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      • KCI등재

        전기성문파형검사로 측정한 모음별 기본주파수, 성대접촉률, jitter 및 shimmer

        김재옥(Jaeock Kim) 한국언어청각임상학회 2011 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.16 No.4

        배경 및 목적: 모음에 따른 말소리길의 모양과 크기 변화는 후두 구조물 간의 위치 및 기능에 영향을 미쳐 성대의 접촉과 진동 양상에 변화를 초래한다. 이와 관련하여 모음별 후두의 양상에 대한 여러 측면의 선행연구들이 있지만 이들로부터 얻어진 결론들은 일관성이 부족하다. 이에 본 연구는 한국어 모음을 산출할 때 모음별로 후두에 미치는 영향이 어떻게 다른지를 전기성문파형검사(electroglottography: EGG)를 통해 살펴보고, 성별에 따른 차이가 있는지도 살펴보고자 하였다. 방법: 본 연구는 만 18~40세의 한국 정상 성인 남자 36명과 여자 36명을 대상으로 한국어 모음 /아/, /에/, /오/, /이/, /우/ 모음을 연장 발성하는 동안 EGG를 통해 모음별 기본주파수(Fo), 성대접촉률(CQ), jitter 및 shimmer를 측정하였다. 결과: 고모음 /이/와 /우/가 저모음 /아/에 비해 Fo, CQ 및 shimmer는 높았으나 jitter는 낮았다. 또한 jitter를 제외한 모든 값에서 성별에 따른 차이를 보였다. 논의 및 결론: 본 연구 결과와 선행연구 결과들을 비교해볼 때, 한국어 모음도 다른 언어처럼 모음에 따라 내재적 음도가 존재하며, 말소리 길의 변화에 따른 성대접촉 양상이나 성대 진동 양상은 개인의 발성기전에 따라 다르게 작용할 수 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. Background & Objectives: Laryngeal function is affected by supralaryngeal (vocal tract) shape and size during speech. The previous studies investigating the laryngeal changes among vowels did not have coherent conclusions. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of vowel context on laryngeal function measured by electroglottography (EGG). Method: Thirty-six normal adult men and 36 normal adult women prolonged the vowels /a/, /e/, /o/, /i/, /u/ at a comfortable level. The vowels were recorded by EGG and analyzed with fundamental frequency (Fo), closed quotient (CQ), jitter, and shimmer. Results: Fo, CQ, jitter, and shimmer were significantly different according to the vowel: vowels /i/ and /u/ had highervalues than the low vowel /a/ in Fo, CQ, and shimmer, but vice versa for jitter. Discussion & Conclusion: By comparing previous studies with the present study, vowel context was shown to strongly affect the intrinsic pitch of vowels and vocal frequency perturbation by changing vocal configuration, although providing negligible effect on glottal closure and vocal amplitude perturbation.

      • KCI등재

        조기발병형 파킨슨병환자와 정상인의 호흡 및 발성 특성 비교

        전은애(Eun Ae Chun),손영호(Young Ho Shon),백승재(Seung Jae Baek),이필휴(Phil Hyu Lee),남정모(Chung Mo Nam),이지은(Ji Eun Lee),최예린(Yaelin Choi) 한국언어청각임상학회 2010 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.15 No.4

