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        남해안 연해읍성의 雉城 小考 : 河東邑城의 치성을 중심으로

        이일갑 동아시아문물연구소 2007 文物硏究 Vol.- No.11

        The supplementary defensive castles(Chisung, 雉城) at a town castle located at a small town along the coast waters of the south sea were representative fortifications, which were built as a set of structures and a town castle's subsidiary facilities along with impregnable protective castle walls, castle gate grounds, moats, and lower defensive and offensive walls built on top of a castle(Yeojang, 女墻) during the Joseon Dynasty period, so those data is really important to understand the structure and construction methods of fortifications at the coastal towns of the south sea at that time. In case of Gyeongsang-do, there existed town castles built in a location where provincial higher administrative units along with Daedohobu(a kind of local administration, 大都護府) and barracks at Gyeongju, Gimhae, and Changwon, and the town castles showed a difference in size from other town castles belonging to the lower administrative units by one point five to two times. These aspects show that the higher level the administrative units, the more supplementary defensive castles and besides, at the town castles having barracks and naval barracks, the much larger numbers of supplementary defensive castles in the town castles were planned and built in comparison with other town castles built at general counties or prefectures. The basic numerical value of supplementary defensive castles in town castles was divided into 6-site-location and 12-site-location in the Joseon Dynasty period. In other words, the two types of supplementary defensive castles were as follows; the 6-site-location consisted of four fully-grown bulls and two right-left symmetrical castle forms at the main gate site ; the 12-site-location consisted of four fully grown bulls with two supplementary defensive castles respectively at the left and right of main gate site. Therefore, the fact that more than 12 locations of supplementary defensive castles were built proves that the Joseon people fortified their defensive facilities to protect town castles from the Japanese pirates at that time who frequently committed provocative acts especially at the coastal town castles along the south sea; thus it is presumed that the Joseon people's fortifications project once centered on Hasam-do during the early Joseon period turned its most emphasis on the coastal areas of Gyeongsang-do, i.e. coastal town castles along the south sea. Among the coastal town castles, inland town castles and supplementary defensive castles of Youngjin Castle(營鎭堡城) was the square type ground plan used for building for the longest time and the next was a rectangular-base with narrow flat upper section, and the last was a rectangular form. It is found that in the