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      • KCI등재

        사회과학의 진화론 수용 비판

        조원광(Jo, Wonkoang) 비판사회학회 2013 경제와 사회 Vol.- No.97

        여러 사회과학의 주요한 입장들은 경쟁이 효율을 낳는다는 명제를 의심할 필요 없는 공리로 여긴다. 이런 일이 가능한 것은 생존경쟁과 자연선택을 통해 종의 효율화와 혁신이 일어난다고 설명하는, 진화론이라는 ‘과학’이 존재하기 때문이다. 즉 사회과학은 진화론을 수용함으로써 경쟁이 효율로 이어진다는 명제에 ‘객관적 근거’를 확보하게 된다. 하지만 사회과학이 이런 방식으로 진화론을 활용하는 것은 진화론의 여러 다양한 입론에 비추어보았을 때, 일면적이고 편파적이다. 이유는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 진화론은 생존경쟁과 자연선택이 효율과 혁신을 만들어낸다는 명제를 보장하지 않는다. 굴드가 잘 지적하듯, 최적화를 규정하는 환경 자체가 무작위적으로 변화하기 때문이다. 그렇기에 살아남은 개체나 특질은 때때로 부산물에 지나지 않게 된다. 재벌의 사례는 이에 대한 좋은 예다. 재벌이 한국적 환경에 적응한 진화된 효율적이며 적합한 존재라고 보는 ‘진화론적 재벌론’의 설명과 달리, 재벌의 성립과 성장은 효율과 무관했고, 환경변화에서 적합한 적응을 하지도 못했다. 둘째, 진화론의 여러 입장은 경쟁에 따른 자연선택 이외에도 혁신과 효율에 이르는 다양한 길을 제시하고 있다. 공생진화가 대표적이다. 공생진화는 예외적인 양상이 아니라, 진핵 세포의 등장에서부터 식물의 등장에 이르기까지 폭넓게 관찰되는 진화의 방식이다. 경쟁과 분쟁에만 초점을 맞추는 프레임 탓에 제대로 보지 못할 뿐, 사회에서도 공생진화의 수많은 사례가 존재한다. 생존경쟁을 통한 진화만을 특권화 할 이유가 없다는 말이다. 셋째, 현행과 같은 방식으로 진화론을 사회과학에 도입하는 것은 선택적 수용이다. 진화론의 다양한 입장을 무시한 채, 적응주의나 경쟁을 통한 자연선택만을 도입하기 때문이다. 또한 이는 일종의 순환보충이다. 애초에 사회과학에 존재하던 개념들이 진화론이라는 ‘과학’의 이름을 붙인 채 다시 사회과학으로 돌아오고 있기 때문이다. 이러한 편파적이고 왜곡된 수용을 극복하고 좀 더 풍요로운 방식으로 진화론과 사회과학의 만남을 모색할 때다. Many social science theories consider the proposition which maintains competition leads to efficiency as an axiom. It is possible in virtue of a science called the theory of evolution which explains efficiency and innovation of species are made by competition and natural selection. That is, social science theories can secure objective basis for the proposition that competition leads to efficiency by adopting the theory of evolution. But this way of applying the theory of evolution to social science theories is biased and partial, considering various positions of the theory of evolution for the following reasons. First, the theory of evolution does not guarantee that competition and natural selection make efficiency and innovation. As Gould pointed it out, evolution of gradual efficiency is impossible because of a random change of environment. Sometimes, existing individual and property are just a byproduct. Many chaebols are good examples of Gould"s theory. Unlike the "evolutionary chaebol theory", the formation and growth of chaebols had nothing to do with efficiency. And chaebols didn"t adapt to environment appropriately facing environment changes. Second, various positions in the theory of evolution suggested many ways to innovation and efficiency in addition to natural selection through competition. Symbiosis is one of them. Symbiotic evolution is not an exceptional but a widely observed phenomenon which includes from appearance of eukaryotic cell to evolution of plants. Even though we cannot see symbiosis in society because of our frame biased to competition and struggle, it has existed. That is, evolution by natural selection through competition is not the only and privileged way. Third, an existing way of adopting the theory of evolution to social science is selective acceptance because only particular position, like adaptationism, is introduced and other important positions are ignored. In addition, this is a circular supplement of competition theory. A proposition which connects competition and efficiency/innovation existed in social sciences before Darwin. If so, the proposition about competition ended up coming back to social science with the name of science called the theory of evolution. This is the moment to overcome biased and partial adoption of the theory of evolution and find a more productive way to connect the theory of evolution and social science.

