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      • KCI등재

        경쟁과 선발과 교육의 시스템의 전환

        손종현 한국교육철학회 2012 교육철학 Vol.48 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to suggest alleviated systems for the competition and the selection and education system in order to abrogate wasteful competition structure. With the results of this study,the followings are suggested according to the aim of the study. First, the system of competition should be changed. The ideal competition occurs when teachers design a course of study so well as to replace unnecessary competition for grades among students in secondary schools. The competition only for selecting excellent students should turn into the competition with which secondary schools have educational power over universities. Second, the system of selection should also be changed. Universities should adopt selection system with educational goal of major units and with articulated curriculum between secondary education and higher education. Third, the system of education should be changed, too. There needs to be institutionalized in career education system, establishment and management of the school for specific educational goals, and achievement test methods. The purpose of this study is to suggest alleviated systems for the competition and the selection and education system in order to abrogate wasteful competition structure. With the results of this study,the followings are suggested according to the aim of the study. First, the system of competition should be changed. The ideal competition occurs when teachers design a course of study so well as to replace unnecessary competition for grades among students in secondary schools. The competition only for selecting excellent students should turn into the competition with which secondary schools have educational power over universities. Second, the system of selection should also be changed. Universities should adopt selection system with educational goal of major units and with articulated curriculum between secondary education and higher education. Third, the system of education should be changed, too. There needs to be institutionalized in career education system, establishment and management of the school for specific educational goals, and achievement test methods.

      • KCI등재

        Current Performance and Tasks of Lifelong Higher Education in Korea and Its Perspectives Based on the Comparative Study of Other Major Advanced Countries' Systems

        주경란 한국성인교육학회 2008 Andragogy Today : International Journal of Adult & Vol.11 No.2

        Our society has been transformed into ‘knowledge society’ since the creation of a new civilization. With the coming of age of the society the paradigm of education has been shifted-‘Andragogy’ has replaced pedagogy. In response to challenges of knowledge society, globalization, low birth rate, and ‘aged society’, etc., Korean Government has implemented various educational reforms, particularly in lifelong higher education since 1996. In this paper Korean lifelong higher education system is analyzed with respect to performance and tasks/problems, and perspectives are suggested. The Credit Bank System, Lifelong Education Centers affiliated with higher education institutions, and distance education system-only Cyber University-are presented. Lifelong higher education systems of major advanced countries are examined in comparative perspective for drawing implications for Korea, and specific future directions are suggested based on this study. The performance of Korean lifelong higher education has been quite successful in opening higher education for the people who did not have access before. The major contributions are as follows: restructuring the higher education system, realization of lifelong education ideology, increased access of higher education, the provision of opportunities for plausible social mobility, university's fulfilling accountability of providing service for the public, etc. This paper concludes with the following future directions and guidelines: 1) For enhancing adult learners' capabilities colleges and universities have to be further opened, become more flexible, and democratic. 2) The educational system, the university selection system in particular has to be reformed as seen in Sweden. 3) Higher education institutions have to enhance accountability of providing more various continuing education. 4) Professional Graduate Schools have to offer a variety of professional continuing education more for professional practitioners in response to the demands of changing labor market. 5) A variety of more practice oriented curriculum and instruction have to be provided in tertiary continuing education. 6) Higher education institution and industry cooperation has to be strengthened. 7) Accreditation system of lifelong higher education has to be established and the institutions have to be assessed regularly. 8) The government-funded vocational programs for the disadvantaged have to be expanded. 9)Various programs on demand and information for the elderly have to be provided. Our society has been transformed into ‘knowledge society’ since the creation of a new civilization. With the coming of age of the society the paradigm of education has been shifted-‘Andragogy’ has replaced pedagogy. In response to challenges of knowledge society, globalization, low birth rate, and ‘aged society’, etc., Korean Government has implemented various educational reforms, particularly in lifelong higher education since 1996. In this paper Korean lifelong higher education system is analyzed with respect to performance and tasks/problems, and perspectives are suggested. The Credit Bank System, Lifelong Education Centers affiliated with higher education institutions, and distance education system-only Cyber University-are presented. Lifelong higher education systems of major advanced countries are examined in comparative perspective for drawing implications for Korea, and specific future directions are suggested based on this study. The performance of Korean lifelong higher education has been quite successful in opening higher education for the people who did not have access before. The major contributions are as follows: restructuring the higher education system, realization of lifelong education ideology, increased access of higher education, the provision of opportunities for plausible social mobility, university's fulfilling accountability of providing service for the public, etc. This paper concludes with the following future directions and guidelines: 1) For enhancing adult learners' capabilities colleges and universities have to be further opened, become more flexible, and democratic. 2) The educational system, the university selection system in particular has to be reformed as seen in Sweden. 3) Higher education institutions have to enhance accountability of providing more various continuing education. 4) Professional Graduate Schools have to offer a variety of professional continuing education more for professional practitioners in response to the demands of changing labor market. 5) A variety of more practice oriented curriculum and instruction have to be provided in tertiary continuing education. 6) Higher education institution and industry cooperation has to be strengthened. 7) Accreditation system of lifelong higher education has to be established and the institutions have to be assessed regularly. 8) The government-funded vocational programs for the disadvantaged have to be expanded. 9)Various programs on demand and information for the elderly have to be provided.

