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      • KCI등재

        소비행위의 사회문화적 의미와 상징적 가치: 인류학적 관점의 리뷰와 청바지 사례에 대한 시론적 검토

        이응철(Lee, Eungchel) 한국소비문화학회 2013 소비문화연구 Vol.16 No.4

        이 글에서는 소비는 문화적 현상이자 사회적 관계 속에 위치한 행위로 보고 소비행위의 사회문화적 함의가 무엇인지 살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 몇 가지 선행연구들에 대한 인류학적 관점의 리뷰를 통해 소비와 문화의 관계를 소개하고 소비자 연구를 위해 고려해야 할 사항들 몇 가지를 제언하고자 하였다. 즉 소비행위를 관찰하고 분석하는 데 있어서 문화를 고려하는 것이 어떤 중요성을 갖는지에 대해 논의하고 그것이 소비연구라는 학문적 영역에서 중요하게 다루어져야 하는 이유에 대해 생각해보고자 하는 것이다. 이를 위한 구체적 사례로 청바지라는 상품의 사회문화적 의미를 검토하였다. 소비는 특정한 문화적 맥락 속에서 이루어지는 행위이며 소비자는 소비행위를 통해 자신이 속한 사회의 문화에서 용인되고 이해될 수 있는 의미를 만들어낸다. 우리가 소비하는 상품이 ‘공적인’(public) 의미 전달 체계 안에 있다는 점에서 소비는 사회적 행위이다. 또한 소비는 화폐로 환원될 수만은 없는 상징적 가치를 드러내기도 하고 특정 상품은 구체적인 맥락에 따라 상이한 가치를 위해 소비되기도 한다. 소비를 통해 어떤 가치를 획득하고 그 가치를 어떻게 재현하는가의 문제는 소비자의 정체성과 연결된다. 즉 소비는 자신이 누구인지를 보여주는 상징적 역할을 하는 것이다. 이와 같은 특성은 청바지에서도 볼 수 있다. 청바지는 세대별로 다른 사회적 의미를 부여하기도 하는데 그 의미는 고정되지 않고 계속 변화한다. 또한 사회적 관계 속에서 정체성을 드러내거나 감추는 상징적 역할을 하기도 한다. 이 글은 소비문화에 대한 기존의 일부 연구들이 실제로는 소비자를 마케팅의 대상으로 놓고 마케팅의 영향력 확산을 위한 수단으로만 여겨왔던 점을 비판적으로 보고 소비는 그것을 통해 다양한 상징적 의미를 재현하거나 드러내고 소비자들은 그 의미들을 상품에 연결시킨다는 점에서 특정 상품의 구매로 완결되는 것이 아니라 그것으로부터 비로소 시작되는 것임을 지적하고자 하였다. 소비와 문화의 관계에 대한 이해란 그렇기 때문에 이야기의 결론이 아니라 분석을 위한 출발점이 되어야 한다. This article suggests that consumption is a cultural phenomenon of a society, and that it is necessary to explore its socio-cultural meanings. Consumption is situated in the particular cultural context, and through consumption a consumer makes socio-cultural meanings that can be approved and understood in his/her own society. In this article I’ve reviewed some documents from the anthropological viewpoint, and through the preliminary case study of blue jeans I try to address some cultural issues of consumption. Consumption is a social activity, and the consumer goods are situated in public meaning system. Moreover, consumption reveals some symbolic value which cannot be reducible to the monetary value. Some goods are consumed to generate particular symbolic value in the concrete cultural context. Sometimes, the fact that people obtain symbolic value via consumption is connected to the issue of their identity. In this respect, consumption is a cultural symbol manifesting the consumer’s status, social position, his/her cultural attitude and so on. Wearing blue jeans shows these socio-cultural traits, too. Some different social meanings about blue jeans can be found in different generations and they are unceasingly changing. Moreover, blue jeans can reveal or conceal the wearer’s social identities. It can be said that the fact that consumers can represent or reveal various symbolic meanings in their consumption and that consumption and culture has a very close relationship with each other is showing that consumption is not an end product which is completed by purchasing goods, but a start point of analytical interpretation.