        배경 및 목적: 파킨슨병은 호흡과 발성에 영향을 준다. 49세 이전에 발병하는 조기발병형 파킨슨병(young-onset parkinson’s disease: YOPD, 이하 YOPD)도 호흡과 발성에 문제가 있는지 보기 위해 정상군과 비교하여 살펴보고자 하였다. 또한 파킨슨병 환자의 음성에 관한 연구는 있었지만 YOPD 환자의 음성특성에 대한 호흡과 발성 기능에 대해서 연구된 선행연구는 찾아보기 어렵다. 방법: YOPD 환자군 6명과 빈도대응 시킨 정상군 6명을 대상으로 호흡기능 평가를 위하여 MicroQuarkⓇ를 이용하여 노력성 폐활량(forced vital capacity: FVC, 이하 FVC), 1초간 노력성 호기량(forced expiratory volume at one second: FEV1, 이하 FEV1)과 1초간 노력성 호기량의 노력성 폐활량에 대한 비(이하 FEV1/FVC)를, 음향학적인 평가를 위하여 Multi-Dimentional Voice Program(이하 MDVP)를 이용하여 주기간 주파수 변동률 (이하 jitter)과 주기간 진폭 변동률(이하 shimmer)을, 공기역학적인 평가를 위하여 Phonatory Aerodynamic System(이하 PAS)를 이용하여 평균호기류율(mean airflow rate: MFR, 이하 MFR)과 성문하압(subglottal pressure: Psub, 이하 Psub)을, MDVP를 이용하여 최대발성지속시간(maximum phonation time: MPT, 이하 MPT)을 측정하고 분석하였다. 이비인후과 전문의사가 후두 스트로보스코피(stroboscopy)를 통해 후두의 병리 유무를 평가하였다. 두 집단의 호흡기능, 발성기능의 차이는 맨-휘트니 U검정(Mann-Whitney U-test)을 실시했다. 결과: MPT는 YOPD 환자군에 비하여 정상군이 통계적으로 유의하게 길었고, jitter와 shimmer는 정상군에 비하여 YOPD 환자군이 통계적으로 유의하게 컸다. 그러나 두 군간의 FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, MFR, Psub은 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다. 논의 및 결론: 두 집단 간의 호흡기능에서 차이가 없고 YOPD의 MPT, jitter, shimmer가 정상범주를 벗어나 차이가 있다. 이들 변수들이 YOPD의 음성적 진단, 치료계획과 예후를 판단하는데 도움이 될 것이다. 따라서 본 연구는 ‘연령’이라는 혼란변수를 배제하고 파킨슨병의 음성 특성을 규명 하는데 의의가 있다고 할 수 있다. Background & Objectives: Parkinson’s disease affects respiration as well as phonation. Young-onset Parkinson’s disease (YOPD) can occur even before the age of 49 years. The present study selected YOPD patients in such a manner as to exclude the confounding variable of ‘age’ and thus examine the vocal characteristics of Parkinson’s disease solely. We aimed to compare the respiration function and phonation characteristics of these YOPD patients with a normal group. Methods: The present study’s subjects included a YOPD group comprised of 6 patients whose chronological ages were between 38 and 49 years and onset ages were prior to 49 years, and a normal group comprised of 6 subjects selected by frequency-matching. For testing respiration function, FVC, FEV1 and FEV1/FVC were measured using Cosmed’s MicroQuarkⓇ as a basic test for the ventilation function of the lung. For vocal sampling, the Multi-Dimensional Voice Program (MDVP) and the Advanced Model 5105 of KayPENTAX’s Computerized Speech Lab (CSL) Model 4400 were used to analyze maximum phonation time (MPT), jitter, and shimmer. Additionally, KayPENTAX’s Phonatory Aerodynamic System (PAS) 4500 was utilized to analyze mean air flow rate (MFR) and subglottal pressure (Psub). Otolaryngologists and neurologists participated in the research cooperatively, and the otolaryngologists assessed the presence of laryngeal disease directly through larynx stroboscopy in the all subject. Mann-Whitney’s U test was used to analyze the difference between the 2 groups’ respiration and phonation function. Results: The MPT was longer in the normal group than YOPD patient group, and both jitter and shimmer were larger in the YOPD patient group than the normal group; both of these differences were statistically significant. However, there was no statistically significant difference in FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, MFR, and Psub. Discussion & Conclusion: The 2 groups’ respiration function did not differ, and YOPD patients’ MPT, jitter, and shimmer differed beyond the normal range. Thus, these variables will help in YOPD patients’ phonation diagnosis and therapeutic plans or prognosis. Although there have been studies on the phonation of Parkinson’s disease patients, limited advanced research can be found on the respiration and phonation function of YOPD patients’ vocal characteristics. The results of this study are meaningful and provide a better understanding of Parkinson’s disease because the subjects were selected such that confounding by age was avoided.

