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      • KCI등재

        일제의 농민조직화 정책과 농가 지도(1932~1945)

        김민철 ( Kim Min Chul ) 역사문제연구소 2007 역사문제연구 Vol.- No.18

        In terms of being a policy designed to address the issue of organizing the villages, which was devised by the Japanese colonial authorities, the Agricultural areas Promotion movement of the 1930s can be said to have proceeded through total of four different stages. The first stage was when the Rehabilitation plan for the agricultural households was established. During this stage, villages and households were assigned to be given instructions of that plan, and key bodies of the colonial administration including the Myeon offices were all mobilized to guide those villages and households(1933~1934). The second stage saw the directive, of applying the time table for the Agricultural Households Rehabilitation plan to all the villages in the agricultural areas within the next ten years, being established and promoted(1935~1936). Third stage was when the objective of the policy was changed(due to the Chinese-Japanese war), from stabilizing the agricultural households` economy, to increase the production of rice in order to facilitate the war efforts(1937~1939). During this stage, villages that completed the 5-year rehabilitation plan were ordered to be transformed into `Gongryeo(공려) villages` and were required to show voluntary activities, while `village promotion committees` were established at every village and absorbed all other bodies inside the villages. And the final fourth stage marked the dissolution of the Agricultural areas Promotion movement and its metamorphosis to a full scale mobilization cause of the Korean people, which was launched because of the breakout of the Pacific war. The movement was eventually transformed into a `Movement in the Agricultural and Forrest areas to promote Production and Protection of the state`. During this stage(1940~1945), the plan for increasing production in villages was established. This plan aimed for completing the production in every village that was required by the `state`. 97% of the entire villages, and 92.4% of the entire agricultural households, were to be instructed by this plan. As the Agricultural areas Promotion movement was established and proceeded, the level of village organization changed as well. Selection of villages and households, that were to be instructed under the rehabilitation plan, continued. Then efforts to enlist all villages under such plan commenced, and later the designation of `Gongryeo villages`, the establishment of Village promotion committees in every village, and the launch of a Village production increase plan covering all agricultural households proceeded as well. This chain of events was mirroring the Japanese authorities` level of `probing` of the residents` situations, which could usually be considered as an indicator of the level of the colonial authorities` ruling of the colony population. ① First in 1911, well-doing Myeon units were surveyed, ② then in 1926 role-model villages and organizations were surveyed, ③ and in 1933 agricultural households were surveyed, in order to assign villages that needed `guidance` for rehabilitation(in 1935 all the agricultural households inside villages planned to receive instruction for rehabilitation were surveyed), ④ and in 1940 all the agricultural households were surveyed, to lay down ground work for the Village production increase plan. Colonial authorities` policy of organizing the villages was, along with the `Serving the country` group(애국반) system under the Full-scale mobilization movement, was finalized around 1943 when the role of the Gujang(구장) figure, chief director(이사장) of the village alliance, and the financial clerk(식 산계 주사) were all tied together and assigned to a single post. In other words, a system in which a single point person was to be put in charge of the entire administration, economical responsibilities and social ruling, in every village, was formally completed. This marked the establishment of a unified Fascist ruling system which had been attempted since the time of the Mobilization of People`s Spirit movement. In the meantime, the Agricultural areas Promotion movement showed a unique fashion of instruction, which was bringing instruction to individual households. It was an attempt to accept the reality, which was clearly indicating that the policy of creating role-model villages were failing, and also a philosophical attempt that came out of the ruling style of the Governor general who was determined to establish an administration which would support the state-ship(국가주의) based upon the Japanese Denno`s authority. Yet administrative resources were limited, and officials were eager to create visible accomplishments. So instructions were brought not only to individuals but also to groups, and since the 1940s, villages became the sole type of recipients receiving instruction.

