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      • KCI등재

        그린수소 구현을 위한 수소경제정책 분석 및 안전관리 방안

        심우섭,최지웅 조선대학교 공학기술연구원 2023 공학기술논문지 Vol.16 No.3

        The government announced a roadmap for revitalizing the hydrogen economy on January 17, 2019. Four years later, the world's first hydrogen economy fostering and hydrogen safety management bill (hereafter referred to as the Hydrogen Act) was enacted and the first regulatory sandbox was approved to complete the construction of a hydrogen filling station in the National Assembly. The safety management system, which is the most fundamental of the success of the hydrogen economy, is still lacking in specific plans and execution. In this study, after comparing and considering the characteristics and issues of the hydrogen economy and other laws related to safety, safety management measures were derived to activate a true hydrogen economy that realizes green hydrogen. In order to realize a safe hydrogen economy, it is necessary to prioritize the establishment of a safety management system for the entire hydrogen industry. Therefore, it is necessary to relieve public anxiety about the safety of hydrogen, develop a safety management system announced by the state, develop core hydrogen technologies, and solve problems related to manpower and budget. In this study, the specificity of sub-statutes of the Hydrogen Act was proposed, and it is expected that it will provide important implications for reorganizing regulations to realize a green hydrogen economy in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        수소경제에서 연료전지발전의 역할

        정용주 한국경영과학회 2021 經營 科學 Vol.38 No.1

        The hydrogen economy, in which hydrogen is used as a fuel for electricity and hydrogen vehicles, for energy storage/carrier, requires new industry infrastructure in which hydrogen is efficiently produced, transported and used. The Korea government announced ‘Hydrogen Economy Activation Roadmap’ in 2019 which includes plans of hydrogen supply, Fuel Cell Power Plant (FCPP) expansion and fuel cell electricity vehicle(FCEV) spreading, and released HPS(Hydrogen Portfolio Standard) forcing FCPP generation. The electricity generation section is the most important one in the hydrogen economy since it produces hydrogen by electrolysis using electricity and uses it as well to produce electricity by FCPP. This paper proposes a new generation capacity expansion planning(GCEP) model in the hydrogen economy. GCEP is an optimization model to find the capacity expansion plan of the smallest cost while satisfying yearly demand requirements and other technical and political constraints. Our GCEP model is differentiated from old ones in that ours considers hydrogen economy by formulating hydrogen a fuel, FCPP as a power plant and HPS constraint into the GCEP model. Optimal generation capacity expansion plan in the hydrogen economy is found by our GCEP model and compared and analyzed the one of the carbon economy. Empirical experiments based on Korea generation data show that LNG plant will be firstly shrinked by HPS and that high efficiency of FCPP will decrease total capacity.

      • KCI등재

        수소경제로의 이행을 위한 안전관리 정책 연구

        전대천 한국수소및신에너지학회 2014 한국수소 및 신에너지학회논문집 Vol.25 No.2

        Hydrogen, which can be produced from abundant and widely distributed renewable energy resources,seems to be a promising candidate for solving the concerns for improving energy security, urban air pollution,and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The two primary motivating factors for hydrogen economy are fossil fuelsupply limitations and concerns about global warming. But the safety issues associated with hydrogen economyneed to be investigated and fully understood before being considered as a future energy source. Limited operatingexperience with hydrogen energy systems in consumer environments is recognised as a significant barrier to theimplementation of hydrogen economy. To prevent unnecessary restrictions on emerging codes, standards and localregulations, safety policies based on real hazards should be developed. This article studies briefly the directimpact-distances from hazard events such as hydrogen release and jet fire, and damage levels from hydrogen gasexplosion in a confined space. Based on the direct impact-distances indicated in the accident scenarios and consumerenvironments in Korea, the safety policies, which are related to hydrogen filling station, hydrogen fuel cell car,portable fuel cell, domestic fuel cells, and hydrogen town, are suggested to implement hydrogen economy. Toapply the safety policies and overcome the disadvantages of prescriptive risk management, which is setting guidancein great detail to management well known risk but is not covering unidentified risk, hybrid risk management modelis also proposed.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Hydrogen Economic Law for the Realization of Hydrogen Society in Korea

