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      • KCI등재

        산업공생 (Industrial Symbiosis) 을 통한 생태산업공단 조성 방안

        김좌관 한국환경과학회 2000 한국환경과학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        This study is focused on the industrial symbiosis based on industrial ecosystem theory. At first, the concept of industrial ecosystem was introduced. Industrial symbiosis is a good tool in order to make a harmony between industry and natural ecosystem. The good example of industrial symbiosis is the case of Kalundborg in Denmark, where 11 networks are working in four enterprises and one community nearby. It was proved that savings of natural resources and economic benefit are achieved by use of industrial symbiosis. Moreover, the control of pollutant emission was also done by use of advanced technology and investments. Based on this case, It was shown that industrial symbiosis through eco-industrial complex in Korea was confronted with many difficulties. First of all, loose emmision criteria, recycling system on wastes, and the absence of will for industrial symbiosis should be solved in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        On the Dreaded Parasite: A Fearful and Risky Symbiosis in Octavia E. Butler’s “Bloodchild”

        이형민 한국아메리카학회 2023 美國學論集 Vol.55 No.3

        Bringing in conversations about symbiosis and parasitism in posthumanism and the science of parasitology, this article illuminates how Octavia E. Butler’s “Bloodchild” (1984) reconfigures the parasite, commonly perceived in a purely negative way, as a being that engages a crucial mode of symbiosis. In “Bloodchild,” Butler uses the parasite both to challenge the humanist idea of the autonomous human with agency and to expand our understanding of symbiosis by retaining a dreaded feature of parasitism—the deep, risky physical contact that the parasite initiates with the host—in what she calls a story of symbiosis. Rather than holding on to a narrow understanding of symbiosis as an antonym of parasitism and a convenient sharing of mutual benefits between individuals, “Bloodchild” reimagines symbiosis to encompass parasitism as a mode of living together that radically broaches the distance between the self and the other. Butler’s story suggests honestly facing the fear and risks involved in symbiotic relationships as among the possible ways of navigating tough partnerships.

      • KCI등재

        일본 다문화 공생정책의 분석 연구

        월원 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.1

        일본 다문화 공생정책의 분석 연구월 원* 요약: 본 연구는 일본 다문화 공생정책 분석을 토대로 한국의 사회통합이라는 과제에 실질적으로 적용할 수 있는 대안을 모색하고, 그 시사점을 도출하는 데 목적을 두었다. 연구 방법으로는 선행연구를 검토하고, 일본의 다문화 공생정책에 관한 관련 문헌을 중심으로 분석하는 방향으로 진행되었다. 연구 결과 일본 다문화 공생정책은 지방정부 주도하에 진행하고 있었다. 이주민을 위한 다양한 지원 및 내・외국인 공생 관계로 외국인을 지역사회의 하나의 주민으로서 동등한 권리를 부여하며 공생을 위한 행정서비스를 제공하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 한국 사회통합정책에 적용할 수 있는 시사점으로는 사회통합에 지방정부 역할의 강화, 중앙정부-지방정부-민간 간 협력적 컨트롤타워 설치, 상호적 사회통합정책이 필요함을 알 수 있었다. 핵심어: 외국인, 다문화, 다문화사회, 다문화 공생정책, 사회통합정책 □ 접수일: 2022년 1월 5일, 수정일: 2022년 1월 30일, 게재확정일: 2022년 2월 20일* 동국대학교 일반대학원 박사과정(Doctoral Course, Dongguk Univ., Email: hiphop5815@naver.com) Analysis of Multicultural Symbiosis Policy in JapanYue Yuan Abstract: Based on the analysis of Japan’s multicultural symbiosis policy, this study aims to find alternatives that can be practically applied to the task of social integration in Korea and derive implications. As a research method, it was conducted in the direction of reviewing previous studies and analyzing related literature on Japan’s multicultural symbiosis policy. As a result of the study, it was found that Japan’s multicultural symbiosis policy is carried out under the leadership of local governments, giving foreigners equal rights as residents of the community and providing administrative services for symbiosis. The implications that can be applied to the Korean social integration policy were the need for strengthening the role of local governments, Establishment of a central-local-private cooperative control tower, and mutual social integration policies. Key Words: Foreigners, Multiculturalism, Multicultural Society, Multicultural Symbiosis Policy, Social Integration Policy

