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      • KCI등재후보

        The Area-wide Economic Regions in Korea: Orthodox New Regionalism or Politically-inflicted Regionalism?

        Cho, Cheol-Joo World Technopolis Association 2013 World Technopolis Review Vol.1 No.4

        The recent interest in regions represents a rise of the new regionalism. Three competing theories provide the frameworks of explaining the ascendance of regions as the meaningful vessel of territorial economic and political processes. They are the orthodox new regionalism, the new politics of scale, and the relational topology of networked actors. Referring to these theories, this paper assesses the establishment of cross-provincial Area-wide Economic Regions (AERs) in Korea. The findings indicate that AERs represent a radical shift to a new regionalism. However, it is misconceived to see their ascendance as the orthodox new regionalism, as they marginally fit the hollowing-out of the state thesis. Nor they show distinct features to which the politically-inflicted regionalism is attributed. In consequence, AERs represent the emergence of a new regionalism that is consequent of the unique politico-economic context of Korea, say, a most centralized state-society combined with the neoliberalizing policy process emanating from the globalization pressures.

      • KCI등재

        신지역주의 비판에 대한 반론

        권오혁 대한국토·도시계획학회 2006 國土計劃 Vol.41 No.1

        This paper is to examine the criticism for the new regionalism critically. Nowadays, the theories and policies of the new regionalism are accepted as key tools to raise industrial competitiveness and develope regional economy in many countries and regions. But a lot of critiques for new regionalism have been increasing and the critics is promoting their influence recently. Their critiques are valuable to be attended and have the aspects to be accepted. Nevertheless, we think that the critiques have the stereo-typed idea for new regionalistic approaches and over-criticise it in such a aspect. Especially, the critics have made the mistakes that the problems of a special theory(regional innovation system theory) are regarded as the problems of whole new regionalistic approaches.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Area-wide Economic Regions in Korea: Orthodox New Regionalism or Politically-inflicted Regionalism?

        Cheol-Joo Cho 세계과학도시연합 2013 World Technopolis Review Vol.1 No.4

        The recent interest in regions represents a rise of the new regionalism. Three competing theories provide the frameworks of explaining the ascendance of regions as the meaningful vessel of territorial economic and political processes. They are the orthodox new regionalism, the new politics of scale, and the relational topology of networked actors. Referring to these theories, this paper assesses the establishment of crossprovincial Area-wide Economic Regions (AERs) in Korea. The findings indicate that AERs represent a radical shift to a new regionalism. However, it is misconceived to see their ascendance as the orthodox new regionalism, as they marginally fit the hollowing-out of the state thesis. Nor they show distinct features to which the politically-inflicted regionalism is attributed. In consequence, AERs represent the emergence of a new regionalism that is consequent of the unique politico-economic context of Korea, say, a most centralized state-society combined with the neoliberalizing policy process emanating from the globalization pressures.

      • KCI등재

        중국 4대 연화(년화)의 문신화(門神畵) 연구

        왕루이 ( Rui Wang ),장주영 ( Juyoung Chang ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2017 한국디자인포럼 Vol.54 No.-

