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        주얼리 디자인 제작에 활용되는 3D 프린팅 기술 비교 연구

        위경효(Whi, Koung-hyo) 한국조형디자인학회 2014 조형디자인연구 Vol.17 No.1

        3D 프린팅은 컴퓨터로 설계된 3D 모델링 또는 3차원 스캐너를 통해 획득된 솔리드(Solid) 상태의 모델 데이터를 한층 한층(Layer by Layer) 기계적 적층을 통하여 손으로 만질 수 있는 물리적 형상(Physical Model)으로 빠르게 제조하는 기술로 정의된다. 이러한 3D 프린팅 기술은 현재의 금형공정으로는 제조할 수 없는 어떠한 디자인 형상이라도 제작할 수 있다. 1986년 미국의 Charles W. Hull에 의해 광경화성수지 적층방식(SLA:Stereo lithography)이 발명되었으며 1987년 첫 상용화 3D 프린팅 장비가 출현한 지 약 30여 년이 된 지금 3D 프린팅은 공정 기술, 재료, 소프트웨어, 관련 인프라 등의 비약적인 발전을 거듭해 과거에는 상상하지 못했던 디자인과 제조기술의 혁신 및 인간의 삶을 변화시킬 핵심 기술로 부상하고 있다. 2012년 영국의 경제 주간지 이코노미스트(Economist)는 '3차 산업혁명(The third industrial revolution)'이라는 특별 리포트를 통해 3D 프린팅 기술이 내연기관과 컴퓨터에 이어 3차 산업혁명을 이끌 것으로 예측하였다. 2013년 미국 오바마(Barack Hussein Obama) 대통령도 '3D 프린팅 기술은 거의 모든 것을 만들 수 있는 제조 혁명을 가져다줄 잠재력을 지닌 기술'로 언급했다. 이러한 3D 프린팅 기술은 현재 SLA(Stereo Lithography), SLS(Selective Laser Sintering), FDM(Fused Deposition Modeling), DLP(Digital Light Processing), Polyjet등 20여 가지의 방식과 시스템이 활발히 사용되고 있다. 사용 재료로는 금, 은, 동, 티타늄, 스테인리스를 포함한 금속, 플라스틱, 실리콘, 고무, 나무, 콘크리트에서 바이오, 음식 재료까지 가능하다. 3D 프린팅 기술의 활용분야는 소비자 전자 제품을 비롯한 자동차, 우주 항공, 의료 덴탈, 군사(국방), 건축, 교육, 디자인에 이르기까지 매우 다양하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 3D 프린팅 기술이 거의 모든 산업에 영향을 준다는 의미에서 주얼리 디자인 분야에서의 3D 프린팅 기술의 활용 가능성과 방법을 찾고 나아가 더욱 혁신적인 디자인과 상품개발에 효율성을 높이기 위한 연구의 의미가 있다. 이를 위해 주얼리 산업에 적합한 3D 프린팅 방식들을 추출하고 비교 분석하여 현재와 앞으로 기술에 대한 경향을 파악했다. 또한, 방식별 결과물의 디자인적 특징과 장.단점을 비교 했다. 끝으로 3D 프린팅 기술의 활용을 위한 한국의 주얼리 디자인 및 산업에서 준비해야 할 과제와 방향을 제시했다. 이것은 곳 영세성을 면치 못하는 한국 장신구 산업구조의 틀을 바꾸고 국제 경쟁력을 갖추기 위한 산업 활성화의 실마리가 될 것으로 기대한다. Three dimensional (3D) printing technology is defined as techniques of rapidly manufacturing a solid state of model data obtained through computer-designed 3D modelings or through 3D scanners into physical models that can be directly touched by hand by means of the mechanical (layer by layer) stacking processes. The aforementioned 3D printing technology makes it possible to manufacture any designed shape that was not made by a presently available molding process. In 1986, the photo-polymer resin stereolithography accumulation (SLA) method was invented by Charles W. in US. Since the first commercially available 3D printing equipment appeared in 1987, the 3D printing techniques have made rapid and repeated developments in various areas such as processing technologies, materials, softwares and related infrastructures for the past 30 years. The 3D printing has emerged as a key technology that will bring unprecedented innovations in the designing and manufacturing processes and some changes in human life that were not imagined in the past. In 2012, Economist, the UK weekly economy magazine, made a special report titled 'the third industrial revolution' where the 3D printing technology was predicted to lead the third industrial revolution followed by the internal combustion engines and computers. In 2013, US president Obama (Baraack Hussein Obama) said that the 3D printing technology had a great potential that would bring a revolution in the manufacturing processes as it would make it possible to manufacture almost all the things. In the above-mentioned 3D printing technology, approximately 20 methods and systems such as SLA (tereolithography), SLS (Selective Laser Sinterimg), FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling), DLP (Digital Light Processing), Polyjet and the like are currently in active use. A variety of materials are used in the 3D printing technology, for example, gold, silver, copper, titanium, metals including stainless steel, plastic, silicone, rubber, wood, concrete, bio-materials, even food ingredients. Besides, the application fields of the 3D printing technology are in a wide range covering consumer electronic products, automotive, aerospace, medical and dental devices, military (defense) equipment, architectural models and educational and designing tools. This study was meaningful in that it intended to find the potential usability and methods of 3D printing technologies in the field of fashion jewelry design, and to enhance the efficiency of innovative design and product development considering that 3D printing technologies influence almost all industries. To achieve these goals, the study investigated the trends between current and future technologies by extracting and comparing different methods of the 3D printing technology suitable for jewelry industry. Moreover, the design features and advantages and disadvantages of the fashion jewelry products resulting from various methods were analyzed. The study proposed the future challenges and directions for the Korea fashion jewelry designing and industry to utilize 3D printing technology. The effort made in this study is expected to change the framework of Korea jewelry industry structure, which has remained in its small-scale business up to now, and take a beginning step of the industrial activation to secure the international competitiveness.

