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      • KCI등재

        부사절의 수식과 접속―종속 접속절과의 차이점을 중심으로―

        김건희 한글학회 2012 한글 Vol.- No.297

        본 연구의 목적은 부사절의 ‘수식, 접속’에 대해 종속 접속절과의 차이점을 중심으로 고찰하는 것이다. ‘내포’는 절이 한 문장의 성분으로 기능하는 방식이며 이러한 ‘내포’의 성분절인 부사절이 문장 성분으로 기능할 때 그 핵심적인 기능은 ‘수식’이므로 기존의 ‘내포와 접속’이 아닌 ‘수식과 접속’에 초점을 맞추어 고찰하였다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 먼저 ‘수식’의 정의와 문장 확장 구성에서 ‘수식’을 고찰하는 것에 대한 의의를 살펴보았다. 다음으로 부사절과 종속 접속절을 구분한 기존 논의에 대해 검토하고 동일한 어미 ‘-게’로 형성되는 부사절과 접속절을 의미적, 통사적 차이점을 중심으로 ‘수식’과 ‘접속’의 기제로 구별해 보았다. 또한 선행 연구에서도 고찰한 것처럼 ‘내포’의 관형사절, 명사절에도 ‘접속’의 기능이 나타나고 접속절도 내포되어 나타날 수 있는 것을 제시하여 ‘접속’과 ‘내포’는 상호 관련성이 있으며 ‘수식’의 부사적 기능은 다양한 문법 형태소와 관련되므로 이를 모두 부사형 어미로 볼 수 없음을 주장하였다. 즉 부사형 어미의 포괄적인 설정이 문법 형태소 본래의 기능을 고려하지 않은 지나치게 획일화된 문법 기술이 됨을 제시하였다. 이러한 일련의 논의를 통해 ‘수식’이 아닌 ‘접속’을 주된 기능으로 하는 종속 접속절은 의미, 통사적 측면에서 부사절과는 차이가 있음을 주장하였다. The aims of this study is to examine the modification and conjunction of the adverbial clause focused on the difference of the subordinate conjunctive clause. The transformational endings have the function of conjunction which has been considered as the exclusive function of conjunctive ending. Also the various grammatical morphemes can have the adverbial functions which is only one function of the adverbial ending, so these various grammatical morphemes must not be considered as adverbial ending. Consequently, subordinate conjunctive clause whose main function is conjunction, rather than modification must not be included in the adverbial clause which doesn't share the semantic and syntactic characteristics with the subordinate conjunctive clause.

      • KCI등재

        語尾 ‘-게’의 分布와 機能 고찰

        최유숙(Choi, Yu-sook) 중앙어문학회 2012 語文論集 Vol.51 No.-

        This study has its aim in noting the changes in the grammatical characteristics of the ending ‘key’ by observing its various usages. For this purpose, previous researches on the ending ‘key’ were referenced, and thereby this study took the perspective of looking at ‘key’ as an adverbial ending. This study specifically observed the combined forms of the ending ‘key’ through spoken language corpuses, since previous studies failed to show practicality because they were done by using artificial sentences. Consequently, the ending ‘key’, when combined with verb stems, became an adverbial ending. But combined with adjective stems it strongly showed the characteristics of derivational affixes. Thereby this study acknowledges the possibility that the ending ‘key’ could become an adverbalized derivational affix like the adverbial stem ‘-i’. Since the scale of the corpus was small, this study lacks in the fact that it was not able to show the general aspects of the ending key. However it was able to show the derivational affixes of the ending ‘key’ through specific spoken word references.

