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        모바일 거래에서의 인터랙션 요소 도출에 관한 연구

        정지은(Jeong, Ji Eun),반영환(Pan, Young Hwan) 한국디지털디자인협의회 2014 디지털디자인학연구 Vol.14 No.4

        최근 세계적으로 스마트 폰이 생활 속에서 필수품으로 자리를 잡아감에 따라 디지털 기기의 스마트 화 된 서비스로 인해, 다양한 방식의 모바일 거래 서비스가 개발되어 사용자에게 제공되고 있다. 현재 스마트 폰에서 제공되고 있는 모바일 거래는 주로 오픈 마켓이나 소셜커머스 등의 물건을 사고파는 상거래 위주의 형태가 대부분이다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 모바일 거래의 개념을 모바일 기기 기반의 정보나 돈을 주고받거나 물건을 팔고 사는 등의 여러 거래에 해당하는 형태로 확장하여 모바일 거래에서 발생하는 인터랙션의 요소를 도출하는데 목적을 두고 진행되었다. 연구는 먼저, 모바일 거래의 개념에 대해 알아보고 의미를 정의하였으며 모바일거래에서의 인터랙션의 요소를 알아보기 위해 인터랙션의 기본적인 의미와 모바일 기기에서의 인터랙션에 대한 이론적 고찰을 하였다. 다음으로, 모바일 거래의 종류 및 특징에 대한 연구를 진행하였다. 이를 바탕으로 모바일 기기를 이용한 거래에서의 인터랙션에 관한 요소를 도출하였다. 본 연구는 그 동안 모바일 거래의 많은 연구들이 오픈 마켓이나 소셜 커머스 등의 모바일쇼핑 관련 연구가 주가 되었던 것과 달리, 모바일 기기의 거래에서 발생할 수 있는 기기와 기기, 기기와 사람, 정보와 정보, 그리고 정보와 사람간의 인터랙션의 요소에 대하여 연구하여 모바일에 거래의 연구 분야와 더불어 인터랙션 관련 연구를 위한 자료로의 활용에서 의의를 찾을 수 있다. Recently, smart phones have become an essential part of our everyday life. Through the smart services provided through these devices, now mobile commerce is developed and provided to its users. Currently, the mobile commerce transactions provided through smart phones are mostly composed of commercial transactions, that is, buying or selling merchandises on open markets or social commerce services. In this study, I expanded the concept of the mobile commerce to cover various types of transactions where not only merchandises but also information based on mobile devices is transacted, with a view to identify the interactive factors that are created in the process of these mobile commerce transactions. Firstly, in this study, the concept of mobile commerce was explained and defined. Based on this definition, I further examined the types of mobile commerce. Next, in order to identify the interactive elements in mobile commerce, I reviewed the basic meaning of interaction, along with a theoretical review on the interactions through these devices. Based on the contemplation on the most representative types of mobile commerce and interactions, a set of factors of interactions in the mobile commerce transactions were presented. Unlike the previous studies which were mainly focused on mobile shopping, which in most cases covered topics like open markets or social commerce, this study examined the elements of interactions between the devices, the device and the user, information and information, and information and the user. For this reason, the implication of this study would be that this study could be further used in future studies for studying interactions as well as mobile transactions.