      • KCI등재

        함안 성산산성 목간으로 본 6세기 신라 촌락사회와 지배방식

        홍기승 한국목간학회 2019 목간과 문자 Vol.0 No.22

        함안 성산산성 출토 목간은 6세기 신라 지방사회를 이해하는 데 필수적인 자료이다. 이 글에서는 그동안의 연구 성과와 『韓國의 古代木簡Ⅱ』에 최종 정리된 판독문을 토대로 6세기 신라 촌락사회의 양상과 그에 대한 지배방식의 일면을 살펴보았다. 먼저 성산산성 목간에는 村 이외에 ‘本波’ ‘阿那’ ‘末那’ 등 이전의 금석문이나 사료에서 찾아볼 수 없는 용어들이 확인된다. 이들은 村을 구성하던 자연취락으로, 목간의 기재 순서로 볼 때 행정체계상 村의 하위단위로 파악되었다. 다만 모든 자연취락이 목간에 기재된 것이 아니라 경제적, 사회적으로 우세한 것부터 대상으로 삼았으리라 추정된다. 村이 있음에도 굳이 자연취락 단계까지 기록한 데서 이들에 대한 국가의 관심을 엿볼 수 있는데, 그 배경에는 자연취락의 성장을 유도하고 지원함으로써 촌락을 재편하고 지배체제를 강화하려던 의도가 있었다. 다음으로 중고기 신라의 村의 성격에 대해 검토하였다. 중고기 사료에 보이는 村의 이해를 두고 크게 행정촌설과 자연촌설로 의견이 나뉘는데, 이러한 견해차는 ‘지명+촌명’ 형식의 성산산성 목간의 해석에서도 나타난다. 검토 결과 이 형식은 ‘郡名+행정촌명’이 아니라 ‘행정촌+자연촌’으로 해석해야 한다. 따라서 중고기 村은 자연촌과 행정촌 두 가지 용례로 나눌 수 있다. 하지만 자연촌이 상위의 행정촌명을 생략한 채 단독으로 목간에 기록될 수 있었던 점에서 자연촌을 지방지배의 기층 단위로서 행정적 역할을 수행하던 독자적인 단위로 보아야 한다. 아울러 자연촌은 국가의 행정력에 의한 인위적인 재편을 거쳤다. 따라서 자연촌은 행정촌과 마찬가지로 지방지배를 위해 국가가 인위적으로 설정한 행정단위로서의 성격을 가졌다고 할 수 있다. 마지막으로 역역동원 관련 문서목간에 보이는 村主를 살펴보았다. 문서목간은 기존의 일반적인 이해와 달리 촌주가 지방관과 엄격한 상하관계에 있었음을 보여준다. 이를 통해 중고기 촌주의 위상은 지역과 시기에 따라 다양했음을 짐작할 수 있다. 그러면서도 한편으로 촌주의 영향력은 촌락사회의 변동과 국가의 제약 아래서 점차 축소되는 방향으로 나아갔으며, 마침내 신라 중대가 되면 縣 단위 행정을 담당하는 말단관료적 존재로 탈바꿈하게 된다. Wooden tablets from the Seongsan Mountain Fortress in Haman are an essential material for understanding the 6th century Silla local society. Based on research results and character reading in 『韓國의 古代木簡Ⅱ』, this article looked at the aspects of Silla’s village society in the 6th century and its governing method. In Wooden tablets, terms not found in other materials such as Bonpa(本波), Ana(阿那), Malna(末那) are identified. These are the natural villages(自然聚落) that made up the Chon(村), and the sub-units of the Chon in the system of local administration. However, it is assumed that not all natural villages are listed in wooden tablets, but economically and socially dominant one is recorded first. Silla intended to reorganize the village society and strengthen its governance system by inducing and supporting the growth of natural villages. In addition, researchers have different opinions on the understanding of the Chon in the 6th century. These differences are also seen in the interpretation of the ‘place+Chon’ type. As a result of the review, this type should be read as ‘Administrative Chon(行政村)+Natural Chon(自然村)’. Therefore, Chon can be divided into two types: Natural Chon and Administrative Chon. A Natural Chon should be regarded as a primary unit of local control and an independent unit that played an administrative role. And it went through artificial reorganization by the administrative power of the state. Thus, a Natural Chon can be said to have the character of an administrative unit set by the state for local governing like the Administrative Chon. Finally, I Analyzed the leader of villages(村主) in the wooden documents related to labor mobilization. These documents show that the leader of villages was in a strict hierarchical relationship with the local governor, unlike the general understanding. It can also be inferred that the status of the leader of the 6th century varied according to region and time. At the same time, the influence of the leader of villages gradually decreased under the fluctuation of the village society and the constraints of the state, and finally transformed into a low-level official in charge of unit administration of Hyeon(縣) by the middle period of Silla.

