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      • KCI등재

        유학으로 인구문제 성찰하기— 관계인구 개념의 유학적 활용을 중심으로 —

        안승우 한국철학사연구회 2024 한국 철학논집 Vol.0 No.82

        본 논문은 유학의 관점에서 관계인구 개념을 분석하고 그 실천적 적용에 관해 논의했다. 관계인구 개념은 일본의 지역 저널리스트와 활동가들에 의해 제시되고 정착된 개념으로 정주‧이주 인구, 교류‧관광 인구 사이에 놓여 있는 개념이다. 지역에 정주하지는 않지만 지역문제에 관심을 가지고 활동할 수 있는 인구를 늘리는 개념으로 인구문제에 새로운 활로를 열 수 있는 개념으로 각광 받고 있다. 유학은 관계에 초점을 맞춰온 철학이다. 관계의 철학으로서 유학으로 관계인구 개념에 어떻게 접근할 수 있을지 본 논문에서 살펴보았다. 유학의 관계는 세 가지 측면에서 살펴볼 수 있다. 첫째는 문제와의 관계로 문제를 현상적으로만 보지 않고 문제의 근원, 문제의 본질을 들여다보게 하는 유학적 생각법이다. 그 과정에서 절실한 물음, 문제의 자기화가 이루어진다. 둘째로 ‘나’와의 관계이다. 유학은 현실문제를 ‘나’와의 관계에서 들여다보게 하며 그 과정에서 ‘나’의 타자에게로 열린 욕구가 인정된다. 현실문제에 진중한 원칙을 가지고 접근하지만 내가 원하는 것, 내가 즐거워하는 것이 남이 원하는 것, 사회가 원하는 것과 만나게 한다. 셋째로 타자‧사회와의 관계이다. 유학에서 타자와의 관계, 사회 속에서의 실천은 가까운 데에서부터 시작한다. 주제‧지역‧관계적으로 자신과 가까운 데에서 시작해야 하며, 소소하고 일상적인 데에서 시작하여 이를 확충해 나갈 것으로 요구한다. 밀도 있는 관계맺음을 통해 확장해 가는 방식이다. 이러한 현실 실천 문제에서 유학의 관계 개념을 인구문제에 적용하면 인구문제의 진짜 문제가 되는 문제의 근원을 발견하는 것으로 이어진다. 또한 그렇게 발견한 진짜 문제가 ‘나’의 문제와 연결되고 자기성찰, 자기 발견으로 이어질 수 있다. 인구문제와 자신의 문제가 접점이 되는 지점을 발견함으로써 장기적‧지속적인 활동을 이어갈 수 있다. This paper analyzes the concept of the relational population from the perspective of Confucianism and discusses its practical application. The concept of the relational population, introduced and developed by Japanese local journalists and activists, lies between the residential and migrant populations, as well as the exchange and tourism populations. Although it does not settle in the region, it offers a potential solution to population problems by increasing the relational population in situations where increasing the actual population is challenging. This concept goes beyond the traditional quantitative view of population, allowing for a deeper understanding of the individuals who constitute the population. Confucianism is a philosophy that emphasizes relationships. This paper explores how Confucianism, as a philosophy of relations, can approach the concept of the relational population. Relationships in Confucianism can be examined from three perspectives. First, Confucianism offers a way of thinking that seeks to understand the root and essence of problems, rather than merely addressing their symptoms. Reflecting on fundamental issues facilitates the necessary questioning and understanding of the problem. Second, it involves the relationship with the self. Confucianism encourages examining real problems in relation to oneself. Through this process, one recognizes the open desire for others. While addressing real problems with serious principles, one’s personal desires and societal needs intersect. This perspective allows for a more positive view of Confucian practice, often seen as self-sacrificial and coercive. Third, it pertains to relationships with others and society. In Confucianism, relationships with others and societal practice begin at a close distance. In terms of subject, region, and relationship, it should start nearby and gradually expand from small, everyday interactions. This expansion occurs through dense relationships. Applying Confucian concepts of relationships to population issues helps identify the core problems underlying population challenges. This approach also links these core issues to personal reflection and self-discovery. Long-term and continuous activities can be sustained by finding connections between population problems and personal issues. Additionally, it allows for a renewed exploration of local institutions such as hyanggyo and seowon, which are closely related to population issues and Confucianism.