      • KCI등재

        모바일 소셜커머스 특성이 이용의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구

        정행로,양동우 한국창업학회 2019 한국창업학회지 Vol.14 No.5

        Based on the phenomenon of ever-increasing mobile shopping transactions, this study focuses on mobile social commerce. Despite the increasing importance and the rapid growth of social commerce market and the mobile commerce market, mobile social commerce research has largely been untenable. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to verify what characteristics are behind the rapid growth of mobile social commerce and how they affect the use of mobile social commerce. In addition, we intend to provide the practical implications on what characteristics are all the more important and appropriate strategies should be implemented for companies that wish to utilize the mobile social commerce channel. Specifically, we conducted the survey of customers who had experience using mobile social commerce with an empirical analysis of the data. The analysis showed that instantaneous access would have a significant positive effect due to characteristics of mobile social commerce sites, but transaction stability had a significant negative effect on the intent to use them. Location-based services were shown to be insignificant. In addition, the quality of mobile social commerce services showed that physical quality had a significant positive influence, and interaction quality was not significant. The results suggest that companies which utilize mobile social commerce as well as online shopping malls ensure that products and services are instantly connected anytime, anywhere, which is the representative characteristic of mobile devices. However, transaction stability plays as an inconvenience to users who use mobile shopping. Finally, it suggests that the important task is to provide products and services which are clear and definitely tangible and empathetic to consumer sensibility and needs rather than just providing location-based or regional-based services. 통계청 자료에 따르면 우리나라의 2018년도 온라인쇼핑 시장규모는 급속하게 성장하고 있다(2017년 약 7조 8백억 원 → 2018년 약 7조 9천억 원 : 11.6% 증가). 이 중 모바일쇼핑 거래액은 간편결제의 편리성, 모바일이용 확산 등으로 전년 대비 22.8% 증가하였으며, 규모로는 약 4조 8천억 원으로 모바일쇼핑이 차지하는 비중은 60.4%에 달하고 있다(통계청, 2018). 이러한 현상을 감안하면 모바일 소셜커머스에 대한 연구는 중요한데 관련 연구가 활발하게 이루어지지는 못하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 모바일 소셜커머스의 급성장 배경에 어떠한 특성이 있으며, 그러한 특성들이 모바일 소셜커머스 이용의도에 어떤 영향을 주는지 검증하고자 한다. 또한 모바일 소셜커머스 채널을 활용하고자 하는 기업들에게 어떠한 특성이 더욱더 중요하고, 그에 따른 적절한 전략을 실행해야 할 것인가에 대한 실무적인 시사점을 제공하고자 한다. 구체적으로 본 연구는 모바일 소셜커머스 이용 경험이 있는 고객들을 대상으로 설문조사를 토대로 실증분석을 수행하였다. 분석결과 모바일 소셜커머스 사이트 특성으로 즉시접속성은 이용의도에 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났지만, 거래안정성은 유의한 부(-)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 위치기반서비스의 영향은 유의하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 모바일 소셜커머스 서비스품질 특성에서 물리적 품질은 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미치고 있으나, 상호작용품질은 유의하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 온라인 쇼핑몰뿐만 아니라 모바일 소셜커머스를 활용하는 기업들에게 모바일의 특성으로 대표되는 언제 어디서나 즉시 연결되어 제품 및 서비스를 이용하도록 하는 게 중요한 요소임을 제시하고 있다. 그러나 거래안정성 증진과 관련된 개인정보보호나 보안성의 강화 정책은 오히려 모바일 쇼핑을 이용하는 사용자에게 불편한 요소로 작용되는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 연구결과는 위치기반 혹은 지역기반의 서비스보다는 명확하고 확실한 유형적인 제품과 소비자의 감성과 니즈에 공감하는 제품과 서비스를 제공하는 게 중요한 과제임을 시사하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        모바일 소셜 커머스의 서비스 품질이 대학생 소비자의 만족도와 지속사용의도에 미치는 영향

        이현주(Lee, Hyun-Joo),이은희(Lee, Eunhee),이기현(Lee, Kihyun) 한국소비문화학회 2017 소비문화연구 Vol.20 No.2

