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        참의 실질적 속성으로서 대응의 가능성

        배식한 범한철학회 2016 汎韓哲學 Vol.81 No.2

        참은 외부 실재와의 대응에서 성립한다고 하는 고전적 대응론은 타르스키 이후 번성하는 수축주의의 우상파괴적 비판에 크게 위축된 상황이다. 타르스키는 참인 문장과 외부 실재 사이를 곧장 이어주던 고전적 대응의 다리를 ‘참인 문장과 사실과의 대응’ 그리고 ‘사실과 외부 세계와의 대응’ 둘로 나눔으로써 고전적 대응이 존립하기 위한 조건을 더 어렵게 만들어버렸다. 고전적 대응론의 어려움은 ‘외부 실재’와의 ‘대응다운 대응’ 둘 다를 충족시켜야 한다는 데 있다. 데이빗슨이 결국 대응을 포기하기까지 거치는 사유의 행로는 이 둘을 동시에 만족시키는 것이 얼마나 어려운지를 보여준다. 이 글은 이런 어려움에 맞서 참의 실질적 속성으로서 대응을 보여주고자 하는 퍼멀턴의 마술적 대응론, 바나드/호간의 매개적 대응론, 셔의 복합 대응론을 검토하고, 이들이 과연 데이빗슨의 고민을 해결해줄 수 있을지 알아보고자 한다. The classical correspondence theory of truth which holds that truth obtains when a truth bearer stands in an appropriate correspondence relation to a truth maker has shrunk, as the deflationist’s iconoclastic criticisms gained prosperity after A. Tarski. Taski has made the conditions of correspondence more difficult to fulfill by dividing the bridge between a true sentence and an external reality into two, one of which is the correspondence between a true sentence and a fact, and the other of which is the correspondence between a fact and external world. Now the classical correspondence theory of truth has to secure not only a ‘substantial correspondence relation’ but also ‘external reality’ as one of its relata. We can realize how difficult it is to satisfy both when we trace D. Davidon’s path of thought end in abandoning correspondence. This paper will introduce three new substantial correspondence theories, magical correspondence theory of R. Fumerton, mediate correspondence theory of R. Barnard & T. Horgan, and composite correspondence theory of G. Sher, and examine if they can find a solution to Davidson’s worry.

      • KCI등재


        이미향 한국중국언어학회 2016 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.66

        The advanced Korean Chinese same form language comparative studies viewed semantically same or similar same form words couple as in the synonymous relation, without considering how the overall semantic structure of the words corresponds. Due to this influence, teachers of the secondary education frequently mislead the correspondent word, of which overall semantic structure is not perfectly the same, as the synonym word, and sometimes make error in substituting the responding word which has the synonym relation only in one semantic item for the target language. Accordingly, this research utilized the actual practice case of the corpus of Chinese and Korean language based on the example of Korean and Chinese same form verb, and considered semantic corresponding relation of Korean and Chinese fame form verb from the semantic item layer, considering the substitution relation analysis result of Korean and Chinese same form verb and the number of all cases, and considered the semantic corresponding relation of Korean and Chinese same form verb from the two layers, i.e. “semantic item” and “overall semantic structure” through the consecutive language gathering observation and example translation. Above all, this research divided the semantic corresponding relation of Korean and Chinese same form verb from the semantic item layer into “whole correspondence”, “partial corresondence”, “coexistence of the whole and partial correspondence”, “non-correspondence”, considering the substitution relation analysis result of Korean and Chinese same form verb and the number of all cases. Also, again divided the whole correspondence and partial correspondence into “one-to-one correspondence”, “one-to-several or several-to-one correspondence”, and “combined correspondence”, considering the correspondent situation of various semantic items of multisense words. And largely divided semantic corresponding relation of Korean and Chinese same form verb from the whole semantic structure layer of word into “overall correspondence to word semantic structure”, “word semantic structure partial response”, and “word semantic structure non-correspondence”, through the semantic corresponding relation analysis of semantic item layer. Lastly, this research classified Korean and Chinese same form verb semantic correspondent relation by synthesizing semantic corresponding relation of semantic item layer and the correspondent relation of word overall semantic structure layer into total 11 types in detail, suggesting the example of the correspondence that can exist per each type and concrete corresponding relation of Korean and Chinese same form verb that belongs to the relevant type. 以往很多汉韩同形词对比研究,只将在单个义项上意义相同相近的词对视为具有同义对应关系,而不考虑整个词义结构如何对应。因而在第二语言教学中,会导致汉语词汇教学上的误导和学习者的母语词义误推。鉴于此,本文以汉韩同形动词为例,利用汉语和韩语语料库中的实际语料,采用搭配词的聚类观察和翻译语例的方法,从义项和整个词义结构两个层面,考察了汉韩同形动词的语义对应关系。首先,考虑对译关系的分析结果以及所有可能的基本事件,从义项层面将汉韩同形动词的语义对应关系概括为:基本对应;部分对应;基本和部分对应并存;不对应。再考虑多义同形动词在义项之间的各种语义对应情况,基本对应和部分对应细分出下属小类:一对一对应;一对多或多对一对应;综合对应。通过从对义项层面的语义对应关系的分析,从词义结构层面,将汉韩同形动词的语义对应关系分为三大类:词义结构基本对应;词义结构部分对应;词义结构不对应。最后,以义项层面和词义结构层面的语义对应为考察维度,将汉韩同形动词的语义对应关系细分出11种类型,对每类提出了理论上可能存在的对应关系模式和汉韩同形动词的实际案例。

