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      • KCI등재

        세종의 형법사상

        배종대 ( Jong Dae Bae ) 고려대학교 법학연구원 2010 고려법학 Vol.0 No.59

        This article explores Sejong the Great`s perspectives on criminal law, both in theory and practice, thereby attempts to analyse how it is correlated to Sejong`s tendency towards his people and his devotion for academia. Sejong was by nature an earnest and passionate reader of the classics, and had great affection for studies. Besides, as is well-known, he had always been a moderate, wise and virtuous monarch. Thus any abuse of authority in punitive measures wouldn`t have been permitted in principle during his regime. It could be said that Sejong`s philosophy on criminal law derived from his perspectives on humanity, which was based on the belief that every man is primarily people(民) granted from heaven(天) prior to being prescribed as people of specific country or monarch. Thus each and every one of people may proclaim unique value, which even monarch cannot take away. Besides, because monarch holds responsibility of the people who had been entrusted to him to be taken care of, he should always be tentative when imposing punishment on them. In accordance with such teachings, whenever perceiving innocent death of his people, Sejong was determined never to stand back but rather to actively participate in eradicating criminal injustice. His commitment to reign according to the will of heaven had also led to his compassion towards loving his people, and we may glance the zenith of it from historic invention of korean characters, Hangul(訓民正音). Tendency towards mercifulness had served as the very basis of Sejong`s thoughts on criminal law. Ideas of Nulla poena sine lege had thereupon gained its birth as the ideological tool to realize his loving of his people. He perceived that imposing of any punishment which is not inscribed on criminal code would lead to social disorder. Being a scholarly monarch proficient in Chinese classics as he was, Sejong used to cite a phrase from Confucian scriptures that reads ``be cautious and cautious, while enforcing criminal justice always be aware of being cautious` in order to solidify mercifulness as the backbone of criminal policy under his regime. In addition it was followed by consistent reflection on previously sentenced punishments, testifying whether they were excessively imposed, from which the legitimacy and necessity of amnesty derived. Therefore he did not fall into the fallacy of overissuing amnesty as means of political appeasement. However, considering such theoretical tendency and philosophical determination of Sejong, it would seem rather ironic -and to some extent, even shocking- to confront statistical figure that the rate of capital punishment sentenced throughout Sejong`s term of office being unexpectably high. In fact it appears to be even higher than that of his predecessor Taejong, who in comparison with Sejong, was notable for brutal and bloody historical events related to treason and political disputes. What, then, could have been the cause of such discordance between theory and practice in criminal law during Sejong`s regime? Sejong would be described as a monarch who is by nature more closer to a scholarly teacher then astute politician. Just like any other good teachers would do so, he was always rationally bound to what he had previously read and taught. Thus whenever he was confronted with arguments of his government officials such as ``…Your Majesty had previously given doctrines as…`` or ``…it was found in an old document that such case had been settled down as…``, he was unable to refute. In a way, his earnest attitudes and profound knowledge in classics had sometimes acted as excessive self-constraint when it came to terms of real practice of politics. Moreover in order to keep strict accordance to the Great Ming Code(Da Ming Lu; 大明律), it was inevitable to sentence severe punishment such as death in more cases, because the criminal code itself was severe. Sejong thereby had to face irresistible limitation in practicing his ideal of mercifulness in criminal cases. Due to such unintended harsh implication of criminal law, Sejong had to face contradictory phenomenon that the number of criminal cases drawing inclination towards increase by the end of his regime: the well-known paradox of excessive punishment. It teaches us valuable lesson nowadays, that good criminal policy cannot be realized in practice unless bad criminal law itself is nullified.

