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      • KCI등재

        “동인지『현대시(現代詩)』”의 변모 양상과 대표성에 관한 고찰

        이형우 ( Hyeong Woo Lee ) 국제비교한국학회 2013 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.21 No.2

        This article is about the History of the coterie magazine, Contemporary Poetry. Hyundaeshi(Contemporary Poetry) is (1) Contemporary Poetry by the Organization of Korean Poets. (2) Geon Bong-Gun`s Contemporary Poetry. (3) Coterie magazine Contemporary Poetry. These are based on periodic manner. First, I observed how these magazines are different from one another, then, studied the activity of artists in the coterie magazine Contemporary Poetry (6) to (28). Let us distinguish (1) as organizational magazine Contemporary Poetry, (2) as specified magazine Contemporary Poetry, (3) as coterie magazine Contemporary Poetry. In general, it is considered (1) is different from (2) (3) and (3) was originated by (2). However, in recent years, there was an attempt to connect (1) and (3). The root of collaborative publication Contemporary Poetry was based on organizational magazine Contemporary. A coterie means people who share unifying common interest or purpose. The study of coterie is different from the study of coterie magazine. The study of coterie has to deal only with the members who were active together. However, the study of coterie magazine is a study of history of its publication. It is, of course, not related to the active period of each member. From this point of view, I can say that the study of the coterie of Contemporary Poetry is a study of the coterie magazine Contemporary Poetry. We can`t call them a coterie because they weren`t active during the same timeframe. Some do not even distinguish whether the active period was in the 60`s or the 70`s. When an artist joins Contemporary Poetry, they are treated the same. This is why such phenomenon occurs. The trace that was left by the members of Contemporary Poetry is a great one. In order to value it properly, we must know accprdingly.

      • KCI등재

        김춘수 초기시 연구: 『세계 현대시 감상』(산해당, 1954)과의 교호관계를 중심으로

        신동옥 한국근대문학회 2019 한국근대문학연구 Vol.20 No.2

        Kim Choon-soo called the relocation of the liberation period "the first phase of writing practice," the "second phase of writing practice" and the "time of training" until the end of the 1950s after the liberation period, then added that "the age of imitator". This period, which encompasses the period before the series of the "Taryeong Jo" series period, is in the early stages of Kim's poetry life. In September 1954, Kim Choon-soo published a book titled "Appreciation of World Contemporary Poetry" in a translation. This paper followed the order of close reading of the "Appreciation of World Contemporary Poetry", checking the relationship of influence with the early period, and extracting the implications of korea poetry history. The question raised in the main paper is "How is the literary constant of the "Appreciation of World Contemporary Poetry", which has been shown since the early days of modern literary history, perceived and passed down by Kim Choon-soo?" Chapter 2 of the main paper analyzed the corresponding text, extracted the 'contemporary' concept of the world's modern poetry recognized by Kim Choon-soo. And tracked the pattern in which they were mixed with Kim Choon-soo's perception of korea poetry history. The book, which incorporates a view of modern Korean poetry and a perception of the fundamental qualities of modern poetry, is a major reference point to Kim Choon-soo's poetry, which was formed early on. The third chapter looked at the pattern of poetic perceptions acquired during the process of being translated into Kim Choon-soo's creation. Through the above discussion, I was able to see the style that appeared in Kim's early days and how the poetic concepts that were pre-received from the translation books responded. 김춘수는 해방기 이전을 ‘제1의 습작기’, 해방기를 ‘제2의 습작기’, 해방기 이후 1950년대 말까지를 ‘트레이닝의 시기’라고 말한 다음, ‘아류의 시절’이라고 겸사를 덧붙였다. 「타령조」 연작 이전까지를 아우르는 이 시기는 김춘수의 시력에서 초기시 단계다. 1954년 9월 김춘수는 편역서 세계 현대시 감상』을 출간한다. 본고는 논의는『세계 현대시 감상』에 대한 정치한 읽기, 초기시와의 영향 관계 점검, 시사적 의미의 추출의 순서를 따랐다. 본고에서 제기하는 문제는 ‘근대문학사 초기부터 선보여온 ‘세계 현대시’라는 문학적인 상수가 김춘수에게서는 어떻게 인식되고 전유되는가?’에 있다. 본고의 2장은 해당 텍스트를 분석하고, 김춘수가 인식한 세계 현대시의 동시대적 고갱이를 추출한 다음, 그것들이 김춘수의 시사 인식에 습합되는 양상을 추적했다. 한국 현대시에 대한 관점 및 현대시의 근본 자질에 대한 인식이 녹아든 이 책은 초기에 형성된 김춘수의 시학을 경유하는 주요한 참조점이다. 3장은 편역 과정에서 획득한 시적 인식이 김춘수 자신의 창작에 습합되는 양태를 유비적으로 살폈다. 이상의 논의를 통해, 김춘수의 초기시에 나타난 스타일과 편역서에서 선취된 시학적인 개념어들이 조응하는 양상을 확인할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        중ㆍ한 현대시에 나타난 서정성 비교 고찰

