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        1980년대 이후 상하이 차관문화의 특성

        조병환 중국학연구회 2015 中國學硏究 Vol.- No.74

        Shanghai’s city government, media, and academics competitively discussed Shanghai’s urbanism and started to change Shanghai’s image to a popular and sophisticated one that was different from other areas. After 2000, it was known that modern Shanghai’s downtown history of colonialism and cultural resources, through the ‘Shanghai developmental model,’ transformed the spirit of Shanghai into a modern and beautiful urban regeneration. In the background was the cultural ambience that represented the ‘old Shanghai nostalgia’ and the ‘zhangailing phenomenon’ in the mid-1990s as the influences of globalism began to deepen. Today, the appearance of the ‘modern Shanghai nostalgia' actively memoirs modern Shanghai, which made the change of longing for rural places interchange with city development after reform and opening. In order to understand Shanghai's teahouse culture, this study will look into laochengxiang Shanghai laojie’s teahouses, shikumen homes in old French settlements, and teahouses with flower gardens. New urban regeneration to preserve history and culture started in this area and it mirrors specific features of Shanghai's teahouse culture through the 'modern Shanghai nostalgia.' 1980년대 이후 상하이 시정부와 언론 및 학계에서는 경쟁적으로 상하이의 ‘도시성’에 대한 논의를 진행하고 상하이의 이미지를 다른 지역과 차별적인 대중적이고 세련된 것으로 바꾸기 시작했다. 2000년 이후에는 ‘상하이식 발전주의 모델’과 상하이의 도시정신이 새로운 이미지로 형상화되면서 근대 상하이의 식민주의지 도심의 역사와 문화적인 자원이 모던하고 아름다운 도심재생의 대상으로 바뀌었음을 알 수 있다. 그리고 이러한 배후에는 세계화의 영향력이 심화되기 시작한 1990년대 중반 ‘올드 상하이 노스탤지어(nostalgia)’ 풍조와 ‘장아이링(zhangailing) 현상’을 대표하는 문화적 분위기가 중요한 작용을 하였다. 따라서 오늘날 근대 시기 상하이를 적극적으로 회고하는 이른바 ‘근대 상하이 노스탤지어’의 등장은 개혁·개방 이후 도시개발과 상하이의 세계화를 추구하는 정책과 맞물려 도시 공간의 장소를 노스탤지어 하고자 하는 기대와 열망의 변화를 가져온 것이다. 본 연구는 상하이 차관문화의 특성을 이해하기 위해 옛 현성인 라오청샹(老城廂laochengxiang) 상하이 라오제(上海老街shanghialaojie)의 차관과 옛 프랑스 조계지의 스쿠먼(石庫門shikumen) 주택을 이용한 차관, 그리고 화원주택을 이용한 차관을 중심으로 고찰하고자 한다. 이 지역은 2000년대 이후 역사와 문화를 보존하려는 새로운 도심재생 전략이 시작된 곳으로 근대 상하이의 노스탤지어를 이용한 상하이 차관문화의 구체적인 특징들을 반영하고 있다.

