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        2천년대 문화변동에 따른 한국 잡지 활성화 연구

        박몽구 한국출판학회 2013 한국출판학연구 Vol.39 No.1

        새 밀레니엄을 맞이하여 첫 십년을 넘긴 지금, 한국의 잡지는 전에 없는 질적인 변화와 함께 격동의 흐름을 맞고 있다. 장기적인 경기 침체의 지속, 인터넷을 중심으로 한 뉴미디어의 급진전과 영상 문화의 확대 및 무료 정보 신문 범람 등에 따라 오프라인의 종이 잡지들을 비롯한 기존의 종이 잡지들은 적잖은 시련을 맞고 있다. 뉴미디어의 진전에 따라 전자잡지들이 갈수록 증가하는 추세와 함께 우리 잡지계는 자신들이 딛고 선 시대를 묵시하는 한편, 단순한 흥미 위주의 콘텐트를 넘어 미래 지향적인 사고를 담는 데 부심해야 할 시점이라고 하겠다. 최근 들어서는 스마트폰 보급이 일반화되면서 웹진 등은 또 다른 형태로 진화해 가고 있다. 이는 한국 잡지에서 종이잡지와 전자 잡지의 공존이라는, 이른바 퓨전 잡지 시대를 열어가고 있다고 해도 좋을 것이다. 따라서 온라인과 오프라인을 결합시킨 퓨전 잡지 시대에 걸맞게 새로운 독자를 창출하고 이를 바탕으로 잡지의 영역을 넓혀가는 데 혼신의 힘을 기울여야 할 때이다. 한국 잡지의 전반적 침체 속에서도 외국 잡지의 수입량은 꾸준히 늘고 있으며, 외국 잡지와 판권제휴를 맺고 있는 라이선스 잡지들이 크게 증가하고 있다. 주목해야 할 것은 이들 수입 잡지들이 우리 잡지 시장을 잠식한 것 못지않게, 우리 잡지의 편집 방향에 일대 반향을 일으켰다는 것이다. 이들 잡지의 편집면에서의 가장 두드러진 특징은 무엇보다 '보는 잡지'라는 점이다. 텍스트보다는 패션 지면이나 화보 지면의 대폭 수용을 통해 독자들로 하여금 내용보다는 눈요깃거리를 더욱 갈망하게 만들었다는 점이 주목할 만하다. 이와 함께 최근 4G 스마트폰 사용자가 크게 늘어나면서 새롭게 등장한 모바일진에도 주목할 필요가 있다. 모바일진은 최근 들어 여성지와 패션지 등을 중심으로 확산되는 추세이다. 이 같은 모바일진의 등장은 2천년대 들어 인터넷과 모바일 환경으로의 급속한 진전을 반영해 준다. 나아가 뉴미디어의 진전 및 정보화 세대의 문화 주도에 따라 한국 잡지가 나아갈 방향을 예감케 해주고 있다. 뉴미디어 시대의 선두주자로서 한국 잡지가 새롭게 도약하기 위해서는 웹진 등 전자잡지를 능동적으로 수용하는 한편, 새론 시장 형태에 조응한 마케팅 전략의 구축이 시급한 시점이다. 오프라인 잡지와 온라인 잡지의 융합 모델 제시, 잡지 전문 인력 확보, 유통 구조 개선, 외국어 홈페이지 구축 등으로 우리 잡지는 그 모습을 일신해야 할 때이다. 이를 통해 뉴미디어 시대에 즈음하여 새롭게 등장하는 독자들의 요구에 부응하는 한편, 한류를 중심으로 한 한국 문화 콘텐츠를 우리 잡지에 적극적으로 수용하여 해외 시장 개척에 나선다면 한국 잡지는 새로운 활력을 얻을 것으로 사료된다. This study's aim is to diagnose condition of Korean magazines at the time of new media epoch, and to search its desirable direction of the development. Today, Korean magazines have met big turning point. According to the development of internet through the intermediation of the Information Superhighway Network, various media has emerged, for instance web-zine, mail-zine and so on. The multimedia environment represented DMB(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) has been encroached the reader of magazines with old format. Enlarging of internet system accelerated by the Information Superhighway Network and the boom multimedia spread have shaked deeply the market of publishing and magazine. At the moment, we have been meeting rapid changing from the industrial society to an information oriented society. It is no exaggeration to say that we have been establishing speedy switchover from the analogue centered society the digital centered society. We have met the epoch that the information is extraordinary rich from online than offline. With these background, the existing magzines are deeply changed and various web-zines have entered the stage. Many traditional magazines have gone bankrupt, but new dedias have emerged. And there are cultural taste of the new generation centering yuppy family. Especially, these generations like selfregulation culture characterized the rapidity and the convenience. Accordingly, they like the practical knowledge, show preference of license magazines. But their taste involves danger that making slaves armed with logic of the capital. In this paper, having been diagnosing these condition, I have studied about the cultural foundation of new media. We must produce good contents based human aura than advance of technology. When operation subject and sturdy common sense are combined, new condition of magazines are to be established in the future. In addition, the latest 4G smartphone users increase, new mobile-zin is noteworthy. It has spread to the center of the fashion magazine and woman magszines. At the second millennium epoch, these new condition has reflected the rapid progress of the internet and mobile environments. Furthermore, depending on the progress of new media and information culture of the generation led the South Korean magazine foreboding new direction has to offer. Meanwhile, new market in the form of the construction of the marketing strategies that correspond to accommodate the new Korean magazine as a leader in the new media era the webzine, such as e-magazines in order to become active, pressing the point. Ensure the convergence of offline magazines and online magazines model presented, a magazine specializing in human resources, improved distribution structure, and building foreign language website is when you need to renew the look of our magazine. On the other hand, if the spiral overseas markets embrace our magazine with a focus on the Korean wave will make new view point. Emerging readers on the occasion of the new media era will lead to new magazine era.

