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      • 한국 패션모델의 '몸 규제' 경험과 젠더차이

        정은아,손승영 동덕여자대학교 한국여성연구소 2009 젠더연구 Vol.- No.14

        This paper aims to reveal the social structure which controls and forces women to have idealized body by studying fashion models that are under certain pressure to keep their bodies desirable. We tried to find out the gender differences in idealizing the perfect image as a fashion model and going though physical treatments such as diets, cosmetic treatments and surgeries, massages and workout programs. We used questionnaire survey method which was proceeded between December 2008 and June 2009. As sample of Korean fashion models, 114 females and 26 males who had worked for more than six months were chosen. The major findings are as follows. The socially accepted image of 'ideal body' influences female models to adopt the concept and practice hard to achieve their goal. On the other hand, male models seem to be more attractive when they look healthy. That is the reason why male models take exercise more seriously than diet and experience less 'physical pain' compared to female models. It shows that each gender's body has different expectation based on patriarchal culture of the society. Women can be considered beautiful enough when they sacrifice their health. Male models understand the effort to keep their bodies attractive as a part of their work, although female models do as a part of their lives. Having better appearances is not only their work, but also the only way they can survive in the patriarchal society. In addition, more male models are in independent positions compared to female models in many important aspects such as payment, professionalism and relationships with designers.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        최인훈 『광장』에 나타난 욕망의 특질과 그 의의

        문흥술 상허학회 2004 상허학보 Vol.12 No.-

        Applying the theory of the ‘identity of subject’, this thesis tried to discuss in an integrated view the meaning of Lee Myeong Jun’s desire in “An Open Space” and the function of ideology and love on this desire. The ‘subject’ goes through twice the process of identification; “le Je-idal” in l’imaginaire and “l’ideal du moi” in le symbolique. Lee Myeong Jun denies the symbolic identification due to his disappointment from the social symbolic systems of the North and the South Korea, yet desires for the imaginary identification. However, the reality of the society and the ideologies of the North and the South Korea repress this desire but his love with a woman reinforces it. Firstly, the “love of body” with a woman reinforces Lee Myeong Jun’s desire for the imaginary identity. Especially, Eun-Hye functions as the sole “the other” who reinforces this desire but as she dies during the war, his imaginary identity ends up with the tragic breakdown. Secondly, the ideologies of the North and the South repress Lee Myeong Jun’s desire for imaginary identity. Here, ‘an open space’ is used as the two concepts; ‘an open space of the symbolic’ and ‘an open space of the imaginary’. Connecting organically the process of making narrow and diffusing an open space with the contradiction of “le symbolique”, this work criticizes “le symbolique” of the North and the South. Through this, Choe in-hun’s work strongly desires for the world of the imaginary identity where the human beings and the nature, the individual and the society, and the matter and the soul are united. This world of imaginary identity is merged into the world of Lukcs’ “a priori totality” which has been the direction taken by the genres of novel that appeared since the birth of the capitalism. As the result, this work has jumped over the boundaries of the local and individual character as the division novel and entered into the boundary of the world-historic universality. In addition, as the contradiction of the capitalism becomes more aggravated, it till now holds its effectiveness. 이 글은 주체의 동일화 이론을 원용하여 『광장』에 나타나는 이명준의 욕망이 무엇이며, 그러한 욕망에 이데올로기와 사랑이 어떤 기능을 하는지를 통합적 관점에서 논하고자 하였다. 주체는 상상계에서의 ‘이상적 자아’와 상징계에서의 ‘자아이상’이라는 두 번에 걸친 동일화 과정을 겪는다. 이명준은 남북한의 사회상징체계에 절망하여 상징계에서의 동일화를 거부하고, 상상계에서의 동일화를 욕망하는데, 이러한 욕망을 억압하는 것이 남북한 이데올로기와 사회현실이며, 그러한 욕망을 강화하는 것이 두 여인과의 사랑이다. 먼저 이명준은 여인과의 ‘몸’의 사랑을 통해 상상계적 동일화에 대한 욕망을 강화한다. 특히 북쪽의 은혜는 이명준의 상상계적 동일화에 대한 욕망을 강화하는 유일한 타자로 기능하지만, 은혜가 전사하면서 이명준의 상상계적 동일화는 비극적 좌절로 끝난다. 다음 이데올로기 측면을 보면, 이명준의 상상계적 동일화에 대한 욕망을 남북한 이데올로기는 억압하는 기능을 한다. 여기서 광장은 상징계의 광장과 상상계의 광장이라는 두 가지 개념으로 사용되고 있다. 이 작품은 상상계적 광장의 좁힘과 확산의 과정을 상징계의 모순과 유기적으로 연결시킴으로써 남북한의 사회상징체계에 대한 비판을 가하고 있다. 이를 통해, 이 작품은 인간과 자연, 개인과 사회, 물질과 영혼이 합일되는 상상계적 동일성의 세계를 강렬하게 욕망하는데, 이 상상계적 동일화의 세계는 자본주의가 태동된 이래 대두된 소설 장르가 궁극적으로 지향하는 루카치적 선험적 총체성의 세계에 맞닿아 있다. 그 결과 이 작품은 한국의 분단소설이라는 지방성과 개별성의 영역을 뛰어 넘어 세계사적 보편성의 영역에 진입해 있으며, 자본주의의 모순이 첨예화되면 될수록 이 작품은 더욱 강력한 현재형의 기호로 그 유효성을 확보하고 있는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        연행록 속에 나타난 중국 여성의 사회적 역할 연구