        양혜경(Yang Hae-kyung) 한국비평문학회 2008 批評文學 Vol.- No.30

        It is hard to find out lyricism of Korean and Chinese modern poetry. Because lyricism of Korean and Chinese modern poetry has associated to the relationship between poetry and society, the status and meanings of poetry in modem society, and the problems of modernity. Also, these problems are related to each other. The sociality and autonomy of modern poetry, and the social status and function of poetry inspire aesthetic value of literary essence related to contemporary social systems. The lyricism of modem poetry gives autonomy and identity of Korean and Chinese modem poetry. Therefore, the lyricism of Korean and Chinese modern poetry has a close relationship with the change of society. This article studied the aspects of lyricism of Korean and Chinese modern poetry based on Korean and Chinese best-seller poems. This study compared lyricism of Ahn Do Hyun as a Korean poet and Fang Wen Shan as a Chinese poet. This study examined how lyricism was expressed in terms of literary characteristics. The reappearance of lyricism and aspect of subject were also examined. Ahn Do Hyun and Fang Wen Shan had no direct relationship, but they had their authentic world of poetry in search of lyricism Their poems represented lyricims based on contemporary social reality in traditional lyric genre.

      • KCI등재

        토픽 모델링과 N-gram을 활용한 한국 현대시 연구 동향 분석 -2010년~2023년 WOS 및 SCOPUS DB를 중심으로-

        강은진 ( Kang Eun-jin ),이용재 ( Lee Yong-jae ) 한국어문학국제학술포럼 2023 Journal of Korean Culture Vol.61 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to analyze and identify the latest trends in international research on modern Korean poetry in a quantitative and scientific way. To this end, we analyzed and selected meaningful data from academic papers on modern Korean poetry published in SCI-level academic journals. We mainly focused on topic modeling and N-gram analysis based on the title, abstract, author, and publisher of the document. We obtained quite significant results, but there were also limitations due to the mechanical analysis method. During the preprocessing process, we mechanically refined the data, but it was difficult to completely exclude the possibility that some of the keywords or tokens extracted from the N-gram analysis would hinder the consistency of the analysis. In addition, at the stage of selecting the analysis target, there were quite a few cases where the search result data deviated from the subject, so we had to examine and remove them one by one. Since the analysis target was limited to SCI-level academic journal papers published after 2010, the size of the confirmed data was reduced as expected after this selection process. However, the purpose of this study was to identify the latest research trends, so we did not expand the search target period and performed the analysis. In the future, if we expand the analysis target and collect more abundant data, we will be able to identify research trends by country and language, and we will be able to obtain detailed analysis results based on the connection between specific universities and researchers and specific keywords. Through topic modeling, three research topics on modern Korean poetry were extracted: topic 1 can be compressed into war and division, regionality, and aesthetics; topic 2 can be categorized into colonialism, decolonization, historicity, and connectivity; and topic 3 is about culture, politics, testimony, and resistance. These results show that research on modern Korean poetry is closely related to Korean history and pays attention to the relationship with neighboring countries and Western countries such as the United States. It also reflects the high interest in Korean poets. However, it was found that the actual active poets are limited to a limited range, such as Yun Dong-ju, Kim So-wol, and Kim Su-young. This can be said to be a result that provides a reference point for the direction of international academic activities related to the study of modern Korean poetry. After topic modeling analysis, we used N-gram analysis to see how the main keywords are related to other words in the research paper. The important results extracted from the network of keywords belonging to topic 1 show that research on modern Korean poetry is being dealt with in the context of the connection with East Asian literature, the relationship with other cultures based on regionality, and the problem of diaspora or immigrants derived from the experience of war. In addition, it was confirmed that the keyword group of Korean modern literature writers or poets is mentioned together with feminism or feminist. The results of N-gram analysis for the keywords of topic 2 show that research on modern Korean poetry is still being dealt with in the category of Japan-Korea relations and colonial literature. This perspective shows that modern Korean poetry is being highlighted in the context of comparing Japanese literature and Korean literature, clarifying colonial and postcolonial characteristics, and defining modernity and modernity. In addition, the keywords of topic 3 are mentioned in a series of contexts such as culture, politics, testimony, and resistance. It was confirmed that they are forming a network of words related to people's resistance and testimony, and language, such as the situation of division between North and South Korea, minjung literature, generational characteristics, environment, and memory. Some of these keywords form groups with Kim So-wol and Kim Su-young, indicating that they find the popular archetype of modern Korean poetry in these two poets. The results of the analysis of topic 3 show that the research topics on modern Korean poetry are becoming broader, but at the same time, it shows the limitation that international research on modern Korean poetry has not yet been expanded to Korean poetry after 2000.