      • 근대 상해 이주 한국 문인의 상해 인식과 상해 지역대학의 영향

        하상일 (재)한국연구원 2019 한국연구 Vol.0 No.1

        This study has as an objective to examine Korean modern literature of the Japanese colonial period through the topography of East Asia and to discuss the experience of Korean writers’ emigration to Shanghai, by expanding objects and viewpoints of Korean modern literature which was limited by nation and race. In particular, this study focused on what ideological points and literary directivity Korean writers at the time formed while staying in Shanghai. Moreover, by objectively investigating the experience of dispersion by Korean writers who exiled during the colonial period or who participated in independence movement, this study is to understand how the urban, cultural nature of Shanghai, represented by modern spirit of the West and the civilized world, flew into Korean modern literature of the time. Thus, this study observed Korean modern literature of the colonial period through the eyes of insiders or outsiders that lived in Shanghai, China; focused on historical places in Shanghai where Koreans experienced migration whether it was forced or voluntary beyond imperialistic oppression, and discussed the awareness of Shanghai that Korean writers had during the colonial period. In order to objectively investigate the historical formation of the Korean society in Shanghai in the 1920~30s and Korean writer’s creative activities, this study examined the awareness of modernism by Korean writers living in Shanghai in the historical context of independence movement and the Diasporic meaning of the Korean society in Shanghai. Also, in order to discuss the exchange and influence between universities built in and around Shanghai and Korean writers, this study examined the history and educational policies of universities in the East China region, including Shanghai College and Hujiang University and Zhigang University. This study has its basis in understanding the historical transition of modern China centeringon Shanghai and the history of the Korean society in Shanghai during the Japanese colonial period and has its focus on investigating the socio-political activities of Korean writers who emigrated to Shanghai and their awareness on China. The study analyzed how Korean writers’ awareness on China centering on Shanghai was reflected in their literary activities and creation of literary productions in the later period and discussed the importance.

      • KCI등재

        상하이 둥와이탄의 산업유산 재생에서 나타나는 지역주의적 특성에 관한 연구

        샤중쥔 ( Xia Zhongjun ),한태권 ( Han Taekwon ) 한국공간디자인학회 2021 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.16 No.5

        (Background and Purpose) Shanghai is a cradle of modern Chinese industry, contributing greatly to the development of Chinese industry. After the 2010 Shanghai Expo ended, the Yangpu District government launched a plan for the East Bund Industrial Area after the successful regeneration of the Bin River industry in Huangpu District. At the end of 2019, at the World Architecture Festival, known as the 'Oscar' in the architectural world, the pilot section of the Dongwetan Binjiang Public Space in Yangpo-gu, Shanghai won the 'Urban Landscape Category Award' and 'Scenery of the Year Award of the Year.' The focus of the award is to establish the design concept with industrial inheritance as the core, innovate the design method and means, fully respect the original ecological environment and architectural context, and renew the cultural value of industrial heritage in the present society. This study aims to analyze the case of industrial heritage regeneration in public spaces in East Bund, Shanghai, to provide direction on how localism should be reflected in future industrial heritage regeneration design, and to promote proper preservation and development of industrial heritage in terms of regeneration. (Method) Based on localist theoretical studies, Shanghai Shipyard Park, Shanghai Water Science and Technology Museum, Shanghai East Fish Wharf, Shanghai Bin River Creative Industrial Center, Shanghai Electricity Plant Analysis Park, Shanghai International Fashion Center, Shanghai Dongwaitan Public Space. (Results) Through the analysis of the characteristics of industrial heritage regeneration regionalism in Shanghai's East Bund public space, localistic characteristics appear strongly in the process of designing and expressing designs for space regeneration, although other design offices design and designers' perspectives differ. In other words, this case analysis showed that in order for regeneration of such industrial heritage to be sustainable and successful, such localistic logic or characteristics must be reflected. (Conclusions) Through the inner law of Shanghai East Bund Industrial Heritage Regeneration, these industrial heritage sites respect the original heritage, respect the location characteristics, and utilize the historical memory of the site, eventually create strong regional characteristics, openness, pluralization, and beloved urban public leisure. First, localism is an important factor in the success of industrial heritage regeneration, and localism theory cannot be stopped for local sustainability and cannot be treated with a fragmentary perspective. Second, the regeneration of industrial heritage based on the characteristics of regionalism can accurately identify the regeneration direction of industrial heritage, increase the efficiency of regeneration, and fully express the cultivation of industrial heritage.