      • KCI등재

        Population Estimation using Land use Land Cover Data from Landsat TM Images - Implementation and Limitations -

        김화환 국토지리학회 2006 국토지리학회지 Vol.40 No.4

        Accurate population estimation is one of the most essential techniques to supplement decennial census data. The expanded and timely availability of remotely sensed data provides a practical way to estimate between-census population for a small area by incorporating land use land cover information extracted from satellite images into estimation process. The accuracy of population estimation utilizing land use land cover map extracted from RS data is determined by several factors. Besides the accuracy of image classification, explicit statistical relationship between land use land cover information and actual population count has a critical importance for effective estimation. The statistical relationship is modeled by a regression analysis where pixel counts of land use land cover raster map and population count are used as explanatory variables and dependent variable respectively. This research tests several regression models to explore the statistical relationship between land use characteristic and population count in census block group level. The performance of each model is evaluated in two ways. Firstly, the estimated total population of sampled the study area is compared to the actual census population. The allometric growth model based on the strong relationship between the logarithmic value of population and the number of high-density residential pixels gives the closest estimate in terms of total population count. Secondly, the regression coefficients calculated by the regression analysis of sampled census block groups data are utilized to estimate population counts in all census block groups. The ?focused? model and ?simple? model that use residential pixels only give the best estimation in terms of the absolute mean relative error. Spatial distribution of relative errors shows a clear tendency of underestimation in highly populated area and overestimation in the low-density area.

      • KCI등재후보

        사할린의 인구 감소 현상과 그 원인

        서승현 명지대학교(서울캠퍼스) 인문과학연구소 2014 인문과학연구논총 Vol.35 No.4

        The change of population structure is one of the fundamental elements that stipulates the basic frames of politics, economy and society in a certain nation. One cannot establish the reasonable policies of political system, industrial structure, housing problems and social security without the understanding of population situations in a given nation. It is necessary to have a sound and dynamic population structure to maintain the nation’s growth momentum. When the population steadily decreases and the aging of population accelerates, the production and the consumption shrink, and the growth potential diminishes due to the reduction of the economically active population. In addition, the overall economic burden of supporting the population is aggravated and the pressure on the fiscal deficit gets serious due to increased social welfare spending. Given this statement, facing the situations of the population decline in full swing since 1992 and even the shrinking labor force since 2007, Russia regards the population problem as a crucial issue for the nation’s fate. The Soviet Union experienced the population decreases four times, they were temporary phenomena by political or military upheavals. After the population of Far East peaked at about 8 million in 1992 at a rapid speed with the result of emigration policy of the Soviet Union for the development of Far East that is rich in natural resources, the political and economic situation in Far East is estimated to have an unpredictable and negative change owing to the steady population decrease in Far East, such as Sakhalin and Vladivostok. Moreover, as population decrease and aging of population have carried long-term and structural aspects since 1992, they have caused economic and social problems in the regions. Sociologists warn that if the current imbalance in the level of immigration persists, the population of Far East in 2025 can be reduced to 4.7 million, the level of the Far East in 1959. Thus, in the thesis I investigate the population decrease in Sakhalin which is a main part of Far East. In Chapter II.2 I analyze the change of total population in Sakhalin from 1970 to 2009. The data on the gender ratio by year of Sakhalin are presented based on data from Регионы России (2008) and the social characteristics according to gender are examined in Chapter II.3. The gender ratios by age groups of Sakhalin are provided on the basis of the data of the Sakhalin State Statistics Bureau and their characteristic symptoms are described in Chapter II.4. Finally, in Chapter III I present the causes of the ongoing population decrease phenomena in Sakhalin and the effort of Russian government for the decrease. This population decline phenomenon in Sakhalin has a significant influence on the recent increasing expansion of Korean enterprises into Russia in order to secure natural resources and enter consuming markets as well as on the economy of Far East.