      • KCI등재

        후기미토학의 사회진화론적 기능 -『신론(新論)』을 중심으로-

        한석호 한국일본어문학회 2017 日本語文學 Vol.73 No.-

        A purpose of this research is to give a close consideration to ideological signification of ‘Kokutai’ representing the divine nation dominated by Tenno and it is precisely demonstrated on The New Thesis of the latter Mito study along with giving a close consideration of its connection with the Theory of Social Evolution. In particular, the paper closely identifies an interrelation between the latter Mito study and the Theory of Social Evolution in terms of modern time period. Considering thoroughly, the first reason through which Japanese Social Evolution Theory could widely disseminate in spite of the fact that Confucianism was dominated and lack of solid base of Social Evolution Theory is because of Japanese unique acculturation idea. Second, the Mono-vigor Theory (Ichi-Gen-Gi-Ron) revealed by The New Thesis played a great role in terms of spreading out the idea of Social Evolution Theory since it emphasizes of Japan as the supreme empire ruling a cultural area worldwide. Not only this, but also the Japanese Social Evolution theory reinforced the Mono-vigor Theory in conjunction with State Organismal Theory. Finally, there is a fair probability which the Reformist Theory could bring capable influence over Kato Hiroyuki’s ideological convert. The Reformist Theory is considered as revolutionized form of the latter Mito study of preserving Kokutai. Indeed, formulation of the theory is affected by social constituents such as community system, custom and ideology of the time and condition and it eventually acknowledges that the main idea of theory can be rebuilt, depending on the different period and conditions. Besides, Kato Hiroyuki rationalized his ideological convert from Theory of Natural Rights to Social Darwinist while he was claiming of the Tendency Theory. Strictly speaking, his thought has an identical connection with the main concept of the Reformist Theory. Taking account of the fact that The New Thesis initiated of forming the stable environment for Japanese Social Evolution Theory, The New Thesis of the latter Mito study illustrates a great significance throughout the modern era.