      • KCI등재

        한국 시의 평화 지향성에 관한 연구 - 작시 태도와 시 형태를 중심으로

        이상호 인문사회 21 2017 인문사회 21 Vol.8 No.6

        The aim of this article is to study types of peace-directivity with Korean poems. This article changed dividing poetry viewpoint of I. A. Richards applying for features of Korean poetry. Then separated ‘poetry of addition’ and the ‘poetry of subtraction’ and reveled features of them. As a result, forms of poems were different according to method to expression on negative reality. In case of ‘poetry of addition’, poets suggested improvement measures with directly proposing and criticising non-peace world. While in case of ‘poetry of subtraction’, poets removed most negative reality at surface of poems, and they mainly described peaceful world with idle nature or expressed chimerically. Despite of these differences, the ultimate aims of poetry orienting peace world were similar. Which means that peace is the intended common value of human and in perspective of peace pluralism, variety of subjects have to endeavor with several method. 본 연구의 목적은 한국 시를 통해 평화 지향성의 형태를 고찰하는 것이다. 이를 위해 I. A. 리처즈의 시 분류 관점을 한국 시의 특성에 맞게 변용하여 ‘덧셈의시학’과 ‘뺄셈의 시학’으로 이원화하고 그 특성을 밝혔다. 연구 결과, 부정적인 현실을 표현하는 방식에 따라 시의 형태가 달랐다. 덧셈의 시학의 경우는 시인이 평화롭지 못한 세계를 직접 제시하고 비판함으로써 개선의 길을 암시하는 형태였다. 반면에 뺄셈의 시학은시인이 부정적인 현실을 대부분 시의 표면에서 제거한 대신에 주로 무위자연의 평화로운세계를 묘사하거나 상상적으로 표현하였다. 이런 차이에도 불구하고 시의 궁극적 목표인 평화로운 세상을 염원하는 목표는 거의비슷하였다. 이는 평화가 인류 공통의 지향 가치이며, 평화 실현을 위해 평화다원주의의관점에서 다양한 주체가 다양한 방법으로 노력해야 함을 뜻한다.

      • KCI등재

        현대 영국시

        홍옥숙(Hong, Ok-Sook) 새한영어영문학회 2012 새한영어영문학 Vol.54 No.2

        This article attempts to show the topography of the recent "British" poetry since the 1980"s. Many anthologies and criticisms on the British poetry agree that the "British" poetry has undergone a considerable transformation reflecting socio-cultural changes which took place in U.K. since the end of the Second World War and that it now contains many "non-British" elements. To examine the characteristics of contemporary British poetry, this study adopts two seemingly disparate but similar perspectives of looking at UK and British poetry. The first perspective concerns the poets who work in both the inside and the outside of what was traditionally known as "U.K." Contemporary poets such as Seamus Heaney, Eavan Boland, Gillian Clarke, and Tony Harrison come from the areas once not regarded as the mainstream England. While conscious of their own cultural root and non-British identity, they either try to establish their new identity by rejecting their tradition and the English influence or by being gradually assimilated into the greater British tradition of literature. The second perspective is to see the changes occurring in English as the medium of poetry. As a string of new, powerful poets come from the marginal regions or former colonies, contemporary poetry accordingly begins to reflect their dialect replacing the "standard English." These changes in UK itself and English are closely interrelated with each other, securing variety for contemporary British poetry.