        Kim, Minchul(김민철),Yoon, Soon-Uk(윤순욱),Kim, Hyeon Min(김현민) 숭실대학교 법학연구소 2020 法學論叢 Vol.46 No.-

        한국 정부는 수소 자동차와 연료 전지를 중심으로 한 수소 경제사회를 지향한다. 이 연구의 목적은 2019년 1월 발표된 수소 경제 로드맵을 지원하기 위한 더 나은 입법의 방향을 제공하는 것이다. 수소차와 연료전지 기술에 강점을 가진 한국은 수소 산업이 세계의 이목을 끌고 있는 와중에 한국의 수소 경제관련 입법 동향은 수출, 투자, 관련 산업집단의 공동연구 등 국제협력을 위해서도 중요하다. 한국의 경우 수소경제법, 수소산업진흥법, 수소안전법 등이 모두 국회에 계류돼 있다. 또한 법적 근거 없이 수소차 공급과 충전 인프라 사업이 여러 기관 사이에 분산돼 있어 체계적인 대응이 어려웠다. 그 외에도 입법 미비로 인한 애로점을 극복하기 위하여 수소통합경제법을 제정해 수소경제사회에 대한 체계적인 대응을 할 필요성이 느껴진다. 연구결과, 비교법적으로 일본의 경우 장기적 관점의 수소경제 발전을 위한 법안이 있고, 미국은 민간부문까지 수소정책에 협력할 여지를 두고 있다. 영국의 경우에도 수소사회의 실현을 가속화하고 다양한 이해관계자의 의견을 수렴하는 제도적 장치가 있었다. 현재 국회 계류중이거나 논의 중인 한국 사회의 수소관련 법제 중 수소산업발전법의 경우, ‘기후변화대응기본계획’과도 더욱 밀접히 연계되어야 한다는 결론을 얻었다. 즉, 현재 국가 핵심정책인 수소산업 육성을 위해 에너지 기본계획과 기후변화계획을 함께 검토해야 한다. 또한 수소안전관리사업법은 수소경제에서 가장 중요한 법률이다. 수소에 관한 안전기준이 있어야 한다. 현재의 법안에는 모든 수소 관련 시설이 포함되어 있지 않다는 문제점이 있다. 수소를 고압으로 제조, 충전, 보관하는 시설은 “고압가스안전관리법”에 따라 기준을 준수하도록 되어 있다. 수소를 저압으로 제조, 충전, 저장, 판매 또는 사용하는 시설에는 안전기준이 불충분하다는 문제점도 시정되어야 한다. 또한 수소를 직접 사용하는 연료전지에 대해서는 안전기준이 제공되지 않았다. 수소연료의 안전관리 및 사업법은 공공의 안전을 확보하여 수소의 공급과 이용을 촉진하기 위해 제정되었다고 이러한 현실적인 안전 문제에 대한 대처 기준 등이 강화되어야 할 것이다. 또 수소경제 지속을 위한 체계적인 연구개발 지원도 요원하다. 수소 R&D 사업 중 한국이 투자를 통해 효과적일 수 있는 기술 분야를 뽑아 집중 육성하는 것도 필요하다. 미국과의 안전관리 노하우에도 기술 교류와 협력이 필요하다. 이와 함께 미국의 수소 및 연료전지 관련 행위에 대한 연구와 벤치마킹도 필요할 것이다. 이러한 다양한 정책적 노력과 법적 근거확립은 수소사회의 실현에 일익이 될 것이다. The South Korean government aims for a hydrogen economy society focusing on hydrogen-powered cars and fuel cells. The purpose of this study is to provide directions for better legislation to support the hydrogen economy roadmap. South Korea"s hydrogen industry, which has strengths in hydrogen car and fuel cell technology, draws the attention of the world. Korean legislative trends are also important to other countries for international cooperation, including export, investment, and joint research of related industrial groups. A roadmap to revitalize the hydrogen economy was announced in January 2019. The Act on the Hydrogen Economy, the Act on the Promotion of Hydrogen Industries, and the Act on the Safety of Hydrogen are all pending in the National Assembly. It was difficult to take a systematic response because projects for hydrogen car supply and charging infrastructure were distributed among several agencies. The purpose of legislation is desirable for a systematic response to the hydrogen economy society by enacting the Integrated Hydrogen Economic Act. The Korean government includes hydrogen in the category of climate change technologies. Therefore, the Act on Development of Hydrogen Industries should also be linked to the "Basic Plan for Climate Change Response". In other words, the basic energy plan and climate change plan should be considered together in order to foster the hydrogen industry, which is currently one of the key national policies. The Hydrogen Safety Management and Business Act is the most important law in the hydrogen economy. There should also be safety standards regarding hydrogen. The current bills do not contain all hydrogen-related facilities. Facilities that manufacture, charge, and store hydrogen at high pressure are required to comply with standards in accordance with the “High Pressure Gas Safety Management Act.” Safety standards are insufficient for facilities that manufacture, charge, store, sell, or use hydrogen at low pressure. In addition, safety standards were not provided for fuel cells which use hydrogen directly. The Safety Management and Business Act of Hydrogen Fuel was designed to promote the supply and utilization of hydrogen by securing public safety. In addition, systematic support for R&D is also needed for the continuation of the hydrogen economy. Of the hydrogen R&D projects, it is also necessary for South Korea to draw out technical areas that can be effective through investment and to foster them intensively. It will also need technological exchanges and cooperation in safety management know-how with the United States. In particular, research and benchmarking on the hydrogen and fuel cell-related acts of the US will also be needed.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Hydrogen Economic Law for the Realization of Hydrogen Society in Korea