      • KCI등재


        이미향 ( Lee Mihyang ) 한국중국언어학회 2016 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.66

        선행 한중동형어 비교 연구들은 주로 단어의 전체적인 의미구조가 어떻게 대응하는 지를 고려하지 않고, 한 의미항의 의미가 같거나 비슷한 동형어쌍을 동의관계에 있다고 보았다. 이 영향으로 종종 제2언어 교육에서 교수자는 전체 의미구조가 완전히 같지 않은 대응어를 동의어라고 오도하고, 학습자는 한 의미항에서만 동의관계를 가지는 대응어에 대해 모국어의 다른 의미까지 목표어에 잘못 대응시키는 오류를 범하기도 한다. 이에 따라 본고는 한중동형동사를 예로 들어 중국어와 한국어 말뭉치의 실제 용례를 사용하고, 연어 군집관찰과 용례 번역을 통해 “의미항”과 “전체 의미구조” 이 두 층위에서 한중동형동사의 의미 대응관계를 고찰하였다. 우선, 한중동형동사의 대역관계 분석 결과와 모든 경우의 수를 고려하여 의미항 층위에서 한중동형동사의 의미 대응관계를 “전체대응”, “부분대응”, “전체와 부분대응 병존”, “비대응”으로 나누었다. 그리고 다의어의 각종 의미항간 대응상황을 고려하여 전체대응과 부분대응을 다시 “일대일대응”, “일대다혹은 다대일대응”, “혼합대응” 세 가지 소 부류로 나누었다. 의미항 층위의 의미 대응관계 분석을 통해 단어의 전체 의미구조 층위에서 한중동형동사의 의미 대응관계를 크게 “단어의미구조 전체대응”, “단어의미구조 부분대응”, “단어의미구조 비대응” 세 부류로 나누었다. 마지막으로 의미항 층위의 대응관계와 단어 전체 의미구조 층위의 대응관계를 종합하여 한중동형동사의 의미 대응관계를 총 11류로 자세히 분류하고, 각 유형별로 존재 가능한 대응관계의 예와 해당 유형에 속하는 한중동형동사의 구체적인 대응관계를 예로 제시하였다. The advanced Korean Chinese same form language comparative studies viewed semantically same or similar same form words couple as in the synonymous relation, without considering how the overall semantic structure of the words corresponds. Due to this influence, teachers of the secondary education frequently mislead the correspondent word, of which overall semantic structure is not perfectly the same, as the synonym word, and sometimes make error in substituting the responding word which has the synonym relation only in one semantic item for the target language. Accordingly, this research utilized the actual practice case of the corpus of Chinese and Korean language based on the example of Korean and Chinese same form verb, and considered semantic corresponding relation of Korean and Chinese fame form verb from the semantic item layer, considering the substitution relation analysis result of Korean and Chinese same form verb and the number of all cases, and considered the semantic corresponding relation of Korean and Chinese same form verb from the two layers, i.e. “semantic item” and “overall semantic structure” through the consecutive language gathering observation and example translation. Above all, this research divided the semantic corresponding relation of Korean and Chinese same form verb from the semantic item layer into “whole correspondence”, “partial corresondence”, “coexistence of the whole and partial correspondence”, “non-correspondence”, considering the substitution relation analysis result of Korean and Chinese same form verb and the number of all cases. Also, again divided the whole correspondence and partial correspondence into “one-to-one correspondence”, “one-to-several or several-to-one correspondence”, and “combined correspondence”, considering the correspondent situation of various semantic items of multisense words. And largely divided semantic corresponding relation of Korean and Chinese same form verb from the whole semantic structure layer of word into “overall correspondence to word semantic structure”, “word semantic structure partial response”, and “word semantic structure non-correspondence”, through the semantic corresponding relation analysis of semantic item layer. Lastly, this research classified Korean and Chinese same form verb semantic correspondent relation by synthesizing semantic corresponding relation of semantic item layer and the correspondent relation of word overall semantic structure layer into total 11 types in detail, suggesting the example of the correspondence that can exist per each type and concrete corresponding relation of Korean and Chinese same form verb that belongs to the relevant type.

