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        제품맞춤화 유형과 소비자혜택

        김인경 ( In Kyoung Kim ),김기옥 ( Kee Ok Kim ),황혜선 ( Hye Sun Hwang ) 한국소비자학회 2012 소비자학연구 Vol.23 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 제품맞춤화의 유형을 소비자의 관점에서 분류하고 그에 따른 소비자혜택을 살펴봄으로써 소비자의 취향이나 요구사항이 충족될 수 있는 제품맞춤화의 기초 지침을 마련하는 데 있다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 첫째, 맞춤화 희망제품에 따라 맞춤화 유형을 다르게 선택하는 것으로 나타났다. 전자제품의 경우는 선택적 제품 완성형, 패션관련제품은 협력적 제품완성형, 가구제품은 선택적 제품완성형, 주택 및 인테리어는 협력적 제품완성형, 자동차 및 이동수단은 선택적 제품완성형 등 해당 제품에 따라 서로 다른 맞춤화 유형을 선택하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 소비자의 맞춤화에 대한 지불의사는 높은 편이며, 협력적 제품완성형에 가장 높은 지불의사를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 맞춤화 결과로 얻는 제품을 일반제품보다 더 가치 있게 여기고 구매가능성 또한 높을 수 있음을 시사한다. 셋째, 제품관련변인이 맞춤화로부터 얻는 혜택에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 제품군, 제품관여도, 선호인지, 선호표현 등의 제품관련변인은 혜택에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 특히 선호표현과 제품관여도의 경우 세 가지 제품맞춤화혜택에 모두 유의하게 정의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이것은 자신이 무엇을 좋아하는지 명확하게 표현할수록, 제품에 대한 관여도가 높을수록 맞춤화로부터 얻는 혜택이 증가할 수 있음을 시사한다. This research aimed to classify the types of product customization based on consumer perspectives and to examine consumer choice for customization types according to the consumer characteristics, the product variables and the benefits of product customization. This research attempted to establish a basic guideline of product customization based on consumer participant and to raise the standard that consumers can select desired products and customization types depending on their own taste, preference, and requirement. The types of product customization were classified into three categories based on the level of consumers’ participation: Exterior customization, Selective customization, Collaborative customization. Exterior customization is a type that consumers can choose the color or shape. Selective customization is a type that consumers can select the accessories, features and functions. Collaborative customization is a type that consumers communicate with companies about what consumers require prior to the production process. The results and conclusions of this study are as follows. First, consumers can choose different customized products depending on the types of customization. 313 respondents in their 20’s to 40’s were asked to choose customized products and types of customization they want. As a result, consumers who choose the electronics want selective customization, consumers who choose fashion-related products want collaborative customization, consumers who choose furniture want selective customization, consumers who choose housing and interior want collaborative customization, and consumers who choose automotive and transportation want selective customization. In addition, appropriate product categories were selected differently depending on the types of product customization. As for exterior customization, it appeared electronic accessories and household appliances, automobile and transportation in order. As for Selective customization, it appeared automotive and transportation, housing and interiors, furniture product in order. As for Collaborative customization, it appeared homes and interiors, furniture, cosmetics in order. Second, the willingness to pay for customized products was high. Respondents were asked to estimate their willingness to pay for the customized products and types of customization according to their own tastes and preferences. It showed all high rates related to the three types of customization compared to the standard products. Collaborative customization scored highest among the three types of customization. This suggests that consumers consider the customized products more valuable and more likely to purchase than the standard ones. Third, product-related variables are the determinants that affect the benefits of product customization. Products-related variables including product category, product involvement, preference insight, and preference expression have significant effects on the benefits of product customization. Especially, product involvement and preference expression significantly affect to the benefits of product customization positively. This result infers that customized products can give benefits to consumers who express clearly when they prefer among varied products and involved that product deeply.

