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        대만 현지인의 한식 레스토랑에 대한규범적 기대와 예측적 기대

        서선희,윤나라,서해나,吳紀美 한국관광학회 2012 관광학연구 Vol.36 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 대만인의 한식 레스토랑에 대한 기대 수준을 규범적 기대와 예측적 기대로 나누어 한식 레스토랑에 대한 기대 수준을 비교하고 기대를 형성하는 요인들의 영향력을 파악하는 것이다. 본 연구는 최근 1년간 한식 레스토랑을 방문한 경험이 있는 대만인들을 대상으로 총 500부의 설문지를 배포하였으며 이 중 397부의 설문지가 회수되었고 불성실하게 응답한 표본을 제외한 298부가 최종 분석에 사용되었다. 수집된 자료는 규범적 기대와 예측적 기대의 차이를 파악하기 위해 t-test를 실시하였고, 단계적 회귀분석을 실시하여 기대 형성 요인들의 규범적 기대와 예측적 기대에 대한 영향력을 조사하였다. 본 연구 결과, 대만인이 한식 레스토랑에서 반드시 받아야 하는 서비스의 기대 수준인 규범적 기대는 음식과 관련된 품질보다 서비스와 관련된 품질 항목에서 높았다. 소속감지향성 가치와 즐거움지향성 가치가 높을수록, 과거경험이 긍정적일수록 규범적 기대 수준이 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to identify the should and will expectation to Korean foods restaurants for Taiwanese consumers and to examine the influences of past experience, price, tangibles, image, word-of-mouth, third parties, and value on should expectation and will expectation to Korean foods restaurants. A total of 298 Taiwanese who have experienced Korean foods restaurants in last 12 months participated in this study. T-test was used to identify the differences between should expectation and will expectation to Korean food. Stepwise regression analysis was conducted to examine influences of past experience, price, tangibles, image, word-of-mouth, third parties, and value on should and will expectation to Korean foods restaurants. The results indicated that Taiwanese will expectation to Korean foods restaurants was significantly higher than should expectation to Korean foods restaurants and that value and past experiences had a strong influence towards should expectation to Korean foods restaurants. And especially, sense of belonging value and entertainment value strongly influenced should expectation and will expectation. The managerial implications were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        시장 수준에서 영화에 대한 기대불일치가 흥행에 미치는 영향