      • KCI등재

        마을효과(Village effects)를 통한 마을 활성화: 거시적 미시적 마을효과의 통합을 중심으로

        김기홍 ( Gihong Kim ) 성균관대학교 국정관리대학원 2016 국정관리연구 Vol.11 No.1

        ‘마을효과’란 마을이라는 공간을 바탕으로 구성원들이 직·간접 관계를 가지면서 발생하는 연대감에 기초해 서로가 얻게 되는 유·무형의 장점을 뜻한다. 마을효과는 모든 모둠살이에서는 항상 존재하고 그 양상은 다양하다. 마을효과는 거시적 차원과 미시적 차원으로 크게 구분된다. 마을효과의 거시적 차원은 안전망 구축, 에너지와 식량조달, 복지 문제 해결 등 국가가 담당하는 역할을 떠맡으면서 공동체 구성원 모두에게 공통적인 유익을 주는 것을 의미한다. 또 마을효과의 미시적 차원은 각각의 개인들이 어울려 삶으로써 심리적 안정감을 얻고 치매·우울증을 예방하거나 극복하는 등 개인적이고 차별적으로 얻는 효과를 뜻한다. 이러한 마을효과는 서로 관심을 갖고 배려하는 마을 주민들의 자발성을 극대화함으로써 강화된다. 마을 주민들의 관계를 강화함으로써 마을효과를 높이는 것은 일종의 포지티브 섬(positive sum) 전략으로, 경쟁과 효율성만을 중시함으로써 승자독식으로 귀결되는 제로 섬(zero sum) 전략과는 구분된다. 마을원리에 기초한 포지티브 섬 전략은 그 효과가 발휘되기까지 많은 시간이 소요되지만, 일정 수준으로 시스템이 구축되면 그 효과가 지속되는 특징이 있다. 마을효과에 대한 이해는 마을운동을 효율적으로 전개하기 위해서는 반드시 필요하다. 아울러 거시적·미시적 마을효과를 교차시켜 통합하면 4가지 범주로 유형화할 수 있다. 즉 마을정(正)효과, 마을편(偏)효과, 마을역(逆)효과, 마을무(無)효과다. 특히 본 연구에서는 마을정(正)효과를 높이는 방안으로서 인류의 본성과 함께 자발성·적극성에 기초해 생존원리를 잘 설명해주는 소셜 뉴로사이언스 (social neuroscience)를 마을운동에 접목해 갈 필요성을 제안하고 있다. Here village effects mean to use the basic characteristics of the concern, participation, and mutual cooperation of the members of village in order to solve the problems of the humankind in the 21st Century. Village effects alleviate the burdens of government through the improvement of safety net, the supply of energy and food, and the new approaches of welfare resources and the prevention of dementia and tristimania, the promotion of health and the extension of life span through commune life with neighborhoods. These effects are guaranteed by the spontaneity and positiveness of members who are concerned for and considerate of the neighbors, not by winner-takes-all effect. Like this, the village effects based on the principle of village as cooperation and coexistence are distinguished as a kind of positive-sum strategy from negative-sum strategy which is justified by unlimited competition and efficiency. Though the positive-sum strategy on the basis of the principle of village takes much time to exert the effects, there is an advantage the village effects are lasted after having been accomplished. The understanding of village effects is positively necessary to efficiently develop the village movement. The typology is one way to enhance the village effects. This study divided those into village effect, village partial effect, village adverse effect, and no-village effect. Last, this article suggests to utilize the social neuroscience for the sustainability of village through the optimization of village.

      • KCI등재

        농촌의 마을소멸지수 개발 및 적용 - 충청남도를 대상으로 -

        윤정미,조영재,김진영 한국농촌계획학회 2023 농촌계획 Vol.29 No.3

        The sense of crisis regarding regional extinction due to low birth rates and an aging population is expanding. Generally, the local extinction index is used to analyze local extinction. However, it is challenging to diagnose the actual situation of village extinction risk in rural areas, even though the regional extinction index can be analyzed in units such as Si-Gun-Gu and Eup-Myeon-Dong. This difficulty arises because the regional extinction index solely relies on natural population growth indicators (elderly population and female population aged 20-39). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop a village extinction index that can identify the disappearance of rural villages. Additionally, the aim is to apply the developed indicators to the village (administrative ri) spatial unit. The existing regional extinction index used only mortality-related indicators as factors for natural population decline and fertility-related indicators as factors for natural population growth. However, the developed village extinction index included not only the factors of natural population change but also incorporated social population growth factors and factors related to the pace of village extinction. This is the key difference between the developed village extinction index and the existing regional extinction index. In this study, the indicators of "total population," "number of young women aged 20-44," "number of elderly population aged 70 or older," and "number of incoming population" were selected to develop a village extinction index. The village extinction index was developed by incorporating both natural population growth indicators and social population growth indicators. The developed village extinction index was applied to administrative villages. This research is expected to provide a more accurate understanding of the current state of rural villages facing extinction.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 거주이동과 혈연적 연대의 관계 -단성지역 합천이씨 가계들의 호적과 족보 분석을 통해-