      • KCI등재

        韓国語一字漢語動詞の日本語の対応樣相 : 新聞記事5種の動詞を中心に

        裵晋影(Bae Jin-Young) 동북아시아문화학회 2009 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.20

        This is a study on use trend of 1 character Chinese verbs in Korean as seen on Korean newspapers by genre --that is, five genres of Society, Economy, Politics, Sports, and Editorials which constitute newspaper articles-- as well as a comparative analysis of correspondence trend between Korean case and Japanese case. As a result, it was found out that the total number of examples as ascertained in Korean newspapers was 33 in individual vocabulary. In terms of ratio, this is somewhat lower than 20% which is the figure obtained from dictionaries, suggesting that the number of 1 character Chinese verbs that are used in 5 genres of newspaper articles is quite small. The gap in the frequency of use of these 1 character Chinese verbs by genre was substantial, but the gap in the number of vocabularies (individual vocabularies) was not that big. In terms of genre, 1 character Chinese verbs were used most frequently in Society whereas those verbs were used least frequently in Economy. When correspondence trend of 1 character Chinese verbs in Korean is compared vis-a-vis the Japanese case, the overall picture was rather similar to the one that was obtained from various dictionaries, but the ratio of correspondence was higher in the case of same pattern correspondence than in the case of different pattern correspondence. In terms of genre, same pattern correspondence between Korean and Japanese was highest in Politics, whereas different pattern correspondence between Korean and Japanese was highest in Sports. Other than these two, same pattern correspondence between Korean and Japanese was higher in Economy next to Politics. Although the ratio was lower in terms of the frequency of use and the number of vocabularies, Economy proved to be a genre that has high rate of same pattern correspondence vis-a-vis Japanese.

      • KCI등재

        韓國 漢字音과 中國 漢字音의 對應에 관한 硏究

        임현열,이찬규 한국어문교육연구회 2008 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.36 No.3