      • KCI등재

        공생발전과 헌법

        이준일 한국비교공법학회 2012 공법학연구 Vol.13 No.3

        공생발전의 정책기조는 공생의 이념에 기초한다. 공생은 서로 대립되는 가치나 이익 또는 그것을 대변하는 개인이나 집단 상호간의 조화와 균형을 요구하는 이념이다. 이러한 공생의 이념은 헌법상 법익이 충돌할 때 요구되는 비례성원칙에 근거한다. 그리고 공생의 이념은 무엇보다도 공익을 위한 기본권의 제한, 기본권과 기본권 또는 공익 상호간의 충돌에서 요구된다. 특히 공익의 측면에서 경제적 공익뿐만 아니라 정치적, 문화적 공익이 문제되는 경우에도 공생의 이념이 요구된다. 그밖에도 공생의 이념은 사회복지, 평등, 국제평화, 평화통일, 지역 간 균형발전과 같은 영역에서도 요구된다. 헌법상 요구되는 공생의 이념은 일차적으로 국민의 대표기관인 의회가 법률로써 구체화해야 하지만 의회는 헌법재판소에 의한 통제를 받아야 한다. 여기서 비례성원칙이 적용되고, 관련되는 기본권이 방어권인지 아니면 급부권인지에 따라 과잉금지원칙 또는 과소금지원칙으로 적용된다. The policy of "ecosystemic development" is based on the idea of symbiosis. The idea is the one that values or interests opposite each other and individuals or groups opposite each other that represent these values or interests are required to be harmonized with each other. Such idea of symbiosis is grounded on the principle of proportionality that is required in the collision of legal interests. Therefore, the idea of symbiosis is required in the limitation of constitutional rights on behalf of public interests or in the collision between constitutional rights or public interests each other. Especially in aspect of public interests, the idea of symbiosis is required not only when economical public interests, but also political or cultural public interests are concerned. In addition, when social welfare, equality, international peace, peaceful reunification of Korea are concerned, the idea of symbiosis is required. Constitutionally required idea of symbiosis is realized above all by the parliament, but its laws related to the symbiosis have to be controlled by the Constitutional courts. Here the principle of proportionality is required to be applied and realized as the principle of oversized limitation prohibition or the principle of undersized protection prohibition according to related constitutional rights, whether negative rights or positive rights.

      • Co-benefit potential of industrial and urban symbiosis using waste heat from industrial park in Ulsan, Korea

        Kim, Hyeong-Woo,Dong, Liang,Choi, Angelo Earvin Sy,Fujii, Minoru,Fujita, Tsuyoshi,Park, Hung-Suck Elsevier 2018 Resources, conservation, and recycling Vol.135 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Energy depletion and global climate change have stimulated the Korean government to strengthen energy saving and efficiency measures in all sectors. However, in industrial sector where huge energy is consumed, only small portions of the high-grade waste heat from industrial processes have been utilized by another process through industrial symbiosis networks in industrial park and large quantities of low-grade waste heat are mostly discharged into the environment. Through technological assessment of energy balance between waste heat source in industrial park and heat sink in industrial park and urban area, this study systematically develops an industrial-urban symbiosis (I-US) and conducts a co-benefit analysis for 4 scenarios. Based on the investigation on the energy utilization status of Ulsan, the scenarios for potential I-US networks are evaluated. For the supply and demand side, potential energy sources and sinks are estimated at 49,321 and 15,424TJ/yr, respectively, noting that the demand side considered four scenarios based on the local condition analysis. Through these scenarios for the energy symbiosis networks; a reduction of 243,396ton/yr CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission and 48 million US Dollar/yr fuel cost were achieved. Due to a large transition cost for a district heating system, I-US public private partnership business model is highly recommended to attract long-term investment and institutional incentives of carbon credit and energy service companies fund are conducive to put these scenarios into practice.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> A comprehensive co-benefit analysis was studied in industrial and urban symbiosis. </LI> <LI> High and low-grade waste heat were focused for the symbiosis networks. </LI> <LI> Four scenarios were investigated for its economic and environmental effects. </LI> <LI> CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions and fuel cost reduction was achieved in the energy symbiosis network. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        공생의 기호학 - 찰스 퍼어스(C.S. Peirce)와 야콥 폰 윅스퀼(Jacob von Uexkull) 그리고 앤디 클라크(Andy Clark)를 통해 구성하는 공생의 존재론

