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        경남지역 영양(교)사의 급식시설 설비에 대한 인지도 분석 -학교급식시설 현대화 사업 완료 학교와 미완료 학교의 비교를 중심으로-

        황혜인,김현아 한국식품영양과학회 2014 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.43 No.9

        The purpose of this study was to compare perception of school foodservice facilities and utilities in dietitians and school nutrition teachers in the Gyeongnam area between schools that improved foodservice facilities and utilities versus those who did not. From July 23 to Aug 31, 2012, 391 questionnaires were distributed, and 289 questionnaires were obtained. A total of 275 questionnaires were used for the final analysis, excluding improper ones. The results of this study were as follows. First, among 275 schools, 90 schools (32.7%) improved school foodservice facilities and utilities while 175 schools (67.3%) did not. Second, schools with improved facilities had a more well-equipped receiving room (P<0.01), preparation room (P<0.001), dishwashing room (P<0.001), storage room for supplies (P<0.001), rest-room for school foodservice employees (P<0.05), locker room (P<0.01), shower room (P<0.001), laundry room (P<0.001), boiler room (P<0.05), and room for serving cart (P<0.05) than schools with no improvement. Third, total perception score of school foodservice facilities area from schools with improved facilities (1.71) was significantly higher than that (1.60) of school without improvement (P<0.001). Fourth, total satisfaction (3.32) of school foodservice facilities and utilities in school with improved facilities was significantly higher than that (2.62) of schools without improvement (P<0.01). Fifth, schools with improved facilities had a better equipped of floor (P<0.05), entrance (P<0.001), drain (P<0.001), water supply (P<0.01), lighting (P<0.001), hand washing (P<0.001), foodservice management room (P<0.001), locker room (P<0.001), rest-room and shower room (P<0.001), and preparation room (P<0.001) than schools without improvement. However, there was no significant difference in terms of walls and ceilings, windows, ventilation, and storage. In conclusion, school foodservice facilities and utilities improvement should conducted as soon as possible. 본 연구는 경남지역 초・중・고등학교 영양(교)사를 대상으로 학교급식시설 현대화 사업 완료 여부에 따른 급식시설 설비에 대한 인지도의 차이를 분석하여 학교급식환경 개선 및 향후 진행될 급식시설 현대화에 실질적이고 유용한 기초 자료 제공하고자 수행되었다. 2012년 7월 23일~8월 31일까지 총 391부의 설문지를 배부하여 289부(회수율 73.9%)가 회수되었고, 이 중 응답이 부적절한 14부를 제외하고 총 275부(분석율 70.3%)를 최종 분석 자료로 사용하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학교급식소 운영 특성 현황으로 학교형태가 초등학교 51.6%였으며, 공립이 77.8%였다. 급식유형으로 도시형이 54.9%였으며, 조리종사자수는 평균 6.27명이 근무하였고 1일 급식횟수는 1식이 84.7%로 2・3식보다 높게 조사되었다. 급식실시기간은 11~15년 38.2%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 둘째, 조사대상인 경남지역 학교 275곳 중 32.7%인 90곳이 학교급식시설 현대화 사업이 완료되었으며, 67.3%인 185곳이 학교급식시설 현대화 사업이 아직 이루어지지 않았다. 학교급식시설 현대화가 미완료된 학교 총 185곳 중 향후 현대화 계획이 있는 곳은 24.9%인 46곳뿐이었다. 셋째, 학교급식시설 현대화 사업 완료 여부에 따른 급식소 부대시설 보유 실태 차이의 분석 결과, 학교급식시설 현대화 사업을 완료한 학교에서는 검수실(P<0.01), 전처리실(P<0.001), 식기세척실(P<0.001), 소모품보관실(P<0.001), 조리원전용화장실(P<0.05), 경의실(P<0.01), 샤워실(P<0.001), 세탁실(P<0.001), 보일러실(P<0.05), 배식운반차 보관실(P<0.05)을 보유하고 있는 반면, 현대화가 미완료된 학교에서는 보유하고 있지 않는 경향을 보였다. 넷째, 학교급식시설 현대화 사업 완료 여부에 따른 급식소 부대시설 면적에 대한 인지도의 차이를 분석한 결과 현대화 사업이 완료된 학교(1.71)와 미완료된 학교(1.60) 사이에 유의한 차이가 있었다(P<0.05). 학교급식시설 현대화 사업이 완료된 학교의 전처리실(P<0.001), 식품보관실(P<0.05), 소모품보관실(P<0.01), 급식관리실(P< 0.001), 경의실(P<0.05), 샤워실(P<0.01)의 면적에 대한 인지도가 미완료된 학교보다 높았다. 다섯째, 학교급식시설 현대화 사업 완료 여부에 따른 급식소 부대시설에 대한 만족도 차이에 대하여 살펴본 결과 급식소 부대시설에 대한 만족도의 전체 평균값이 현대화 사업이 완료된 학교(3.32)보다 미완료 학교(2.62)가 유의적으로 낮게 나타났다(P<0.01). 여섯째, 학교급식시설 현대화 사업 완료 여부에 따른 급식 설비 실태 차이에서는 현대화 사업이 완료된 학교(3.77)보다 미완료된 학교(3.30)에서 낮게 나타났다(P<0.001). 학교급식시설 현대화 사업이 완료된 학교의 바닥(P<0.05), 출입구(P<0.001), 배수(P<0.001), 수도(P<0.01), 조명(P<0.001), 수세시설(P<0.001), 급식관리실(P<0.001), 경의실(P<0.001), 화장실・샤워실(P<0.001), 전처리실(P<0.001)에 대한 인지도가 미완료된 학교의 인지도보다 유의적으로 높았다. 본 연구 결과를 근거로 하여 다음과 같이 제언을 하고자 한다. 첫째, 학교급식소의 외부고객인 학생, 교직원의 만족도 향상과 내부 고객인 급식종사원과 영양(교)사의 바람직한 직무 환경 제공이라는 측면에서 경남지역에서 학교급식시설의 현대화 사업이 아직 이루어지지 않은 학교를 대상으로 향후 학교급식시설 현대화 사업이 조속히 이루어질 수 있도록 정책에 반영되어야 할 것이다. 둘째, 향후 학교급식시설 현대화가 미완료된 학교를 대상으로 ...