      • KCI등재

        이주민의 사회화에 관한 문화변용 모형 연구 - Berry의 문화변용 모형과 문화진화 모형의 비교를 중심으로 -

        윤향옥 한국국제문화교류학회 2024 문화교류와 다문화교육 Vol.13 No.4

        이 글은 문화변용(acculturation) 개념을 통해 이주민의 사회화 과정을 설명하고자하였다. 문헌연구를 통하여 베리(J. Berry)의 문화변용 모형과 이것의 대안 이론으로제기되고 있는 쿤스트와 메수디(Kunst & Mesoudi)의 문화진화 이론을 비교, 검토했다. 아울러 기존의 문화변용 전략들과 문화진화 메커니즘과의 관계를 분석하고 정책적시사점을 도출했다. 기존의 베리(Berry) 모형에 기반한 여러 연구들이 끌어낸 결론은 통합 전략(integration strategy)을 택하는 이주민들이 가장 성공적으로 적응한다는 ‘통합 가설(integration hypothesis)’로 요약할 수 있었다. 그러나 이 가설은 계량 분석에 의지해상관관계를 논증하고 있을 뿐 그 인과관계가 충분히 해명된 바는 없다. 이에 비해 문화진화 이론은 진화론의 핵심인 ‘선택’ 개념을 도입하여 문화변용 과정에 내재한 인과관계를 설명하려 한다. 상반된 접근방식을 취하고 있는 이 두 모형의 주요 내용과 장단점을 비교하였다. 문화진화 모형을 통한 분석의 결과 네 가지 문화진화 기제인 1) 개인이 집단 내 다수의 특성을 따르는 순응 편향(conformity bias), 2) 다른 조건이 같다면 더 높은 보상을기대하는 전략을 선택하는 보상 편향(payoff bias), 3) 사회적으로 성공하거나 명성이높은 사람들의 문화적 특성을 모방하려는 명성 편향(prestige bias), 4) 이주민 부모로부터 자녀에게로 전달되는 수직적 문화전달(vertical cultural transmission) 등이 언제, 어떻게 주류 문화의 선택에 기여하는가를 알 수 있었다. 나아가 이주민들의 문화선택과정에 정부가 개입할 수 있는 지점이 어디인지를 확인하고자 했다. This article sought to explore the socialization process of immigrants through the concept of acculturation(integration, assimilation, separation and marginalization). Through literature research, Berry's acculturation theory including other empirical research results and Kunst & Mesoudi's cultural evolution theory as an alternative were examined. In addition, the relationship between acculturation strategies and cultural evolution mechanisms was analyzed. Policy implications were derived from the analysis. The conclusion of acculturation research drawn from various studies based on the existing Berry model through literature analysis is that immigrants who choose an integration strategy adapt most successfully. It could be summarized as the ‘integration hypothesis’. However, it has not been proven because the causal relationship was not sufficiently demonstrated. In contrast, Kunst and Mesoudi’s cultural evolution theory introduces the concept of 'selection' by four cultural evolution mechanisms, which is the core of evolution theory. They reconceptualizes the social transmission process as a 'cultural selection', thereby persuasively explaining the process by which four acculturation strategies are selected. There are four cultural evolution mechanisms in the cultural evolution theory: (1)conformity bias, where individuals follow the characteristics of the majority in the group, (2)payoff bias, selecting a strategy that expects a higher payoff, (3)prestige bias, which seeks to imitate the cultural characteristics of socially successful or prestigious people and (4)vertical cultural transmission from immigrant parents to their children. By the results of analysis through cultural evolution model, we were able to see when and how these four cultural evolution mechanisms contribute to the selection of mainstream culture in the acculturation strategies. Furthermore, we were able to derive socialization policy implications that the government can pursue during the cultural selection process of immigrants

      • KCI등재후보

        한국근대소설과 사회진화론

        장수익(Jang Su-ik) 한국현대문학회 2006 한국현대문학연구 Vol.0 No.19

        This study aims for ascertaining a great influence of the theory of social evolution(Social-Darwinism) on Korean modern novels, especially from the aspect of forming modern discourse. In early enlightenment period in Korea, modern discourses about self-illumination, modern education, capitalistic economy and international relationship were introduced and applied though rough and clumsy. But the theory of social evolution was the basic and fundamental discourse among the new discourses. The theory made Korean gain comprehensions about modern individuality and nationality and indicate their way of surviving ; the human-society and international relationship is formed by cruel competition as such nature and it is the natural rule that the weak nation is weeded out and perished, therefore Koreans have to make efforts to be a the fittest both sides of individual and nation. The novels of those days was used as mean of enlightenment of which the theory of social evolution constituted the basic contents. But all writers of those days did not have the same attitude to the theory. On the one hand some writers such as Lee Injick accept the theory at its face value, but on the other hand some writers such as Shin Chaeho rewrote the theory from a standpoint of the weak nation. Especially Shin derived a conception of national subjectivity from the struggle for existence, and the conception was operated as the foundation of combatant nationalism to Imperialism. Beginning the colonial period, the theory of social evolution was so differently adopted unlike the former times. For representative example, Lee Kwangsu showed a viewpoint of social evolution focused on the cultivation of national ability or the reconstruction of Korean nation instead of combatant nationalism in his novels and articles. Kim, Dong-in and Yeom, Sang-seop showed a narrower viewpoint than Lee, but they focused on the self-awakening of nation constituents. They considered it as the only way of becoming the stronger nation.