      • KCI등재

        3D Printed Electronics of Non-contact Ink Writing Techniques: Status and Promise

        Haining Zhang,Seung Ki Moon,Teck Hui Ngo 한국정밀공학회 2020 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol.7 No.2

        Non-contact ink writing techniques are a newly developed three-dimensional printing technology to fabricate customized and flexible electronic devices, while dramatically reducing chemical waste and lowering manufacturing costs. However, the use of non-contact ink writing technologies for fabricating electronics is still limited due to printing quality. To develop an electronic device with high performance, conductive lines should be printed with high controllability and excellent uniformity. Under such circumstances, many traditional optimization methods have been proposed to improve the printing quality. However, as the non-contact ink writing process is very sensitive to the system drifts and random variations, in situ process monitoring and online optimization technologies to optimize the printed line quality are in demand for practical printing. In this paper, we describe the processes of non-contact ink writing techniques based on inkjet printing (IJP) and aerosol jet printing (AJP). The key influencing factors in the non-contact ink writing processes are also discussed based on the three main printing stages. Then we analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the IJP and AJP techniques and review the state of art in quality optimization and precise control techniques that can be adopted in non-contact ink writing process. Additionally, to further develop a non-contact ink writing system, the major challenges and limitations of the current printing quality optimization technologies are also highlighted in this paper.