      • KCI등재

        음악교육의 관점에서 바라본 정간보 창안의 주체

        임현택 한국공연문화학회 2018 공연문화연구 Vol.0 No.36

        On September 23, 2015, the Ministry of Education announced the 2015 revision of educational curriculum which aimed at ‘cultivating creative talents’ based on the Article 23, Section 2 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Law. As a result, music curriculum have also been partially revised, which seems to maintain the 2009 revision of music curriculum. Although Jeongganbo 井間譜 is already exposed in the music curriculum for the third and forth grades of elementary school, the learning content about how to read Jeongganbo and how to express the pitch and length of sound including the origin of its name and the background of its invention are dealt with specifically in the fifth and sixth grades. Jeongganbo is known as the oldest mensural notation in the Orient created by King Sejong of the Joseon Dynasty in the middle of the 15th century, and it was used for the first time in Sejong sillok akbo 世宗實錄樂譜 (Scores in the Annals of King Sejong), the oldest musical score still in existence. However, in the music textbooks as well as the most of specialized books related to the Korean traditional music, it is uncritically accepted without providing clear grounds that Sejong invented Jeongganbo himself. If so, it is necessary to investigate on which grounds it is claimed that Sejong invented Jeongganbo. This paper first examined the grounds of the proposition that “Sejong invented Jeongganbo,” which is introduced in the music textbooks for the fifth and sixth grades of elementary school, by separating it into Sejong’s creation of Sinak 新樂 (new music), Sejo’s invention of Jeongganbo and Sejong’s invention of Hangeul. Next, this paper examined how the subject of the invention of Jeongganbo has been described in the textbooks for the fifth and sixth grades in elementary school based on the 2009 revision of music curriculum, and suggested the direction of a desirable music education by pointing out the related problems. According to historical records and circumstances such as Sejong’s creation of Sinak, Sejo’s invention of Jeongganbo with 16 Jeonggan (square) in one vertical line, Sejong’s invention of Hangeul and so on, it seems to be the most reasonable that Sejong is the subject of the invention of Jeongganbo as of now. However, the attitude of the musical academy to accept and educate the unclear thing as if it is a fact does not seem desirable. Therefore, I suggest that it should be described “Jeongganbo was invented in the period of Sejong” or “it is supposed that Jeongganbo was invented by Sejong” rather than presenting “Sejong made Jeongganbo” or “created” until revealing the clear evidence about the subject of Jeongganbo. 2015년 9월 23일 교육부는 초ㆍ중등교육법 제23조 제2항에 의거하여 ‘창의융합형 인재 양성’을 지향하는 2015 개정 교육과정을 고시하였다. 이에 따라 음악과 교육과정 또한 일부 개정되었는데, 그 큰 틀은 2009 개정 음악과 교육과정을 유지하고 있는 것으로 보인다. 음악과의 영역 안에서 정간보는 초등학교 3∼4학년의 교육과정에서 이미 노출되고 있기는 하지만, 정간보의 명칭 유래 및 창안 배경을 비롯한 악보 읽는 방법, 음높이 및 음길이 나타내는 방법 등에 관한 학습 내용은 5∼6학년에서 구체적으로 다루어지도록 되어 있다. 정간보는 15세기 중엽 조선조 세종에 의해 창안된 동양에서 가장 오래된 유량악보로 알려져 있으며, 현전하는 악보 중 가장 오래된 악보인 『세종실록악보』에서 처음으로 사용되었다. 그런데 대부분의 국악 관련 전문서적은 물론이거니와 음악교과서에서는 분명한 근거를 제시하지 않은 채 세종이 정간보를 창안한 주체임을 무비판적으로 수용하고 있다. 그렇다면 과연 어떤 근거에 입각하여 세종이 정간보를 창안하였다고 주장하는지 가려낼 필요가 있겠다. 본고에서는 먼저 초등학교 5∼6학년 음악교과서에서 소개되는 ‘세종이 정간보를 창안하였다’는 명제에 대한 근거를 세종의 신악 창제, 세조의 정간보 창작, 세종의 한글 창제로 구분하여 살펴보았다. 다음으로 2009 개정 음악과 교육과정을 바탕으로 발행된 초등학교 5∼6학년 6종 검정교과서를 대상으로 정간보 창안의 주체가 어떻게 기술되어 있는지 살펴보고, 그에 따른 문제점을 지적함으로써 바람직한 음악교육의 방향성을 제시하고자 하였다. 세종의 신악 창제, 세조에 의한 1행 16정간의 정간보 제작, 세종의 한글 창제 등 역사적 기록 및 정황들을 종합해 보면, 세종이 정간보의 창안 주체임이 현재로서는 가장 타당해 보인다. 그러나 이러한 가능성만으로 명확하지 않은 일을 마치 사실인 것처럼 받아들이며 교육하는 음악학계의 태도는 바람직해 보이지 않는다. 따라서 필자는 정간보 창안의 주체자에 대한 명확한 근거가 드러나기 전까지 “세종이 정간보를 만들었다” 또는 “창안하였다”는 내용으로 기술하기보다는 “정간보는 세종조에 창안되었다” 또는 “정간보는 세종에 의해 창안된 것으로 추정된다”로 바꾸어 기술할 것을 제안하는 바이다.

      • KCI등재

        세종의 악보 제작과 그 의미: 기보를 통한 예악 보편주의의의 실현과 조선 敎化의 규범화

        권도희 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2021 한국문화 Vol.- No.93

        According to the preface of the score in King Sejong Annals, he devoted himself to achieve Ye-Ak in order to realize the Do(道) of a saint. Do could be said to the way to reach to the Confucian ideal country. So King Sejong he published the scores to show how he carried out the task. In this paper, I tried to describe why King Sejong publishing the scores for comparing the notation system of the Sejong's with China's and even creating the unprecedented notation system, Jeongganbo. Analyzing Sejong's music score, I tried to find out what is the meaning of Joseon's Ye-Ak in the East Asia at 15th century. The first two scores of the Sejong’s Annals contains the Go-ak(asian ancient classical music 古樂) called Aak, and the rest nine volumes comtemporary Josoen music of the King Sejong’s reign called Sin-ak新樂 or Sok-ak俗樂. In this paper, to describe what Sejong wanted to do through scores, I saw the differences between the recording method and the purpose of notation. King Sejong was the first monarch to control and institutionalize the entire process of realizing Ye-Ak. He could be able to proclaim that Joseon was a civilized country. Then it could not be avoided to reveal the hierarchical structure between Joseon and China through Ye-Ak in the 15th century East Asian world. Sejong also had to accept the asymmetrical relationship in the process of practicing Ye-Ak. However, the system was overthrown in producing musical scores. King Sejong reinterpreted the music originating from China as universal music of civilized nation by rewriting in Joseon style with Aakbo(雅악譜) and created new system called Jeongganbo(井間譜), which is not available in China, to record Joseon music overwhelmingly. The score expresses a specific meaning in the process of creating an arbitrary sign and operating it systematically. Therefore, it can be said that Sejong showed a resistance or alternative to the contradictory hierarchy inherent in the Ye-Ak system from China. Because Jeongganbo was not only suitable for recording Joseon music with complicated rhythm but was invented as the most sophisticated music recording system at the time. However, King Sejong tried to actively utilize the differential order system inherent in the theory of Yeak in domestically. The music Sejong actively wanted to record in Jeongganbo was those that justified the royal family’s achievements and legitimacy regarding the foundation and reign. As Jeongganbo could be possible to record large-scale orchestras, it could show the authority of the royal family and monarchs. Therefore, it can be said that Jeongganbo was made so that this relationship could be institutionalized by recording the differences. Jeongganbo expresses exact pitch, duration, phrasing, writing lyrics etc. In this way, it can be said that Jeongganbo was created to show and teach(敎化) the differential order in Ye-Ak system. In this respect, it is understood that Sejong’s Jeongganbo lies in the center of the Ye-Ak that Sejong dreamed of, not in the marginalized line. .