      • KCI등재

        自强期 新舊學論의 新學과 格物致知學에 관한 연구

        박정심 동양철학연구회 2011 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.68 No.-

        The theories of New and Old Studies covered by major journals during the time of enlightenment (1894-1901) were fully dealing with a number of modern issues facing then contemporary people such as dissolution of the Confucianism – the old-fashioned ideology, achievement of modern civilization in the modern time and environment symbolized by watch and railroad and historical issues related to recovering national sovereignty. The theories of New and Old Studies were based on New Studies, which emerged as a new paradigm to explain the modern life styles and thoughts. One of the most significant characteristics of the theories of New and Old Studies based on New Studies was the modern ‘discoveries by science’. Unlike Neo-Confucianism intended to learn and understand the law of nature (天理體認), New Studies focused on the advancement of scientific knowledge to realize civilization through scientific study of natural law. The achievement of civilization through the development of science and technology was considered to be the only way to survive. The theories of New and Old Studies were based on the perception of reality stemmed from the theory of social evolution. Although the modern Western science including the theory of social evolution was thought to be true and objective knowledge, they were, in fact, nothing but an ideology focused on Western ideas. The most fundamental problems of the theories of New and Old Studies based on the perception of reality affected by the theory of social evolution could be summarized by two aspects. The first was the opportunities to discover ways other than the path to the civilization presented by the West were severely limited by accepting the idea of Western oriented perception as the academic truth and the other was it was impossible to acquire the justification to criticize the invasion of Western imperialism. Many intellectuals at that time insisted that achieving a civilized society through the theories of New and Old Studies based on social evolution theory was the most crucial and urgent matter; however, such ideas were constrained in the theories biased for evolution of civilization, so that they had caused the thoughts that invasion of imperialism also would give them benefits of Western civilization as a result. 自强期(1894-1910) 주요 학술지에서 다뤄졌던 新舊學論은 전근대적 이데올로기였던 유학의 해체, 시계와 철도로 표상되는 근대적 시공간 속에서 근대적 문명화를 구현하는 것, 그리고 국권회복이라는 역사적 문제까지, 당시 직면하고 있던 근대적 삶의 문제를 오롯이 담고 있었다. 新舊學論은 新學 수용을 전제로 했는데, 신학은 근대적 삶의 양식과 사유를 해명하는 새로운 패러다임이었다. 신구학론의 신학수용론이 가장 큰 특징은 근대적 ‘과학의 발견’이었다. 성리학이 天理體認을 목표로 삼았던 것과는 달리 자연법칙에 관한 과학적 탐구[格物致知學]를 통해 문명화를 실현할 수 있는 과학기술을 발전을 도모하고자 하였다. 과학기술 발전을 통한 문명화만이 유일한 생존방법이라고 생각하였다. 신구학론은 사회진화론적인 현실인식에 기반한 것으로, 사회진화론적 현실인식에 따른 신학수용론이 지닌 근본적인 문제는 서구중심적 세계인식을 곧 학문적 진리로 수용함으로써 서구적 문명화 이외의 길을 발견할 기회를 차단했다는 점과 열강의 제국주의적 침략을 비판할 수 있는 정당성을 확보할 수 없었다는 것이다. 당시 지식인들이 사회진화론에 근거하여 신학수용을 통한 문명국의 실현을 時務라고 주장했지만, 단선적인 문명발전론에 얽매여 제국주의 침략 또한 문명의 시혜가 되기 때문이었다. 신구학론이 한국철학사에서 중요한 위치를 차지하는 이유는 신구학론이 바로 전근대와 전혀다른 지금 여기 있는 한국인의 정체성이 형성에 있기 때문이다. 신구학론은 유학과 서구 근대학문의 관계맺음을 묻는 담론이었지만, 그것은 근대적 자연관과 인간관의 정립문제이기도 하였다. 신구학론이 담고 있는 사유를 성찰하는 이유는 지금 여기 있는 한국인의 정체성을 밝히는 중요한 단서가 된다.

