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      • KCI등재

        구글트렌드를 활용한 중국의 일대일로의 국제성 분석

        김세윤 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2020 인문사회과학연구 Vol.21 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to verify the "internationality" of China's One Belt One Road and its correlation with the performance of international cooperation. The main research question in this study is whether China's One Belt One Road, which stands up for the historicality and legitimacy of the "Old Silk Road," has the same internationality as the "Old Silk Road," which served as a shared asset across a wide range of multinational regions in the past. From this question, this study established two hypotheses: "China's One Belt and One Road has internationality" and "international cooperation influences internationality of One Belt and One Road." As a research method, this study mainly utilized big data tools using Google Trends, a search portal site that accounts for 90% of the world's internet portal searches as of May 2018. In addition, this study used literature review and status analysis. A literature review confirmed that China played an important role in the pioneering and development of the Silk Road, which led to the development of brilliant human history by providing important channels for the propagation and connection of cultural objects in the East and West, and that China's One Belt One Road has secured internationality by advocating the succession of the historicality of the ancient Silk Road. Through big data analysis using Google Trends, it has been confirmed that world’s interest in "One Belt One Road" is distributed in most parts of the world, except in some areas, and that the interest in "One Belt One Road" has gradually acquired "internationality" since 2016 as it has showed co-movement with "Silk Road." According to the contrastive analysis between the results of Google Trends analysis and the One Belt One Road international cooperation report, it has been confirmed that international cooperation, such as holding One Belt One Road international events and signing international agreements, has an effect on promoting the internationality of One Belt One Road all around world, but there is a limit to staying in temporary effect. By utilizing the big data analysis method using Google Trends, this study presented the direction in establishing not only the strategy of One Belt One Road, an international project of China, but also the methodology of verifying the "internationality" of the international project. 본 논문의 목적은 중국의 일대일로에 대한 국제성 여부 및 국제협력 성과와의 상관관계를 검증하는 것이다. 본 논문의 주요 연구문제는 ‘고대 실크로드’라는 역사성에 근거와 정당성을 표방한 중국의 일대일로 프로젝트가 과거 광범위한 다국적 지역에 걸쳐 공유자산으로서의 역할을 했던 고대 실크로드와 같은 국제성을 가지는가이다. 이로부터두 가지의 가설 즉 ‘중국의 일대일로가 국제성을 가진다’와 ‘국제협력이 일대일로의 국제성에 영향을 미친다’를 설정하였다. 연구방법으로는 전 세계 검색량의 90%를 차지하고 있는1) 검색 포털사이트인 구글이 제공하는 구글트렌드에 의한 빅데이터 툴을 주로활용하고, 이와 함께 문헌고찰 및 현황분석을 하였다. 문헌고찰을 통해 당시 동서양의 문물의 전파와 연결에 중요한 통로를 제공하여 찬란한 인류역사의 발전을 이끌었던 실크로드의 개척과 발전에 중국이 중요한 역할을 했음을 확인했고, 중국의 일대일로가 고대실크로드의 역사성 계승을 표방함으로써 국제성을 확보해가고 있음을 확인하였다. 한편 구글트렌드를 활용한 빅데이터 분석 결과에 의하면 일대일로에 대한 관심도가 일부지역을 제외한 전 세계 대부분의 지역에 분포되어 있고, 관심도 추이가 2015년부터 서서히 높아지면서 2016년부터는 실크로드에 대한 관심도와 동조화 현상을 보이면서, 점차국제성을 획득해가고 있음을 확인하였다. 구글트렌드 분석 결과와 일대일로 국제협력현황 자료 비교를 통해 일대일로 관련 국제행사 개최 및 국제협약 체결 등의 국제협력이일대일로의 국제성을 촉진하는 데 영향을 미치나, 다소 일회성의 한계를 가진다는 것이확인되었다. 본 연구는 구글트레드를 활용한 빅데이터 분석방법을 활용함으로써 국제적 프로젝트의 국제성 검증의 방법론과 함께 중국의 국제적 프로젝트인 일대일로의 전략 수립에 있어 방향을 제시하였다.

