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      • KCI등재

        공감과 이해의 확장을 위한 ‘깊이 읽기’ 방법 연구

        정은주 한국문화융합학회 2022 문화와 융합 Vol.44 No.5

        This study is the reading method of ‘Deep Reading’ to expand the empathy and Thinking learners experience in reading activities. To this end, some of the content systems and achievement standards of ‘Reading’ and ‘Literature’ in the revised curriculum in 2015 were examined. As a result of examining the core concepts and reading activities according to general knowledge and functions in the teaching and learning of the revised curriculum, it was confirmed that learners’ understanding and empathy were composed of basic elements. Accordingly, the theory of reading methods according to Adler and Van Doren’s reading level was analyzed, and the analytical reading methods for expanding understanding and Harvey and Goudvis’s ‘STR’ reading strategy, which actually applied their theories, were reviewed. Based on this, a plan to apply it to classes as a reading method for expanding understanding in the school was suggested. These research results will help learners grow as active readers who experience deep thinking, interpreting and constructing meaning further at the level of reading only texts.

      • KCI등재

        “꼼꼼하게 읽기(close reading)”의 재조명: 독서 이론과 교수학습 측면의 의미를 중심으로

        이순영 ( Soon Young Lee ) 한국독서학회 2015 독서연구 Vol.0 No.37

        이 연구의 목적은 꼼꼼하게 읽기에 대한 최신의 학문성과를 정리하고 교육적 시사점을 추출하는 것이다. 꼼꼼하게 읽기(close reading)는 ‘독자가 텍스트에 주의를 집중하여 명시된 정보를 확인하고, 논리적인 추론을 전개하여 텍스트 전체의 의미를 심도 깊게 이해하는 정교한 읽기’를 의미한다. 20세기 초반부터 신비평을 비롯한 여러 분야에서 꼼꼼하게 읽기를 강조해 왔지만, 최근에는 독서교육 분야에서 학생들의 독해력을 높이는 노력의 일환으로 꼼꼼하게 읽기에 주목하고 있다. 이 연구에서는 우선 20세기 이래 현 시점까지 여러 학문 분야에서 제시된 꼼꼼하게 읽기의 개념을 정리하였다. 그리고 최근에 발표된 독서교육 분야의 주요 연구 성과를 분석하여 꼼꼼하게 읽기의 지도 방법, 유의점, 교육효과, 쟁점 등을 검토하였다. 현재 꼼꼼하게 읽기 수업은 교사의 과도한 사전 활동이나 개입을 지양하고 학생의 독립적인 독해 연습을 강조한다. 이와 함께 복잡도가 높더라도 흥미롭고 내용이 풍부한 텍스트를 선정하고, 텍스트 기반 질문을 비계로 제공하며, 텍스트 읽기와 독후 활동을 두세 차례 반복하여 독해의 정교화를 유도하는 것이 특징이다. 끝으로 논문의 종결장에는 연구 내용을 요약하고 후속 연구를 위한 주제를 제언하였다. The purpose of this study was to review recent major findings and implications for teaching close reading. Close reading means a elaborative reading that a reader pays attention to the explicit information of text and then deepens the meaning of the whole text through logical reasoning. Various academic disciplines, such as New Criticism, have emphasized on close reading since the early 20th century; however, nowadays many teachers and experts in reading education have an interest in close reading to improve students’ abilities for reading comprehension. This study first reviewed various concepts of close reading synchronically and diachronically. In addition, instructional steps, considerations, educational effect, and issues were excerpted from the major studies recently published in the field of reading education. Recent close reading instruction emphases on the students’ motivation and independence for reading comprehension, the quality of text, text-dependent questions, and repeated reading and follow-up activities. Several suggestions based on the findings of the study were offered for further study.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 세대의 책읽기 교육을 위한 실천적 화두 - 메리언울프, 전병근 옮김(2019) 『다시, 책으로-디지털 시대의 읽기 두뇌-』, 어크로스