      • KCI등재

        학교체육시설 현황 분석 및 정책적 제언

        김석규(Kim, Suk-Kyu),김현정(Kim, Hyun-Jung),유재구(Yu, Jae-Gu) 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2021 스포츠와 법 Vol.24 No.4

        본 연구는 정규 체육교과를 위한 체육시설을 포함하여 학교운동부 및 클럽 스포츠와 같이 학교 내에서 운영되는 체육활동시설을 중심으로 현황 및 실태조사를 실시하였다. 서울시 초·중·고 학교운동부가 있는 학교체육시설의 현장관리 실태조사를 통하여 학교체육시설 운영에 대한 개선점 도출과 정책적 제언을 하고자 하였으며, 이를 위해 서울시 초·중·고 학교를 대상으로 학교체육시설 운영현황조사 및 안전도, 노후도, 관리상태 등의 항목으로 실태조사를 하였다. 현황 및 실태 점검 결과를 바탕으로 내용논의, 그리고 관련 법에 대한 논의 및 제언을 실시하였다. 학교체육시설 운영에 대한 정상화 논의와 법률에 대한 논의내용은 다음과 같다. 학교체육시설의 운영과 실태조사 결과 운영규모와 내용은 매우 열악한 것으로 확인되었다. 체육시설 자체는 물론이고 기본부대시설인 화장실, 샤워실, 관람석 등 모든 것이 부족하였다. 현장실태 점검결과 안정도, 노후도, 관리상태는 노후도가 가장 좋지 않고, 안전도와 관리상태는 비교적 양호한 것으로 나타났다. 현재는 정책 효율성을 중심으로, 체육활성화를 추구하고 있다. 정작 다양한 인프라 중에서 체육시설 확보에 대한 내용은 매우 부족한 상황이다. 특히 시설 측면에서 보면 효율화를 추구하기에 앞서 절대적인 기본수준의 시설 인프라에 대해 법 제도적으로 상향기준을 마련할 필요가 있는 것이다. 그러나 실태조사 결과, 학생이 가장 가까이에서 가장 많은 시간을 할애하는 학교 내에서의 체육시설은 매우 부족하며, 이에 관한 학교체육시설에 관한 법률은 거의 사각에 가까운 것으로 확인되었다. 따라서 학교체육시설의 확충 및 관리를 중심으로 한 법제도적 논의가 이루어져야 할 것이다. This study conducted a flower survey and field inspection focusing on physical activities operated within the school such as the school sports department and club sports, including physical education facilities for regular physical education subjects. The purpose of this study was to draw improvement points for the operation of school sports facilities and make policy suggestions through on-site management of school sports facilities with the Seoul Elementary, Middle and High School Sports Department. To this end, this study conducted a survey on the operation status of school sports facilities and an analysis of the status of elementary, middle, and high schools in Seoul with items such as safety level, old age, and management status. Based on the current status and actual situation inspection results, content and related laws were discussed. The discussion on the normalization of the operation of school sports facilities and the discussion of laws are as follows. As a result of the operation and condition inspection of the replacement meat facilities, it was confirmed that both the scale and contents of the operation were very poor. Not only the sports facilities themselves, but also basic facilities such as toilets, showers, and spectator seats were lacking. As a result of the on-site inspection, it was found that the stability, old age, and management status were the worst, and the safety and management status were relatively good. Currently, the revitalization of sports is being pursued with a focus on policy efficiency. In fact, among the various infrastructures, there is very little information on securing sports facilities. In particular, in terms of facilities, it is necessary to establish legal and institutional upgrade standards for the absolute basic level of facility infrastructure before pursuing efficiency improvement. However, as a result of the fact-finding method, it was confirmed that the physical education facilities in the schools where the students spend the most time are very scarce, and the law on school sports facilities in this regard is almost dead. Therefore, legal and institutional discussions should be held centered on the expansion and management of school sports facilities.