        본 연구는 Olsen(2002)의 품질(Quality)-만족도(Satisfaction)-충성도(Loyalty)의 모델을 이론적 근거로 하여 소비자가 지각하는 모바일 소셜 커머스의 서비스 품질이 만족도와 지속사용의도에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위해 다음과 같은 연구목적을 설정하였다. 첫째, 모바일 소셜 커머스의 만족도에 영향을 미치는 주요 요인으로 소비자가 지각하는 모바일 소셜 커머스의 서비스 품질을 선정하여 그 영향력을 파악해 보고자 하였다. 둘째, 소비자가 경험하는 모바일 소셜 커머스의 만족도가 지속사용의도로 어떻게 연결되는지 규명하고자 하였다. 마지막 으로, 모바일 소셜 커머스의 서비스 품질과 만족도 간의 관계에 대한 자기효능감의 조절 효과를 검증하고자 하였 다. 이를 위해 모바일 기기로 소셜 커머스 쇼핑 사이트에 접속한 경험이 있는 20대 대학생을 대상으로 설문조사를 하였고 총 159부의 설문 응답이 최종분석에 사용되었다. PLS-SEM 분석을 통해 본 연구의 연구모델을 실증 적으로 검증하였는데 연구결과 소비자가 지각하는 모바일 소셜 커머스의 오락성, 정보성이 높을수록 만족도 또한 높은 것으로 나타났다. 모바일 소셜 커머스의 만족도 또한 지속사용의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미친 것으로 나타났 으며 자기효능감의 조절 효과는 편의성과 만족도의 관계에서만 유의한 것으로 드러났다. 본 연구의 주요 학술적 시사점은 소비자의 만족도에 영향을 미치는 모바일 소셜 커머스의 서비스 품질을 실증적으로 분석함으로써 모바일 소셜 커머스의 서비스 품질을 탐구하는 데 필요한 이론적 틀을 제공하고 모바일 소셜 커머스에 관한 지식의 장을 확대했다는 것이다. 또한, 본 연구의 결과를 바탕으로 제안된 실무적 시사점은 경쟁이 매우 치열한 소셜 커머스 시장에서 고군분투하고 있는 업체들에 실질적인 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다. Guided by Olsen s(2002) Quality-Satisfaction-Loyalty model, the current study establishes the following research objectives in order to investigate how consumers perceived service quality of mobile social commerce influences their satisfaction and continued usage intentions. First, this study aims to evaluate perceived service quality of mobile social commerce as a primary determinant of satisfaction. Second, this study attempts to explore how satisfaction with mobile social commerce is connected to continued usage intentions. Lastly, this study intends to identify the moderating effect of self-efficacy on the relationship between perceived service quality and satisfaction. Undergraduate students at one university who had purchased from a social commerce shopping site through their mobile device were recruited for the survey and a total of 159 responses were obtained for data analysis. Structural equation modeling using partial least square (PLS-SEM) was employed to validate the research model. Based on the results, it was found that perceived entertainment and information usefulness of mobile social commerce were significant determinants of satisfaction with mobile social commerce. It was also found that satisfaction with mobile social commerce had a positive impact on continued mobile social commerce usage intentions. The moderating effect of self-efficacy was only significant on the relationship between perceived convenience and satisfaction with mobile social commerce. A key theoretical contribution of the present study is to extend our knowledge of mobile social commerce by providing a theoretical framework needed for exploring service quality of mobile social commerce and empirically examining the impact of perceived service quality of mobile social commerce on satisfaction and continued usage intentions. In addition, managerial implications this study offers may be useful for social commerce retailers struggling in the market in which competition gets more intense.

      • KCI등재

        사용자 리뷰를 통한 소셜커머스와 오픈마켓의 이용경험 비교분석

        채승훈(Seung Hoon Chae),임재익(Jay Ick Lim),강주영(Juyoung Kang) 한국지능정보시스템학회 2015 지능정보연구 Vol.21 No.4

