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        브랜드커뮤니티 내 상호작용성이 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향:중국 온라인커뮤니티를 대상으로

        이지나 한국기업경영학회 2012 기업경영연구 Vol.19 No.6

        Brand community refers to social groups combining by those who use the same brand products. On the one hand, brand with its own community could effectively assemble consumers together and enhance their brand loyalty. On the other hand, as the emergence of network communication platform, online communities come into being which are similar to real communities. However, there are also some brand-themed ones, among those numerous online communities, which have both online and brand community characteristics. The structure of brand community is a 3-element map composed of ‘consumer-brand-consumer’ (Muniz and O’Guinn, 2001). However, as the existence of network communication platforms, those online interactive activities among different brand communities will have an influence not only on both the relationship between consumers and also the relationship between consumers and brands. This paper takes the online automobile brand community as the example, importing ‘interactivity’, the concept of sociology, into online brand community study. It follows the logical way as ‘How does interactivity embody among the online communities → How about its deepening process? → What the results of interactivity will be?’, that is, ‘formation of the relationship (Interaction)- deepening of the relationship (Community commitment)-result of the relationship(brand loyalty)’, makes systematic study through the method of combining theory and case analysis together, and puts forward the marketing strategic direction for online brand communities. The results are as follow: online interaction within the brand community can point out that the components of social interaction are mutuality and reciprocity; while the components of individual interaction are response and enjoyment. This study expected to find the starting point for enhancement of brand and community relationships, i.e. the four constituents of interactions. As it is impossible to establish relationships without interactions, it is highly important both theoretically and practically to identify the constituents of the interactions within a brand community. In this study, commitment of online brand community is considered as a medium factor of brand loyalty and oppositional brand loyalty. With the deepening process of the relationship, it will have an influence on brand loyalty ultimately. It shows the necessity to regard brand as the differentiated competitive advantages of an enterprise and convey to enterprise that plan to establish brand management strategies that brand community is an important brand management tool. In particular, the further division of identification into community identification and brand identification shows that the identification- based brand strategy needs differentiation. First of all, the results of this study will help companies to understand profoundly the value of online brand community and strengthen their conviction on operating online communities; secondly, it will help the community managers more deeply understand different effects that interaction impacted on the purchasing behaviors of online brand community. It also provides the new channel and management foundation for the companies engaging in attracting and maintaining loyal customers, and in order to offers business strategy and suggestions for community mangers or companies to promote the interaction between members of their communities, which will eventually contribute to shaping of brand image. 본 연구는 기업의 마케팅 및 브랜드 관리의 주요 수단으로 대두되고 있는 온라인 브랜드 커뮤니티 내에서 어떠한 상호작용을 통해 관계가 몰입되어 브랜드 충성도에 영향을 미치는지를 밝히고, 이를 통해 중국 온라인 환경에서 상호작용성의 전략적 브랜드 관리 활용방안에 관한 시사점을 제공하고자 하였다. 중국 대표적인 자동차 전문 웹사이트인 愛卡汽車論壇(http://club.xcar.com.cn/)의 브랜드별 자동차 커뮤니티 회원을 대상으로 총 250부를, 구조방정식 모델을 기반으로 한 AMOS 20을 이용하여 실증 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 상호작용 구성요인은 상호연대감, 상호호혜성, 반응성, 즐거움으로 도출되었다. 이러한 상호작용성들이 커뮤니티 몰입에 미치는 영향을 확인하였고, 동시에 커뮤니티에서 나타나는 몰입현상이 해당 브랜드 충성도와 경쟁브랜드의 대항적 충성도로 전이될 수 있다는 것을 실증하였다. 즉, 온라인 브랜드 커뮤니티를 통한 다양한 충성도 제고의 선순환 과정을 검증한 것이다. 이를 통해 중국 온라인 환경에서 상호작용성의 전략적 브랜드 관리 활용방안에 관한 시사점을 제공하고자 한다. 강력한 브랜드 커뮤니티를 개발하고 구축하는 것은 고객과의 관계 마케팅을 실현하는 중요한 수단이 될 수 있음을 인식하여야 하고, 프로슈머적 성향이 강한 네티즌의 영향력을 전략적으로 잘 활용해야 한다. 또한, 한국기업들은 지속적으로 인터넷상의 구전을 모니터링 하여야 한다


