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        The Life of David and Biblical Principles of Leadership

        계재광 한국실천신학회 2010 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.25

        One major challenge facing the Korean church in contemporary society has to do with leadership. While hierarchical structures and patterns of leadership made for an effective contextualization of the Christian faith in Korean society, changes in society since the end of military dictatorship have led many to question the propriety of authoritarian patterns of leadership. The younger generation prefers leadership structures which are significantly different from those based on hierarchy. However, any change in leadership structure and practice should not be divorced from reflection on theory and on biblical principles of leadership. Identifying biblical principles of leadership adds a necessary depth and soundness to any proposed changes in church structure and leadership style. Among the many figures and patterns of leadership that are represented in the Bible, David stands out as the idealized king of Israel. Not only was David’s time as king a golden age for Israel, but the people looked for a future king like David. An understanding of David’s leadership will help us to understand both the expectations that were applied to Jesus and to see how David and Jesus were similar to and different from each other. Given the differences in their contexts and practices, and approach that identifies leadership principles in the lives of Jesus and David could help Korean pastors develop a principled approach to biblical leadership. This sort of an approach has the potential to reach across cultural and structural differences and inform the development of contextually appropriate structures and styles of leadership for the next generation of Korean Christians With that in mind, this article identifies seven principles for leadership from the life of David and examines them through Yukl’s four conceptual processes of leadership. Yukl’s conceptualizations of leadership can help us to develop a holistic understanding of leadership, which is necessary for understanding leadership in a complex system such as the Korean church. At the intra‐individual level, we can see that God is the leader and anointer. At the dyadic level, we can learn from the way David related to his courageous followers and friends, while an examination of the group level leads to the recognition of David’s skills in building community and team. Finally, at the organizational level, celebration and shared authority are significant leadership principles demonstrated in the life of David.

      • KCI등재

        Missiological Perspective of Church Leadership: Restoring Missional Leadership

        SeonYi Lee 한국선교신학회 2017 선교신학 Vol.46 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 선교적 리더십을 회복하기 위해 교회 리더십을 선교신학적 관점으로 분석하고 적용하고자 한다. 교회 리더십을 성경적, 신학적, 선교적 관점으로 분석하면, 성경적으로 교회 리더십은 모든 열방을 향한 보편적인 성격으로서의 선교적 의미를 담고 있고, 신학적으로 하나님 의 선교 신학은 선교의 주체가 교회가 아닌 하나님이라는 것을 재발견하게 한다. 그리고 선교적 관점에서 선교적 교회론은 교회의 선교적 본질을 다시금 깨닫게 하는데, 선교적 교회론에서 중요한 요소는 바로 선교적 리더십이다. 선교적 리더십의 적용으로서 한국교회의 실례를 들어 창조적, 통전적, 에큐메니칼, 개혁적 리더십의 특성을 이 연구는 다루고 있다. 즉, 창조주 하나님의 능력의 확장으로써의 창조적 리더십, 영혼구원과 사회적 책임을 통합하는 통전적 리더십, 더불어 살기를 지향하는 에큐메니 칼 리더십, 개혁영성을 회복하는 개혁적 리더십이다. 교회의 선교적 리더십 적용은 교회에 하나님 나라를 이루어가는 본질적 리더십의 회복의 가능성을 열어준다. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and to apply the missiological perspective to restore missional leadership. Missiological analysis of church leadership is described in the biblical, theological and missional dimensions. Church leadership implies mission, encompassing all nations with a universal character. Missio Dei is referred to God, not the church, who sends God’s people. Missional leadership is the core of missional ecclesiology which was rediscovered in the essence of church in mission. Missiological application of missional leadership is shown in several cases of the Korean Church possessing characteristics of leadership: Creative leadership that extends the Creator God’s power, holistic leadership that concludes salvation and social responsibility, ecumenical leadership involving solidarity and reformative leadership that conveys a reformative spirit. These applications could be used to redeem genuine leadership for the kingdom of God.