        Mobile commerce provides a convenient shopping experience in which users can buy products without the constraints of time and space. Mobile commerce has already set off a mega trend in Korea. The market size is estimated at approximately 15 trillion won (KRW) for 2015, thus far. In the Korean market, social commerce and open market are key components. Social commerce has an overwhelming open market in terms of the number of users in the Korean mobile commerce market. From the point of view of the industry, quick market entry, and content curation are considered to be the major success factors, reflecting the rapid growth of social commerce in the market. However, academics empirical research and analysis to prove the success rate of social commerce is still insufficient. Henceforward, it is to be expected that social commerce and the open market in the Korean mobile commerce will compete intensively. So it is important to conduct an empirical analysis to prove the differences in user experience between social commerce and open market. This paper is an exploratory study that shows a comparative analysis of social commerce and the open market regarding user experience, which is based on the mobile users reviews. Firstly, this study includes a collection of approximately 10,000 user reviews of social commerce and open market listed Google play. A collection of mobile user reviews were classified into topics, such as perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use through LDA topic modeling. Then, a sentimental analysis and co-occurrence analysis on the topics of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use was conducted. The studys results demonstrated that social commerce users have a more positive experience in terms of service usefulness and convenience versus open market in the mobile commerce market. Social commerce has provided positive user experiences to mobile users in terms of service areas, like ‘delivery,’ ‘coupon,’ and ‘discount,’ while open market has been faced with user complaints in terms of technical problems and inconveniences like ‘login error,’ ‘view details,’ and ‘stoppage.’ This result has shown that social commerce has a good performance in terms of user service experience, since the aggressive marketing campaign conducted and there have been investments in building logistics infrastructure. However, the open market still has mobile optimization problems, since the open market in mobile commerce still has not resolved user complaints and inconveniences from technical problems. This study presents an exploratory research method used to analyze user experience by utilizing an empirical approach to user reviews. In contrast to previous studies, which conducted surveys to analyze user experience, this study was conducted by using empirical analysis that incorporates user reviews for reflecting users vivid and actual experiences. Specifically, by using an LDA topic model and TAM this study presents its methodology, which shows an analysis of user reviews that are effective due to the method of dividing user reviews into service areas and technical areas from a new perspective. The methodology of this study has not only proven the differences in user experience between social commerce and open market, but also has provided a deep understanding of user experience in Korean mobile commerce. In addition, the results of this study have important implications on social commerce and open market by proving that user insights can be utilized in establishing competitive and groundbreaking strategies in the market. The limitations and research direction for follow-up studies are as follows. In a follow-up study, it will be required to design a more elaborate technique of the text analysis. This study could not clearly refine the user reviews, even though the ones online have inherent typos and mistakes. This study has proven that the user reviews are an invaluable source to analyze user experience. The

      • KCI등재

        모바일 전자상거래에서 분쟁해결방안 연구

        이현정 한국인터넷전자상거래학회 2017 인터넷전자상거래연구 Vol.17 No.6

        This paper focuses on examining on dispute resolution methods in mobile commerce. In recent years, mobile commerce has been increased because of characteristics of mobile such as its portability, buy it now, accessing an individual portal site easily and using web and app in mobile commerce. In addition, consumers can surf the Internet simply and use social network service and there are the appearance of new software in terms of mobile commerce, various kinds of payment methods as to small purchases and convenient transactions. However, online disputes in mobile commerce have been raised after the development of mobile commerce and hence, the important thing is that how online complaints emerged out of mobile commerce will be resolved efficiently and effectively. The purpose of this paper is to examine how to build effective dispute resolution systems to reach a peaceful solution to online consumer disputes in mobile commerce. Therefore, first of all, this paper focuses on a concept of and the present movement of mobile commerce. Furthermore, this paper examines the current movement of disputes and types of disputes on mobile commerce. Moreover, this paper looks at building effective dispute resolution systems like eBay, PayPal, Alibaba and EU ODR platform.

      • KCI등재

        The Effects of Using O2O Fashion Mobile Commerce on Consumers` Attitudes and Intentions Focused on the characteristics - of consumers and O2O mobile commerce-

        ( Takhwan Ko ),( Sunyoung Yeom ),( Miyoung Lee ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2017 패션 비즈니스 Vol.21 No.3

        This study investigated consumers` enjoyment, perceived risks, expected values, and innovativeness factors and the effects of the convenience and personalization of online to offline (O2O) fashion mobile commerce on its perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and consumers` attitudes and intention to use O2O mobile commerce. A research model was developed using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). A mobile survey was conducted through smartphone messengers and SNSs targeting male and female college students in their 20s who are living in the Seoul Metropolitan Area. A total of 192 questionnaire responses were used in the analysis. “Among the consumer characteristics, only enjoyment and expected values were found to make consumers feel that the O2O fashion mobile commerce is useful and easy to use. Among the mobile commerce characteristics, only convenience was found to have significant effects on consumers` perceived usefulness and ease of use regarding O2O fashion mobile commerce. Perceived usefulness was found to have the effects on attitudes as well as intention to use toward O2O mobile commerce. It was shown that positive attitudes toward O2O mobile commerce led to positive use intention toward O2O mobile commerce.