        The objective of the present study is to explain the regular correspondent relation between the Korean pronunciation of Chinese characters and the Chinese pronunciation of Chinese characters from a synchronic viewpoint. The result of this study is expected to provide basic information necessary for not only Chinese who learn Korean but also Koreans who learn Chinese to develop and apply ‘the strategy to correspond Korean pronunciation Chinese pronunciation of Chinese characters.’ For this study, we selected 824 characters from the list of Chinese characters for Korean language education, and corresponded between the Korean representative pronunciation of these Chinese characters and their Chinese representative pronunciation. Correspondence between the pronunciations of Chinese characters was divided into three types as follows: 1) correspondence between the initial consonant of Korean and the initial consonant of Chinese; 2) correspondence between the part corresponding to V in the open syllable of Korean and the final consonant of Chinese; and 3) correspondence between the part corresponding to VC in the closed syllable of Korean and the final consonant of Chinese. Based on these correspondences, we showed that there is a regular correspondent relation between the Korean pronunciation of Chinese characters and the Chinese pronunciation of Chinese characters, and suggested the possibility for Chinese learners who learn Korean to guess the meaning of unknown Korean words originated from Chinese characters using these correspondences. In order to show concrete examples, ‘Seong-gyeong(성경, 聖經)’ and ‘Gak-seong(각성, 覺醒)’ of the Korean words were presented as examples to show the process of understanding Chinese characters through ‘the strategy to correspond Korean pronunciation Chinese pronunciation of Chinese characters.’ 이 硏究의 目的은 共時的인 觀點에서 韓國 漢字音과 中國 漢字音 사이에 存在하는 一定한 對應 關係를 밝혀 提示하는 데 있다. 이 論文에서는 漢字音 對應을 위해 韓國語敎育用 漢字 目錄 가운데 824字를 選別하고 이들 漢字의 韓國語 代表 讀音과 中國語 代表 讀音을 基準으로 對應하였다. 漢字音 對應은 다음의 세 가지 類型으로 構成되었다. 1) 韓國語 初聲과 中國語 聲母의 對應. 2) 韓國語 開音節의 V에 해당하는 部分과 中國語 聲母의 對應. 3) 韓國語 開音節의 VC에 該當하는 部分과 中國語 聲母의 對應이 바로 그것이다. 이러한 對應을 통해 韓國 漢字音과 中國 漢字音 사에는 一定한 對應 關係가 있음을 보이고, 이러한 對應 關係를 利用하여 中國人 學習者가 배우지 않은 漢字語의 意味를 推測해낼 可能性이 있다는 點을 指摘하였다. 그리고 一例로 ‘聖經’과 ‘覺醒’이라는 漢字語가 ‘ 字의 韓國音-中國音 對應 戰略’에 의해 理解되는 過程을 보였다.