      • KCI등재

        世宗朝 文學 관련 書籍 出版 연구

        김은정 한국한문고전학회 2018 漢文古典硏究 Vol.37 No.1

        The background of publishing numerous books at Sejong(世宗) is the maintenance of publishing hardware. In King Sejong, the metal type was refined, and the typesetting and printing techniques were also developed. In addition, Sejong was also interested in securing paper that is useful for printing. Sejong was able to secure books through diversification of materials and use of compounding sites. Many of Sejong's books have been published because of their technical backing. Meanwhile, Sejong emphasized the importance of scholarship for practical reign. Since Sejong regarded literature as the final art, literature related books are rarely published. In 1435 (Sejong 17), however, Sejong herself likes poetry. So literature related books will increase compared to before. The most noteworthy among the books related to literature in Sejong: It is the book of Moon-sun( 文選 ). Sejong succeeded in the legitimacy of scholarship by securing and publishing editions related to the Moon-sun, which can not be passed down for various reasons or are difficult to obtain, which is confirmed in other books. The characteristic of literature related books published in Sejong is that it is unique in Korea. One of the most advanced is the Moon-sun( 文選 ). This book is based on the book of the province of Hsinchu(秀州) which can not be confirmed in China. It is the earliest period here, but it is possible to confirm both the Lee Sun(李善)’s annotation book and Six minister’s annotation which is difficult to obtain or can not be handed down for various reasons. In addition, while publishing a large number of books related to Du Fu(杜甫) poetry that become he model of the poetry, Chanju-Bunryu-Dooshi( 纂註分類杜詩 ) is completed in the end of King Sejong. It is meaningful that Chanju-Bunryu-Dooshi is a new book compiled independently by the scholars of Joseon collecting and analyzing annotations. I do not think that King Sejong imported and reprinted the Chinese version, but compiled a new version of the annotation. This unique book compilation has become a basic direction for publishing important textbooks since the middle of Sejong. When publishing a collection of literature, he published a series of Chinese poems in his collection of poems, with a systematic framework, with detailed comments added to help learners. On the other hand, Anpyung Daegun(安平大君) who was also the general secretary of the Chanju-Bunryu-Dooshi compilation, edited the poetry with his own eyes and actively compiled and published several kinds of poems. This is the result of the personal tastes and literary capacities of the Anpyung Daegun, and the atmosphere of compiling the original notes in the concertation. 세종조에 수많은 서적이 출판될 수 있었던 배경으로는 출판 관련 하드웨어의 정비를 들 수 있다. 세종조에는 활자를 정교히 다듬어 庚子字와 甲寅字가 나왔고, 조판 기술과 인쇄술 또한 발달하였다. 또한 세종은 인쇄할 때 소용되는 종이를 확보하는 것에도 관심을 가져, 造紙署를 통해 지료의 다양화와 배합지 사용 등의 방법을 통해 안정적으로 책지를 확보하도록 하였다. 세종조의 수많은 서적은 기술적인 뒷받침이 있었기 때문에 간행될 수 있었던 것이다. 세종조 초반에는 문학 관련 서적이 드물게 간행되었다. 세종이 문학을 末藝로 여겼기 때문이다. 그런데 1435년(세종 17)에 세종 스스로가 시부를 좋아한다고 하고, 실용적인 목적으로 詞章을 권장하면서 문학 관련 서적이 전에 비해 늘어나게 된다. 그 결과 경자자로 11종, 갑인자로 21종의 서적이 간행된다. 세종조에 간행된 문학 관련 서적의 특징은 조선의 독자성을 띤다는 점이다. 가장 앞선 것으로 경자자본 『文選』을 들 수 있다. 이 책은 중국에서 확인할 수 없는 秀州 州學本을 저본으로 하였는데, 여기에서 가장 이른 시기의 것이지만 일실되었던 國子監本(이선주본)과 孟氏本(오신주본)을 모두 확인할 수 있다. 여러 이유로 전승이 되지 못하거나 구하기 어려운 『문선』 관련 판본을 확보하여 간행함으로써 학술의 정통성을 계승해 나갔다고 하겠다. 아울러 학시의 전범이 되는 杜詩 관련 서적을 다수 간행하면서 독자적으로 주해를 달아 『纂註分類杜詩』가 세종 말엽에 완성된다. 『 찬주분류두시』는 조선의 학자들이 주석본을 수집하고 분석하여 독자적으로 편찬한 새로운 서적이라는 점에서 의의가 있다. 세종이 중국본을 수입하여 복각하는 것에 그치지 않고 스스로가 만족할 만한 주석본을 새로 편찬하였다고 하겠다. 이러한 독자적인 서적 편찬은 세종조 중반 이후 중요 시문집 간행의 기본 방향으로 자리잡았다. 韓愈, 柳宗元, 蘇軾의 시문집을 간행할 때도 집현전에서 중국의 여러 전적을 참조하여 체계적인 체제를 갖추면서도 자세한 주석을 덧붙여 학습에 도움이 되도록 간행하였다. 한편 찬주분류두시 편찬을 총관하기도 한 安平大君은 독자 적인 안목을 지니고 적극적으로 시문을 평가하여 여러 종의 시문집을 편찬, 간행하였다. 이는 안평대군의 개인적인 취향과 문학적 역량, 그리고 당시 조정에서 독자적인 주해서를 편찬하는 분위기가 작용한 결과라 하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        고불(古佛) 맹사성(孟思誠)의 재상정치활동(宰相政治活動) 연구