      • KCI등재

        국어 부사절에 대하여 - 학교 문법을 중심으로 -

        유옥순 배달말학회 2015 배달말 Vol.56 No.-

        This study set out to search for the direction of adverbial clause setting in the semantic and functional aspects based on the previous discussions about adverbial clause setting. There are various discussions about the category setting of adverbial clause, and they can be divided into three major groups: one group that sets all adverbial, subordinate, and coordinate clauses, another group that sets only adverbial and coordinate clauses, putting subordinate clauses under the category of adverbial clauses, and the other group that sets even coordinate clauses as adverbial ones. Those various views have made it difficult to establish a universal system for adverbial clauses, whose confusion reveals problems with school grammar. The 7th Korean Curriculum contains views of setting adverbial endings, expanding the category of subordinate clauses being allowed as adverbial ones, and including coordinate clausal connective endings in the category of adverbial endings. As those multiple systems are allowed, they add more confusion to the normativity and systemicity of educational grammar but, at the same time, propose some directions for the discussion about the expansion of adverbial clause setting. In school grammar, the category setting of adverbial clauses should no longer remain at the level of theoretical discussions and start discussions in the aspect of pedagogical methods to expand sentences effectively. It is also necessary to set semantic- and functional-based adverbial clauses for the development and expression of logical thinking since adverbial clauses play important roles in making propositions and meanings specific and clear in the expansion process of sentences as modifiers. It is also needed to cite the name and concept of adverbial clauses and the methodology of their category setting in the aspects of paragraphs and texts as well as units of sentences when setting semantic- and functional-based adverbial clauses. 국어 겹문장 분류 체계에서 부사절 범주 설정과 관련한 다양한 논의는 크 게 세 가지로 나눌 수 있다. 첫째는 부사절·종속절·등절을 설정하는 견 해이고 둘째는 종속절을 부사절로 보아 부사절·등절 두 가지로 설정하는 견해이다. 셋째는 등절까지도 부사절로 설정하는 견해이다. 부사절 설정 과 관련한 학교 문법의 논의는 제7차 국어과 교육과정에서 부사형 어미 설정 뿐만 아니라 학계의 폭넓은 논의를 수용하는 차원에서 부사절 개정이 이루 어졌다. 이후 부사절과 관련한 논의는 제7차 국어과 교육과정과 동소이하 게 개정되었고 고등학교 『문법』교과서가 국정 교과서에서 검인정 체제로 바 뀌었지만 여전히 제7차 교육과정의 틀1)을 유지한 채 문법 교육이 이루어지고 있어 제7차 교육과정을 중심으로 부사절 설정 방향을 모색해 보고자 한다. 학교 문법에서 형식적 차원의 부사절 범주 설정은 학생들의 실제 언어수 행능력 신장보다는 연결어미 유형에 따른 정리나 현실과 괴리된 이론 교육 에 그칠 수 있다. 반면 의미·기능적 차원의 범주 설정은 글의 구조를 파악하 고 자신의 생각을 논리적으로 표현하게 한다. 수식언인 부사절은 비교, 조, 분석, 분류, 예시, 인과의 관계로 나타나는데 이는 수사학의 주된 관심사이자 글쓰기와 관계가 깊다. 겹문장의 확 과정에서 의미적 논리성을 갖추기 위 한 문법 요소를 기능적으로 사용하고 표현할 수 있도록 부사절의 명칭과 개 념이 보편적 분류체계로 제시되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        ‘너기다’류에 나타난 어찌마디 연구 -17․18세기 중심으로-

        윤혜영 한말연구학회 2010 한말연구 Vol.- No.27

        The purpose of this study is to find the syntactic rules in adverbial clauses in 17․18th century’s Korean. This study is based on the paper of adverbial clauses in 15․16th century’s Korean. This paper can be summarized as follows:The basic structure of the ‘nə-gi-da(너기다)’ adverbial clause is ‘A가 B를 [adverbial clause] nəgida’. The object(B를) is transformed from subject in a adverbial clause. The predicate in the ‘nə-gi-da(너기다)’ adverbial clause can be classified into ‘feeling adjective’ and ‘judgment adjective’. When the feeling adjective is the predicate in the adverbial clause, adverbial clause contains a predicative clause. In ‘nə-gi-da(너기다)’ adverbial clause in 17․18th century’s Korean, ‘-ke’ adverbial clauses are rarely found than ‘-i’ adverbial clauses. Four illustrative sentences are found in 17th century and twenty seven illustrative sentences are found in 18th century’s Korean. The predicates in the adverbial clause appeared from 18th centry, that is selected various words. Generally ‘-soi(소이)’ was discussed as a adverbial derivational suffix, but this paper consider it as adverbial endings. This is because it should suppose subject in a adverbial clause at deep structure, a syntactic function should be more valued than a form. In addition, It seems to make a quotative adverbial clause when it compared ‘-soi(소이)’ and ‘-i(이)’. The predicates in the ‘nə-gi-da(너기다)’ adverbial clause appeared adjective in 15․16th century’s Korean, but appear rarely psychological verbs in 17․18th century’s Korean.

