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      • KCI등재

        ‘VP’/‘V1V2’+(‘了’) 사동구조의 경계성 분석

        이봉금(Lee, Pong-Keum) 대한중국학회 2019 중국학 Vol.67 No.-

        경계성(界性)이란 인류가 객관세계 사물의 경계(Boundary)를 인식하는 한 방식으로 유경계성(有界, boundary)과 무경계성(無界,unboundary)으로 분리된다. 인지적 경험에 근거하여 사물에 대한 ‘경계 설정’이 가능하면 그 사물은 유경계성을 띠고, 이 ‘경계 설정’이 불가능하다면 그 사물은 무경계성을 띤다. 인지언어학자들은 경계성 이론을 언어현상에 응용하여 설명 하기 시작하였는데 본 연구는 이러한 언어현상의 경계성 이론에 입각하여 중국어 사동문법의 인지적 분석에 응용해 보았다. 특별히 현재 상용되고 있는 다양한 중국어 사동형태 가운데 그 형식상 동일한 유형의 사동구조로 취급되고 있는 ‘NP1+VP+NP2’ 구조와 ‘NP1+VP(‘V1V2’) +NP2’ 즉, 결과보어 사동구조에 착안하여 구조상 존재하는 문법적 차이를 근거로 ‘VP’와 ‘V1V2’가 술어로서 한정짓게 되는 경계성의 차이를 탐구하였다. 아울러 NP2와 了의 수반으로 인해 경계화 짓는 특성 및 자질이 어떻게 나타나는지 인지적 분석으로 접근하였다. ‘Boundedness’ is a way for human beings to recognize objective things in the world. The boundary is divided into two kinds of opposites: bounded and unbounded. For example, objective things have the opposite of bounded and unbounded in space, and actions also have the opposite of bounded and unbound in the timeline. This parallel opposition in the world is also clearly reflected in the grammatical structure of the language used by human beings. So far, in the perspective of cognitive linguistics, modern Chinese has applied the contradiction of boundaries. For example, there are many grammatical and lexical theories that are analyzed and interpreted in terms of cognitive linguistics, and research results in various fields, including nouns, verbs, and adjectives, are also proposed in the form unit. However, there are few professional studies on the opposite aspects of the typological form of the verb. This study, based on the formation of typical lexical impetus and the result complement grammatical differences in the dynamic structure, explores the boundary differences between VP and V1+V2 as predicates. In addition, it is characterized by its subsequent NP2 and 了 . This will broaden the horizons of modern Chinese studies and help readers understand the phenomenon of modern Chinese.

      • KCI등재

        동결식 "V1V2了"와 "V1V2(了)"에서의 "了"와 "V2"

        왕수향 한국중문학회 2012 中國文學硏究 Vol.47 No.-

        本文主要對動結式V1V2了, V1V2(了)考察"V2"和"了"之間的關系, 幷力求解釋這樣的一個問題: "了"爲什마有時出現在"V2"後面, 而有時不出現. 本文把"了"看成相對時制幷表示"實現"義, 幷把"V2"看成表情狀類型的"達成".Vendler(1967)按照動詞的特點所分出的"達成"類근"完成"類都有"終結點", 兩者之間的差別在于"達成"類具有[+瞬間性]到達終結點的特征. 本文根據"V2"具有[+瞬間性]特征幷分析相關句式V1V2了,V1V2(了)時發現, "了"確實有"實現"義.如果句子要强調V1V2的"實現"義時, 則"了"一定要出現(如"他强調, 中國實行改革開放以來, 人民吃好了,穿好了,住好了, 這就證明這條路走對了).如果句子要强調V1V2中V2的[+瞬間性]時, 則"了"一般不出現. (如"林餃子讓타喝完,타就喝完,喝完了女人就兩?鮮紅, 人就煥發得明媚.") 珙千炎(1991)等學者認爲V2"完、掉、成、 好、 著、 住、 到"表示與"了"類似的"完成體", 而且有些學者(李興亞 1989, 陳忠 2004, 李思旭 2011)根據"有界"理論力圖解釋V1V2後面"了"的隱現. 但我們認爲"有界"也可以看成"完成", "終結點", "結果"等, 我們通過本文的分析, 可以看出這是一個忽略了情狀內部過程的觀點. 因此, 我們認爲"有界"理論不太適合討論V1V2後面"了"的隱現問題. 還要注意的一點是, 從語義指向來看?使是虛化程度高的V2"完"、"好"等, 타們的語義仍在指著前面的動詞V1, 而"了"不存在타的語義指向. 從這一點可以看出, "V2"和"了"不在一個層次, 在分析過程中不應該把타們放在一個層次去討論.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 ‘V1的V1, V2的V2’의 의미와 화용 연구