        김일환(Kim, Il-Hwan) 포은학회 2017 포은학연구 Vol.19 No.-

        고불 맹사성(孟思誠 : 1360~1438)은 여말선초의 격변기에 태어나 고려조에 출사하여 조선 세종대에 대성(大成)한 관리로 극적인 삶을 산 인물이다. 그는 일생동안 고려왕조에서 3명, 조선왕조에서 4명의 임금을 경험했고 세종대 좌의정으로 치사하여 관직생활을 마감하였다. 맹사성에 대한 역사적 평가는 그가 세종대 뛰어난 명재상(名宰相)이고 청백리(淸白吏)라는 것이다. 하지만 맹사성의 젊은 날은 정치적 파란에 따라 고통스런 기억이 많았던 시기였다. 조선조에 들어와 맹사성의 사환은 평탄하지 않아 13년 2개월 동 안 1번의 좌천, 4번의 파직, 2번의 유배를 경험하였다. 특히 태종 8년에 일어난 조대림(趙大臨) 사건은 가혹하여 왕의 역린(逆鱗)을 건드렸다는 이유로 자신은 죽음 직전까지 내몰린 후 오랫동안 유배형에 처해졌고, 아들 맹귀미 (孟歸美)는 장사(杖死)되는 불행을 당했다. 그러나 맹사성은 좌절과 고통을 딛고 일어서 원숙한 인품과 경륜을 가지게 되었다. 태종 9년에 방면된 후 재등용되고 나서는 일관하여 성실하고 조신한 태도로 국왕 태종의 신임과 사랑을 회복하였다. 항상 검약하고 청렴하며 순후(醇厚)한 자질과 성품으로 성실하게 국정에 임한 결과 태종의 신임을 다시 회복하였고, 여러 직함의 판서직에 등용되어 승승장구하게 되었다. 세종이란 현군(賢君)을 만난 후에는 일세의 중흥을 도모하는데 큰 역할 을 수행하였다. 맹사성에 대한 세종의 믿음도 커서 맹사성은 8년간 우의정 과 좌의정 등 의정부 재상으로 복무하였다. 맹사성이 재상으로 활동한 세종 초년은 세종이 가장 의욕적으로 국정에 비전을 보여주고 활발히 국정에 임하던 시기였다. 젊고 총명하며 패기만만한 국왕 세종과 숙성하고 노련한 재상들이 협력하여 신생 조선왕조의 기반을 튼튼하게 세울 수 있었던 것이다. 젊고 명석하며 패기에 찬 국왕과 원숙한 노 재상의 결합은 신생국가인 조선 왕조의 기틀을 강화하고 다지는데 크게 공헌하였다. 재상시기에 맹사성이 관인으로서 보여준 모습은 백관의 사표가 되는 것 이었다. 무릇 공직에 임하는 재상이란 이래야한다는 전범이 되었던 것이다. 맹사성을 발탁한 세종의 선택은 가장 성공적인 인사(人事)였다. 세종시대의 빛나는 역사적 성과는 세종과 맹사성, 황희 같은 두 재상의 헌신적인 보필의 결과물인 것이다. 맹사성은 세종시대 문화의 황금기를 여는데 기초를 닦는 인물이었다. Born in a period of historic upheaval between the end of Goryeo and the beginning of Joseon Dynasty, Meng Sasung(1360~1438) was a feature who led a dramatic life, entering government service in Goryeo and attaining his great achievements in Sejong period of Joseon. He resigned as a first vice-premier in a period of King Sejong, serving for three kings in Goryeo Dynasty, and four in Joseon Dynasty in his whole life as an officer. Historic evaluation upon him is that he was a noted premier and an incorrupt officer. However, his young days were full of painful memories due to political hardshiop. In the beginning of Joseon, Meng Sasung experienced one deportation, four dismissals, and two exiles for 13 years and 2 months. In particular, in the eighth year of King Sejong, Cho Daerim s case made him put around nearby death and finally banished for a long time, and his son, Meng Gwimi had to face death as punishment. However, Meng Sasung, in the ups and downs of political turmoil, stood up from frustration and suffering and came to have a mature personality. After being recruited in the 9th year of King Sejong, the trust and love of King Taejong were reestablished and restored with a sincere and careful attitude of Meng Sasung. As a result of his steadfastness and honesty, he restored the trust of Sejong and became a successor to various noble titles. After meeting wise King Sejong, he played a major role in promoting prosperity of Joseon. Meng Sasung also had great faith in Sejong, which made him serve as a first and second vice premier for eight years as a member of the Uijeongbu. In the early years of Sejong, when Meng Sasung was a prime minister, King Sejong was the most ambitious and showed a vision to the national government and was actively engaged in national affairs. King Sejong, a young, brilliant and loyal king, and a mature and skilled officer were able to cooperate with each other to build up a foundation for the new Joseon dynasty. The combination of a young, brilliant, king and an old, experienced minister contributed greatly to strengthening and consolidating the foundations of the Joseon Dynasty, a new country. The appearance of Meng Sasung as an official in the period of the re-establishment was to be a guiding star of all the government. He became a desirable example of what a prime minister is supposed to be. Sejong’s choice of employing Meng Sasung was the most successful. The brilliant historical achievements of the Sejong era are the result of the dedication of King Sejong and the two ministers, Meng Sasung, and Hwang Hee. Meng Sasung was the founder of the golden era of the Sejong era culture.