        이유석(You Seok Lee),김상훈(Sang Hoon Kim) 한국마케팅학회 2013 마케팅연구 Vol.28 No.1

        영화는 대표적인 경험재로서 소비자의 만족을 결정하는 데에 기대불일치가 미치는 영향이 매우 크다. 그럼에도 불구하고 지금까지는 영화산업에 기대불일치 이론을 적용한 연구가 많지 않았고, 그마저도 대부분 설문이나 실험을 바탕으로 진행된 것들이었다. 본 연구는 개인 수준의 연구에 국한되었던 기대불일치 이론을 시장 수준에 적용하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 본 연구는 영화 시장 수준의 자료를 바탕으로 기대불일치 모형을 검증함으로써, 기업이 개봉 전 시장의 기대 수준을 높이는데 지나치게 집중하는 근시안적인 마케팅에서 벗어나 시장의 기대불일치 수준을 효과적으로 관리함으로써 이상적인 흥행 성적을 거둘 수 있다는 실무적 시사점을 제공하고자 한다. 본 연구의 핵심 개념은 개봉 전 기대수준과 개봉 후 기대불일치로 전자는 개봉 첫 주 예매율로 후자는 관객 평점 변화와 좌석 점유율 변화로 측정하였다. 최종 흥행 성적은 영화의 상대적 규모를 감안하여 절대적인 관객수나 매출액이 아닌 투자수익률로 측정하였다. 개별 영화의 주별 시장점유율이 감소하는 속도를 지수모형을 이용하여 추정하였고, 기대불일치가 클수록 시장점유율 감소율이 커지면서 최종적으로 투자수익률에 부정적인 영향을 미칠 것이라는 가설을 세웠다. 변수들간의 인과관계를 동시에 분석하기 위해 경로분석을 사용하였으며, 경로분석의 외생변수를 선택하기 위해 단계선택법을 적용한 회귀분석을 시행하였다. 연구결과, 개봉 전 기대수준을 높이는 데에는 스타 파워와 12세 관람가 변수가 유의한 영향력을 갖는 것으로 나타났다. 개봉 전 기대수준은 분명 최종 흥행 성적에 긍정적인 영향을 미치지만, 개봉 후 기대불일치는 시장점유율 감소율을 높여 결과적으로 최종 흥행 성적에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것이 확인되었다. 또한, 개봉 전 기대수준이 높을수록 개봉 후 기대불일치가 크다는 가설이 지지되면서 기존의 개인 수준에서의 기대불일치 이론을 시장 수준에서도 적용 가능함을 보였다. 구체적으로는 개봉 전 기대수준이 최종 흥행 성적에 미치는 영향보다 개봉 후 기대불일치가 최종 흥행 성적에 미치는 영향이 더 큰 것과, 개봉 전 기대수준을 높이는 전략이 간접적으로는 기대불일치를 크게 하여 최종 흥행 성적에 부정적인 영향을 미치게 됨을 확인하였다. 본 연구는 기대불일치 이론을 영화의 시장 수준에 적용함으로써 기대불일치 이론을 확장하였을 뿐 아니라 기존 연구에서 자주 사용하지 않았던 개봉 첫 주말 예매율, 좌석 점유율, 투자수익률 등의 변수를 사용함으로써 영화 흥행 요인에 대한 연구의 폭을 확대하는 데에도 기여하고 있다. 또한, 본 연구 결과는 영화 관련 실무자들에게 영화의 기대관리(expectation management)에 대한 다양한 시사점을 제공하고 있다. The main objective of this research is to apply expectation disconfirmation theory to market level data. This theory to date been predominantly tested through surveys or experiments. In terms of consumer satisfaction, the concept of expectation disconfirmation has a huge impact on the movie industry, which is a classic example of experience goods. In addition, since the movie industry collects box office data in real time and opens most of them to public, the movie industry is the best option to apply expectation disconfirmation theory at the market level. However, there is a lack of research which examines the application of expectation discontinuation theory to the movie industry. Many practitioners who specialize in movie marketing have also neglected expectation management and tend to focus on maximizing expectation levels before a movie is released As a result, many movies have failed at the box office because of rapid, negative word-of-mouth caused by the overwhelming expectation disconfirmation of moviegoers. This research attempts to offer insights by applying the expectation disconfirmation theory to the movie industry and argues that movie companies should break from the convention of increasing pre-release market expectations and efficiently manage post-release market expectation disconfirmation with the aim of achieving ideal box office records. The main variables of this research are pre-release expectation and post-release expectation disconfirmation. Pre-release expectation is measured by the first week`s ticket reservation rate while post-release expectation disconfirmation is measured by the downgrade of consumer`s evaluation and the downgrade of occupied seat rate. The final performance of a movie is measured by the return on investment (ROI) instead of the total number of viewers or the total revenue, considering that the total cost of movies is varied. This research estimates the decrease rate of a movie`s weekly market share by assuming that the product life cycle of a movie is very close to the exponential decay model. This decrease rate is affected by the post-release expectation disconfirmation and in turn has a negative impact on the ROI. To analyze the causal relationships between the variables simultaneously this research adopts path analysis. To select exogenous variables for the path analysis, step wise regression is conducted. This research shows that ``star power`` and the Parental Guidance (PG)-12 rating have a significant effect on the pre-release expectation. The effects of the pre-release expectation and the post-release expectation disconfirmation of the final performance are also statistically significant and positive. Concretely, the post-release expectation disconfirmation increases the decrease rate of market share, and this decrease rate in turn reduces the ROI. Since the hypothesis that the post-release expectation disconfirmation may increase when the post-release expectation grows is supported, this research shows that the expectation disconfirmation theory can be applied to market level research. Moreover, this research has confirmed that the effect of post-release expectation disconfirmation on the final performance exceeds that of pre-release expectations and that a higher pre-release expectation causes more post-release expectation disconfirmation, which means that final performance may decrease indirectly. The significance of this research is that it expands the scope of expectation disconfirmation theory by applying the theory to market level data. Further, this research makes a valuable contribution and enlarges the field of movie marketing by including some rarely used variables such as the first week ticket reservation rate, the occupied seat rate, and the ROI. Finally, results from this research suggest that the present marketing strategy of concentrating the majority of marketing resources on the right-before-release period to increase market expectations should be reconsi