      • KCI등재

        비갱신 생존담보상품의 리스크분석과 감독방향

        오창수,김세중,오수연,변재웅 한국리스크관리학회 2013 리스크 管理硏究 Vol.24 No.1

        최근 건강보험 전체 사차손익이 악화되는 것에 대한 리스크관리로 갱신형보험이 도입되었으며 실손형보험에서는 갱신형보험이 주류를 이루고 있으나 생존 담보에 대하여는 비갱신형이 많이 판매되고 있는 실정이다. 생존담보를 비갱신으로 운영하는 경우 위험률 추세변화를 반영하지 못하기 때문에 상품의 수익성 관리와 리스크관리에 문제가 있을 것으로 판단되기 때문에 위험률추세를 고려한 비갱신 생존담보 운영에 대한 연구의 필요성이 제기된다. 비갱신 생존담보상품에 대한 리스크를 분석하기 위하여는 국제적 기준 하에서 비갱신 생존담보상품의 리스크를 객관적으로 고찰하는 것이 필요할 것이다. 본 연구의 비갱신 생존담보상품의 책임준비금 감독방향에서는 국제회계기준 2단계와 Solvency II를 기초로 LAT에서 현행추정치의 개념에 현행위험률과 위험률의 장래추세를 인정하고 이를 반영하여 비갱신 생존담보상품의 준비금을 평가하는 책임준비금 개선방안을 제시하였다. 비갱신 생존담보상품의 지급여력제도 개선방안은 비갱신 생존담보상품에 대한 지급여력의 강화와 비갱신 생존담보상품과 갱신형 생존담보상품에 대한 지급여력 요구자본의 차별화를 제시하였다. 본 연구에서 수행한 분석에 따르면 갱신형 생존담보상품과 비갱신 생존담보 상품의 확실한 감독규정상 차별화가 필요하며 생존담보를 비갱신에서 갱신형으로 전환시키는 노력이 필요한 것으로 판단된다. 보험업계와 감독당국이 이에 대한 대비와 조치를 적절히 취하는 것이 향후 보험산업을 건전하게 성장시키는 방안이 될 것으로 판단한다. Recently the renewal type insurance product is introduced to life insurance industry as a risk management tool due to the deterioration of mortality profit and loss for the health insurance. While the majority of medical indemnity insurance products are renewal types, most of survival insurance products are still sold as non-renewal types. As the future trend of risk rate can not be reflected in non-renewal type insurance products, it is hard to manage profits and risks of the survival insurance products. So we need to study renewal type survival insurance products to reflect future trend of risk rate. For the risk analysis for non-renewal type survival insurance products, we need to review the risk for non-renewal type survival insurance products through the global standards. In our study, we suggest the improvement of policy reserve using current estimates reflecting current risk rate and the future trend of risk rate in LAT(liability adequacy test) based on IFRS phase II and Solvency II, and also we suggest the improvement of solvency margin for non-renewal type survival insurance products by tightening the solvency margin and introducing differentiated solvency required capital for non-renewal type survival insurance products. To sum up the results of the studies, we need to differentiate regulation rules for non-renewal type survival insurance products from renewal type survival insurance products, and make an effort to convert renewal type survival insurance products into non-renewal type survival insurance products. Finally, it could be a way to foster the Korean insurance industry soundly that insurance industry and supervisors prepare for these changes and take proper actions.