      • KCI등재

        매김법 제약과 어찌말 매인이름씨 변천과의 상관성

        최대희 한말연구학회 2019 한말연구 Vol.- No.52

        The purpose of this study is to verify the correlation between the constrain of adnominal ending and the transition of adverbial dependent noun. The result could be summarized as follows. Firstly, classified the adverbial dependent nouns of medieval and modern korean language according to their degree of change, and then examined the integration patterns with the adnominal ending. The list is divided into annihilated list, grammatical list, generated list, and maintained list according to the degree of change. As a result of checking the constraint of adnominal ending, the annihilation list and the grammatical list were integrated only with the adnominal ending. The generated list had a different constraint according to the list, and the maintained list was generally unrestricted. Next, confirmed the relationship between adnominal ending and dependent noun transition. For this, questions related to the adnominal ending constraint were presented. First, whether the restriction of adnominal ending is related to the change of dependent noun disappearance or grammaticalization. Second, whether change is proceeded by specific adnominal ending. Third, whether the generated list is related to adnominal ending constraint , And fourth, there are adnominal ending constraints in the list that are maintained, and what are the changes if they are related to the adnominal ending constraint. In summary, can confirm that the adnominal ending constraint and the evolution of dependent nouns are relevant. The choice of adnominal ending seemed to be related to the semantic nature of dependent nouns. And, if there is an adnominal ending constraint among the generated list and the maintained list, can confirm that there is a possibility of change.

      • KCI등재

        “너기다”류에 나타난 어찌마디 연구 -17·18세기 중심으로-

        윤혜영 ( Hea Young Youn ) 한말연구학회 2010 한말연구 Vol.- No.27

        The purpose of this study is to find the syntactic rules in adverbial clauses in 17·18th century`s Korean. This study is based on the paper of adverbial clauses in 15, 16th century`s Korean. This paper can be summarized as follows: The basic structure of the `nd-gi-da(너기다)` adverbial clause is `A가 B를 [adverbial clause} nagida`. The object(B를) is transformed from subject in a adverbial clause. The predicate in the `na-gi-da(너기다)` adverbial clause can be classified into `feeling adjective` and `judgment adjective`. When the feeling adjective is the predicate in the adverbial clause, adverbial clause. In `na-gi-da(너기다)` adverbial clause in 17·18th century`s Korean, `-ke` adverbial clauses are rarely found than `-I` adverbial clauses. Four illustrative sentences are found in 17th century and twenty seven illustrative sentences are found in 18th century`s Korean. The predicates in the adverbial clause appeared from 18th century`s, that is selected various words. Generally `-soi(소이)` was discussed as a adverbial derivational Suffix, but this paper consider it as adverbial endings. This is because it should suppose subject in a adverbial clause at deep structure, a syntactic function should be more valued than a form. In addition, It seems to make a quotative adverbial clause when it compared `-soi(소이)` and `-i(이)`. The predicates in the `na-gi-da(너기다)` adverbial clause appeared adjective in 15·16th century`s Korean, but appear rarely psychological verbs in 17·18th century`s Korean.

      • KCI등재

        국어교육 : 국어 부사절에 대하여 -학교 문법을 중심으로-

        유옥순 ( Ok Soon Yoo ) 배달말학회 2015 배달말 Vol.56 No.-

        국어 겹문장 분류 체계에서 부사절 범주 설정과 관련한 다양한 논의는 크 게 세 가지로 나눌 수 있다. 첫째는 부사절·종속절·등절을 설정하는 견 해이고 둘째는 종속절을 부사절로 보아 부사절·등절 두 가지로 설정하는 견해이다. 셋째는 등절까지도 부사절로 설정하는 견해이다. 부사절 설정 과 관련한 학교 문법의 논의는 제7차 국어과 교육과정에서 부사형 어미 설정 뿐만 아니라 학계의 폭넓은 논의를 수용하는 차원에서 부사절 개정이 이루 어졌다. 이후 부사절과 관련한 논의는 제7차 국어과 교육과정과 동소이하 게 개정되었고 고등학교 『문법』교과서가 국정 교과서에서 검인정 체제로 바 뀌었지만 여전히 제7차 교육과정의 틀1)을 유지한 채 문법 교육이 이루어지고 있어 제7차 교육과정을 중심으로 부사절 설정 방향을 모색해 보고자 한다. 학교 문법에서 형식적 차원의 부사절 범주 설정은 학생들의 실제 언어수 행능력 신장보다는 연결어미 유형에 따른 정리나 현실과 괴리된 이론 교육 에 그칠 수 있다. 반면 의미·기능적 차원의 범주 설정은 글의 구조를 파악하 고 자신의 생각을 논리적으로 표현하게 한다. 수식언인 부사절은 비교, 조, 분석, 분류, 예시, 인과의 관계로 나타나는데 이는 수사학의 주된 관심사이자 글쓰기와 관계가 깊다. 겹문장의 확 과정에서 의미적 논리성을 갖추기 위 한 문법 요소를 기능적으로 사용하고 표현할 수 있도록 부사절의 명칭과 개 념이 보편적 분류체계로 제시되어야 한다. This study set out to search for the direction of adverbial clause setting in the semantic and functional aspects based on the previous discussions about adverbial clause setting. There are various discussions about the category setting of adverbial clause, and they can be divided into three major groups: one group that sets all adverbial, subordinate, and coordinate clauses, another group that sets only adverbial and coordinate clauses, putting subordinate clauses under the category of adverbial clauses, and the other group that sets even coordinate clauses as adverbial ones. Those various views have made it difficult to establish a universal system for adverbial clauses, whose confusion reveals problems with school grammar. The 7th Korean Curriculum contains views of setting adverbial endings, expanding the category of subordinate clauses being allowed as adverbial ones, and including coordinate clausal connective endings in the category of adverbial endings. As those multiple systems are allowed, they add more confusion to the normativity and systemicity of educational grammar but, at the same time, propose some directions for the discussion about the expansion of adverbial clause setting. In school grammar, the category setting of adverbial clauses should no longer remain at the level of theoretical discussions and start discussions in the aspect of pedagogical methods to expand sentences effectively. It is also necessary to set semantic- and functional-based adverbial clauses for the development and expression of logical thinking since adverbial clauses play important roles in making propositions and meanings specific and clear in the expansion process of sentences as modifiers. It is also needed to cite the name and concept of adverbial clauses and the methodology of their category setting in the aspects of paragraphs and texts as well as units of sentences when setting semantic- and functional-based adverbial clauses.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 국어 어찌마디의 통어론적 연구