      • KCI등재


        曾軍 한국중국현대문학학회 2006 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.39

        Metropolitan space consciousness is not a physical space or an imaginational space, but consists of a series of "expressions". Construction of the “Shanghai space” in the sense of "expression" includes three types of people. One is represented by the Shanghai municipal government official ideology, and the participation of experts and scholars, its expression is the text of the Shanghai Municipal Development Planning. One is the critical intellectuals and cultural workers. Its expression is the text of various literary and artistic works and humanities. The third is the ordinary people of Shanghai, who articulates text seep their way of life, the words and deeds of their everyday lives. Since the 90s, the most amazing phenomenon of Shanghai development has been " Shanghai Expanding". This mainly displays in two aspects: one is "the internal boundary expanding", the other is "exterior boundary expanding". Another commitment to the reconstruction of Shanghai city and awareness criticism from intellectuals and cultural workers of literary creation and humanities, its characteristic is "the revival of old Shanghai." Expressing the sense of space in the city of Shanghai, the feeblest expression is extremely important, but not the general public cultural expression, Shanghai city as the ultimate sense of space is formed from the Shanghai public awareness of the "new Shanghai reconstruction."

      • 근현대 상해 도시계획 변천의 역사 -최신 연구성과와 자료를 중심으로-

        손안석 인천대학교 중국학술원 2020 비교중국연구 Vol.1 No.1

        Immediately after the establishment of the International Settlement in Shanghai, Western powers interceded control of city planning. At the same time, the Shanghai Municipal Council (工部局) continued to fully manage road construction, policing, sanitation, education, and tax collection. However, most history research on Shanghai has analyzed the activities of the Shanghai Municipal Council while failing to address adequately various materials that remain insufficiently used. The Municipal Gazette, an official magazine of the Shanghai Municipal Council, and representative English-language newspapers published in Shanghai, such as The North China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette, have conducted such studies but they lack full-scale analysis. In recent years, however, scholars have made remarkable research findings in Shanghai history related to Hungarian architect Laszlo Hudec’s urban work in the city. While surveying 150 years of Shanghai’s urban planning, this research attends to this gap in the literature. It builds upon Kazuhiro Iwama’s and Son Ansuk’s studies on the urban middle class and Tokihiko Mori’s probe of Shanghai-Japan relations and Makoto Kinouchi’s Shanghai history research respectively. It also explores how Shanghai Urban Construction Design and Research Institute recently published works and a collection of records of meetings for the Greater Shanghai Urban Plan, promoted from the 1920s to 1940s, provide hope for conducting more comprehensive research on Shanghai’s urban planning history. 본고는 근대 상해의 역사 변천을 도시계획의 관점에서 최신의 연구성과와 새로운 자료를 활용하여 검토한 것이다. 상해 조계지 설정 후의 초창기 도시계획은 구미 열강이 주도권을 잡은 공부국(工部局)이 도로건설, 경찰, 위생, 교육, 세금 징수 등 거의 모든 권력을 한 손에 쥐고 있었다. 종래의 상해사 연구의 많은 부분은 이러한 공부국의 활동을 분석하는 것이었으나, 아직도 활용하지 않은 자료가 적지 않다. 예를 들면, 공부국의 공식 공보잡지로 간행된 『The Municipal Gazette』나 상해에서 발행된 영자신문을 대표하는 『The North China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette』등도 아직 본격적인 검토가 이뤄지지 않은 자료이다. 상해사 연구에서 상당히 연구가 진척된 분야는 상해의 도시건축에 기념비적인 작품을 남긴 헝가리 출신의 건축가 휴덱(Laszio Hudec)과 관련된 것이다. 상해의 도시발전에서 중국인이 직접적인 영향력을 미치게 되는 시기는 제1차 세계대전 이후라 할 수 있는데, 이러한 중국인의 등장을 도시 중간층의 등장으로 설명하려는 연구가 이와마 가즈히코(岩間一弘)에 의해 이뤄졌다. 그리고 이러한 도시 중간층의 오락과 일상생활의 구체적인 내용을 검토한 연구가 손안석에 의해 이뤄졌다. 최근 발간된 상해 도시사 연구의 자료집으로 주목받는 것은 상해시성시계획설계연구소가 편집한 ‘대상해도시계획’이다. 이 자료집은 1920년에서 1940년대에 걸쳐 추진된 대상해도시계획의 회의 기록과 각 단계별 보고서가 수록되어 있다.