        Anastasiia A.Napalkova 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Introduction Brand community influences consumer behavior due to the growing impact of social media in both virtual environment and in real life. Social networks for the brand - it's an opportunity to simply, accessible and round the clock talk about all the important events of its audience within an online brand community. The subject of our research is based on the type of user and the motivations for participating in the online brand community. We investigate how the brand relationship quality and online brand community engagement are related and what consumer motives influence the online brand community engagement. This study represents how brands and consumers make interactions in a virtual environment. Theoretical Development Past research demonstrates that members of brand communities are motivated to join or participate in life of brand communities for various reasons. Some scholars distinguish motives, values, drivers, stimulating the attention, activity, relationship with the online brand community or brand commitment and engagement as well. They include: information or knowledge-seeking motives, entertainment, remuneration, personal identity, integration, social interaction, sense of belonging, level of communication, self-discovery and hedonic benefits (Muntinga, Moorman, & Smit, 2011; Dholakia & Bagozzi, 2004; Yen, Hsu & Huang, 2011; Wang, Fesenmaier, 2004). The benefits gained by consumers through engaging in an OBC are obvious, which were discussed in prior studies (Yen, Hsu & Huang, 2011) such as entertainment, gratification, social – appreciation or learning (Wang, Fesenmaier, 2004). But accordingly to Tseng, Huang & Setiawan (2017) the main initial reasons why people join the online brand community are usually pragmatic, for example, they seek information or entertainment. Tseng, Huang & Setiawan (2017) focus on two pragmatic motives, knowledge- and entertainment seeking motives, that served as the members‟ initial drives to participate in online brand communities. They categorized motivations into pragmatic (functional-related) and symbolic (social-related) motives. In this case, not all of the motives are on the same level. Hennig-Thurau, Gwinner, Walsh (2004) demonstrated that the crucial factor that influence on the interaction of consumers with online brand communities is that consumers are more actively involved in online communities when there are economic incentives (discounts, actions, competitions). Zhou, Zhang et al. (2012) came to a similar conclusion, that companies should provide material assistance and also deliver care and rewards to the brand community as well. Communication can relate to the necessity to receive feedback from the brand on the issues of consumer‟s interest as well as communication with community members, which may be caused by motives such as social – appreciation, creating a status or self-esteem status, sharing personal experience, self-confidence or establishing relationships (Dholakia, Bagozzi, and Pearo 2004). For brands, on the one hand, it is important to understand the motives of the community members, and on the other, to help them achieve their goals. Directly concerned the online brand community allows not only to increase brand awareness, establish brand identity to the consumer's perception, but also promotes the penetration of the brand's personality into the consumer's lifestyle. That is why such serious importance should be paid to the content (filling) of the brand pages: external events, news, which can be popular in the internet environment, or simply congratulates subscribers on holidays (Schau, Mu?iz, & Arnould, 2009). Great attention is paid to the diversity of content in the brand communities of well-known cosmetic brands: video lessons, make-up instructions, contests for every new product launch, interesting facts about the brand, beauty memories for instance. In the brand communities of sports goods the content of expert materials about sports and their benefits is used, about the nuances of performing certain exercises, about proper nutrition, about new scientific discoveries concerning sports and health, and even food recipes. But qualitative content is not a frequent phenomenon, as mass borrowings of other people's materials and ideas are most often observed. If the content is really useful and qualitative, then the community will gain tremendous trust from subscribers or active members (Habibi et al., 2014). Motivational content is important for brand promotion as well. For example, motivation is often not enough for people to start a healthy lifestyle. And due to the lack of motivation many consumers throw begun half-way. If the company gives selfconfidence to the community members, then it will become a loyal friend to them and will be able to gain trust, create an emotional connection with them. This variety of content in one account is useful for different categories of subscribers. Therefore it is worth emphasizing that for communities it is important UGC (user generated content). According to Muntinga et al. (2011) the term „user-generated content‟ (UGC) is used for the content produced and uploaded by consumers rather than companies. Schau, Mu?iz, & Arnould (2009) demonstrate that companies can encourage the interaction of practices to foster greater customer engagement with the brand in the process of value co-creation. Choi, Ko and Kim (2016) emphasized that value cocreation means that customer emotional, cognitive, and behavioral experiences are the basis of the value, impressions, recognition, and internalization they accord to the brand. Some people like to participate in the creation of content, give some recommendations. Accordinly to Schau, Mu?iz, & Arnould (2009) if the firms give consumers the opportunity to construct brand communities and the freedom to modify their products, they will be ready to take the initiative. Different motives, values, brand trust, brand loyalty, brand identification and brand community identification are related. Mart?nez-L?pez, Anaya, & Molinillo (2017) explain in their study, that members‟ OBC engagement and participation based on their relationships with other members and with the community sponsor (companies/brands). But there are points of view that determine that the relationship between motives and community commitment can be both direct and indirect. Bagozzi & Dholakia (2004), Zhou & Zhang et al. (2012) support the positive influence of brand community identification on brand identification and attachment. Previous studies find that members‟ commitment to a brand community leads to their commitment to the brand (Kim, Choi, Qualls, & Han, 2008) and consequently consumers tend to purchase the same brand consistently (Algesheimer et al., 2005). Positive aspects of the community's influence will lead to positive behavioral intentions, such as consumer recommendations for joining this community to friends and acquaintances (Hennig-Thurau, Gwinner, Walsh, 2004). Therefore electronic positive word-of-mouth‟(eWOM) on social media is significant tool for online consumer-to-consumer interactions both about brands (Muntinga et al., 2011) and about brand communities (Pop & Woratschek, 2017): consumers can generate and spread brand related information to their friends, peers, and others without constraints (Kim & Ko, 2012). The best channel for promotion at any level is a positive experience that a person receives from the use of products, and the desire to share it arises as a consequence. Cooperation with opinion leaders has recently become a priority for many brands. In addition, collaboration with different bloggers allows to establish contact with a wider audience, because in the last few years it is the authors of popular blogs that shape the tastes and preferences of the public. Leaders of opinion help shape the brand's image in the eyes of the widest audience of consumers and, as a result, influence sales. Quite often, when bloggers become brand ambassadors, they take part in advertising campaigns. Research Design In our study we attempt to determine the influence of the type of consumer (innovators, opinion leaders, status seekers, etc.), the motives for participating in the online brand community (entertainment, information search, reward, hedonistic motives, self-expression) on online brand community engagement (interaction), positive WOM online brand community. Therefore, this study particularly addresses the following research questions: 1. What consumer motivations influence the online brand community engagement and the positive WOM online brand community? 2. Does the brand identity influence the online brand community engagement (interaction) and the positive WOM online brand community? 3. What factors influence the promotion activity of brand and online brand community? Our study suggests that consumer motivations (social interaction, knowledge seeking, hedonic motives) and type of consumers (innovators, opinion leaders, status seekers) positive influence on the online brand community engagement and WOM brand community. Accordingly, we have developed the following hypothesis: H1: Hedonic consumer motives influence online brand community engagement positively. Н2: Knowledge seeking consumer motives influence online brand community engagement positively. Н3: Creation UGC consumer motives influence online brand community engagement positively. H4: Opinion leaders influence brand relationship quality positively. H5: Innovativeness (consumer innovators) influence brand relationship quality positively. H6: Brand relationship quality influences e-WOM online brand community positively. Today in Russia, social networks reach 70% of the population (about 87 million people), and many users are active on multiple sites (http://mandmglobal.com/digital-marketing-trends-in-russia-social-networks). 87% of Internet users use social networks, including 51% have accounts in several online communities. Studies by Nielsen show that people increasingly buy online or choose goods and things on social networks, and then buy them offline. Recently most Russian and international fashion, cosmetics, clothing companies have began to use social media actively as a channel of communication with end customers. Data collection took place between March and December 2017. We developed two online questionnaires, using www.esurveycreator.com and conducted research on two topics – interaction with cosmetic and sportswear brand-communities. The popularity of a healthy lifestyle is constantly gaining momentum, and at the same time the number of new sports brands is growing. The survey questionnaires were originally designed in English then translated into Russian using a translation/ backtranslation procedure. All of the constructs used in this study were adapted or modified from extant research and multiple item statements were measured by seven-point Likert type scale. Result and Conclusion A total of 444 respondents from Russia were included in this study: 216 respondents interacted with cosmetic online brand-communities and 228 respondents from sportswear brand-communities. The survey involved young people, as the most active part of social networks users. We found that respondents are mainly subscribed to the community brand in the networks: VK (Vkontakte) and Instagram. Less popular are Facebook and Twitter. Russian social network Vkontakte has the largest audience with a monthly user-base of 82-90 million monthly users (it is most popular with younger users (ages 18-34)), then it is followed by OK, Instagram (about 30-17 mil) and Facebook (21 mil), (http://mandmglobal.com/digital-marketing-trends-in-russia-social-networks). Basically, Instagram is interesting for the audience at the age of 18-24 (36.6%) and 25-34 (34.22%). Older social media users generally prefer the social media site OK (originally Odnoklassniki – “classmates”). OK.ru has over 31.5 million viewers a month, with the majority (69%) being women. (https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/top-8-russian-social-networks- makes-great). A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), using AMOS 19.0, was first employed to assess the properties of the constructs. Relevant loadings were significant, and construct reliability values ranged from 0.6 to 0.885. Discriminant validity relies on average variance extracted (all AVEs are at level of 0,5-0,7) and it was supported. The Structural Equation Modelling was conducted for examining the model (fig. 1). Overall model fit indices are satisfactory: RMSEA is = 0.06 (according to Hu & Bentler (1999)), x2/df = 2,9 (Chi-Square=3373, df=1153), CFI =0.87, IFI = 0.819, P-value<0.001. Thus, according to the results of the research, not all hypotheses have been confirmed. We find that hedonic consumer motives, creation UGC consumer motives influence on the online brand community engagement (table 1). Social interaction benefits have significant impact on creation UGC consumer motives (ß=0.96, t=16.86, p<0.001). Knowledge seeking motives has negative influence on the Online brand community engagement (ß= - 0.96, t=-5.086, p<0.001). Finally, our findings reveal that, brand relationship quality has no significant impact on WOM Online Brand Community (ß=0.192, t=3.81, p<0.001), it is not related to the Online Brand Community Engagement. Construct of brand loyalty was completely excluded from the model due to poor findings. Online communities can follow distinctive norms of interaction, contain rituals or general agreements (Jang H., Olfman L., Ko I., Koh J., Kim K., 2008). Accordingly, our further research should include research on the influence of online brand community atmosphere (norms, rituals, traditions) on the intentions to continue to be a member of the community. In addition, we would like to pay more attention to the impact of content types on the intentions of the participants.