        정성임 한국중국언어문화연구회 2020 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.58

        The same predicate comes before and after ‘的’, as shown in ‘老的老, 小的小.’ This study aims to focus on the meanings of ‘V1的V1‚ V2的V2’ where this structure is used repeatedly. First of all, it looks at the structural characteristics of ‘V1的V1‚ V2的V2’ and syntactic constraints based on the existing findings, reveals the semantic relationship between ‘V1’ and ‘V2’ in ‘V1的V1‚ V2的V2,’ and presents the semantic representation of ‘V1的V1‚ V2的V2.’ Finally, it discusses the contexts necessary for reasoning ‘V1的V1‚ V2的V2’ and describes the correlation with iconicity principle to increase understanding of ‘V1的V1‚ V2的V2.’ The following results could be drawn. In ‘V1的V1‚ V2的V2,’ if ‘V1’ and ‘V2’ are adjective, the semantic relationship of [±opposition], [±spectrum], and [±totality] appears and if they are verbs, the semantic relationship is [±opposition], [±associativity], and [±totality]. In vertical relationship representing one extreme to the other extreme, [+opposition] is usually restricted by sequential conduction, but in other equal relationship, it is not greatly restricted by sequence. As meanings for ‘V1的V1‚ V2的V2,’ it presents ① simplification through examples, ② classification of roles, ③ unfavorable condition, ④ resignation of choice, ⑤ too bad about being left little, ⑥ state description of deepened characteristics, ⑦ reasons for positive situations, ⑧ legitimacy of acts, ⑨ claim of imperativeness, ⑩ advice about prevention in advance, and ⑪ occurrence of unwanted thing. ‘V1的V1‚ V2的V2’ is difficult to be interpreted solely and ambiguous. It is a strongly context-dependent expression in which referents or dual meanings can be reasoned through linguistic context, physical context, and socio-cultural context. It was found that in this ‘V1的V1‚ V2的V2,’ form and meaning had a correlation with iconicity, i.e. principle of sequence, principle of distance, and principle of amount. This study aimed to help Korean learners who learn about Chinese language in understanding ‘V1的V1‚ V2的V2’ to reduce errors in use and help educators give a proper explanation to learners. It is hoped that further studies consider Korean language corresponding to Chinese ‘V1的V1‚ V2的V2’ and make a comparative analysis on the two languages.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        현대 중국어 ‘V1着V2’에 대한 고찰

        조은경 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2014 외국학연구 Vol.- No.30

        This paper briefly studies the structure, 'V1着V2', in modern Chinese. The results are as follows: according to the different semantic relations between V1 and V2, 'V1着V2' generally has two types of semantic meaning, Manner-Action and Action-Objective. Furthermore, within each of the two types, the happening and lasting of the actions, V1 and V2, are different in time. Here, we classified the internal time characteristic of 'V1着V2' into four types: simultaneity, successiveness, inter-sectionality, and selectivity. The differences in the internal time characteristic of 'V1着V2' are basically due to the differences in the aspect characteristics of '着'. Meanwhile, based on our investigation, the internal time characteristic of 'V1着V2' will change in different situations of dynamic aspect and static aspect. In addition, with respect to the 'V1着V2' with the time characteristic of successiveness, we compared it with coverbial sentences. The semantic meanings of 'V1着V2' and 'VP1+VP2' are the same insofar as V2 happens after V1, but in the aspect of pragmatics, 'V1着V2' focuses on V1, expressing a kind of subjectivity on behalf of the speaker. Therefore, this paper came to the conclusion that, in the process of teaching Chinese speaking and writing, teachers can use the above results as a reference to consciously guide students to use 'V1着V2' when stressing manner, instead of simply listing VP1 and VP2. It is hoped that this study may be helpful to future related studies and Chinese teaching.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 결과구문으로서의 ‘V1어 V2’ 특성 고찰 - 중국어 動結式과의 비교를 통하여 -