        손병규(Son, Byung-giu) 고려사학회 2020 한국사학보 Vol.- No.79

        3년마다 작성되는 호적대장의 ‘행정리’는 가족이 실제로 거주하는 복수의 ‘마을’로 편성된다. 호구 등록이 가족의 형성과 거주이동을 그대로 반영한다고 단언하기는 어렵지만, 행정리를 넘어서는 호구 이동을 연속된 장기적 관찰로 추적하여 현실적인 거주와 이동을 추정할 수는 있다. 조선후기 단성지역의 합천이씨 가족들은 여러 행정리에 할거하고 있었다. 행정리마다 등재된 호구는 대체로 신분이나 가계를 달리하며, 행정리에 지속적으로 거주하거나 행정리를 넘어서서 이동하는 경향에도 차이가 있었다. 18~19세기를 통해 동일 행정리에 지속적으로 등재되는 경우는 점차 감소하는 반면, 호의 대표자가 장남과 계자인 호의 비율은 높아진다. 거주이동이 심화되고 계자율이 높아지는 경향을 반영한다. 계자와 장남이 출신지 행정리에 지속적으로 등재되는 비율은 양반과 향리의 특정가계에서만 두드러진다. 단성현의 합천이씨 가족들은 18세기를 통해 세거지의 형성을 강하게 열망해왔지만, 타지역으로의 이동도 빈번했다. 19세기에는 양반들도 몇몇 직계가족을 제외하고 한 지역에서 세대를 이어 장기적으로 거주하기는 어려웠다. The administrative village in the household registers published every three years in Joseon Korea consisted of several actual villages. It is hard to conclude that the household register shows the formation and migration of the family as it was. However, it is possible to presume the actual movement of the family by observing the living and moving on the registers in the long term. In the seventeenth to the nineteenth century, the Hapcheon Lee clan members of Tanseong prefecture were dwelling in several administrative villages. The trend of moving patterns across the border of the administrative villages of the Lee clan members those who are in various social status differed by lineages and their status. While the proportion of the households those who kept staying in the same administrative village was decreased, the proportion of as the household head who was the first son or adopted son in the family increased for the eighteenth and nineteenth century. It means that they migrated frequently and adopted more in that period. However, the eldest sons or adopted sons of some elite lineages tended to not move across the administrative village border. Even though the Lee clan was known about had been tried to build their “same family name villages” in the prefecture in the eighteenth century, the registers also show they used to move across the villages. The nineteenth century onwards, staying at a village in generations was difficult to even the elite lineages except for a few dominant families.