      • KCI등재

        인터넷 쇼핑몰에서의 기대초과보상이 재구매 수량에 미치는 영향

        정창민 ( Chang Min Jeong ),차경천 ( Kyoung Cheon Cha ) 한국소비자학회 2014 소비자학연구 Vol.25 No.3

        구매 상황에서 제품이나 서비스의 성과가 소비자 기대와 일치하지 않을 경우 불일치 상태가 발생하며, 기대한 것보다 좋을 때에는 긍정적인 불일치, 나쁠 때에는 부정적인 불일치가 나타난다. 본 연구는 인터넷 쇼핑몰의 보상수준이 공지된 것보다 커서 기대이상으로 제공되었을 때 기대초과보상이라 정의하고, 기대초과보상이 재구매 수량에 미치는 영향을 분석하고자 한다. 한 인터넷 쇼핑몰의 단순한 실무자의 실수에서 시작된 기대초과보상의 1년 4개월간, 실제구매 9,638건의 자료를 분석하였다. 분석결과, 기대초과보상이 재구매 수량에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것을 확인 하였다. 인터넷 쇼핑몰에서 유용한 마케팅 프로모션 전략으로 기대초과보상을 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. According to expectation disconfirmation theory, expectation disagreement occurs when customers`` expectations do not meet the expected results. Positive expectation disagreement occurs when the results are better than the expected and negative expectation disagreement occurs when the results are worse than the expected. Unlike with offline market where customers`` expectations and results would occur at the same time, at online shopping malls, purchasing time and delivery time could not occur at the same time. Because of this difference of online market, the effect of rewards should be analyzed appropriately. In this paper, we defined rewards exceeded expectation as the gap between announced and real rewards. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of rewards exceeded expectation on quantity of repurchase. This study was initiated from one manager``s mistake by giving rewards exceeded expectation, which are greater than the announced, to a group of customers at an internet shopping mall site. After this mistake, the president of internet shopping mall noticed the increase of positive reviews by this particular group of customers on internet board. From this, the experiment was conducted by giving some groups the rewards as much as the announced and giving the other groups the rewards exceeded expectation which are greater than the announced one. For this study, we collected the transaction data for about a year and four months from 2011 to 2012 which were consisted of 8,757 customers and 9,638 transactions. As results, the customers who were given rewards exceeded expectation which are greater than the announced showed the positive effects on quantity of repurchase. We also conducted a short survey that included some demographic variables, usage frequency of internet shopping malls and the response from rewards exceeded expectation and so on. This survey has 107 samples. Among the persons who showed no intention of repurchase with the announced rewards, the 55.6%(=15/27) changed their intentions to repurchase if they might receive the additional rewards exceeded expectation(□5,000). And the increase in quantity of repurchase showed 0.62 more. From the analysis of transaction data and survey data, we could see the positive effects of rewards exceeded expectation on quantity of repurchase. We expect that rewards exceeded expectation could be used as a promotion strategy at internet shopping mall site.