        김민철,윤순욱,김현민 숭실대학교 법학연구소 2020 法學論叢 Vol.46 No.-

        The South Korean government aims for a hydrogen economy society focusing on hydrogen-powered cars and fuel cells. The purpose of this study is to provide directions for better legislation to support the hydrogen economy roadmap. South Korea's hydrogen industry, which has strengths in hydrogen car and fuel cell technology, draws the attention of the world. Korean legislative trends are also important to other countries for international cooperation, including export, investment, and joint research of related industrial groups. A roadmap to revitalize the hydrogen economy was announced in January 2019. The Act on the Hydrogen Economy, the Act on the Promotion of Hydrogen Industries, and the Act on the Safety of Hydrogen are all pending in the National Assembly. It was difficult to take a systematic response because projects for hydrogen car supply and charging infrastructure were distributed among several agencies. The purpose of legislation is desirable for a systematic response to the hydrogen economy society by enacting the Integrated Hydrogen Economic Act. The Korean government includes hydrogen in the category of climate change technologies. Therefore, the Act on Development of Hydrogen Industries should also be linked to the 'Basic Plan for Climate Change Response'. In other words, the basic energy plan and climate change plan should be considered together in order to foster the hydrogen industry, which is currently one of the key national policies. The Hydrogen Safety Management and Business Act is the most important law in the hydrogen economy. There should also be safety standards regarding hydrogen. The current bills do not contain all hydrogen-related facilities. Facilities that manufacture, charge, and store hydrogen at high pressure are required to comply with standards in accordance with the “High Pressure Gas Safety Management Act.” Safety standards are insufficient for facilities that manufacture, charge, store, sell, or use hydrogen at low pressure. In addition, safety standards were not provided for fuel cells which use hydrogen directly. The Safety Management and Business Act of Hydrogen Fuel was designed to promote the supply and utilization of hydrogen by securing public safety. In addition, systematic support for R&D is also needed for the continuation of the hydrogen economy. Of the hydrogen R&D projects, it is also necessary for South Korea to draw out technical areas that can be effective through investment and to foster them intensively. It will also need technological exchanges and cooperation in safety management know-how with the United States. In particular, research and benchmarking on the hydrogen and fuel cell-related acts of the US will also be needed.