        강란숙(RANSOOK KANG ) 한국리터러시학회 2022 리터러시 연구 Vol.13 No.4

        본 글은 디지털 세대를 위한 읽기 교육의 중요성을 인식하고, 교육적으로 도입할 수 있는 접근 방법을 모색하기 위한 목적으로 기술하였다. 이를 위해 저자가 제시한 디지털 세대 학습자들의 읽기 학습에 관한 여러 가지 읽기 학습 방법과 신경학적인 관점에서 일기와 관련하여 연구된 여러 연구 결과 물들을 살펴보았다. 저자는 읽기 과정이 신경학적 관점에서 뇌에서 뉴런 이 형성되는 것과 같다고 보고 아이들이 어릴 때부터 다양한 읽기를 통해 ‘읽기 회로’를 형성해야 한다고 제안하였다. 이를 위해 제안한 방법들은 책을 이용한 ‘깊이 읽기’와 ‘배경지식’ 구축하기 그리고 ‘유추와 추론’ 등이 있다. 그러나 저자는 이 방법이 디지털 도구 사용에 익숙한 학습자에게 역효과를 줄 수 있기 때문에 책으로 읽는 대신 친숙한 디지털 장치를 사용하여 정보를 이해하고 분석하는 능력을 제공할 수 있다고 주장하였다. 그리고 저자는 학습자들이 미래 사회에 참여하기 위해 문제 해결 과정에서 스스로 창의적 의 사소통과 표현력을 기르는 새로운 교육방법론을 제시했다. 마지막으로 저자는 『다시, 책으로』란 그의 저서를 통해 학습자가 읽기에 대한 관심과 흥미를 유발함으로써 지속적으로 ‘읽기 회로’를 형성해 가는 것이 중요하다고 강조하였다. This article was written for the purpose of recognizing the importance of reading education and seeking an educational approach for the digital generation . For this purpose, it was explored that various research results suggested by the author in the field of the neurological studies and various reading educational studies. The author suggested that the reading process was similar to the formation of neurons in the brain from a neurological point of view , and that children should form a ‘reading circuit’ through various reading experience from an early age. And, the author proposed that some methods to building a ‘reading circuit’ to include ‘deep reading’ and ‘background knowledge’ using books, and ‘inference and reasoning’. However, the author pointed out that these methods can just because have a reverse effect for learners who are accustomed to using digital tools, it could provide the ability to understand and analyze information using familiar digital devices instead of reading instead of reading books. So, the author proposed that a new reading method for the future-prepared learners, students can develop their own creative communication and expression skills through the problem-solving process. Lastly, the author emphasized that it is very important to the learners continuously form a ‘reading circuit’ by generating interest and interest about reading through his book 『Reader, Come Home -The Reading Brain in a Digital World』.

      • KCI등재

        ‘한 학기 한 권 읽기’ 수업 시간에 진로독서 운영을 통한 교과수업 내 진로교육의 가능성 탐색

        김명종(KIM MYUNG JONG) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2021 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.21 No.21

        목적 본 연구는 교과 수업시간에 진로 탐색을 하길 원하는 학생들의 요구를 해결하기 위한 방안의 하나로 2015 개정교육과정에 도입된 ‘한 학기 한 권 읽기’ 시간에 진로독서를 실시하여 학생들이 독서를 하는 과정에서 자신의 진로를 설정해 볼 수 있도록 하고자 했다. 방법 ‘한 학기 한 권 읽기’가 적용되는 2015 개정교육과정 『국어』 교과군에 포함된 중·고등학교 교과서들을 분석한 후 진로독서가 성취기준으로 설정되어 있는 고등학교 1학년 「국어」과목을 선정해 경기도 소재 인문계 고등학교 학생 205명을 대상으로 국어 수업 시간에 ‘진로독서’를 실시한 후 ‘진로독서’가 학생들의 진로 설정에 도움을 주었는가를 확인했다. 결과 학생들은 ‘한 학기 한 권 읽기’로 진로독서를 가장 선호하는 것으로 나타났으며, 진로독서를 통해 자신의 진로를 설정하는 데 도움을 받았다고 응답해 ‘한 학기 한 권 읽기’ 시간을 통한 진로독서가 학생들의 진로설정에 도움을 준다는 것을 확인하였다. 결론 ‘한 학기 한 권 읽기’에서 진로독서를 활성화해 학생들의 진로 설정에 도움을 줄 필요성이 있다는 점을 제안하고자 한다. Objectives What students worry about the most in school is their future career path. Students want to explore their future careers in class, and there is actually a lot of information about careers in the curriculum. Methods As a way to address the needs of students who want to explore careers in the curriculum, this study attempted to enable them to set their careers in the course of reading career-related books in the ‘Reading one Book per Semester’ class introduced by the 2015 revised curriculum. To this end, after analyzing the textbooks included in the 『Korean Language』 subject under the 2015 revised curriculum, this study selected 1st year high school students who were reguired to take career reading and conducted ‘career reading’ in Korean language class for 205 students of a high school in Gyeonggi-do to check whether ‘career reading’ helped students set their careers. Results As a result, the study found that students preferred career reading for ‘Reading one Book per Semester’, and they said it helped them set their careers, confirming that career reading through ‘Reading one Book per Semester’ helped students set their careers. Conclusions Through this, I would like to suggest that there is a need to help students set their career path by activating career reading in the ‘Reading one Book per Semester’ program.