      • KCI등재

        세종과 한글을 활용한 지역 문화 정책

        박대아(Park, Dae-Ah) 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2016 한국학연구 Vol.58 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 세종시의 사례를 통해 세종과 한글을 활용한 지역 문화정책을 검토하는 것이다 . 세종시는 지역의 특성에 맞추어 지역 정체성, 지역이미지, 도시 브랜드를 확립하기 위해 노력하고 있다. 그러나 세종시를 대표할만한 문화 자산의 부족으로 인해 타 지역과 구별되는 독자적인 방법을 활용해 지역 정체성을 확립해야 한다. 세종시는 지역 정체성을 담기 위한 목적으로 명명된 ‘세종(世宗, Sejong)’이라는 도시 명칭에서 출발해 세종, 세종 관련 인물, 한글 및 우리말글 등과 연결되는 지역의 기존 자산을 최대한 활용하고 새로운 콘텐츠를 개발해야 한다. 세종시에서는 현재 세종을 모티브로 한 콘텐츠와, 김종서 성삼문 박팽년 등 세종 관련 인물들을 모티브로 한 콘텐츠, 한글 등 우리말글을 모티브로 한 콘텐츠를 개발하여 문화사업으로 추진하고 있다. 그러나 콘텐츠의 변별성 실효성 체계성 부족의 문제점을 안고 있으며, 원도심의 문화적 소외 현상, 정책과 관련된 내 외부적 갈등의 문제점도 존재하고 있다. 문제점을 최소화하기 위해 세종시의 지역 문화와 지역 정체성에 대한 기초 연구를 수행, 정책을 추진함에 있어 내 외부적 상호작용에 대한 충분한 고려, 정책 및 콘텐츠 관리 시스템의 구축과 활용이 필요하다. The purpose of this paper is to examine the cultural policies which King Sejong and Hangeul is utilized in Sejong city. Sejong city endeavors after it’s own regional identity, regional image, and city brand. However, because of the lack of historical and cultural resources, there must be independent means for it’s own regional identity. Sejong city needs to start at city name ‘Sejong(世宗)’, embodying it’s own regional identity ab initio. And then Sejong city needs to optimize existing cultural resources connected with King Sejong, King Sejong’s surrounding people, and Hangeul. The contents of King Sejong motif, King Sejong’s surrounding people motif, and Hangeul motif are being developed and actualized in Sejong city. But they have the lack of distinctiveness, effectiveness and organization. And they have the problem of cultural alienation of original downtown and conflicts related to the policies. To minimize problems, Sejong city needs to carry out basic research of regional culture and regional identity, to give careful consideration to the internal and external interactions, and to build the management system of policies and contents.