      • KCI등재

        한국철학 : 자강기신구학론(自强期新舊學論)의 신학(新學)과 격물치지학(格物致知學)에 관한 연구

        박정심 ( Jeoung Sim Park ) 동양철학연구회 2011 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.68 No.-

        The theories of New and Old Studies covered by major journals during the time of enlightenment (1894-1901) were fully dealing with a number of modern issues facing then contemporary people such as dissolution of the Confucianism? the old-fashioned ideology, achievement of modern civilization in the modern time and environment symbolized by watch and railroad and historical issues related to recovering national sovereignty. The theories of New and Old Studies were based on New Studies, which emerged as a new paradigm to explain the modern life styles and thoughts. One of the most significant characteristics of the theories of New and Old Studies based on New Studies was the modern ``discoveries by science``. Unlike Neo-Confucianism intended to learn and understand the law of nature (天理體認), New Studies focused on the advancement of scientific knowledge to realize civilization through scientific study of natural law. The achievement of civilization through the development of science and technology was considered to be the only way to survive. The theories of New and Old Studies were based on the perception of reality stemmed from the theory of social evolution. Although the modern Western science including the theory of social evolution was thought to be true and objective knowledge, they were, in fact, nothing but an ideology focused on Western ideas. The most fundamental problems of the theories of New and Old Studies based on the perception of reality affected by the theory of social evolution could be summarized by two aspects. The first was the opportunities to discover ways other than the path to the civilization presented by the West were severely limited by accepting the idea of Western oriented perception as the academic truth and the other was it was impossible to acquire the justification to criticize the invasion of Western imperialism. Many intellectuals at that time insisted that achieving a civilized society through the theories of New and Old Studies based on social evolution theory was the most crucial and urgent matter; however, such ideas were constrained in the theories biased for evolution of civilization, so that they had caused the thoughts that invasion of imperialism also would give them benefits of Western civilization as a result.

      • KCI등재

        진화론을 수용한 듀이와 포퍼의 인식론 - 사회과 문제해결학습과 관련하여 -

        정호범 학습자중심교과교육학회 2020 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.20 No.23

        The purposes of this study are to explore the Dewey and Popper's epistemology embracing the theory of evolution, and to extract the implications of these theories on problem solving learning in social studies. Dewey and Popper adopted Darwin's theory of evolution in order to establish their epistemology. Therefore, exploring the connection between their epistemology and the theory of evolution can be considered as a meaningful task. In accordance with this problem consciousness, this paper deals with the issues as follows: in Section 2, I explored the theory of evolution which is the basis of Dewey and Popper's epistemology. Section 3 & 4, I was to explore the Dewey’s pragmatic epistemology and Popper's evolutionary epistemology each embracing Darwin's theory of evolution. In Section 5, I was compaird Dewey’s pragmatic epistemology and Popper's evolutionary epistemology focusing on problem solving. And in Section 6, I attempted to extract implications that Dewey and Popper's epistemology may have for to problem solving learning in Social Studies. 이 연구는 진화론에 바탕을 둔 듀이와 포퍼의 인식론을 고찰하고, 이들 이론이 사회과 문제해결학습에 미칠 수 있는 함의를 추출하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 즉 진화론을 받아들여 자신의 이론을 전개시킨 듀이와 포퍼의 인식론을 비교․검토하고, 이들과 사회과 문제해결학습과의 관련성을 추출하였다. 듀이와 포퍼는 자신의 인식론을 정립함에 있어서 진화론을 받아들였다. 따라서 이들 철학자의 인식론과 진화론과의 관련성을 탐색하는 일은 의미 있는 과제가 아닐 수 없다. 이 같은 문제의식에 따라, 이 논문에서는 다음과 같은 내용을 다루었다. 2절에서는 듀이와 포퍼의 인식론의 토대가 되는 생물진화론에 대하여 살펴보았다. 그리고 3절과 4절에서는 진화론을 수용한 듀이의 실용주의적 인식론과 포퍼의 진화론적 인식론을 각각 탐색하였다. 그리고 5절에서는 문제해결을 중심으로 듀이와 포퍼의 인식론을 비교하였고, 6절에서는 이들 인식론이 사회과 문제해결 학습에 주는 함의를 추출하였다.