      • KCI등재

        한국 특수교육에서의 교과교실제(敎科敎室制) 도입 가능성 타진

        강성종,김용욱,정동일 한국특수교육학회 2011 특수교육학연구 Vol.46 No.1

        On February 9, 2011, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology proclaimed the establishment of the subject class system in middle and high schools. A “subject class system” may be interpreted as a system that establishes a basis for the improvement of the public school system in order to compete with private education. The system is characterized by students attending subject classes that are arranged according to time table. This system is prevalent in developed nations, including Europe and America; however, in Japan, there has been a constant debate regarding the replacement of the current system of fixed classes with the subject class system. In Korea, during the establishment of the 7th Education Curriculum according to the consumer-based education system, the subject class system became a hot public issue. Eventually, public interest in the subject class system diminished. However, the system has begun to attract attention again due to the New Deal policy of the Lee Myung-bak administration. However, the establishment of the system in the special education sector was neglected, although the government pursued complete establishment of the system for ordinary students through a nation-wide policy and on-site study. The argument that the system must also be established in the special education sector is indicative of the viewpoint that when the system harmonizes with the characteristic of special education, the quality of special education can be improved substantially. The objective of this study is to suggest the possibility of establishing the system in the special education sector in Korea in a form that is adjusted to comply with the circumstances of special education in Korea; this would enable the development of special education in Korea and encourage the efforts of the Korean education personnel and government. In order to provide a workable solution for the establishment of the system in this paper, first, This researcher explain the process of pursuing the establishment of the system in Korea; second, This researcher suggest the possibility of the establishment of the system in the Korean special education sector. This researcher expect this study to provide a basis for discussion on the agenda of “the possibility of the establishment of the subject class system in the Korean special education sector.” 교육과학기술부는 2014년부터 일반 중ㆍ고등학교 대상으로 ‘교과교실제(敎科敎室制)’를 전면 시행한다고 발표하였다. ‘교과교실제’는 사교육에 대응하고 공교육 발전의 계기를 마련하기 위한 취지로써 교과목별로 전용교실을 두고 학생들이 수업 시간표에 따라 이동하면서 수업을 받는 교육방식이다. 이러한 ‘교과교실제’는 구미 선진국에서 널리 채택하고 있으며, 일본은 ‘학급교실제’에서 ‘교과교실제’로 전환하려는 움직임이 오래 전부터 있어 왔다. 우리나라는 제7차 교육과정 개정 시기에 수요자 중심의 교육과정 표방과 함께 ‘교과교실제’ 도입에 대한 여론 형성이 되다가 점차 관심사 밖으로 밀려난 듯하였으나, 이명박 정부의 교육 분야 뉴딜정책과 함께 본격적으로 재논의 되기 시작하였다. 그러나 일반교육은 국가차원의 정책연구와 연구ㆍ시범학교 등을 통한 효과성 검증 결과를 근거로 ‘교과교실제’ 도입을 대대적으로 추진한 반면, 공교육으로서의 특수교육은 배제되었다는 점에 문제 의식을 가지게 되었다. 즉, 연구진의 시각은 ‘교과교실제’가 특수교육의 특성과 조화를 이룬다면 특수교육의 발전적 변화를 가져다 줄 것으로 판단하면서 특수교육의 중요한 이슈(issue)로 파악하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 한국 특수교육에서 ‘교과교실제’ 도입에 대한 논의를 촉발시키기 위한 기초연구의 성격을 가진다. 이를 해결하기 위해서 첫째, 한국에서의 ‘교과교실제’ 정책의 추진 과정과 맥락을 고찰해 보고 둘째, 국내ㆍ외 선행연구 및 사례를 통하여 한국 특수교육에서의 교과교실제 도입 가능성을 타진해 보았다. 연구의 결론은 한국 특수교육형 교과교실제 도입을 위한 타진 과제 제시와 정부정책 및 특수교육계의 노력을 요청하였다. 본 연구에서 시도한 ‘한국 특수교육에서의 교과교실제 도입 가능성 타진’은 특수교육의 발전적 논의를 위한 시론(始論)이 될 것으로 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        중학교 자유학년제의 독도교육 발전 방안