      • KCI등재

        경직형과 불수의운동형 뇌성마비아동의 /아/ 모음 음향학적 비교

        정필연(Pil Yeon Jeong),심현섭(Hyun Sub Sim) 한국음성학회 2020 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.12 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 경직형과 불수의운동형 뇌성마비 아동의 음향학적 특성에서 차이가 있는지 알아보는 것이다. 연구대상은 만 4~12세의 뇌성마비 아동 34명이 참여하였다(경직형 26명, 불수의운동형 8명). 연구과제는 모음 ‘아’ 연장발성하기이고, Praat을 사용하여 MPT, F0, Jitter, Shimmer, NHR과 F1, F2를 측정하였다. 두 유형 간 음향학적 차이를 알아보기 위해 두 독립표본 t-검정과 등분산가정이 충족되지 않는 경우 Welch-Aspin 검정을 사용하여 통계분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과, 첫째, 경직형 뇌성마비아동에 비해 불수의운동형에서 유의하게 낮은 MPT를 나타내었다. 둘째, Shimmer에서 불수의운동형의 측정치가 유의하게 높았다. 셋째, F1과 F2에서는 두 유형 간에 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 이러한 결과는 경직형에 비해 불수의운동형의 호흡능력과 호흡조절능력이 더 제한적이고, 음성의 불안정성과 불규칙성도 더 많이 나타난다는 것을 시사한다. 본 연구의 결과는 뇌성마비 유형 간 말운동통제능력의 차이를 확인하고, 유형에 따른 중재계획을 수립하는데 필요한 정보를 제공해 줄 수 있을 것이다. This study aims to compare the acoustic characteristics of vowel phonation in children with spastic and dyskinetic cerebral palsy (CP). Thirty-four children aged 4-12 years with CP participated in the study (spastic 26, dyskinetic 8). Voice samples for the acoustic analysis were extracted from a sustained vowel /a/. All acoustic measures were made using Praat. Group differences were compared by an independent t-test or Welch-Aspin test, if the equivalence assumption was not met. The results of this study are as follow. First, maximum phonation time(MPT) was significantly shorter for the dyskinetic CP than for the spastic CP. Second, shimmer percent was significantly increased in the dyskinetic CP than in the spastic CP. Lastly, there were no significant group differences in both the first formant and the second formant. These findings indicate that the dyskinetic CP has a poorer respiratory capacity and poorer laryngeal function than the spastic CP. On the other hand, both groups have a comparable ability to articulate the vowel /a/. The results of the present study help speech language pathologists identify the speech motor control ability of children with two types of CP (spastic and dyskinetic) and help to make an intervention plan associated with a specific type of CP.

      • KCI등재

        미숙아와 만삭아 울음의 음향 및 생리학적 특성

        이현숙(Lee Hyun Sook),배재연(Pae Jaeyeon),고도흥(Ko Do-Heung) 한국음성학회 2010 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.2 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to first discriminate and assess those infants who appear healthy in appearance but who could face possible risk factors in the future and, secondly, to identify those infants who may have difficulties in their developmental stages. The subjects of this study consisted of 35 full-term infants (39-40 weeks) and 33 pre-term infants (34-35 weeks). The infants’ voices were recorded for three minutes, for which EDIROL by Roland and a stand-type microphone made by SONY were used. This was done to discern the value of the Breath unit (B-unit) and the fundamental frequencies (F?). It was found that there were significant differences in terms of F0 since the pre-term infants had higher F0 than the full-term infants, showing a result of 436.4 ㎐ for the full-term infants and 460 ㎐ for the pre-term infants (p<.05) There was an average rate of 4.01 for the full-term infants and 4.02 (SD=1.69) for the pre-term infants in shimmer. For NHR, it was observed .44 for the full-term infants and .50 for the pre-term infants, thus revealing no significant differences in these observations. This study shows that the crying of newborn babies is related to their physical conditions and it is a sensatory response to these conditions. Furthermore, this study could be helpful for the early detection and measurement of newborn babies who look clinically healthy but could be at risk through acoustic and physiological analyses.