      • KCI등재

        세종 시대 景幾體歌系 樂章 제작의 양상 - 집현전 관원의 역할을 중심으로-

        김승우 진단학회 2020 진단학보 Vol.- No.135

        본고에서는 세종 연간에 성행했던 경기체가 갈래의 성격을 몇 가지 계열로 나누어 분석함으로써 이 시기 문학이 지닌 특성의 주요 부면을 추적해 보고자 하였다. 아울러 세종 시대 경기체가의 제작과 활용에 집현전 관원들이 깊숙이 관여하고 있었다는 점에 유의하여 그들의 역할에 대해서도 살펴보았다. 경기체가의 요체는 시적 화자가 느끼는 자긍심이다. 또한 이미 달성된 조화로운 세계를 눈앞의 경관으로 펼쳐 보인다는 점에서 경기체가는 현재화된 미감에 경도되어 있는 갈래이다. 다만, 상당한 정도로 실현이 가능하다고 여겨지는 세계를 다소간 현재화하여 자긍심과 흥취를 표출하는 방식도 살펴볼 수 있는데, 그러한 경향은 「한림별곡」에서부터 발견된다. 세종대의 경기체가 중 이와 같은 측면에서 검토해 볼 수 있는 대표적인 작품은 집현전의 첫 대제학 변계량이 지은 「화산별곡」이다. 「화산별곡」에서는 세종 치세기를 전대미문의 태평세로 칭송하였으나, 작품이 지어진 1425년(세종7)의 시점에서는 이렇다 할 세종의 실덕을 가영할 수 있는 상황이 아니었다. 「화산별곡」의 중점은 세종이 완성형의 성군이라는 점을 칭송하는 데 있기보다는 세종이 성군이 될 자질을 갖추고 있으며 그러한 자질이 앞으로도 널리 발현되리라는 전망을 현재화하여 감격적으로 드러내는 데 있다. 당초 세종은 「화산별곡」을 가납하였으나 당대 임금의 일을 가영하는 것은 온당치 않다는 이유를 들어 이 작품을 돌연 폐하라는 명을 내린다. 「화산별곡」은 자신이 승하한 이후에나 가능한 평가를 선취하고 있기 때문이다. 그런데 세종의 덕행을 다룬 또 다른 경기체가계 악장인 「연형제곡」이 불과 석 달여 후에 승인되는 이례적인 일이 발생한다. 이 무렵 세종은 간관들의 극렬한 반대에도 불구하고 양녕대군을 궁에 불러 연회를 베풀고 그를 맏형의 예로 대우하는 일을 반복하였는데, 당시 제진된 「연형제곡」에서는 세종과 양녕이 군신의 직분을 지켜 도리에 합당한 관계를 유지하고 있는 조화로움을 극도의 수사로 칭송하였다. 이는, 마땅히 실현되어야 한다고 신료들이 생각하는 이상적인 모습을 선취하여 현재화된 구도로 작품에 반영한 결과이다. 세종은 「연형제곡」을 칭송이 아닌 규계의 뜻으로 받아들였기 때문에 자신을 칭송하는 악장을 짓지 말라는 명에도 불구하고 이 작품을 가납했던 것으로 추정된다. 또 다른 경기체가계 악장 「오륜가」 역시도 같은 견지에서 그 의도를 파악할 수 있다. 현금의 일 대신 선왕의 공덕을 악장으로 칭송해야 한다는 세종의 지침은 후일 집현전에서 제작된 「용비어천가」에도 그대로 관철된다. 특히 제88ㆍ89장에는 명백히 경기체가의 시형을 활용하려 했던 의도가 발견되는데, 일반적인 경기체가와는 달리 이들 장에서는 수십 년 전 과거의 일인 태조의 행적을 현재화된 시점으로 열거하였다. 과거의 일을 끌어오는 경기체가의 사례는 앞서 유영이 지은 「구월산별곡」 제1장에서도 나타나며, 유영은 세종조에 고위 관료를 역임했던 만큼 이 작품이 「용비어천가」에 영향을 끼쳤을 가능성도 충분하다. 이처럼 경기체가 양식으로 과거의 위업을 현재화하여 칭송하는 방식을 세종은 무척 만족스러워했던 것으로 파악된다. 미래의 영광까지도 현재화하여 경기체가를 지었던 변계량의 시도가 세종에 의해 좌절된 이후 「용비어천가」에 이르러 경기체가의 ... This paper attemped to trace the characteristics of literature in the reign of King Sejong by analyzing the gyeonggichega peoms of this period in several categories. Also, it was discussed that the staff of Jiphyeonjeon were deeply involved in the composition and utilization of the gyeonggichega peoms in the Sejong era. The essence of the gyeonggichega is the pride felt by the poetic speaker. In addition, Gyeonggichega is a genre that emphasizes the aesthetic sense of the present in that the already achieved harmonious world is unfolded to readers as the landscape in front of them. However, the way of expressing pride and excitement by presentizing the world that is not realized yet but is considered feasible is also found in gyeonggichega genre, and such a tendency appears from the first work of this genre, Hallymbyeolgok. The representative work that can be reviewed in this respect among the Gyeonggichega in the reign of King Sejong is Hwasanbyeolgok, which was composed by Byeon Gyeryang, the first chief executive officer of Jiphyeonjeon. In Hwasanbyeolgok, the reign of King Sejong was praised as an unprecedented peaceful era, but the time when the work was built in the 7th year of King Sejong was not a situation in which it was possible to sing about the real virtues of King Sejong. The focus of Hwasanbyeolgok is not to praise Sejong as a perfect king, but to present and express the prospect that Sejong has the qualities to become a great king, and that such qualities will continue to appear widely in the future. At first, Sejong accepted Hwasanbyeolgok, but abruptly ordered it to be abolished because this work praises the present king’s achievements. However, only three months later, Sejong approved another gyeonggichega-style akjang poem, Yeonhyeongjegok that deals with his virtues. Around this time, despite fierce opposition from the officials, Sejong repeatedly called Prince Yangnyeong to the palace to hold a banquet and honored him as the eldest brother. In Yeonhyeongjegok, the harmony that King Sejong and Prince Yangnyeong maintained a proper relationship while fulfilling their duties as a king and a subordinate was extremely praised. This is the result of reflecting in the work as a present point of view, assuming the ideal image that the servants thought that it should be realized. Sejong accepted Yeonhyeongjegok as a means of discipline, not as a praise. Therefore, it is presumed that he approved this work despite his own command not to compose any works that praise himself. Another gyeonggichega-style akjang poem, Oryunga is similar to the case of Yeonhyeongjegok. Sejong’s guideline that previous kings, not the current king, should be praised as akjang poems, was also passed on to Yongbieocheonga, which was composed later by Jiphyeonjeon staff. In particular, in chapters 88ㆍ89, the intention to apply the style of gyeonggichega poetry is clearly found. Unlike other general gyeonggichega poetry, these chapters listed King Taejo’s achievements decades ago as if they were happening now. The case of gyeonggichega poetry, which dealt with past events, also appears in chapter 1 of Guwolsanbyeolgok by Yu Yeong. He served as a high-ranking official in the reign of King Sejong, so it is possible that Guwolsanbyeolgok had influenced Yongbieocheonga. Sejong was very satisfied with the way the great achievements of the past were praised through gyeonggichega genre. Sejong’s such positive perception of the utility of the gyeonggichega genre is also confirmed through his own work Wolincheongangjigok. As shown in chapter 2, Sejong felt the need to recreate Sakyamuni’s life in the past from the present point of view. To achieve this purpose, the precedent of chapters 88ㆍ89 of Yongbieocheonga could be usefully utilized.