        강경리 영남대학교 독도연구소 2021 독도연구 Vol.- No.31

        The purpose of this study is to suggest the effective direction of Dokdo education in the free grade system based on the analysis of the current status of Dokdo education in the middle school free grade system. In the current status of Dokdo education in the free grade system, the actual conditions and limitations of Dokdo education in the free grade system were discussed. Based on these discussions, the characteristics and improvement plans of Dokdo education in the free grade system were presented. The results of this study were as follows. First, the current status of Dokdo education in the free grade system was found to be the case of individual subject-related classes and school-level project classes in the topic selection activity, the operation of the Dokdo Experience Center-centered program in the career exploration activity, and the Dokdo Keeper-centered activity in the club activities. The limitations of Dokdo education in the free grade system are the difficulty in designing and operating classes suitable for the purpose and direction of the free grade system in the topic selection activity, the absence of a differentiated program in the free grade system, a one-time program centered on events, and linkages with institutions in the career experience activity, absence of programs linkage with curriculum, and lack of community-linked clubs in club activities were found. Second, the characteristics of Dokdo education in the free grade system are the reinforcement of education of knowledge and understanding of the territory through class innovation, the reinforcement of education of awareness and experience from the territory through various experiences, and the reinforcement of education of action and practice for the territory through community activities. The plans of improvement of Dokdo education in the free grade system are the establishment of policies for extended implementation, the setting of core competencies for systematization, the development of the class(program) contents for Differentiation, the development of the class(program) methods for persistence, and the establishment of infrastructure for activation. 본 연구의 목적은 중학교 자유학년제에서 독도교육 현황에 대한 분석을 토대로 자유학년제에서 효과적인 독도교육 방향을 제안하는 것이다. 본 연구의 제2장 자유학년제의 독도교육 현황에서는 자유학년제의 독도교육 실태와 한계에 대해 논의하였다. 이러한 논의를 바탕으로 본 연구의 제3장 자유학년제의 독도교육 방향에서는 자유학년제의 독도교육 특징과 개선점을 제시하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 자유학년제의 독도교육 실태는 주제선택활동에서 교사 수준의 교과 연계 수업 사례와 학교 수준의 범교과 연계 프로젝트 수업 사례, 진로탐색활동에서 독도체험관 중심의 독도교육 프로그램 운영 사례, 동아리활동에서 기존 독도교육 동아리인 독도지킴이 활동 사례로 나타났다. 자유학년제의 독도교육 한계는 주제선택활동에서 자유학년제의 취지와 방향에 적합한 수업 설계‧운영의 어려움, 진로체험활동에서 자유학년제 학생 대상의 차별화된 프로그램의 부재, 단기간의 일회성 프로그램 운영, 기관 연계 프로그램의 부재, 동아리활동에서 교육과정 연계 동아리의 부재, 지역사회 연계 동아리의 부재로 나타났다. 둘째, 자유학년제의 독도교육 특징은 수업 혁신을 통한 영토에 대한 지식과 이해의 교육 강화, 다양한 경험을 통한 영토로부터의 자각과 체험의 교육 강화, 공동체 활동을 통한 영토를 위한 행동과 실천의 교육 강화로 나타났다. 자유학년제의 독도교육 개선점은 확대 시행의 관점에서 자유학년제의 독도교육 정책 수립, 체계화의 관점에서 자유학년제의 독도교육 핵심역량 설정, 차별화의 관점에서 자유학년제의 독도교육 수업(프로그램) 내용 개발, 지속화의 관점에서 자유학년제의 독도교육 수업(프로그램) 방법 개발, 활성화의 관점에서 자유학년제의 독도교육 인프라 구축으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        고교학점제에 따른 국어교육의 과제 — 대학입시제도와의 연계성을 중심으로