      • KCI등재

        교육시설에 대한 입지결정요인에 관한 연구 - 서울시 고등학교 접근성 결정요인을 중심으로 -

        정재훈 대한건축학회지회연합회 2020 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.22 No.6

        This study empirically analyzed the types of urban public facilities that affect accessibility to high schools. Based on the classification of public facilities in prior studies related to urban public facilities including schools, the types of urban public facilities were classified and analyzed among the facilities shown in the Seoul city data. By looking at the types of urban public facilities located within the radius of the school unit, and in detail, in terms of accessibility to high school and the location of the school according to the urban public facilities, which city public facilities are high We analyzed whether it affects accessibility. In the case of accessibility within the school district, the fewer office workers and research center facilities, the more academy and bus stops, the easier the access within the school district became.In the case of the overall accessibility of Seoul, the more office workers and research institute facilities, the fewer academies and bus stops, the easier access within the school district. . In the case of housing and youth facilities, the accessibility within the school district and the overall accessibility of Seoul was the same, but the more houses and youth facilities were found to improve accessibility. This was a statistically significant result, and through regression analysis, it was possible to confirm the types of urban public facilities that improve accessibility to high schools. The factors that determine accessibility are that the supply of facilities is for the convenience of users. In addition, increased supply of facilities means improved accessibility. Therefore, it is possible to explain the effect on the accessibility of urban public facilities, which affected accessibility, by referring to the theory that explains the quantitative supply level of public facilities. A school is a property that can be operated in a fixed location for more than 100 years and is characterized by immovability. It is also a type of urban public facility that is difficult to move around as demand increases. Therefore, it can be said that accessibility to high school is determined by urban public facilities that cause housing movement depending on the environment around the school.

      • KCI등재

        학교체육시설 개방 확대를 위한 제도 개선방안

        구정철 한국체육정책학회 2024 한국체육정책학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        In order to prepare measures to improve the system to expand the opening of school sports facilities, this study analyzed the current status of school sports facilities, derived problems and improvement measures, and provided basic data for system improvement. First, in order to ease the burden of opening school sports facilities, the school sports promotion regional committee's function under the School Sports Promotion Act requires the committee to decide whether or not to open school sports facilities. Second, as a follow-up to the revision of the School Sports Promotion Act, it is necessary to consider revising the city and provincial education rules so that the School Sports Promotion Area Committee can deliberate on matters related to the opening of school sports facilities. In addition, it is believed that the problems caused by damage to school facilities can be more clearly improved if the city and provincial education rules are revised to institutionalize the introduction of a deposit system and insurance coverage. Third, if the government responds to the government's policy of opening school sports facilities and establishes a system that allows schools to receive many incentives to all school members, it will also be a place for schools to restore a sense of community centered on the region.