      • KCI등재

        수용자 서신검열 제도의 위헌성 -헌재 2012. 2. 23. 2009헌마333 결정에 대한 평석을 중심으로-

        노희범 전남대학교 법학연구소 2012 법학논총 Vol.32 No.2

        구금의 본질상 수형자나 미결수에 대한 신체의 자유에 대한 제한은 불가피하더라도 헌법상 여타 기본권에 대한 제한까지 항상 정당화되는 것은 아니다. 구금시설의 안전과 질서유지, 교정을 위해 수형자의 서신에 대한 검열이 필요한 경우가 있다. 하지만 그렇다고 하더라도 서신검열은 필요한 경우에 한하여 최소한으로만 이루어져야 한다. 필요성이 없음에도 서신내용을 광범위하게 검열하는 것은 이미 그 목적적 한계를 벗어나는 것이다. 서신검열은 범죄인에 대한 법치국가의 再社會化 요구와 부합하지 않는다. 형벌 특히 자유형의 집행도 필요이상으로 기본권을 제한하거나 비인간적이고 굴욕적으로 행하여져서는 안된다. 국가는 자유의 박탈로 인한 부작용을 가급적 최소화함으로써 형의 집행으로 인하여 수형자의 인격이 변질(왜곡)되는 것을 방지해야한다. 수형자는 형을 치른 후에 사회에 복귀하는 기본권 주체이기 때문이다. 헌법재판소는 1995년 수형자의 서신에 대해 검열하도록 한 행형법 조항에 대해 합헌 결정한바 있다. 서신의 종류나 수신인이 누군가를 불문하고 모든 서신을 검열대상으로 삼는 입법태도는 수형자들의 기본권을 필요이상으로 위축·제한한다는 점에서 필자는 위 결정의 타당성에 대해서 상당한 의문이 든다. 외국의 입법례를 보더라도 서신의 종류나 상대방을 불문하고 수형자가 보내는 모든 서신을 검열하는 경우는 찾아보기 어렵다. 2007년 법이 개정되면서 검열 원칙이 폐지되었다. 수용자의 인권신장과 교정행정의 선진화를 위한 입법자의 결단을 높이 평가한다. 문제는, 입법자의 위와 같은 획기적인 결단에도 교정당국과 교정행정의 현실에서는 이러한 입법자의 결단이 완전히 침투되지 못하였다는 점이다. 검열주의가 폐지되었음에도 서신에 대한 보안검색(위험물이나 금지된 물품이 들어 있는지 확인) 명목으로 검열주의하에서 검열의 수단으로 시행되어 오던 발송서신을 봉함하지 않은 상태로 교도소에 제출하는 제도(무봉함 제출제도)를 계속 시행함으로써 사실상 검열제를 유지하고 있었다. 다행스럽게도 2012. 헌법재판소는 무봉함 제출제도가 사실상 검열제로서 수용자들의 통신비밀의 자유를 침해하여 위헌이라고 결정하였다. 이 결정은 서신검열제도 자체를 심판대상으로 한 것은 아니다. 하지만, 무봉함 제출제도가 사실상 검열의 효과를 가진다는 점을 전제로 수용자에 대한 서신검열도 필요한 범위 안에서 최소한도로 이뤄져야 한다는 헌법적 한계를 처음으로 제시하고 포괄적이고 전면적인 검열은 위헌이라고 결정한데 큰 의미가 있다. 수용자는 국가의 수사권 내지 재판권의 확보와 국가형벌권의 집행이라는 가장 강력한 국가권력행사의 대상이라는 점에서 어떤 기본권 주체보다도 가장 열악한 기본권적 상황에 처해 있다. 서신검열 제도는 수용자의 표현의 자유, 통신비밀의 자유를 위축, 제한할 뿐만 아니라 열악한 인권상황에 대한 국가기관에 대한 호소를 위한 청원권 행사도 위축·제한한다. 따라서 서신검열은 교정행정의 효율성 내지 수용자 관리의 편의성이라는 교정 정책적 시각에서만 접근할 것이 아니라 그 출발점은 수용자도 헌법상 기본권 주체로서 기본권을 보장받아야 한다는 헌법적 관점에서 접근하고 평가하여야 한다. Although detention inevitably restricts the liberty of prisoners during trial and under sentence, it does not necessarily justify restrictions on their other constitutional rights. Censorship of inmates’ correspondence may often be requisite for purposes of safety at detention facilities, maintenance of order and discipline. Nonetheless, censorship of correspondence should be conducted only when necessary and to the least extent possible. Censoring the contents of correspondence extensively, despite its unnecessity, falls beyond the bounds of its purpose. Censorship of correspondence is also inconsistent with the re-socialization of offenders. Punishment, particularly when it infringes upon physical freedom, should neither unnecessarily restrict inmates’ constitutional rights nor be executed in an inhumane or degrading manner. Government should minimize the adverse effects resulting from deprivation of liberty, preventing prisoners’ personality from being distorted by the execution of the punishment. It should be noted that prisoners are holders of constitutional rights and return to the society after serving their terms of imprisonment. In 1995, the Consitutional Court of Korea found constitutional a provision of the Criminal Administration Act for censorship of prisoners’ mail. I find the validity of the decision above fairly questionable , given that the legislation placing all correspondence under censorship, regardless of the type of mail or the identity of the addressees, unnecessarily restricts and interferes with prisoners’ constitutional rights. It is rare to find other foreign criminal justice systems that censor the outgoing mail of all inmates irrespective of the type of mail or the recipients. In 2007, the principle of censorship was abolished by amendment. The legislature’s determination to promote the human rights of prisoners and to improve the administration of detention facilities is highly praiseworthy. However,one remaining difficulty is that such a remarkable decision as this had not yet been thoroughly implemented by government authorities and prison administration. Despite the abolishment of censorship, under the pretext of a security check on correspondence (checking whether mail contains dangerous or prohibited articles), authorities still required prisoners to submit outgoing mails unsealed (an unsealed mailing system), a method of the former censorship system which perpetuates censorship in effect. Fortunately, the Constitutional Court of Korea ruled in 2012 that the unsealed mailing system is unconstitutional as it constitutes a de facto censorship that infringes prisoners’ right to privacy of correspondence. The Court did not decide upon the constitutionality of censoring inmates’ correspondence per se. Nonetheless, the Decision has its own merits as under the presumption that the unsealed mailing system in fact has the effects of censorship, it established for the first time the constitutional limits that censoring prisoners’ mail should be conducted to the least extent within the necessary scope and ruled that an expansive and sweeping censorship is unconstitutional. Prisoners are in the most inferior position as compared to other individuals in that they are subject to the most powerful government action, the guarantee of investigating power or jurisdiction and the execution of punishment authority. The censorship of correspondence restricts not only prisoners’ freedom of speech and right to privacy of correspondence, but also their right of petition, a right to appeal to a government institution against inequitable circumstances on the basis of human rights. Accordingly, the censorship of correspondence should be reviewed,not from the correctional perspective which emphasizes the efficiency of prison administration or the effectiveness of prisoner management, but from the constitutional perspective that as holders of constitutional rights, prisoners are also entitled to ...