      • KCI등재

        온라인 교사공동체에 관한 체계적 문헌고찰

        우한솔,엄문영,이수지 한국교육행정학회 2022 敎育行政學硏究 Vol.40 No.2

        4차 산업혁명과 코로나19 감염병 사태 이후 교사들의 네트워크와 전문성 신장을 위해 온라인 교사공동체에 관한 관심이 증가하고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 온라인 교사공동체에 대한 연구동향을 살펴보고, 그 개념과 특징, 요인과 효과 등을 분석하였다. 이를 위해 학술연구정보서비스(RISS)와 한국학술지인용색인(KCI)에 1995년부터 2021년까지 게재된 온라인 교사공동체에 관한 국내 (우수)등재학술지 논문을 수집 및 검토하였다. 최종 분석 논문은 총 27편이었으며, 체계적 문헌고찰(Systematic Review) 방법을 활용하였다. 주요 연구 결과는 첫째, 몇몇 연구자를 중심으로 2010년부터 온라인 교사공동체에 대해 학술적인 관심이 커지기 시작했으며, 2019년부터 보다 활발히 게재되고 있는 연구동향을 확인하였다. 둘째, 온라인 교사공동체, 온라인 교사학습공동체, 온라인 학습공동체 등의 용어들이 주로 쓰이고 있었으며, 몇몇 논문들은 각 용어의 강조점과 외연의 차이를 개념적으로 구분하고 있었다. 셋째, 국내 문헌들은 ‘교사 학습,’ ‘지식 공유,’ ‘실천 공동체,’ ‘테크놀로지내용교수지식(TPACK)’ 등 다양한 이론적 틀을 활용하고 있었다. 넷째, 수업자료의 공동 생산과 대량 유통, 수평적 관계 형성과 정서적 지지 등이 ‘온라인’ 교사공동체의 구별된 특징으로 나타났다. 다섯째, 온라인 교사공동체 활성화 요인에는 교사들의 자발성, 플랫폼의 접근성 및 편리함 등이 있었다. 마지막으로, 온라인 교사공동체 효과로 교사들이 스스로 인식하는 수업 및 협업 역량, 소통 역량, 효능감, 리더십 등이 향상되었다. 이를 바탕으로, 온라인 교사공동체에 관한 연구의 시사점을 고찰하였다. Policymakers and educators have paid attention to online teacher communities since the 4th industrial revolution and the COVID-19 pandemic. We thus conducted a systematic review on online teacher communities. We analyzed its conceptual framework, core features, factors that facilitate or hinder, and the effects of online teacher communities on teachers and students. For these purposes, we selected 27 peer-reviews papers by using major databases in Korea: the Research Information Sharing Service (RISS) and the Korea Citation Index (KCI). The systematic review found that, first, researchers have publishing papers regarding online teacher communities since 2007. Many online teacher community papers have been published in recent years, especially in 2019 and 2020. Second, the term ‘online teacher community’ was interchangeable with ‘online teacher learning community’ and ‘online learning community.’ Third, the online teacher community literature in Korea employs various theoretical frameworks, including knowledge sharing, community of practice, and technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). Fourth, the mass sharing of knowledge and horizontal relationship among members are the core features of online teacher communities. Fifth, teachers’ autonomy and accessibility to the online community were critical factors that facilitated teachers to participate in the community. Finally, online teacher communities positively affect teacher collaboration, communication, self-efficacy, identity, and leadership. Based on these findings, we suggest theoretical and policy implications for an online teacher community in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Relationship between Online Community Characteristics and Loyalty Focused on Mediating Roles of Self-Congruency, Consumer Experience, and Consumer to Consumer Interactivity