      • KCI등재

        프라이드의 유형과 광고유형의 광고제품평가에 대한 상호작용효과

        최낙환 한국유통과학회 2015 유통과학연구 Vol.13 No.5

        Purpose – This study investigates whether the effectiveness of self trait-advertisement versus communion-focused advertisement on product evaluations depends on a type of pride felt as ambient emotion. It also explores whether the mediating roles of cognitive and affective response to the effect of the advertisement type on product evaluation are moderated by types of pride such as hubristic pride or authentic pride. Research Design, Data, and Methodology – This research uses a restaurant service as the experimental object and employs a 2 (pride type: hubristic pride vs. authentic pride) × 2 (advertisement type: self trait-focused advertisement versus communion- focused advertisement) between-subjects design, with cognitive response and affective response as within-subject. Each experimental group consisted of 40 undergraduate students assigned to participate in the experiment. One questionnaire from the authentic pride and self-trait focused advertisement group and two questionnaires from the hubristic pride and communion-focused advertisement group were removed due to answer errors, resulting in a participant number of 157. The author conducts a 2 (pride type: hubristic pride vs. authentic pride) × 2 (advertisement type: self trait-focused advertisement versus communion-focused advertisement) ANOVA on advertised product evaluations, and to better understand the interaction effects, also conducts separate analysis of the hubristic and the authentic pride groups. Additionally, the study conducts mediated moderation analysis to check the mediation role difference of the cognitive response and the affective response to each advertisement on the interaction effects on product evaluations between the hubristic and the authentic pride groups. Results – The findings indicate that participants in the hu-bristic pride group more positively evaluate the product in selftrait focused advertisement, whereas participants in the authentic pride group more positively evaluate the product in communion- focused advertisements. In addition, the mediating role of cognitive response on the positive interaction effect of advertisement type and pride type on product evaluation is partially moderated by the pride type. However, the mediating role of affective response on the positive interaction effect of advertisement type and pride type on the product evaluation is not moderated by the pride type. Conclusions – The results of this study contribute to advertisement theory development by exploring interaction effects of ambient pride type and advertisement type on product evaluation, as well as to the theory of consumer behavior by exploring how pride type moderates the mediating roles of cognitive response on the positive interaction effect of advertisement type and pride type on product evaluation. From the perspective of the current research, advertisers should research what kinds of events consumers have experienced to increase the effectiveness of their advertisements, and use self-trait advertisements when consumers are grouped under ambient hubristic pride, and use communion-focused advertisements when consumers are grouped under ambient authentic pride. However, future research is necessary to discover the reasons why the mediating role of affective response to advertisements in the interaction effects of pride type and advertisement type on product evaluation is not moderated by pride type.

      • KCI등재

        Differences in Perceived Risk and Product Attitudes : Focus on Korea and Thailand Consumers

        Moon-Jung Kim,Eun-Hee Kim 한국유통과학회 2017 The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business( Vol.8 No.6

        Purpose – The purpose of this research is to examine the differences and interaction effects of perceived risk and product attitudes between Korea and Thailand consumers in accordance with price discount and product types. Research design, data, and methodology – A questionnaire survey was conducted in Korea and Thailand. There were a total of 327questionnaires received, and 322 of them were valid. Respondents consisted of 163 Koreans and 159 Thai consumers. Each question is measured in a Likert-type five-point scale. To verify the difference and interaction effects of perceived risk and product attitudes, ANOVA analysis was carried out. Results – This research found that the perceived risk of Thailand consumers in accordance with price discount and product types is confirmed to be larger than Korean consumers. The difference of product attitudes of Thailand consumers is higher than those of Korean consumers. Thus, product attitudes in accordance with country type and price discount types are verified with the interaction effect. The difference of product attitudes in accordance with price discount type and product types are not founded. The main effect was not verified. Conclusions – The finding of this study can be used as useful information to Korean and Thai retailers looking to enter the global market.

      • KCI등재

        자기해석유형과 모바일 상품추천유형, 패션제품유형이 구매의도에 미치는 영향

        전태준 ( Tae June Jeon ),황선진 ( Sun Jin Hwang ),최동은 ( Dong Eun Choi ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2021 패션 비즈니스 Vol.25 No.5

        As the online shopping market grows, channels in the mobile shopping environment have become increasingly diverse as a wide variety of products are introduced every day. This study investigated the effects of the self-construal type, mobile product recommendation system type, and fashion product type on purchase intention. The experimental design of this study was a 2 (self-construal type: independent vs. interdependent) × 2 (product recommendation system: bestseller vs. content-based) × 2 (fashion product type: utilitarian vs. hedonic) 3-way mixed ANOVA. Women (n = 387) in their 20 to 30s residing in Seoul and the Gyeonggi area participated in the study. The data were analyzed with the SPSS 24 program and 3-way ANOVA and simple main effects analyses were conducted. The results were as follows. First, self-construal, product recommendation, and fashion product types had a statistically significant impact on purchase intention. Second, fashion product and consumers' self-construal types had significant interaction effects on purchase intention. Finally, product recommendation and fashion product and self-construal types showed significant 3-way interaction effects on purchase intention. The study confirmed an interaction between the self-construal, type of product recommendation system, and the type of fashion product used in influencing purchase intention.

