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        전북 섬 관광 촉진을 위한 위도 파시(蝟島 波市) 개발방안

        강남임,이웅규 한국도서(섬)학회 2022 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.34 No.2

        본 연구의 배경은 낙후되고 소외되어 가는 섬 지역소멸 예방과 관광객이 공감할 수 있는 실질적인 섬 관광 상품화 방안을 제시하고자 하는 목적이다. 구체적인 목적은 실질적인 위도 파시의 섬 관광콘텐츠를 적극적으로 장기적이고 전략적 접근을 하고자 한다. 위도 파시의 역사는 조선 전기에서 시작되어 조선 후기에 본격적인 파시 형태가 갖추기 시작하였다. 조선 후기에는 청어 파시 중심으로 형성되었고 1900년 부터는 조기 파시, 일제 강점기에는 조기 파시가 가장 활발하였다. 서해안의 조기 어획량 감소에 따라 뱃길과 어업의 변화의 영향으로 1960년대 말에서 1970년대 초에는 서해안 지역의 조기 파시는 소멸된 상태이다. 위도 파시가 서해안 지역의 대표적인 3대 파시였음에도 불구하고 역사적 가치의 복원 및 재현, 어업문화에 대한 재조명이 이루어지지 않고 있는 실정이다. 이에 본 연구는 위도 파시의 과거를 다시 복원 할 수는 없지만 당시의 위도 파시를 현대적으로 계승할 수 있는 개발 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 첫째, 위도 파시 복원을 위한 서해 황금어장 공동 복원 사업 추진이다. 둘째, 위도 파시 골목 재생사업 추진이다. 셋째, 서해 파시 해양 문화권(가칭) 설정을 통한 파시 해양 관광 루트 조성이다. 넷째, 위도 섬 발전계획 수립 및 활동가, 전문가, 주민 협력네트워크 구축이다. 다섯째, 국립파시 해양 문화 박물관 건립 및, 위도 생활사 건립이다. 여섯째, 낚시 관광형 다기능 어항으로서의 성장 추진이다. 끝으로 지역주민의 거주 환경 조성이 더욱 중요하다는 관점에서 접근할 수 있는 모든 수단과 방법을 동원하여 위도 파시 개발 사업 등 세부적인 사업 추진이다. 또한 위도 지역주민 뿐 만 아니라 관광객, 전라북도, 중앙정부 등의 협력적인 동반성장을 이르는 현명한 정책집행 추진이 필요하다. The background of this study is to prevent the disappearance of underdeveloped islands and to suggest a practical plan for commercialization of island tourism that tourists can sympathize with. The specific purpose is to approach in a long-term and strategically to the island tourism content of WIDO PASI. The history of WIDO PASI began in the early Joseon Dynasty and began to be formed in earnest in the late Joseon Dynasty. In the late Joseon Dynasty, it was formed around herring PASI, and the PASI was the most active from 1900 during the Japanese colonial period. Due to the decrease in the amount of early catch on the west coast, it had disappeared from the late 1960s to the early 1970s due to changes in ship routes and fishing. WIDO PASI was one of the three representative PASI on the west coast, but the restoration and reproduction of historical values and re-examination of fishing culture have not been carried out. Therefore, this study cannot restore the past of WIDO PASI again, but we here to present a development plan that can modernly inherit WIDO PASI at the time. First, a joint restoration project for the West Sea golden fishing ground is promoted to restore WIDO PASI. Second, WIDO PASI alley regeneration project is promoted. Third, the PASI marine tourism route is created through the establishment of the “West PASI Ocean Cultural Area” (tentative name). Fourth, it is to establish a latitude development plan and establish a cooperative network for activists, experts, and residents. Fourth, it establishes a WIDO Island development plan and a network of cooperation between activists, experts, and residents. Fifth, the National PASI Maritime Culture Museum and WIDO will be built. Sixth, it is to promote growth as a fishing tourism complex. Finally, from the perspective of creating a residential environment for local residents, all means and methods that can be deposited to promote detailed projects such as WIDO PASI development projects are mobilized. In addition, it is necessary to promote wise policy implementation, including cooperative growth, not only for residents of WIDO but also for tourists, Jeollabuk-do, and the central government.