      • Gender and the U.S. Online Literary Scene

        Pinard, Mary Asian pacific women's information network center 2005 APWIN Vol.7 No.-

        Often overlooked in larger discussions of the digital divide and virtually absent from analyses of new technologies for online publishing, literary zines and electronic literature are potentially rich and untapped resources. The author explores the nature of online literary zines and electronic literature in the U.S., especially in the context of gender. The paper also poses and attempts to answer the following questions: 1)Does the gendered digital divide translate to the world of literature in electronic media? 2)If so, how? 3)If not, what might current best practices and successful approaches to literary zines and electronic literature teach us about how a truly equitable Internet culture might work? The paper also offers an overview of the current state of the online literary scene in the U.S

      • KCI등재후보
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        황산아연 용액을 이용한 단순포진의 국소요법에 관한 연구

        박성민(Seong Min Park),문두찬(Doo Chan Moon),권경술(Kyung Sool Kwon),정태안(Tae Ahn Chung) 대한피부과학회 1988 대한피부과학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        Zinc sulfate, which was used as zinc sulfate ophthalmic solution in herpetic keratitis, has been found to have the therapeutic effects in cutaneous and mucosal herpes simplex. We studied ta evaluate the therapeutic effect of zinc sulfate in patients with herpes simplex. Nine patients with primary herpes simplex and twenty five patient with recurrent herpes simplex were included in this study. Twenty five patients(six with primary type and nineteen with recurrent type were treated with topical applicatiion of 0.3% zinc sulfate solutiion seven to eight times a day and nine patients(three with primary type and six with recurrent type)were applied with placebo vehicle in the same way. Maintenance treatment was then given tc all these patients, first once a week for one month, and then twice a month indefinitely. The effect was assessed by the comparison of the duration of disappearance of symptoms, drying of vesicles and crust formation, and desiccation and sloughing-off of cursts, and recurrence rate between zine sulfat,e group and placebo group. The resuilts were summarized as follows : 1. In the average time of the disappearance of symptoms, drying of vesicles and crust formation, a,nd desiccation and sloughing-off of crusts, the resu1t observecl in zinc, sulfate group was shorter than that of placebo group, respectively ( p < 0.01). 2. In recurrence rate, 11.1% observed in zinc sulfate group was much lower than 80.0%i in placebo group(p . 0.01). These findings suggest that topical zinc sulfate is an effective agent for treatment and prevention of recurrence af herpes simplex infection.