      • KCI등재

        함안 성산산성 출토 신라 하찰목간의 형태와 제작지의 검토

        전덕재(Jeon Deogjae) 한국목간학회 2009 목간과 문자 Vol.3 No.-

        본 논고는 함안 성산산성에서 출토된 목간의 형태와 아울러 그것의 제작지에 대하여 살펴본 것이다. 함안 성산산성 출토 하찰목간은 크게 단책형과 V자형의 홈이 파져 있는 것으로 구분되며, 전자에 비하여 후자가 많은 편이었다. 목간들을 상호 비교한 결과, 전체적으로 형태상 일정한 정형성을 추출할 수 없었는데, 이는 국가 또는 上州에서 목간의 규격이나 형태에 대하여 규제하지 않았음을 반영한 것이다. 목간의 묵서는 대체로 상단부에서 하단부로 내려가면서 표기한 것이 대 부분을 차지하였다. 행정촌의 명칭인 仇利伐, 及伐城, 甘文, 仇伐, 買谷村이라는 지명이 표기된 목간들의 형태와 서체를 상호 비교한 결과, 지명이 같은 목간의 경우 형태상에서 일정한 정형성이 발견된다거나 서체가 동일하였음이 확인되었다. 또한 자연촌명이 묵서된 목간의 서체가 일부 행정촌명이 보이는 목간의 서체와 일치되는 경우가 여럿 발견되었다. 이러한 사실들을 통하여 중고기에 행정촌 단위로 목간을 제작하고 書寫하였음을 알 수 있다. 아마도 자연촌의 주민들이 직접 자기가 납부할 곡물을 자루나 상자에 넣어 행정촌에 가지고 갔고, 문척과 같은 행정촌의 관리들은 그들에게 정확한 거주지와 더불어 곡물의 종류, 수량 등에 대하여 물어본 다음, 그 내용을 미리 제작한 목간에 묵서한 것으로 짐작된다. 그 후 행정촌의 관리들은 수취물에 부착한 목간 이외에 동일한 내용의 목간을 검수용으로 하나 더 제작하여 상위의 행정기관인 上州 또는 상산산성에 이송하거나 또는 그것들에 관한 정보를 종이문서에 적어 상주 또는 성산산성에 보냈을 것으로 추정된다. The purpose of this research was investigating shapes and manufacturing location of Silla’s Wooden tablets for name list of supplies which were excavated from the Haman Seongsan mountain fortress. The Wooden tablets for name list of supplies could be divided as the single volume style and the V groove style. The latter have more numbers than the former. Comparison of the Wooden tablets resulted that there was no standardized pattern in shape. This result also indicated that there was no regulation for the Wooden tablets from the government or Sangju. Most of the black writing on the Wooden tablets were written from the top to bottom. The Wooden tablets from the same adminstrative village were compared in terms of the shape and the writing style. The result confirmed that the Wooden tablets which have the same name of the location shows the same style of shape and the same writing style. In addition, in many cases, the Wooden tablets which has the natural village shows the same writing style with the administrative village. Through these factors, the Wooden tablets was manufactured according to the administrative village unit in the Middle ancient period. It seems that the natural village people brought their tax payment in boxes and bags to the administrative village, and the government official such as Munchuk wrote their exact location, the kind, and the quantity on the previously manufactured Wooden tablets. These inferences could lead to the further assumption that the government officials made the same Wooden tablets to recheck beside the attached Wooden tablets on the received tax payments. These additional Wooden tablets or its paper written informations might send to the higher administrative office such as Sangju or Seongsan mountain fortress.

      • KCI등재

        『택리지』에 내재된 저탄소 녹색마을의 계획적 함의

        정경연 ( Kyongyeon Jeong ),변병설 ( Byungseol Byun ) 성균관대학교 국정관리대학원 2012 국정관리연구 Vol.7 No.1

        21세기 인류의 최대 이슈는 기후변화에 대응하기 위한 노력이다. 세계 각국은 자국의 자연환경과 역사를 적용한 기후변화 적응 모델을 개발하여 왔다. 한국도 기후변화에 대응할 수 있는 저탄소 녹색마을을 만들기 위해 노력하고 있다. 저탄소 녹색마을은 지구온난화의 주요 원인인 탄소 배출을 근본적으로 줄이는 것을 목표로 하고 있다. 그리고 이미 발생된 탄소는 다양한 녹색기술을 통하여 흡수하거나 분해시켜 쾌적한 마을 공간을 조성한다. 궁극적으로 저탄소 녹색마을의 원천기술을 확보하여 경제적 이익을 창출하고, 탄소제로마을을 지양하고, 관광객을 유치하여 주민의 일자리 창출과 소득향상에 기여를 목적으로 한다. 본 연구는 『택리지』의 「복거총론」에서 이 같은 저탄소 녹색마을의 계획적 요소들을 도출하고자 한다. 복거총론 은 사람이 살기 좋은 가거지의 조건으로 지리, 생리, 인심, 산수 네 가지를 설명하고 있으며 오늘날 기후변화에 적응하기 위한 저탄소 녹색조성에 필요한 요소들을 내재하고 있다. The largest issue of the 21st century is an effort to combat climate change. Countries around the world have been developed climate change adaptation model that their country`s natural environment and urban culture and history has been applied. Korea also have been working diligently to construct low-carbon green village for respond to climate change. A low-carbon green village is aimed at radically reducing carbon discharge, a major cause of global warming. It is also aimed to put in place all the functions necessary for the establishment of a sustainable village. It is also aimed at absorbing or decomposing carbon through green technologies to create a comfortable space in village. In short, the creation of economic benefits is aimed by securing the original technology of a low-carbon green village as well as the creation of a village that contributes to job creation and boosts the income of residents by seeking a zero-carbon-emission village and attracting tourists. This study drew planning techniques for low carbon green urban from ‘Bokgeochongron’ theory of Taekriji which is the book that explain Korea`s natural environment and urban culture and histories. Bokgeochongron`s theory was described four kinds(geography, economy, benevolence, landscape) to livable urban for people. Nowadays they are important factors for low carbon green urban planning techniques to adapt climate change.