      • KCI등재

        한국 현대시교육의 현황과 과제―고등학교 국어과 교재에 나타난 문제점을 중심으로

        이명찬 한국시학회 2020 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.61

        This study analyzed 11 High School Textbooks of Korean Language 1 and 2 and 11 High School Textbooks of Literature published according to the 2011 revised national curriculum of the Korean Language in order to check the present condition of the literary thoughts, views, teaching methodologies that currently affect the contemporary poetry (literature) education. As a result, it was possible to identify problematic phenomena broadly in three categories in the present poetic literature education: (1) Narrator and rhyme/meter as poetic devices; (2) Wrong customs in the history of poetic literature; and (3) textbook power. Concerning (1), it is necessary to remember that although the concept of the narrator should extensively be applied to any texts, the narrator is specially named ‘poetic narrator’ only in poetry, which is unreasonable. Moreover, concerning the problem of the narrator in poetry, it is necessary to adjust the focus to the restoration of the conversations between ‘the narrator and the audience’ and ‘the implied poet and the implied reader.’ The problem of rhyme/meter is more serious. Since there has been no poetry with a fixed form in Korean, no feature has existed, which might be called the standard for rhyme/meter. Nevertheless, we reached the discussions on the syllabic meter and foot meter, for which no grounds could be found by defining the lyrics such as Sijo, Goryeo Gayo and Hyangga as poetry or expanding and applying the experience of the learning of Japanese poetry or British/American poetry to our poetry. Concerning (2), this study discussed that it would not be reasonable to define empathy/compassion as the traditional aesthetic consciousness or feature in the history of Korean poetry and that the theory of trend appearing in the 1940s has still affected too much. In (3), this researcher suggested that since the textbook has excessive power, it is necessary to find a way to get rid of or alleviate that and at the same time, pointed out that it is necessary to have an attitude of citing the original text properly. 이 논문은, 현대시(문학)교육에 현재 영향을 미치고 있는 문학 사상들, 관점들, 교육방법론의 현황을 점검하기 위하여, 2011년에 개정된 국어과 교육과정에 따라 제작된 11종의 『고등학교 국어1, 2』와 역시 11종의 『문학』 교과서를 분석하였다. 그 결과 현재의 시문학 교육 현장에서는 크게 보아 세 가지 범주에서의 문제적 현상을 확인할 수 있었다. (1)시적 장치로서의 화자와 운율, (2)시문학사의 잘못된 관습, (3)교과서 권력이라는 범주가 그것들이다. (1)과 관련해서는, 텍스트 일반에 두루 준용되어야 할 화자 개념을 시에서만 특별히 ‘시적 화자’라 명명하는 일이 불합리하다는 점이 기억되어야 한다. 나아가 시에 있어서의 화자 문제는 ‘화자-청자’와 ‘내포 시인-내포 독자’의 대화 내용을 복원하는 일 쪽으로 초점을 조정할 필요가 있다. 운율 쪽의 문제는 보다 더 심각하다. 한글 정형시가 존재하지 않았으니 우리에게는 운율의 기준으로 부를 만한 자질이 형성된 적이 없었다. 그런데도 우리는 시조, 고려가요, 향가 등의 노래 가사를 시라고 규정하거나 일본시, 혹은 영미시에 대한 학습 경험을 우리 시에 확대 적용함으로써 전혀 근거를 찾을 수 없는 음수율, 음보율 논의에 이르렀던 것이다. (2)와 관련해서는, 정한(情恨)을 한국 시문학사의 전통적 미의식 혹은 미적 특질로 규정하는 것이 합리적이지 않다는 것과 1940년대에 나타난 사조론이 아직까지 너무 크게 영향을 미치고 있음에 대한 논의를 진행하였다. (3)항에서는 교과서가 지닌 권력이 너무 과도하므로 그것을 해소 혹은 완화할 수 있는 방법을 찾아야 한다는 제안과 동시에 원작을 제대로 인용하는 자세가 필요하다는 사실을 지적하였다.