      • KCI등재

        개항장 부산 일본 거류지의 소비공간과 소비문화

        이가연 부산광역시사편찬위원회 2020 항도부산 Vol.39 No.-

        With the opening of the port in 1876, Joseon had significant political, social and economic changes. And culturally, there was a wind of change. Since the opening of the port in Busan, a Japanese settlement has been built around Choryang Waegwan[초량왜관]. This was a space for Japanese people's residence and commerce and a place of power as a colonial ruler. Nevertheless, cultural changes began to take place around this place. It is the birth of a modern capitalist consumption culture. The Japanese settlement in Busan was similar to Japan in the spatial structure of the city. The change in spatial structure has affected the entire urban cultural life. In addition to administrative and commercial facilities, cultural facilities such as shrines, temples and theaters were featured here. A colonial city is predicated on being Unequality. Busan, however, has become a “mixed space” with a mixture of shipbuilding, Japanese and Western. At that time, Busan was a place where tradition and modernity coexist and the power relations of the colonizers and the native was created. But most of all, it was also a place where modern desires were stirred beyond all this. With many stores located in the Japanese settlement , Busan gradually changed from a place of life to a huge products exhibition hall. Thus, the increase in consumption was a natural phenomenon. Consumption is not just an economic activity, but a cultural phenomenon that reflects the time and space in which consumption takes place. In the Japanese settlement, many Japanese engaged in commerce. The streets were filled with restaurants that were not easily accessible until now, such as clothes, shops that sell various daily miscellaneous items, and Japanese and Western restaurants. These created a new culture of consumption. Shops have attracted people's attention by doing business activities such as fancy decorations, product promotions, prize giving events and bargain sales to make more profit. Then, who enjoyed this consumer culture most? What's clear is that when talking about consumption space and consumption culture, it can't simply be dichotomous: It can't the enjoyer are the colonists and the natives are the completely marginalized. Colonial cities inevitably have the “mixion” of the colonists and natives. But there is also a limit to highlighting this only. This is because there is clearly a ‘boundary’ and ‘excluding’ of each other and an ‘unequality’ accordingly. In this regard, the development of modern consumer culture based on colonialism is unequal from the beginning. 1876년 개항과 함께 조선은 정치․사회․경제적으로 상당한 변화가 일어났고, 그에 동반하여 문화적으로도 거대한 변화의 바람이 불었다. 부산에는 개항 이후 기존의 초량왜관을 중심으로 일본 거류지가 설정되었다. 이곳은 일본인의 거주와 상업을 위한 공간이었고 식민 지배자로서 권력의 공간이었다. 그럼에도 거류지를 중심으로 문화적 변화가 일어나기 시작하였다. 근대 새로운 문화 조류의 하나인 자본주의 소비문화의 탄생이 그것이다. 부산의 일본 거류지는 시가지의 공간적 구조에서 거의 일본과 다를 바 없었다. 공간 구조의 변화는 도시문화생활 전반에 영향을 끼쳤다. 거류지에는 행정과 상업시설뿐만 아니라, 신사, 사찰, 극장 등의 문화시설이 등장하였다. 식민도시라는 것에서 불균등성이 전제되어 있지만, 부산은 조선적인, 일본적인, 서구적인 것들이 혼재된 공간이 되어 갔다. 이때 부산은 전통과 근대가 공존하고 식민자와 피식민자의 권력관계가 접합되는 중층성을 띠게 된다. 그러나 무엇보다도 이곳은 이 모든 것을 뛰어 넘는 근대적 욕망이 꿈틀대는 곳이기도 하였다. 거류지에 우후죽순으로 들어선 상점들로 부산은 생활의 공간에서 점차 거대한 상품 전시장으로 변화해 갔다. 이에 동반한 소비행위의 증가는 자연스러운 현상이었다. 소비는 단순히 경제적인 현상이나 행위에 그치는 것이 아니라 그 소비가 일어나는 시간과 공간을 반영하는 문화적인 현상이다. 따라서 소비행위에는 지역사회 제반의 사회, 경제, 문화적 특질들이 필연적으로 반영된다. 개항과 함께 자본주의 경제체제에 돌입하게 된 식민도시 부산에는 과거와는 다른 새로운 소비문화가 형성되기 시작하였다. 거류지에는 많은 일본인들이 상업에 종사하였고 이러한 현상은 시간이 갈수록 더욱 심화되어 행정, 변천정, 본정 등의 번화가에는 근대적 상업시설들이 우후죽순으로 생겨났다. 패션의 선두주자 의복과 여러 생활 잡화를 파는 가게, 일식․양식 등 이제까지 쉽게 접하지 못한 전문음식점들이 그 거리를 가득 매웠고, 이러한 것들을 통하여 새로운 소비문화가 창출되었다. 상점들은 더 많은 이윤을 남기기 위해 화려한 장식과 상품진열, 경품행사, 바겐세일 등의 영업활동을 하면서 사람들의 이목을 집중시켰다. 그렇다면 이 소비문화의 향유자는 누구였을까. 분명한 것은 소비공간과 소비문화를 이야기할 때 향유자는 식민자이고 원주민은 여기에서 완벽히 소외된 자들이라고 단순히 이분법적으로 논할 수 없다는 것이다. 식민지 도시는 필연적으로 식민자와 원주민들의 ‘섞임’이 있을 수밖에 없기 때문이다. 그러나 이 부분만을 부각하는 것 또한 한계가 있다. ‘섞임’에는 서로에 대한 ‘경계’와 ‘배제’, 그에 따른 ‘불균등성’도 분명 존재하기 때문이다. 이런 관점에서 식민성을 담보한 근대적 소비문화의 발전은 시작부터 불균등할 수밖에 없다.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 일본 소비자의 디지털문화콘텐츠의 저작권인식과 소비의도

        황혜선 ( Hye Sun Hwang ),이경희 ( Kyunghee Lee ),김기옥 ( Kee Ok Kim ) 한국소비자학회 2013 소비자학연구 Vol.24 No.1

        본 연구는 상대적으로 디지털문화콘텐츠 산업이 큰 일본과 비교해 디지털문화콘텐츠 저작권인식과 소비의도에 대한 차이를 살펴보고 디지털문화콘텐츠의 합법적인 소비의사결정에 영향을 미치는 요인을 규명하고자 하였다. 먼저합리적 행동이론을 바탕으로 디지털문화콘텐츠의 소비태도와, 주관적 소비규범이 소비의도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 연구모형을 수립하였으며, 이때 저작권인식이 디지털문화콘텐츠의 소비태도와, 소비의도에 각각 영향을 미치는 것으로 모형을 설정하였다. 실증분석 결과, 한국소비자의 경우 일본에 비해 저작권인식이 높았으나 이를 바탕으로 형성된 긍정적인 소비태도가 합법적 소비의도에 미치는 영향력이 상대적으로 작게 나타나고 있었다. 디지털문화콘텐츠 소비의도의 구조방정식모형 분석결과, 한국과 일본 두 모형의 통계적 차이는 없어 한국과 일본의 디지털문화콘텐츠 소비의도가 형성되는 양상이 비슷한 것으로 나타났다. 이는 양국 산업규모의 차이에도 불구하고 한국과 일본의 합법적 소비의도를 형성하는 요인의 구조가 크게 차이가 없음을 의미한다. 또한 한국의 저작권인식 수준이 일본에 비해 높게 나타났다는 점은 한국의 디지털문화콘텐츠 시장이 성숙될 수 있는 기반은 마련되어 있으나, 이를 실제 합법적 소비행위로 이끌 수 있는 요인이 부족함을 보여준다. 본 연구는 디지털문화콘텐츠의 소비행위를 합리적 행동이론에 근거하여 설명하면서 소비자의 저작권인식 수준을 모형에 포함함으로써 디지털문화콘텐츠의 소비와 관련된 소비자의 지식과 태도, 행위를 하나의 모형에서 확인하였다는 점에서 의의를 가진다. This study aimed to examine the differences in recognition of copyright and consumption intention between Korean and Japan consumers and to identify the factors affecting legal consumption decision of digital cultural contents. The result of this study would contribute to general understanding of digital cultural contents consumption. The results of this study are as follows. First, based on the theory of planned behavior, the study model was established that the attitudes of digital culture content, subjective norm, perceived behavioral had an impact on consumption intention. It was also set that the recognition of copyright had an effect on the attitudes of digital culture content and consumption intention. According to the empirical analysis, it showed that Korean consumers had higher recognition than the Japanese consumers but the effect of positive consumption attitudes formed based on this on legal consumption intention was relatively small. This study analyzed the structural equation model of consumption intention of digital cultural content between Korean and Japanese consumers. The results showed that there was no statistical difference between the two models and consumption intention of digital cultural content was similarly formed between Korea and Japan. It can be said that the foundation was established for the development of the digital cultural content market in Korea but there is a shortage of factors leading this by practical legal consumption behaviors in that there was not much difference in the structure of factors that form legal consumption intention in Korea and Japan regardless of the difference in industrial scale of both countries and Korean consumers showed higher level of recognition rather than the Japanese consumers. This study is significant that the consumers`` knowledge, attitude and behavior related to consumption of digital cultural content were confirmed in one model by including the level of recognition of copyright in the model while explaining the consumption behavior of digital cultural content based on the theory of planned behavior.