        심지영 한국국어교육학회 2015 새국어교육 Vol.0 No.103

        This study asserts that ‘V1어 V2’ construction in Korean language should be accepted as one of Korean resultative constructions. The reasons why we argue this are next two. First of all, ‘V1어 V2’ is capable enough to represent the meaning of ‘result’ compared to other resultative constructions of Korean. We are going to check how ‘V1어 V2’ carry out this function which dives to representation of change of state, change of location and change of perception. Second, ‘V1어 V2’ seems to have the character of construction and could be accepted as a construction in the point of this foam tend to combines two distinct events, specific activity and it’s result, into one integrated event and represents it in a simple sentence. And in the process of these accounts, we take the way of comparing ‘VV’ verb compounds in Mandarin Chinese which is widely recognized as resultative construction and ‘V1어 V2’ in Korean, as an attempt for language universal of resultative construction. 본고는 ‘V1어 V2’ 구성을 한국어 결과구문의 하나로 인정해야 한다는 주장을 제기하고 있다. 그 이유는 다음의 세 가지이다. 첫째, ‘V1어 V2’ 구성은 의미 기능상으로 다른 결과구문에 비하여 손색없는 결과의미 표시 역량을 보여준다. 둘째, ‘V1어 V2’ 구성은 결과를 표시하는 요소의 문법범주에 따라 여타 한국어의 결과구문들과 상보적인 분포를 보이며 전체 한국어 결과구문 체계를 형성한다. 마지막으로 ‘V1어 V2’ 구성은 하나의 문장 안에 원인행위와 그 결과라는 두 가지의 사건이 하나의 사건으로 통합되어 나타난다는 점에서 구문적 성격을 가진다. 한편, 이와 같은 주장의 과정에서 중국어의 대표적인 결과구문인 動結式과 한국어 ‘V1어 V2’를 비교하는 방식을 취함으로써 결과구문에 대한 언어 보편적 관점에서의 이해를 시도하였다.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on eUCP 2.0

        강다현(Da-Hyeon Kang),한재필(Jae-Phil Hahn) 한국국제상학회 2020 國際商學 Vol.35 No.2

        4차 산업의 발달과 디지털화의 가속화에 맞춰 ICC에서는 UCP 600의 추록인 eUCP V 1.1을 2019년 7월 1일 eUCP의 새로운 버전인 V 2.0으로 개정하여 시행하고 있다. eUCP V 2.0은 ‘제시인’, ‘데이터 처리 시스템’, ‘재제시’ 등 새로운 용어의 정의를 추가하였으며, 실무적용을 위한 사전준비사항 및 표준 지침, 사전고려사항, 면책조항인 불가항력, UCP 600에서 다루고 있지 않은 전자기록에 대해 보다 명확하고 투명성을 제공하기 위한 전자기록 및 종이서류 v. 물품, 용역 또는 의무이행을 추가하였다. 또한, 전자기록의 제시 및 심사 등의 조항들에서 제시인이나 은행들의 책임과 의무 등을 중심으로 개정되었다. 이에 본 연구는 eUCP V 2.0과 eUCP V 1.1을 비교 분석하여 eUCP V 2.0의 특징과 주요 개정 내용을 제시함으로써 신용장 거래의 원활성에 기여함을 목적으로 한다. Purpose : The purpose of this study is to analyze eUCP V 2.0 which comes into force on July 1, 2019 as the revision of eUCP V 1.1 in line with the development of the 4th industry and the acceleration of digitization. Research design, data, methodology : Research methodology taken by this article is the literature reviews. In this study, eUCP V 2.0 and eUCP V 1.1 are carefully compared and publications of ICC are throughly reviewed to evaluate how the digital compatibility would be ensured under eUCP V 2.0. Results : It is found that eUCP V 2.0 defines new terms, and adds preliminary considerations and new articles. In addition, as eUCP V 2.0 clarifies the liability and responsibilities of presenters and banks, it can be said that the new rule enhances clarity and transparency for utilization of electronic records in letter of credit transactions. Conclusions : This study provides reasonable practical implications for letter of credit practitioners in utilizing the electronic records through in-depth analysis of eUCP V 2.0. It is believed that eUCP V 2.0 ensures continued digital compatibility.