      • KCI등재

        소비자의 모바일 커머스 관련 소비성향과 특성 인식에 따른 이용만족도 및 재이용의도

        노팅 ( Ting Lu ),이승신 ( Seung Sin Lee ) 대한가정학회 2018 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.56 No.4

        There has been an increasing and widespread use of smartphones to make consumer purchases. Given the stark increases in the sales of business transactions using mobile phones, it is obvious that mobile phones have become major mediums for consumer purchases. Through mobile phones, people can make their purchases anytime, anywhere, which leads their impulse of consumption directly to actual actions of consumption. Consequently, mobile commerce has become widely spread and the competition of the market has intensified. The main findings and implications of this study are as follows. First, it is shown that, among the features of mobile commerce, elements of fun, usefulness, convenience, immediateness, and security affect mobile commerce user satisfaction. Second, among mobile commerce-related consumers’ propensity, innovative consumption tendency appears to impact mobile commerce user satisfaction and repurchase intention. Third, recognition of elements in regards to fun, usefulness, convenience, immediateness, and security among features of mobile commerce affect consumers’ intention to repurchase mobile commerce. Future recognition for mobile commerce has a direct impact on increasing consumers’ repurchase intentions. Last, a higher mobile commerce user satisfaction leads to the higher repurchase intentions.

      • 모바일 컨텐츠 인터페이스 특성과 모바일 상거래 채택시기가 개인화 기반 컨텐츠 특성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        민천홍 ( Cheon Hong Min ),한경석 ( Kyeong Seok Han ) 한국인터넷비즈니스학회 2007 인터넷비지니스연구 Vol.8 No.2

        Because information search is daily work, today, information is incremently valuable to web-era. To overcome information overabundance, the search engines use personalized technique. According to this trend, personalized based contents is more important to gain profits in mobile commerce. Especially because of tiny mobile device, appropriate contents is needed to user. Therefor, as we suggest that mobile commerce interface characteristics be related to mobile personalized based contents, we would emphasis on personalized based contents and also we present that the diffusion of mobile commerce will impact on personalized based contents. In doing so, we can contribute the mobile commerce development through the activation to mobile commerce. Especially, we can practically support mobile commerce contents providers by suggesting personalized based contents.

      • KCI등재

        The Effectiveness of Consumer Perceived Mobile Commerce Environment on Shopping Value, Trust, and Information Accept

        김종락 한국인터넷전자상거래학회 2018 인터넷전자상거래연구 Vol.18 No.5

        As a useful tool for mobile commerce, smartphones have both advantages and disadvantages. In this regard, previous studies have suggested that the mobile shopping mall environment differs in many respects from the environment of the computer- based Internet shopping mall in the cause of many limitations of the smart phone. Especially, several limitations of mobile commerce constraints and smart phone hardware have a negative impact on consumers' use of mobile shopping. In the end, many of Mobile Commerce's limited features will have to design a new level of mobile user experience in order to match the smartphone's hardware system. On the other hand, the limited interface of the smart phone, cause users to inconvenience the readability significantly, it will eventually have a negative impact on the usability of mobile devices. Therefore, in order to solve these various problems and to improve the usability of the value of mobile shopping, a user environment (usability characteristic) completely different from the characteristic environment of the conventional online shopping mall is required. On the other hand, smartphone operating systems are often not compatible with Internet web browsing programs. As a result, the functions implemented in the web page are simply applied to the mobile commerce environment, so that the mobile commercial function through the terminal is not performed yet. Therefore, in order to enable many convenience functions in the web page to be smoothly implemented in the mobile environment through the smart phone, it is necessary to make numerous changes in the characteristics of the use of the mobile user environment.

      • Research on the Informationization Construction Based on E-Commerce in Rural Areas

        Ma Jinhai 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Smart Home Vol.10 No.9

        The increasing development of mobile electronic commerce has produced a great impression on the informatization construction in rural areas of our country. Electronic commerce might be developing rapidly only by means of both the hardware basis of internet and data center and the software basis of the complication of rural logistics network, therefore the both parts may restrict mutually. The article herein will analyze the mobile electronic commerce's importance on the information construction from the perspective of its current situation and then find a realistic way to improve the mobile electronic commerce in rural areas on the basis of research of its details and status quo.

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