      • KCI등재

        上海人의 上海, 중국인의 上海

        김태승(Kim Tai-seung) 도시사학회 2009 도시연구 Vol.2 No.-

        Up to the 1920s, an enterprising, cosmopolitan, urban society blossomed in Shanghai. It was a new hybrid society. Obviously Shanghai was a Shanghainese modern city. The numerical ratio of the different communities gives a very clear indication of this. From the beginning, chinese native Shanghai society did not hostile to the new comers from the Western world. Because each of them lived in different part of the Shanghai. But in the times of civil war, abundant chinese immigrants move into the Shanghai, especially into the International settlement. Since then, Shanghai became a city of hybridity. Thereafter in Shanghai, the administration of the Settlements rested on a Sino-foreign consensus. The dynamics of Modern Shanghai society could not be limited admiration/imitation and humiliation/protest relationships with foreigners, nor to sensitive and ambiguous nationalism. The exceptional rise of Shanghai in the 1920s was born of the coincidence between the retreat of bureaucratic restrictions which freed the energies, and the existence of an island of relative security and order which preserved them. The new society which was emerging in Shanghai celebrated simultaneously ‘the triumph of the hybrid culture’. But it created other contradictions which were just as formidable. The nationalist awareness, which was more precious, more violent, and more complex in Shanghai than elsewhere, effectively led the new society to reject the very foreign presence. To adherents of the nationalism, Shanghai was heresy incarnate. In the eye of the Chinese nationalist, in Shanghai, chinese nationality had given way to the West’s insidious influence. They believe that Shanghai was a city of Chinese not of Shanghainese.

      • KCI등재

        포스트사회주의 중국의 상하이 글쓰기와 도시공간 담론

        임춘성 한국중국현대문학학회 2010 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.52

        This study concentrates on the post-socialist China which entered a stage of post-socialism before the collapse of actually existing socialism of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Post-socialist aspect of China has been prominently exposed in Shanghai. This article focuses on the “writing Shanghai(書寫上海)” in the post-socialist era. So-called “writing Shanghai”, like “novel China” and “cinema Shanghai”, refers to write about Shanghai. Ya-ming Bao, who had studied about Shanghai bar as a distinct feature of Shanghai culture, categorized the politics of nostalgia as a nostalgia trend, an elite narrative, an intellectual discourse. This article based on Ya-Ming Bao's three categories and expand them to the dimension of writing Shanghai. Among them, an intellectual discourse was closely related with the recent discourse on urban space. We could also make a guess at the way out of China, which is in transition, through writing Shanghai. While the nostalgia trend is inclined to the victory of capitalism, the intellectual discourse is close to adherence to socialism, and the elite narrative is located somewhere between both sides. This article prospects the third way. It is the “dialectical unification of socialism and capitalism”(Marx, Karl), the third way which is rising between “dominant capitalism” and “the remained socialism”(Williams, Raymond), the “horizontal consilience between socialism and capitalism”(Shim, Kwang-hyun).