      • KCI등재

        상품의 디자인 유형에 관한 연구

        이홍구,Lee,Honggoo 한국상품학회 2015 商品學硏究 Vol.33 No.3

        상품은 인간의 필요와 욕구를 바탕으로 하지만 각기 다양한 형태를 갖추고 시장에서 경쟁한다. 따라서 동일한 목적이라 하더라도 그 수단이 다를 수 있으므로 상품의 디자인 과정은 ‘비논리적이거나 불확실한 창작의 과정’으로 이해된다. 그렇지만 오히려 디자인은 동일한 기능을 필요로 하는 상 품을 각 사회의 문화와 전통에 따라 또 사용자의 구체적인 취향에 따라 가장 적합한 상품의 가치를 찾고 그것을 기능과 형태로 구체화하는 단계적 절차이다. 즉 디자인은 상품의 시장 가치를 돋보이게 하기 위해 소비자와 시장의 특성에 따라 ‘상품의 속성과 그 가치를 명확히 하는 것’ 그리고 이를 효과적으로 ‘상품의 기능과 형태로 나타내는 것’이다. 본 연구는 상품의 디자인을 만드는 ‘가치’, ‘기능’, ‘형태’, ‘유형’의 개념과 구조를 고찰하였고 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있다. ●가치: 가치는 인간의 필요와 욕구가 상품의 <사용가치>, <교환가치>, <자아가치>, <공유가치>로 전환된 것이며, 각 상품의 특성에 따라 하나 의 가치가 주를 이루거나 여러 가치가 혼합되어 상품의 본질이 된다. ●기능: 기능은 상품의 가치가 구체화 된 것으로 <실용적 기능> 및 <기호적 기능> 그리고 <심미적 기능>이 하나의 기능으로 통합된 것이다. ●형태 : 형태는 상품의 가치와 기능이 디자인과 재료를 통해 실체적 모습을 갖춘 것이다. 형태는 상품의 용도가 되는 <구조>와 사용자의 정체성 을 표현하는 <장식>을 구체화 하는 것이다. ●유형: 상품은 가치와 기능, 형태를 공통의 특징으로 함으로서 유형을 이룬다. 새로운 상품은 유형을 통해 선행 상품의 형질을 본받음으로써 효율성과 실용성, 시장성을 높일 수 있다. 본 연구는 상품의 유형을 <도구적 유형>, <경제적 유형>, <범주적 유형>, <자아적 유형>, <개념적 유형>으 로 구분하고 그 형질의 특징을 연구의 결과로 제시한다. 본 연구의 목적은 상품의 고유적 속성을 디자인의 형태로 나타내는 과정을 고찰하는데 있다. 이를 위해 연구는 상품의 본질적인 개념인 ‘가치’와 ‘기능’의 관계를 규명하고, 이를 ‘형태화’의 개념과 과정으로 구체화 하였다. 그리고 연구는 고찰의 결과로 상품의 특성에 따른 형태의 유형과 특징을 제시하였다. 본 연구의 의의는 상품의 가치와 기능, 디자인의 형태와 유형의 관계를 유기적으로 재구성한 것에 있다. 이를 위해 연구는 서술적 방식을 통해 연구의 주요 개념을 전제하고 그 사례를 설명하는 방식으로 진행되었다. 그러나 이러한 서술적 고찰 방식은 개념의 이해를 위해선 효율적 이지만 정량적 방식의 연구 검증과정을 추가로 요구한다. 따라서 본 연구는 주제와 관련하여 정량적 사례 분석을 차기 연구 과제로 한다. The main object of this study is to propose the types of product and its characteristics in design. For this purpose, it understands essential the concepts of design process such as 'value', 'function', 'form' and suggested 5 types of product characteristics. The study is summarized as follows. - Value : the concept of value in this study means humans needs and desire. the study suggested 4 values which are <use value>, <exchange value>, <self value>, <common value>. These values build the fundamental of a product with one value or values together.- Function : The function is developed with the value or values of products. The function of a product generally consists of three functions such as <practical function>, <symbolic function> and <aesthetic function>. - Form : The Form of a product is formed with materials, values, and design cause. Forming is shaping <functional structure> of a product and decorating <ornament> of the user's identity. - Types : A product imitates the characteristics of other products. And the characteristics are come from value, function, form of the precedence in the same type. Therefore a new product can increase efficiency, practicality and marketability. The study suggests 5 types of products such as <instrumental type>, <economical type>, <categorical type>, <egotistic type> and <conceptual type>. Future study to figure out the underling mechanisms between types. This study firstly suggested the types of product design and characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Distributor Private Brand Product Type on Consumer Attitude

        Eun-Hee Kim,Eun-Hee Kim,Moon-Jung Kim 한국유통과학회 2011 Asian Journal of Business Environment (AJBE) Vol.1 No.1