      • Determination of the nail psoriasis severity index improvement rate standards for nail psoriasis treatment in a phase IV clinical trial of ustekinumab: the MARCOPOLO study

        ( Seungkeol Yang ),( Bo Ri Kim ),( Sang Woong Youn ) 대한피부과학회 2017 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.69 No.2

        Background: While a 75% improvement in the Psoriasis Area Severity Index score (PASI75) and a 90% improvement (PASI90) are widely used as indicators of therapeutic effectiveness, specific target improvement rates of Nail Psoriasis Severity Index (NAPSI) have not yet been established. Objectives: We have attempted to suggest NAPSI improvement rates that could be used to asses the therapeutic response of nail psoriasis, which corresponds to PASI75 and PASI 90 of skin psoriasis. Methods: A post hoc analysis of a phase IV, multicenter, open-label, real-world observational clinical trial, the MARCOPOLO study was conducted to establish standard NAPSI improvement rates. At 28 and 52 weeks, NAPSI improvement rates for each patient was calculated to estimate the cumulative number of patients that correspond to proportion of PASI75 and PASI90 responders. Results: At 28 weeks, PASI75 and PASI90 were achieved in 70.6% and 32.4% of patients, respectively. NAPSI improvement rates corresponding to PASI75 and PASI90 were 25% and 63%. We could select NAPSI25 and NAPSI65 for convenience. At 52 weeks, PASI improvement rates remained similar to that of 28 weeks, but the NAPSI improvement rates corresponding to PASI75 and PASI90 were NAPSI40 and NAPSI70, respectively. Conclusion: NAPSI25 and NAPSI40 could be used as the parameters of therapeutic response corresponding to PASI75 for patients with nail psoriasis in the early and late phase, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        파시의 파노라마적 풍경과 파시 주체의 욕망

        이경엽(Lee, Kyung-yup) 한국민속학회 2017 韓國民俗學 Vol.65 No.-

        파시(波市)는 대규모의 어장이 형성되었을 때 어선과 어부들이 운집하고, 그들을 상대로 선구점, 음식점, 여관, 술집들이 어장 부근에 몰려들면서 만들어지는 시장이다. 현상적으로 볼 때 파시는 고기잡이가 이루어지는 생산현장이고 어물을 매개로 한 상업적인 공간이지만, 연행의 관점에서 본다면 어부들 상인들 술집 여인들의 욕망이 한데 모여 교집합을 이루는 곳이라고 할 수 있다. 기존 연구에서는 기록, 구술 등을 통해 파시의 역사적 과거적 모습을 재구성하는 데 치중하거나, 파시의 주된 이미지인 술집과 환락가의 문제를 애써서 연구 대상에서 배제하는 경우가 많았다. 이 연구는 연행론의 관점에서 파시의 입체적인 풍경과 파시주체의 욕망을 색다르게 주목했다는 점에서 새로운 접근이라고 할 수 있다. 파시가 서면 일정한 시기, 일정한 공간에 욕망의 주체들이 모여서 각종 거래와 행위를 하고서 해산하고, 이듬해에 또다시 그것을 재현한다. 이처럼 파시는 시작과 끝이 있고, 주기적으로 되풀이되며, 무대와 배역을 갖춘 일종의 사회적 사건이자 연행이라고 할 수 있다. 파시주체들은 한정된 시간과 공간 속에서 자신들의 욕망을 극대화하기 위해 교집합을 만들어간다. 그래서 그들이 펼치는 욕망과 그 교차 지점이 파시의 구체적인 풍경이 된다. 특히 파시의 술집에서 이루어지는 산다이는 파시 특유의 활기와 풍경을 연출한다. 파시 주체의 여러 욕망 중에서 술집 여인들의 욕망은 타자화되어 있다. 술집 여인들의 이질적인 면을 부각시키고 그들을 부정적인 현상의 원인 제공자이자 표상처럼 묘사하는 경우가 많다. 그러면서도 대중매체를 통해 또 다른 욕망의 대상으로 소비하곤 한다. 여기에는 욕망의 주 소비자였던 남성들의 이중적인 태도가 내재돼 있다고 할 수 있다. Pasi[波市] is a seasonal fish market where there is a massive fishery that assemble fishing boats and fishers assemble, and there are shops, inns, and pubs around it. While, in terms of phenomenon, Pasi is a production field for fishing, Pasi can said to be an intersection where the desires of fishers, merchants, and bar hostesses all mingle in the performance perspective. The existing researches focused to reconstruct the forms of Pasi through records and oral statements or made an endeavor to exclude bars and the issues of the gay quarters, the main image of Pasi. This research, however, is distinguished from the existing research in the manner that the multi-faceted views of Pasi and the desires of agents in Pasi are examined in a unconventional manner in the perspective of performance. When a Pasi opens, the agent of desires assemble at a regular time and regular space and conduct in various transactions and actions and they break up, only to repeat the next year. This way, Pasi has its start and end, periodic repetition, and it is a kind of social action as well as a performance. The agents of Pasi construct an intersection in order to maximize their desires in a limited time and space. Therefore, their desires and the intersection is the concrete landscape of Pasi. In particular, Sandai, which takes place in a bar, play a distinctive energy and sceneries of Pasi. Among various desires of Pasi agents, bar hostesses’ desires are otherized. Bringing out the desperate aspects of bar hostesses and expressing them as the reason and the symbol for ominous omen are frequent. At the same time, they are consumed as another object of desire through mass media. Here are double attitude of men who are the main consumer of desires.