      • KCI등재

        의료선교사의 눈으로 본 근대 도시 상하이의 시작

        조정은 명청사학회 2017 명청사연구 Vol.0 No.47

        In the early phase of the opening, William Lockhart and James Henderson, medical missionaries of the London Missionary Society had an interest in a hygienic environment of Shanghai (上海) to keep detailed records. They compared Shanghai to unmodernized London or Paris. In addition, as a series of hygienic measures had made London and Paris develop into modern cities, they thought that Shanghai should also develop by following the same path as them. Above all, hygiene was an important factor also in order to protect foreigners living in concessions in China (租界). In fact, diseases in Shanghai were more threatening to foreigners who were not used to the climatic environment in Shanghai than to Chinese. Medical missionaries investigated the climate and environment in Shanghai in the early stage of the opening for foreigners rather than for Chinese. They tried to solve hygiene problems in Shanghai using the experience of European Cities with similar situations. Thus, the healthcare and hygiene beginning with concessions in Shanghai followed not Chinese standards but Western ones. It was evaluated that the environment in the concessions gradually got better by introducing the Western hygiene concept and technology. On the other hand, however, the tradition has still remained in Shanghai. Public baths and charitable organizations are good examples. Bathing is one of the important factors in personal hygiene. Lockhart and Henderson took an interest in the bathing culture in Shanghai to keep records. The public bathing culture in China started in the Song periods (宋朝) and then spread during the Ming (明) and Qing (淸) periods. Although it is a fact that the importance of bathing has been emphasized more by introducing the hygiene concept since the modern age, there was no great change in the basic bathing culture. The same applies to charitable activities. Charitable organizations such as Tongrentang (同仁堂) had existed in Shanghai before medical missionaries entered. So to speak, Chinese and Western charitable organizations coexisted in Shanghai. Subsequently, the competitive structure between them brought about an expansion of charity. In other words, traditional and modern aspects coexisted in Shanghai. It is clear that traditional methods were dominant in the early phase of the opening, but missionaries regarded traditional methods as a thing of the past and believed that Shanghai had to accept and follow the modern elements brought about by them. They may have considered that the tradition in Shanghai took the first step toward change. 개항 초, 런던선교회의 의료선교사 윌리엄 록하트(William Lockhart)나 제임스 핸더슨(James Henderson)은 상하이의 위생환경에 관심을 가지고 자세한 기록을 남겼다. 이들은 상하이를 근대화되지 못한 런던 혹은 파리에 비유하였다. 그리고 런던과 파리가 일련의 위생조치를 통해 근대도시로 발전한 것처럼, 상하이 또한 같은 발전가도를 걸어야 한다고 생각하였다. 무엇보다 위생은 조계에 거주하는 외국인의 건강을 지키기 위해서도 중요한 요소였다. 사실 상하이의 질병은 중국인보다 상하이의 기후환경에 익숙하지 않은 외국인에게 더 큰 위협이었다. 초기에 의료선교사가 상하이의 기후 및 환경을 조사하고 연구한 것도 중국인보다는 외국인을 위한 조치였다. 이들은 비슷한 상황을 겪었던 유럽 도시의 경험을 살려 상하이의 위생문제를 해결하려고 하였다. 이에 따라 조계지에서 시작된 상하이의 의료와 위생은 중국이 아닌 서구의 기준에 따라 움직이게 된다. 서구의 위생관념과 기술의 도입을 통해 조계지의 환경은 점차 나아지고 있다는 평을 받았다. 그러나 한편으로 상하이에는 여전히 전통적인 모습도 남아 있었다. 공중목욕탕과 자선기구는 그 좋은 예이다. 목욕은 개인위생의 중요한 요소 중 하나이다. 록하트나 핸더슨은 상하이의 목욕문화에 관심을 가지고 기록을 남겼다. 다만 그들은 중국에 이전부터 공중목욕탕이 성행하였음은 알지 못하였다. 중국의 공중목욕탕은 송대에 생겨나 명청대에는 널리 퍼졌고 상하이에도 외국인이 들어오기 전부터 영업하고 있었다. 근대 이후 위생관념의 도입으로 목욕의 중요성이 더욱 강조된 것은 사실이지만, 그렇다고 기본적인 목욕문화에 대한 생각에 큰 변화가 있었던 것은 아니다. 자선사업도 마찬가지이다. 의료선교사가 들어오기 전부터 상하이에는 동인당과 같은 자선기구가 존재하였다. 말하자면 근대 상하이에는 중국식 자선기구와 서양식 자선기구가 공존하고 있었던 것이다. 이후 둘 사이의 경쟁구도는 자선사업의 확대를 불러 오게 된다. 즉, 근대 상하이는 전통적인 모습과 근대적인 모습이 공존하는 세계였다. 개항 초에는 아직 전통적인 방식이 우세하였음이 분명하다. 하지만 선교사들은 전통적인 방식을 과거의 것으로 치부하고 본인들이 가져온 근대적 요소야말로 상하이에 걸어야 할 길이라 믿었다. 상하이의 전통이 이미 변화의 발걸음을 떼었음을 보았는지도 모른다.