      • KCI등재

        지역별 요양기관의 분포에 영향을 미치는 인구관련 요인

        이선경 ( Sun Kyoung Lee ),조은성 ( Eun Seong Cho ),윤석준 ( Seok Jun Yoon ) 한국병원경영학회 2013 병원경영학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        Few public health researchers have paid research attention to the location of medical institutions in Korea. Previous studies were published in geography journals, and relied on limited data in terms of geographic regions and the type of medical institutions. This study utilized nationwide data covering 8 types of medical institutions. We obtained data from Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service and National Population and Housing Census. The correlation coefficients of resident, daytime, university-graduate population, and the population of different age groups (fewer than 15, 15~64, 65 or more) were compared to understand their relative association with the location of medical institutions. Medical clinic, dental clinic, oriental medical clinic, and pharmacy, all of which are almost completely operated by private sector, showed strong positive correlation with population. Hospital-level medical institutions, which are operated by both public and private sector, had moderate positive correlation. Daytime population and university-graduate population, rather than resident population, were more correlated with the location of medical clinics. The correlation coefficients of the population of 15~64 age group and the location of medical institutions were greater than that of other age groups. The results showed that daytime and university-graduate population are more important than resident population to explain the location of medicalrelated facilities. The results also suggests that the population of age groups (especially, 15~64) might be one of important influence factors in the location of medical institutions.correlation. Daytime population and university-graduate population, rather than resident population, were more correlated with the location of medical clinics. The correlation coefficients of the population of 15~64 age group and the location of medical institutions were greater than that of other age groups. The results showed that daytime and university-graduate population are more important than resident population to explain the location of medicalrelated facilities. The results also suggests that the population of age groups (especially, 15~64) might be one of important influence factors in the location of medical institutions.

      • KCI등재

        시도별 장래 인구추계(1995~2020)

        김태헌(Tai-Hun Kim),정환영(Hwan-Yeong Jeong) 한국인구학회 1999 한국인구학 Vol.22 No.1

        1995년 시ㆍ도별 인구를 기준으로 2020년까지 5년 간격으로 16개 시ㆍ도의 성ㆍ연령별 인구를 코호트조성법을 이용하여 추계하였다. 전국인구가 1995년에 4.593만명에서 5.236만명(2020년)으로 643만명이 증가하는 동안 주변지역으로 인구의 전출이 많은 서울과 부산의 인구가 감소할 것이며, 도시로의 인구 전출이 많은 강원과 전남ㆍ북의 인구도 감소할 것으로 전망하고 있다. 그러나 전국 인구증가율보다 더 빠른 증가로 전국인구에 대한 인구 구성비가 높아지는 시도는 인천, 광주, 대전, 울산을 포함하는 신흥대도시와 경기도에 불과하며, 충북과 제주의 인구구성비는 같은 수준을 유지할 것이다. 서울인구는 1.034만명(1995년)에서 2000년에 1998만명으로, 2020년에 941만명으로 감소하여 전국인구에 대한 구성비가 22.9%(1995)에서 18.0%(2020)로 감소할 것이다. 그러나 경기도의 인구는 같은 기간에 774만명(1995)에서 1.319만명(2020)으로 증가한다. 서울, 인천, 경기를 포함하는 수도권인구는 인천과 경기인구의 증가로 1995년에 2,041만명(45.3%)에서 2020년에 약 530만명이 늘어난 2.571만명으로 전국인구의 49.1%를 포함하게 된다. 그 외 대도시권의 인구는 모두 증가하였으나 주변도의 인구가 감소하거나, 증가하여도 전국평균 수준보다 낮아서 전국인구 대비 인구구성비가 대전권을 제외하고 모두 낮아졌다. We projected the population by age and sex, by 7 Special Cities and 9 Provinces for 25 years (1995~2020) based on 1995 population by region using cohort component method. For this projection, we projected ASFRs, survival ratios, sex ratios at birth, and net internal migration rates by age and sex, and by region. While Korean total population is increasing by 6,430 thousand persons from 45,930 thousand in 1995 to 52,360 thousand in 2020, the populations of two most populated Special Cities (Seoul and Pusan) and three lowest urbanized Provinces (Kangwon, Jeonnam and Jeonbuk) are expected to decrease. Only the populations of four newly developed Special Cities (Incheon, Kwangju, Taejeon and Ulsan) and Kyungki Province boarded with Seoul and Incheon will experience population increase faster than the total population. Seoul population will decrease from 10.340 thousand persons in 1995 to 9,410 thousand in 2020, which proportion to the total population will decline from 22.9% to 18.0% in same period. Since Kyunggi population, however, will increase from 7.740 thousand persons in 1995 to 13,190 thousand in 2020, the population of Capital Metropolitan Area including Seoul, Incheon and Kyunggi will increase by about 5,300 thousand persons from 20,410 thousand in 1995 to 25,710 thousand in 2020, which approaches to half of the total population in 2020.