      • KCI등재

        세종시 마을, 도로 등 명칭 제정의 성과와 의미

        김정태 한국지명학회 2016 지명학 Vol.24 No.-

        ‘Sejong’ has the significance of multifunctional administrative city located at center of Korea. It is new city which has constructed with high expectation and interest of people. The developments and arrangements for constituents of city have to be creative and appropriate to fulfill functions. The name is so important to be a foundation of life among constituents because they have the feelings of residents. Thus designation of name should be carefully decided up. A public awareness of subordinate place name has not been high for superordinate place name. Service of designation in Sejong city could be estimated as a meaningful attempt in that way. It is a reflection of a government-related organization to designate names. A service of designating names in sejong city is an unusual and pioneering project in a history of place name. It takes seven months from May to November to designate names of place names in Sejong city. The project is to suggest designating 1,100 names such as village names, school names, street names, infrastructure names. It was performed by scholars of Toponymy and Korean linguistics who are experts understanding place name as a language. A cooperating with government-related organization makes the project easy in this process, which is a communication with the working groups of Multifunctional administrative city , LH of Sejong city and Yeongi-gun. Based on the data, the two suggestion for one object was presented pure korean words to be associated in the King Sejong's name and historical heritage, through the introduction of an existing named King Sejong's achievements and basic direction of the Sejong city's ideas. In addition, to resolve the dispute with the locals, the presentation had held about directions and methods for designating the names. The researches of preference and inviting public participation had been two times for forming the national consensus and participation about name of Sejong city. The result was reflected in the designation of name. Then, the designation of specific name was proposed to specializes in Sejong city. For example, village name was reflected the functions of living zone and street name was reflected the information of location using the first consonants of Hangeul in name. And they were specialized to use specific vocabularies according to objects and parts. The process and proposal about designation of Sejong city is a important precedent. The designation of subordinate place names except Sejong make the city function as a role. In that way, it is not only important but also give data to study Toponymy in the future. Also we are under destruction of data of individuals or groups or government. So this project is meaningful to leave the process of designating names. These results can remined us of the value and meaning about pure Korean names specialized for infrastructure such as the village of Sejong city. ‘세종(世宗)’은 나라 중심에 위치한 행정중심 도시를 상징하는 의미를 담고 있다. 이 세종시는 전 국민의 관심과 기대 속에 조성된 신도시이다. 그런 만큼 도시를 이룰 구성 요소들의 개발과 배치는 그 기능을 다 할 수 있도록 창의적이고 적절해야 한다. 그 중에서 입주민들의 삶의 터전이 될 공간에 대한 명칭은 중요하다. 언어의 형태로 존재할 명칭들에는 입주민들의 생활 감정을 고스란히 담아 낼 것이기 때문이다. 따라서 일차적으로 명칭 부여의 언어 선택에 있어 신중을 기해야 한다. 명칭으로서의 지명 중 하위 지명에 대한 국민들의 인식은 광역 지명에 비해 그리 높지 않다. 그런 점에서 하위 지명이 될 세종시의 명칭 부여 용역은 의미 있는 시도로 평가할 수 있다. 명칭 제정 관계 기관의 의지의 반영이라 할 수 있다. 세종시의 마을 등에 대한 명칭 제정 연구 용역은 명칭사(지명사)에 있어 드문 일이요, 선구적인 과제였기 때문이다. 세종시의 하위 지명에 대한 명칭 부여는 2011년 5월부터 11월까지 7개월에 걸친 작업이다. 법정동명, 마을명, 학교명, 도로명과 기반시설명(공원명, 광장명, 교량명) 등 1,100여 개에 명칭을 부여하여 제안하는 과제이다. 이 과정에는 관련 기관과의 협조가 명칭 부여, 제안에 수월성을 제고하였다. 행정중심복합도시와 세종시 LH, 연기군 등의 실무진과의 소통이다. 신도시의 명칭 부여에 관련 기관의 의지를 반영한 것이기 때문이다. 의미 있는 부분이다. 이를 토대로 세종에서 연상될 순우리말 명칭, 기존의 전래지명을 통한 전통성과 역사성, 세종대왕의 업적과 세종시의 이념 등을 기본 방향으로 설정하고, 하나의 대상에 대하여 2개의 안을 제시하였다. 아울러 이 과정에는 지역민들과의 분쟁을 해소하기 위해 수차례의 명칭 부여 방향 및 방법 등에 대한 설명회를 가졌다. 또한 세종시의 명칭에 대한 국민적 공감대를 형성하고, 국민들의 참여를 도모하기 위해 국민선호도 조사 및 공모를 두 차례에 걸쳐 시행하였다. 그 결과를 명칭 부여에 반영하였음은 물론이다. 그리하여 구체적인 명칭 부여는 세종시를 특화하는 방향에서 제안토록 하였다. 이를테면, 법정동명에서 세종시의 6개 생활권별 기능을 반영하여 제안했으며, 도로명에서는 한글 자모를 명칭의 초성에 사용하여 위치 정보를 주는 방법도 제안하였다. 그리고 분야별, 대상별 특정 어휘를 사용하여 특화하기도 하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        세종의 호학(好學)

        배종대 ( Jong Dae Bae ) 고려대학교 법학연구원 2009 고려법학 Vol.0 No.52

        Sejong, widely being referred as "Sejong the Great", would probably be a typical example of ideal leader of a nation. His accomplishment surpasses one`s expectation, across field of arts, sciences, law, military defense and diplomacy. Moreover he has been highly regarded for his devotion and dedication to his people. Currently at this point, as almost a decade has passed since we entered the new millenium, we may question ourselves the possibility of encountering a leader like Sejong once again in this contemporary, highly industrialized society. If Sejong could be described as the one who had set the fundamental criteria for Chosun dynasty, what are the contents and conditions of those criteria that we may learn from? In order to find answer to such question, we should first examine Sejong`s mentality, ability and attitudes that would have operated as the precondition to his achievements. This article is aimed at examining those factors, especially focusing on Sejong`s devotion to the pursuit of knowledge. Every deed done by a human being is, indeed a human consequence. What I meant by human in the latter context is one`s very nature. In other words, one`s deed that takes form of external action is, in a sense, merely an expression of one`s internal nature. When it comes down to a matter of genuine leadership and thoughts, political rhetorics or techniques thereby cease to be the real issue. Sejong`s leadership as well as his thoughts in criminal law would likewise be, an expression of his human nature or humanity, after all. As a matter of fact, Sejong was a leader who had been utterly devoted to reading. Historical archives demonstrate that he had never ceased reading day and night. As the old proverb goes, he was the one chosen to be a wise king(`擇賢`). Moreover, he went onto establishing an official institute, where he would gather the wise men (`集賢`) to pursue knowledge, namely the Jiphyeonjeon. In addition, it is noteworthy that Sejong was the very first figure in korean history, who brought in the system of academic sabbatical year. Sagadokseo(賜 暇讀書) opportunities were being granted by the king, literally to encourage scholars to concentrate on reading and writing in quiet places like temples or countrysides, without their wages being cut-off. In comparison to Jeongjo, who had also been renowned for his devotion to studies, Sejong had a very different style, in terms of pursuing studies as a king. While Jeongjo was more of a speaker, who enjoys debates and teaching, always trying to draw others from the front, Sejong, on the other hand, could be described as more of a listener, who prefers discussion, trying rather to give supports from behind than from the front. As we may perceive from the Annals of King Sejong, he frequently gives instructions as to report to me after searching for references in old documents. It indicates that whenever he confronted moments of making important decisions, he referred to wise ideas of wise men from the past. This indicates us why devotion to the pursuit of knowledge is crucial virtue that every respectable leaders would, and should be armed with.