        김지혜 국어교육학회 2020 國語敎育學硏究 Vol.55 No.3

        Currently, the most severe issue in high school education is its credit system. This system, which will be implemented in 2025, is a high school innovation policy that seeks flexible and individualized education focused on student growth. This is done by escaping from the uniform entrance-oriented education, expanding student’s options, and diversifying curriculums. This study tried to examine the linkage problems between high school credit system and college entrance, among other issues surrounding the credit system, and the related challenges in Korean language education. The high school credit and college entrance systems have a direct impact on high school curriculum organization and student’s selection of subjects. Therefore, the Ministry of Education(2018) announced plans to reorganize the college entrance system and improve its performance evaluation scheme, in order to prepare the high school credit system. Beginning in 2025, the high school credit system will be implemented by expanding the scope of application of the achievement evaluation scheme to all subjects. However, the reorganization of college entrance and evaluation systems seems to conflict with the plan of the Ministry of Education to strengthen the fairness in the college entrance announced in the 2019. In some ways, it is also a risk that functions as an obstacle to the successful settlement of the high school credit system and the normalization of high school education. In addition, the reorganization of college entrance and high school credit systems will greatly influence the status and form of Korean language education. In particular, the structural reorganization into “Common subject (<Reading>, <Literature>)” and “Elective subject (<Speaking and Writing> and <Language and Media>)”, in the Korean language section of the national college entrance exam, leads to a subject’s decrease in weight. Korean language subject has multiple identities as a tool subject, as well as a thinking and cultural subject. However, with the introduction of the high school credit system and a revised curriculum, it is necessary to fully discuss the nature and role of Korean language education in high school, along with the weakening of Korean language education and subject bias. The teaching of Korean language should not only provide a basic education, but also have a career subject role. 현재 고교 교육에서 가장 중요한 이슈는 고교학점제이다. 2025년에 본격적으로 시행되는 고교학점제는 학생의 선택권을 확장하고 교육과정을 다양화함으로써 입시 중심의 획일적인 교육에서 학생 성장 중심의 유연하고 개별화된 교육을 꾀하는 고교 혁신 정책이다. 본 연구에서는 고교학점제를 둘러싼 여러 문제들 중 고교학점제와 대학입학제도의 연계성 문제를 살펴보고, 이를 기반으로 다가올 고교학점제로의 전환에 따른 국어교육의 과제를 고찰해 보았다. 고교학점제 및 대학입학제도는 고등학교의 교과과정 편성 및 학생들의 교과 선택에 직접적인 영향을 미치게 된다. 이에 교육부(2018)는 고교학점제를 준비하기 위해 대학입학제도 개편 방안과 내신 성취평가제 개선 방안을 발표하였다. 2025년부터는 성취평가제의 대입 반영 범위를 전 과목에 확대함으로써 고교학점제를 본격적으로 시행하게 되는 것이다. 그러나 이러한 대학입학제도 개편과 2019, 2020년 교육부의 공정성 강화 방안은 고교 교육의 내실화 및 학생부종합전형의 취지와 균열을 보이는 지점이 있으며, 일부는 고교학점제의 성공적인 안착 및 고교 교육의 정상화에 걸림돌로 작용할 위험도 있다. 또한 대입제도의 개편과 고교학점제는 국어교육의 위상 및 비중에도 큰 영향을 미칠 것이다. 특히, 수학능력시험 국어 영역의 ‘공통(<독서>, <문학>)’과 ‘선택(<화법과 작문>중 <언어와 매체> 중 택1)’으로의 구조 개편은 국어 교과의 비중 축소로 이어지고 있다. 국어 교과는 도구 교과, 사고 교과, 문화 교과로서의 다중적 정체성을 지니고 있다. 그러나 고교학점제 도입 및 새로운 개정 교육과정을 앞두고 있는 지금, 국어교육의 약화 및 과목 편중 현상과 함께 고등학교 국어교육의 성격과 그 역할에 대한 국어교육계의 본격적인 논의가 필요하다. 먼저, 국어교육은 기초 과목으로서의 역할뿐 아니라 진로 교과로서의 역할도 준비해야 할 것이다. 또한 예술 교과로서의 문학 감상 및 창작 교과에 대한 연구 및 개발이 필요하다. 마지막으로, 고교학점제와 함께 실행될 내신의 성취평가제 및 수학능력시험의 개편 방향에 대해서도 연구되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        지방교육자치발전을 위한 교육감선출제도의 발전적 모색