        김문태(Kim, Mood-Tae),옥정원(Jung-Won Ock) 한국마케팅과학회 2008 마케팅과학연구 Vol.18 No.4

        온라인 커뮤니티에 대한 연구는 학자들과 실무자들의 많은 관심을 받아온 분야이다. 과거 많은 연구자들이 온라인 커뮤니티를 통해 큰 상업적 성과를 거둘 수 있다고 했지만 현실은 그렇지 못하며 마케팅 연구 분야에서도 상업적 성공을 이끄는 변수들에 대한 연구가 많이 이루어지지 못한 것이 사실이다. 이러한 점에서 본 연구는 온라인 커뮤니티 사이트들이 콘텐츠 관련 마케팅 노력을 통해 소비자들의 자아일치성을 높이고 긍정적 체험을 유도하면서 커뮤니티 사이트 내에서 소비자 간의 상호작용성 등을 높여 결국 커뮤니티 사이트의 방문충성도 및 구매충성도를 실현시킬 수 있는 프레임 웍을 제시하였다. 연구결과 온라인 커뮤니티 사이트에서 소비자 간 상호작용성이 방문충성도 그리고 특히 구매충성도의 구축에 매우 중요한 요인으로 밝혀졌고 온라인 커뮤니티 사이트에 대한 자아일치성 지각 및 긍정적인 소비자 체험 또한 소비자의 상호작용성 방문충성도 그리고 커뮤니티에 대한 애정에 상당히 중요한 요인임을 알 수 있었다 또한 이러한 매개변수에 주된 영향요소로서 콘텐츠 우수성 사이트 생동감 네비게이션 용이성 고객화 등의 콘텐츠 관련 마케팅 노력의 역할의 중요성을 강조하였다. The popularity of communities on the internet has captured the attention of marketing scholars and practitioners. By adapting to the culture of the internet, however, and providing consumer with the ability to interact with one another in addition to the company, businesses can build new and deeper relationships with customers. The economic potential of online communities has been discussed with much hope in the many popular papers. In contrast to this enthusiastic prognostications, empirical and practical evidence regarding the economic potential of the online community has shown a little different conclusion. To date, even communities with high levels of membership and vibrant social arenas have failed to build financial viability. In this perspective, this study investigates the role of various kinds of influencing factors to online community loyalty and basically suggests the framework that explains the process of building purchase loyalty. Even though the importance of building loyalty in an online environment has been emphasized from the marketing theorists and practitioners, there is no sufficient research conclusion about what is the process of building purchase loyalty and the most powerful factors that influence to it. In the study, the process of building purchase loyalty is divided into three levels, characteristics of community site such as content superiority, site vividness, navigation easiness, and customerization, the mediating variables such as self congruency, consumer experience, and consumer to consumer interactivity, and finally various factors about online community loyalty such as visit loyalty, affect, trust, and purchase loyalty are those things. And the findings of this research are as follows. First, consumer-to consumer interactivity is an important factor to online community purchase loyalty and other loyalty factors. This means, in order to interact with other people more actively, many participants in online community have the willingness to buy some kinds of p개ducts such as music, content, avatar, and etc. From this perspective, marketers of online community have to create some online environments in order that consumers can easily interact with other consumers and m맏 some site environments in order that consumer can feel experience in this site is interesting and self congruency is higher that at other community sites. It has been argued that giving consumers a good experience is vital in cyber space, and websites create an active (rather than passive) customer by their nature. Some researchers have tried to pin down the positive experience, with limited success and less empirical support. Web sites can provide a cognitively stimulating experience for the user. We define the online community experience as playfulness based on the past studies. Playfulness is created by the excitement generated through a website's content and measured using three descriptors. Marketers can promote using and visiting online communities, which deliver a superior web experience, to influence their customers' attitudes and actions, encouraging high involvement with those communities Specially, we suggest that transcendent customer experiences(TCEs) which have aspects of flow and/or peak experience, can generate lasting shifts in beliefs and attitudes including subjective self-transformation and facilitate strong consumer's ties to a online community. And we find that website success is closely related to positive website experiences consumers will spend more time on the site, interacting with other users. As we can see figure 2, visit loyalty and consumer affect toward the online community site didn't directly influence to purchase loyalty. This implies that there may be a little different situations here in online community site compared to online shopping mall studies that show close relations between revisit intention and purchase intention. There are so many alternative sites on web, consu