      • KCI등재

        촌민자치 실시 과정 중 향진정부의 통제와 촌민위원회의 행정화

        이동영 ( Dong Young Lee ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2010 유라시아연구 Vol.7 No.3

        1987년부터 최근까지, 약 30여년 간의 실천과정을 통해서 알 수 있듯이, 중국 농촌의 촌민자치제도는 많은 성과를 거두었다. 특히 촌민들에게 부여된 직접 선거와 파면권은 촌민들이 지역의 또 다른 권력 주체로서 역할하도록 만들었다. 촌민자치제도는 중국 농촌의 권력관계를 종적관계에서 횡적관계로 변화시켰다. 하지만 이것이 중국의 촌급 지역에서 당-국가의 철수를 의미하지 않았으며, 촌민위원회와 향진정부 사이에서의 상호협력과 견제에 기초해 중국 농촌 기층지역을 관리하는 이른바 향정촌치(鄕政村治)라는 새로운 관리방식이 도입되었다. 이 같은 관리 방식 아래서, 촌민위원회 간부들은 촌민자치 본연의 업무인 ``촌무``(村務)를 수행해야하는 동시에 상급 정부인 향진정부가 요구하는 업부, 즉 ``정무``(政務)를 수행해야만 한다. 결과적으로 촌민위원회 간부들은 향진정부와 촌민의 대리인으로 활동해야하는 공동대리인의 상태에 놓여 있다. 따라서 향진정부와 촌민의 이익이 충돌할 경우, 촌민위원회 간부는 촌민과 향진정부 양측으로부터 가해지는 이중의 압력에 직면하게 되며, 자신의 역할을 선택해야만 하는 딜레마에 빠지게 된다. 향진정부와 촌민위원회 사이에 존재하는 충돌은 농민부담과 토지수용으로 인해 발생하는 것이다. 촌민위원회 간부들은 이 같은 충돌에 직면했을 때 분쟁에 개입되기를 원하지 않는다. 이때, 향진정부는 매우 다양한 수단들을 이용해 촌민위원회 간부들이 자신들의 대리인으로 행동하도록 압박을 가할 수 있다. 반면 촌민들은 향진정부에 비해 촌민위원회 간부들을 압박할 수 있는 효율적 수단을 지니고 있지 않다. 결국 향진정부와 촌민 사이에 존재하는 불평등한 제도적 자원으로 인해 촌민위원회의 행정화 현상이 나타나게 된다. Nearly 30 years of practice for villagers`` self-government since 1987 has achieved substantial results. In particular, the establishment of the villagers`` committee, and the institutionalization of direct election and dismissal of cadres by villagers had changed power relations at the village level, from vertical to horizontal power relation. But establishment of village self-government in Chian, far from terminating the party-states domination of rural villages, resulted in the development of the Xiangzhengcunzhi system that can be characterized by asymmetric possession of institutional resources between villagers`` committee and township government. Under this system, The villagers`` committee should carry out not only the task of ``self-administration affairs,`` but also the task of ``official affairs`` required by the higher government called township government. Consequently, the cadres of villagers`` committee must play the dual role as a common agent for the township government and villagers. Therefore, the cadres of villagers`` committee face with a dilemma of the role choice caused by dual pressure from the township government and the villagers in the case of both sides having conflict. The conflict between township government and villager cause for peasant``s burden and farmland expropriation. When villagers`` committee cadres was faced this conflict, they do not want to intervene in dispute. This time, township government, through utilization of various means, can compel villagers`` committee to act as their agents. But Villagers do not have useful means that can compel villagers`` committee cadres than township government. Eventually, unequal institutional means between Township government and villager cause for the administrative tendency of Villagers`` Committee.