      • KCI등재

        開發地域의 學校設立 問題點과 學校施設 確保 方案

        김민배(Min Bae Kim) 한국토지공법학회 2007 土地公法硏究 Vol.37 No.2

        In compliance with a large scale housing site development and a city development, the necessity and demand of school founding are increasing. But the land which is necessary to school founding does not buy. It is because the educational finance which is necessary to the school land and a facility is insufficient. Recently National Assembly, the government, Office of Education, with the problem of school establishment it comprehends the core awaking. In limit of region educational finance about lower school founding which is necessary cannot become accomplished in proper time and impossibly, it became. The result it is because shows the sign which will raise its head with the social problem which is serious. Solves a problem the alternative for has two. The my method is the plan which opens a court a relation law. Different my method leads and agreement and regulations it is a plan which secures a school facility. In order for the development business owner to donate a school facility, description below hazard must use the incentive system which stands. The case school facility site expense charge problem solving which includes the school in category of public facilities and establishment of the school building see come to be easy. The problem of school establishment seriously, becoming in compliance with a Constitutional Court decision the school land charge expense receives an unconstitutionality judgement, from all. It is not competent the finance which is necessary to the school establishment which it follows in that after urban development enterprising back. The case where the development business owner donates a school facility, there is a necessity which will investigate the reflection degree of breach of the constitution possibility and residential sale in lots price. And is what kind of problem to actuality and school founding of educational finance. Is the free scope of compulsory education at constitution which degree. It will be able to include a school facility in public facilities. It investigated like this point. When considering the present condition of educational finance and school facility, that the next plan is necessity, it got off a conclusion from this dissertation. 1) artificial flower of school facility and public facilities 2) principled application of cause sleeping charge and receiver charge 3) sale in lots application of rise prevention and incentive system 4) housing site development and school facility free base plan 5) the school facility security plan in compliance with a regulations and an agreement. Actually like this plans security of school facility hazard necessity are demonstrated a point.

      • KCI등재

        학교구강보건시설 선호도에 관한 연구

        양달님(Dal-Nim Yang),이혜진(Hye-Jin Lee),김민영(Min-Young Kim) 한국구강보건과학회 2016 한국구강보건과학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        The oral health facilities of schools can be divided into the school of dental clinic and the tooth-brushing facilities, and the goal is to improve the oral health of children effectively in special-education schools as well as ordinary primary schools. Thus, the study over the oral health facilities of schools is being processed on the various points of view. In this study with the former ones, the survey toward the people dispatched to the school of dental clinic from the public health centers and the people in charge of the school of dental clinic and tooth-brushing facilities in primary schools, including special-education schools has been carried out to analyze their opinions over the oral health facilities of schools. The subjects of the survey are 190 people related to School Oral Health Facility in 17 public health centers nationwide, 288 people who manage the School Dental Clinic in primary schools and special schools and 82 people who operate the School Tooth Brushing Facilities in primary schools. As a result of analysis, the factors which affect the preference of School Oral Health Facility are the form of the workforce and the efficiency of the management and operation - the confidence interval is 95%. However, there is no similar factor over the survey toward School Tooth Brushing Facilities.