      • Reduction of Inter-rater and Intra-rater variability in psoriasis area and severity index assessment by photographic training

        ( Bo Ri Kim ),( Je Byeong Chae ),( Chong Won Choi ),( Sang Woong Youn ) 대한피부과학회 2015 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.67 No.2

        Background: Severity grading is most commonly achieved by using the psoriasis area and severity index (PASI), a subjective tool with inter-rater and intra-rater variability. PASI-naive dermatologists require training to properly conduct a PASI assessment. Objectives: We aimed to investigate whether photographic training improves inter-rater and intra-rater variabilities. We also determined which PASI component has the greatest impact on variability. Methods: Twenty-one dermatologists received 1 hour of PASI training. They were tested before and after the training to evaluate intra-rater variability. The physicians were further tested after training by using a reference photograph. Results: The mean of each PASI component was underevaluated compared with scoring by a PASI expert. The concordance rate with the expert’s grading was highest for thickness followed by erythema, scaling, and area. The scaling score showed the greatest improvement after training. After training, the distribution of deviation from the expert’s grading, which signifies inter-rater variability, improved only for the PASI area component. The deviation of scaling grading improved upon retesting by using a reference photograph. Conclusion: PASI assessment training improved variabilities to some degree but not for every PASI component. The development of an objective psoriasis severity assessment tool will help overcome the subjective variabilities in PASI assessment, which can never be completely eliminated via training.

      • FCP 13 : Selection of treatment methods in accordance with severity of psoriasis in Korean

        ( Soo Hyeon Bae ),( Sook Jung Yun ),( Jee Bum Lee ),( Seoung Jin Kim ),( Young Ho Won ),( Seung Chul Lee ) 대한피부과학회 2014 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.66 No.2

        Background: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. There is a wide range of therapies available in relation with severity of psoriasis, but there is no consensus on the therapeutic modalities for psoriasis treatment in Korea. Objectives: We tried to establish a therapeutic guideline to choose best treatment modality, depending on the severity of psoriasis from our experiences. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 220 patients with psoriasis who visited our hospital was done. Patients received either topical and/or systemic treatments. Initial assessment for each patient was done with PASI score, and then the response of treatment was analyzed. Results: Baseline assessment and categorization of psoriasis patients were done with PASI score; mild (40.4%), moderate (38.1%), and severe (21.6%). The patients received different treatment methods; acitretin (106 patients, baseline PASI: 10.90±7.97), MTX (50 patients, baseline PASI: 16.55± 11.44), cyclosporine (43 patients, baseline PASI: 14.99± 9.29), NBUVB (17 patients, PASI: 9.15±7.83), and topical only (21 patients, PASI: 6.98±1.54). Patients who did not reach PASI 50 were regarded as treatment failure, and therapeutic regimens were switched with other methods. Among them, change into MTX was revealed to be most successful in a therapeutic response (cyclosporine to MTX : 83.3%, acitretin to MTX : 100%) Conclusion: We categorize the therapeutic modalities of psoriasis in relation with severity of symptom for Korean psoriasis patients.