      • KCI등재


        사위국 한국중국언어학회 2024 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.111

        《论衡》共现结构“V1之V2”属于“V1OV2”型连谓结构中的一种特殊结构,该结构的语义、句法和语用关系都不甚成熟。 语义上,交代行为的“V1”与补充说明结果的“V2”之间存在“行为-结果”语义关系,“V1”与“之”之间是动宾关系,但“V2”与“之”之间不存在“行为-受事”语义关系。句法上,“V1之”交代某个事件,与补充说明结果的“V2”之间可能出现各种插入成分。这些插入成分以及使役动词、叙述型结构的存在都说明“V1”与“之”之间是动宾组合关系。这就从语义、句法上说明“V1之V2”结构中表指代作用的“之”与现代汉语“写得之好”、“跑得之快”、“长得之漂亮”等结构中表程度的“之”具有不同的语法功能。而且,“V2”的语义特征不同,“V1”、“V2”、“之”三者之间的组合条件不同,“V1之V2”结构的发展演变方向也不同。 The co-occurrence structure “V1之V2” belongs to a special structure of “V1OV2” type Serial-Verb-Structure, which has little mature semantic, syntactic and pragmatic relationship. Semantically, there is a semantic relationship of “behavior – result” between “V1” of explanatory behavior and “V2” of supplementary explanatory results. There is a “verb – object” relationship between “V1” and “之”, but there is no semantic relationship of “behavior – subject” between “V2” and “之”. Syntactically, “V1之” refers to a certain event, and there may be various insertions between “V1之” and “V2” that supplement the explanation of the result. These insertions, the existence of the causative verbs and narrative structures indicate that the relationship between “V1” and “之” is an “active-object” combination. Whether it is semantic or syntactic, the “之” in the “V1之V2” structure is not the center of expression of the article, not the focus of expression. This means that the “之” in the “V1之V2” structure has different grammatical functions from the “之” in the “V1得之V2” structure in modern Chinese, such as “写得之好”, “跑得之快”, and “长得之漂亮”. Moreover, “V2” has different semantic features, so if the combination conditions among “V1”,“V2” and “之” are different, the development and evolution direction of “V1之V2” are also different.

      • KCI등재

        Heterologous Expression of Human SLC1A5v2 as a Functional Glutamine Transporter in Escherichia coli

        Kim E Young,Park Ji Won,김옥빈 한국미생물·생명공학회 2023 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.51 No.1

        Neutral and non-essential amino acid, glutamine (Gln), plays an essential role in supplying nitrogen to all the amino acids and nucleotides in the mammalian body. Gln is also the most important carbon source that provides intermediates for gluconeogenesis and fatty acid synthesis and supplements the tricarboxylic acid cycle in fast-growing cancer cells. Among the known 14 Gln transporter genes, soluted carrier family 1 member 5 (SLC1A5) has been reported to be closely associated with cancer cell growth. Three variants (v1, v2, and v3) have been derived from SLC1A5. Here, we established a heterologous gene expression system for the active form of human SLC1A5 variant-2 (hSLC1A5v2) in Escherichia coli. v2 is the smallest variant that has not yet been studied. Four expression systems were investigated: pBAD, pCold, pET, and pQE. We also addressed the problem of codon usage bias. Although pCold and pET overexpressed hSLC1A5v2 in E. coli, they were functionally inactive. hSLC1A5v2 using the pBAD system was able to catalyze the successful transport of Gln, even if it was not highly expressed. Initial activity of hSLC1A5v2 for [14C] Gln uptake in E. coli reached up to 6.73 μmole·min-1·gDW-1 when the cell was induced with 80 mM L-arabinose. In this study, we demonstrated a heterologous expression system for the human membrane protein, SLC1A5, in E. coli. Our results can be used for the functional comparison of SLC1A5 variants (v1, v2, and v3) in future studies, to facilitae the developement of SLC1A5 inhibitors as effective anticancer drugs.