      • KCI등재

        축구지도자의 리더십유형과 지도자신뢰 및 팀성과와의 관계

        김석한(Kim, Suk-Han),이상행(Lee, Sang-Heang),이도형(Lee, Do-Young) 한국체육과학회 2013 한국체육과학회지 Vol.22 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between the credibility of soccer leaders in terms of the types of leadership and the achievement of the team. In order to do so. soccer players that currently registered with the Korea Football Association as of 2012 have been selected as the population group. 350 soccer players from five highschool soccer teams and five university soccer teams (a total of 314 final valid sample surveys) were chosen as study subjects. Such data were subject to frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis correlation analysis, and simple and multiple regression analysis. The conclusion obtained through the above study method and the results of analyzing the data are as follows. First, the sub factors in relation to leadership types that affected credibility were servant leadership and transformational leadership. Second, among the sub factors in relation to team achievement, the sub factor in relationship types that affected game results were servant leadership, transformational leadership and transactional leadership(-). The sub factors in relation to leadership types that affected game performance were transformational leadership and transactional leadership(-). The sub factors in relation to leadership types that affected the development of team work were servant leadership and transformational leadership. The sub factor in relation to leadership types that affected workout performance results was servant leadership. Third, credibility had a positive effect on all of the sub factors in relation to team achievement, game results, game performance, development of team work and workout performance results.

      • KCI등재

        리더십현장의 패러독스

        백기복 리더십학회 2019 리더십연구 Vol.10 No.3

        Although there exist diverse interpretations on leadership, the present study assumed that the leadership paradox perspective should deserve the entitlement, “the most appropriate viewpoint on leadership”, considering the VUCA(Velocity, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) characteristics that the 4 th industrial revolution brings about. Based on this assumption, the current study extracted seven leadership paradox behaviors after comprehending the extant leadership theories and accumulated study results, and explains each paradox from the viewpoints of schimogenesis and versatility. The seven paradoxes presented here as in task-oriented vs. people-oriented, management-focus vs. strategy-focus, leader-centered vs. subordinates-centered, formal vs. informal roles, developing a singularly deep relationship vs. multiple relationships, innovation-push vs. transaction-saddled, principle-first vs. adaptability-first are the fundamental leadership behaviors that a versatile leader needs to demonstrate in response to situational demands. Leaders at work should focus on tasks and accomplish assigned goals while at the same time taking care of the minds of subordinates’; they also need to manage people thoroughly whereas showing the capability to articulate a vision and the strategy to achieve it; and the leaders should be able to demonstrate the capability to present decisive solutions to subordinates along with the abilities to make participative and delegatory decisions. Additionally, the leaders on site are supposed to play informal supportive roles while concentrating on formal roles; and they are also to build strong social capital with the personnel including the superior, peers, and outside network, while developing specially intimate relations with a few in-group subordinates. Finally the leaders on one hand should be capable of properly rewarding and recognizing subordinates for their present endeavors, while on the other hand pursuing relentless innovation necessary for the future of organization; and they need to show adaptability to respond properly to the environmental pressures by detecting and utilizing coming opportunities, simultaneously being loyal to the ethical principles. In this paper, it was suggested that “the leadership gaming method” is more appropriate to train and develop the versatile leaders than the existing one-side lecturing. Limitations of the present study were also described along with future research directions. Key words: Leadership, Paradox 리더십은 바라보는 관점에 따라서 다양하게 해석될 수 있지만, 최근의 4차 산업혁명시대의VUCA(Velocity, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) 특징을 고려할 때 패러독스관점으로 해석하는 것이 타당하다. 본 연구는 이러한 전제하에 기존의 리더십이론들과 연구결과들을 종합하여 리더십패러독스행위 일곱 가지를 도출하고 각각에 대해서 분열생성(schimogenesis)과 두름성(versatility) 측면에서 설명하였다. 여기에 제시된 과업초점 vs. 인간초점, 관리지향 vs. 전략지향, 리더중심 vs. 부하중심, 공식역할 vs. 비공식역할, 단면관계 vs. 다면관계, 혁신지향 vs. 거래지향, 그리고 원칙중시 vs. 적응중시 등 리더십패러독스 일곱 가지는 두름리더들이 상황의 필요에 따라능수능란하게 발휘해야 하는 기본적 리더십행위들이다. 현장의 리더들은 과업에 집중하여 목표를달성하는 한편 구성원들의 마음관리를 해야 하고, 관리를 철저히 하면서도 미래비전과 전략을 제시할 줄 알아야 하며, 독단이 필요할 때 과감하게 독단하면서도 참여와 위임도 할 줄 알아야 한다. 아울러 공식적 역할에 집중하면서도 비공식적 후원자역할도 수행하고, 부하를 위하면서도 상사, 동료, 외부인들까지를 포함한 폭넓은 사회적 자본을 구축할 수 있어야 한다. 한쪽에서 미래의 발전을위해서 혁신을 추구하면서도 다른 한편으로는 현실적 보상과 인정을 잊지 말아야 하고, 윤리적원칙에 충실하면서도 새로운 기회를 찾아 환경변화에 적절히 적응하는 모습도 보여줘야 한다. 이러한 두름리더십을 개발하기 위해서는 기존의 일방적 전달위주의 방식보다는 “리더십게임”을 통한 훈련방법이 더 바람직하다고 추천하였다. 본 연구의 한계와 향후의 연구방향을 논의하였다. 키워드: 리더십, 패러독스, 현장, 리더