      • KCI등재

        果·假攝韻의 韓·中·日 漢字音의 대응양상에 관한 연구 - 韓·中·日 常用漢字 漢字音의 통합비교분운표 데이터베이스 구축을 중심으로-

        최지수(Choi, Ji-Soo) 한국어문학회 2020 語文學 Vol.0 No.147

        This study aims to establish an integrated and comparative rhyme chart of Chinese pronounciation icommonly used Chinese characters in Korea, China, and Japan with the Group Guo․Jia(果․假) in Middle Chinese, and then to analyze the phonological system of the Chinese pronunciation in Korea, China, and Japan and the acceptance and correspondence of the Chinese pronunciation in Korea and Japan. The results are as follows. 1. Grade Ⅰ opened rhyme ka(歌) is reflected in the order of -e, -uo, -a type in Chinese pronunciation in Modern Chinese and in the order of -a, -ai, -oa type in Chinese pronunciation in Modern Korean. Mostly –a type is used in Chinese pronunciation in Japan. The response patterns of GradeⅠopened rhyme ka(歌) can be organized into eight types: a-e-a, a-uo-a, a-a-a, and oa-uo-a/ai-e-a, a-e-o/a-ai-a/ai-e-o type, which show a high proportion of the types of correspondence. 2. Grade Ⅰ rounded rhyme kwa(戈) is reflected in the order of -uo, -o, -e type in Chinese pronunciation in Modern Chinese and in the order of -oa, -a type in Chinese pronunciation in Modern Korean. Mostly –a type is shown in Chinese pronunciation in Japan. The correspondence of Grade Ⅰ rounded rhyme kwa(戈) can be organized into six types: oa-uo-a, a-o-a, a-uo-a, oa-e-a, and oa-o-a, oa-uo-wa type, which show a high proportion of the types of correspondence. 3. Grade Ⅲ rounded rhyme kwa(戈) is reflected mostly as -ue type in Chinese pronunciation in Modern Chinese and -oa type in Chinese pronunciation in Modern Korean. Mostly –a type is reflected in Chinese pronunciation in Japan. The correspondence of Grade Ⅲ rounded rhyme kwa(戈) can be organized into one type: oa-ue-a type in Chinese pronunciation in commonly used Chinese characters in Korea, China, and Japan. 4. Grade Ⅱ opened rhyme Ma(麻) is reflected in the order of –ia, -a type Chinese pronunciation in Modern Chinese and in the order of -a, -ai type in Chinese pronunciation in Modern Korean. The -a, -e, -ja type is commonly reflected in Chinese pronunciation in Japan. The correspondence of Grade Ⅱ opened rhyme Ma(麻) can be organized into five types: a-ia-a, a-a-a, a-ia-e, a-a-ja, and ai-a-a type, which show a high proportion of the types of correspondence. 5. Grade Ⅱ rounded rhyme Ma(麻) is reflected in the order of -ua, -a type in Chinese pronunciation in Modern Chinese and -oa, -a type in Chinese pronunciation in Modern Korean. It is reflected in the order of -a, -e type is reflected in Chinese pronunciation in Japan. The correspondence of Grade Ⅱ rounded rhyme Ma(麻) can be organized into three types: oa-ua-a, oa-ua-e, and oa-ua-o type, which show a high proportion of the types of correspondence. 6. Grade Ⅲ opened rhyme Ma(麻) is reflected in the order of -ie, -e type in Chinese pronunciation in Modern Chinese and in the order of -a, -ja type in Chinese pronunciation in Modern Korean. Mostly the -ja type is reflected in Chinese phonics in Japan. The correspondence of Grade Ⅲ opened rhyme Ma(麻) can be organized into three types: a-e-ja, a-ie-ja, and ja-ie-ja type, which show a high proportion of the types of correspondence.