      • KCI등재

        고객기대수준의 측정척도 개발

        이은영(Lee, Eun Young) 한국마케팅학회 2019 마케팅연구 Vol.34 No.1

        국내에서 국가고객만족도(NCSI)와 한국산업의 고객만족도(KCSI)와 같이 기업에 대한 소비자들의 만족도 수준을 파악할 수 있는 척도가 많은 가운데, 고객만족의 중요한 선행변수로 여겨지고 있는 고객기대수준의 측정을 위한 구체적인 척도는 없는 상황이다. 본 연구에서는 고객기대가 무엇을 의미하는지 선행연구들을 통해 정의를 정리하고 고객기대와 관련된 다양한 차원에서 최적의 고객기대수준 측정척도를 개발하였다. 그 결과 고객기대수준을 측정하는 데에 있어서 3가지 차원으로 구분하였는데, 첫째, 회사차원 중에서 이상적 기대, 당위적 기대, 미래 기대, 믿음 기대의 8개 측정문항, 둘째, 제품차원 중에서 전반적 기대와 이상적 기대의 4개 측정 문항, 마지막으로 서비스차원 중에서 이상적 기대와 당위적 기대의 5개 측정 문항으로 총 17개 측정 문항이 개발되었다. 본 연구는 그동안 연구되지 않았던 고객기대수준의 측정척도 개발을 수행함으로써 해당 분야의 연구에 깊이를 더 했다는 점에서 학문적 의의가 있고 기업 입장에서 소비자들이 해당 기업에 대해 어느 정도 수준의 기대를 갖고 있고 어떤 종류의 세분화된 기대를 갖고 있는지 파악할 수 있다는 점에서 실무적으로 유용한 정보를 제공하고 있다. Among many scales in Korea such as National Customer Satisfaction Index (NCSI) and Korean Customer Satisfaction Index (KCSI) regarding firms’ customer satisfaction level, there is no specific scale to measure customer expectation which is an important antecedent of customer satisfaction. This research defines the concept of customer expectation via previous research and develops an adequate scale to measure various dimensions of customer expectation. As a result, 3 dimensions were classified in measuring customer expectation level. First, 8 measurement items of ideal expectation, should expectation, future expectation, and expectation-as-belief from firm level dimension were developed. Second, 4 measurement items of overall expectation and ideal expectation from product level dimension were developed. Thirdly, 5 measurement items of ideal expectation and should expectation from service level dimension were developed. Therefore, 17 measurement items were developed in total. This research contributes academically by deepening the area of customer expectation for developing a better scale to measure customer expectation level which was not performed in previous research. This research also gives practical implications by providing useful informations to the firms about obtaining their customer expectation level and subordinate level of expectation.

      • KCI등재

        An Exploratory Study on Measuring Users' Value Expectation at Bus Shelters - Focused on Seoul Area -