      • KCI등재

        사상체질음성분석기(PSSC)를 통한 한국인 소아 ${\cdot}$ 청소년의 체질별 음성특성연구 - 단문을 중심으로 -

        허재범,정운기,최민기,전종원,김달래,유준상,Heo, Jae-Beum,Jung, Woon-Ki,Choi, Min-Ki,Jeon, Jong-Weon,Kim, Dal-Rae,Yoo, Jun-Sang 사상체질의학회 2007 사상체질의학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        1. Objectives and Methods The purpose of this study was to objectify the diagnosis of Sasang Constitution. 63 Male Juvenile's and 151 Female Juvenile's sentences were analyzed into 73 factors like Pitch, APQ, Shimmer, Octave and Energy, etc. Juvenile's sentences were classified into 6 categories: total Male Juvenile group, under 12 years old Male Juvenile grout, over 13 years old Male Juvenile group, total Female Juvenile group, under 12 years old Female Juvenile group and over 13 years old Female Juvenile group. 2. Results 1) In Total Male Juvenile group, there were no significant differences among constitutional groups in APQ and Octave segment. Taeumin's Center freq.(3) was significantly high compared with Soyangin group. Soeumin's Center freq.(5) was significantly high compared with Soyangin and Taeumin groups. Taeumin's Octave3 Shimmer was significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Soeumin's Octave6 Shimmer was significantly high compared with Taeumin group. Solyangin's D# Tot E was significantly high compared with Taeumin group. 2) In Under 12 years old Male Juvenile group, there were on significantly among constitutional groups in Pitch, APQ, Octave and Energy segment. Taeumin's Octave3 Shimmer and G Shimmer(1) were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. 3) In Over 13 years old Male Juvenile group, there were no signigicant differences among constitutional groups in Pitch, APQ and Shimmer segment. Soyangin's and Soeumin's Octave6 were significantly high compared with Taeumin group. Soyangin's $0k{\sim}2k$ Total Sum, $0k{\sim}2k$ Dev., $2k{\sim}4k$ Total Sum, $2k{\sim}4k$ Dev., A Dev.(1), D# Dev.(1) and G# Dev.(1) were significantly high compared with Taeumin group. Soyangin's and Soeumin's G# Tot E were significantly high compared with Taeumin group. 4) In Total Female Juvenile group, there were no significant differences among constitutional groups in Pitch and APQ segment. Soeumin's Octave4 Shimmer was significantly high compared with Soyangin group. Soyangin's Octave6 was significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Solyangin's 2k-4k Total Sum and B Tot E were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. 5) In Under 12 years old Female Juvenile group, there were no significant differences among constitutional groups in APQ and Energy segment. Soeumin's and Taeumin's Center Pitch and Pitch were significantly high compared with Soyangin group. Soyangin's Center freq.(1) and Center freq.(7) were significantly high compared with Soeumin and Taeeunin groups. Soyangin's and Taeumin's B Shimmer(1) and F# Shimmer(1) were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Soeumin's D Shimmer(1) was significantly high compared with Soyangin group. Taeumin's and Soeumin's G# Shimmer(1) were significantly high compared with Soyangin group. Soyangin's and Taeumin's Octave2 were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. 6) In Over 13 years old Female Juvenile group, there were no significant differences among constitutional groups in Pitch, APQ and Octave segment. Soeumin's Octave4 Shimmer was significantly high compared with Soyangin group. Soyangin's B Dev.(1) and F Dev.(1) were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. 3. Conclusions In juvenile groups, some sound factors are regarded as useful. PSSC are thought to be the objertive way to diagnose the Consitution and more participants are needed to get more efficiencies using PSSC.

      • KCI등재

        사상체질음성분석기(四象體質音聲分析機)(PSSC)를 통한 한국인 성인여성(成人女性)의 체질별(體質別) 음향특성연구(音響特性硏究) - 단문(短文)을 중심으로 -