      • On the Opportunity and Challenges of China's Diplomacy——Under the Background of “The Belt and Road Initiative”

        Ma Run(Ma Run ),Ma Yuting(Ma Yuting ) 아시아사회과학학회 2022 International Science Research Vol.2 No.3

        “The New Silk Road Economic Belt” and “the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road”, as the national strategies of China in the new era, are of great practical significance in building a mutually beneficial and win-win community of interests and a community of common development and prosperity with countries along the Belt and Road. The implementation of the “The Belt and Road Initiative” will help cushion the external pressure faced by China's peaceful rise. At the same time, it promotes the construction and improvement of the new international order, and enhance China's right to speak internationally in the international community. At the same time, with the deepening of China's “the belt and road initiative”, China and other countries along the route will gain development opportunities in the fields of economic diplomacy, people-to-people humanities diplomacy, and non-traditional security. Further more, in the process of promoting the “The Belt and Road Initiative”, there are also many challenges, such as the countries along the route are skeptical about the “The Belt and Road Initiative”, the conflicts caused by ethnic, religious and cultural differences, and the interference of external forces. The so-called opportunities and challenges keep pace with each other. We need to seize the diplomatic opportunity of the “The Belt and Road Initiative”, whilist try our best to cope with the challenges we are facing, and effectively promote the development and construction of our country.

      • KCI등재

        중국 ‘일대일로’ 문화정책 5년의 성과와 과제

        권기영 중앙대학교 중앙사학연구소 2018 중앙사론 Vol.0 No.48

        Over the past five years, China’s ‘The Belt and Road Initiative’ strategy has brought about diverse interpretations and controversy since the 2013 Xi Jinping brought up the ‘Silk Road Economic Belt’ and ‘21st-Century Maritime Silk Road’ construction. There is positive public opinion and negative public opinion. Of course, the Chinese government also clearly recognizes that overcoming this negative public opinion is a key task in determining the success or failure of ‘The Belt and Road Initiative’. The Chinese government is extremely vigilant in recognizing ‘The Belt and Road Initiative’ along with Chinese expansionism or supremacy. For this reason, the Chinese government emphasizes the role of ‘People-to-people bond(民心相通)’ more than anything else. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the cultural policies and the progress of the Chinese government in relation to ‘The Belt and Road Initiative’ in the past five years, and to analyze its achievements and problems. The Chinese government’s foreign cultural policy aimed at countries along the Belt and Road is still focused on the direction of Chinese culture ‘Go global strategy(走出去)’. I think that if China continues this policy, it will be more difficult for the ‘People-to-people bond’. China’s foreign cultural policy in the 21st century was centered on two axes: cultural security and soft power. It is mainly in advanced countries, with strong regulatory policies on foreign cultural products and overseas expansion of Chinese culture. However, countries along the Belt and Road are mostly developing countries. Therefore, ‘one on one’ countries are also likely to look at China with the same perspective that China has for the advanced Western capitalist countries. From this point of view, China’s “The Belt and Road Initiative” cultural policy should be transformed dramatically in the future. If you want to borrow Chinese expression, the Chinese government should abandon its policy of ‘Go global strategy(走出去)’ Chinese culture abroad from a strategic point of view, and to focus on ‘Bring in (引進來)’ foreign culture into China. The Chinese government is not trying to force China to spread its values and to empathize with countries along the Belt and Road. Instead, it is trying to create a new era spirit in the process of actively experiencing and consuming the culture of countries along the Belt and Road.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 ‘일대일로’ 구상과 해외 유학생 유치 고찰