        申先玉 동북아시아문화학회 2015 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.44

        It is the social role of Chinese Women in the minds of the Korean envoys who compiled Yonhaengnok that this paper analyzes, thus making a difference from the previous researches on the images of Chinese women depicted in Yonhaengnok. From those Korean envoys’ perspective, ideal women should take the social responsibility of being married, raising children, taking good care of husband and even the whole big family, all of which were also what the patriarchal society expected women to do. What should be noted in Yonhaengnok, however, is that the social value in the existence of women was so self-evident that it could not be denied, no matter in what ways the Korean envoys constructed female images. The Korean envoys depicted the social value and significance of Chinese women in the aspects of body and spirit, and came to a conclusion: The Chinese women whose value was beyond what their bodies meant to family served as the main embodiment of the local and state prosperity, and such pure female images became role models for their good spirits, regardless of the value of their bodies. At present when Peng Liyuan, China’s first lady, exerts considerable influences on promoting the appeal of Chinese culture, this study has practical implications on repositioning the social roleof modern women and reconstructing the images of China and South Korea.

      • 굶주림, 훈육, 여성의 몸 : 샬롯 브론테의 『제인 에어』

        김진아 ( Jin A Kim ) 충북대학교 인문학연구소 2013 人文學誌 Vol.46·47 No.-

        In the various discourses such as novels, magazines, medicine and conduct books during the 18th and 19th centuries, women`s appetite was represented as intricately intertwined with female sexuality. Thus, women, especially young girls, were supposed to have little appetite and almost anorexic hunger was encouraged as a sign of purity and innocence. Not only hunger but also denial of all kinds of physical desires was considered the basis for the ideal femininity. This paper examines the ways in which the protagonist Jane Eyre`s body had been trained through hunger and strict discipline in the Lowood school and thereby she became an ideal female of the British middle class. In contrast to Jane`s pale, little and well-disciplined body and well-regulated feelings, Bertha Mason Rochester`s bulky and unrestrained and almost masculine body exists as a sign for her corrupt, immoral and exorbitant sexuality which explains her eventual madness. This paper also analyzes the ways in which the tainted and excessive Bertha Mason as a colonial woman is portrayed as the source of pollution, contamination and danger to the pure and moral English. In this novel, Jane`s feminine body represents the purity of England, whereas Bertha`s body represents the impurity of the colony.

      • 굶주림, 훈육, 여성의 몸 : 샬롯 브론테의 『제인 에어』

        김진아 충북대학교 인문학연구소 2013 人文學誌 Vol.46·47 No.-

        In the various discourses such as novels, magazines, medicine and conduct books during the 18th and 19th centuries, women`s appetite was represented as intricately intertwined with female sexuality. Thus, women, especially young girls, were supposed to have little appetite and almost anorexic hunger was encouraged as a sign of purity and innocence. Not only hunger but also denial of all kinds of physical desires was considered the basis for the ideal femininity. This paper examines the ways in which the protagonist Jane Eyre`s body had been trained through hunger and strict discipline in the Lowood school and thereby she became an ideal female of the British middle class. In contrast to Jane`s pale, little and well-disciplined body and well-regulated feelings, Bertha Mason Rochester`s bulky and unrestrained and almost masculine body exists as a sign for her corrupt, immoral and exorbitant sexuality which explains her eventual madness. This paper also analyzes the ways in which the tainted and excessive Bertha Mason as a colonial woman is portrayed as the source of pollution, contamination and danger to the pure and moral English. In this novel, Jane`s feminine body represents the purity of England, whereas Bertha`s body represents the impurity of the colony.

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