      • KCI등재

        청소년방과후아카데미 시설환경에 관한 관계자들의 의견조사 분석

        한도희,김청송 한국청소년학회 2007 청소년학연구 Vol.14 No.4

        The purpose of this research is to make effective Youth-After-School-Academy facilities through examination and analysis of staff's request about Youth-After-School-Academy facilities. According to social change, there are many juveniles left alone after school. Through various national support, a national project, YOUTH AFTER SCHOOL ACADEMY for these juveniles needed systematic and overall operating model to increase and operate the Youth-After-School-Academy which is run nationally by stages. The results of a survey and analysis about Youth-After-School-Academy facilities through staff are following. 1. The director's recognition of importance of facilities is following. the importance of facilities in class(4.68), suitable desks and chairs in size(4.59), the scale and size of a classroom(4.57), the importance of facilities for providing meals(4.56), LOUNGY(4.37), classroom cleanup(4.3) 2. The director's evaluation of Youth-After-School-Academy facilities is following. the importance of facilities in class(3.61), the level of classroom cleanup(3.48), suitable desks and chairs in size(3.41), facilities in class(3.22) 3. The evaluation about standards of director's office size in class, desks and chairs, tools and materials, facilities and office environment(5 items) and so forth is following. satisfaction with desks and chairs(3.53), satisfaction with facilities in office(3.27) 4. The results of the most urgent improvement's survey are following. the improvement of tools and materials which is about desks and chairs(3.47), the improvement of director's office(3.29), LOUNGY and BOOK CAFE(3.21) In this study, we proposed the items which are necessary when we improve and install the facilities of Youth-After-School-Academy 본 연구는 청소년방과후아카데미 관계자들의 시설에 관한 요구도 조사·분석을 통해 효율적인 청소년방과후아카데미 시설환경을 만들 수 있도록 연구하고자 하였다. 사회적인 변화에 따라 방과 후 나 홀로 방치되고 있는 청소년에 대한 다양한 지원을 통해 전인적 성장을 위해 국가정책적인 차원에서 시행되고 있는 청소년방과후아카데미 사업을 단계적으로 확대·실시하기 위해서는 시설환경에 있어서 체계적이고 종합적인 운영모델 개발과 발전방안 모색이 필요하게 되었다. 청소년방과후아카데미 시설환경에 대한 담당실무자를 통한 조사·분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 시설의 중요성에 대한 지도자의 인식은 교실 내 기자재의 중요도(4.68), 책상과 걸상의 크기와 적절성(4.59), 교실규모와 크기(4.57), 급식실의 중요도(4.56), 휴게실(4.37), 교실의 환경미화(4.3) 순으로 나타났다. 둘째, 시설환경에 대한 지도자 평가는 교실내 기자재의 중요도(3.61), 교실환경미화 정도(3.48), 책상과 걸상의 크기와 적절성(3.41), 교실 내 기자재(3.22) 순으로 나타났다. 셋째, 지도자 사무실 규모, 책상과 의자, 기자재, 시설물, 사무실 환경(5개 항목) 등 수준에 대한 평가는 책상과 걸상에 대한 만족도(3.53), 사무실내 시설물에 대한 만족도(3.27) 순으로 나타났다. 넷째, 개선의 시급성 조사 결과는 책상과 걸상에 대한 기자재 개선(3.47), 지도자 사무실의 개선(3.29), 휴게실이나 북 카페(3.21) 순으로 시급하다고 평가되었다. 본 연구 결과를 통하여 청소년방과후아카데미 시설환경의 설치 및 개선시에 따른 필요한 사항을 제언하였다.

      • KCI등재

        지방자치단체 학교복합시설 지속적 도입을 위한 운영과 활용 실태에 관한 고찰:화성시 사례를 중심으로

        이원희 대한지방자치학회 2023 한국지방자치연구 Vol.25 No.3

        국민 삶의 질을 개선하기 위한 청사진으로 생활SOC와 학교시설복합화 연계를 추진하고, 저출산과 사교육비 등 사회 문제를 보완하고자 학교복합시설을 활용하여 방과후 「돌봄학교」 시범운영과 「그린스마트 미래학교」 운영 등 범정부적인 노력이 시도되고 있다. 학교복합시설의 인프라와 운영형태, 권한과 책임, 안정성 보장, 재정지원 등이 어떠해야 하는가는 현재까지 학교복합시설을 추진하는 교육청과 지방자치단체의 궁극적인 질문이다. 최근 법적인 뒷받침으로 학교복합시설과 관련된 주요 쟁점인 사업비 부담, 시설계획과 인프라 도입기능, 운영방식, 소유권 및 운영권, 운영 재원 등이 개선되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 학교복합시설의 추진배경과 법적 근거, 학교복합시설 운영사례를 통한 체계적이고 합리적인 운영방안을 모색하고자 하였고 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학교복합시설의 특성을 발휘하기 위해서는 실현가능한 목표와 사업의 일관성과 지속성이 전제되는 비전과 미션 수립이 선행되어야 한다. 둘째, 학교복합시설에 부합하는 담당 공무원 배치 및 교육과정과 프로그램 운영에 있어 충분한 전문적 소양과 경험을 갖춘 인력을 보장하여야 한다. 셋째, 학교복합시설 설치에 있어 환경적 필요성, 지역사회의 특성, 주민의 요구와 수요 분석 반영, 공간 활용성을 고려한 상호 연계성 확보가 필요하다. 넷째, 학교복합시설은 주민편의, 복지, 교육 등 다양한 기능과 모든 세대가 이용하는 시설이므로 운영의 명확한 기준과 우선순위, 운영과정의 선택과 집중이 요구된다. 다섯째, 기획 단계부터 시설특성을 검토할 수 있는 물리적 여건을 제고하고 관계기관은 상호 대등한 관계로서 적극적인 협력을 제안하였다. As a blueprint for improving the Q of people's lives, we are expanding the connection between SOC and school facility complex, and utilizing school complex facilities to supplement social problems such as low birth rate and private education expenses, we are operating an after-school “care school” for AIDS and “Green Smart Future School” It is becoming a government-wide effort. The ultimate question for offices of education and local governments that are currently expanding school complex facilities is whether they should be aware of the national defense and operating entity, authority and responsibility, sub-components, and financial support of school complex facilities. As the operational subject of the law, major issues related to school complex facilities are being improved, including the proportion of project costs, facility plans and hardware functions, operation methods, ownership and operating rights, and financial resources. In this study, the exclusive scope of operation is desired in order to remotely cover the background of the school complex facility and the operation cases of the school complex facility as follows. First, in order to demonstrate the characteristics of a school complex facility, the establishment of a vision and mission that presupposes the consistency and sustainability of feasible goals and projects must be established first. Second, manpower with sufficient professional knowledge and experience must be ensured in the deployment of public officials suitable for school complex facilities and in the operation of curriculum and programs. Third, when installing a school complex, it is necessary to secure interconnectivity considering environmental necessity, characteristics of the community, analysis of residents' needs and demands, and space utilization. Fourth, since school complex facilities are facilities used by all generations and have various functions such as resident convenience, welfare, and education, clear standards and priorities for operation, and selection and concentration of the operation process are required. Fifth, the physical conditions for reviewing facility characteristics from the planning stage were improved, and related organizations proposed active cooperation as equals.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교시설의 노인여가복지시설 복합화 적합성 평가