      • KCI등재

        도쿄 특별구의 인구 유입과 유출 분석

        김용민 한일경상학회 2021 韓日經商論集 Vol.90 No.-

        Purpose: The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors of inflow and outflow of the population in Tokyo special wards. 11% of Japanese population is focused in Tokyo and 70% of Tokyo citizens are living in Tokyo special wards. These days, the population inflow which causes an increase in the population of Tokyo special wards is larger than outflow. In this point, it is meaningful to analyze net inflow and outflow of the population in Tokyo special wards. Research design, data, and methodology: In this research, the setting of variables which represent the circumstance of Tokyo special wards is important. Because the result of research depends on the variable setting. The variables are set to indicate the economic and social factors. Also, It is considered that external diseconomies such as increased land values and housing cost are resulted from the unbalance of supply and demand caused by continuous population inflow. Results: First, the population density is the strongest variable on inflow and outflow of the population. Inflow and outflow of the population is mostly prompted by young people. Second, outflow of the population is mainly caused by the age group between 25 and 39 in which people usually care their children. Third, the social factors affect outflow of population more than the economic factors do. Fourth, the average land value is one of the factor in population change. Inflow and outflow of the population in special wards are mainly caused by young people affected from economic and social factors. Population inflow is caused from the cities in metropolitan area where the people tend to move into Tokyo special wards. Implications: Population density is the main factor of inflow and outflow of the population. The fact that population moving is largely prompted by young people and especially women lead to meaningful results. Comparing to non-capital area, lots of universities, major companies, regular working positions, service businesses are located in metropolitan area, and those are act as factors of movement of population. Most of all, people from non-capital area are flowing into Tokyo special wards to broaden their opportunity of university and job.

      • KCI등재

        Population fluctuation of wintering Great Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) and its potential impact in Hangang