      • KCI등재후보

        외국음식 소비와 문화

        정형식(Jung, Hyung-Shik),박종철(Park, Jong Chul),이규현(Lee, Kyu Hyun),김영심(Kim, Young Shim) 한국문화산업학회 2014 문화산업연구 Vol.14 No.2

        음식소비는 문화와 깊이 관련된다. 본 연구는 소비자들이 외국전통음식을 섭식하는 태도와 행동에 식생활라이프스타일과 문화적 고유성이 어떠한 영향을 미치는가를 검증하였다. 조사대상은 최근 6개월 이내에 외국음식을 먹어본 210명의 소비자를 대상으로 하였다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 소비자의 식생활라이프스타일 중 미각추구형은 주관적 규범 및 섭식태도 모두에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않았으나 건강추구형은 이들 모두에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 소비자의 다양성추구성향은 주관적 규범에는 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났으나 외국음식 섭식태도에는 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 외국전통음식 문화와 관련된 다양성 추구성향은 타인에게 영향을 받기보다는 개인적 성향으로 인한 결과로 이해된다. 셋째, 외국전통음식에 대한 접근성이 주관적 규범에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 외국전통음식을 접할 수 있는 환경이 편리할수록 주변사람들의 영향도 높아짐을 나타냈다. 넷째, 외국음식의 문화적 고유성은 주관적 규범에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났으나 외국전통음식 섭식태도에는 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 소비자의 주관적 규범이 외국전통음식 섭식태도에는 유의적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 주관적 규범이 향후 외국전통음식 지속 이용의사에도 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 외국음식 섭식태도가 향후 지속적인 외국음식이용의사에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 소비자의 외국전통음식 섭식을 촉진시키기 위해서는 우선적으로 긍정적 태도가 형성될 수 있도록 하는 것이 효과적임을 보여주고 있다. 본 연구결과를 통해 식생활라이프스타일 중 미각추구형보다는 건강추구형이 외국전통음식 섭식태도에 유의적 영향을 나타내 최근 소비자의 음식의 섭식태도가 건강지향적으로 바뀌고 있음을 확인하였다. 또한 외국전통음식은 한 국가의 문화와 민족에 대한 정체성이 담겨져 있어 단순한 음식으로서 이해하기보다는 문화적인 고유 특성으로 인한 섭식태도가 형성되고 있고 있음을 확인하였다. The recent influx of diverse foods from foreign nationshas increased accessibility to foreign foods from different cultures. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of consumer food-related lifestyles and the unique characteristics of food on consumer attitudes toward foreign food consumption, and subsequently, the effects of the consumer attitudes on subjective norm and intent to consume foreign foods. 210 questionnaires were used in the final analysis. The following are the main findings: 1) As to food-related lifestyles, health-seeking significantly affected the subjective norm and the consumption attitude, while taste-seeking had no influence over either of them; 2) consumer"s variety-seeking tendency affected the consumption attitude but not the subjective norm, which implies that consumer"s variety-seeking tendency for foreign foods becomes influenced by personal traits more than by opinions of others; 3) accessibility of foreign foods affected the subjective norm, indicating that other people in an environment influence consumers to a greater extent when foreign foods are easily available; 4) the cultural authenticity significantly affected consumption attitudes toward foreign foods but not the subjective norm; 5) consumer"s subjective norm affected both consumption attitudes toward foreign foods and the intent to continue foreign food consumption; and 6) consumption attitudes toward foreign foods had a positive effect on the intent to continue foreign food consumption, suggesting the importance of forming positive attitudes toward foreign food consumption in increasing foreign food consumption. The results of this study showed that health-seeking, rather than taste-seeking, had a significant effect on attitudes toward the foreign food consumption, which denotes the recent movement toward health-conscious consumption. The foreign foods encompass the culture of their country of origin as well as the identity of the ethnic group. Therefore, foreign food consumption attitude seems to be formed based on their cultural authenticity. The findings of this study suggest that consumer attitudes can be utilized to increase their intent to continue to consume foreign foods. 음식소비는 문화와 깊이 관련된다. 본 연구는 소비자들이 외국전통음식을 섭식하는 태도와 행동에 식생활라이프스타일과 문화적 고유성이 어떠한 영향을 미치는가를 검증하였다. 조사대상은 최근 6개월 이내에 외국음식을 먹어본 210명의 소비자를 대상으로 하였다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 소비자의 식생활라이프스타일 중 미각추구형은 주관적 규범 및 섭식태도 모두에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않았으나 건강추구형은 이들 모두에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 소비자의 다양성추구성향은 주관적 규범에는 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났으나 외국음식 섭식태도에는 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 외국전통음식 문화와 관련된 다양성 추구성향은 타인에게 영향을 받기보다는 개인적 성향으로 인한 결과로 이해된다. 셋째, 외국전통음식에 대한 접근성이 주관적 규범에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 외국전통음식을 접할 수 있는 환경이 편리할수록 주변사람들의 영향도 높아짐을 나타냈다. 넷째, 외국음식의 문화적 고유성은 주관적 규범에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났으나 외국전통음식 섭식태도에는 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 소비자의 주관적 규범이 외국전통음식 섭식태도에는 유의적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 주관적 규범이 향후 외국전통음식 지속 이용의사에도 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 외국음식 섭식태도가 향후 지속적인 외국음식이용의사에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 소비자의 외국전통음식 섭식을 촉진시키기 위해서는 우선적으로 긍정적 태도가 형성될 수 있도록 하는 것이 효과적임을 보여주고 있다. 본 연구결과를 통해 식생활라이프스타일 중 미각추구형보다는 건강추구형이 외국전통음식 섭식태도에 유의적 영향을 나타내 최근 소비자의 음식의 섭식태도가 건강지향적으로 바뀌고 있음을 확인하였다. 또한 외국전통음식은 한 국가의 문화와 민족에 대한 정체성이 담겨져 있어 단순한 음식으로서 이해하기보다는 문화적인 고유 특성으로 인한 섭식태도가 형성되고 있고 있음을 확인하였다. The recent influx of diverse foods from foreign nationshas increased accessibility to foreign foods from different cultures. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of consumer food-related lifestyles and the unique characteristics of food on consumer attitudes toward foreign food consumption, and subsequently, the effects of the consumer attitudes on subjective norm and intent to consume foreign foods. 210 questionnaires were used in the final analysis. The following are the main findings: 1) As to food-related lifestyles, health-seeking significantly affected the subjective norm and the consumption attitude, while taste-seeking had no influence over either of them; 2) consumer"s variety-seeking tendency affected the consumption attitude but not the subjective norm, which implies that consumer"s variety-seeking tendency for foreign foods becomes influenced by personal traits more than by opinions of others; 3) accessibility of foreign foods affected the subjective norm, indicating that other people in an environment influence consumers to a greater extent when foreign foods are easily available; 4) the cultural authenticity significantly affected consumption attitudes toward foreign foods but not the subjective norm; 5) consumer"s subjective norm affected both consumption attitudes toward foreign foods and the intent to continue foreign food consumption; and 6) consumption attitudes toward foreign foods had a positive effect on the intent to continue foreign food consumption, suggesting the importance of forming positive attitudes toward foreign food consumption in increasing foreign food consumption. The results of this study showed that health-seeking, rather than taste-seeking, had a significant effect on attitudes toward the foreign food consumption, which denotes the recent movement toward health-conscious consumption. The foreign foods encompass the culture of their country of origin as well as the identity of the ethnic group. Therefore, foreign food consumption attitude seems to be formed based on their cultural authenticity. The findings of this study suggest that consumer attitudes can be utilized to increase their intent to continue to consume foreign foods.