      • KCI등재

        온라인 커뮤니티 행동의 의례화(Ritualization) 모델: 선행요인과 결과요인

        박철 ( Cheol Park ),강유리 ( You Rie Kang ) 한국소비자학회 2012 소비자학연구 Vol.23 No.2

        소비자행동에서 의례이론은 1980년대 초에 도입되기 시작하여 소비의 상징적인 측면을 밝혀왔다. 본 연구는 소 비행동의 의례분석적 접근을 온라인에 적용하였다. 인터넷은 커뮤니티, 정보 검색, 쇼핑 등 다양한 분야를 발전시켰다. 특히 온라인 커뮤니티 이용은 크게 증가하고 있고 일상생활 속에 깊숙이 침투하고 하고 있다. 하지만 온라인 커뮤니티에 관련된 연구들은 주로 단순한 활동 실태에 대한 접근이나 심리학적 접근에 치중하였다. 또한, 온라인 커뮤니티 안에서 이루어지고 있는 공동 구매나 커뮤니티 내에서 이슈가 된 제품이 실제 매장에서 품절 사태가 이뤄나는 등 커뮤니티를 매개로 한 소비 활동이 활발함에도 불구하고 기존 연구들은 마케팅적인 시사점과 연결된 연구들이 부족하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 온라인 커뮤니티 활동의 의례적 차원을 새롭게 밝힘으로써 커뮤니티를 매개로 이루어지고 있는 소비 활동에 대한 연결고리를 찾고자 하였다. 기존의 온라인 커뮤니티 연구, 의례 연구 등을 참고하여 온라인 커뮤니티를 매개로 의례화 과정과 구성원들과의 감정적 유대감을 거쳐 신성한 의미가 있는 소비까지의 연결 된다는 것을 실증모델을 통해 검증하였다. 연구 결과 커뮤니티 내 공유된 규범은 외면적 의례화에 영향을 미쳤고, 내면적 의례화에는 상호 의존, 자아실현, 자아인정 등이 영향을 미쳤으며 내면적 의례화가 강해질수록 외면적 의례 화도 강화되었다. 또한, 내면적 의례화만 부족적 유대감을 거쳐 신성한 소비에까지 영향력을 미치고 있음을 발견할 수 있었다. 본 연구는 온라인 소비자행동에 대해서 의례분석적 접근을 하였고, 의례화의 선행요인과 결과요인을 검증하였으며, 이를 부족적 유대감과 신성한 소비라는 변수와 연결시켰다는 의의를 지닌다. The online consumer behavior is trending toward communities, information searching, and online purchasing with word-of-mouth advertising. The online communities are becoming part of the daily life for online consumers. Over the half of online users already use online communities and the online communities are increasing at an average rate of 270 thousands per year in Korea (Korea Internet & Security Agency 2008). Most of the previous research related to online communities are about the influence factors of participation. The influence factors of participation are social effects, group norms, and social identity. Dholakia et.al. (2004) conducted an empirical study of social effect on online community participation. Bagozzi and Dholakia et.al. (2002) also studied online community participation based on social aspects like group norms and social identity using online survey techniques. Mathwick et.al. (2007) conducted a qualitative study of social capital in virtual communities. This project focuses on ritual to understand more about individual aspects of the online community and activities within that community and conducted empirical research on tribal bonds that form as a consequences of ritual. Also, managerial implications are discussed. The academic studies have emphasized ``symbolism`` and ``processes`` but not habitual aspects of daily life. In other words, ritual meaning is different from idiomatic expression (Cheol Park 1995). People have a diversity of ritual experiences including initiation ceremonies in their lives (Van Gennep 1908). But studies of ritual behavior for online customers are few because previous ritual studies have been confined to offline consumer behavior. Online ritual behavior has a social psychological role during online community transaction. Most consumption ritual studies focused on advertising and the role of ritual to online community culture (Muniz and O`Guinn 2001; Schouten and McAlexander 1995). Very few have focused on the role of ritual in online community life cycle processes and development. In other words, the studies observed participants in online space but were not concerned with online communities until now (Jones 1998). Studies of community image and its meaning have been conducted but the studies focused on social relationship in online space (Terborgh and Foster 1996; Lockard 1996). This study takes a look at expanding ritual concepts into online communities by understanding online consumer behavior first. The online communities have diverse consumption behavior (Muniz and O`Guinn 2001). To understand this behavior one must first figure out the influence antecedents of online ritual behavior and motivations through a literature reviews. Second, we sorted rituals into external ritualization and internal ritulization and suggested managerial implications. Finally, an empirical results were analyzed to figure out the ritual influence on tribal bonds. This study will also address antecedents of ritualization and their consequences through quantitative methods used in previous ritual researches of offline space. The study focused on ritualization of online community participation and its antecedents and consequences. The study tried to understand more about individual aspect of online community activities and presents empirical data related to tribal bonds that are a consequence of ritualization to suggest managerial implications. The survey targeted 500 people who have visited a community frequently and are active participants. The survey conducted online by ``embrain`` which is professional online research company in Korea. The significant antecedent of online external ritualization was shared norm and antecedents of internal ritualization were interdependence, self fulfillment, and need for approval. Also, the internal ritualization had influence on external ritualization and tribal bonds. The external ritualization was not a significant influence factor of tribal bonds. As the result, trial bonds influenced sacred consumption. This study completes a gap in the previous ritual literature, much of which studied offline behavior and used to qualitative methods like ethnography and depth interview even about online ritual. We extended the ritual concept to online communities and verified the influence to tribal bond. Also, we detected the antecedent factors of internal and external ritualization, not just the motivations of community usage. As a result, the shared norm effect on external ritualization of behavior and the interdependence and need for approval effect on internal ritualization is verified. The internal ritualization also influences the tribal bond and as the internal ritualization gets stronger the external ritualization also gets stronger This study would suggest a number of academic implications. First, extending the ritual concept using offline methods and definitions to online communities and developing ritual measurement items for verification is a significant advance in the literature. It might alto be the foundation stone of diverse ritual studies about not only online shopping or social shopping but social networking services. Second, this project developed the measurement items of tribal bond only identified by qualitative research previously. Cova and Cova (2002) demonstrated the difficulties of measurement of tribal bonds existing in the inline skater community. That research target was selected because the tribal bonds were particularly complicated emotionally. Third, we found not only the external and internal ritualization of certain behavior but its antecedents factors and the effect on tribal bond. Namely, the norms made by members and shared with each other generate more intimacy within the community and personal satisfaction that lead to external and internal ritualized behavior effect on tribal bond. Structured norm were made by community staffs to maintain order. Also, this study has managerial implications. The recent communities are expanding quantitatively and demanding stricter rules. The dissatisfaction of excessive restriction found in community comments or posts and leaded to the cherry picker tendency of some communities. It needs a more autonomic atmosphere making norms around core members and acknowledging, with members mediating community symbolism, rather than only with excessive restrictions. Furthermore, the community should form innate tribal bonds of community over simple belonging. To perform events that lead to belonging community not only leads to increased affiliated but also to recognition of others in one`s tribal. Also, the communities should strengthen their own culture and value through some meetings and events performed with members publicly and having a ritual nature.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Relationship Between Online Community Characteristics and Loyalty : Focused on Mediating Roles of Self-Congruency, Consumer Experience, and Consumer to Consumer Interactivity