former times on King Sejong's 15th year ruling period(1433), there had been a lot more frequencies of a rectangular square with almost the same ratio of length over width, which was used either by Naesangseong where barracks and town administration commonly co-existed or by town castles built in the higher level unit towns among the administrative districts. Next, from after the 15th century through the 16th century, the ground plan for the supplementary defensive castles was mainly a regular square and a rectangular; in contrast, rectangular base with narrow flat upper section diminished or extinguished. Likewise, in case of naval forces Youngjin Castle built before and after the 15th century, the regular square had been a main-stream, and such convention was passed through the early-middle Joseon Dynasty periods to the later period of Lee's Dynasty. In addition, in King Sejong's 15th ruling period(1433), rules and forms for supplementary defensive castles in town castles were applied, and accordingly, rectangular base with narrow flat upper section form castles were built; however a square form and a rectangular form were also continuously used in building supplementary defensive castles. Besides, in case of rectangular for... 남해안 연해읍성의 치성은 읍성에 축조된 대표적인 방어시설로서 甕城門 址, 垓字, 女墻과 더불어 조선시대 읍성 부대시설에서 세트로 축조되고 있어남해안 연해읍성의 방어시설의 구조와 축조수법을 이해하는데 중요한 자료가 된다고 할 수 있다. 경상도의 경우 경주, 김해, 창원 등의 대도호부와 병영이 설치된 상위 행정단위 및 군대의 상급지휘체계의 지휘관이 위치하는 곳에 축조된 읍성이 하위 행정단위의 읍성에 비해 치성수가 1.5배 내지 2배가량 차이를 보이고 있다. 이러한양상은 행정단위가 상위 일수록 치성이 증가하며 또한 병영 및 수영이 설치된내상성일수록 치성의 숫자가 일반군현에 축조된 읍성 치성에 비해 많은 숫자로계획되어 축조되고 있는 것임을 알 수 있다. 조선시대 읍성에 설치되는 치성의 기본적인 수치는 읍성의 4성우와 주요문지의 좌우 적대를 갖춘 6개소의 형태와 4성우와 각 문지 좌우에 각각 2개소가 설치된 12개소의 두 가지 종류로 크게 나눌 수 있다. 이처럼 남해안지역의 연해읍성에 12개소 이상의 많은 치성이 설치되는 것은 왜구의 침구로부터 읍성을 보호하기 위한 방어시설의 강화에 따른 것으로 조선 전기의 하삼도에 집중된 읍성 축성사업이 특히 경상도 연해 즉 남해안 연해읍성의 축조에 가장 중점을 두었다고 할 수 있겠다. 남해안지역 연해읍성과 내륙읍성 및 영진보성 치성 가운데 정방형 평면플랜을 가진 치성이 가장 오랜 기간동안 축조 사용되고 있으며 다음으로 방대형이 나타나고 마지막으로 장방형이나타나고 있다. 특히 세종 15년(1433)을 기준으로 그 이전 시기에는 정방형이훨씬 많은 빈도를 보이고 있으며 여기에 해당되는 읍성은 공통적으로 병영과 읍치가 공존하는 내상성이거나 행정구역 단위 가운데 상급단위의 고을에 설치된읍성들임을 알 수 있다. 다음으로 15세기이후 16세기를 거치면서 치성의 평면플랜은 정방형과 장방형이 주류를 이루고 있으며 방대형의 형태는 쇠퇴하거나 소멸되고 있다. 또한15세기 전후에 축조되는 수군 영진보성의 경우에도 정방형이 주류를 이루고 있어 조선시대 전기에서 중기를 거쳐 후기에 이르기까지 계속해서 정방형의 전통이 이어지고 있다고 할 수 있겠다. 또한 세종 15년(1433) 치성 축조 규식의 적용 이후에는 방대형의 치성이축조되고 있지만 정방형과 장방형의 치성도 계속해서 축조되고 있다. 더구나 장방형 치성의 경우에는 방대형보다 오래기간 지속적으로 축조되는 있는 것을 확인할 수 있어 방대형의 축조를 규식화한 축성방침은 지켜지지 않고 있음을 알수 있는 것이다. 남해안 연해읍성의 치성을 비롯한 영남 내륙읍성의 치성에서 정방형, 장방형, 방대형의 치성이 혼용되는 이유는 치성 간에 길이의 차이를 두어 상호보완토록 하고자 함이다. 또한 지형적인 조건이나 성 둘레에 따라 너비와 길이가 정해져축조되는 것과 더불어 상위지휘체계의 영진성 일수록 치성의 길이와 너비가 더크게 축조되었다고 하겠다. 다음으로 남해안 연해읍성의 치성의 길이는 비교적 5m라는 규식이 일정하게 지켜지며 축조되고 있었다고 할 수 있겠다. 아울러 치성 길이 5m의 규식은성종조와 중종조에 축조되는 영진보성의 치성에서도 일괄적으로 확인되고 있고, 17세기에 축조되는 동래후기읍성의 치성에서도 길이가 5m로 확인되고 있어 남해안 연해읍성의 치성의 길이는 5m로 조선시대 전 기간 내내 계속적으로 지켜...