      • KCI등재

        3D 프린팅 입체작품의 제작과정 의의 연구 - 전통 방법과의 비교를 중심으로

        하임성 한국기초조형학회 2021 기초조형학연구 Vol.22 No.6

        3D printing, a by-product of the 4th Industrial Revolution, is currently partially used in most industrial fields and in the production of three-dimensional works. This paper delved into the significance of the general 3D printing production process of 'use of digital programs-output according to data-post processing' in comparison to traditional methods. The research method was basically summarizing the outline of 3D printing and analyzing the production process based on the various three-dimensional works and discourses. The results are as follows. First, in terms of the figuration of the work, constructive labor with professional knowledge was required in the past, but the digital program of 3D printing has been actively replacing it. However, as with any other digital art, it was only producing material works, and did not present a new structure of work. In addition, it expanded the scope of producers by allowing people to produce three-dimensional works with only ideas and programming ability. Second, 3D printing had a “circular file-original and replica” structure called “data and material works by it”, which is distinguished from other genres from the perspective of the reproduced art structure. The macroscopic “frame-original and replica” structure was similar to traditional plastic arts and print, and only some of the traditional aura phenomena appeared. Third, the post processing process in 3D printing was similar to the later work of plastic art and mono print in that it was a relatively simple physical labor to enhance the perfection after reproducing from the frame. Fourth, the use of various materials in 3D printing is expanding as much as in modern three-dimensional works, but there have not been many cases where discourses are incorporated into the material itself as it is in the existing three-dimensional works. Through this study, it was found that 3D printing is the traditional phenomena such as post processing and artist power are still prominent by the presentation of material work. However, it was possible to confirm the structure of reproduced art, which is somewhat different from the existing arts, and the possibility of joining art discourse that will be expanded in the future. 제4차 산업혁명 시대의 산물인 3D 프린팅은 현재 대부분의 산업 분야들과 입체작품 제작에 일부 사용되고 있다. 본 논문은 ‘디지털 프로그램의 사용-데이터에 의한 출력-후가공 ’이라는 일반적인 3D 프린팅 제작과정을 전통적인 방법들과 비교하여 그 의의를 고찰하였다. 연구 방법은 3D 프린팅의 개요를 정리한 후, 그 제작과정을 기존 입체작품들 및 다양한 담론, 동시대 작품들과 비추어 분석하는 것이었고, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫 번째, 작품 형상화를 위해 기존에는 전문적인 지식이 겸비된 구축적인 노동이 필요했지만, 3D 프린팅의 디지털 프로그램은 이를 대체하고 있었다. 다만 타 디지털아트처럼 새로운 작품구조 제시가 아닌 물성적 작품 생산에만 그치고 있었다. 또한 아이디어와 프로그램적활용능력만 있으면 누구나 입체작품을 제작할 수 있는 제작자 범위를 확대하였다. 두 번째, 3D 프린팅은 복제미술 구조 관점에서 타장르들과 변별되는 ‘데이터와 그것에 의한 물질적 작품’이라는 ‘원형 파일 – 원본 및 복제본’ 구조를 지니고 있었다. 거시적인 ‘틀 – 원본 및 복제본’ 구조는 전통적인 소조, 판화와 유사하였고, 현대 다양한 아우라 논의들보다 전통적인 아우라 현상만 일부 발현하고 있었다. 세 번째, 대부분의 3D 프린팅에서의 후가공 과정은 ‘틀에서 복제한 후 완성도를 상승시키기 위한 비교적 단순한 물리적 노동’이라는 점에서 소조, 모노프린트의 후반 작업과 유사하였다. 네 번째, 현대 입체작품들만큼 3D 프린팅도 다양한 재료들의 사용이 확산되고 있지만 아직까지 기존 입체작품처럼 재료 자체에 담론이 이입되는 경우는 많지 않았다. 본 연구를 통해 3D 프린팅은 형상화 과정에서만 디지털 프로그램만 활용될 뿐, 최종적으로 ‘물성적인 작품 제시’로 후가공 과정, 작가 권력 등 전통적인현상들이 두드러짐을 알 수 있었다. 다만 기존과 다소 변별되는 복제미술 구조와 앞으로 확대될 미술적 담론 이입 가능성 등을 확인할 수 있었고, 본 논문을 통해 3D 프린팅 연구의 폭을 넓힐 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        3D 프린팅 콘크리트 배합설계 프로세스에 관한 연구

        진초(Chen, Chao),박유나(Park, Yoo-Na),유승규(Yoo, Seung-Kyu),배성철(Bae, Sung-Chu),김재준(Kim, Jae-Jun) 한국BIM학회 2017 KIBIM Magazine Vol.7 No.3

        3D concrete printing technology builds structural components layer-by-layer with concrete extruded through a nozzle without using forms. This technology can simplify construction processes by optimizing design flexibility, construction time, and cost. Furthermore, the 3D printing technology is easy to make an irregularly shaped and function embedded building(or object) which is difficult to be constructed by conventional construction method. However, the 3D printing concrete is not suitable for current commercial standard and the material itself. It is also difficult to apply it to the construction site due to the lack of initial strength and the nozzle which is clogged during the process. The research of mix proportion design process for 3D printing concrete which differs from the conventional concrete is necessary in order to solve the problems. This paper aims to calculate the 3D printing concrete mix proportion design process based on the mix materials and performance information derived from the previous researches. Therefore, the usage variation range, mutual influence relationship, and the importance priority of the mix proportion are analyzed. Based on this results, the basic design process of 3D printing concrete which contains planning design phase, basic design phase and validating performance phase is suggested. We anticipate to confirm applicability verification about the actual production by referring to this 3D printing concrete mix proportion study. In the future, this study can be utilized for blueprint of the 3D printing concrete mix proportion.