        연구배경 중국의 민간 예술의 한 형태인 목판 연화는 민간에 의해 제작, 향유되며 오랜 역사적 과정을 거쳐 내려온 것으로 그 속에는 민간의 신앙, 풍속과 같은 문화적 특성이 담겨져 있다. 근년에 와서 연화에 대한 연구가 많아졌지만, 디자인 관점에서 저술된 논문을 보면 연화의 시각 디자인에의 응용에 대한 연구가 대부분이다. 이들은 연화와 디자인의 접목에 대한 주관적인 연구들이 주를 이루고, 세분화되거나 구체적인 방법으로 분석한 연구는 미비한 실정이다. 그리고 중국의 대표적인 4 대 연화에 대한 비교분석은 거의 없으며 작품에 대해 각 항목을 나누어 분석한 연구는 더더욱 없다. 연구방법 본 연구는 먼저 문헌조사를 통하여 중국의 대표적 연화인 4개 지역의 연화가 형성된 지리 환경적 특성, 사회적 배경, 및 문화적 분위기 등에 대해 정리하였다. 또한 4대 연화 특성의 비교를 위하여, 가장 대표적이며 모든 지역에 통용된 문신화라는 주제를 정하였다. 그리하여 무문신과 문문신 연화의 조형적 특징을 비롯하여 다양한 항목을 가지고 비교분석하여 각각의 공통점과 차이점을 도출하였다. 나아가 연화의 현대디자인에서의 가치와 활용가능성에 대해 탐구했다. 연구결과 문신화를 중심으로 4대 연화에 대한 비교분석을 통해, 연화는 중국 각 지역의 문화정체성의 표현이며 독특한 조형적 특징과 함께 다양한 의미가 내포되어 있음을 발견했다. 따라서 현대디자인에 활용할 많은 잠재력과 가치를 가지고 있는 중요한 문화유산이라 하겠다. 결론 연화의 창작 주체는 민간 예술인이다. 연화는 지역의 독특한 문화 풍속을 담고 있고, 고유의 심미관을 반영한다. 연구를 통한 각 지역 연화의 예술적 문화적 의미와 가치의 발견은 현대 디자인에 응용할 미래 가치를 발굴하는 것이라는 점에서 의미가 있다. 본 연구를 통하여 연화의 독특한 예술적 가치를 재발견하고 새롭게 조명해보았다는 점과 현대디자인에 활용하는데 필요한 기초자료를 제공하는 것에 의미를 둔다. Background Chinese New Year picture is the thousand-year product of the folks. It has cultural characteristics of Chinese folks including their beliefs, customs and aesthetic. It is of great value to study it whether from its styling or from a further level as symbolism, culture and socialism. Though there are many researches about Chinese New Year picture from the perspective of design, most of which focus on the application of it from a certain region in graphic design, so these researches have strong regional features. And others discuss the combination of Chinese New Year picture and design. Most of the present theses discuss the question subjectively and in a macro way, and few of them analyze the question in detail. So far, there is almost no contrast analysis of the Four New Year Pictures, while the analysis of a certain type is much less. Methods First, the geographic characteristics, social backgrounds and cultural atmosphere of the New Year pictures of the four regions in China are analyzed systematically through literature survey. Then, the styling theory and other perspectives of military door-god-- Qin Qiong and Jing De and civil door-god-- kylin sending sons, the two representative ones of the four regions, are compared and analyzed through comparative analysis. Then the common points and differences of the four regions` pictures are found out to explore the value and the possibility of flexible application of New Year Picture in modern design. Result After comparative analysis of the styling of the Four New Year Pictures, it is concluded that the New Year picture has the characteristics of spiritual sustenance, cultural wholeness, the technique of expression of symbolism and metaphor, colorful regional languages, and all these have certain values in modern design. Conclusion The main subject in the creation of New Year painting is people, and New Year painting of different regions bears various customs and cultures, which reflects different aesthetic standard. Through the study on regional New Year paintings, the cultural significance and value of regional art have been discovered. It is extremely meaningful for modern people to utilize the future value. From this point of view, a variety of researches shall be continuously conducted on China`s centuries-old traditional New Year paintings before they disappear. Through this study, the New Year paintings has been rediscovered to have unique artistic value.

      • KCI등재

        한국 지역주의의 지역별 특성과 변화 가능성

        김욱(WOOK KIM) 21세기정치학회 2004 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.14 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the Korean regionalism, with particular reference to its regional varieties and prospect for changes. For this purpose, the paper first attempts to define the concept of regionalism and suggest a new direction for the study of regionalism. In particular, it emphasizes the importance of regional voting at the individual (micro) level for our systematic understanding of the phenomena of regionalism. From this micro perspective, the Korean regionalism can take different forms in different regions. Regionalism differs in the three different regions (Youngnam, Honam, and Chungchung), not only in the historical development, but also in terms of what factors affect regional voting for each region. In addition to the regional varieties, the regionalism is also expected to undergo some changes in the future. Most intriguing for the future changes is the emergence of new form of regionalism in Daejon-Chungchung region. In contrast to the traditional form of regionalism that is based on emotional ties between particular political leaders and voters, this new form of regionalism is based on a specific policy (i.e., the transfer of new Capital City to this area) and the economic benefits expected from it. The development of this utilitarian regionalism in Chungchung region has some important implications for the future of regionalism in other regions.

