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      • KCI등재

        부품 흐름 기반 제조 프로세스 모델링

        이화섭,류광열,조용주 한국CDE학회 2019 한국CDE학회 논문집 Vol.24 No.1

        The manufacturing system innovation led by the 4th industrial revolution attracts significant attention in novel researches. Manufacturing processes must be continually reviewed and optimized to effectively innovate manufacturing systems. It is necessary to clearly visualize and define manufacturing processes in order to improve the existing manufacturing system, or to construct the CPS (Cyber Physical Systems) with ICT (Information and Communications Technology). The existing modeling languages have powerful expressiveness for information on business processes, but there are certain limitations to describe the manufacturing characteristics in details. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop and implement a novel manufacturing process-oriented modeling methodology, referred to as Part-flow based Manufacturing Process Modeling (PMPM). Analytical techniques and applicability of the proposed model are discussed. A verification method on structural and behavioral safety of the model is proposed. Furthermore, the verification method is applied to the proposed model to evaluate the structure and behavioral safety of the process. Hence, the proposed modeling methodology is able to find the problems of the manufacturing process by analyzing the process model.

      • KCI등재

        본초 제조 공정의 DB화를 위한 형태소 분석 연구 - 숙지황 제조 공정을 중심으로 -

        김태열,김기욱,김병철,이병욱,Kim, Thaeyul,Kim, Kiwook,Kim, Byungchul,Lee, Byungwook 대한예방한의학회 2016 대한예방한의학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        Objectives : Treatment method using drugs has already been used in Korean medicine for a long time. Moreover, database has been developed and utilized for more efficient management of the treatments that use drugs. Most of such database related to knowledge on drugs is composed of origin, efficacy, temperament, ingredients and examples of application of the standardized drugs. Communication with knowledge information in other specialized areas is also accomplished by using the efficacies and ingredients with the drugs. In this study, we aimed to make data structure of the terminologies that represent the manufacturing process of herbs. However, in spite of the fact that the manufacturing process of the drugs imparts effect on their efficacies and ingredients, details of the manufacturing processes are quite limited to simple text sentences, thereby resulting in substantially lower level of utilization and difficulties in systematic researches on various factors included in the manufacturing processes in comparison to other knowledge on drugs. Methods : This Study extracted the factors necessary in the development of database by executing morphological analysis of the manufacturing process of herbs. Results : The factors are 'Order', 'Act', 'Raw material', 'Tools', 'Supporting materials', 'Intensity', 'Duration Time', 'Interval', 'Focus', 'Repetition Number', 'Untill'. We were able to tell the difference of the manufacturing process with a simple structured query language and the factors. Conclusions : Morphological analysis of medicinal herbs manufacturing Process contributes to standardization with information of the manufacturing process. And it helps to creates a quality management system through the Database.