        박일준 ( Park Il-joon ) 전남대학교 인문학연구소 2020 용봉인문논총 Vol.- No.56

        본고는 ‘공생의 존재론’을 생물기호학의 관점에서 조명해 보려는 시도이다. 공생은 말 그대로 ‘함께 얽혀 살아가기’를 의미한다. 인공지능이 인간의 일자리를 차지할 것이라는 우려의 목소리가 높아지고 있는 시대에 인간과 기계가 공생할 대안을 찾아야 한다는 목소리가 높아지고 있다. 우리에게는 무한경쟁과 승자독식의 구조 말고는 대안이 없는가? 본고는 이런 문제의식을 생물학과 기호학 그리고 인지과학 분야에서 ‘공생’의 패러다임을 전개한 퍼어스, 윅스퀼 그리고 클라크의 이론들을 소개하고, 이를 통해 공생의 존재론을 향한 가능성을 찾아보고자 시도한다. 공생이 목적이 아니라 현상이라는 통념에 반하여, 퍼어스는 우연과 불확정성으로부터 시작하는 진화가 아가피즘의 우주로 나아가는 기호적 진화의 공생을 제시하며, 윅스퀼은 공생이 획일적인 이상이 아니라 대위법적 조화로서 다양한 관점과 이해관계가 얽힌 과정임을 보여주며, 클라크는 그 얽혀서 살아가는 과정에서 유기체는 끊임없이 자신의 환경을 적소로 구성해 나아가는 존재임을 강변한다. 모두가 얽혀있는 생명과 우주의 과정 속에서 내가 다른존재들과 얽혀 함께 존재한다는 의식이 공생의 목적성을 드러내주고 있는 것이다. This article is an endeavor to illuminate an ontology of entangled living together (symbiosis) from a perspective of biosemiotics. Symbiosis means ‘living together’ or co-life. When the worry is deepened that A.I or digital machines will take over human jobs, alternative voices are also increased that we need to find a model of symbiosis for humans and machines. Is there any alternative for us to the capitalist structure of infinite competition and the winner-takes-it-all-mind? With critical mind for this kind of problem, this article first introduces theories of Charles S. Peirce, Jacob von Uexkull and Andy Clark for a model of symbiotic life, and it then seeks for a possibility of the ontology of symbiosis. Against general commonsensical understanding of the symbiosis of entangled living just as its phenomenon, not as an ideal or a goal, Peirce shows that evolution out of chance and indeterminacy proceeds to the universe of agapism through semiotic evolution of symbiosis, Uexkull persuasively argues that the symbiosis of entangled living is not a process toward a static and fixed ideal but that of contrapunctual harmony, in which various perspectives and diverse interestsa are entangled, and Clark finally illustrates with confidence that organisms in their entangled conditions of living ceaselessly constructs their own niche out of surrounding environments. That is, the awareness discloses the purposiveness of co-living that the so-called I in the process of life and the universe, in which every being is entangled with the others, is always already entangled with other beings

      • KCI등재

        전근대 동아시아 국제관계의 재인식 ; 『해동제국기』를 통해 본 15세기 조선지식인의 동아시아관 -약탈의 시대에서 공존,공생의 시대로-

        손승철 ( Seung Cheul Son ) 수선사학회 2012 史林 Vol.0 No.41

        In the middle of 14th century, when the period Japanese pirates were rampant in the seas of East Asia, the domestic & foreign circumstances of three countries in East Asia (Korea, China, and Japan) were very complicated. Using such confused stage, Japanese of Kushu and Tsushima become Japanese pirates and attacked Korean peninsula and the coast of China. Therefore, the seas of East Asia entered into the period of pillage. The period of the most extreme pillage in Korean peninsula was about 100 years since the middle of 14th century. The scale of pillage were dozens of ships when small in numbers and 500 ships when large. Also, the pillages were made more than about 500 times. The pillaged areas were extended to costal area as well as even to deep area of inland. Foods and livestock were pillaged and people were kidnapped. Even after the foundation of Chosun dynasty, the pillage of Japanese pirates continued, and Chosun dynasty resolved their problems through the establishing of friendly relationship and appeasement such as the expansion of military preparation, the suppression of Japanese pirates, and diplomatic negotiation. Coexistence and symbiosis with Japanese pirates were completed through the open of ports, three ports system, and Gyehae agreement, and were searched by opening three ports in Gyeongsang-do. Japanese who entered into three ports made a trade, and kept a peaceful relationship by meeting the king of Chosun (those who entered into Hanseong, the capital of Chosun) and being incorporated to diplomatic order of Chosun. ``The period of pillage`` started by Japanese pirates in the middle of 14th century was shifted to ``the period of friendly relationship`` by the open of ports, and was entered into ``the era of coexistence & symbiosis`` through Gyehae agreement in 1443. Since then, ``100 years of three ports era`` ended with the war of Japanese pirates at three ports(三浦倭亂) means that three ports had existed as ``spaces of coexistence & symbiosis``. <Haedongjegukgi> of Suk-Ju Shin was a writing which collected such procedure and a masterpiece arranging the policies toward Japan which oriented to coexistence & symbiosis with Japan. In such point, we have to focus again to <Haedongjegukgi> of Suk-Ju Shin as a ``message of history for coexistence & symbiosis``.