      • KCI등재

        기존 신행정수도 예정지역의 주변부 관리방안 및 주민이주대책 연구

        최원회 ( Won Hoe Choi ) 한국도시지리학회 2004 한국도시지리학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to consider the plan of periphery management and the migration measure for inhabitant in previous new administration capital expected region based upon the existing materials, to analyze their problems and to propose the alternatives on their problems. The results of this study are as follows; First, the periphery management and the inhabitant migration in new administration capital expected region are as important as the construction of new administration capital. The management plan of periphery and the migration measure for inhabitant in new administration capital expected region should be applied previous to or at the same time as the construction of new administration capital. If the applying of the management plan of periphery and the migration measure for inhabitant prove a failure, the construction of new administration capital would be encountered a difficult situation. Second, for the reciprocal development of new administration capital expected region and its periphery, the focusing on building sphere of new administration capital is more important than the focusing on construction of new administration capital. The kernel of building sphere of new administration capital is the complementary apportionment of function between new administration capital expected region and its periphery. Also, the appropriate establishment of greenbelt, town controlled district, and development restricted district, the preclusion of disorderly development, the different applying of posted land value by immigration time and the prevention of real estate speculation are very important in the periphery management of new administration capital expected region. Third, the inhabitant migration of new administration capital expected region should be made more in inner part than in outer part. Also, regardless of migration form in new administration capital expected region the material compensation and the mental compensation should be made concurrently and sufficiently.

      • KCI등재

        신지역주의와 아셈: 세 가지 층위의 지역

        박선희 한국유럽학회 2007 유럽연구 Vol.25 No.3

        In order to show that Asia-Europe Summit launched in 1996 did not only favour the Asia-Europe relations but also encouraged the Asian regionalization process as well as the ASEAN-EU relations, this article suggest to see the type of ASEM's inter-regionalism as an hybrid inter-regionalism heading towards a pure inter- regionalism. Unlike the APEC, which followed a transregional path, ASEM which grew out of the explicitly interregional format (EU-ASEAN), developed a region-to-region dialogue which helped influence and shape the very concept of an East Asian region. Conceptualized under the impact of ‘New Regionalism’, which galvanized the regionalization process in order to adapt to globalization, the ASEM inter- regionalism comprises three different levels of regionalism in itself : the ASEAN-EU interregional relations which consists the corner stone of ASEM ; the extension of ASEAN-EU relations including China, Japan and South Korea (i.e. ASEM triadic interregional relations); and the process of the Asian regionalization with the development of the “ASEAN+3” process at the heart of ASEM. Generating thus three different levels of regionalization, the ASEM inter- regionalism process offers a means of managing relations in a globalising world. 세계화의 경향과 더불어서 새로이 부상된 신지역주의의 영향 아래서 발족된 아셈(ASEM) 즉 아시아 유럽의 지역간 협력체(inter-regionalism)는 다음과 같은 세 가지 각기 다른 층위의 지역주의를 내포한다. 첫째 아셈의 초석을 이루는 아세안(ASEAN)과 유럽공동체(European Community)의 지역 대 지역(region to region) 관계, 둘째 앞의 첫 번째 층위의 지역보다 한층 더 확장된 지역간 관계인 (enlarged inter-regionalism) ASEAN+ 3개국과 유럽공동체의 관계, 셋째 아셈의 활동이 촉매시킨 동아시아 공동체의 핵을 이루는 ASEAN+3의 부상과 동아시아 지역주의가 그것이다.이처럼 아셈 속에 세 가지 층위의 지역주의가 내포될 수 있는 것은 지역간 협력체인 아셈이 혼종 지역간 주의(hybrid inter-regionalism)에서 순수 지역간 주의(pure inter- regionalism)로 변화되는 과정을 겪기 때문이다. 다시 말하면 아셈의 유럽 파트너가 아시아 국가들을 하나의 지역 파트너로 간주함으로써 아셈 속에서의 아시아 파트너는 하나의 지역처럼 기능하기 시작했음을 말한다. 아세안과 유럽공동체의 지역 대 지역 관계의 확장된 형태로서의 지역간 협력체인 아셈은 동아시아와 유럽의 상호협력을 증진시켰을 뿐 아니라 동아시아에 부족했던 정체성을 제공하면서 동아시아 지역 협력을 촉진시키고 ASEAN+3를 가시화하는데 기여하였다.