        황지유,김병철 대한중국학회 2019 중국학 Vol.69 No.-

        The ‘One Belt One Road’ initiative announced in 2013 aims to build peaceful economic partnerships for countries in the region by implementing the old Silk Road. When the initiative was announced, all ministries, local governments and universities responded by announcing relevant policies that were appropriate for their respective situations. At the Ministry level, the Ministry of Education has strengthened its policy of ‘One Belt One Road’ initiative and the exchange and cooperation for international students in the education sector. The Ministry of Education will be able to receive various supports, which includes scholarship support to attract international students thanks to its ‘One Belt One Road’ initiative. As a result, China has become Asia‘s largest destination for studying abroad with the great expansion of its size. The strategic intercollegiate alliance signed with universities in ‘One Belt One Road’ countries has been expanded to 174 universities worldwide. It has also greatly achieved globalization, which includes the signing of mutual certification agreements for university degrees with educational institutions in the on-board countries, the expansion of Confucius Academy and the establishment of a joint laboratory. There has been a positive change in quality with the number of students from Europe and the U.S.A. with the number of students studying in degree courses exceeding 52 percent. However, there are still problems such as many non-degree students studying abroad and studying abroad on scholarships and low quality of student. However, it is regarded to be a good example to work together on the national agenda with all ministries, local governments and educational institutions. It is hoped that our government is also able to spend more money to attract more international students, given that it is a strong expression of its will to carry out its ‘One Belt One Road’ initiative through full budget support. Finally, if ‘One Belt One Road’ initiative was agreed to the spirit of ‘One Belt One Road’ by signing an agreement, it was added as a ‘One Belt One Road’ country. South Korea also signed an agreement in 2015 and was added as a ‘One Belt One Road’ country. Through these efforts, China has been able to form ‘One Belt One Road’ partnerships with twice as many countries as the original treaty states. It is hoped that the Ministry of Education in South Korea makes it possible to attract 200,000 students by 2023. 본 논문은 중국의 ‘일대일로’ 구상 속에서 해외 유학생 유치를 어떻게 해나가고 있는지, 그리고 앞으로 어떻게 펼쳐나갈 것인지에 대한 논의를 하였다. 유학생 정책은 ‘일대일로’ 구상에 있어서 매우 특별한 의미를 갖는다. 바로, 중국과 ‘일대일로’ 선상 국가들과의 교육 협력 및 교육 개방의 한 축을 담당하고 있기 때문이다. 중국 교육부에서는 유학생 유치를 위해 ‘일대일로’ 장학금 지원 등 다양한 지원을 하고 있다. 이에 유학생 규모가 크게 확대되어 아시아 최대의 유학 대상국이 되었으며, ‘일대일로’ 선상 국가의 대학들과 체결한 대학 간 전략적 연맹이 전 세계 174개 대학으로 확대되었다. 중국의 정책 방향의 수립과 각 부서 간의 공동 노력, 전폭적인 예산 지원 및 원칙과 확장성 등 중국의 ‘일대일로’ 유학 정책의 추진 과정을 통해서 2015년부터 ‘일대일로’ 국가로 추가된 한국 역시 중국의 경우를 거울삼아 유학생 정책을 어떻게 세워야 하는지에 대한 시사점을 살펴보았다.