      • KCI등재

        문화소비 유형에 따른 하이브리드 문화예술상품 인식과 소비의도 비교

        노은영(Eun Young Roh),박은정(Eun Jung Park) 한국디자인문화학회 2014 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 문화소비성향을 기준으로 문화예술상품 소비자를 분류하여 문화예술 시장을 세분화하고 각 세분시장별 소비자의 문화소비성향을 파악하고,세분된 문화소비 집단별로 하이브리드 문화예술상품에 대한 인식을 파악하여 어떤 유형의 하이브리드 문화예술상품이 향후 시장에서의 발전 가능성이 있는지를 확인하며, 문화소비 유형에 따른 하이브리드 문화예술상품에 대한 소비의도를 조사하여 문화예술상품의 기획과 제작에 도움이 되는 기초자료를 제안하는 것이다. 연구문제를 해결하기 위한 자료의 수집을 위해 설문지법을 사용하였다. 본조사는 2012년 11월 24일부터12월 7일까지 실시하였으며, 총 751부를 최종분석 자료로 사용하였다. 자료의 분석을 위해 SPSS 20.0을 사용하였으며, 자료의 분석방법으로 빈도분석, 분산분석(Duncan-test), 요인분석(주성분분석법, Varimax), 신뢰도분석, 군집분석(K-means)을 적용하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같이 정리 할 수 있다. 첫째, 문화소비성향은 ‘가치 소비’, ‘우월적 소비’, ‘합리적 소비’, ‘유행 추구적 소비’, ‘정보공유적 소비’, ‘상징적 소비’, ‘자기만족적 소비’로 분류되었다. 하이브리드 문화예술상품에 대한 인식은 ‘확장성’과 ‘미래지향성’, ‘감성적 체험’, ‘감성욕구 자극’, ‘사회적 교류’, ‘문화수준 충족’, ‘예술수용 용이성’, ‘전통적 가치 저하’로 분류되었다. 하이브리드 문화예술상품에 대한 소비의도는 ‘확장적 공연문화 소비의도’와 ‘기술지향적 공연문화 소비의도’, ‘기술지향적 패션문화 소비의도’, ‘상황적 소비의도’, ‘확장적 패션문화 소비의도’, ‘대중문화 소비의도’로 분류되었다. 둘째, 문화소비성향의 차원을 기준으로 분류된 세집단의 소비 실태와 하이브리드 문화예술상품에 대한인식과 소비의도는 다음과 같다. ‘상징적 소비형(37.9%)’은 주변 사람들과의 관계를 유지하거나 특별한 날을 기념하기 위해 문화예술상품을 소비하는 경향이 높고 광고와 정보의 영향을 받는다. ‘확장성’, ‘미래지향성’, ‘감성적 체험’, ‘감성욕구 자극’으로 하이브리드 문화예술상품을 인식하며, 새로운디지털기술과 융합되어 미래지향적 특성을 지니며 다른 영역들 간의 구분이 서로 모호해져서 생기게 되는새로운 특성을 가진 상품이라고 인식한다. 하이브리드문화예술상품의 소비의도에서는 ‘기술지향적 소비의도’는 낮지만, ‘대중문화 소비의도’와 ‘확장적 공연문화소비의도’는 높다. ‘우월적 소비형(37.0%)’은 유행을 따르거나 품위를 유지하기 위해, 타인의 시선을 의식하여 문화예술상품을 소비하는 경향이 높다. 하이브리드 문화예술상품에 대한 인식에 있어서 다른 집단에 비해 ‘사회적 교류’와 ‘전통적 가치 저하’는 높으며 ‘확장성’, ‘미래지향성’,‘감성적 체험’, ‘감성욕구 자극’은 낮다. 즉, 하이브리드문화예술상품이 예술분야의 품격을 떨어뜨리고 정통예술분야를 위축시킬 수 있다고 인식한다. 하이브리드문화예술상품의 소비의도는 ‘대중문화 소비의도’, ‘확장적 공연문화 소비의도’, ‘상황적 소비의도’, ‘확장적패션문화 소비의도’는 낮으며 ‘기술지향적 패션문화소비의도’가 상대적으로 높다. 일반 대중들에게 보편적이지 않은 디지털지향적 패션에 대한 소비의 도가높게 나타난 것은 이 집단의 과시적 성향을 나타낸 것으로 보인다. ‘자기주도적 소비형(25.0%)’은 문화예술상품을 선택할 때 작품성이나 예술성을 중요하게 생각하는 경향을 보인다. 가격에 비해 품질을 중요하게 생각하고, 관련된 정보를 적극적으로 수집하고, 다른 사람들보다 앞서 문화예술상품을 소비하고, 소비 후에 다른 사람들과 그 정보를 공유하는 경향이 높다. 하이브리드 문화예술상품에 대한 인식은 ‘사회적 교류’와 ‘전통적 가치 저하’에서 낮고, ‘확장성’, ‘감성욕구 자극’, ‘감성적체험’, ‘미래지향성’이 다른 집단에 비해 상대적으로 높다. 즉, 하이브리드 문화예술상품이 문화의 다양성을 넓히고 예술의 영역과 개념을 확대시켜주며 창의적인 발상을 가능하게 하고 예술·감각적 욕구를 충족시켜주는 것으로 예술적 가치가 있는 것으로 인식하고 있는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 하이브리드 문화예술상품의 소비의도는 전반적으로 ‘확장적 공연문화 소비의도’, ‘확장적 패션문화 소비의도’, ‘상황적 소비의도’가 높다. 이상의 결과를 통해 ‘상징적 소비형’은 사회적인 교류와 대인 관계를 중요시하며 다른 사람들과 공유하기 좋은 하이브리드 문화예술상품을 소비하고자 하는 생각을 가진 것으로 확인되었다. ‘우월적 소비형’은 대인과의 관계를 중요시하지만 형식이 새로운 문화를 받아들이는 데는 적극적이지 않는 성향을 가진 집단으로 확인되었다. ‘자기주도적 소비형’은 하이브리드문화예술상품의 실질적 소비자로 이어질 가능성이 가장 높으며, ‘우월적 소비형’은 낮다고 볼 수 있다. The purpose of this study includes segmentation of the culture-art market by classifying the consumers of culture-art package on the basis of cultural consumption inclination, confirmation of what type of Hybrid culture-art package will have the developmental possibility in the later market by grasping the perception of Hybrid culture-art package by the segmented culture consumption group, and proposal of the basis data that will be helpful to planning & making of culture-art package by surveying the consumer’s intention of Hybrid culture-art package consequent on cultural consumption type. A questionnaire was administered for 14days (Nov. 24.~Dec. 7. 