      • KCI등재

        행정중심복합도시 첫마을 마스터플랜 수립과정에서 첫마을 공모전 당선작 바람개비 마을 플랫폼 도시조직의 해석과 적용에 관한 연구

        한서영 한국문화공간건축학회 2022 한국문화공간건축학회논문집 Vol.- No.77

        KNHC(Korean National Housing Corporation) completed First Village Masterplan via two process stages. One was the First Village Masterplan competition and The other was Masterplan Process after the competition. The prize winner, Windmill Village by DA and Kunwon was unique because it was an amalgamation between the adaptation of new ideas and city fabrics suggested in the Urban Idea Competition of Sejong city and the custom Korean city planning method. This new colligation was analyzed in my former thesis. In that, new ideas were open-ended city concepts and various strip-shaped city tissue. Korean customs were center-oriented TOD planning based on neighborhood planning and city planning based on massive single-block apartment housing. In this thesis, the second part of master planning was analyzed based on the first. The master plan process was the following stage of the competition. Korean planers from DA and Kunwon and related Admin. performed this process together to realize the ideal competition masterplan. In the process, the planers interpreted, adapted, and deformed the original idea to reality. The theme of this thesis was how this interpretation, adaptation, and deformation affected the realization of the main idea such as open-ended ground and playing platform suggested in Windmill village. It was found that there were three major issues related. One was the integration of blocks and installation of over-bridge cross the road. The other was the arrangement of community facilities and commercials. The third was the planning and management method for the Playing-platform and street park. These three issues, strengthen or weaken the original ideas. Especially, Many decision acts as weakening factors with the stereotype of two Korean city planning method described above.

      • KCI등재

        새마을운동을 통한 마을 단위 사회적 자본 형성과 구성요소 연구: 1970년대 마을 기록물 분석

        서상덕 ( Sangdeok Seo ),황광선 ( Kwangseon Hwang ) 성균관대학교 국정전문대학원 2021 국정관리연구 Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구는 새마을운동을 추진했던 마을 단위에서 사회적 자본이 어떻게 형성되었는지 탐구하는 것이다. 마을 단위에서 이루어진 새마을사업은 마을발전이라는 공동의 목표를 이루기 위한 과정에서 마을공동체 구성원들 사이에서 사회적 자본의 형성을 도왔을 것이고, 사회적 자본의 어떤 구성요소들이 나타나게 되었는지 확인하기 위하여 마을총회 회의록 7개 마을 53건의 기록물을 내용분석 방법을 적용하여 실시하였다. 분석결과 새마을사업은 마을총회를 통해 시작되었으며, 주민들의 토론과 합의를 통한 의사결정 과정에서 나타난 공동, 찬성, 결정, 의견, 보고의 핵심단어를 통해 사회적 자본의 신뢰가 형성되었고, 핵심단어인 공동, 부담, 노력, 참석, 협조에서 사회적 자본의 참여가 형성되었으며, 마을, 주민, 지도자 등 핵심단어는 공동체 내 관계 형성을, 하사금, 정부, 보조 등은 외부와의 관계 형성으로 사회적 자본의 네트워크가 형성되었고, 명문화된 규약과 규칙을 통해 사회적 자본의 규범이 형성된 것을 확인하였다. 마을공동체 내에서 사회적 자본의 구성요소인 신뢰, 참여, 네트워크, 규범을 형성하는데 새마을사업이 기여했을 가능성을 1970년대 기록물을 통해 확인하였다는 데에 본 연구의 의의가 있다. The study explored how social capital had been accumulated through the village-level Saemaul projects in Korea. As Saemaul Undong had been implemented at each village, it would had helped the communities formulate social capital among the community members through peoples’ participations to achieve their common goals. To verify the elements of social capital shown in Saemaul Undong, this study analyzed 53 minutes from 7 Korean villages among the Saemaul Undong archives using the context analysis methodology. Through the analysis, it was confirmed that the Saemaul projects started with the peoples’ agreement discussed at the general meetings. and the core words extracted from the minutes of the general meetings explain the accumulation of the social capital in the village; the words such as ‘common’, ‘agreement’, ‘decision’, ‘opinion’, ‘report’ confirm the formation of trust of social capital; the words like ‘village’, ‘villagers’, ‘leaders’ prove the formation of network within the community members; the words like grant, government, subsidy proves network of the social capital based on the relationships with outsiders; and lastly the existence of the written village rules explain the formation of norm of the social capital. Therefore, this study has significant meaning as it confirms how the village-level Saemaul projects in 1970s had successfully formulated the social capital such as trust, participation, network, and norm, analyzing the achieves of Saemaul Undong in 1970s.

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