        양태건 한국헌법학회 2023 憲法學硏究 Vol.29 No.4

        Introducing the “running mate system of governors and superintendents of education” has now become a big issue in relation to the superintendent of education election system. The government seems to be in favor of legislating into this system and is rushing to introduce it. However, what is overlooked in this movement is “consistency of a system”. The current direct election superintendent of education system was introduced in 2006 after identifying the successful results of the direct presidential election system introduced in 1987 by the current Constitution. However, as political party intervention was prohibited due to the “political neutrality(or impartiality) of education” stipulated in Article 31 of the Constitution, an unpopular and problematic form of election system was established as it is now. In terms of constitutional theory, the political neutrality of education stipulated in Article 31 of the Constitution, does not necessarily seem to provide inevitable reasons for a political party intervention to be banned in the election of the superintendents of education. First, in comparison with the adjacent constitutional provisions such as the political neutrality of the military(Article 5) or the political neutrality of public officials(Article 7), and second, in light of the Article 37 (2) of the Constitution, which stipulates the proportional principle of maximum guarantee of basic rights, proportional and stepped constitutional approach could be justified. In other words, the superintendents of education are in charge of educational affairs based on the ideology of decentralization, and if the governors do not have a big problem in realizing local autonomy and political neutrality of public local officials despite party intervention of elections and their political party memberships, the superintendents of education could be understood in the same way. In this regard, the current superintendents election system, which restricts party intervention, is wrong in terms of system setting, (1) party intervention in election process should be permitted logically, and (2) if the party's return into election cannot be recognized, the system should be extensively improved by considering its alternative functions, especially through ① reform of campaign methods or ② redistricting. On the other hand, the current move to the city and provincial governors and superintendents' running mate system aiming only at resolving conflicts between governors and superintendents, without deep analysis of the cause of the problem of the present system, could cause concerns about local education autonomy by creating institutionally ‘weak superintendents of education’. Nevertheless, the current process could offer a good opportunity to supplement the problems of the present system and come up with developmental alternatives by reviewing the meaning of the constitutional provisions that have been justifying party exclusion in superintendents of education election. 최근 교육감 선거제도와 관련하여 ‘시도지사・교육감 러닝메이트제’를 도입하려는 움직임이 큰 이슈가 되고 있다. 정부에서는 이러한 제도로의 입법에 찬성하면서 도입을 서두르는 모양새다. 그러나 이러한 움직임에서 간과되고 있는 것은 “제도의 정합성”이다. 현행 직선제 선출 교육감제도는 1987년 대통령 직선제의 성과를 통해 지방자치단체장 직선제 도입을 거쳐 2006년 법률 개정으로 도입된 것이다. 그러나 제도도입 과정에서 시・도지사와는 달리 헌법 제31조에서 규정하는 ‘정치적 중립성’ 문언때문에 정당개입을 금지하게 되면서 현재와 같이 인기 없고 후보자 식별에 난항을 겪는 문제적 형태의 선출 제도가 마련되게 된 것이다. 현행 교육감 선거 제도의 개편과 관련하여 헌법 이론적 측면에서는 일반적으로 받아들여지는 것과는 달리 헌법상의 ‘교육의 정치적 중립성’ 요청이 교육감 선거에 정당개입이 금지되어야 할 필연적 이유를 제시하는지 먼저 검토할 필요가 있다. 우선 유사한 문구를 가지고 있는 헌법 규정인 군의 정치적 중립성 요청이나 공무원의 정치적 중립성 요청 규정의 해석 및 적용 방식과 비교하여 볼 때, 이들 규정과 관련된 대통령이나 시・도지사 그리고 더 나아가 국방부장관, 교육부장관 등이 정당 가입이 자유로움에도 불구하고 중립성 문제에는 별다른 영향이 없는 것으로 보고 있는 점이 두드러진 차이점으로 보인다. 다음으로는 기본권의 최대한 보장을 위한 비례 원칙을 규정한 헌법 제37조 제2항 규정에 비추어 볼 때 만약 사안에 특별한 사유가 있다면 좀 더 비례적이고 구체적인 단계적 제한을 정당화하는 헌법적 해석을 시도하는 것이 적절할 것으로 이해된다. 교육계의 수장인 교육감은 교육자치사무를 담당하게 된다는 측면에서 지방자치사무의 차원에서 시·도지사에 상응하는 지위를 가지면서 지방자치사무 중 교육사무를 분할하여 담당하는 권한을 가지게 된다고 볼 수 있고, 그렇다면 시·도지사가 정당가입 여부에 상관없이 지방자치의 실현에 법제도적으로 별다른 문제를 일으키지 않고 또한 지방공무원의 정치적 중립성 유지에 별다른 영향이 없는 것으로 보고 있는 것처럼 교육감 역시 광역자치단체의 선거구를 배경으로 할 때 교육의 정치적 중립성과 관련하여 유사할 것이라고 추론하는 것에 이론적으로 그다지 무리가 없다고 볼 수 있다. 그러한 측면에서 정당 개입을 완전히 배제하고 있는 현재의 교육감 선출 제도는 제도 설계 면에서 잘못된 것이라 지적할 수 있으며, 이런 관점에서 향후 (1) 선거과정에 정당의 복권을 추진하거나, 또는 (2) 그럼에도 여전히 선거에 정당의 개입을 인정할 수 없다면 실질적으로 정당을 대신할 수 있는 대안적 방식을 고안하여 제도개선을 추진하는 것이 타당할 것이다. 그러한 것으로서는 ① 유권자의 선택을 돕기 위해 공적 비용을 통해 정책적 차별성을 정리할 수 있는 기회가 충분히 제공되도록 하는 등으로 현재와는 매우 다른 형태의 선거운동 방식의 개혁안을 마련하거나 ② 정당의 도움 없이도 선거가 가능한 기초자치단체 정도의 소규모 공동체에서의 선거구 개편안을 구상해 보아야 할 것이다. 그와 달리 현행 교육감선출 제도의 문제점에 대한 깊은 고민 없이 단순히 교육감과 단체장의 갈등을 해소하고자 하는 명분만을 제시하고 있는 정부의 시도지사・교육감 러닝메이트제 추진 움직임은 현 ...