2012). Responses of 751 respondents were analyzed using Frequency analysis, ANOVA, Factorial analysis, Cronbach’s alpha analysis and Cluster analysis with SPSS20.0. The results were as follow. First, cultural consumption propensity was classified into ‘valuable consumption’, ‘superior consumption’, ‘rational consumption’, ‘seeking fashion consumption’, ‘self-contentment consumption’, ‘information sharing consumption’, ‘symbolic consuming’. The recognition of hybrid culture-art products was classed as ‘extensive’, ‘future-oriented’, ‘emotional experience’, ‘sensibility desire stimulus’, ‘the cultural level satisfaction’, ‘social interchange’, ‘art-acceptance easiness’, ‘traditional values degeneracy’, consumption intention according to the types of cultural consumption was classified into ‘extensive performing art-consuming intention’, ‘technologyoriented performing art-consuming intention’, ‘situational consuming intention’, ‘extensive fashion cultureconsuming intention’, ‘pop culture consuming intention’. Second, the results that cultural consumption propensity, recognition of culture-art products and consumption intention according to the types of cultural consumption in three groups divided by the propensity to consume-wide as follows. Symbolic consuming group(37.9%) had a tendency purchasing cultureart products to keep relationship with men neighboring, were affected by advertisement and information. The awareness of hybrid cultureart product were ‘extensive’, ‘future- oriented’, ‘emotional experience’, ‘sensibility desire stimulus’, which showed that they recognized hybrid cultureart as a new product future-oriented under digital convergence when the differences between domains seemed to have blurred. ‘Extensive performing art-consuming intention’ was high ranked, while ‘technology oriented’, ‘performing art-consuming intention’ were low-ranked in consumption propensity of hybrid cultureart products. Superior consuming group(37.0%) tend to purchase hybrid cultureart products in self-conscious about others for maintaining dignity, following the trend. The awareness of hybrid culture-art products were ‘social interchange’, ‘traditional values degeneracy’ as high ranked, while ‘extensive’, ‘future-oriented’, ‘emotional experience’, ‘sensibility desire stimulus’ as low ranked. These results showed superior consuming group regarded hybrid culture-art products as an effective in social relationship however it was detracting and might shrink authentic art too. The recognition of hybrid culture-art products in this group were that ‘technology oriented fashion art-consuming intention’ high ranked while, ‘pop culture consuming intention’, ‘extensive performing culture-consuming intention’, ‘situatiolal consuming intention’, and ‘extensive fashion culture-consuming intention’ as low-ranked. The result of high ranked ‘digital-oriented fashion’ showed that this group had the conspicuous propensity of consume for hybrid art productions. Self-contentment consumption group(25.0%) had a tendency to consume artistic valuable products compraison with price, seek and shared information of cuitureart products with others. The awareness of hybrid cultureart products showed that ‘extensive’, ‘situational consuming intention’, ‘emotional experience’, ‘future-oriented’ were in high ranked while, ‘so