      • KCI등재

        인간/기계의 공생의 기호학: 클라크(A. Clark)의 ‘연장된 정신’(the Extended Mind) 이론에 대한 비판적 성찰

        박일준(Iljoon Park) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2018 신학논단 Vol.92 No.-

        When the symptoms of this age have alluded to radical changes from the coming Fourth Industrial Revolution and the noisy alarms of the Second Machine Age have warned that artificial intelligence would soon replace human labor workers, Andy Clark depicts with his notions of the extended mind and natural-born cyborgs an age in which humans and things like machines and artificial intelligence live together. His theory is to subvert the Cartesian image of human being, who consists of two independent substances of thought and extension, and to emphasize the fact that the mind is not independent of matter and/or things (extension) but that it rather forms an action loop by its coupling with them. This paper is to reflect A. Clark’s theory of the extended mind in terms of a semiotics of symbiosis. The purpose is to imagine an alternative to the so-called Superstar economy of the Second Machine Age, in which the capitalist structure of 1 versus 99 has been deepened into 0.1 versus 99.9. Especially when the notion of plasticity in brain science has been translated into notions like flexibility of labor market and elasticity of working time, having intensified the ideological logic of capitalism, it is theology that would need a semiotics of symbiosis ever more. When the symptoms of this age have alluded to radical changes from the coming Fourth Industrial Revolution and the noisy alarms of the Second Machine Age have warned that artificial intelligence would soon replace human labor workers, Andy Clark depicts with his notions of the extended mind and natural-born cyborgs an age in which humans and things like machines and artificial intelligence live together. His theory is to subvert the Cartesian image of human being, who consists of two independent substances of thought and extension, and to emphasize the fact that the mind is not independent of matter and/or things (extension) but that it rather forms an action loop by its coupling with them. This paper is to reflect A. Clark’s theory of the extended mind in terms of a semiotics of symbiosis. The purpose is to imagine an alternative to the so-called Superstar economy of the Second Machine Age, in which the capitalist structure of 1 versus 99 has been deepened into 0.1 versus 99.9. Especially when the notion of plasticity in brain science has been translated into notions like flexibility of labor market and elasticity of working time, having intensified the ideological logic of capitalism, it is theology that would need a semiotics of symbiosis ever more.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Understanding the Creation of Abstract Concepts beyond the Intangible and Tangible Materials of Land Art

        Jinvo Nam 인간식물환경학회 2021 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.24 No.6

        Background and objective: Understanding abstract art as an art form requires depth of thought. Moreover, understanding land art as abstract art is challenging, given its focus on the minimalism and abstract concepts. Much focus, research, and work were actively conducted in the 1970s, as it represented an abstract expression of minimalism. The characteristics of minimalism connote abstract meanings in the use of materials. Nevertheless, the original research of works or artists has often been mentioned, but few studies have analyzed the abstract language of land art materials. The aim of this study is to thus determine the abstract meanings of materials in land art from the 1970s to the 2010s. Methods: Art-based research was employed to address the aim. This study classified the land art materials into intangible and tangible materials, where intangible materials focused on lines, circles, and labyrinths, and tangible materials focused on the earth, stones, wood, and snow. Results: Intangible and tangible materials of land art conveyed various abstract meanings. Intangible materials were reflective of connection and symbiosis with nature, delivering abstract languages of ‘take-nothing,’ ‘reflection’ and ‘opportunity.’ Tangible materials reflected the abstract concepts of ‘intervention,’ ‘resistance,’ ‘unliving,’ and ‘change,’ and conveyed caveats. In other words, taken together, intangible and tangible materials were presented in symbiosis–and with caveats–and delivered messages for the present and the future. Interestingly, intangible materials inherently reflect symbiosis and communicate caveats in works based on a non-contextualized present and future. Conclusion: Interpretation of the abstract languages derived from intangible and tangible materials could imply a symbiosis between humans and nature, while conveying the message that caveats, to humans, are still ongoing. This relationship plays a significant role in an artist’s selection of a medium, which is reflective of abstract beliefs reflected in contemporary, nature-based works created on Earth.

      • 黑川紀章 건축의 비평적 연구

        정성철,이일형,이태희 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 2014 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.20 No.2

        This study is a critical research on Kisho Kurokawa’s architecture. His concepts are diverse and complex, but also his theories are to help the development of Japanese contemporary architecture. The worldwide renowned Japanese architect Kisho Kurokawa’s architectural concept can be divided into three main concepts as metabolism, metamorphosis and symbiosis. From the metabolism movement of the 1960s through his pursuit of such theories as intermediate zones, ambiguity, ambivalence and the philosophy of metamorphosis, symbiosis, he has always employed the concepts and vocabulary of life systems, biology, and ecology. He intentionally took the terms as ‘metabolism’ ‘metamorphosis’ and ‘symbiosis’ from change, growth, intermediate space, relation and abstract symbolism which transcends the Western binomial opposition or dualism. These are all expressions of the most important features of life systems or the life principle. The intermediate zone, ambiguity, multivalence are theories that work as media in changing process levels to three main concepts and these are used as media of metamorphosis which embody symbiosis. The intermediate zone or abstract interrelation play an important role in achieving the symbiosis of interior and exterior space. But his concepts and theories of architecture are unclear and difficult because these are interweaved as a rhizome.

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