로는 그들이 가졌던 본래의 서법과 동작상적인 역사성에 기인하는 것으로 해석된다. 이들 외에 회상법의 의미를 갖는 과거 시제 ‘-더-’와, 의도나 추측의 의미를 갖는 미래 시제 ‘-리-’가 있고, 원칙법의 ‘-니-’와 ‘-느니-’가 있다. 중세국어에서 과거 시제를 담당하는 ‘-니-’는 다른 시제 형태소 뒤에선 원칙법으로 기능하였고, 과거 시제 ‘-더-’는 회상법을 나타내고, 미래 시제 ‘-리-’는 추측이나 의지의 서법 기능을 겸하였다. 국어의 시제가 서법으로부터 발달해 온 것으로 보는 견해에 따르면, 이들 사이에 완전한 분화가 아직 덜 이루어진 상태로 해석될 수 있다. 이처럼 아직 시제가 문법 범주로 뚜렷함이 덜하였던 중세국어에서는 부정법으로 과거의 일을 표현하는 방식이 주로 문헌어에 있었던 것으로 보인다. 따라서 부정법 자체가 과거 시제를 나타낸다는 체계를 세우기에는 여러 가지 무리함이 있다.

      • KCI등재

        교육을 위한 `쾌요~료(快要~了)` 와 `취요~료(就要~了)`의 구문의미 대조

        이나현 ( Lee Nahuyn ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2016 中國硏究 Vol.68 No.-

        This paper studies on the construction meaning between `快要~了` and `就要~了`.It`s been treated both constructions to express same changing aspect till now, however this paper suppose that the meaning of both constructions is different each other and try to analyse the function of both constructions, and the outcome is as below. `快要~了` express the passive changing aspect mainly and `就要~了` can express both passive and active changing aspect. And then, the meaning of `快要~了` is mostly objective but `就要~了` can be both objective and subjective. And both constructions can express the epistemic modality besides changing aspect. Although the epistemic modality on the authority of the factual information can be expressed by both constructions, the epstemic modality on the authority of the conditional sentences can be express by only `就要~了` construction. As indicated on above, both constructions can be used for the changing aspect and the epistemic modality, but their specific functions are quite different. If we teach both constructions based on their functional difference, it`ll be helpful to learners who study `快要~了` and `就要~了` construction.

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