      • KCI등재

        실크로드의 정치경제학: 중화경제권, 일대일로전략구상과 국제관계

        김인 중국학연구회 2018 중국학연구 Vol.- No.86

        This study analysis new Silk Road with political economic perspective focus on Greater Chinese Economic Sphere, the “One Belt One Road” Strategic Initiative of the China and international relations. The “One Belt One Road” Strategic Initiative is based on the existing achievements of China's reform and opening policy, and on the other hand it is a new version of the reform and opening policy that responds to the changing environment and conditions of the 21st century. “One Belt One Road” Strategic Initiative is a vision and implementation plan that systematically connects and functionally integrates the economic network led by China, which has grown and expanded since launch of the reform and opening policy, the Chinese economy at the global level. China is attempting to institutionalize the economic influence that it has already secured through the promotion of the “One Belt One Road” Strategic Initiative and to expand it to the geopolitical level. China's pursuit of the “One Belt One Road” Strategic Initiative inevitably impacts the existing order, and this will be a turning point in the challenge that will lead to a strong response from the established super powers. On the basis of these perceptions and regulations, China's “One Belt One Road” Strategic Initiative results in the following characteristics. First, the “One Belt One Road” Strategic Initiative formulation has a formal consistency of reform and openness and globalization. Second, the “One Belt One Road” Strategic Initiative has a political and economic complexity in terms of securing the supply of China's economic growth power and expanding its power to structure external influence projections. Third, the “One Belt One Road” Strategic Initiative creates a shock that can lead to a transformation of the existing world order on the geopolitical level, which inevitably has an international nature that causes a strong response from the existing powers like the United States. 이 논문의 목표는 “일대일로” 전략구상으로 확장될 중화경제권의 범위와 역할, 작동 기제, 함의 및 영향에 대한 문제 제기이다. 구체적으로 첫째 주제는 “일대일로” 전략구상이 왜 제기되었는가와 관련되는 배경과 추진 논리를 중화경제권의 확장을 중심으로 조명하는 것이고, 두 번째 주제는 “일대일로”는 어떻게 조직되고 있는가하는 구조의 문제와 어떻게 기능하는가하는 작동기제의 문제를 제기하는 것이다. 세 번째 주제는 “일대일로”전략구상이 추진되는 과정에서 어떻게 주변 환경과 상호작용하고 영향을 미치는가와 관련된 파급효과와 함의에 대한 문제를 특히 한국과 연관시켜 논의하는 것이다. 이 글은 “일대일로“ 전략구상이 추구하는 중화경제권에 기본적으로 ‘네트워크’ 관점에서 접근한다. 중국은 일대일로 전략구상의 추진을 통해 이미 확보한 경제적 영향력을 제도화하고 이를 지정학적 차원으로 확장하려는 시도를 하고 있다. 중국의 일대일로 전략구상을 통한 주도권 추구는 필연적으로 기존 질서에 충격을 가하고, 이는 기성 패권세력의 강력한 대응을 야기하는 전환기적 도전이 될 것이다. 이러한 인식과 규정 위에서 중국의 일대일로 전략구성은 다음과 같은 특성을 갖는 것으로 귀결된다. 첫째, 일대일로전략구상은 형식적으로 개혁개방 기조와 세계화의 방향적 일관성을 갖고 있다. 둘째, 일대일로전략구상은 실천적 차원에서 중국의 경제 성장 동력의 공급원 확보와 대외 영향력 투사를 구조화하는 세력권 확장이라는 정치경제적 복합성을 갖고 있다. 셋째, 일대일로전략은 지정학적 차원에서 기존 세계질서에 변혁을 초래할 수 있는 충격을 발생시키며, 이는 필연적으로 미국을 위시한 기존 강대국들의 강력한 대응을 야기하는 국제성을 갖고 있다.