        김철호 한국브랜드디자인학회 2014 브랜드디자인학연구 Vol.12 No.2

        본 연구는 기능성과 상업성이 접목된 도시 조형물로서 주목받고 있는 버스 쉘터를 중심으로, 이용자의 기대 가치 측정 척도를 탐색적으로 제시하는데 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구에서 버스 쉘터에 대한 이용자의 기대 가치 는, 2차 자료와 1차 자료 수집, 질적 조사와 양적 조사를 모두 고려하여 도출하였다. 이에 따라 버스 쉘터에 대 한 이용자의 기대가치는 인지적 측면, 기능적 측면, 환경적 측면, 심미적 측면, 그리고 윤리법제적 측면으로 구분되었고, 인지적 측면은 편안함, 경험 기대 가치로, 기능적 측면은 정보성, 안전성 기대 가치로, 환경적 측 면은 환경 친화성, 청결성, 밝기 적절성 기대 가치로, 심미적 측면은 예술성, 매력성, 독창성 기대 가치로, 윤 리법제적 측면은 윤리성, 준법성 기대 가치로 세분화 되었다. 버스 쉘터 이용자 기대 가치 구성 요인에 대한 확인적 요인분석 결과, 잠재적 측정 모델은 적합한 것으로 나타 났다(χ2=512.2, df=429, p=0.003, NFI=0.919, RFI=0.900, IFI=0.986, TLI=0.982, CFI=0.986, RMSEA=0.025). 또한, 버스 쉘터 이용자 기대 가치 측정 항목에 대한 표준화 적재치(β), 개념신뢰도(CR)와 분산추출지수(AVE)의 경 우도, 개념 신뢰도 0.8 이상, 분산추출지수 0.6 이상으로 나타나, 개념타당성, 수렴타당성, 내적일관성 모두 적 절한 것으로 나타났다. 한편, 기대 가치 구성 개념들 간의 상관계수, 분산추출지수, 결정계수를 비교한 결과, 구성 개념 간 판별타당성(Discriminant Validity) 역시 적절한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 다음과 같은 의의를 갖는다. 첫째, 도시 조형물인 동시에 교통 시설로서의 버스 쉘터 개념에, 마케 팅 커뮤니케이션 영역에서 행동 주체의 행위 동기로서 주목받아 온 기대 가치 개념을 학제적으로 접목한 점, 둘째, 도시 조형물로서의 버스 쉘터가 갖고 있는 기능성과 상업성에 주목하고, 나아가 그 활용 효과 측정에 대 한 선행 연구가 부족하다는 점을 고려하여, 이용자의 기대 가치를 변인화 한 개념으로 정량화하여 접근 한 점, 셋째, 버스 쉘터 이용자의 기대 가치 측정 척도를 제시하기 위해, 2차 자료와 1차 자료의 검토 및 질적 조사와 양적 조사를 전략적으로 병행, 척도의 구성 근거를 논리적으로 뒷받침하고 있는 점, 넷째, 옥외 미디어로서의 버스 쉘터 이용에 대한 사후 효과 측정이 현실적으로 어려운 바, 이에 대한 대안으로 행동 이전의 ‘동기’로서의 기대 가치 측정을 통한, 버스 쉘터 이용 효과 확인 및 관리의 과학적 접근과 차별화 된 적용을 시도한 점 등이 다. The purpose of this study is to suggest a scale measuring value expectation in bus shelters that have both functionality and commerciality using exploratory approaches. The users’ value expectation of bus shelters are deduced from the seven steps(Kim, 2013b) that consider the secondary data, the primary research, the qualitative research, and the quantitative research. The seven steps are: first, reviewing the secondary data based on the premise that the value expectation could be related with the major pros and cons of using the bus shelters. Second, executing an in-depth interview with the main users of bus shelters. Third, executing a pre-test with open-ended questionnaires. Fourth, making structuralized questionnaires by categorizing constructs from the keywords derived from the secondary data, the in- depth interview, and the pre-test. Fifth, executing the main survey. Sixth, conducting scale development by confirming the reliability and the validity. Seventh, adjusting the results and the process. The value expectation was grouped into cognitive, functional, environmental, aesthetic, and ethical-legislative perspectives. The cognitive perspective was divided into comfort and experience value expectation; the functional perspective was divided into information and safety value expectation; the environmental perspective was divided into eco-friendliness, cleanness, illumination-relevance value expectation; the aesthetic perspective was divided into artistry, attractiveness, and uniqueness value expectation; the ethical-legislative perspective was divided into ethic and law-abiding value expectation. The confirmatory factor analysis on the value expectation indicates the latent measurement model is confirmed as reasonable (χ2=512.2, df=429, p=0.003, NFI=0.919, RFI=0.900, IFI=0.986, TLI=0.982, CFI=0.986, RMSEA=0.025). The results indicate that the construct reliability and the variance extracted were over 0.8 and 0.6, respectively. The finding shows that the standardized regression weight(β), construct reliability, and variance extracted on the measured variables of the value expectation were also reasonable. The discriminant validity was confirmed reasonably after comparing the correlation coefficients, the variance extracted, and the squared correlation coefficients. This research has the following significances. First, this study applies value expectation, a motivator of consumers’ behavior in marketing and communication related fields, into bus shelters, which are city structures, prospective media, and transit systems, with interdisciplinary approaches. Second, considering the functionality and commerciality of bus shelters and also considering the fact that there is a lack of research on measuring the effects from utilizing bus shelters, this study tries to see the value expectation as measurable and causal variables. Third, this study uses secondary and primary research with the quantitative and qualitative methodology strategically to maintain a logical process to develop the measuring scale on value expectation. Fourth, because quantitative research on the effect of after-using bus shelters has not been easy, this study suggests an alternative approach that measures value expectation as a motivator of consumers’ behavior, and eventually tries to set the basic foundation to manage the effect of utilizing bus shelters by suggesting measurable scales on the value expectation.