        This study is conducted to verify existing differences in consumer attitude according to distributor type and PB product type. Pre-test was conducted for this study in order to select the distributor and to classify the product type, FGI was conducted with 10 graduate students of K university in Kyong-gi. This study survey housewives, office workers, and university students excluding the participants in the pre-test. In the final analysis, research hypothesis is verified through the data of 280 answers in Korea. This research is conducted with a factor design of 3 types of distributors –department store, discount store, convenience store-and 2 types of product –utilitarian product, hedonic product. To verify the hypotheses, ANOVA is carried out. Reliability test of each measurement variables, Cronbach α coefficient is used. For each analysis, SPSS Windows 15.0 statistical program is used. The findings suggest that First, according to the size and characteristics, distributors are classified into department stores, discount stores, and convenience stores and it is verified whether if there are differences in consumers' attitude (product attitude, brand attitude and purchase intention) by the effect of different distributors. Results showed that product attitude is statistically significant. Second, product type is classified by two categories according to whether the product seeks for practicality or emotional pleasure - Utilitarian product and Hedonic product. In this context, the result after verifying whether if there is difference in the attitudes -product attitude, brand attitude, and purchase intention - in accordance with the product types is shown that utilitarian products makes bigger difference compared to hedonic products. Third, it is confirmed that there is interaction effect between product attitude and purchase intention according to the distributer type and product type. However, we find that in terms of brand attitude, there is no interaction effect. The implications of this research is as the following. First, we propose the need of PB product development and marketing strategy, which considers the product types in accordance with the scale and features of each distributor. Second, PB products should break away from the simplicity of standardized products and consider the different features of distributors. Distributors will be in need of a strategy to build a compelling brand that can differentiate itself from other distributors. This will contribute to the improvement in reliability and formation of product value.

      • KCI등재

        단순 할인과 기부 연계 할인의 효과 비교: 이타성, 제품유형에 따른 차이

        박은아,권윤수 한국소비자·광고심리학회 2016 한국심리학회지 소비자·광고 Vol.17 No.4

        According to the interest of consumers and companies for altruistic consumption increased, the study on the comparison between the traditional discount promotion and discount with donation promotion has been done. The purpose of this study to examine the effects of the consumer’s altruism and product type, discounts promotion on product attitude and purchasing intention. To achieve this goal, the experiment was designed by 2 types of consumer’s altruism(high / low) * 2 types of products type(practical product / hedonic product) * 2 type of discounts promotion(only discount/ discount with donation) factors. The total of 165 undergraduate students were recruited and asked to answered questions. The results of this study were as follow. First, The effect of the consumer’s altruism and product type, discount promotion on purchasing intention were significant. For the high group of altruism, purchasing intention was high at discount with donation promotion than only discount promotion in practical product. And purchasing intention was high at discount with donation promotion than only discount promotion in hedonic product. For the low group of altruism, purchasing intention was high at discount promotion than discount with donation promotion in practical product. But, purchasing intention was high at discount with donation promotion than discount promotion in hedonic product. Second, The effect of the consumer’s altruism and product type, discount promotion on product attitude were not significant. The results suggest that consumer that have high altruism will high probability of purchasing product at discount with donation promotion regardless of product type. But, consumer that have low altruism will altruistic consumption behavior differently on product types. 이타적 소비에 대한 소비자와 기업의 관심이 증가함에 따라, 본 연구는 단순히 가격을 인하하는 전통적 가격할인 전략과 기부를 연계한 가격할인 전략의 효과를 비교하였다. 대학생 165명을 대상으로 소비자 이타성(고/저), 제품유형(실용재/쾌락재), 할인전략(단순 할인/기부연계 할인)을 독립변인으로 하여 제품에 대한 태도와 구매의도를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이타성이 높은 소비자는 제품유형에 관계없이 단순할인 제품보다 기부연계 할인제품에 대한 구매의도가 더 높았다. 둘째, 이타성이 낮은 소비자는 제품유형에 따라 구매의도가 다르게 나타났다. 즉 실용재에서는 단순 할인제품에 대한 구매의도가 더 높은 반면, 쾌락재에서는 기부연계 할인제품에 대한 구매의도가 더 높았다. 이 결과는 이타성이 높은 소비자의 경우 제품유형에 관계없이 기부를 적용한 제품을 구매할 가능성이 높지만, 이타성이 낮은 소비자의 경우 제품유형에 따라 이타적 소비행동이 달라질 수 있음을 의미한다. 본 연구는 전통적인 가격할인전략과 기부를 포함한 할인전략의 효과를 비교함으로써 학문적, 실무적 시사점을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        브랜드 스토리유형이 광고반응에 미치는 영향: 제품유형과 제품관여도의 조절효과 탐색