      • KCI등재

        한국 수소 충전소 건설의 경제성 분석

        강병우,김태현,이택홍 한국수소및신에너지학회 2016 한국수소 및 신에너지학회논문집 Vol.27 No.3

        As the hydrogen era comes near future, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are core of hydrogen economy. Until now, Korea has 17 hydrogen refueling stations but 9 hydrogen refueling stations have been retired already and 8 hydrogen refueling stations are still running. With a limited number of hydrogen refueling stations, it is very difficult to get scientific data for the economy of hydrogen refueling stations in Korea. Thus, based on NREL(National Renewable Energy Laboratory) study, we analyzed most recent data for the construction of hydrogen refueling stations in one specific site in Korea. The cost comparison data between Korea and USA shows 14% difference, saying higher costs of Korea. Korea looks 5 years delay compared to USA. This data will be an important tool for the investment from every industrial parties.

      • KCI우수등재

        국가 수소공급 인프라 구축을 위한 블루수소의 역할

        이원석,김영민,신영재,왕지훈,문상호,박희준,장성진,권오광 한국자원공학회 2021 한국자원공학회지 Vol.58 No.5

        The “Hydrogen Economy Roadmap of Korea,” which was released by the government, included an overseas source of hydrogen to consolidate the supply chain. The ultimate goal of hydrogen economy would be established by using green hydrogen from renewables. However, blue hydrogen is expected to form a considerable proportion of the hydrogen supply chain in the initial stage of hydrogen economy. To develop a new path of blue hydrogen supply, it is inevitable to build collaborative strategies with international oil producers or technologically advanced countries. By investigating the required technologies and collaborative environments of countries that have high potentials, the scheme of blue hydrogen supply was proposed. The business model integrated with CCS-EOR would be competitive, and UAE, USA, and Canada should be preferentially considered for collaborative target countries. To acquire commercial-level feasibility, it is necessary to perform an integrated pilot project, which includes overseas hydrogen production, CCS-EOR, and transportation. 한국정부의 수소경제 활성화 대책이 제시된 이후 안정적이고 경제성을 갖춘 수소공급 기반확충을위한 노력들이 진행되고 있다. 궁극적으로는 그린수소를 활용한 탈탄소 수소경제 달성을 목표로하지만, 수소경제 초기 단계에서는 다양한 공급원에 대한 타당성 검토가 필요하며 현실적으로는 블루수소에 대한 의존성이 상당 기간 높을 것으로 전망되고 있다. 블루수소 공급원 개척을 위해서는 국가 차원의 구체적인 확보전략 수립과 해외 산유국 또는 기술선진국과의 협력은 필수적이다. 이 연구에서는 블루수소 확보를 위해 요구되는 수요 기술, 대상국 협력 환경 등을 분석하였다. 블루수소 확보에 있어 이산화탄소 처분 및 회수증진 적용을 동시에 고려한 모델은 충분한 경쟁력을 갖추고 있는 것으로 예측되며, UAE, 미국, 캐나다 등과의 협력이 우선 고려되어야 할 것으로 판단된다. 상용 수준의 공급원 확보를 위해 정부간 협력 체계 구축 및 적절한 정부 지원을 통한 수소 현지생산 및 국내 도입 연계 실증사업이 필요하며, 이를 통해 안정적이고 보다 경제적인 블루수소 공급원이 확보될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다