        김문태,옥정원 한국마케팅과학회 2008 마케팅과학연구 Vol.18 No.4

        The popularity of communities on the internet has captured the attention of marketing scholars and practitioners. By adapting to the culture of the internet, however, and providing consumer with the ability to interact with one another in addition to the company, businesses can build new and deeper relationships with customers. The economic potential of online communities has been discussed with much hope in the many popular papers. In contrast to this enthusiastic prognostications, empirical and practical evidence regarding the economic potential of the online community has shown a little different conclusion. To date, even communities with high levels of membership and vibrant social arenas have failed to build financial viability. In this perspective, this study investigates the role of various kinds of influencing factors to online community loyalty and basically suggests the framework that explains the process of building purchase loyalty. Even though the importance of building loyalty in an online environment has been emphasized from the marketing theorists and practitioners, there is no sufficient research conclusion about what is the process of building purchase loyalty and the most powerful factors that influence to it. In this study, the process of building purchase loyalty is divided into three levels; characteristics of community site such as content superiority, site vividness, navigation easiness, and customerization, the mediating variables such as self congruency, consumer experience, and consumer to consumer interactivity, and finally various factors about online community loyalty such as visit loyalty, affect, trust, and purchase loyalty are those things. And the findings of this research are as follows. First, consumer-to-consumer interactivity is an important factor to online community purchase loyalty and other loyalty factors. This means, in order to interact with other people more actively, many participants in online community have the willingness to buy some kinds of products such as music, content, avatar, and etc. From this perspective, marketers of online community have to create some online environments in order that consumers can easily interact with other consumers and make some site environments in order that consumer can feel experience in this site is interesting and self congruency is higher than at other community sites. It has been argued that giving consumers a good experience is vital in cyber space, and websites create an active (rather than passive) customer by their nature. Some researchers have tried to pin down the positive experience, with limited success and less empirical support. Web sites can provide a cognitively stimulating experience for the user. We define the online community experience as playfulness based on the past studies. Playfulness is created by the excitement generated through a website's content and measured using three descriptors Marketers can promote using and visiting online communities, which deliver a superior web experience, to influence their customers' attitudes and actions, encouraging high involvement with those communities. Specially, we suggest that transcendent customer experiences(TCEs) which have aspects of flow and/or peak experience, can generate lasting shifts in beliefs and attitudes including subjective self-transformation and facilitate strong consumer’s ties to a online community. And we find that website success is closely related to positive website experiences: consumers will spend more time on the site, interacting with other users. As we can see figure 2, visit loyalty and consumer affect toward the online community site didn't directly influence to purchase loyalty. This implies that there may be a little different situations here in online community site compared to online shopping mall studies that shows close relations between revisit intention and purchase intention. There are so many alternative sites on web, co... The popularity of communities on the internet has captured the attention of marketing scholars and practitioners. By adapting to the culture of the internet, however, and providing consumer with the ability to interact with one another in addition to the company, businesses can build new and deeper relationships with customers. The economic potential of online communities has been discussed with much hope in the many popular papers. In contrast to this enthusiastic prognostications, empirical and practical evidence regarding the economic potential of the online community has shown a little different conclusion. To date, even communities with high levels of membership and vibrant social arenas have failed to build financial viability. In this perspective, this study investigates the role of various kinds of influencing factors to online community loyalty and basically suggests the framework that explains the process of building purchase loyalty. Even though the importance of building loyalty in an online environment has been emphasized from the marketing theorists and practitioners, there is no sufficient research conclusion about what is the process of building purchase loyalty and the most powerful factors that influence to it. In this study, the process of building purchase loyalty is divided into three levels; characteristics of community site such as content superiority, site vividness, navigation easiness, and customerization, the mediating variables such as self congruency, consumer experience, and consumer to consumer interactivity, and finally various factors about online community loyalty such as visit loyalty, affect, trust, and purchase loyalty are those things. And the findings of this research are as follows. First, consumer-to-consumer interactivity is an important factor to online community purchase loyalty and other loyalty factors. This means, in order to interact with other people more actively, many participants in online community have the willingness to buy some kinds of products such as music, content, avatar, and etc. From this perspective, marketers of online community have to create some online environments in order that consumers can easily interact with other consumers and make some site environments in order that consumer can feel experience in this site is interesting and self congruency is higher than at other community sites. It has been argued that giving consumers a good experience is vital in cyber space, and websites create an active (rather than passive) customer by their nature. Some researchers have tried to pin down the positive experience, with limited success and less empirical support. Web sites can provide a cognitively stimulating experience for the user. We define the online community experience as playfulness based on the past studies. Playfulness is created by the excitement generated through a website's content and measured using three descriptors Marketers can promote using and visiting online communities, which deliver a superior web experience, to influence their customers' attitudes and actions, encouraging high involvement with those communities. Specially, we suggest that transcendent customer experiences(TCEs) which have aspects of flow and/or peak experience, can generate lasting shifts in beliefs and attitudes including subjective self-transformation and facilitate strong consumer’s ties to a online community. And we find that website success is closely related to positive website experiences: consumers will spend more time on the site, interacting with other users. As we can see figure 2, visit loyalty and consumer affect toward the online community site didn't directly influence to purchase loyalty. This implies that there may be a little different situations here in online community site compared to online shopping mall studies that shows close relations between revisit intention and purchase intention. There are so many alternative sites on web, consumers ...