      • KCI등재


        郑,国,(Zheng Guo) 동국역사문화연구소 2020 동국사학 Vol.68 No.-

        ‘일대일로’ 창의는 시대적 의의가 있는 웅대한 청사진 구상이다. 그 건설은 수많은 국가와 지역에 영향을 미쳐 다양한 산업과 생산요소의 배치 유동 등 영역에걸쳐 진행되며 관련 국가와 지역의 발전에 중요한 기회를 가져다 준다. 길림성은중국이 동북아지역을 향해 개방하는 중요한 창구의 하나로서 ‘일대일로’ 창의에 주동적으로 융합하여 ‘일대일로’ 북쪽 노선의 중요한 노드로 되었는데 그 지위와 중요성은 대체할 수 없다. 길림성은 ‘일대일로’ 창의에 융합하여 현실적인 기회와 도전을 맞이하였는데 주로 교통운수 등 인프라건설, 산업구조 조정과 기술 업그레이드, 국제 교류와 협력플랫폼 건설 분야에서 기회가 주어진 동시에 교통 등 인프라구축, 대외개방 정도와 수준, 융자와 이용능력 분야에서 아직 미흡하다는 점에서 도전에 직면해 있다. 그러므로 길림성은 대외개방을 하고 적극적으로 ‘일대일로’에 융합해야 하며 교통 인프라건설을 강화하고 교통의 원활한 연결을 실현하며 본 성의 산업구조 조정과 업그레이드를 적극적으로 가속화하여 경제구조 전환과 발전을 추진하며 관련 국제 협력체제와 플랫폼 건설을 적극 추진하고 보완하며 국제 발언권을 장악해야 한다. ‘일대일로’ 창의에 융합하여 지속적으로 강화하며 대외 교류와 협력수준을 향상시켜 최종적으로 길림성의 경제와 사회가 “일대일로”와 더불어 전면적으로 심도있게 지속적인 발전을 하도록 추진해야 한다. 결론적으로 ‘일대일로’ 창의에 거대한 경제규모와 발전기회가 잠재되어 있음은 명백하며 ‘일대일로’는 주변 국가와 지역의 경제, 사회 등 각 분야의 발전에 상상할 수 없는 추진역할을 한다. 그러나 현재의 길림성 경제발전수준과 상황으로 볼 때 ‘일대일로’ 창의는 모처럼 잡은 좋은 기회인 동시에 어려운 도전이기도 하다. 길림성은 불리한 것을 피하고 유리한 조건을 이용하며 적극 융합하여 ‘일대일로’ 창의를 추진하는 과정에서 자체의 진흥과 발전을 도모해야 한다. The “The Belt and Road” initiative is a grand blueprint with the significance of the times whose construction process involves many countries and regions, involving the allocation and flow of a variety of industries and factors of production. It has brought important opportunities for the development of relevant countries and regions. Jilin Province, as one of the windows of China’s opening to Northeast Asia, takes the initiative to integrate into the “The Belt and Road” initiative. As an important node of the northern route of the “The Belt and Road” initiative, its status and importance are irreplaceable. There are real opportunities and challenges for Jilin Province to integrate into the “The Belt and Road” initiative which are mainly the opportunity of infrastructure construction such as transportation, the opportunity of industrial structure adjustment and technological upgrading, and the opportunity of building a platform for international exchange and cooperation. At the same time, it is also faced with the challenge of insufficient infrastructure construction such as transportation, insufficient degree and level of opening to the outside world, and insufficient financing and utilization capacity. Therefore, Jilin Province’s opening policy should be actively integrated into the “The Belt and Road” initiative, actively strengthen the construction of transportation infrastructure, realize the interconnection of transportation, actively speed up the adjustment and upgrading of the province’s industrial structure, promote economic transformation and development, actively promote the construction and improvement of relevant international cooperation mechanisms and platforms, have an international voice, so as to realize the continuous strengthening of the degree of integration of the “The Belt and Road” initiative. The level of foreign exchanges and cooperation has been continuously improved. Finally, it will promote the comprehensive, in-depth and sustainable development of the economy, society and the “The Belt and Road” initiative of Jilin Province. In general, the huge economic volume and development opportunities contained in the “The Belt and Road” initiative are self-evident. It plays an unimaginable role in promoting the economic, social and other fields of the countries and regions along the route. However, judging from the current level of economic development and current situation in Jilin Province, while the “The Belt and Road” initiative is a rare opportunity, it is also a daunting challenge. Jilin Province should seek advantages, avoid disadvantages and actively integrate, realizing its own revitalization and development in the process of promoting the “The Belt and Road” initiative. “一带一路”倡议是一项具有时代意义的宏伟蓝图构想,其建设过程涉及到众多的国家和地区,涉及多种产业和生产要素的配置流动,为相关国家和地区的发展带来了重要机遇。吉林省作为中国面向东北亚地区开放的中啊哟窗口之一,主动作为融入“一带一路”倡议,作为 “一带一路”倡议北线的一个重要节点,其地位与重要性不可替代的。吉林省融入“一带一路”倡议有着现实的机遇与挑战,主要是交通运输等基础设施建设机遇、产业结构调整与技术升级机遇、国际交流与合作平台建设机遇。同时,也面临着交通等基础设施建设不足的挑战、对外开放程度与水平不足的挑战、融资与利用能力不足的挑战。因此,吉林省对外开放应该积极融入“一带一路”倡议,积极加强交通基础设施建设,实现交通互ೕ