      • KCI등재

        한·중 근현대불교의 서양철학 수용과 비판

        김제란 ( Kim Je-ran ) 한국불교선리연구원 2021 禪文化硏究 Vol.31 No.-

        이 글에서는 중국·한국 근대불교에서 서양사상을 어떻게 수용하고 비판하였는가를 살펴보았다. 중국 근대불교에서는 웅십력(熊十力, 1885-1968)이 유식불교의 종자와 현행의 분리, ‘본체와 현상의 이분(二分)’을 비판하였는데, 이는 플라톤(Platon)으로 대표되는 서양 형이상학을 표적삼은 것이었다. 서양 생명철학인 베르그송(Bergson) 철학에 대해서는 우주 변화를 생명 에너지의 흐름으로 본 것을 긍정하였지만, 도덕적 성향이 없는 맹목적인 생명 충동을 중시한 점을 비판하였다. 양계초(梁啓超, 1873-1929)는 칸트(I.Kant) 철학을 소개하고 유식불교적으로 재해석하였다. 칸트의 감성·오성 개념을 유식불교의 전오식·제6의식에, 불교 ‘진여’를 칸트의 ‘진아’에, ‘무명’을 칸트의 ‘현상적 나’에 배대하였다. 그는 또한 자립적 국가로서 힘을 키워야 한다고 생각하여 스펜서(Spencer)의 사회진화론을 수용하였다. 사회진화론과 불교의 일치성을 전제로 그 둘을 결합하였고, 유식불교의 종자설을 활용하여 진화를 국가와 개인의 관계로 설명하였다. 한국 근대불교에서 한용운(韓龍雲, 1879-1944)은 사회진화론의 수용과 비판이라는 이중성이 존재하였다. 그는 사회진화론을 현실적 이데올로기로 긍정하여 불교계 계몽을 위해 활용하는 한편, 양계초식의 국가주의적 사회진화론을 비판하고 불성과 진여의 깨달음에 근거한 자유· 평등 사상을 제시하였다. 한국 근대 불교잡지에서는 서양 사상을 다양하게 수용하였는데, 그를 통해 불교를 철학화하고 실천적 종교로서의 불교를 모색하였다. 백성욱의 ‘불교순전철학’, 김소하의 쇼펜하우어 철학의 수용, 김창운의 ‘개인’의 발견 등이 그 예이다. This article examines how Western thought was accepted and criticized in Chinese and Korean modern Buddhism. In modern Chinese Buddhism, Xiong Xhi - li(熊十力, 1885-1968) criticized the separation between the seed and the present in Consciousness - Only Buddhism (唯識佛敎) and ‘the difference between subject and phenomenon’(體用二分), which targeted Western metaphysics represented by Platon. As for Bergson's philosophy, which is Western philosophy of life, he affirmed the view of cosmic change as a flow of life energy, but criticized the emphasis on blind life impulses without moral inclinations. Yang Qichao(梁啓超, 1873-1929) introduced I.Kant's philosophy and reinterpreted it in a Buddhist way. Kant's construct of sensibility and understanding was assigned to the all five consciousness and the sixth consciousness of enlightened Buddhism: Buddhism's ‘real’ to Kant's ‘true self’, and ‘ignorance’ to Kant's ‘phenomenal self.’ He also accepted Spencer's theory of social evolution, believing that it should develop its power as an independent state. He combined the social evolution theory and Buddhism on the premise of conformity, and descrived evolution as the relationship between the state and the individual using the seed theory of Consciousness - Only Buddhism. In Korean modern Buddhism, Han Yong - un(韓龍雲, 1879-1944) had the duality of accepting and criticizing the theory of social evolution. He affirmed the theory of social evolution as a realistic ideology and used it for the enlightenment of Buddhist monks, while criticizing the nationalistic social evolution theory of the poultry and herbivory system. He also presented the idea of freedom and equality based on the realization of Buddhahood and truth. Korean modern Buddhist magazines accepted Western ideas in various ways, and through them Buddhism was philosophicalized and Buddhism as a practical religion was sought. Examples include Baek Sung - wook's ‘Pure Buddhist Philosophy’, Kim So - ha's acceptance of Schopenhauer's philosophy, and Kim Chang - woon's discovery of the ‘individual.’