      • KCI등재

        한국형 수소경제 활성화를 위한 환경정책 적용분야 연구

        최지웅,심우섭 조선대학교 공학기술연구원 2023 공학기술논문지 Vol.16 No.3

        The government announced a roadmap for revitalizing the hydrogen economy nn January 17, 2019. Now, four years after that, since there are no concrete results yet in improving the environment through the hydrogen economy, in this study, after examining the characteristics and issues of the hydrogen economy and environmental policy cases caused by the hydrogen economy, a true green A strategy to advance the hydrogen society was derived. First of all, it is necessary to supplement the hydrogen economy roadmap to secure source technology and balance development of local governments. In addition, it is proposed to expand and reflect preemptive responses to climate change, air cleaning and fine dust reduction, environmental pollution monitoring, and life safety and natural disaster prevention to detailed hydrogen economy policies. It is hoped that the proposals of this study will be used as a successful strategy in the environmental field, which is one axis of the hydrogen economy.

      • KCI우수등재

        주요국의 수소경제 지원 정책과 시사점

        천강,김진수 한국자원공학회 2020 한국자원공학회지 Vol.57 No.6

        The hydrogen economy is an industry that uses hydrogen as one of the primary energy sources. The successful development of the hydrogen economy creates new opportunities for various sectors, such as fuel cells, heat supply, and transportation, including hydrogen vehicles. Because of these opportunities, industrialized countries have already developed policies to promote the hydrogen economy. Thus, we herein reviewed those policies from Germany, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Japan, and the United States. We also grouped the lessons learned from the policies under five points: setting statistics for hydrogen demand analysis, stable hydrogen supply and securing infrastructure, policies for creating jobs, technology innovation, and international cooperation with countries that have advanced technologies for the hydrogen economy. 수소경제는 수소를 주요 에너지원의 하나로 사용하는 경제 및 산업 구조를 말한다. 수소경제 활성화를 통해 수소차를 대표로한 수송 분야뿐만 아니라 전기, 열 등 에너지 사용 분야 전반에 새로운 부가가치 창출이 가능하다. 세계 주요국들은 이러한 수소경제의중요성을 인식하고 수소경제 지원정책을 수립, 추진 중에 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 독일, 영국, EU, 일본, 미국 등 주요국의 수소경제지원정책을 정리하고 한국의 수소경제 활성화를 위한 시사점을 도출하였다. 그 결과, 통계 정립 및 수요 분석, 안정적인 수소 공급원및 인프라 확보, 고용 창출 지원, 기술혁신, 기술 선진국들과 국제협력의 다섯 가지 시사점을 도출할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        충남지역 신재생에너지산업 육성을 위한 지역네트워크 플랫폼 구축방안에 관한 연구: 바이오가스 기반 수소공급 산업육성 사례

        박은병,전영노,김연철 조선대학교 사회과학연구원 부설 동북아연구소 2017 동북아연구 Vol.32 No.2

        Developed countries are fiercely competing in technology development with the increasing demand for eco-friendly hydrogen energy to prevail economically efficient hydrogen production technology and to prepare for entry into the hydrogen economy society. Korea is also fostering the hydrogen production and supply industry to prepare for the advent of the hydrogen economy, to secure economical, environmentally friendly and highly efficient hydrogen production technology. In particular, Chungnam Province has a high potential for hydrogen production capacity compared to other regions because it has abundant energy source (stockbreeding industry) for producing environmentally friendly hydrogen. A resource-based facility capable of producing hydrogen energy based on biogas has been established and based on this, it has a regional capacity to nurture the hydrogen production and supply industry. This study examines the importance and role of the hydrogen supply business in the Chungnam region and shows the position of the hydrogen supply business in the value chain system and requirements to build a regional network platform for the successful hydrogen supply project. It is an analysis of regional ecosystem of hydrogen supply industry through analysis of model of value chain system and regional innovation cluster theory for regional network platform construction. In order to analyze the demand for biogas-based hydrogen supply industry, a questionnaire survey was conducted for consumers and suppliers.

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