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Royal Garden in Wanggung-ri Site in Iksan

        전용호 한국전통조경학회 2011 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.9 No.-

        The historic gardens in Korea have been found one by one in Anap-ji(雁鴨池) in Gyeongju, Wonji(苑池) in Guhwang-dong(九皇洞) and Jeongrimsa-ji(定林寺址) in Buyeo. However, only pond sites or water ways were found in most historic gardens except in several cases. Therefore, it was very difficult to identify the overall structure of a garden. It is also the same in China and Japan. Meanwhile, in the Wanggung-ri site in Iksan where the palace was built during the Sabi period of Baekje, the garden, the Royal garden, was found inside the palace. The royal garden in the Iksan Wanggungri site was on the hill. It is considered the most ideal shape, the conventional rectangular-shaped pond(方池) of Baekje. The following are the structural features of the royal garden in the Iksan Wanggung-ri site. First, the royal garden in Iksan Wanggung-ri site had a big water tank on the slope to implement the best landscaping effect with insufficient water. A variety of magnificent stones were arranged in a rectangular shape using the height difference of materials. Second, the royal garden of the Iksan Wanggung-ri site had the main facility, water tank and catchment-facility which could perfectly perform the functions as the pond, which were like three islands. Those facilities were systematically connected through waterways. Third, the royal garden of the Iksan Wanggung-ri site worked by the structural system systematically connecting the back garden space. The royal garden of the Iksan Wanggung-ri site connected the front and back space of the palace and acted as a path between the front and back. Furthermore, the royal garden was connected to the winding waterways on the top of the hill as well as systematically connected to the buildings and pond. Next, the royal garden of the Iksan Wanggung-ri site would have been an ideal structure that was rectangular in shape, the conventional shape of Baekje. It was also an ideal structure in terms of the Korean landscape style as well as Baekje landscape techniques realizing the Zen philosophy of Taoism by simplifying the natural mountains and rivers of Korea in the center of the space, with straight elements observed in the rectangular-shaped pond style. The royal garden of the Iksan Wanggungri site would be different appearance as the survey on the back garden is continued. It seems that the big picture “forest garden(園林)” combining the rectangular shaped royal garden and the round back garden will be identified soon in Iksan Wanggungseong Palace.

      • 익산 왕궁리유적의 궁원(宮苑)에 대한 연구

        ( Yong Ho Jeon ) 한국전통조경학회(구 한국정원학회) 2011 Journal of Korean Institute of Traditional Landsca Vol.9 No.1