      • KCI등재

        도스토예프스키와 렉시오 디비나 : 듣기와 보기에 관한 고찰

        석영중 한국러시아문학회 2017 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.57 No.-

        This paper is focused on the relationship between Lectio Divina, the medieval Christian exercise of reading and Dostoevsky`s art of reading in his novels. Dostoevsky`s protagonists, such as Sonya, Raskol`nikov, Zosima, and Alyosha, recite or read aloud the Bible or listen deeply others` reading. This acts of reading aloud and deep listening transform their way of life, fate, and whole being, until they reach the stage of having the vision of God. The three characteristics of Dostoevsky`s reading, that is, listening, seeing God, transformation remind the monastic tradition of Lectio Divina. Lectio Divina, often called the art of`sacred reading`, is composed of reading aloud, listening attentively, and contemplating. The 4 steps, lectio, meditatio, oratio, and contemplatio, converge into one ultimate goal, union with God. It is not just reading holy texts from a devotional perspective. It requires total transformation of the reader, whose bodily eyes are reshaped to see God. Both Dostoevsky`s reading and Lectio Divina unite the two different sensory acts, listening and seeing into one beatific vision.

      • KCI우수등재

        딥러닝 알고리듬을 활용한 고해상도 물리검층 자료의 생성 연구

        박가영,민배현,권서윤,김민,지민수,이수진,최수인 한국자원공학회 2022 한국자원공학회지 Vol.59 No.5

        This study proposed a deep-learning-based approach that generates synthetic high-resolution log data from original-resolution log data for accurate reservoir characterization, where the resolution of the synthetic data is comparable to that of core data. The reliability of the proposed approach was tested with application to the Volve oil field in Norway using three deep-learning algorithms (i.e., deep neural network, convolutional neural network, and long short-term memory). These deep-learning algorithms were employed to generate high-resolution sonic log data from other log-type data. The overall performance of each algorithm was acceptable. In particular, the long short-term memory algorithm yields a coefficient of determination greater than 0.9 when the high-to-original-resolution ratios are two, five, and ten. We anticipate that the proposed model can be used to derive logging-based reservoir parameters with a resolution that is comparable to that of core-based reservoir parameters.