        소현진 ( Soh Hyeonjin ),김효규 ( Kim Hyo Gyoo ) 국민대학교 사회과학연구소 2018 社會科學硏究 Vol.31 No.1

        본 연구는 스토리텔링 광고에서 활용되는 브랜드 스토리 유형이 광고반응에 미치는 영향을 제품유형과 제품관여도를 조절변인으로 고려하여 탐구하였다. 독립변인은 스토리 유형(제품관련 스토리, 비제품관련 스토리)으로 설정하고 종속변인인 광고반응은 광고태도, 브랜드태도, 구매의도의 세 변인으로 측정하였다. 조절변인으로 제품유형(실용재, 쾌락재)과 제품관여도(고관여, 저관여)를 고려하였다. 스토리 유형이 소비자의 광고반응에 미치는 영향은 집단간 평균차이분석(t-test)을 통하여 분석되었다. 전문 조사업체의 온라인 조사를 통하여 30~40대 성인여성 314명이 조사에 참여하였다. 연구결과에 따르면 제품유형과 제품관여도에 관계없이 제품관련 스토리가 비제품관련 스토리에 비해 더 우수한 광고효과를 나타내었다. 소비자 공감수준을 고려한 추가 분석을 통하여 광고공감 정도가 낮은 집단에서는 제품관여도에 따라 브랜드 스토리 유형의 효과크기가 달라진다는 점을 발견하였다. 광고공감 정도가 낮은 집단에서 고관여 제품은 제품관련 스토리가 비제품관련 스토리보다 광고반응에 큰 영향을 미치는 반면, 저관여 제품은 스토리 유형의 영향력이 크지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구결과의 이론적·실무적 함의가 결론에서 논의되었다. In this study, we explored the impact of brand story types in storytelling ads on advertising responses by considering product types and product involvement as moderate variables. The independent variable was set up as a story type (product-related story, non-product-related story) and the advertisement response, which was a dependent variable, was measured by three items : attitude toward the ad, brand attitude and purchase intent. As moderate variables, the product type (utilitarian goods, hedonic goods) and the level of product involvement (high involvement, low involvement) were considered. The impact of the story type on the consumer's response toward the ad was analysed by T-test. In an online survey conducted by a professional research firm, 314 adult women in their 30s and 40s were surveyed. Research shows that product-related stories, regardless of product type and product involvement, have better advertising effects than non-product-related stories in terms of ad attitude, brand attitude and purchase intent. Further analysis considering the level of consumer empathy found that the size of effects of brand story types varied according to the level of product involvement. For those who with low level of empathy for advertising, product-related stories had a greater impact on advertising response than non-product related stories in terms of a high-involvement product, while the types of brand story had less impact in terms of a low-involvement product. The theoretical and practical implications of this study were discussed in the conclusions.

      • KCI등재

        공익연계 마케팅(CRM) 메시지 제시 여부가 제품평가에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 광고소구유형과 제품유형의 조절효과를 중심으로