      • KCI등재

        제법한정물건(PbP) 청구항의 해석

        정차호(Chaho JUNG) 성균관대학교 법학연구원 2023 성균관법학 Vol.35 No.1

        제법한정물건(product-by-process) 청구항(PbP 청구항)의 해석과 관련하여 다양한 의견이 존재하였다. 그러한 이견을 해결하기 위해 대법원이 2011후927 편광필름 전원합의체 판결을 선고하였으나, 그 판결이 사용한 표현의 모호함으로 인해 다양한 의견이 여전히 남게 되었다. 그 2011후927 판결 후 대법원은 2013후1726 쑥추출물 판결, 2013후631 갭 서포터 판결을 선고하였고, 최근에는 2020후11059 직타법 정제 판결을 선고하였다. 이 글은 그 4개 판결을 종합적으로 분석하였고, 그 분석의 결과로 그 4개 판결의 총합이 말하는 법리를 다음과 같이 정리한다. 첫째, 어떤 청구항이 PbP 청구항이라는 이유만으로 바로 특허법 제42조 제4항 제2호가 규정하는 명확성 요건 위배로 처리되지는 않는다. 그러한 해석이 특허법 제42조 제6항의 입법취지와 부합하는 것이라고 생각된다. 둘째, 대법원은 진정 PbP 청구항과 부진정 PbP 청구항을 구별하는 법리를 운용하지 않는다. 그 대신 발명의 실체를 파악한 후, 그 실체에 따라 물건자체설 또는 제법한정설을 적용할 수 있다. 셋째, PbP 청구항의 ‘특허성’ 판단에서도 제조방법의 물건에 대한 영향을 고려하는 것이 대법원의 입장이다. 기존의 이해는 특허성 판단에서는 발명의 실체와 무관하게 물건자체설을 적용한다는 것이었으나, (2013후631 갭 서포터 판결 및) 대상 2020후11059 직타법 정제 판결로 인하여 제조방법(대상 사건에서는 직타법)이 특허성 판단에 영향을 끼침을 알게 되었다. 즉, 해당 발명의 실체가 제조방법인 경우 제법한정설이 적용되어야 하고, 해당 발명의 실체가 물건인 경우 물건자체설이 적용되어야 하는 것이다. 넷째, ‘권리범위’ 판단에서도 제조방법의 물건에 대한 영향에 따라 PbP 청구항이 해석되어야 한다. 즉, 해당 발명의 실체가 제조방법인 경우 제법한정설이 적용되어야 하고, 해당 발명의 실체가 물건인 경우 물건자체설이 적용되어야 하는 것이다. There have been various opinions on interpretation of a product-by-process claim (hereinafter “PbP claim”). To resolve such conflicting opinions, the Korea Supreme Court (hereinafter “KSC”) handed down the 2011 Hu 927 en banc decision. However due to ambiguity of the expressions taken by the decision, there still remain various opinions. After the 2011 Hu 927 decision, KSC made 2013 Hu 1726 mugwort extract decision, 2013 Hu 631 gap supporter decision, and recently 2020 Hu 11059 hitting-method tablet decision. This paper has comprehensively analyzed the four decisions, and as a result of such analysis, summarizes overall jurisprudence of the four decisions as the followings. Firstly, a claim is not rejected under section 42(4)(2) clarity requirement only because it is a PbP claim. Such an analysis is corresponding with legislative intent of section 42(6) of the Patent Act. Secondly, KSC does not distinguish a pure PbP claim from a non-pure PbP claim. After understanding true nature of the invention at issue, based on the true nature, product-itself theory or manufacturing-process-limitation theory would be applied. Thirdly, it is KSC’s position to consider manufacturing process’s effect on the product in determining patentability. Old majority understanding was to apply product-itself theory in determining patentability, regardless of invention’s true nature. However thanks to 2013 Hu 631 gap supporter decision and 2020 Hu 11059 hitting-method tablet decision, we have recognized that manufacturing process (hitting method in the case at issue) affects patentability determination. In other words, if true nature of the invention at issue is manufacturing process, manufacturing-process-limitation theory shall be applied and if true nature of the invention at issue is the product, product-itself theory shall be applied. Fourthly, in determining right scope, effect of manufacturing process on the product shall be considered. In other words, if true nature of the invention at issue is manufacturing process, manufacturing-process-limitation theory shall be applied and if true nature of the invention at issue is the product, product-itself theory shall be applied.

      • A Comparison of Energy Consumption in Bulk Forming, Subtractive, and Additive Processes: Review and Case Study

        윤해성,이장엽,김형수,김민수,김은섭,신용준,추원식,안성훈 한국정밀공학회 2014 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol.1 No.3

        In addition to the steps taken to ensure optimal efficiency in industry, significant effort has been directed towards the green and sustainable manufacturing practices. In this paper, we review conventional and state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies to provide insight into energy consumption at the processing level. In the review, collected energy data were summarized for three manufacturing categories: conventional bulk-forming, subtractive, and additive manufacturing (AM) processes. Additive processes, in particular, are strongly emphasized in the Advanced Manufacturing Initiatives proposed recently by the United States government. Currently, the specific energy consumption (SEC) of additive processes is estimated to be ~100-fold higher than that of conventional bulk-forming processes, with subtractive processes showing intermediate values that varied over a wide range in terms of scale. Although SEC may vary with respect to the details, in general, the research showed a negative correlation with respect to the reciprocal logarithmic form of the productivity. In addition to the literature review presented, we performed case studies for the three manufacturing processes, to provide practical examples of energy consumption. Additionally, our results indicated that AM processes may require more extensive evaluation; i.e., an assessment of the entire manufacturing cycle, for more accurate prediction of the subsequent environmental impact.