      • KCI등재

        수학과 시: 수학적 상상력을 넘어 ‘수학으로 시 쓰기’

        이경식 국제언어문학회 2022 國際言語文學 Vol.- No.53

        Convergence among different disciplines becomes popular these days. However, unlike the convergence of adjacent studies, that of distant studies like poetry and mathematics, still tend to be reluctant, because of some risks although it has an impact on the related fields when successful. However, in the face of the recent era of advanced science, the number of cases of incorporating mathematics into poetry is increasing. In this article, by reviewing some of the poetry works I have done with mathematics over the past decade, I will shed light on the importance of the work of 'writing poetry with mathematics'. The formulas, equations, infinite series appeared in poetry were used as metaphors, symbols, allegories, etc. When mathematics is used as a 'poetic language', poets' choice of language becomes infinitely wider. I am sure that mathematics will provide good opportunities for young poets who dream of working on 'creative poetry' in the future. 요즘 서로 다른 학문들끼리 융합이 유행이다. 그러나 인접 학문끼리의 융합과는 달리 시학과 수학처럼 서로 거리가 먼 학문끼리의융합은 성공했을 때는 큰 성과를 얻을 수도 있으나 리스크도 있기때문에 여전히 꺼리는 경향이 있다. 최근에 첨단 과학 시대를 맞이하여 시에 수학을 접목시키는 사례들이 점차 늘어나고 있다. 본 논문에서는 최근 10년간 작업한 필자의 작품들 중에서 수학을 ‘시어’ 로 사용한 몇몇 작품들을 들여다봄으로써 ‘수학으로 시 쓰기’ 작업의 중요성을 조명해 보려고 한다. 작품들 속에 등장하는 수식, 방정식, 무한급수는 시 문장 안에서 은유, 환유, 상징, 알레고리 등으로쓰였다. 수학을 ‘시어’로 사용할 경우, 시인들의 언어 선택의 폭은무한히 넓어지게 된다. 앞으로 수학은 창의적인 ‘시 쓰기’ 작업을 꿈꾸는 젊은 시인들에게 좋은 기회를 제공해 줄 것으로 확신한다.

      • KCI등재

        이바라기 노리코의 시 연구-'아름다운 말'을 찾아서

        성혜경 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2024 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.93

        [국문초록] 이바라기 노리코(茨木のり子、1926-2006)는 일본 현대시를 대표하는 여성 시인이다. 여성의 시점으로 전쟁을 노래한「내가 가장 예뻤을 때」는 일본 현대시를 대표하는 기념비적인 작품으로 평가되고 있다. 전후 일본 사회에 대한 건전한 비평의식과 휴머니즘에 입각한 이바라기의 시들은 국경을 초월해 많은 사람들의 공감을 자아내고 있다. 타자와의 대화와 소통은 이바라기의 시를 관철하는 중요한 주제 중 하나로, 이는 자연스레 이웃 나라 한국과의 진정한 화해와 교류에 대한 희구로 이어졌다. 한국어에 깊은 애정을 보였고 윤동주를 일본에 널리 알린 시인이라는 사실이 알려지면서 최근 한국에서는 이바라기에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 이바라기는 한국과의 인연을 비롯해 여성, 전쟁, 그리고 대화와 소통 등의 주제를 중심으로 조명되는 경우가 많았는데, 이바라기 시인이 남긴 업적 중 간과해서는 안 될 것이 ‘아름다운 말’에 대한 탐구이다. 1970년대 이후에 출간된 시집과 수필집 등을 보면 말이나 시와 관련된 내용이 많아지는 것을 볼 수 있는데, 이는 모두 ‘아름다운 말’을 향한 이바라기의 탐구와 모색의 일환이라고 할 수 있다. 본고에서는 이바라기의 일련의 시들, 평론「아름다운 말이란」, 그리고 시론집이라고도 할 수 있는『시의 마음을 읽다』를 중심으로 이바라기의 언어와 시에 대한 생각들을 고찰해보았다. 「아름다운 말이란」이 오랜 세월 시인의 마음속에 침전된 아름다운 말에 대한 생각을 써내려간 글이라면, 『시의 마음을 읽다』는 그 연장선상에서 아름다운 시에 대해 구체적으로 논하고 있는 책이다. 여기에 나오는 내용들은 이바라기의 시에 반영되거나 한 편의 시로 형상화되곤 하였기 때문에 이바라기의 시 세계를 이해하는 데 중요한 단서를 제공한다. 이바라기는 시인의 역할과 언어에 대해 명확한 신념과 소신을 가지고 시작 활동을 했던 시인이다. 이바라기가 시인으로서 어떤 역할을 하고자 했으며, 어떤 시를 쓰고자 했는지, 일본의 시가문학에 대한 생각은 어떠했는지 등을 ‘아름다운 말’을 찾아가는 여정이라는 관점에서 살펴보았다. [이바라기 노리코, 현대시, 『만요슈』, 인간의 말] Abstract Ibaragi Noriko(1926-2006) is a female poet representing modern Japanese poetry. Her representative work “When I Was Most Beautiful,” which depicts war from a woman’s perspective, is evaluated as a monumental work representing modern Japanese poetry. Ibaragi's poems, based on humanism and a healthy sense of criticism on post-war Japanese society, transcend national boundaries and arouse sympathy of many people around the world. Dialogue and communication with others is one of the major themes Ibaragi consistently pursued. Her wish to restore relations with Korea led her to study Korean language and translate Korean contemporary poetry. Her contribution in introducing Yun Dong-ju to the Japanese people deeply impressed the Korean people. Recently in Korea interest in Ibaragi is increasing and her poems are published one after another. Until now research on Ibaragi has often been focused on topics such as her relationship with Korea, women, war, dialogue and communication. However among her achievements as a poet, one that should not be overlooked is her exploration of ‘beautiful words.’ In this paper I examined Ibaragi's thoughts on word(language) and poetry, focusing on her poems, essay "What Are Beautiful Words", and Reading the Heart of Poetry, a book which introduces poems that captured the poet's heart. Since these thoughts were reflected in her poetry or embodied in a poem, they provide an important clue to understanding Ibaragi's poetic world. Ibaragi is a poet who began her career with a clear belief in the role of a poet. Although she did not publish a book on her poetic theories, she constantly revealed her beliefs about words, language, and poetry through her poems and writings. What role Ibaragi wanted to play as a poet, what kind of poetry she wanted to write, and what she thought about Japanese poetry literature were examined from the perspective of a journey to find ‘beautiful words.’ [Ibaragi Noriko, contemporary poetry, Manyoshu, human words]