        한국에서 정원 유적은 경수의 안압지(雁鴨池)나 구황동 원지, 부여 정림사지 등에서 조금씩 발견되고 있다. 하지만 대부분의 정원 유적들이 몇몇 사례를 제외하곤 연지(蓮池)나 수로(水路)만이 발견되어 정원 의 전체 구조를 밝히기에는 상당한 제약이 있었다. 이런 상황에서 백제 사비기에 궁성으로 조성되어 활용되었던 익산 왕궁리유적에서 방형의 연못(方池)과 수로가 연결되어 있는 궁원(宮苑)의 전체 구조가 발견되었다, 최근 조사에서는 궁원의 뒤편에서 구불구불한 수로(曲水路)와 대형의 크게 휘어진 수로(環水溝)에 의하여 둘러싸여 있는 외곽 경계와 함께 말각장방형의 석축시설, 건물지 등으로 이루어진 후원 공간도 발견되었다. 익산 왕궁리유적의 궁원은 구릉 사연의 아래쪽이면서도 궁성을 남북으로 이등분하는 축대(동서석축4)에 입지함에 따라 기존의 동아시아 정원과는 상당히 다른 양상을 하고 있다. 이런 측면에서 익산 왕궁리 유적에서 궁원의 구조적 특징을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 익산 왕궁리유적의 궁원은 물이 부족한 상황에서 최대한의 조경 효과를 구현하기 위하여 구릉사면에 대형의 수조시설을 설치하였고, 작고 아담하면서도 높낮이 차이를 화려하게 표현할 수 있는 방지에 크기나 형태가 다양한 화려한 정원석을 배치하는 전략을 채용하였다. 둘째, 익산 왕궁리유적의 궁원은 연못의 기능을 충분히 수행할 수 있는 중심시설, 수조시설, 집수시설을 3개의 섬처럼 상징화하였고, 이들을 수로시설을 통하여 유기적으로 연결시키는 체계를 실현하였다. 셋째, 익산 왕궁리유적의 궁원은 후원 영역과 유기척으로 연결된 구조 체계에 따라 작동된다. 익산 왕궁 리유적의 궁원은 궁성의 전반부와 후반부를 연결하면서도 궁성의 전각구역에서 후원 영역으로 진입하기 위한 통로의 역할도 동시에 하고 있다. 그리고 궁원은 장방형의 연못과 건물이 유기적으로 연결되어 있을 뿐만 아니라 구릉 정상부의 구불구불한 수로(曲水路)와도 연결되는 구조를 하고 있다. 넷째, 익산 왕궁리유적의 궁원은 백제에서 제대로 된 방지(方池)양식 정원의 이상화된 한 구현물로 볼 수 있다."방지" 라는 양식에서 나타나는 직선적인 요소를 주변에 배치하고, 중심부에 부정형, 자연적인 한국의 산세를 압축화하면서 도교의 신선사상을 구현한 백제 조경 기술, 더 나아가 한국 조경의 이상화된 모습으로 판단된다. 익산 왕궁리유적의 궁원의 모습은 앞으로 그 실체가 계속해서 드러나게 될 후원에 따라 많이 달라질 수 있다. 아마도 익산 왕궁성에서 "방지" 양식의 궁원과 "곡지" 양식의 후원이 결합된 "원림(園林)"이라는 큰 그림을 그리게 될 날도 머지않아 보인다. The historic gardens in Korea have been found one by one in Anap-ji(雁鴨池) in Gyeongju, Wonji(苑池) in Guhwang-dong(九皇洞) and Jeongrimsa-ji(定林寺址) in Buyeo. However, only pond sites or water ways were found in most historic gardens except in several cases. Therefore, it was very difficult to identify the overall structure of a garden. It is also the same in China and Japan. Meanwhile, in the Wanggung-ri site in Iksan where the palace was built during the Sabi period of Baekje, the garden, the Royal garden, was found inside the palace. The royal garden in the Iksan Wanggungri site was on the hill. It is considered the most ideal shape, the conventional rectangular-shaped pond(方池) of Baekje. The following are the structural features of the royal garden in the Iksan Wanggung-ri site. First, the royal garden in Iksan Wanggung-ri site had a big water tank on the slope to implement the best landscaping effect with insufficient water. A variety of magnificent stones were arranged in a rectangular shape using the height difference of materials. Second, the royal garden of the Iksan Wanggung-ri site had the main facility, water tank and catchment-facility which could perfectly perform the functions as the pond, which were like three islands. Those facilities were systematically connected through waterways. Third, the royal garden of the Iksan Wanggung-ri site worked by the structural system systematically connecting the back garden space. The royal garden of the Iksan Wanggung-ri site connected the front and back space of the palace and acted as a path between the front and back. Furthermore, the royal garden was connected to the winding waterways on the top of the hill as well as systematically connected to the buildings and pond. Next, the royal garden of the Iksan Wanggung-ri site would have been an ideal structure that was rectangular in shape, the conventional shape of Baekje. It was also an ideal structure in terms of the Korean landscape style as well as Baekje landscape techniques realizing the Zen philosophy of Taoism by simplifying the natural mountains and rivers of Korea in the center of the space, with straight elements observed in the rectangular-shaped pond style. The royal garden of the Iksan Wanggungri site would be different appearance as the survey on the back garden is continued. It seems that the big picture "forest garden(園林)" combining the rectangular shaped royal garden and the round back garden will be identified soon in Iksan Wanggungseong Palace.

      • KCI등재

        Mathematical approach for optimization of magnetohydrodynamic circulation system

        이근형,김희령 한국원자력학회 2019 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.51 No.3

        The geometrical and electromagnetic variables of a rectangular-type magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)circulation system are optimized to solve MHD equations for the active decay heat removal system of aprototype Gen-IV sodium fast reactor. Decay heat must be actively removed from the reactor coolant toprevent the reactor system from exceeding its temperature limit. A rectangular-type MHD circulationsystem is adopted to remove this heat via an active system that produces developed pressure through theLorentz force of the circulating sodium. Thus, the rectangular-type MHD circulation system for a circulatingloop is modeled with the following specifications: a developed pressure of 2 kPa and flow rate of0.02 m3/s at a temperature of 499 K. The MHD equations, which consist of momentum and Maxwell'sequations, are solved to find the minimum input current satisfying the nominal developed pressure andflow rate according to the change of variables including the magnetic flux density and geometricalvariables. The optimization shows that the rectangular-type MHD circulation system requires a current of3976 A and a magnetic flux density of 0.037 T under the conditions of the active decay heat removalsystem.

      • Case-Building 기법을 이용한 Rectangular형 Coil 스프링 설계자동화에 관한 연구

        신중호,김대원,강동우,장세원,남택상 창원대학교 공작기계기술연구센터 1999 연구업적집 Vol.1 No.1

        In this paper, by using the case-building technique which was based on simple theory that unknown design variables are induced by given input design variables by the designer, design automation algorithm about rectangular section coil springs with elastic characteristic was developed. Four design equation are justified in using of analysis of torsion of straight beam of rectangular section and geometrical condition of coil spring. Four design equation and nine design variables are computated by case-building technique.