      • KCI등재

        뿌리깊은나무박물관 소장 <소씨직금기봉(蘇氏織錦寄封)> 수록 고소설 고찰

        최수현 ( Choi Sue-hyun ) 한국고소설학회 2018 古小說 硏究 Vol.46 No.-

        The purpose of this research study is to introduce and review the classical novels in Soshijimgeumgibong that are exhibited in the Deep Rooted Tree Museum. Soshijimgeumgibong collected by Mr. Han Chang-gi contains Sosshijiggeumgibong, Chuimisamseonrok, Yeowarok, Jiggeumdo, Jaemundo, Sashipunggyeong. The three stories, Sosshijiggeumgibong, Chuimisamseonrok, Yeowachon described above are classical novels. The order of which these works are described are as above. In the process of publishing them in book forms, a number of papers were jumbled to and fro. Originally, it seems that these works are contained in the order of 'Yeowachon- Chuimisamseonrok -Sosshijiggeumgibong-Jiggeumdo, Jaemundo- Sashipunggyeong.' As for the period of transcription, it is estimated that these works were transcribed in 1889 or 1949. Regarding the classical novels contained in these work collections, the common thing to be considered is that all of them have the stark awareness of women. Specifically, the novels tell the story that a wife must not show jealousy of her husband's having another wife, and but follow the virtue that women ought to follow. Furthermore, these works made the detailed descriptions about sufferings women have when they are in the situation in which they have to follow women's virtue. In this sense, it can be considered that these work collections were transcribed, especially with the greater focus of attention on difficulties that women suffer under the patriarchical system, compared to other various classical novels. Considering that the classical novels in the work collections were transcribed so that any reader reading various fields of novels including long novels in Korean could understand, it can be anticipated that the transcriber had the considerably broad scope of reading. This book consisting of a lot of transcribed works is of significance in that any reader reading classical novels selected and left the works again according to individual tastes- although Chuimisamseonrok and Yeowachon were partially contained, while Sosshijiggeumgibong was totally contained.

      • KCI등재

        불확실성을 이용한 딥러닝 기반의 항공 이미지 객체 탐지

        박주찬(Joo-Chan Park),이선훈(Seon-Hoon Lee),정준욱(Jun-Uk Jung),손성빈(Sung-Bin Son),오흥선(Heung-Seon Oh),정유철(Yuchul Jung) 제어로봇시스템학회 2020 제어·로봇·시스템학회 논문지 Vol.26 No.11

        Object detection in aerial images is an important task because it is used in various applications such as land management, disaster monitoring, national security, and map production, However, owing to the characteristics of aerial images, such as high resolution, data imbalance between classes, lack of data, and densely appearing objects, it is difficult to improve the performance even with the recent deep learning-based object detection models. To overcome these challenges, this paper proposes an uncertainty-based max-margin learning method and a data augmentation method based on attribute transformation specialized for aerial images. The superiority of the proposed methods based on a deep learning-based object detection model is revealed by it winning the aerial image object detection contest 2020.

      • KCI등재

        인공지능 기법을 이용한 고전수업의 학습효과에 대한 연구

        유경애 한국교양교육학회 2023 교양교육연구 Vol.17 No.3

        This study analyzes the machine learning and deep learning models that were used to forecast the satisfaction effect of classics reading classes. The following were the main findings of the comparison of their predictive abilities. First, the traditional regression model is somewhat low in coefficient of determinant. Second, the decision tree models predicts the satisfaction effect of classics reading classes better than the traditional regression model. Third, when we predict the learning effects of classics reading lessons, the support vector machine models show the high predictive power with the high coefficients of determination and low RMSE. Fourth, when we predict the learning effects of classics reading lessons, the deep neural network models also show the higher predictive power with appropriate epochs and batch sizes. Thus, since the machine learning and deep learning models can predict the satisfaction of classics reading classes more accurately, we need to adopt the machine learning and deep learning models to predict the satisfaction of classics reading classes using the learning variables. 본 연구는 우리나라 대학의 고전수업에 대한 만족도에 대한 추정을 하기 위해서 인공지능을 기반으로 하는 머신러닝과 딥러닝 분석기법을 도입하여 학습변인에 따른 고전수업에 대한 만족도에 대한 분석을하였다. 먼저 전통적 선형모형에 의한 회귀분석 결과, 가치관 형성, 영화감상의 고전읽기 도움, 토론의 유익성 등의 학습변인들은 모두 고전수업의 만족도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났지만, 인공지능을 기반으로 하는 머신러닝인 의사결정나무에 의한 분석 결과, 삶의 가치관 형성, 영화감상의도움, 대학생들의 국적, 고전읽기의 중요성과 고전의 필요성 등이 크다고 인식할수록 고전수업의 만족도가 크게 나타났다. 서포트 벡터 머신모형에 의한 분석결과, 결정계수가 조금 더 높게 나왔고, RMSE 도 낮아 모형이 좀 더 우수하게 나타났다. 딥러닝 모형의 심층 신경망 모형에 의해서 고전수업의 만족도에 대한 회귀예측을 하였을 때는 서포트 벡터 머신 모형보다 더 좋은 것으로 나타났다.

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