        최자영 ( Ja Young Choi ),최윤식 ( Yun Sik Choi ) 한국소비자학회 2011 소비자학연구 Vol.22 No.3

        공익연계 마케팅 활동함으로써 기업은 지속적인 이윤추구와 적극적인 사회적 책임활동을 할 수 있으며, 소비자들은 일부 금액의 기부를 통해 도덕적 만족을 얻을 수 있다. 하지만 공익연계 긍정적인 혜택에도 불구하고 학문적으로 공익연계 마케팅에 대한 연구들은 제한적으로 진행되어 왔다. 즉 기존의 연구들이 공익연계 마케팅 메시지가 기업의 이미지와 판매되는 제품에 미치는 긍정적인 영향력은 많이 검증되었으나 제품 유형과 광고소구유형에 따른 공익연계 마케팅 메시지의 영향력 차이의 검증은 부족하다. 예를 들면 특정 제품에서는 공익연계 마케팅이 효과적으로 나타난 반면, 그렇지 않는 경우도 있으며 어떻게 공익연계 마케팅 메시지를 제시하느냐에 따라서 그 효과는 다르게 나타나고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 제품 유형 및 광고 소구 유형을 고려하여 공익연계마케팅의 메시지가 어떠한 상황에서 효과적인가를 밝혀보고자 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 제품유형(기능적/쾌락적), 광고소구유형(이성적/감성적), 공익연계 마케팅 메시지 여부가 제품평가에 미치는 영향력을 살펴보았다. 연구 1에서는 2×2×2 집단 간 실험설계(between-subjects factorial design)를 통해 공익연계 마케팅 메시지의 감성적 편익의 제공 여부를 검증하였다. 연구결과, 소비자는 공익연계 마케팅 메시지를 포함한 제품을 구매함으로써 감성적 편익을 얻으며, 이와 같은 감성적 편익은 기능적 제품보다는 쾌락적 제품에서, 이성적 광고소구보다는 감성적 광고소구에서 더 높았다. 연구 2에서는 연구 1과 동일한 방법으로 제품유형(기능적 vs. 쾌락적)과 광고소구유형(이성적 vs. 감성적)에 따라 공익연계 마케팅 메시지가 제품 태도와 구매의도에 미치는 영향력의 차이를 검증하였다. 연구결과, 공익연계 마케팅 메시지는 제품 태도와 구매의도에 긍정적인 영향력을 보였으며, 이와 같은 영향력은 기능적 제품보다는 쾌락적 제품에서 더 크게 나타났다. 또한 공익연계 마케팅 메시지와 광고소구유형 사이에서도 동일한 결과를 보였다. 즉, 공익연계 마케팅 메시지는 감성적 광고소구유형에 더 큰 영향력을 보였다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 실무적인 시사점과 향후의 연구 방향에 대하여 언급하였다. Many companies obtain benefits such as increasing sales profits and fulfilling social responsibility activities from Cause-Related Marketing(CRM) as a strategic marketing activity. Although this stream of research has contributed a great deal of insight for companies to plan a CRM activity, there is still a limited understanding of how to develop CRM campaigns or assess their impacts on both consumers and their organizations. Many previous studies have showed positive aspects of which a CRM message could influence consumers` beliefs and attitudes toward both products and companies, however, the effects of a CRM message on sales of product or brand images are shown to be inconsistent. Much extant study showed that the effectiveness of a CRM message could be affected by the nature of a product and context in which a CRM message is presented. In study 1, following hypotheses are tested through a 2(types of products: utilitarian vs. hedonic) × 2(types of advertising appeals: rational vs. emotional) × 2(CRM message present: ○ vs. ×) between-subject experiment. Hypothesis 1 explores the interaction effects of CRM message and types of products or types of advertising appeals on the extent of emotional benefits. The results show that a CRM message provides emotional benefits to consumers. Also, such benefits are higher when a CRM message is represented with hedonic products and emotional advertising appeals than when utilitarian products and rational advertising appeals does. In study 2, following hypotheses are tested through a 2(types of products: utilitarian vs. hedonic) × 2(types of advertising appeals: rational vs. emotional) × 2(CRM message present: ○ vs. ×) between-subject experiment. Hypothesis 2 explores the interaction effects between a CRM message and types of products on a product evaluation and purchase intentions. We assumed that there might be differences in the effect of a CRM message on an attitude toward a product and purchase intentions between utilitarian and hedonic products. Hypothesis 3 is about the interaction effects between a CRM message and types of advertising appeals. It tests the effect of a CRM message on consumers` attitude formation and purchase intention will be more positive in emotional advertising appeal than in rational advertising appeals due to the affect confirmation effects. The results show that a CRM message has a positive effect on consumers` attitude and purchase intention with both utilitarian and hedonic products. The positive effect of a CRM message is higher when the message is presented on hedonic products than utilitarian products. Also, there are differences in the relationships between types of products and types of advertising appeals in a consumers` attitude toward a product and purchase intention. An emotional advertising appeal with a hedonic product is shown to be the most effective on consumers` product evaluations and purchase intentions. Based on the findings, the theoretical and managerial implication are then discussed.

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