        Yuri Seo,Margo-Buchanan-Oliver,Angela Cruz 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2014 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2014 No.7

        As luxury brands have become a globalised phenomenon, marked with the appearance of recognizable and standardized platforms worldwide, we ask how their consumption and meanings are shaped by divergent cultural beliefs that permeate contemporary multicultural marketplaces. Cross-cultural luxury branding literature advises luxury brand managers to cultivate coherent brand identities tied to their internal ‘brand DNA’, with the aim to translate this identity into a consistent global brand image. However, this managerial commitment to a standardized approach in international marketing has meant that brand researchers often adopt an ethnocentric perspective on branding, characterized with the tendency to assess marketplaces in terms of their various degrees of ‘glocalization’. Consequently, the literature on cross-cultural luxury branding has largely focused on the effects of global positioning and local cultural influences, paying little attention to the influences of other foreign cultures that may operate within a multicultural marketplace. This paper is concerned with advancing our knowledge about how complex multicultural influences shape luxury brand markets. In particular, focusing on the interplay between local and foreign cultural meanings in a single national market, we demonstrate how the consumption of luxury brands is influenced by multiple, and at times conflicting, cultural beliefs. Luxury brands and cultural meanings are thoroughly intertwined. Throughout history, the idea of luxury has been influenced by various ideological beliefs, providing an “illuminating entr?e into a basic political issue, namely, the nature of social order” (Berry, 1994: 6). For instance, since ancient civilisations, such as the Egyptians and Amerindians, luxury goods have been used as the symbol of status and power (Kapferer and Bastien, 2009). In the days of Plato and early Christianity, luxury was also perceived in a pejorative form that signified the corruption of a virtuous manly life; and with the works of Adam Smith, the idea of luxury has become a vindication of commercial society (Berry, 1994). Over the last two decades, we have witnessed unprecedented demand for luxury brands by international consumers in Japan, in East Asia, and now in the BRIC (i.e., Brazil, Russia, India, and China) and CIVETS countries (i.e., Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, and South Africa) (Kapferer, 2012). Due to the accelerated flows of consumption meanings, ideologies, and people resulting from global economic forces (Appadurai, 1997), many of these emerging marketplaces are characterized by cross-cutting cultural flows, exhibiting a high degree of inner differentiation and complexity (Craig and Douglas, 2006), mutual entanglement (Robertson, 1992; Welsh, 1999), and interpenetration (Andreasen, 1990). Consequently, there is a growing need to advance our understanding of how increasing multicultural influences shape luxury brand markets. Informed by a cultural branding approach (Bengtsson et al., 2010) and research on multicultural marketplaces (Craig and Douglas, 2006), we address this issue in cross-cultural luxury branding by offering a qualitative inquiry into luxury brand consumption in New Zealand, uncovering the interplay between two distinct cultural beliefs permeating this multicultural market – the local Kiwi ‘tall poppy syndrome’ and the foreign ‘face-saving’ orientation originating from East Asian immigrant cultures. The Kiwi tall poppy syndrome conveys a negative social attitude towards people (the ‘tall poppies’) who are conspicuously successful and whose distinction, rank, or wealth attracts envious notice or hostility (Mouly and Sankaran, 2002). Conversely, the East Asian ‘face-saving’ orientation is concerned with the social image of success that an individual projects in society (Le Monkhouse et al., 2012). We found that not only did these two local and foreign cultural beliefs convey oppositional meanings about luxury brands in New Zealand, but they also prompted consumers to adopt different luxury brand consumption styles. Furthermore, despite being oppositional in nature, our findings suggest that these beliefs could jointly influence individual consumers, adding yet increased complexity to how these individuals consumed luxury brands. In particular, we demonstrate that luxury brand consumers in New Zealand are able to hold multiple and conflicting local and foreign cultural beliefs in tension, emerging as contextual cultural shifters. While the literature on cross-national luxury branding conventionally privileges cross-national methods which tend to de-emphasise the heterogeneity within national luxury markets (Wiedmann et al., 2007), the results of our study suggest the need to consider intercultural diversity at the intra-national level. Indeed, Brewer and Venaik (2012) decry the danger of applying culture-level constructs to the level of the individual. Brubaker (2004) calls this the fallacy of groupism, where we treat ethnic groups as concrete entities instead of seeing group-making as an on-going project. This is echoed by Calhoun (2003: 547) who encourages “avoiding the illusion that plagued much earlier thoughts of ethnicity and nationalism – that there was one basic identity common to all members of a group.” Essentially, when an individual’s cultural identity is reduced to the nationality or the ethnicity that he or she declares on a survey, not only does this overlook the multidimensionality and complexity of cultural influences which shape how they consume luxury brands, but this also misses further opportunities to engage with luxury brand consumers. While some cross-national luxury consumption studies have accommodated a degree of complexity with the consideration of differences between global and local cultures (e.g., Park et al., 2008; Shukla and Purani, 2012), the results of our study show that, within multicultural marketplaces, the level of cultural complexity goes beyond the global-local dichotomy. Rather, the consumption of luxury brands is transculturally constituted and derived from multiple forms of belonging (Calhoun, 2003). In these markets, consumers find themselves negotiating the meanings and consumption styles of luxury brands at the confluence of multiple cultural beliefs. For marketers operating within multicultural markets, this means that nationality, ethnicity, and degree of glocalisation may be less useful bases for segmentation, prompting the consideration of other ways in which to understand and use cultural influences in segmenting, targeting, and positioning luxury brands. In our study, two distinct cultural belief systems, one local and one foreign, shaped luxury brand consumption in New Zealand. Furthermore, these cultural beliefs were not necessarily tied to an individual consumer’s ethnicity. Given these