      • KCI등재후보

        미제스의 기대형성에 대한 접근법과 응용

        전용덕 한국제도경제학회 2015 제도와 경제 Vol.9 No.2

        미제스는 ‘기대가 형성되는 방법’과 ‘기대가 인플레이션 과정에 미치는 영향’에 대해 학문적 공헌을 한 많지 않은 연구자들 중의 한 명이다. 이 연구는 미제스가 인간이 역사학 원리인 특정한 이해를 토대 로 미래에 대한 기대를 만든다는 기대이론과 경제이론을 기본으로 그런 기대를 보조가정으로 사용하여 인간행동학적 경제학을 제안했다는 사실을 보이는 것이다. 이 연구는 미제스의 기대이론을 이용하여 합 리적 기대가설, 적응적 기대 등을 비판적으로 고찰했다. 미제스는 1차 대전을 전후한 독일의 초인플레이션을 자신이 제안한 기대이론을 응용하여 설명했다. 구체적으로, 미제스는 당시의 경제주체들이 순차적으로 비탄력적 기대, 적응적 기대, 합리적 기대 등으 로 기대를 변경함에 따라 통화량 증가의 효과가 시기별로 달랐음을 보였다. 그리고 이 연구는 미제스의 기대이론을 조선왕조 말엽의 초인플레이션에 응용하여 기대가 인플레이션 과정에 미친 영향을 가설적 수준에서 분석했다. Mises is one of a few scholar who have academical contribution about “the way of expectation formation” and “the effect of expectation on inflationary process”. This study shows Mises’ expectation theory that human forms expectation of future based on specific understanding as historical principle. This work also includes the fact that Mises suggests praxeological economics: economics is a basic principle for explaining and understanding inflationary process and expectation as historical fact should be used as an auxiliary assumption. Using the expectation theory of Mises, this study criticizes rational expectation hypothesis and adaptive expectation. Using his expectation theory, Mises himself explained German hyperinflation around the first World War. Specifically, Mises showed that the effect of inflation was not the same in the different periods since German people at that time had changed the expectation of inflationary process from inelastic expectation through adaptive expectation to rational expectation. In addition, this study suggests a hypothetical argument that people's expectation affected inflationary process of monetary policy at the end of the Chosun Dynasty.

      • Website Quality, Expectation, Confirmation, and End User Satisfaction: The Knowledge-Intensive Website of the Korean National Cancer Information Center

        Koo, Chulmo,Wati, Yulia,Park, Keeho,Lim, Min Kyung Gunther Eysenbach 2011 Journal of medical Internet research Vol.13 No.4

        <P><B>Background</B></P><P>The fact that patient satisfaction with primary care clinical practices and physician-patient communications has decreased gradually has brought a new opportunity to the online channel as a supplementary service to provide additional information.</P><P><B>Objective</B></P><P>In this study, our objectives were to examine the process of cognitive knowledge expectation-confirmation from eHealth users and to recommend the attributes of a “knowledge-intensive website.”. Knowledge expectation can be defined as users’ existing attitudes or beliefs regarding expected levels of knowledge they may gain by accessing the website. Knowledge confirmation is the extent to which user’s knowledge expectation of information systems use is realized during actual use. In our hypothesized research model, perceived information quality, presentation and attractiveness as well as knowledge expectation influence knowledge confirmation, which in turn influences perceived usefulness and end user satisfaction, which feeds back to knowledge expectation.</P><P><B>Methods</B></P><P>An empirical study was conducted at the National Cancer Center (NCC), Republic of Korea (South Korea), by evaluating its official website. A user survey was administered containing items to measure subjectively perceived website quality and expectation-confirmation attributes. A study sample of 198 usable responses was used for further analysis. We used the structural equation model to test the proposed research model.</P><P><B>Results</B></P><P>Knowledge expectation exhibited a positive effect on knowledge confirmation (beta = .27, P < .001). The paths from information quality, information presentation, and website attractiveness to knowledge confirmation were also positive and significant (beta = .24, P < .001; beta = .29, P < .001; beta = .18, P < .001, respectively). Moreover, the effect of knowledge confirmation on perceived usefulness was also positively significant (beta = .64, P < .001). Knowledge expectation together with knowledge confirmation and perceived usefulness also significantly affected end user satisfaction (beta = .22 P < .001; beta = .39, P < .001; beta = .25, P < .001, respectively).</P><P><B>Conclusions</B></P><P>Theoretically, this study has (1) identified knowledge-intensive website attributes, (2) enhanced the theoretical foundation of eHealth from the information systems (IS) perspective by adopting the expectation-confirmation theory (ECT), and (3) examined the importance of information and knowledge attributes and explained their impact on user satisfaction. Practically, our empirical results suggest that perceived website quality (ie, information quality, information presentation, and website attractiveness) is a core requirement for knowledge building. In addition, our study has also shown that knowledge confirmation has a greater effect on satisfaction than both knowledge expectation and perceived usefulness.</P>