        임도영(Lim, Do-Young),송병준(Song, Byung-Joon),주범(Chu, Beom) 한국실내디자인학회 2015 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.24 No.6

        This study attempts to deduce the necessary and validity of complexation, and suggests complexation through complexation suitability evaluations as follows. First, the concept and current state of leisure facilities for the elderly and elementary facilities and architectural complexation were investigated through theoretical considerations. Second, the target schools for complexation of `elementary school-leisure facility for the elderly` were selected. The aspects of facility introduction of an elementary school, teacher support facility, convenience facility for the disabled, safety and security facilities as well as school facility accessibility were investigated on the basis of the data attained from theoretical considerations. Third, the feasibility of complexation of leisure facilities for the elderly was reviewed, based on the investigated data on complexation-targeted elementary school. Regarding school building and support facilities, with a focus on leisure programs for the elderly, the availability and number of rooms, extra numbers of regular classrooms and the room condition were assessed on the basis of the analysis of operational perspective of each facility. The convenience facilities for the disabled were examined by classifying them into interventional facility in consideration of facilities for the elderly, pursuant to the provisions in the convenience promotion assurance act for the disabled, elderly and pregnant women. Safety and security facilities were evaluated in an effort to assess the safety issue of the elderly and children. The result of the evaluation of the 6 elementary schools in Seong-buk county based on the above-mentioned four measurement standards shows that they scored 107~124 points of the total 155 points, with the average of 118.5 points. This is more than the medium score and shows the possible complexation of the elementary school facilities as the leisure facilities for the elderly, and at the same time it may lead each school to find out the elements conductive to enhancing the complexation as a result of the evaluation. Through the evaluation data, I expect that we contribute to promoting the process of the evaluation of the appropriateness of complexation and the efficient complexation.

      • 학교시설 복합화 대상시설별 적정규모에 관한 연구

        이재국,오병욱 한국디지털건축·인테리어학회 2011 한국디지털건축인테리어학회 논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        In order to cope with the demands of the rapidly changing society, advanced countries enrolled in OECD have been establishing corresponding directions as integrating their fields in economy, society, and education as one system. To be a part of the international changes, Korea has presented "Mixed-Use of schools and community facilities.""Mixed-Use of schools and community facilities" enables schools to expand necessary facilities, which were not secured due to insufficient budget, through community funding. Communities could not secure enough convenient facilities because they did not have enough sites for the facilities; however, school sites have made the communities possible to have facilities. As a result, the demand for "Mixed-Use of schools and community facilities" has increased Therefore, this study redefines the concept of the Mixed-Use of School Facilities in the perspective of the main users, researches the current state of the Mixed-Use of School Facilities through case studies in Korea, and intends to research preferences of the synthesis through surveys. In addition, the study proposes the proper size and the standard of the facilities that are possible to synthesize them with schools. In the future, in running this Mixed-Use of School Facilities business, the data from this study can be utilized.

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