      • KCI등재

        소형부품의 사각 컵 드로잉 성형 해석에 관한 실험적 연구

        구태완,강범수 한국소성가공학회 2001 소성가공 : 한국소성가공학회지 Vol.10 No.6

        Milli-structure components are classified as a component group whose size is between macro and micro scales, that is, about smaller than 20mm and larger than 1mm. The forming of these components has a typical phenomenon of bulk deformation with thin sheets because of the forming size. In this study, milli-structure rectangular cup drawing is analyzed and measured using the finite element method and experiments. Special containers or cases of cellular phone vibrator to save installation space are produced by rectangular-shaped drawing. A systematic approach is established for the design and the experiment of the forming processes for rectangular milli-structure cases. To verify the simulation results, the experimental investigations were also carried out on a real industrial product. The numerical analysis by FEM shows good agreement with the experimental results in view of the deformation shape of the product.

      • KCI등재

        영남지역 장방형 수혈식석곽과 봉분 구축 공법

        홍보식(Hong Bo sik) 중부고고학회 2017 고고학 Vol.16 No.1

        본 논문은 삼국시대 영남지역에 분포한 중심 고분군의 대형 수혈식석곽 중 평면형태가 장방형인 수혈식석곽의 사용 석재 및 구축기술의 공통적 특징, 그리고 단위 고분군의 사용 석재와 석곽 및 봉분 구축 기술의 특징을 구명하고자 하였다. 분석 결과 장방형 수혈식석곽은 뚜껑 또는 뚜껑 및 봉분의 하중압으로부터 석곽 벽체가 앞뒤로 밀려나지 않도록 벽체 뒷부분에 돌과 점토 또는 돌을 뒷채움 하였고, 내면에는 벽체에 밀착하여 목곽을 설치하였다. 목곽은 주검과 부장품을 격납하는 시설임과 동시에 상부 하중압에 의해 벽체가 밀려나지 않도록 지지하는 기능을 하였다. 그리고 사용 석재의 종류와 강도 차이에 의해 단위 지역마다 석곽의 구축 위치와 높이, 뚜껑 상면에서 분정부까지의 봉분 높이 등에 차이가 존재하였다. 이 지역적 차이는 벽체 및 뚜껑에 사용한 석재가 재하하중에 견디는 강도의 차이가 결정적 요인으로 작용하였는데, 사용 석재의 특성을 인지하고, 석곽의 안정과 견고 및 고분의 과시성을 높이기 위해 다양한 토목공법이 적용되었음이 확인되었다. 이 연구를 통해 삼국시대의 고총고분은 당시 사람들의 경험과 기술, 자연 조건, 획득 가능한 재료, 건축・토목 지식 등이 복합된 구조물임을 새롭게 인식하는 계기가 되었다. This study analyzed stone-lined pit burial tombs of the Three Hans Period in Yeongnam region whose horizontal plan forms rectangular shape to examine their building materials, stone chamber and grave mound building techniques. This analyzation process will help us specify the common characteristics of construction techniques, type of stone materials, building method of stone chambers and grave mounds of rectangular-shaped stone-lined pit burial tombs. The research found out that rectangular-shaped stone-lined pit burial tombs were solidly built by backfilling outside of the walls with trimmed stones and clay and by attaching the woapen coffins closely to the walls. These techniques were applied to avoid collapsing of the walls caused by the heavy weight of the grave mound and cover stones or the loading pressure of grave mounds. Woapen chambers which housed dead bodies and funerary objects have an additional function to prevent the walls from being pushed out by the loading pressure of the grave mounds. The study also revealed that the location and the height of stone chambers, and the length of the grave mounds from the cover stones to the top of the mounds vary according to the types and strength of bedrocks located in each unit area. These regional differences in building techniques were mainly derived from the diverse types of stone materials, more specifically, the stone materials’ strength to stand the loading weight of the entire stone walls. On the basis of this acknowledgment about the characteristics of stone materials, people of the period applied various civil engineering techniques to enhance the conspicuousness of the tumulus as well as to improve stability and solidity of stone chambers. This study gave us an opportunity to convert a way of thinking on relationship between human experiences and techniques, natural conditions, attainable materials and natural science knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis and improvement of output power drop of dynamic wireless power transfer systems with transmitting coil switching for inspection robots