      • KCI등재

        한말 일제강점기 세종지역의 국권회복운동과 사회운동

        이성우 한국근현대사학회 2020 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.94 No.-

        During the late period of Joseon, the Ganjae school was formed at Sejong area. Ganjae, Jeon Woo did educational activities in Chung-cheong-do, and Sejong area was the center of the Ganjae school. the Ganjae school produced many men of letters and tended to focus on pursuit of study rather than raising an army, so Confucian scholars at Sejong area did not actively participate in the war of righteous army. All the Confucian scholars could not be considered as the Ganjae school, but formation of the Ganjae school was one of the reason why activities of the righteous army were inactive. Jang, Jae Hak, Jang, Jae Kyu, and Jang, Hwa Jin, some of the Ganjae school led rejection census registration and tax payment after Japans’ colonization of Joseon. It was the will of anti-Japan of the Ganjae school at Sejong area. The establishment of private schools was the central part of the enlightenment movement at Sejong. The Kiyang school, Il-eo school, Baedal school, Daedong school, Gwangdong school, Gwangdong cheuk-lyang school were established at Sejong area, and the Baedal school and Daedong school were the representative. In 1908, The Baedal school was established, and turned to Yeonki public primary school, the first public primary school at Sejong area in 1912. The Daedong school was established at Jeonui in 1908. Founders of the Daedong school were participated in the Daedong hakhoe, and established Jeonui branch of Daedong Hak-hoe. When they established Jeon-ui branch of Daedong hakhoe, they also established the Daedong school, and instructed the science of law at the Daedong jeonmun school which was established by Daedong Hak-ho. At Sejong area, Yeonki cheong nyeon hoe and Kumnam cheong nyeon hoewere organized and led youth movement. Compared to the national movement during 1920s, however, it was very inactive. Futhermore, the two organizations were not developed to revolutionary stage, but only conducted cultural movements. At Sejong area, the Jochiwon labor union was organized, but was inactive. Also, Bakjeongjaesa and workers at Jochiwon station struck, but the strike did not expand to joint strike of workers at Sejong area. It was due to lack of revolutionary groups at Sejong area. There was no group of men advocating a particular doctrine of ideology, and so-called Sam-chong related groups at Sejong area. 세종지역은 한말 간재학파가 형성된 곳이다. 艮齋 田愚는 충청도를 중심으로강학활동을 전개했고, 세종지역에서는 다수의 문인들이 배출되었다. 세종지역 유림들은 의병전쟁에 적극적으로 참여하지 않았다. 간재학파가 擧兵보다는 講學에 전념했기 때문이다. 세종지역 유림을 모두 간재학파로 볼 수는 없으나 간재학파의 형성은세종지역에서 의병전쟁이 활발하지 못했던 요인 중의 하나였다. 그러나 세종지역문인들은 한일강제병합 후 항일투쟁을 전개했다. 세종지역 계몽운동은 사립학교 설립운동이 중심이었다. 세종에서는 기양학교·일어학교·배달학교·대동학교·광동학교·광동측량학교 등이 설립되었다. 세종지역 대표적 사립학교는 배달학교와 대동학교였다. 배달학교는 1904년 연기군 남면에 설립된 기양학교를 계승해 1908년 설립되었으며, 1912년 연기공립보통학교로 인가를받으면서 세종지역 최초의 공립보통학교가 되었다. 대동학교는 1908년 전의에서 설립되었다. 대동학교 설립주체들은 대동학회에 참여하고 있었고, 대동학회 전의군지회를 설립한 이들이었다. 이들은 전의군지회를 설립하는 시점에 대동학교를 설립하고 법률학을 중심으로 교육운동을 벌였다. 세종지역에서는 연기청년회와 금남청년회가 조직되어 청년운동을 전개했다. 두청년단체는 혁신조직으로 발전하지 못하고 문화운동을 전개하는 수준에 머물렀다. 세종지역에서는 조치원노동조합이 결성되었으나 노동조합차원의 활동은 전개되지않았고 백정제사와 조치원역 화물운송 노동자들이 파업을 단행했다. 그러나 이들의파업은 세종지역 노동자들의 연대파업으로 확대되지 못하고 일회성 파업에 머물렀다. 이러한 원인은 세종지역에서 혁신세력이 형성되지 않았기 때문이다. 따라서세종에서는 사상단체가 조직되지 않았으며 소위 3총(청년·농민·노동총동맹)과 관련된 단체도 조직되지 않았다.

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