      • KCI등재후보

        실재론과 대응 - 도널드 데이빗슨의 변심을 중심으로

        배식한 서양근대철학회 2012 근대철학 Vol.7 No.1

        The claim that truth consists in correspondence was heavily damaged after Kant’s critique of reason which makes clear that our judgements not copy but construct the world. Kant makes the common-sense correspondence-based realism ‘naive’ and forces realists to refine the concept of correspondence. Can we bring this attempt of ’Kant with correspondence’ to a success? I’d like to estimate the success and failure of the attempt by following the path of Donald Davidson’s changed thought, because we can find a very interesting episode in his philosophical journey that he has been a refined realist about truth, and then gave up both realism and correspondence. First, I’ll chase the motive and process of his relinquishing the correspondence and realism, second, reveal that he attacks a straw man by making as if a strong sense of correspondence theory and realism is all the theory of correspondence and realism could, and last, look into the content and utility of alternative correspondence theory of truth and realism if it is possible in spite of Davidson’s denial. This work will, I hope, lead us to look squarely the real features of realism after Kant. 우리의 판단은 세상을 ‘모사’한다기보다는 ‘구성’한다는 것을 밝혀 보인 칸트의 이성 비판 이후 참이 대응에서 성립한다는 주장은 심각한 타격을 받는다. 칸트는 기존의 대응에 기반한 실재론을 ‘소박’한 것으로 만들어버렸다. 실재론은 이제 보다 세련된 대응 개념을 내놓지 않으면 안 된다. ‘칸트와 대응론의 공존’이라 부를 수 있는 이 시도는 과연 성공할 수 있을까? 이 글은 데이빗슨의 사유 행로를 통해 이 시도의 성공과 좌절을 가늠해보고자 한다. 왜냐하면 그는 한때 참 개념에 관해 세련된 실재론자였다가, 스스로 대응 개념을 포기하고 더불어 실재론마저 버리는 흥미진진한 변심의 과정을 보여주고 있기 때문이다. 이 글에서는 먼저 데이빗슨이 대응과 실재론을 포기하게 된 동기와 과정을 추적하고, 그 과정에서 그가 은연중에 강한 의미의 대응론과 실재론이 대응론과 실재론의 전부인양 만들어 허수아비를 공격하고 있음을 보인 다음, 데이빗슨의 부인에도 불구하고 대응론과 실재론이 가능하다면 그것은 어떤 형태가 될 것이며, 그것의 효용은 무엇인지를 알아보겠다. 이 작업은 칸트 이후 지금도 시도되고 있는 여러 실재론의 모습을 보다 정확하게 직시하게 해 줄 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 명사절 내포문의 중국어 대응 관계 연구 ― 한·중 병렬 말뭉치를 바탕으로