      • A comparison of biologics and conventional therapy for psoriasis disease burden in terms of area under curve value of the PASI-time plot

        ( Jae Ho Lee ),( Youngkyoung Lim ),( You Jin Lee ),( Jong Yoon Chung ),( Ji Hye Park ),( Jong Hee Lee ),( Dong Youn Lee ),( Jun Mo Yang ),( Joo Heung Lee ) 대한피부과학회 2015 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.67 No.2

        Background: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory condition that has been treated by topical steroids, narrow band UV-B phototherapy, oral retinoids, and oral immunosuppressives. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha inhibitors were a breakthrough for the psoriasis treatment, which has improved patient disease burden measured by PASI-75 ratio. PASI-75 is a ratio of the number of patient that the PASI score has been improved at least 75% from the initial measurement to the total study population. It is simple to measure but does not include disease course information. Therefore, we suggest that area under curve (AUC) value of PASI-time plot for disease burden evaluation. Objectives: This study evaluates the area under curve (AUC) of the PASI-time plot to compare long-term therapeutic efficacy of conventional and biologics therapy in one patient in terms of disease course. Methods: This is a retrospective study on psoriasis patient visited Samsung Medical Center. The AUC value for 1 year before and after treatment are compared to assess disease burden reduction. The ratio of AUC for 1 year after treatment to AUC assuming stationary disease for 1 year is calculated to assess disease course change by the treatment Results: Both biologics and cyclosporine significantly reduced disease burden, but only biologics can change disease course. Conclusion: Biologics are superior to conventional therapy in reducing psoriasis disease burden, and conventional therapies are only stationary in the long run.

      • KCI등재

        장기간의 한의 치료를 시행한 전신성 건선 환자 치험 1례

        이서영,서유민,오은수,하동림,김대용,장인수,최유민,정혜인,오용택,Lee, Seo Young,Seo, Yu Min,Oh, Eun Su,Ha, Dong Lim,Kim, Dae Yong,Jang, In Soo,Choi, Yoo Min,Jeong, Hye In,Oh, Yong Taek 대한한의학방제학회 2021 大韓韓醫學方劑學會誌 Vol.29 No.4

        1. 만성염증 질환인 전신성 건선 환자를 대상으로 437일간 단독 한방 치료를 진행하였다. 2. 침구치료는 환부 및 환부주위와 ST36(족삼리(足三里)), LI11(곡지(曲池)), LI4(합곡(合谷)), LR3(태충(太衝))을 기본 혈위(穴位)로 선정하고, 한약치료는 가미소요산(加味逍遙散), 육미지황탕(六味地黃湯)(환(丸))을 주 처방으로 삼았으며, 환자의 상태에 따라 혈위(穴位)와 약재를 가감(加減)하여 치료를 시행하였다. 3. 그 결과 PASI score가 28.2에서 0으로 감소하였다. Objectives: The aim of this study is to present one case report on the treatment of psoriasis. Methods: We did retrospective study for one psoriasis patient who had been treated by herbal medicine and acupuncture for more than one year. The patient was treated with Bojungikgi-tang hap Gamisoyo-san, Yukmijihuang-tang hap Gamisoyo-san, Saengmaek-san hap Gamisoyo-san, Gamisoyo-san hap Samul-tang and Gamisoyo-san hap Yukmijihwang-tang. Evaluation was done by PASI score and pictures. Results: After the treatment, the patient showed improvements in PASI. PASI of the patient changed from 28.2 to 0. Conclusions: This study suggests the clinical use of Korean medical treatment in systemic psoriasis.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        담위환(膽胃丸) 투약을 통한 건선환자 치험 3례 - 지질대사이상 증상을 중심으로

        조재곤,양윤홍,한수련,조아라,Cho, Jae-Gon,Yang, Yoon-Hong,Han, Su-Ryun,Cho, Ah-Ra 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 2017 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 Vol.30 No.4

        Objectives : The purpose of this study is to present 3 cases reports of psoriasis treated by Damwi-hwan - focused on lipid metabolic abnomarilty. Methods : We administered Damwi-hwan to three patients who showed psoriasis with lipid metabolic abnormality and evaluated the results by Psoriasis Area and Severity Index(PASI). Results : After the treatment three patients showed improvements in PASI. PASI of patient 1 changed from 15.4 to 0.4; patient 2 from 32.7 to 1.2 ; patient 3 from 7.6 to 0.6. Conclusions : The results suggest that Damwi-hwan can be an effective treatment for psoriasis who has lipid metabolic abnormality.

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