      • KCI등재

        고령화 사회의 평생학습체제 구축을 위한 법적ㆍ제도적 방안 연구

        노기호 ( Ki Ho Noh ) 한국법정책학회 2010 법과 정책연구 Vol.10 No.3

        To construct the lifelong learning system in the advanced-age society by the respect of law and politics, it is needed to follow like this. First, it is needed to set up the idea or conception of the “act of lifelong education” again. the act of lifelong education is relating to many kind of research and laws. so we have to make the act to role of mother law or basic law of education. Second, it is needed to make up reconstruction and forth the lifelong learning system in the respect of nation. we need to make the nation government and local government practice the duty of lifelong learn system and have to make the basic ground to construct lifelong learning system. Third, it is needed to make up the local lifelong learning system. the lifelong learning system is relating to local administrative government and educational government. so we have to make the educational administrative organization to practice the lifelong education policy. Forth, it is needed to make boundary of lifelong education field. we can`t know clearly the area of act of lifelong education. so it is happen legal problems about lifelong education system. we need to make a boundary cleary and make the field or area of lifelong education system. Fifth, it is need to make the organization to practice the problems relating to lifelong education system. so if it is happened the many complicated trobles in the respect of law and administrative, it`s need to solve the problems quickly as soon as possible. these ways will help to strict the systems. Sixth, we need to make many kind of business relating to lifelong education. presently in Europe, the government to try their nations to take part in many kind of business relating to lifelong education and it will enhance to interest in lifelong education by their peoples.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 특별지원교육의 지원체제에 관한 연구: 초,중학교를 위한 교육행정담당자와 학교를 중심으로

        김미숙 ( Mi Suk Kim ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2008 유라시아연구 Vol.5 No.3