        허원욱 ( Won Wook Huh ) 한말연구학회 2015 한말연구 Vol.- No.37

        The purpose of this study is to find the syntactic rules in adverbial clauses in 19th century Korean. This paper can be summarized as follows : Adverbial endings in 19th century are ‘-t□s, -torok, -ke’ and ‘-i’. Bound nouns that make adverbial clauses are ‘t□s/t□si’ and ‘t□ro’. ‘-i’ was described as a derivational suffix in 15th century, but from 16th century it should be described as an adverbial ending. This is because a syntactic function should be more valued than a form. In this paper, the syntactic rules are examined in three directions. First, which grammatical informations appear in the predicate of an adverbial clause? Second, what kind of part of speech exist on adverbial clauses and holding clauses? Last, what kind of relation exist between the predicate in an adverbial clause and the predicate in a holding clause?

      • KCI등재

        어미 분류로서의 접속 어미 설정 문제

        이진병(Yi Jinbyeong) 한국언어문학회 2021 한국언어문학 Vol.118 No.-

        This paper has dealt with whether the type classification of non-terminal endings should be consistent with the type classification of complex sentences focused on converb type endings. In Chapter 2, we dealt that conjunction and embedding are not essential concepts in relation to the classification of endings. There is no reason to set the conjunctive ending in terms of shape, traditional grammar, or prescription grammar. In Chapter 3, the criteria why complex sentences and non-terminal endings should be distinguished and classified was explained. Complex sentences and connective endings have different levels of classification and do not have correlation enough to apply the same classification criteria. In terms of semantic structure, it is not because of a single converb type ending that is identified as equivalent or conjunctive. Therefore, the criterion for subclassifying non-terminal endings is what qualifications lower preceding clauses have in terms of syntactic structure.

      • KCI등재

        부사형 어미와 접속어미

        유현경(Hyun Kyung Yoo) 한국어학회 2002 한국어학 Vol.16 No.-

        Since 1980s, very vigorous arguments about the adverbial clausal endings and the conjunctive endings have been raised. There are three different views about it. The first one is that all of the subordinate conjunctive endings are treated as the adverbial clausal endings and only the coordinate conjunctive endings are considered as the conjunctive endings, the second one is that the conjunctive endings are recognized but the adverbial clausal endings are ignored. The third one is that all of conjunctive endings is treated as the adverbial clausal endings. All of these opinions have some problems. This paper aims to find a clue for solving these problems in terms of suggestions of new perspective about it. In this study. I inquired into the structure of the adverbial clausal endings and the conjunctive endings fundamentally. Because I think that these problems arise from the lack of understanding about the functions and structure that exist in the deep parts of Korean grammar. In Korean, Conjunction is not the categorical conception but the functional meaning. The coordinate conjunctive endings are also the embedding endings as the subordinate conjunctive endings do. At the same time, all of the adverbial clausal endings has the functional meaning of conjunction.

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