      • KCI등재

        온라인 공동체의 사용 특성과 구조형성 요인에 관한 연구

        김현정,이혜선 디자인융복합학회 2005 디자인융복합연구 Vol.4 No.2

        사회적 관점 및 비즈니스 관점에서 온라인 공동체의 관심과 중요성은 커지고 있다. 본 연구는 미니홈피와 블로그를 사례 조사함으로써 온라인 공동체가 어떤 과정을 거쳐 성공한 온라인 공동체의 구조를 가지게 되었는지를 알아본다. 연구방법은 미니홈피와 블로그의 기획자 및 매니아 사용자 들을 대상으로 심층 면접한 내용을 통해 응답자들이 답변한 공통의 주제 및 언어 등을 자료화하고 기존의 공동체의 이론과 틀에 기반하여 분석한다. 그 결과 미니홈피와 블로그는 온라인 공동체의 본질인 공통성을 기반으로 사용자 환경 특징과 개념을 차별화하고 있다. 또한 온라인 공동체 계층구조 모델을 적용하여 미니홈피와 블로그는 온라인 공동체의 공동속성인 사이버 공간(cyberspace) , 구성원(members), 관계(relationship), 상호작용(interaction), 공동의 목표(shared goal)가 구성요소가 되어 구조를 형성하고 있으며 내외부의 도전(communication, motivation, leadership, technology)을 극복하며 공동체가 유지되고 있음을 알 수 있다. 본 연구는 공동체 구조 형성과 사용자들의 욕구심리와 행동을 이해하고 향후 새로운 온라민 공동체를 기획하고 성공적인 공동체를 운영하고자 하는 웹기획자 및 운영자에게 도움을 주고 시사점을 제안하는데 의의가 있다. From a social and business perspective, online community acquires greater interests and importance than before. This study focused on online community construct building by researching minihomepage and blog as successful online communities. By interviewing mini homepage and blog`s web planner, marketer, and heavy users, we gathered data from common issues and language. Collected data were analyzed by frameworks and construct of online communities from previous studies. As a result, mini homepage and blog differentiates on each community``s interface features and concept based on commonality of its essence. By application of online community hierarchical structure model to minihomepage and blog, each community is constructed with elements of community`s attributes (cyberspace, interaction, members, relationship, shared goal) and maintains by overcoming external factors (communication, motivation, leadership, technology). The purpose of this study is to understand the process of online community onstruct building and users` needs and behaviors, and also to give a help and suggestion to web planners and programmers for establishing new online communities and running successful communities.

      • KCI등재

        중국온라인 커뮤니티 형성과 공동구매에 관한 실증 연구

        박주희,문철주 한국국제경영관리학회 2021 국제경영리뷰 Vol.25 No.1

        Due to the development of Internet e-commerce, online joint purchases have become an active buying behavior. The perception that many people can purchase the same product at a low price, transcending time and space, is becoming more common in e-commerce as a representative form of purchase called joint purchase. This study investigates the factors influencing the formation of the online joint purchasing community for Chinese consumers to analyze the online community development and further explore the value of the online joint community's purchasing behavior. In this study, factors such as the interaction of online joint purchase community participants, information sharing, and the community's bargaining power to protect the rights and interests of consumers in the development of online joint purchase communities in China have a positive effect on the formation of online joint purchase behavior. In addition, there is a mediating effect between the development of a joint purchase community and purchase intention as a consumption behavior that considers cost-performance as the best value in determining the value of purchase behavior according to the formation of an online joint purchase community in China. Therefore, this study gives the meaning of the study that it has investigated the value of online community development and consumers' consumption behavior by clarifying the factors affecting the formation of the online joint purchasing community of Chinese consumers. Besides, this study can give practical meaning in that it presents strategic guidelines to companies that want to enter the Chinese online market. 인터넷전자상거래 발달로 인해 온라인 공동구매가 활성화 되고 있다. 시간과 공간을 초월하여 많은 사람들이 함께 같은 물건을 저렴한 가격으로 구매할 수 있다는 인식이 전자상거래에 있어서 공동구매 라는 대표적인 구매형태로 보편화 되어져가고 있다. 본 연구는 온라인 커뮤니티 형성에 따른 소비자구매행동을 규명하기 위하여 중국소비자들을 대상으로 온라인 공동구매 커뮤니티 형성에 미치는 요인들을 밝히고 더 나아가 온라인 공동커뮤니티의 구매행위 가치를 규명하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 중국내 온라인 공동구매 커뮤니티 형성에 있어서 온라인 공동구매커뮤니티 참여자들의 상호작용, 정보공유 그리고 소비자들의 권익보호를 위한 커뮤니티의 협상력등과 같은 요인들이 온라인 공동구매 커뮤니티형성에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것을 알 수 있었다. 또한 중국내 온라인 공동구매 커뮤니티형성에 따른 구매행동 가치를 규명함에 있어 가성비(Cost-performance)를 최고의 가치로 꼽는 소비행태로서 공동구매 커뮤니티형성과 구매의도 간의 매개효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구는 중국소비자들의 온라인 공동구매 커뮤니티 형성에 미치는 요인들을 밝힘으로써 온라인 커뮤니티형성과 소비자들의 소비행위 가치를 규명했다는데 연구의 의미를 부여한다. 또한 본 연구를 통하여 중국온라인 시장에 진출하고자 하는 기업들에게 전략적 가이드라인을 제시한다는 점에서 실무적인 의미를 부여할 수 있다.