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 사회주의사상의 수용과 사회과학연구사

        역사문제연구소 2011 역사문제연구 Vol.15 No.2

        <P>&nbsp;&nbsp;Social Science Study Group was one of the socialists movement groups which had activities in Seoul from 1926 to 1927. This group focused its efforts mainly on making propaganda of Marxism so that it could publish 10 various pampphlets, the so-called ‘Social Science Study Group PampWet. ’</P><P>&nbsp;&nbsp;The feature of these pamphlets was firstly that the translated book was given a great deal of weight. It meant that the socialists of the colonial Joseon had schemed to translate the Marxist texts and the books of the Japanese socialists into Korean language and to disseminate theses translations to the public more than to convey their perceived socialism by their languages to them.</P><P>&nbsp;&nbsp;Secondly, most of the translated books were from the works of the Japanese socialists including Sakai Toshihiko and retranslated from their Japanese translated Marxist texts. It reflected a peculiar situation of the colonial Joseon in the process of the introduction of socialism. At that times, the Joseon socialists consulted the japanese studies and translated texts.</P><P>&nbsp;&nbsp;Finally, it was the book Social Evolution Theory of Park Hyoung Byoung among the 10 pamphlets that most showed their perception degree of Marxism. On the basis of the Historical Materialism of Marxism, he proved demonstratively the inevitable collapse of the capitalist society and the necessary coming of the socialist society in his book. It was the good text that revealed the perception of Marxism by the colonial Joseon Marxists, being divided from the previous times in insisting obstinately the necessity of socialism.</P>

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 사회주의사상의 수용과 사회과학연구사

        박종린 ( Park Jong Rin ) 역사문제연구소 2011 역사문제연구 Vol.15 No.2

        Social Science Study Group was one of the socialists movement groups which had activities in Seoul from 1926 to 1927. This group focused its efforts mainly on making propaganda of Marxism so that it could publish 10 various pamphlets, the so-called `Social Science Study Group Pamphlet.`The feature of these pamphlets was firstly that the translated book was given a great deal of weight. It meant that the socialists of the colonial Joseon had schemed to translate the Marxist texts and the books of the Japanese socialists into Korean language and to disseminate theses translations to the public more than to convey their perceived socialism by their languages to them. Secondly, most of the translated books were from the works of the Japanese socialists including Sakai Toshihiko and retranslated from their Japanese translated Marxist texts. It reflected a peculiar situation of the colonial Joseon in the process of the introduction of socialism. At that times, the Joseon socialists consulted the japanese studies and translated texts. Finally, it was the book Social Evolution Theory of Park Hyoung Byoung among the 10 pamphlets that most showed their perception degree of Marxism. On the basis of the Historical Materialism of Marxism, he proved demonstratively the inevitable collapse of the capitalist society and the necessary coming of the socialist society in his book. It was the good text that revealed the perception of Marxism by the colonial Joseon Marxists, being divided from the previous times in insisting obstinately the necessity of socialism.

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