      • KCI등재

        동아연구 : New Regionalism and South Korea`s Role in East Asia Regionalism

        ( Sean O Malley ) 서강대학교 동아연구소 2013 東亞 硏究 Vol.32 No.1

        Since the 1997 Asian financial crisis, East Asia has seen a move toward greater regionalism. The broadening of the ASEAN + 3 dialogue mechanism is representative of increasing linkages forged between Northeast Asian and Southeast Asian states. Still, there is great speculation as to whether these new linkages will lead to the founding of a new. formal, regional institution among the ASEAN + 3 states. Using the ASEAN + 3 framework as the hypothetical foundation for a new institution in East Asia, this paper will use a New Regional Approach analysis to explore South Korea`s role in East Asia regionalism, as it compares to Japan and China. Trade, foreign direct investment and official development assistance toward ASEAN states, as well as democracy promotion proclivities will be analyzed. Based on such analysis, it is recommended that South Korea continue to increase economic and political linkages to Southeast Asia, which will enhance South Korean legitimacy as a regional partner and increase South Korea`s relative influence in furthering ASEAN + 3 integration.

      • KCI등재

        라틴아메리카의 ‘신’지역주의 리더십 연구

        강경희(Kang, Kyeong-Hee) 한국라틴아메리카학회 2012 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.25 No.3

        The leadership competition has become one of the most salient features of the Latin American "new" regionalism since the 2000s. Venezuek and Mexico have actively engaged in the regionalism drive, competing against the two hegemonic powers (the USA and Brazil) in the region. As a result, various institutions have been created to deepen the different types of regional cooperation. These institutions included the Venezuelan-led Alternativa Bolivariana para la America(ALBA) and the Mexican-led Plan Mesoamerica besides the Union de Naciones Suramericanas (UNASUR) driven by the Brazilian regional leadership. Latin American "new" regionalism includes leadership competition among the two middle powers (Venezuela and Mexico) and the one major power (Brazil). The goal of this paper is to make a modest contribution to understanding Latin American "new" regionalism by explaining the similarities and differences between Venezuela and Mexico in the current leadership of "new" regionalism, In conclusion, the expansion of American hegemonic leadership to the south in the 1990s was the primary force behind the Brazilian-led Latin American regionalism. The leadership competition among the major powers in the region created a leadership vacuum to be filled by a middle or small power. The president"s strong will and top-down decision-making are common points between Venezuela and Mexico in the regionalism leadership. Contrary to the Mexican case, Venezuela has consistently opposed the USA-led Free Trade Area Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) and has been strategically linked with Brazil in regionalism matters.

      • KCI등재

        충청남도 내포신도시의 개발과 지역성에 관한 연구

        이재복 ( Jaebok Lee ),안재섭 ( Jaeseob Ahn ) 한국지리학회 2020 한국지리학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        This study analyzed the regional identity of Naepo New Town in Chungcheongnam-do. In 2006, Hongbuk-eup in Hongseong-gun and Sapgyo-eup in Yesan-gun were designated as Naepo New Town, and major administrative agencies and residential facilities were moved and constructed into the new town. The development of the new town for the relocation of Chungnam Provincial Government has problems of damaging and/or obscuring the regional identities of the region. So, this study tried to uncover the regional identities of Naepo New Town. According to the analysis, four regional identities were found in Naepo New Town: A region where openness and diversity through active links with the outside world (Cultural & Historical Identity), A region with excellent settlement conditions with a balanced distribution of mountains, sea, and hills (Geographic Identity), A region rapidly transformed from an agricultural landscape to an urban landscape (Landscape Identity), A region of urban and rural integration where agriculture still exists in the vicinity of the new town and, simultaneously, administrative services and high-tech industries are developed in the new town (Industrial Identity). These four regional identities are expected to complement each other and establish a major identity of Naepo New Town.

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