      • KCI등재

        스코포스 번역 이론을 활용한 중국인 고급 학습자의 현대시 이해 양상 연구

        우양 한국문학교육학회 2023 문학교육학 Vol.- No.80

        이 연구는 인공지능 시대에 중국인 고급 학습자를 대상으로 한 한국 현대시 이해 교육의 중요성에 대한 인식을 바탕으로, 중국의 주입식 교육의 한계점을 극복하고자 학습자 중심 교육의 효과적인 수단으로 교실 번역 활동을 도입하고자 한다. 이를 위하여 현대시와의 능동적인 소통을 통해 학습자의 시 이해와 번역 실천에 도움을 줄 수 있는 스코포스 이론(Skopos theory)을 도입하였다. 먼저 이론적 측면에서, 스코포스 이론이 가진 특징들을 현대시 이해 교육과 연관지어 살펴보았다. 이를 활용하여, 학습자는 시 작품에 제공된 빈자리에서 시적 정신을 탐구하고, 낯선 언어적⋅문화적 요소와 소통하며, 시 텍스트에 대한 능동적인 수용 과정을 통해 시 텍스트에 대한 전면적인 이해를 이룰 수 있다. 이를 검증하기 위해, 실험을 통해 학습자의 다양한 질적 자료를 수집하고, 이를 바탕으로 학습자의 시 이해 양상을 살펴보았다. 이에 근거하여 학습자의 시 이해 양상을 ‘목적원칙에 따른 시적 정신의 탐구 양상’, ‘연관원칙에 따른 언어ㆍ문화적 요소와의 소통 양상’, ‘충실원칙에 따른 텍스트의 의미 구성 양상’ 등 세 가지 측면에서 분석하였다. Based on the recognition of the importance of Korean contemporary modern poetry comprehension education for advanced Chinese learners in the era of artificial intelligence, this study aims to introduce classroom translation activities as an effective means of learner-centered education to overcome the limitations of instructional methods in China. To this end, this study introduce Skopos theory, which can help learners understand poetry and practice translation through active communication with contemporary poetry. In terms of theoretical aspects, the features of Skopos theory were examined in relation to the teaching of contemporary poetry comprehension. By utilizing it, learners can explore the poetic spirit in the spaces provided by poetic works, communicate with unfamiliar linguistic and cultural elements, and achieve a holistic understanding of poetic texts through the process of active reception of poetic texts. To verify this, this study qualitative data from learners through experiments and examined learners’ poetry comprehension. Based on this, this study analyzed learners’ poetry comprehension from three aspects: “exploring the poetic spirit according to the skopos rule”, “communicating with linguistic and cultural elements according to the coherence rule”, “and constructing the meaning of the text according to the fidelity rule”.

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