      • 한국 자주출판물에 대한 연구 : 2008-2010년의 디자이너-제작 출판물 중심으로

        정선아(Jeong Sun A) 한국디자인학회 2010 한국디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2010 No.10

        This study analyzes the reality, related social context and setting of Korean self-publishing which has been thriving for the past 2 years. Self publishing, which deeply relies on young designer/producers or pre-designers, has become a liberal place for them to share fresh ideas without being restrained by other external factors in the fields of contemporary art and culture. However, self -publishing has inherent limitations - lacking the system which allows a continuous publishing and well managed products in terms of distribution - these problems have brought about the seclusion of self-publishing. The aim of this study is to find the potential causes for the isolation of self-publishing by examining the position of designers in the relationship between design and industry, and by the process of self actualization through design education.

      • KCI등재

        무용비평 전문 웹진의 매체 유형과 상호작용 기제 특성

        정한결 ( Han Kyeol Jung ),염계화 ( Gye Hwa Youm ) 대한무용학회 2021 대한무용학회논문집 Vol.79 No.4

        In this research, in light of the advent of several webzines that specialize in critiques on dancing among drastic changes of media environment today, it was attempted to survey the dancing critique webzines as to their characteristics as media and properties of interactivity. As a result, the first characteristic that has been demonstrated was expediency and rapid response in the process of subscription. Secondly, newly emerging webzines tend to utilize their subscriber base as an instrument to expand the customer pool. Thirdly, webzines are keen to take advantage of interactive mechanisms of other types of media. Fourthly, their pronounced positioning as specialized webzines has been remarkable and conspicuous in the market. Such results would serve as fundamental resources in suggesting a direction on how to respond to the epochal trends of media application that bridge between the artistic dancing and the public in dancing critiques as well as the future advancement.

      • 아토피 피부염 환자에서 혈청내 Cu와 Zn치 및 Cu/Zn비에 관한 연구

        이성열,정현,이종석,황규왕 순천향의학연구소 1998 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.4 No.1

        아연과 구리는 피부를 포함하는 인체의 거의 모든 기관에서 일어나는 대사과정에 작용하는 metallonenzyme의 보조인자로 상당히 중요한 역할을 수행한다. 저자들은 정상대조군 10명, 전신성 아토피성 피부염 환자 16명을 대상으로 atomic absorption spectrometry를 사용하여 혈청 아연과 구리치를 측정하였고 그결과로 혈청 구리/아연 비를 구하였다. 그 결과 혈청 구리치는 대조군에 비하여 아토피성피부염 환자에서 통계적으로 의의있게 높게 나타났다. 이는 아마도 아토피성 피부염에 의한 염증반응으로 이차적으로 ceruloplasmin이 증가되어 나타난 것으로 생각되나 이 것이 명확히 규명된 것은 아니다. 혈청 아연치는 약간 감소하였으나 통계적인 유의성은 없었고 혈청 구리/아연 비의 값은 약간 증가되었으나 역시 통계적 유의성을 찾을 수는 없었다.

      • 아연도금강판상에 제작한 마그네슘 코팅막의 내식성

        백상민(S.M. Baek),배일용(I.Y. Bae),양정현(J.H. Yang),강준(J. K),이명훈(M.H. Lee) 한국마린엔지니어링학회 2007 한국마린엔지니어링학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2007 No.-

        Mg thin films were prepared by PVD method on electroplated Zn steel substrate. And the influence of gas pressure on their morphology and d-value shift of the deposited films were investigated by scannig electron microscopy(SEM) and X -ray diffraction(XRD). In addition, the effect of corrosion resistance of these films as a function of morphology and d-value shift was evaluated by anodic polarization test. From the experiment results, it is investigated that the film of granular structure which deposited at high gas pressure condition had the best corrosion resistance.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

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