        Rapid changing 21th century is struggling to secure interaction with the environment and the informational, global, lifetime educational era. With these change, we are facing great revolutionary era in the realm of special education and its research. Japan prepared that the handicapped are included in the category the human being who cope with the fundamental issues such as aging, low rate of delivery and environment. Also, they are searching for, applying, interpreting and analyzing some affirmative alternatives in the various blocked fields with reconsiderable introspection to find the best method. ``Special supported education`` means to support certain proper education after understanding the individual desire for education; in case any educational organization educates the handicapped, it is required for us to connect and cooperate with various organizations related to welfare, medical care and occupation as well as educational organization. Moreover, individual education supporting plan, special supported education coordinator and wide area supportive council have already been prepared. Like this, Japanese special supported education system suggests that the method of education should be corrected more flexibly to consider all the school ground and all the regions by the educational environment and its opportunity as well as the educational environment and its opportunity should be completed. Especially, special supported education related the management of supportive system suggests that the educational administrator, school related staff, specialist, protector and the handicapped concerned should play each role and a system for the cooperative relationship should be done well. Therefore, I will examine what kind of supporting system exists and what the substantial supporting contents are and how they go with the base of educational administrator and school. The preparation for Japanese special supported education began with ‘Survey on the National Present Condition for the General Class.`` This survey presented that the students who didn``t have any intellectual problem at the general school but they showed considerable difficulty in studying and behavior occupied 6.3%. According to the research of this present condition, Japanese special supported education began to pay attention to the students who didn``t get any educational support for their unique desire for the education, being on the role of general class, rather than for the students for whom educational support was served at the school for the blind, deaf and handicapped. Especially, the necessity of educational support is emphasized on the viewpoint of life study of ‘from cradle to the grave.`` It is thought that they re-examined the schooling system to support the lifetime study means that they considered the maintenance of school education supportive system is very crucial, our considering the relationship between education and life got closer. Although special supportive education system began with social change, it can be said to be a period in season, our considering the paradigm of total integration for the special education. Therefore, in this study, I dealt with substantially the role of the education administrator and school playing the most important roles under the special supported education system with the plan addressed by MEXT. Under the special supported education system, education administrator should play a role to manage well whole the special supported education; they should special supporting council, provide counseling service and information, plan a training program for special support, perform survey and research and comprehend the maintenance condition of the special supported education system. Under the special supported education system, principal, special supporting coordinators and teachers manage their school effectively; principal should manage the school for the vision of special supportive education, install education committee, select special supporting coordinators, determine task allotment with school ground affair and promote the relationship with the protector and related organization. Special supporting coordinators should coordinate the relationship between school staff and school related organization, and design certain cooperation with the organization, counsel with the protector, support homeroom teacher, perform touring counseling or cooperate with pro team and promote the school ground committee. The teacher should search for and understand any student``s agony and make use of individual instruction plan, consider and support the students as a homeroom teacher, establish a system for consideration and support and cooperate with the protector. Under the special supported education system, in Japan may practice some measurements for the special supportive education with announcing a plan for the substantial roles of the administrator and school staff. of course, Japan has local autonomy characteristic and suggests flexible special supportive education system, considering its local condition and context. In spite of that, as Japan announced the plan for the sound management for the special supportive system, it may be helpful for preventing any confusion and adapting the sensitive guidance in performing a new opportunity.

      • KCI등재후보

        사회 환경교육 지도자의 자격 제도 개발

        송영은 한국환경교육학회 2006 環境 敎育 Vol.19 No.2

        This study is designed to develop a certification system for non-formal environmental education educators as part of efforts to nurture non-formal environmental education educators, increase public trust in non-formal environmental education educators and secure structure and sustainability of non-formal environmental education.The job of non-formal environmental education educators-distant from technical expertise functions that are dealt with by existing certification system - belongs to education and service industry. And the certification system I try to develop is different from existing exclusive certification system based on written tests. It is rather an authentication system based on capability development. So its components are somewhat different from those of existing certification system. However, I also tried to ensure that the system should include components which were supposed to be part of basic certification system. The certification system for non-formal environmental education educators in the study is focused on developing a framework for basic certification system. Therefore, I believe that follow up studies may be needed to address execution, i.e., specific evaluation criteria to select organizations in charge of certification system and education course/program respectively, criteria to select instructors who will lead training course/program and decision on whether experiences as eco-guide or nature experience guide should be recognized as experiences for non-formal environmental education educator etc.