      • KCI등재

        국제나사렛교단 아시아태평양지구의 성장동력 창출을 위한 새로운 리더십 패러다임 탐구

        Musung Jung 한국선교신학회 2016 선교신학 Vol.43 No.-

        2015년 12월 14일부터 18일까지 필리핀 마닐라에서 국제나사렛 교단 아시아태평양지구(이하 아태지구)의 싱크탱크 모임이 최초로 개최 되었다. 당시 제기되었던 주요 이슈 중 하나가 아태지구에서의 리더십 위기였다. 즉, 일부 연회(district)에서 토착적 리더십으로의 위임 및 이양이 원만히 진행되지 못하고 있을 뿐만 아니라 다수의 연회에서 피라미드 모델(Pyramid Model)에 근거한 전근대적 권위주의 리더십이 만연하고 있다는 상황이 보고되었다. 이러한 이중적 리더십 위기는 아태지구의 성장동력을 저해하고 있는데 본 연구는 이 위기를 극복할 대안으로 성서적 충실성(biblical authenticity)과 현대적 적합성 (contemporary relevancy)을 겸비한 트리 모델(Tree Model)을 새로 운 리더십 패러다임으로 제안하고자 한다. 리더와 팔로워(follower)의 관계가 수직적 상명하복인 전통적 피라 미드 모델과는 달리 트리 모델은 양자 간의 유기적 상호의존성과 수평적 파트너십을 전제하고 있는데, 이런 관점은 현대 리더십 이론과 그 맥을 같이 한다. 또한 군림과 권한독점 대신에 섬김(servanthood)과 권한부 여(empowerment)가 트리 모델에 본유적으로 내재하고 있는데, 이런 특징은 성서적 리더십 원리와 잘 부합된다. 이처럼 현대적 적합성과 성서적 충실성을 지닌 트리 모델을 통해 리더십에 관한 인식론적 전환이 아태지구에 확산되면 현재의 리더십 위기 상황이 극복될 수 있는 기반이 형성될 수 있다. 다시 말해, 트리 모델의 권한부여적 속성은 토착적 리더십으로의 위임 및 이양에, 섬김과 파트너십의 수평적 특성은 전근대 적 권위주의 리더십 타파에 각각 기여할 수 있으며, 그 결과 아태지구의 성장 동력이 창출될 수 있을 것이다. The Asia-Pacific Regional Think Tank meeting of the Church of the Nazarene was held in Manila over the period 14-18 December 2015. One major issue critically raised at the meeting was leadership crisis in the AP Region. First, there is leadership vacuum from missionaries to indigenous believers. In some of the so-called missionary districts the transition from missionary to indigenous leadership either fails with no replacement or occurs without proper preparations for new leadership. In addition, there is leadership anachronism lagging behind the predominant spirit of the current age. In many parts of the AP Region traditional or modern leadership styles reflective of authoritarian or bureaucratic hierarchy prevail in the emerging context of de-centralized postmodernism. All of which significantly hinders growth momentum in the AP Region. This research explores a new leadership paradigm called ‘the Tree Model’ that can help the AP Region overcome its current leadership crisis. The Tree Model has contemporary relevance enough to embrace the postmodern approach to leadership by emphasizing its inter-personal relationships and inter-influential processes in organic holism. Most importantly, the Tree Model secures biblical authenticity enough to endorse empowering servant leadership. The AP Region can seek effective solutions to dealing with its leadership crisis by adopting the Tree Model as an umbrella paradigm. That is, the Tree Model’s empowering aspect can contribute to solving the problem of leadership vacuum while its servant aspect to solving the problem of leadership anachronism. As a result of taking an epistemological turn in leadership, the AP Region can rekindle its growth momentum.