      • KCI등재

        A Comprehensive Assessment of 3D Food Printing: Technological and Processing Aspects

        Thangalakshmi S,Arora Vinkel Kumar,Prithviraj V 한국농업기계학회 2021 바이오시스템공학 Vol.46 No.3

        Purpose Trends and innovations in the food industry are evolving day by day so do the technologies like 3D food printing. 3D food printing is the process of converting a 3D computer model into a physical object, from edible food materials. The printability of food construct depends upon various aspects of 3D food printing such as printer type, printable inks, and their properties, postprocessing, etc. This paper is aimed at comprehensively covering 3D food printing technologies, printable food material, and their properties which are extensively covered, printability assessment techniques, commonly used post-processing methods. Methods The 3D printer classification based on configuration and technology of printing is also covered in detail. The different printer control parameters investigated with the usual range of values and their optimized values for multi-layer printing are also elaborated. The post-processing methods for multi-layer food construct shape retention are reported. The significance of the technology, its applications in commercial and domestic segments along with their challenges, is discussed. Future technologies such as insect enriched foods, customized or personalized and fortified foods, space foods, production on demand, and digitalized recipes are an integral part of 3D food printing technology. Results This paper provides a comprehensive review of the 3D food printing technologies available as of now in terms of technologies, materials and assessment method. Conclusion This review article can be a source of reference for 3D food printing.

      • KCI등재

        Roll to Roll Air-Floating Oven Drying Process Design and Analysis for Printed Electronics

        정태건,김창완,서용호,김상후,송진섭,고성림,곽관웅 한국정밀공학회 2014 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol. No.

        Printed electronics is a set of printing methods used to create electrical devices such as OLEDs, e-paper, RFID on various substrateswith common printing equipment, such as screen printing, flexography, gravure, offset lithography, and inkjet. Roll to Roll (R2R) isone of the most promising production technologies in the printed electronics for saving production cost and increasing productionspeed. R2R production includes various processes such as printing, drying, winding, unwinding, and so on. In this paper, the researchon design and analysis of drying process is performed, which is essential for efficient and fast drying process when printing is finished. In a printed electronics R2R system, an air flotation oven is employed for the drying process. The air flotation oven is commonly usedfor the noncontact support and drying of coated web materials such as plastic films and paper. Air flotation oven consists of noncontactsupports and drying of coated web materials such as plastic films and paper. After the air flotation oven is designed,experimental results and numerical analysis for the drying process are investigated.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Roll to Roll Air-Floating Oven Drying Process Design and Analysis for Printed Electronics

        Jeong, Tae-Gun,Seo, Yong-Ho,Kim, Sanghoo,Song, Jinseop,Ko, Seong-Lim,Gwak, Kwan-Woong,Kim, Chang-Wan Korean Society for Precision Engineering 2014 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol.15 No.7

        Printed electronics is a set of printing methods used to create electrical devices such as OLEDs, e-paper, RFID on various substrates with common printing equipment, such as screen printing, flexography, gravure, offset lithography, and inkjet. Roll to Roll (R2R) is one of the most promising production technologies in the printed electronics for saving production cost and increasing production speed. R2R production includes various processes such as printing, drying, winding, unwinding, and so on. In this paper, the research on design and analysis of drying process is performed, which is essential for efficient and fast drying process when printing is finished. In a printed electronics R2R system, an air flotation oven is employed for the drying process. The air flotation oven is commonly used for the noncontact support and drying of coated web materials such as plastic films and paper. Air flotation oven consists of noncontact supports and drying of coated web materials such as plastic films and paper. After the air flotation oven is designed, experimental results and numerical analysis for the drying process are investigated.