      • KCI등재

        재조선 일본인의 재외지정학교제도와 「소학교규칙」

        조미은 한국민족운동사학회 2012 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.71

        The history of education for Japanese children living in Korea started in 1877 when a primary school was established in Busan. The education for Japanese in Joseon in early stage was mainly conducted by Japanese individuals or groups. These groups conducted the education business in the same way as they did for their administrative or public business in their local regions of Japan such as Shi(市), Cho(町) and Machi(村). But as they did not have any law for the education, they could not have any legal ground for imposing any education fee to the Japanese residents in Korea. That caused the financial problems for education, thus making it difficult for them to conduct the further education project in Korea. On this backdrop, Japanese government started to apply “Overseas Designated School System” in 1905 and promulgated (Primary School Rules) in 1909 in order to conduct the education for children living in Korea in a political and systematic way. By applying the Oversea Designated School System to Korea, Japanese government started to intervene in the education for Japanese children living in Korea in a systematic way. Japanese government applied this system to Korea in a way to invite good teachers from Japan to “schools for children living overseas.” Through this system, even before the forceful official occupation of Korea by Japan, the Japanese students attending to the schools designated according to the Japanese law can get the same educational status as those who attended or graduated from schools located in Japan. In 1910, the students and graduates from Middle School of Joseon Viceroy Administration could get the same status as those in middle schools in Japan. From 1912, with the establishment of public school rules and public school laws, this system was widely applied. The schools for Japanese living in Japanese colony of Korea have the same status with those in Japan. 「Primary School Rules」 was the law which applied to all Japanese primary schools which took a lion’s share of Japanese eduction institutions. It was also the first education law applied to all Japanese schools in Korea. According to 「Primary School Rules」, the primary schools for Japanese located in Korea could get the status of official Japanese education system. By not discriminating against the Japanese school students in Korea, the law aimed to prevent Japanese from going back to Japan for their children’s education. On the other hand, it also had a goal of separating the education for Japanese from that for Korean. The discriminatory system against the Korean in the primary school education had continued until the Japanese Imperialism finally ended. The Oversea Designated School System and 「Primary School Rules」 evidently show that Japanese government started to prepare the system for education or school policy prior to its official occupation of Korea. In addition, the basic contents and direction of education in these system expanded after the official occupation of Korea by Japan and had continued until the Japanese imperialistic period ended. It means that the education system conducted by Japanese government in Korea for colonizing Korea prior to the official occupation is closely linked to the education system conducted after the official occupation. 조선에 거류하는 일본인 자녀 교육의 역사는 1877년 부산에 설립된 소학교에서부터 시작되었다. 초기 일본인 교육은 일본인 개인이나 단체들에 의하여 실시되었다. 이들 단체는 일본의 市ㆍ町ㆍ村과 마찬가지로 다른 공공사무 또는 사업과 더불어 교육사업을 함께 운영하였다. 그러나 이들 단체에는 법률적 근거가 없었기 때문에 일본인들에게 학교 운영에 필요한 경제적인 부담을 부과할 기능이 없었다. 거류민 단체들이 지닌 그러한 경제적 권한의 한계는 바로 재정적 한계로서 조선에서 교육사업을 추진하는 데도 커다란 어려움에 부딪쳤다. 이러한 배경 아래 일본 정부는 재조선 일본인 교육사업을 정치적ㆍ조직적으로 추진하기 위하여 1905년 재외지정학교제도를 적용하고 1909년 「소학교규칙」을 제정하였다. 일본 정부는 재외지정학교제도를 실시함으로써 재조선 일본인 교육에 정부 차원에서 제도적으로 적극 관여하기 시작하였다. 일본 정부는 ‘일본의 외국에 있는 일본인을 위한 학교’에 일본으로부터 우수한 교직원을 초청하여 유치하기 위한 조치로서 조선에 이 제도를 적용하였다. 이를 통하여 재외지정학교로 지정된 학교 학생들은 일제 강점기 이전부터 일본에 있는 학교의 학생 또는 졸업생과 동등한 대우를 받을 수 있게 되었다. 1910년에는 조선총독부중학교의 학생과 졸업생도 일본의 중학교 학생들과 동일하게 취급받게 되었다. 1912년의 각종 공립학교 관제와 법령 제정을 기점으로 그 폭은 더욱 확대되었다. 식민지 조선 내 각종 일본인 학교들이 일본 내의 학교들과 동등한 취급을 받게 된 것이다. 「소학교규칙」은 일본인 교육 기관 중 대부분을 차지하는 소학교 교육을 위한 제도이자 조선에 있는 일본인 학교 전체를 대상으로 한 첫 번째 교육 법령이었다. 「소학교규칙」에 의하여 재조선 일본인 소학교는 일본의 소학교 범주 내에 포함되었다. 재조선 일본인 소학교 학생과 일본에 있는 소학교 학생간의 차별을 두지 않음으로써 조선에 정착해 사는 일본인들에게 그들 자녀 교육문제로 인하여 일본으로 다시 돌아가려는 상황을 방지하고자 하였던 것이다. 반면에 이 규칙은 조선에 사는 일본인 교육을 조선인과 분리하여 실시하는 것을 목적으로 한 것이기도 하였다. 소학교 교육에서 조선인과 차별화 시키는 정책은 일제가 폐망할 때까지 유지되었다. 재외지정학교제도와 「소학교규칙」은 일본이 강점 이후의 교육 또는 학교 정책에 대한 제도적 준비를 통감부시기 이전부터 진행하였음을 분명하게 입증해 주는 것이다. 그리고 이들을 통하여 실시된 기본적인 내용 또는 방향은 강점 이후에도 계속 확산되거나 일제시기가 끝날 때까지 유지되었다. 즉 일본이 강점 이전에 일본인을 조선에 식민하기 위하여 실시한 교육정책도 강점 이후 교육정책과의 연속성을 지니고 전개하였던 것이다.

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