      • KCI등재

        Missiological Perspective of Church Leadership: Restoring Missional Leadership

        이선이 한국선교신학회 2017 선교신학 Vol.46 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze and to apply the missiological perspective to restore missional leadership. Missiological analysis of church leadership is described in the biblical, theological and missional dimensions. Church leadership implies mission, encompassing all nations with a universal character. Missio Dei is referred to God, not the church, who sends God’s people. Missional leadership is the core of missional ecclesiology which was rediscovered in the essence of church in mission. Missiological application of missional leadership is shown in several cases of the Korean Church possessing characteristics of leadership: Creative leadership that extends the Creator God’s power, holistic leadership that concludes salvation and social responsibility, ecumenical leadership involving solidarity and reformative leadership that conveys a reformative spirit. These applications could be used to redeem genuine leadership for the kingdom of God.

      • KCI등재

        論文(논문) : 항공사 종사원의 리더십이 리더십 유효성에 미치는 영향

        박혜윤 ( Hye Yoon Park ),김민수 ( Min Su Kim ) 한국항공운항학회 2011 한국항공운항학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to describe upon the most effective leadership stlyes for Airlines based on the transformational and transactional leadership that Bernard M.Bass proposed. The outcome of leadership treated here will be employee`s extra efforts, employee`s satisfaction with the leader, the effectiveness of the leader, involvement by employees in the organization, and management outcomes perceived by employees. The result of correlation showed that transformational leadership factors had positive impacts on the outcomes of leadership, but the transactional leadership had a negative impact on outcomes of leadership. According to results of multiple regression analyses, transformational leadership had a grater positive impact on outcomes of leadership than did transactional leadership. Transformational leadership is expected to promote and enhance the effectiveness of the hotel leaders, as well as the airline employee`s extra effort, their satisfaction with the leader, involvement in the organization, and their perception of management outcomes. It is imperative that the airline industry continues to develop transformational leader.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 리더십 특성에 관한 연구 - 성, 학년, 사고양식을 중심으로

        윤경미,김정섭 한국청소년학회 2008 청소년학연구 Vol.15 No.7

        The purpose of this study was to investigate to what extent gender, grade level, and thinking style can predict college students' leadership. A sample of 174 college students(male: 75, female: 99) answered inventories of leadership and thinking style. The following results were obtained: First, there were significant gender differences in leadership of college students. Male students scored significantly higher than female students on the leadership scale. Second, differences in leadership were found by grade level. Leadership rose with increasing grade level. Third, the results of a stepwise multiple regression showed that college students' leadership was significantly predicted by particular thinking styles; legislative, external, hierarchic, and monarchic style. Legislative thinking style emerged as the strongest predictor of college students' leadership. Forth, the results from multiple regression procedures indicated that each subfactor of leadership was significantly related to different subfactors of thinking style. Differences in the contributions of thinking style in predicting leadership for college students were evident. These findings have implications for instruction and program development for enhancing student's leadership. 대학생 시기는 성숙한 직업인과 시민으로 나아가기 위한 준비의 시기로, 성공적인 성인기를 영위할 수 있도록 능력을 키워야 한다. 대학생이 함양해야할 능력으로 최근 강조되고 있는 것이 리더십이며, 효과적인 리더십 교육방법의 개발과 이를 위한 기초연구가 요구되고 있다. 이러한 필요성에 따라 본 연구는 대학생의 리더십 특성을 알아보기 위해 대학생 리더십의 성차와 학년차를 알아보고, 리더십과 사고양식의 관계를 밝히는 것을 연구의 목적으로 하였다. 연구의 대상으로는 부산시내 소재하는 2개의 4년제 대학의 남녀학생 174명이 참여하였다. 연구결과를 살펴보면, 첫째, 대학생의 리더십은 성별에 따른 차이가 있었으며, 남자대학생이 여자대학생에 비해 리더십이 높았다. 둘째, 대학생의 리더십은 학년에 따른 차이가 있었으며, 학년이 높을수록 리더십이 향상되었다. 셋째, 리더십과 사고양식은 관계가 있었으며 입법적, 외부지향적, 계급제 사고양식은 리더십과 정적인 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났고 군주제 사고양식은 리더십과 부적관계를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 리더십의 각 하위요인과 사고양식은 상관이 있었으며, 리더십의 각각의 하위요인과 관련되는 사고양식은 다소 다른 특징을 보였다. 본 연구는 리더십의 함양이 가장 요구되는 시기이지만 상대적으로 연구가 많이 이루어지지 않은 대학생을 대상으로 리더십의 특성을 알아보고, 경험적인 연구가 거의 이루어지지 않은 리더십과 사고양식의 관계를 밝혀 교육적 시사점을 찾고자 하였다는 점에서 그 의의가 있다.