      • KCI등재

        복합 스포츠센터 고객이 지각하는 서비스품질의 기대-성과와 기대일치, 고객만족, 전환행동의 관계

        백승헌(Baek, Seung-Heon) 한국체육과학회 2012 한국체육과학회지 Vol.21 No.5

        This study is purposed to analyze the relationship among expectation-performance of service quality, expectation confirmation, customer satisfaction, and switching behaviors perceived by complex sports center customers. In order to achieve this purpose, the subjects selected were 325 members enrolling for complex sports centers which had fitness, yoga, aerobics, sauna, and public bath facilities located in G, Y City and S City for more than 3 months. As a result of analysis, assurance and empathy expectation had statistically significant positive effects on expectation confirmation, and tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, and empathy performance also had statistically significant positive effects on expectation confirmation. Moreover, statistically significant positive or negative effects were found between expectation confirmation and customer satisfaction, between customer satisfaction and switching benefit, between customer satisfaction and switching intention, and between switching benefit and switching intension. In particular, further analysis of difference in expectation-performance of service quality in complex sports centers revealed higher perception of performance. In conclusion, this study suggests that performance perceived by sports center members was higher than expectation, which was not agreed with previous researches. These elements may be connected with expectation confirmation and customer satisfaction, which could serve an importance factor to prevent customers from switching behaviors.

      • KCI등재

        노화불안이 성공적 노화에 대한 기대와 은퇴준비에 미치는 영향

        정석식 ( Seok Sik Jeong ),박상범 ( Sang Beom Park ) 한국생산성학회 2015 生産性論集 Vol.29 No.2

        In this study, we analyzed the direct and indirect effects of expectant retirees’ psychological causes of aging anxiety and expectation for successful aging to retirement preparation using structure equation model. The first analysis result that expectant retirees’ expectation for successful aging has positive significant effect indicates if one has the higher expectation for successful aging he or she prepares for retirement more thoroughly, which shows expectation leads to preparation. The second analysis result show that expectation of expectant retirees’ expectation for successful aging influences significantly to retirement preparation. The third analysis result shows that aging anxiety affects not negatively to the expectation for successful aging but positively. The first two results do not deviate from to some extent what we can expect in general. However, the third result is somewhat different from our expectation. The result can be explained this way. That is, among the respondents to the questionaire more than half (63.4%) are the age of 40’s. Aging anxiety influences to expectant retirees in terms of successful aging differently according to the age. That is, in their 40’s, people view aging anxiety more of positively than negatively. This result implies that aging anxiety should be analyzed from the different perspective regarding retirement preparation, and comparison studies between early 40’s and impending expectant retirees and retirees should be conducted. This result is important because in this country the speed of aging is the fastest over the world, the so-called baby-boomers are just started to retire without enough preparation, individuals as well as the government is not prepared for the situation of aged society. Therefore every possible means should be adopted and executed to reduce problems rising from the situation. But the means should be elaborate to be effective and efficient as this study results show.

      • KCI등재

        영국계약법상 금반언의 원칙, 정당한 기대의 보호와 그 시사점

        최명구(Choi, Myung-Gu) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2011 東亞法學 Vol.- No.53