      • KCI등재

        근대 상해 이주 한국 문인의 상해 인식과 상해 지역 대학의 영향

        하상일(Ha, Sang-Il) 한국해양대학교 국제해양문제연구소 2016 해항도시문화교섭학 Vol.0 No.14

        본 연구는 식민지 시대 한국 근대문학을 일국적 차원을 넘어서 동아시아적 지형 위에서 총체적으로 살펴보는 데 주된 목적이 있다. 즉 국가나 민족 단위에 한정된 한국 근대문학 연구의 대상과 관점을 확대하여 근대 한국 문인들의 상해 이주 경험을 주목함으로써 한국과 중국을 중심으로 한 동아시아의 역사적 문제를 이해하고, 이를 토대로 당시 한국 문인들이 상해에 머무르면서 어떠한 사상적 지점과 문학적 지향성을 형성했는지를 총체적으로 살펴보려는 것이다. 이러한 연구방향은 식민지 시대 한국 근대문학 연구의 외연을 확장하는 것일 뿐만 아니라, 급변하는 동아시아의 역사적 상황 속에서 한국 근대 문인들의 대외 활동과 그에 따른 문학 활동의 국제주의적 시각을 이해하는 데 의의가 있다. 또한 식민지 시기 망명 혹은 독립 운동의 차원에서 상해로 이주했던 한국 근대 문인들의 이산(離散)의 경험을 실증적으로 규명함으로써, 서구적 근대정신과 문명적 세계 인식으로 표상된 상해의 도시문화적 성격이 당시 한국 근대문학 속으로 어떻게 유입되었는지를 이해하고자 하는 것이다. 따라서 본 논문은 식민지 한국 근대문학을 중국 상해에 거주했던 내부자 혹은 외부자의 시선으로 바라보면서, 자발적이든 강제적이든 제국주의의 억압을 넘어서 조선인의 이주가 활발히 이루어졌던 상해의 역사적 장소성에 주목하여 식민지 시기 한국 문인들의 상해 인식을 논의하였다. 또한 1920∼30년대 상해한인사회의 역사적 형성과 한국 문인들의 창작 활동을 실증적으로 규명하기 위해서 독립운동사의 맥락에서 식민지 시기 상해 이주 한국 문인의 근대 인식과 상해한인사회의 디아스포라적 의미를 살펴보았다. 그리고 당시 상해를 중심으로 형성된 대학과 한국 문인들의 교류와 영향 관계를 논의하기 위해, 호강대학, 지강대학을 비롯한 화동(華東) 지역 대학의 역사와 교육 방침, 그리고 상해 지역 유학생회 조직의 활동 등을 개괄적으로 정리하였다. 본 논문은 식민지 시기 상해 지역 한인사회사(韓人社會史)와 상해를 중심으로 전개된 중국 근대 역사의 변천에 대한 이해를 토대로 근대 상해 이주 한국 문인들의 정치사회적 활동과 상해를 중심으로 한 중국의 근대에 대한 인식을 실증적으로 규명하는 데 초점을 두었다. 그리고 상해를 중심으로 한 근대 중국에 대한 인식이 상해로 이주한 한국 문인들의 문학 활동에 어떤 영향을 미치고 어떻게 반영되었는지를 이해함으로써, 근대 상해 이주 한국 문인의 상해 인식과 상해 배경 문학 작품의 사회역사적 의미를 총체적으로 밝혀내는 것을 궁극적인 연구과제로 설정하였다. This study has as an objective to examine Korean modern literature of the Japanese colonial period through the topography of East Asia and to discuss the experience of Korean writers’ emigration to Shanghai, by expanding objects and viewpoints of Korean modern literature which was limited by nation and race. In particular, this study focused on what ideological points and literary directivity Korean writers at the time formed while staying in Shanghai. Moreover, by objectively investigating the experience of dispersion by Korean writers who exiled during the colonial period or who participated in independence movement, this study is to understand how the urban, cultural nature of Shanghai, represented by modern spirit of the West and the civilized world, flew into Korean modern literature of the time. Thus, this study observed Korean modern literature of the colonial period through the eyes of insiders or outsiders that lived in Shanghai, China; focused on historical places in Shanghai where Koreans experienced migration whether it was forced or voluntary beyond imperialistic oppression, and discussed the awareness of Shanghai that Korean writers had during the colonial period. In order to objectively investigate the historical formation of the Korean society in Shanghai in the 1920~30s and Korean writer’s creative activities, this study examined the awareness of modernism by Korean writers living in Shanghai in the historical context of independence movement and the Diasporic meaning of the Korean society in Shanghai. Also, in order to discuss the exchange and influence between universities built in and around Shanghai and Korean writers, this study examined the history and educational policies of universities in the East China (華東) region, including Shanghai College and Hujiang University (滬江大學) and Zhigang University (之江大學). This study has its basis in understanding the historical transition of modern China centering on Shanghai and the history of the Korean society(韓人社會史) in Shanghai during the Japanese colonial period and has its focus on investigating the socio-political activities of Korean writers who emigrated to Shanghai and their awareness on China. The study analyzed how Korean writers’ awareness on China centering on Shanghai was reflected in their literary activities and creation of literary productions in the later period and discussed the importance.