        Hae-Ni Kim,Jin-Won Lee,Jeong-Chil Yoo 한국조류학회II 2017 한국조류학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        Understanding the fluctuation of population size plays a key role in the study of avian ecology and conservation biology. For recent several years, the number of great cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) wintering in Hangang river has considerably increased. However, the origin of these birds and the impact of them on the local environments is poorly known. Using the data from the bird census for winter migratory birds implemented by the National Institute of Biological Resources, we analyzed 17-year distribution data for cormorants acquired from over the country in order to infer the origin of Hangang population. Population size fluctuation for common mergansers (Mergus merganser) that have a similar foraging strategy to cormorants and northern shovelers (Anas clypeata) that have a different foraging strategy from cormorants were also analyzed to further understand the cause and effect of population size fluctuation of cormorants in Hangang. We found that the population size of cormorants appeared to increase not only in Hangang but also over the country, indicating that the growth of Hangang population may not be related to the population fluctuation of other sites in Korea. Similarly, the number of wintering mergansers and shovelers tended to increase across the country. In Hangang, however, the population size of mergansers has sharply decreased since 2009 while shoveler population tended to be stable, implying that possible physical changes of Hangang such as change in water depth may not directly affect the population size fluctuation of three species in this area. Rather, it is likely that the decreasing number of mergansers in Hangang may directly or indirectly be associated with the growth of cormorant population, although habitat use of cormorants and mergansers is not severely overlapped in temporal scale during wintering season. Further studies clarifying these species interaction, determining the impact of cormorant population on urban ecosystem and monitoring change of wintering bird community structure will be worthwhile.

      • KCI등재

        계획인구는 왜 정확히 추정되지 못하는가? : 경북의 23개 시·군을 대상으로

        김준형 국토연구원 2012 국토연구 Vol.72 No.-

        Overestimation of local population growth may be contributed to the noncompliance to the government planning guidelines. Most municipalities in Gyeongbuk have been reluctant to firstly test its assumption of trend extrapolation; secondly to compare between the results of survival analysis and local population growth; and fianlly to review the relevant case studies of migration patterns. However, the study found that the most critical problem in the population forecast is that the level of compliance does not correspond to the level of accuracy. Given the past population change, this study suggested a couple of the alternative guideline in the population forecast. First, the planners should take account of a historically accepted range of population change and its natural and social changes as a baseline of population analysis. Second, the planners make sure that there is a strongly positive correlation found between natural change and social change in population. Third, population growth, therefore, should be estimated by entailing both natural increase “and” social increase of population. Finally, it is also recommended that the municipalities with population size of 200 thousand or less should prepare a high risk of population decrease. 경북의 시·군별 기본계획을 분석한 결과, 인구추정에 관한 계획지침은 대부분 준수되지 않고 있었다. 특히 추세연장법에서의 적합도 검증, 생잔법의 추정결과와 최근 인구증가율의 비교, 인구유입률에 대한 과거 및 유사사례 검토, 인구유출지역의 구체화 및 인구유출의 정당성 분석 등의 사항들이 지켜지는 지역들은 거의 발견할 수 없었다. 그러나 계획지침을 잘 준수하고 있음에도 불구하고 적지 않은 인구추정의 오차를 발생시키는 지역은 현재 절차기준 위주의 계획지침에 한계가 있음을 시사한다. 이에 본 연구는 과거 인구변화의 특성에 기초하여 다음과 같은 사항들이 계획인구의 산정에 성과기준으로 검토될 필요가 있음을 제안한다. 첫째, 인구의 전반적 변화 및 자연적·사회적 변화의 역사적 범위가 존재한다. 둘째, 인구의 자연적 변화와 사회적 변화 사이에는 매우 높은 양의 상관관계가 존재한다. 셋째, 따라서 인구의 증가는 인구의 자연적 증가와 사회적 증가 모두와 함께 나타날 가능성이 매우 높다. 넷째, 인구 20만 미만의 도시는 상대적으로 인구의 감소를 경험할 확률이 높다. 다만 이상의 결과를 경북이 아닌 전국 지역으로 일반화하기 위해서는 전국을 대상으로 인구변화의 특성을 분석하는 후속연구가 이루어져야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        출산력조사를 통해 본 일본의 인구정치, 1940~1950년대