      • A Trend Analysis on Nursing Leadership in Korea

        Haesun Lee,Sangwoo Park,Na Bee Yoon,Kyung Hee Lee 한국간호과학회 2021 한국간호과학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.10

        Aim(s): Nursing leadership has been highlighted as essential competency throughout healthcare system for improving healthcare quality and patient outcomes. This study aimed to analyze trends of nursing leadership in published articles in Korean journals including leadership style and leadership measurement. Method(s): A literature search was conducted using databases including KISS, RISS, DBpia, KMbase, NAL, and NDSL from January 2011 to August 2020. Search terms were "nurse" or "nursing" and "leadership". A total of 64 studies were reviewed. Leadership style of the studies was categorized according to McEwen and Wills"s classification. Result(s): Most of studies were conducted in hospital setting (96.9%) and quantitative studies accounted for 96.9%. Most frequent leadership style was authentic leadership (26.7%); unit manager accounted for 70.1% of the subject of leadership. The commonly used leadership measures were Authentic Leadereship Questionnaire for authentic leadership (n=18), Multi-factor Leadership Questionnaire for transformational leadership (n=16) and transactional leadership (n=6), and Servant Organizatioanl Leadership Assessment for servant leadership (n=7). The individual factors related to leadership were organizational commitment, followed by job satisfaction and turnover intention. An organizational factor related to leadership was nursing performance outcome, followed by teamwork. Conclusion(s): The findings of this review suggest nursing leadership has critical role to improve both individual and organizational outcomes. Future studies are needed to conduct in various settings including community and to examine ralationship between nursing leadership and nursing quality related variables such as patient safety and turnover rates. In addition, development of measurment focused on unique nursing leadership traits would be recommended to accurateluy measure nursing leadership.

      • KCI등재

        An Introductory Review on the Innovation-Oriented Leaderships - the Boundary, the Transformational, and the Visionary Leadership -

        Kim, Kwang-Kun 한국실천신학회 2010 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.25

        This article is for investigating the basic concept of the innovation -oriented leadership and its brief understanding of th foundational styled of the several leaderships. The innovation is one of the most significant concepts in terms of social and organizational change by leadership. The fact that most of the modern organizations and communities are requiring the innovation by leadership, shows us that the innovation -oriented leadership is a significant instrument to transform the organizational world and to enhance the effectiveness of accomplishing the organizational goals. The change, reformation, transformation and innovation are the similar terminologies to perform the goals of leadership. The many literature for leadership shows several innovational leadership styles. In order to comprehend and develop such leadership paradigm, three related styles of leadership are considered: the boundary leadership, the transformational leadership, and the visionary leadership. First, it is the boundary leadership that combines the mutually -exclusive paradigms and produces the creative perspectives of a leader on the boundaries between cultures. Second, it is the transformational leadership that is one of the most powerful models that are able to lead to the innovation by its well-developed strategies of transformation. Finally, it is the visionary leadership that is able to lead the organization to the innovation by its well-developed strategies of the visionary approach. These three styles of leadership can be the foundations for the effective innovation for the social organization. as well as the Christian organizations.

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