        윤지영,윤우영,조성언,왕향란,전종원,김달래,유준상,Youn, Ji-Young,Yoon, Woo-Young,Cho, Sung-Eon,Wang, Hyang-Lan,Jeon, Jong-Weon,Kim, Dal-Rae,Yoo, Jun-Sang 사상체질의학회 2006 사상체질의학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        1. Objectives and Methods Sasang Constitutional Medicine is the original Korean Medicine. The purpose of this study was to objectify the diagnosis of Sasang Constitution. 212 Women's sentences were analyzed into 228 factors like Pitch, APQ, Shimmer, Octave and Energy, etc. Women's sentences were classified into 3 categories: total group, under 54 years old group and over 55 years old group. 2. Results 1) In Total group Soyangin's Center feq.(3) was significantly high compared with Taeyangin and Taeumin groups. Taeumin's Pitch2 was significantly high compared with Soeumin and Taeyangin groups. Taeyangin's Pitch S.D. was significantly high compared with Soyangin group. Taeyangin's Octave6 was significantly high compared with Soeumin group. There were no significant differences among constitutional groups in APQ and Shimmer segment. On the point of Energy, Taeyangin's G Tot E(1), G# Tot E(1), G dev.(1), G# dev.(1), G Tot E(2), G# Tot E(2), G dev.(4) and G# dev.(4) were significantly high compared with other groups. Soyangin's A#S.D.(2) was significantly high compared with Taeyangin group. Taeyangin's A#S.D.(3) was significantly high compared with Taeumin group. Taeyangin's F S.D.(5), F# S.D.(5) and Max Average were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Taeumin's Peak3 and Peak4 were significantly high compared with Taeyangin group. Taeumin's PeakValue1 was significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Taeyangin's PeakValue2 was significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Taeyangin's PeakValue3 and PeakValue5 were significantly high compared with Other groups. 2) In Under 54 years old group, there were no significant differences among constitutional groups in APQ, Shimmer and Octave segment. Taeumin's Center freq.(2) was significantly high compared with Taeyangin and Soyangin groups. Taeumin's Pitch(2) and Pitch(3) were significantly high compared with Taeyangin and Soeumin groups. Taeyangin's and Taeumin's Pitch S.D. were significantly high compared with Soyangin group. Taeyangin's and Soyangin's Octave2 were significantly high compared with Taeumin group. On the point of Energy, Taeyangin's and Soyangin's A# S.D.(2) were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Taeyangin's and Soyangin's G# dev.(1), G# dev.(2) were significantly high compared with Taeumin group. Taeyangin's and Taeumin's F# S.D.(3) were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Taeyangin's and Soyangin's Max Average were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Taeumin's Peak3 was significantly high compared with Taeyangin and Soeumin groups. Taeyangin's and Taeumin's PeakValue2 were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Taeyangin's and Soeumin's PeakValue3 were significantly high compared with Taeumin group. Taeyangin's and Soyangin's PeakValue5 were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. Taeyangin's and Soyangin's PeakValue9 were significantly high compared with Taeumin group 3) In Over 55 years old group, there were no significant differences among constitutional groups in Pitch, APQ, and Peak segment. Soeumin's F Shimmer(1) and F Shimmer(2) were significantly high compared with Taeyangin and Taeumin groups. Soeumin's G# Shimmer(1) and G# Shimmer(2) were significantly high compared with Soyangin group. Taeyangin's Octave5 and Octave6 were significantly high compared with Soeumin group. On the point of Energy, Soyangin's C S.D., F# S.D.(1), F# S.D.(2) and G dev.(2) were significantly high compared with other groups. Soyangin's F# S.D.(3) was significantly high compared with Taeumin and Soeumin groups. Taeyangin's and Taeumin's G# S.D.(2) and G# S.D.(3) were significantly high compared with Soyangin group 3. Conclusions From above result, there is the possibility of efficient standard guide for constitution diagnosis by analysis of voice

      • KCI등재

        Diagnosing Vocal Disorders using Cobweb Clustering of the Jitter, Shimmer, and Harmonics-to-Noise Ratio

        ( Keonsoo Lee ),( Chanki Moon ),( Yunyoung Nam ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2018 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.12 No.11

        A voice is one of the most significant non-verbal elements for communication. Disorders in vocal organs, or habitual muscular setting for articulatory cause vocal disorders. Therefore, by analyzing the vocal disorders, it is possible to predicate vocal diseases. In this paper, a method of predicting vocal disorders using the jitter, shimmer, and harmonics-to-noise ratio (HNR) extracted from vocal records is proposed. In order to extract jitter, shimmer, and HNR, one-second’s voice signals are recorded in 44.1khz. In an experiment, 151 voice records are collected. The collected data set is clustered using cobweb clustering method. 21 classes with 12 leaves are resulted from the data set. According to the semantics of jitter, shimmer, and HNR, the class whose centroid has lowest jitter and shimmer, and highest HNR becomes the normal vocal group. The risk of vocal disorders can be predicted by measuring the distance and direction between the centroids.