      • A Study on the Simplification of Manufacturing Process of Tubular Batteries to Overcome CRISIS of Lead-Acid Battery Maker in KOREA

        Yoon Youn saup J-INSTITUTE 2018 International Journal of Crisis & Safety Vol.3 No.4

        Manufacturers of lead-acid batteries have made great efforts to reduce the production cost of batteries. Simplifying the manufacturing process is an effective way to reduce costs. In general, it has been recognized that tubular electrode plates should be pickled after filling with the positive active material(PAM). This process requires a pickling and drying process. During this process, curing of the active material occurs. Generally, the curing process is the most time-consuming part of the lead-acid battery manufacturing process. This study deals with the simplification of the manufacturing process for lead-acid batteries using a tubular type positive plate. The effect on discharge capacity of pickling and curing time for the tubular plate was investigated. In this study, tubular positive plates filled with the active material were subjected to case formation(CF) by assembling the cell without pickling. The investigation illustrated that pickling conditions were a determinant for modifications of the chemical and phase composition of the PAM and for electrochemical performance. Thus, a better under-standing of the pickling mechanism is required in order to optimize the tubular positive plate’s performance. It has been observed that the key to successful pickling is the maintenance of an exact balance between the con-centration of H2SO4, and the duration of the pickling process. The comparative study showed that longer pickling times and higher concentrations of H2SO4 do not necessarily result in electrodes with better first capacity perfor-mance. Also, it was noted that if the concentration of H2SO4 for pickling was too low or too high, the capacity of the battery was reduced. In this study, the best cell performance was obtained after 3 hours of pickling in H2SO4 solution with a specific gravity of 1.20 and after 16 hours of pickling in H2SO4 solution with a specific gravity of 1.10. This result will be commercially valuable to tubular type lead-acid battery manufacturers in terms of sim-plifying the manufacturing process.

      • KCI등재

        제조프로세스 재구성을 위한 생산설비간 정보 협상 모델 개발

        이상일,박유진,류광열 한국엔터프라이즈아키텍처학회 2016 정보기술아키텍처연구 Vol.13 No.1

        Manufacturing system has been developed with requirements of society and technologicaladvance. Increase of flexibility and reconfigurability are one of efficient method in order to satisfysustainable development and eco-friendly for manufacturing system. Therefore, in this paper,we proposed negotiation model between manufacturing facilities for manufacturing process reconfigurationin order to increase flexibility based on multi-agent system. Proposed negotiation modeluse the information such as system’s goal, facilities’ resource, and task inside manufacturing system. And proposed negotiation model consist of three types; a) Resource-based Negotiation, b)Task-based Negotiation, and c) Hybrid-typed Negotiation of a) and b). According to the results ofresource-based and task-based negotiation, manufacturing processes can be reconfigured by reassignmentof resource and re-allocation of tasks, respectively. The hybrid-typed negotiation usesgenetic algorithm to find the best way to process reconfiguration. The proposed model can be usedto improve flexibility and reconfigurability of manufacturing processes. 생산시스템은 시대의 변화와 기술의 발전에 따라 많은 변화를 겪어 왔으며 생산시스템의 유연성과 재구성력의 증가는 지속가능한 생산과 친화경적인 생산을 추구할 수 있는 효율적인 방법 중 하나이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 멀티 에이전트 기반의 생산시스템에서 제조프로세스의 유연성 증가와 제조프로세스의 재구성을 위한 생산설비간 정보 협상모델을 제안한다. 협상은 생산시스템 내부의 에이전트가 생산시스템의 자원, 과업과 같은 생산시스템 내부의 정보를 활용하여 진행된다. 제안된 협상모델은 a) 자원기반 협상(Resource-based negotiation), b) 과업기반 협상(Task-based negotiation),c) 하이브리드 협상(Hybrid-typed negotiation)으로 구성되어 있다. 자원기반 협상과 과업기반 협상은 협상 방법의 결과에 따라서 자원의 재분배, 과업의 재배치 및 제조프로세스의 재구성을 지원하며하이브리드 협상은 자원과 과업을 동시에 고려한 협상방식이며 유전알고리즘을 활용하여 제조프로세스의 재구성을 지원한다. 제안된 협상모델은 생산시스템 내부에서 생산설비간 유연성과 제조프로세스의 재구성력을 높일 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        숙녀복(淑女服) 재킷 제조공정(製造工程) 실태(實態) 연구(硏究)