        이 논문은 영국계약법상 금반언의 원칙, 정당한 기대 및 이의 우리법에 시사하는 점으로 기술하고 있다. 우선적으로 영국계약법상 금반언의 원칙과 정당한 기대의 관계를 기술하며, 이에 앞서서 다양한 금반언의 원칙과 그 개념 그리고 정당한 기대의 내용에 관하여 언급한다. 정당한 기대는 원래 공법에서 발전되었지만, 사법상에서는 금반언의 원칙에 기인하여 정당한 기대가 발전되었다. 그리고 정당한 기대의 공법상 원칙과 사법상 금반언의 원칙은 하나의 범위에서 다루어지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 영국계약법상 금반언의 원칙과 정당한 기대에 관하여 계약체결, 계약성립, 계약효력으로 크게 나누어 각각 정당한 기대와 금반언의 원칙과의 관계를 언급한다. 계약체결단계에서는 원칙적으로 영국계약법상 대륙법과 달리 계약체결상의 과실책임이 인정되지 않고, 계약자유의 원칙상 계약파기의 원칙이 인정된다. 그러나 계약체결상의 의무가 계약에 편입된 경우에는 계약당사자는 계약상 책임으로 부담하고, 계약체결을 파기한 경우에는 금반언의 원칙상 정당한 기대를 보호하기 위하여 파기자의 손해배상책임을 부담하게 된다. 계약성립시 당사자의 정당한 기대보호를 위해서는 객관적 기준과 명백한 원칙(obvious rule)이 고려된다. 계약성립여부에 대한 판단 특히 이에 다툼이 있는 경우에는 합리적이고 객관적 기준에 따른다. 명백한 원칙은 의사표시의 도달여부에 판단에 기준이 된다. 이러한 원칙들은 당사자의 정당한 기대보호에 기여를 한다. 계약효력에서, 약인이 당사자 사이에 합리적으로 신뢰할 수 있는 기대가 존재하여야 계약에 편입된다. 또한 계약효력에서는 약인은 교환가치가 동등할 필요는 없다. 그리고 제3자를 위한 계약에서 약인 없는 경우에는 제3자의 신뢰보호를 위한 근본원칙이 없어서 금반언의 원칙이 적용될 수 있다. 한편 계약위반시 구제에서 완전한 경제적 손해보전이 불가능하기 때문에 당사자의 정당한 기대보호의 실현이 중요하다. 위와 같은 영미계약법의 내용은 우리계약법상 계약체결단계에서는 정의와 공정의 원칙상 당사자의 정당한 기대보호, 계약성립시에는 객관적기준에 의한 합리적 기대보호, 계약효력에서는 객관적 기준에 의한 정당한 기대보호가 적극적으로 고려되어야 함을 시사하고 있다. This paper contains the protect of the legitimate expectation and the estoppel in English contract law and its implication to Korea law. This is also refer to the relationship between the legitimate expectation and the estoppel. Before the explanation of this relationship, the concepts of the legitimate expectation and the estoppel would be mentioned. This topic something of a difficulty in English contract law, but its real interest lies in this difficulty. There is a answer to the question: what part id played by the concepts of legitimate exceptions and estoppel in the English law of contract? The judge don’t generally use the language of ‘legitimate exception’ in the context of the private law of contract. Even if ‘promissory estoppel’ and other forms of estoppel are played firmly in the contract law. In addition, this paper mentions the application of the general principles underlying ‘legitimate expectation’ and estoppel within English contract law. In this chapter are researched both problems in the precontractural stage, forming the contract(finding the agreement and the force of the promise), formalities for contracts, defects of consent, agency, third party rights, interpreting the contract and remedies for breach of contract in which the specific performance, the valuation of the expectation and the not whole of the failed economic expectation are divided and explained. Especially, in the precontractual stage does English law not recognize a general principle of precontractual liability. Many other legal systems would say that the relationship between the parties negotiating for a contract can become one in which one party acquires a duty to take some account of the other party’s interests, the duty arising either in tort or in an autonomous liability for culpa in contrahendo. At forming the contract appear problems on the object test of agreement and protection expectation through the rules of offer and acceptance. Also, In connection with Formalities for contract are some other contract-forms used at the time of agreement. In this point has the House of Lords considered whether estoppel can be used to avoid the requirement that a contract of guarantee be evidenced in writing. Finally, in remedies for breach of contract would the specific performance be not the primary remedy but an award of damages. Damages protect the claimant’s expectation, not his reliance. The valuation of the expectation is made in economic terms, but the whole of the failed economic expectation may no be awarded. In added, above contents and its implication to Korea law is explained according precontractual stage, making contract and contract’s effects.

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