      • KCI등재

        왕안이(王安憶)의 장한가와 상하이 민족지

        임춘성 한국중국현대문학학회 2012 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.60

        This research begins from hypothesizing An-yi Wang(王安憶)’s most prominent work Changhenge(長恨歌) is an anthropological ethnography that documents Shanghai’s urban space through participant observation. In order to first examine the possibility of considering a literary work as an ethnography, the research looks into the role of imagination and the mechanism of fictionalization, followed by a review on literature anthropology. Then an overview on the genealogy of Shanghai literature and literary Shanghai was made. History of Shanghai literature is in fact a significant part of China’s modern and contemporary literary history, so much that it is difficult to consider it as an independent realm. On the other hand, ‘literary Shanghai,’ a term designating Shanghai found within the literature and also the literal text which represents Shanghai, is an approach similar to the notion of ‘Shanghai ethnography,’ which is why the research has reviewed several related texts. The research’s main section of ‘Changhange as a Shanghai ethnography’ looks into past results of relative studies and observes the living space from the novel, mainly longtang(弄堂), from a micro-historic point of view. In particular, in its first chapter the novel highlights shikumen(石庫門) and longtang through a distant description. Based on such detailed depiction, the research attempts to reconstruct how Shanghai’s longtang, houses and the streets have changed from 1940s through 1980s. Next the typical life and taste, as well as identity of Shanghai’s men and women were reviewed through Qi-yao Wang(王琪搖) and Mr. Cheng(程) who are the main characters of the novel. In addition, the essence of the character’s way of living this world is summarized as ‘emptiness and vainness’. Cultural thickness of Changhenge as a Shanghai ethnography is characterized as irony and introspection. As an ethnography of literature anthropology, the novel can be interpreted as the author’s astounding satire and sarcasm on Shanghai and on false consciousness of urbanites. There are no self grounds, no soul and no history. The way of living they believed to be wise is ‘empty and vain’. The ‘beauty’ they considered elegant and beautiful are full of secularity and commercialism. Such is a reflection of rootless European culture that were heteronomously transplanted, only revealing their ‘empty and vain’ life. Life of Qi-yao Wang, who enthusiastically performs the death she witnessed at the studio for 4 decades, is ‘emptiness and vainness’ itself. Thus the text is full of ironies. However, observer’s introspection is spotted throughout the text. At times it leads us away from monotonous everyday life towards deep thoughts and at times it prevents us from being lured by superficial phenomenon but look straight into the depths of being. Furthermore it results in a reflection on Shanghai and Shanghainese, or moreover the city and people living in it. In this context, Changhenge is a thick text full of irony and introspection.

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