complexities, it may be more useful to consider other bases of segmentation such as the influence of situational factors (Douglas and Craig, 2011) and the relative salience among multiple cultural beliefs. Furthermore, this is the first study to empirically demonstrate the impact of multiculturalism on luxury brand markets, where consumers emerge as contextual cultural shifters. Our findings illustrate that contextual factors in a multicultural marketplace, like a filter, shaped which cultural influences were appropriated by individual consumers in a given consumption situation. Thus, underlying any given luxury brand consumption situation is a complex interplay between multicultural influences, situational norms, and individual factors. This prompts multiple considerations for luxury brand managers. Might it be possible to go a step further and encourage consumers to adopt culturally-constituted consumption styles which fit better with one’s brand positioning? More specifically, by questioning which cultural influences underpinning luxury brands are more dominant for them, consumers could be encouraged to reconsider their personal uses and attitudes towards luxury brands. Further research is required to find out what contexts are likely to tilt consumers’ consideration in favour of one cultural influence over another. If a luxury brand is a status symbol, might it be possible to prime both Western and Asian consumers to switch to status-conspicuous beliefs? For example, what cues and appeals might marketers present to encourage consumers to think in a more face-saving way? If a brand is understated, might it be possible to prime consumers to adhere to cultural beliefs which encourage more discreet styles of consumption? For example, what cues and appeals might marketers present to encourage consumers to consider the tall poppy syndrome? Such research would be particularly useful for marketers who have little room for repositioning their luxury brand image. Finally, rather than a glocal branding approach, which involves cultivating brand identity within the organisation and overcoming local brand image inconsistencies (Matthiesen and Phau, 2005), we posit that managers need to adopt a multicultural branding approach. We envision that such an approach would involve identifying and pursuing opportunities for the development of dynamic brand identities (da Silveira et al., 2011), where luxury brand managers can assume the role of proactive architects of luxury brand cultures which support diverse modes of luxury brand consumption. This carries implications for cross-cultural luxury branding on three levels. At the basic level, a multicultural branding approach involves paying closer attention to the contextual topography of a given marketplace and consumer receptivity to global, local, and foreign cultural beliefs. As our study showed, a luxury brand entering an emergent multicultural market like New Zealand will invariably face consumer resistance due to the influence of the dominant Kiwi ‘tall poppy’ syndrome. However, this is by no means a monolithic discourse; its influence is uneven. Because of greater diversity and intercultural exchange, consumers in cosmopolitan centres such as Auckland are more likely to be receptive to other cultural influences. As such, it would be a logical point of entry for a global luxury brand. This also suggests that, rather than cross-national differences, segmentation based on the prevalence of multiple cultural beliefs and consumption styles in major cities could be a more appropriate strategy for luxury branding. At a more advanced level, luxury brand managers can not only select, but also focus on proactively cultivating the most conducive contexts, where consumers would feel more empowered to appropriate their desired luxury brand consumption styles within a multicultural marketplace. In doing so, marketers will be able to both target the increasing buying power of ethnic consumers by appealing to their foreign consumption styles (Lisanti, 2010), as well as to find a better positioning to the mainstream consumers who are receptive to cultural shifting. For instance, several respondents in our study presented an interesting dynamic between the two cultural influences: on one hand, they have a desire to consume luxury brands in a more conspicuous way due to the influence of face-saving beliefs, but on the other hand, they feel that they must suppress this desire due to the influence of the Kiwi ‘tall poppy’ syndrome. To unlock this hidden market potential, luxury brand marketers would do well to design liminal spaces and retail spectacles (Kozinets et al., 2004). In the same way that the “Coca-Cola Telenovela Club” provided a liminal space in which Latina moms in the US could explore and perform their love of telenovelas (Lisanti 2010), luxury brand managers might design similar liminal spaces and retail spectacles where could safely circumvent the influence of the local tall poppy syndrome. In contrast to the social sanctions on conspicuous consumption in their everyday lives, liminal spaces can provide an immersive space where foreign styles of brand consumption can be affirmed and cultivated. In other words, luxury brand managers can empower consumers to appropriate their desired culturally-constituted meanings and, therefore, to endorse the particular styles of luxury brand consumption within a multicultural marketplace. Finally, at the broader strategic level, rather than cultivating brand identity entirely within the organisation and then communicating this identity to consumers, luxury brand managers can aim to collaborate with the diverse range of consumers in developing a dynamic multicultural brand identity. This strategy would involve incorporating a wider range of cultural meanings and developing the most appropriate brand positioning(s), thereby addressing tensions around the conflicting luxury brand consumption styles within a multicultural marketplace. In line with the cultural branding (Bengtsson et al., 2010) and dynamic brand identity (da Silveira et al., 2013: 31) approaches, the multicultural branding approach should view brand identity as developing over time through “mutually influencing inputs from several social constituents” that include both brand managers and consumers. Moreover, it should focus on more proactively and thoroughly intertwining the on-going social construction of brand meaning with the on-going evolution of multiculturally-informed consumption styles of luxury branding that emerge within a marketplace. In short, by assuming the role of cultural architects, luxury brand marketers must become more aware of the varying sensitivities of consumers to multiple cultural beliefs and practices across a range of contexts, proactively cultivate contexts which enhance their brand receptiveness, and strive to construct multiculturally-informed dynamic brand identities that embed the brand image more deeply within a marketplace and assist consumers in coping with dynamic cultural change.