        김인수 한국사회사학회 2018 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.118

        This article, focused on a fertility survey, aims at tracing the trajectory of the demographic discourse of Japan in the 1940s and 1950s to understand its political meaning. At that time, the frame for considering the population in Japan rapidly changed from the “surplus population theory” to the “population-decrease society and population-resource theory” and to the “birth control theory.” Although the problem of surplus population in rural communities was a serious one, Japan’s state attempted to resolve the problem with industrialization and immigration policies until the 1930s. However, at the time the Japanese government did not consider birth control as an alternative. Here, there was a concept of population of ‘total war system’ that manpower was recognized as material resources. At the same time, it was thought that the shift to a “population-decease society” witnessed in Europe factored into the weakening of national power, and Japanese government recognize it as a bad example. The Ministry of Health and Welfare conducted the fertility survey (1940) and examined the conditions of fertility by city, rural areas, and by occupation. The “Population Policy Establishment Guidelines” (1941), which set the growth of the Japanese population as the core issue, was established based on this fertility survey. However, during the occupation of GHQ/SCAP, Japanese society was caught in a trap of unemployment and poverty due to population return to the continent and the baby boom. Birth control also became a direct means of solving this problem. Furthermore, birth control was interpreted as the virtue of democratic and rational subjects, which guaranteed the quality of the population and determines the size of a reasonable family. The U.S. private foundation, for example, the Rockefeller Foundation played a critical role in changing this kind of population discourse by supporting the research expenses required for a fertility survey of Japanese demographers and expanding intellectual exchanges. On the other hand, there was always an obsession with pure-breddedness and overwhelmingness of the Japanese national population. Prior to 1945, the results of Japan’s fertility survey were compared with those of China, the Soviet Union and India, being consumed as a way to stimulate the security crisis. There was also a serious sense of crisis about the high fertility of the colonial people. This tendency led to an attempt to expel minority group by Japan’s government since 1945. The historical cycle of the Japanese population, which resulted in low fertility and aging society today, needs to be reviewed in the context of the history of population discourse. 이 글은 1940-50년대 일본의 출산력조사를 중심으로 인구담론의 궤적을 추적하고 그 정치적 의미를 파악한 것이다. 이 시기 일본에서 인구를 바라보는 프레임은 “과잉인구론” → “인구감소사회론/자원인구론” → “산아제한론”으로 급격히 변화해갔다. 1930년대까지 농촌의 과잉인구 문제는 심각했고, 일본 국가는 이 문제를 산업화와 해외이민을 통해 해결하려 했다. 그런데 당시 일본정부는 산아제한을 대안으로 상정하지 않았다. 여기에는 인구를 물질적 자원으로 파악하는, 제1차 세계대전 이래 ‘총력전시대’의 관념이 존재했다. 또, 당시 유럽에서 목격되는 인구감소사회로의 전환이 국가의 힘을 약화시키고 있다고 평가하면서 이를 반면교사로 삼으려 했다. 1940년에 후생성은 출산력조사를 통해 도농별, 직업별 출산력의 양태를 관찰했다. 일본인구의 증식을 핵심의제로 삼는 《인구정책확립요강》(1941)은 이 출산력조사를 근거로 제정되었다. 그러나 GHQ/SCAP의 점령기 동안 일본의 인구담론은 출산조절을 통한 인구억제로 급격히 전환되었다. 패전 이후 일본사회는 대륙으로부터 귀환한 인구와 베이비붐으로 인해 실업과 빈곤의 함정에 빠졌고, 산아제한은 이 문제를 해결할 수 있는 직접적인 수단으로 부상하였다. 나아가 산아제한은 인구의 질을 담보하면서 합리적인 가족의 크기를 결정하는 시민주체의 덕성으로서 의미화되었다. 록펠러재단을 필두로 한 미국의 민간재단은 일본 인구학자들의 출산력조사에 소요되는 연구비를 지원하고 연구자 교류를 확대함으로써 이러한 인구담론의 전환에 결정적인 역할을 했다. 한편, 일본의 인구담론에는 늘 일본 민족인구의 순혈성과 압도성에 대한 집착이 존재했다. 1945년 이전, 일본의 출산력조사의 결과물은 중국, 소련, 인도의 출산력과의 비교를 거쳐 안보위기를 자극하는 방식으로 소비되었다. 피식민지 민족인구의 높은 출산력에 대한 위기감도 심각했다. 이러한 경향은 1945년 이후 일본 국가의 마이너리티 인구에 대한 방출의 시도로 이어졌다. 과잉인구사회로부터 저출산고령화사회로 이어진 일본 인구의 거대한 생애사적 순환은 ‘인구담론/표상의 정치적 구성’이라는 역사적 맥락 속에서 다시 음미해볼 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        교통접근성이 인구증감에 미치는 영향요인 연구 - 비수도권 인구감소도시 중심으로 -