      • KCI등재

        광경화 3D 프린팅 공정을 위한 실리카 복합소재 합성 및 특성 분석

        이진욱,남산,황광택,김진호,김응수,한규성,Lee, Jin-Wook,Nahm, Sahn,Hwang, Kwang-Taek,Kim, Jin-Ho,Kim, Ung-Soo,Han, Kyu-Sung 한국재료학회 2019 한국재료학회지 Vol.29 No.1

        Three-dimensional(3D) printing is a process for producing complex-shaped 3D objects by repeatedly stacking thin layers according to digital information designed in 3D structures. 3D printing can be classified based on the method and material of additive manufacturing process. Among the various 3D printing methods, digital light processing is an additive manufacturing technique which can fabricate complex 3D structures with high accuracy. Recently, there have been many efforts to use ceramic material for an additive manufacturing process. Generally, ceramic material shows low processability due to its high hardness and strength. The introduction of additive manufacturing techniques into the fabrication of ceramics will improve the low processability and enable the fabrication of complex shapes and parts. In this study, we synthesize silica composite material that can be applied to digital light processing. The rheological and photopolymeric properties of the synthesized silica composite are investigated in detail. 3D objects are also successfully produced using the silica composite and digital light processing.

      • KCI우수등재

        Tensile Properties and Stiffnesses of 3D-printed Lace/Voile Composite Fabrics Manufactured by Various Roller Processes

        이선희 한국섬유공학회 2019 한국섬유공학회지 Vol.56 No.1

        The objective of this study was to develop lace-style 3D printed textiles using thermoplastic polyurethane filaments for 3D printing by fused deposition modeling. Composite voile textiles with lace motifs of different sizes were produced by various roller press processes. The textiles were characterized according to their tensile behaviors, tensile characteristics, and stiffnesses. The analysis of tensile characteristics revealed that the 3dLaceM1 textile with a big pattern had a maximum load of 13.2 kgf and an elongation of 274.3%. Moreover, as the size of the lace motif decreased, the maximum load value tended to decrease, while the elongation value tended to increase. The composite 3D-printed lace/voile textile (3dLaceM1/voile), which was produced by a roller press, had a maximum load of 35.4 kgf and an elongation of 383.9%. The initial modulus of 3dLaceM1/voile was 20.56 kgf/mm2, which was more than six times that of the 3D-printed lace textile that was produced by the roller press process. The stiffness of the 3D-printed lace textile tended to decrease with the size of the lace motif. In addition, the 3D-printed lace that was produced with the roller press process exhibited more flexible characteristics. Furthermore, the stiffness of the composite 3D-printed lace/voile textile was higher than that of the conventional 3D-printed lace textile. Thus, the tensile characteristics and stiffnesses of textiles could be customized for specific uses through process control of the 3D-printed lace.

      • KCI등재

        Area-selective atomic layer deposition of Al2O3 using inkjet-printed inhibition patterns and lift-off process

        Yu Jun Ho,Cho Young–In,Lee Jae–Wook,Choi Kyung Hyun,Lee Sang–Ho 한국정보디스플레이학회 2023 Journal of information display Vol.24 No.3

        Area-selective atomic layer deposition (AS-ALD) has been studied as an alternative method for metal oxide ALD film patterning in the microelectronics industry. To perform AS-ALD, area-deactivation or -activation processes should be implemented in advance using selective surface modification through a photography-based lift-off process and printing techniques. This study introduces a novel approach for Al2O3 AS-ALD using inkjet-printed inhibition patterns. ALD-inhibition patterns with two-layer structures of fluorocarbon (FC) thin film and photoresist (PR) were patterned by inkjet printing. Low surface energy FC thin films were used to block the Al2O3 nucleation and growth during the ALD process, and PR was patterned to easily remove ALD-inhibition patterns using a lift-off process. To demonstrate AS-ALD, an Al2O3 thin film approximately 10nm thick was deposited via an in-house built system with a multiple-slit gas source. The proposed AS-ALD method was evaluated for topological analysis using atomic force microscopy and surface composition analysis using a time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry after Al2O3 deposition and a lift-off process. Finally, a 6nm thick Al2O3 film was selectively patterned by the lift-off process using an inkjet-printed 1.28 μm thick FC-covered PR inhibition pattern.

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