      • KCI등재후보

        직장인 여가스포츠 참여자의 사회심리학적 변인과 스포츠 소비욕구 및 스포츠 소비문화의 관계모형연구

        이호열(Lee Ho-Youl) 한국체육과학회 2008 한국체육과학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        This study is aimed to consider if sports consumption culture promotes an increase in working people's recognition of leisure activities, which has been caused by changes in social and economic environment in the modern society. To do that, the present author made efforts to determine the causation among such social psychological variables as leisure value, leisure attitude, leisure involvement degree, sports consumption desire, and sports consumption culture, with a view to provide basic materials for participants in leisure sports to deeply understand sports consumption culture and for theories of relevant studies to develop in the modern society. The population in this study was employed to sample 600 panels for an Internet questionnaire survey. Such technological statistics as SPSS statistic package 11.0 was hired to process the collected data, and AMOS 4.0 program was employed. The following is a summary of the findings of this study. First, there is relationship between social psychological variables of leisure sports participants and their desire for sports consumption. Second, there is relationship between social psychological variables of leisure sports participants and their sports consumption culture. Third, there is sports consumption desire of leisure sports participants and their sports consumption culture. Fourth, the sports consumption desire of leisure sports participants facilitates social psychological variables to have an effect on sports consumption culture. Fifth, a stable model is suitable to those who regularly work five or six days a week but not to those who irregularly work five days a week.

      • KCI등재

        수상레저스포츠 참여자의 여가관여도와 스포츠소비문화의 관계에서 소비욕구의 매개효과 연구

        이동욱(Lee, Dong-Wook) 한국체육과학회 2016 한국체육과학회지 Vol.25 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between leisure involvement and sports consumption culture in water leisure sports, and whether these relationships are mediated by consumption desire. For this purpose, a survey was conducted 308 users of water leisure sports. The data were treated with the SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 program. As a result, the following conclusion were drawn. First, research model about leisure involvement, sports consumption desire and sports consumption culture of water leisure sports suit research’s purpose. Second, leisure involvement, consumption desire and consumption culture of water leisure sports are related to each other. Truth, leisure involvement influence on the Sports consumption desire and Sports consumption culture positively. The more Sports consumption desire is, the more positive sports consumption culture is changed. Third, Sports consumption desire of water leisure sports facilitates leisure involvement to have an effect on sports consumption culture. So the route model set up for this study is appropriate to develop researches on the samples. These results were discussed based on previous literature and theory.

      • KCI등재

        현대여가소비문화의 비판적 고찰과 대안모색

        박미혜(Park Mi Hye) 한국소비문화학회 2006 소비문화연구 Vol.9 No.2

          최근 우리사회는 주5일근무제 실시를 계기로 일 중심사회에서 여가중심사회로의 변화를 꾀하고 있으며 여가 문화에 대한 관심이 높아져 가고 있다. 그러나 아직 우리사회의 여가의 모습은 수동적 여가에 머물거나 현대사회에서의 여가경험은 소비문화 속에서 성취되는 어떠한 것이라고 인식하는 것으로 점차 변화하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 여가부문에서도 예외없이 적용되고 있는 상품적 소비문화에 대한 소비윤리적인 관점을 가지고 접근을 함으로써 진정한 삶의 질 추구로서의 여가란 무엇인가를 고찰하고자 하였다.   이를 위한 연구방법으로서 그간의 연구논문들과 서적, 신문기사 등의 2차 자료들을 토대로 현대여가소비문화에 대한 분석을 시도하였다. 본 연구는 여가에 대한 고찰과 현대여가소비문화의 현상 파악을 중심으로 하여, 현대여가소비문화에 대한 비판과 대안모색을 하였다.   본 연구에서는 우리 사회에서 나타나고 있는 여가소비문화의 현상을 문화상품소비, 웰빙형 여가, 놀이, 매니아적 여가, 관광으로 분류하였다. 이러한 여가소비문화에 대한 비판으로서 지나친 쾌락추구, 강제된 여가, 과시와 구별짓기로서의 여가, 여가소외 문제 등을 언급하였다. 상업화되고 왜곡된 여가문화에서 발생하는 문제점들을 줄여나가기 위한 대안으로서는 소비자의 의식전환과 여가교육, 정책이 필요함을 시사하였다. 자발적인 주체성을 근원으로 한 삶의 태도인 미학적 여가로의 회복, 생태형여가, 여가 콘텐츠의 질과 다양성을 높이기 위한 여가교육과 여가소외를 해결하기 위한 여가정책 등이 필요할 것이다. 앞으로 현대 소비문화 속에서의 여가의 방향은 어떻게 가야 하는지에 대한 학계의 꾸준한 연구와 논의가 필요하다고 사료된다.   As a 5-day work week was recently introduced in our society, we are changing from a work-oriented society to a leisure-centered society, with an increasing interest in the leisure culture. The leisure activities in our society remained passive, like taking a nap, watching TV, etc. But new and various leisure experiences have been gradually realized through increased leisure consumption expenditure. This study dealt with the phenomena appearing in a leisure consumption culture, its critical view, its alternatives to a negative consumption culture and how it helps individuals pursue a higher quality of life.   This study approached the analysis of a leisure consumption culture through the examination of relative papers, books, and some articles in newspapers In this study, the conceptual meanings of leisure were reviewed, and the phenomena in the leisure consumption culture were investigated, and its critical perspectives and alternatives were suggested.   The phenomena appearing in a culture of leisure consumption were classified into the cultural product consumption, leisure activities promoting a healthful lifestyle, play, maniac leisure and tours. In addition excessive pleasure-centered leisure, enforced leisure, leisure involving conspicuous consumption, alienation issues from leisure, etc., were also discussed. Also, the consumer’s changing view of leisure, and leisure education, as well as establishing its policy were indicated as alternatives to solve distorted, and commercialized leisure issues.   The aesthetic or ecological leisure activities should be encouraged, and leisure education is necessary to enhance the quality and variety of leisure contents. Policies and its policy should be reconsidered to solve the issues concerning alienation in leisure activities. In conclusion, further study and discussion about a desirable course of leisure activity in a contemporary culture of consumption are required.

      • KCI등재

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