      • KCI등재

        성인 남성의 최대하 운동시 대사반응 및 1,200 m 달리기 기록을 이용한 최대산소섭취량 추정식 개발 및 타당도

        임재형,전유정,장혁기,김효중,김기홍,이병근 한국운동생리학회(구 한국운동과학회) 2012 운동과학 Vol.21 No.2

        임재형, 전유정, 장혁기, 김효중, 김기홍, 이병근. 성인 남성의 최대하 운동시 대사반응 및 1,200 m 달리기 기록을 이용한 최대산소섭취량 추정식 개발 및 타당도. 운동과학, 제21권 제2호, 231-242, 2012. 본 연구의 목적은 운동부하검사에서 일반적으로 많이 사용하는 Bruce protocol을 이용한 최대하 운동의 대사반응, 주요 시점의 심박수 기록 및 1,200 m 달리기 기록을 이용하여 최대산소섭취량을 추정하는 모형을 개발하고 모형간 추정의 타당도를 분석하는 데 있다. 연구대상은 성인 남성 255명(1,200 m 달리기는133명)이며 Bruce protocol을 이용하여 최대운동부하검사를 실시하였고, 3분인 1단계와 6분인 2단계 종료 시점의 대사반응을 측정하였다. 측정항목은 V.O2(㎖㎖/㎏/min), V.CO2(㎖/㎏/min), V.E(L/min) 및 HR(bpm), HR가 150 bpm과 170 bpm에 도달하는 시간, Bruceprotocol 6분과 3분 심박수 차이, 1,200 m 달리기 기록 등이었다. 신체자료와 최대하 운동 중 대사반응을 이용하여 최대산소섭취량을 산출하는 모형을 개발하기 위하여 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 모든 변수를 동시투입법으로 분석한 전체모형의 R은 0.642이고 (p<.01) 추정의 표준오차(SEE)는 4.38 ㎖/㎏/min, 변동계수(CV)는 10.8%이었으나(p<.01), 다중공선성이 나타났다. 단계별분석법으로 분석한 3분모형1과 모형2의 R은 0.341과 0.461이고, SEE는 6.05와 5.72 ㎖/㎏/min, CV는 14.9와 14.1%로 나타났고(p<.01), 다중공선성이 나타나지 않았다. 6분모형1과 모형2의 R은 0.350과 0.456이었고(p<.01), SEE는 6.03과 5.74 ㎖/㎏/min, 변동계수(CV)는 14.9와 14.2%로 나타났으며(p<.01), 다중공선성이 나타나지 않았다. 6분HR-3분HR 모형의 R은 0.150, HR150모형은 0.151, HR170모형은 0.154로 나소 낮게 나타났고, SEE는 6.36~6.37 ㎖/㎏/min으로 유사하게 나타났고, CV도 15.7%로 유사하게 나타났다. 1,200 m 달리기 모형의 R은 0.444이고, SEE는 4.82 ㎖/㎏/min, CV는 11.9%로 나타났다. 결론적으로 Bruce protocol을 이용하여 실시한 최대산소섭취량 추정방법 중 실용적인 유용성과 간편성을 고려하면 대사반응을 이용한 6분모형과 3분모형이 적합한 모형으로 나타났고, 심박수 모형과 달리기 모형은 추정의 정확도가 다소 낮게 나타났다. Im, J. H., Jeon, Y. J., Jang, H. K., Kim, H. J., Kim, K. H., Lee, B. K. Predictions of V.O2max Using Metabolical Responses in Submaximal Exercise and 1,200 m Running for Male, and the Validity of These Prediction Models. Exercise Science, 21(2): 231-242, 2012. The purpose of this study was to develop the prediction model of V.O2max using submaximal metabolic responses from the Bruce protocol, HR responses at several stages and 1,200 m running record, and to compare and analyse the validity of these prediction models. The subjects were consisted of 255 male(133 male for 1,200 m running). They were participated maximal exercise testing with Bruce protocol, and the metabolic responses were measured in the end of the first(3 minute), second stage(6 minute), and 1,200 m running record. Measurement items were V.O2(./뇋/min), V.CO2(./뇋/min), V.E(L/min), HR(bpm) of 3 and 6 minute, time to HR 150 bpm and 170 bpm, HR difference between Bruce protocol 6 and 3 minute, 1,200 m running record. Analyzing with all variables using enter method, the multiple R of total variable model was 0.642(p<.01), SEE was 4.38 ./뇋/min, CV was 10.8 %, but multicolinearity was appeared. The multiple R of 3 minutes model 1 and model 2 were 0.341 and 0.461, SEE was 6.05 and 5.72 ./뇋/min, CV was 14.9 and 14.1%, and multicolinearity did not appeared. The multiple R of 6 minutes model 1 and model 2 were 0.350 and 0.456, SEE was 6.03 and 5.74 ./뇋/min, CV was 14.9 and 14.2%, and multicolinearity did not appeared. The R of HR 170 and HR 170 model were 0.151 and 0.154, SEE were 6.36~6.37 ./뇋/min, CV were 15.7%. The R of 1,200 m running model was 0.444, SEE was 4.82 ./뇋/min, CV were 11.9%. In conclusion, with considering usefulness and convenience through the validity of these prediction models, the prediction model of V. O2max recommended 6 and 3 minute model, and the validity of HR model and 1,200 m running model were moderately low.

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