        Yishuo Ding,Jiangui Li,Longyang Wang,Chen Wang,Guofu Zhu,Yuying Cheng,Tianqi Yu 전력전자학회 2022 JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS Vol.22 No.12

        Dynamic wireless power transfer (DWPT) has received extensive attention due to its advantages of high security, high convenience, and high efficiency. To solve the problems of the mutual inductance and output power drop of DWPT systems for inspection robots, a new DWPT system with a trapezoidal-rectangular coupler has been proposed. First, the DWPT system topology and the switching strategy of the transmitting coil are introduced. Second, the real-time mutual inductances of the coupler in linear and curved motion are derived. Third, a new trapezoidal transmitting coil is presented. Finally, the performance of the DWPT system with the trapezoidal-rectangular coupler (TRC) is tested and compared to the DWPT system with the rectangular-rectangular coupler (RRC). Experimental results show that the minimum mutual inductance of the TRC is increased by 58.71%, and that the minimum output power is more than doubled in curved motion. Moreover, the mutual inductance drop rates of the TRC in linear and curved motion are reduced by 21.23% and 18.42%, respectively. The output power drop rates of the TRC-DWPT system are reduced by 18.99% and 16.12%, respectively. In addition, the Litz wire consumption is reduced by 8.28% in linear motion.

      • KCI등재


        金演宰(Kim, Yon-jae) 동아인문학회 2016 동아인문학 Vol.37 No.-

        The essay is focused upon explicating the characters and significance of Qian and Kun according to the ancient law of astronomy, namely, that of tian-yuan-di-fang. The term of tian-yuan-di-fang stems from an astronomical law of the universe, namely, the doctrine of Gai-tian. According to the doctrine of Gai-tian, heaven is circular and earth is rectangular. The circular character of heaven is and the rectangular character of earth is said to reveal in the phenomena of four seasons, sun and moon, etc., which is characteristic of a hierarchical circle of natural life. This doctrine is finally constituted into a worldview in the Book of Changes. It depends on how a mode of tian-yuan-di-fang can be applied to the hexagram image of Qian and Kun. The thinking way of tian-yuan-di-fang, is developed into the metaphorical image that Qian is circular and Kun is rectangular. The metaphorical image results from deducing the intuitive principle of life between heaven and earth. It is a unity of life and reality, namely, life of reality and reality of life. It reflects a network of Nature and human society. And the self-consciousness of human beings concerning the order of the universe is escalated to the canon of value or the social ethics of the humanistic world. Through a chain of intuition and deduction, ancient people thought that the state of chaos was developed into to orderly world. It is based upon the thinking way that scientific element is closely associated with philosophical element. It is consequent.

      • KCI등재

        Shaking table tests on a SDOF structure with cylindrical and rectangular TLDs having rotatable baffles

        Seyed Mehdi Zahrai,Sirous Kakouei 국제구조공학회 2019 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.24 No.3

        Control of vibrations against extraordinary excitations such as wind and earthquake is very important to the protection of life and financial concerns. One of the methods of structural control is to use Tuned Liquid Damper (TLD), however due to the nature of TLD only one sloshing frequency can be created when the water is sloshing. Among various ideas proposed to compensate this problem, by changing the angle of some rotatable baffles embedded inside a TLD, a frequency range is created such that these baffles are tuned manually at different frequencies. In this study, the effect of cross sectional shape of container with rotating baffles on seismic behavior of TLD is experimentally studied. For this purpose, rectangular and cylindrical containers are designed and used to suppress the vibrations of a Single Degree-Of-Freedom (SDOF) structure under harmonic and earthquake excitations considering three baffle angles. The results show that the rectangular-shaped damper reduces the structural response in all load cases more than the damper with a cylindrical shape, such that maximum differences of two dampers to reduce the structural displacement and structural acceleration are 5.5% and 3% respectively, when compared to the cases where no baffles are employed.

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