      • KCI등재후보

        Sino-Bangladesh Co-building the “Belt and Road” Initiative : Achievements, Challenges and Responses

        손희근(Xiqin Sun),조욱(Xu Zhao) 한국국회학회 2022 한국과 세계 Vol.4 No.2

        Bangladesh enjoys an advantageous geographical position. It has been a transit station for businessmen from South Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia and even Europe since ancient times. It is located at the intersection of China Economic Circle, South Asia Economic Circle and ASEAN Economic Circle, and is an important country along the belt and road initiative. The “Belt and Road” initiative was supported by Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Since the “Belt and Road” initiative was put forward, China and Bangladesh have achieved remarkable results in policy communication, facility connectivity, smooth trade, capital financing and people-to-people communication. However, China and Bangladesh still face challenges in the political, security, economic and social fields to jointly build the “Belt and Road” initiative. In the new period, China and Bangladesh should strengthen political communication, promote the docking of China-Bangladesh development strategies, strengthen facility connectivity and industrial cooperation, promote cultural exchanges, promote the upgrading of cooperation between the two countries, and jointly build a high-quality “Belt and Road” initiative.

      • Silver Road Meets Silk Road: Insights about Mexico's Insertion into Silk Road Dynamics

        TZILI-APANGO, EDUARDO Academia Via Serica 2018 Acta Via Serica Vol.3 No.2

        The Silk Road tied the globe together for the first time by producing an early globalization phenomenon. Some consider that the ancient Silk Road disintegrated around the $18^{th}$ century CE due to the fall of the Muslim empires and the kingdoms between Asia and Europe. However, the maritime trade among East Asia and the Spanish dominion on the American continent reactivated the ancient Silk Road on some levels, and maintained trade dynamics until the $19^{th}$ century. This was possible because of Mexican silver and trade spots. Notwithstanding its historical background, Mexico seems so far away from the new Silk Road, or the Belt and Road Initiative in the $21^{st}$ century. Thus, this paper analyzes Mexico's historic and current role concerning the Silk Road. First, I conceptualize and compare the ancient Silk Road and Belt and Road Initiative through the lens of complex interdependence theory. I propose that, unlike the ancient Silk Road, the Belt and Road Initiative is a case of an induced complex interdependence. Second, I study the Manila Galleons' dynamics in order to trace the ancient ties with the Silk Road. I emphasize Mexican silver's contribution to East Asian economies and the importance of Mexico's role in the East Asia-Spanish trade. Consequently, I analyze Mexico's position in the Belt and Road Initiative. Finally, I present some concluding remarks about Mexico's role in the Silk Road.