        유동균,박준,염춘호 한국지역사회학회 2021 지역사회연구 Vol.29 No.1

        Natural and social factors are two main determinants of a nation’s population. Korea’s population is of no difference and will continue to change. The OECD and the National Statistical Office predict that the Korean population will decline after 2030. The population decline will negatively impact local governments and countries due to factors such as the decrease in regional attractiveness and the reduction of life-related services, and the collapse of local communities. As a result, South Korea is making efforts to increase its population and reconstruct infrastructure services. Despite these efforts, however, there is no sign that the population will grow. Many prior studies have cooperated with local governments to identify factors affecting population growth and laid the foundations for a national population plan in preparation for the population decline. These prior studies showed that capital and non-capital areas have different factors affecting population growth. Therefore, this study selected non-capital regions, which showed a more active population decline than capital areas. In order to analyze how traffic accessibility affects population growth, multiple regression analyses were conducted to present theoretical and policy implications. The statistical results of this study show that improving access to railway stations has a positive effect on net mobility. Besides, the analysis was re-enacted by dividing it into public transportation and passenger cars, the main means of transportation in non-metropolitan areas. All appeared to have a positive effect on access to railway stations, indicating that improving access to railway stations is an important factor for population growth. This study implicates that access to railway stations needs to be noted when forming future population policies. Research suggests that access to railway stations should be induced through efforts such as public transportation-oriented urban development and the promotion of high-speed railway lines. 통계청에서 전망한 우리나라 장래인구추계는 2030년 이후 감소할 것으로 예상된다. 인구감소는 지역 매력 저하와 생활 관련 서비스 축소, 지역 커뮤니티 붕괴 등 미시적으로는 지방자치단체에 거시적으로는 국가 전체에 부정적인 영향을 초래한다. 이에 따라 우리나라는 인구를 증가시키려는 노력과 인구감소를 대비한 인프라 서비스 재구축 등의 노력을 하고 있다. 인구감소시대를 대비해서 많은 선행연구에서 인구증감에 영향요인을 밝혀 지방자치단체와 국가적으로 시행되는 인구계획에 대한 기반을 다져왔다. 본 연구는 인구감소가 더 심하게 진행되고 있는 비수도권 지역의 인구감소도시를 대상지로 선정하였다. 분석방법으로는 다중회귀분석을 시행하여 교통접근성이 인구증감에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 분석하였다. 연구 결과 철도역으로의 접근성 향상이 순이동수에 정(+)의 영향을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 순이동수는 ‘전입-전출’을 의미하기에 철도역으로의 접근성 향상이 전입을 늘리거나 전출을 줄여 순이동수를 증가시키는 것으로 해석 된다. 또한, 비수도권 지역의 주된 교통수단인 대중교통과 승용차로 구분하여 분석을 재시행하였다. 모두 철도역으로의 접근성에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 철도역으로의 접근성 향상은 인구증가를 위한 중요한 요인임을 밝혔다. 본 연구 결과에 따라 인구증가와 정(+)의 관계가 있는 철도역 접근성 향상이 향후 인구정책 관련 계획 수립시 주목할 필요가 있다는 이론적 함의를 제시한다.

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