        동초 ( Dong¸ Chao ) 한국중국학회 2021 중국학보 Vol.97 No.-

        본 논문은 명사절 내포문에 초점을 맞추어 한국어와 중국어 내포문의 대응 관계에 드러나는 차이를 문장구조적 측면에서 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 내포문은 한국어와 중국어에 모두 존재하지만 상이한 언어 유형에 속하기 때문에 문장구조적 차이가 많다. 이러한 문장구조적 차이가 어떠한 조건 하에서 나타나는지를 살펴보기 위하여 본 연구에서는 한국어 약 43만 어절, 중국어 약 106만자, 도합 149만 형태 단위 규모의 연구용 한·중 병렬 말뭉치를 구축하였다. 말뭉치에서 추출한 용례를 분석한 결과, 한국어 명사절이 담당하는 문장성분은 중국어와 같은 문장성분으로 대응하지 않은 비율이 높게 나타났으며, 이러한 대응 관계에서 중국어 단문과 복문의 대응 종류가 확인되었다. 또한 중국어 단문과 대응의 관계가 나타난 특징을 살펴보면 한국어 안은문장의 서술어가 중국어의 품사 대응과 일치하지 않는 것으로 확인되었다. 특히 한국어 내포문 안은문장의 서술어가 형용사일 때 중국어에서 동사로 대응되는 경우가 많다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 중국어 복문과 대응의 관계가 나타나는 특징은 한국어 명사절의 문장성분은 부사어가 되는 것이 대부분으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 대응 차이를 이해할 시 중국인 학습자는 한국어 명사절을 대치하여 사용하는 문장구조를 예측할 수 있고 명사절 내포문의 사용 빈도를 높일 수 있을 것이다. This paper takes noun clause embedded sentence as the research object, constructs a 1.49 million Korean-Chinese parallel corpus, and analyzes the sentence structure differences of noun clause embedded sentence in Korean and Chinese. The analysis results show that the ratio of non-correspondence is higher than that of one-to-one correspondence in Chinese in terms of sentence constituents of noun clause in Korean. In the non-corresponding relationship, there are two types of corresponding cases including Chinese single sentence correspondence and compound sentence correspondence. The corresponding ratio for single sentences is significantly higher than that for compound sentences. The feature of Korean sentence pattern corresponding to the Chinese single sentence is that the predicate of main clause collocating with noun clause is mainly adjective. This type of adjectives is used as a verb in Chinese. The difference in part of speech leads to the occurrence of non-correspondence relationship. The feature of Korean sentence pattern corresponding to the Chinese compound sentence is that noun phrase acts as adverbials which are divided into two sentences in Chinese including main clause and embedded clause for correspondence. By studying the differences in correspondence between Korean and Chinese embedded sentences, it can be predicted that Chinese learners are influenced by their mother tongue, and the sentence structure replaced for noun clause embedded sentence is beneficial to increase the usage frequency of noun clause embedded sentence.

      • KCI등재

        ICP 계산속도 향상을 위한 빠른 Correspondence 매칭 방법

        신건희,최재희,김광기 한국로봇학회 2022 로봇학회 논문지 Vol.17 No.3

        This paper considers a method of fast correspondence matching for iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm. In robotics, the ICP algorithm and its variants have been widely used for pose estimation by finding the translation and rotation that best align two point clouds. In computational perspectives, the main difficulty is to find the correspondence point on the reference point cloud to each observed point. Jump-table-based correspondence matching is one of the methods for reducing computation time. This paper proposes a method that corrects errors in an existing jump-table-based correspondence matching algorithm. The criterion activating the use of jump-table is modified so that the correspondence matching can be applied to the situations, such as point-cloud registration problems with highly curved surfaces, for which the existing correspondence-matching method is non-applicable. For demonstration, both hardware and simulation experiments are performed. In a hardware experiment using Hokuyo-10LX LiDAR sensor, our new algorithm shows 100% correspondence matching accuracy and 88% decrease in computation time. Using the F1TENTH simulator, the proposed algorithm is tested for an autonomous driving scenario with 2D range-bearing point cloud data and also shows 100% correspondence matching accuracy.

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