      • KCI등재


        이종무(Lee Jong Mu)(李钟,武) 대한중국학회 2016 중국학 Vol.55 No.-

        本论文的研究目的就在于考察国“一带一路”战略的内在背景, 并依据之前的宣传和实践政策, 来探讨其文化意义。中国“一带一路”战略含有四个重要的文化意义。其主要内容如下: 其一, 由文化政策的角度而言, “一带一路”战略不仅是继承被称为所谓当代中国社会主义文化政策的核心骨干即“2011年中共中央第十七届六中全会決定”的主要精神, 而且是中国梦的未来型文化政策得以实现的计划。其二, “一带一路”战略是传播中国优秀传统文化, 塑造良好国家形象的重要举措。其三, “一带一路”建设中‘民心相通’是以扩大文化交流和加强人文交流为重点的实践目标, 也是在五通目标当中需要提高最全面最基层的凝聚力的。其四, “一带一路”战略的倡导与实践意味着, 通过贸易的互通来寻求精神世界的和解。 总之, 由文化的角度而言, “一带一路”战略不仅仅是一个经济战略, 而更重要的是要增进沿线国家各国人民间的人文交流。中国政府确信只有依托博大的中华文化, 才能克服“一带一路”上的诸多困难, 最终实现全世界的久远的和谐与共赢。 Recently, China's economy has entered a state of rapid growth from high growth to the growth of the so-called “The New Normal". In such a situation, "The Belt and Road" Initiativeas become the key of project The Chinese Dream. The cultural construction in "The Belt and Road" Initiative is really the key areas. According to this judgment that we say: "The Belt and Road"Initiative contains several important cultural significance. Its main contents are as follows: On the one hand, "The Belt and Road"Initiativeis not only the main spirit inheritance policies of socialist culture in contemporary Chinese, and The Chinese Dream future cultural policy to realize the plan. Second, "The Belt and Road" Initiativeis an important measure to spread China excellent traditional culture, create a good national image. Third, "The Belt and Road"Initiativein the construction of "people connected" is to expand cultural exchanges and strengthen people-to-people exchangesas the key target practice. Fourth, "The Belt and Road" Initiativeof advocacy and practice means to seek spiritual world through trade exchange settlement. This is to achieve the unity of the world "the Chinese Confucian philosophy, advocated "multicultural coexistence", "harmonious but different" pattern of world civilization. In a word, "The Belt and Road" Initiativeis not only an economic strategy, but more important is to promote along the cultural exchanges between the people all over the country. Chinese government is convinced that only relying on the profound Chinese culture, in order to overcome the difficulties "The Belt and Road "Initiative, finally realize the harmonious and win-win old world.

      • KCI등재

        중국 “실크로드 경제벨트”의 경제협력전략에 대한 고찰

        이주영 ( Joo Young Lee ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2015 유라시아연구 Vol.12 No.2

        ‘One Road and One Belt’ is ongoing with two strategies, the ‘Silk Road Economic Belt’ and the ‘21st-Century Maritime Silk Road’ The project aims to build a huge economic belt by connecting wide range of areas not only in Asia, but in Africa and Europe. As ‘One Road and One Belt’ covers large areas, economic cooperation with neighboring countries can be an indicator of success. In this study, I analyzed the impact on Chinese economy and regional economic cooperation focusing on the ‘Silkroad economic belt’ linking Central Asia and Europe. Central Asia is the borderland near Xinjiang Province in China. It has played a major role for new energy supply and as a frontier for opening European market by establishing pipelines and railways in recent years. Thereby, China is expecting that it will lead to stable economic growth and a new opportunity to economic take-off. However, countries like China, the US, Japan and Russia are implementing a development strategy in Central Asia. Therefore, it seems as various economic cooperation organization are competing each other in the same area. Furthermore, the management structure of AⅡB is left unresolved and the conflicting interests among nations and organizations, the emergence of a new organization such as EEU which can check China’s interest and problems caused by ideology and conflict among nations could be factors that delay or impede economic cooperation of neighbor nations. Especially, the Korean Peninsula(North Korea) is bordered by China and Russia. However, the Korean Peninsula was not included in the Silk Road economic belt. If the Silk Road economic belt is connected to the ‘Eurasia Initiative’, It will be able to promote the economic development in Northeast Asia. Therefore, China should establish a new economic cooperation organization in order to obtain the agreement of neighboring countries and increase the necessity of economic cooperation through the Free Trade Agreement. China should expand the multiple channels of communication for to receive a new offer of its neighboring countries’s. If China wants economical development and regional economical development through a successful Silkroad economic, stable cooperation in Central Asia would be necessary.

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