      • KCI우수등재

        온라인 커뮤니티 활동이 신뢰반경에 미치는 양면적 효과

        김경준 한국사회학회 2023 韓國社會學 Vol.57 No.3

        본 논문은 온라인 커뮤니티 활동이 신뢰반경에 미치는 양면적 효과를 경험적으로 확인하고 커뮤니티 의 익명성 수준에 따라 각 효과의 정도에 차이가 있는지 검증하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 온라인 공간에 서 오프라인과 같은 일반화된 협력이 발생하기도 하지만, 특정 집단에 대한 혐오가 만연한 것 또한 관 찰된다. 온라인 공간이 가진 양면적인 특성은 이용자에게도 양면적 영향을 줄 수 있다. 특히, 온라인 커뮤니티는 오프라인에서 알지 못하는 낯선 타인과 접촉하는 공간이라는 점에서 신뢰반경을 넓히는 효과와 좁히는 효과가 공존할 수 있다. 또한, 익명성 수준에 따라 해당 커뮤니티의 규범과 탈개인화 정도가 달라질 수 있어 커뮤니티 유형에 따라 양면적 효과가 다르게 나타날 수 있다. 이를 확인하기 위해 온라인 조사를 통해 수집된 1,104명의 온라인 커뮤니티 사용자를 대상으로 매개효과 분석과 조 절된 매개효과 분석을 수행하였다. 분석 결과, 온라인 커뮤니티 활동은 온라인 커뮤니티 소속감을 높 여 낯선 사람에 대한 사회적 거리감을 낮추게 되며, 그 결과 신뢰반경을 넓힌다. 또한, 온라인 커뮤니 티 활동이 낯선 사람에 대한 사회적 거리감에 부정적 영향을 주어 신뢰반경을 좁히는 결과도 확인되었다. 조절된 매개효과 결과, 신뢰반경을 넓히는 간접효과는 회원제 커뮤니티에서만 통계적으로 유의미한 것으로 나타났다. 요약하자면, 회원제 커뮤니티는 양면적 효과가 상쇄되지만, 비회원제 커뮤니티에서는 부정적 효과가 더 크다. 본 연구는 온라인 커뮤니티에서 이뤄지는 일탈 현상을 억제하고 공동체로써의 역할을 촉진하기 위한 요인에 관해 확인하였다는 의의가 있다. This paper aims to empirically examine the ambivalent effects of online community activities on trust radius and verify whether the degree of these effects varies depending on the level of anonymity within the community. While online spaces can exhibit generalized cooperation similar to offline spaces, they can also witness widespread hatred towards specific groups. The ambivalent nature of online spaces can also have positive and negative impacts on users as well. In particular, online communities serve as spaces where users interact with strangers, expanding or narrowing their radius of trust. Moreover, the norms and degree of deindividuation within a community can differ based on the level of anonymity, resulting in varying dual effects depending on the type of community. To investigate this, we conducted mediation and moderated mediation analyses on data collected through an online survey with 1,104 users of online communities. The results reveal that participating in online community activities increases membership in the online community and reduces social distance towards strangers, thereby expanding the trust radius. However, online community activities have also been found to negatively impact social distance towards strangers, narrowing the trust radius. Moderated mediation results indicate that the indirect effect of expanding the trust radius is statistically significant only in membership-based communities. In summary, membership-based communities exhibit offsetting ambivalent effects, while non-membership-based communities show a more substantial adverse effect. This study examines the factors that suppress deviant behavior in online communities and promote their role as cohesive entities within society.

      • KCI등재

        온라인 커뮤니티 이용을 통한 사회적 자본이 에너지 절약 행동의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        신경아(Kyung Ah Shin),한미정(Mie Jeong Han) 한국광고홍보학회 2009 한국광고홍보학보 Vol.11 No.3

        본 연구는 에너지 절약이라는 환경이슈를 주제로 온라인 커뮤니티를 통한 사회적 자본의 형성가능성과 PR도구로서의 온라인 커뮤니티의 활용방안을 모색하고자 했다. 이에 실제 활동 중인 온라인 커뮤니티에 가입되거나 방문하는 사람들을 대상으로 온라인 서베이를 실시하였고, 위계적 회귀분석을 통하여 연구문제를 검증하였다. 분석 결과, 온라인 커뮤니티 이용에 있어 정보추구를 목적으로 하는 경우 사회적 자본 형성에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 이들 간에 유의적인 관계가 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 반면, 관계형성을 목적으로 온라인 커뮤니티를 이용하는 경우에는 커뮤니티 내의 집단 협력적 차원에서만 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 온라인커뮤니티의 이용 빈도가 사회적 자본을 구성하는 요인 중 규범과 신뢰에 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있음이 나타났다. 셋째, 커뮤니티 이용을 기반으로 한 온라인상의 사회적 자본이 에너지 절약에 대한 태도에 미치는 영향을 살펴본 결과, 사회적 자본의 변인들 중 규범과 신뢰가 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 온라인상의 사회적 자본이 에너지 절약에 대한 행동의도에 미치는 영향을 살펴본 결과, 사회적 자본의 변인 중 규범요인만이 에너지 절약에 대한 행동의도에 유의미한 정적 예측 변인임과 동시에 모델의 설명력을 높여주는 중요한 변인임을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 연구결과를 종합해 볼 때, 온라인 커뮤니티가 커뮤니케이션 툴로써 규범과 신뢰측면에서 사회적 자본을 형성하고 나아가 개인의 태도변화에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 PR수단이 될 수 있음을 알 수 있었다. 특히 PR캠페인의 전략적 관점에서 볼 때, 온라인 커뮤니티 이용한 PR캠페인의 경우, 단순히 이용 빈도나 이용시간을 늘이고자 하는 식의 촉진적 커뮤니케이션 보다는 공중의 정보적 욕구를 충족시켜줄 수 있는 콘텐츠의 제공이 중요함을 인식시켜주었다. The purpose of this study was to examine the use of online community as public relations venue and potentials of social capital formed in online community. This study conducted an online survey with 350 online community users and visitors to investigate their community activities related energy issues. The results indicated that when community users sought information about energy saving, the use of online community had a positive effect on forming social capital. However, when users looked for relationship forming, then the use of community had a positive effect only on the dimension of cooperation. Specifically, the use of community showed a positive relationship with the dimensions of norms and trust. Second, the online social capital formed through the community use had a meaningful effect on the attitude about saving energy. Finally, the online social capital had an important influence on behavior intention about saving energy that we were able to understand that only the norms among the social capital factors was an important factor in increasing the explanatory adequacy of the model as well as a significant static expectation factor for saving energy. In the PR strategic perspective, the current study suggests that, the proper supply of contents according to the public`s informational needs would be very important rather than trying to simply promote the use or the duration in using the online community.

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