      • KCI등재

        Dr. Speech Science를 이용한 정상 및 후두질환 환자의 음향분석

        이형석,태경,장경진,김경우,김경래,박철원,Lee, Hyung-Seok,Tae, Kyung,Jang, Kyung-Jin,Kim, Kyung-Woo,Kim, Kyung-Rae,Park, Chul-Won 대한후두음성언어의학회 1997 대한후두음성언어의학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        Background : For example, aerodynamic study, vibratory study, acoustic study, neuro-muscular test and psychoacoustic evaluation, a number of objective methods are now available for assessing pathologic voice change. They help to differentiate pathologic condition from normal condition and to monitor pathologic and aging change. These laboratory analyses are used commonly to monitor speech therapy and to follow a patient's recovery after surgery. Objectives : We investigated the values of jitter, shimmer and NNE of normal person and hoarseness patients in Korea. The values of Jitter and shimmer might be meaningful parameters distinguishing pathologic vibration from normal and recovery after surgery. Materials and Methods : Statistical significance between normal control and 48 subjects taken microlaryngeal surgery were compared with Dr. speech science program that is computerized system for acoustic analysis of voice production employed to determine vocal characteristics of pitch perturbation(jitter) and amplitude perturbation(shimmer). Results : The mean normal values of jitter and shimmer were 0.226${\pm}$0.110(%), 2.200${\pm}$0.421(%) in male and 0.164${\pm}$0.060(%), 2.063 ${\pm}$0.575(%) in female. In patients with vocal nodule, the preoperative and postoperative values of jitter and shimmer were valueless. In patients with vocal polyps, the preoperative and postoperative values of jitter and shimmer were valuable. Conclusion : Dr. speech science program was effective to monitor laryngeal disease and aging changes.

      • KCI등재

        고카페인 섭취 전·후 음성 특성 비교

        이아름(Lee, Areum),김은연(Kim, Eunyun),유현지(Yoo, Hyunji),최예린(Choi, Yaelin) 한국음성학회 2015 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.7 No.4

        This study was conducted to identify the differences in voice characteristic variables before and after taking a certain amount of high-caffeine. Linear PCM-M10 Recorder (SONY) was used for the recorder and basic frequency of the voice (Fo), frequency fluctuation rate (jitter), amplitude fluctuation rate (shimmer) and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) were measured using TF-32(University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA). First, prolonged phonation analysis results of /ah/ by male subjects showed the shimmer values after taking high-caffeine increased statistically significantly(p<.05) compared with before the intake and SNR values significantly decreased. (p<.05). On the other hand, female subjects didn’t show any statistically significant differences in all variables. Second, male subjects showed statistically significant increased shimmer values after the intake compared with before the intake at /ah/ of syllable ‘na’ and /ah/ in ‘ra’ in ‘autumn’ paragraph (p<.05), and jitter values significantly increased at /ah/ in ‘ah’ (p<.05). However, female subjects didn’t show any statistically significant differences in all variables. Results of this study showed that high-caffeine intake more affects male subjects than female subjects. In male subjects, shimmer and SNR changed at vowel prolonged phonation, /ah/, and study results showed that shimmer and SNR in ‘Autumn’ paragraph /na/, /ra/ and jitter in /ah/ could be identified as the variables to show the voice change.

      • KCI등재

        성대결절 음성 중증도에 따른 MDVP와 Praat 프로그램 별 파라미터 차이

        심상용(Shim, SangYong),김향희(Kim, HyangHee),김재옥(Kim, JaeOck),신지철(Shin, JiCheol) 한국음성학회 2014 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.6 No.2

        MDVP and Praat are measured by nine variables in common; F0, jitter local, jitter absolute, jitter relative average perturbation, jitter period perturbation quotient, shimmer local, shimmer dB, shimmer amplitude perturbation quotient, and NHR. In the present study, 30 female subjects were divided by their disorders(control group, vocal nodule group), ages(from 18 to 50 years old), gender(women), and severities of voice disorder(GRBAS-G0, G1, G2). Then, the subjects" vowel /a/ was evaluated by MDVP and Praat. First, jitter and shimmer variables of the MDVP were significantly different by severities. Praat showed different jitter, shimmer, and NHR parameters by severities. Second, jitter and NHR levels of MDVP were meaningfully higher than Praat regardless their severities. The result of the research confirms the relationships among GRBAS, MDVP and Praat as well as the differences in acoustic variables between MDVP and Praat.

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