        심재희 ( Jae Hee Shim ),손희순 ( Hee Soon Sohn ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2002 패션 비즈니스 Vol.6 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to present the plan for activation and rationalization of production of ladies` jacket and provide basic materials for improvement of the development of technologies in relation to the productivity improvement of ladies` jacket and the achievement of high quality product. For this purpose, this study attempted to investigate the present situation of jacket manufacturing process. The data is related with local ladies` jacket manufacturing companies in Seoul snd Kyonggi area. The results of this study are as follows. 1. 87.8% of the business firms responded that they acquired the productive process of jacket based on their own knowhow and 80.5% was aware of the need for the analysis of each process. The highest proportion of the business firms(65.9%) pointed out that the advantage of process analysis was the alleviation of the production time. 2. The jacket manufacturing process was made up of 4 stages such as the process of frontal/rear plate → the process of accessories → the process of completion → the process of finishing in a broad sense but composed of a total of 19 stages in detail. 3. Attachment of the sleeves(73.2), attachment of the collar(41.5%) and the formation of the overall silhouette(22.0%) were raised as the challenge in manufacturing ladies` jacket. 4. Most of the sewing business firms made use of the method of completing the collar and then stitching the outer material and the inner collar, and the line of the bodice and the outer collar as the method of stitching the tailored collar. and many of them used the method of completing the collar and then inserting it between the line of the bodice and the outer material and stitching it as the method of stitching the stand collar. They had a preference for the method of completing the sleeve and connecting it to the bodice as the method of stitching the sleeve. and used the method of treating the margin to seam of semi-lined and unlined jacket by treating it with the bias tape.

      • Research on the Influencing Factors of Green Process Innovation Path of Manufacturing Based on Niche Ecostate-Ecorole

        Hongna Tian,Hongyan Yin,Bo Shi 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of u- and e- Service, Scienc Vol.9 No.11

        In order to explore the influencing factors of green process innovation path of manufacturing, this paper puts forward a concept model of influencing factors of green process innovation path of manufacturing based on the niche ecostate-ecorole theory, studying the influencing factors from three aspects: the ecostate attribute, the ecostate and ecorole interface attribute, and the ecorole attribute. It proposes some hypotheses and tests them by carrying out structural equation model analysis on the basis of large sample data from 29 manufacturing industries in China, and then makes empirical researches on the influencing power of each factor on green process innovation path. The study tells us that the ecostate attribute, the ecostate and ecorole interface attribute and the ecorole attribute of green process innovation have obvious positive influences on green process innovation path of manufacturing. Among which, personnel and funds of scientific and technological activities, tax exemption and reduction to encourage technology development, and the rate of assets contribution have the most significant impact on green process innovation path of manufacturing.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Study on the Fault Process and Equipment Analysis of Plastic Ball Grid Array Manufacturing Using Data-Mining Techniques

        ( Hyun Sik Sim ) 한국정보처리학회 2020 Journal of information processing systems Vol.16 No.6

        The yield and quality of a micromanufacturing process are important management factors. In real-world situations, it is difficult to achieve a high yield from a manufacturing process because the products are produced through multiple nanoscale manufacturing processes. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the processes and equipment that lead to low yields. This paper proposes an analytical method to identify the processes and equipment that cause a defect in the plastic ball grid array (PBGA) during the manufacturing process using logistic regression and stepwise variable selection. The proposed method was tested with the lot trace records of a real work site. The records included the sequence of equipment that the lot had passed through and the number of faults of each type in the lot. We demonstrated that the test results reflect the real situation in a PBGA manufacturing process, and the major equipment parameters were then controlled to confirm the improvement in yield; the yield improved by approximately 20%.

      • KCI등재

        반도체 공정에서의 APC 기법 및 이상감지 및 분류 시스템

        하대근,구준모,박담대,한종훈,Ha, Dae-Geun,Koo, Jun-Mo,Park, Dam-Dae,Han, Chong-Hun 제어로봇시스템학회 2015 제어·로봇·시스템학회 논문지 Vol.21 No.9

        Traditional semiconductor process control has been performed through statistical process control techniques in a constant process-recipe conditions. However, the complexity of the interior of the etching apparatus plasma physics, quantitative modeling of process conditions due to the many difficult features constraints apply simple SISO control scheme. The introduction of the Advanced Process Control (APC) as a way to overcome the limits has been using the APC process control methodology run-to-run, wafer-to-wafer, or the yield of the semiconductor manufacturing process to the real-time process control, performance, it is possible to improve production. In addition, it is possible to establish a hierarchical structure of the process control made by the process control unit and associated algorithms and etching apparatus, the process unit, the overall process. In this study, the research focused on the methodology and monitoring improvements in performance needed to consider the process management of future developments in the semiconductor manufacturing process in accordance with the age of the APC analysis in real applications of the semiconductor manufacturing process and process fault diagnosis and control techniques in progress.

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