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        무형유산으로서의 부산굿 전승 내력과 가치 확산

        김형근 국립부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2024 인문사회과학연구 Vol.25 No.3

        본고는 무형유산으로서의 부산굿 현황을 살펴보고, 그것의 가치 확산을 위한 방안을 제시한다. 본고에서 논의하고자 하는 부산굿이라 함은 부산 지역의 무당굿을 의미한다. 다만 현재 다양한 방식으로 연행되는 것 모두를 대상으로 할 수 없으므로, 국가 또는 부산시의 지정 무형유산인 것을 대상으로 한다. 그래서 그 대상은 결국 동해안별신굿과 기장오구굿이 된다. 부산굿 연구를 위해서는 동해안의 권역별 굿에 대한 비교 연구가 전제되어야 한다. 동해안은 북부, 중부(강원 삼척과 경북), 남부(울산,부산)으로 나누어 그 굿법의 변별이 있으나 현재는 그 전승력이 약해져 중부형이 전 동해안에 퍼져있는 상황이다. 본고는 우선 이 두 굿의 역사적 전승과정을 통해 그 전형이 무엇일지를 살폈다. 부산굿이라 명명하기 위해서는 이 지역에서 오랫동안 전승된, 즉 ‘전통성’을 담고 있어야 하므로, 이 부분에 대해 주목했다. 그렇게 봤을 때 현재 일반적으로 부산굿이라 말해지는, 김석출 집안의 동해안별신굿은 1960년대 이후부터의 현상임을 이야기했다. 경북 세습무계인 김석출이 부산에 자리잡기 이전에 전통적인 부산무당들이 활동했으나, 기록되지 못한 채 그 전승이 소멸되었다. 그렇다고 김석출이 부산의 굿법을 아예 무시한 것은 아니었다. 바로 이런 내용들을 밝혔다. 별신굿과 달리 기장오구굿은 과거 부산무당들의 방식들을 잇고 있다는 점이 변별된다. 부산굿의 활용은 여러 방면에서 이야기할 수 있으나, 본고에서는 부산시의 역할에 대해 이야기했다. 현재도 굿의 수요가 있는 별신굿과 달리, 굿의 수요가 없어진 오구굿의 지속가능성은 어떻게 해야 할지 의견을 밝혔다. 또한 부산굿을 위시한 ‘한국의 굿’은 유네스코 인류무형유산으로서도 충분히 가치가 있으므로 부산시에서 역할을 해달라는 요청도 담고 있다. This paper examines the current status of Busangut(Shaman ritual handed down in the Busan area) as an intangible cultural heritage and suggests ways to spread its value. The Busan gut discussed in this paper refers to the shaman ritual in the Busan region. However, since it is not possible to target everything that is currently performed in various ways, it only targets intangible cultural heritage designated by the country or Busan City. So, the target ultimately becomes the East Coast Byeolsingut and Gijang OguGut. In order to study Busan gut, a comparative study of guts in each region of the East Coast must be conducted as a prerequisite. The East Coast is divided into the North, Central (Gangwon Samcheok and Gyeongbuk), and South (Ulsan, Busan), and there are different types of ritual, but currently, the power of transmission has weakened and the Central type is spread throughout the entire East Coast. This study first looked at what the typical form of these two guts would be through the historical transmission process. In order to be named Busangut, it must contain ‘tradition’ that has been passed down for a long time in this region, so we paid attention to this part. Looking at it that way, it was said that the East Coast Byeolsingut of the Kim Seok-chul family, which is now generally referred to as Busangut, has been a phenomenon since the 1960s. Before Kim Seok-chul, a hereditary shaman from Gyeongbuk province, settled in Busan, traditional Busan shamans were active, but the tradition was lost without being recorded. However, this does not mean that Kim Seok-chul completely ignored Busan’s gut methods. This is exactly what was revealed. Unlike Byeolsingut, Gijang OguGut is differentiated in that it continues the methods of past Busan shamans. The use of Busan gut can be discussed in many ways, but in this paper, the role of Busan city was discussed. Unlike Byeolsingut, which is still in demand for gut, opinions were expressed on what should be done to ensure the sustainability of Ogugut, which has lost demand for gut. In addition, since ‘Korean gut’, including Busan gut, is sufficiently valuable as a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage, it also contains a request for Busan City to play a role.

      • KCI등재

        부산해안지역 워터프런트의 기후환경변화 연구 - 해운대, 광안리를 대상으로 -

        도근영,박수용 한국항해항만학회 2010 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        Recently, the number of design for open-spaces at waterfront, such as open-air restaurant and cafeteria, has been increasing to provide openness and natural environment of waterfront. However, when planning open-air restaurant and cafeteria, it is essential to investigate the climate characteristic of waterfront, especially wind environment, since the waterfront has a special quality of climate like low-temperature and strong wind which differs from downtown or inland. In this study, wind environments of Haeundae, Suyoungman, and Gwanganli, the famous waterfronts in Busan, were investigated for design of open-air restaurants and open cafeterias. The main results were as follows. 1) the waterfront area of Haeundae, Suyoungman, and Gwanganli is suitable for open-air restaurant and open cafeterias; and 2) the appropriate period for open space in this area is from the end of March to November. 워터프런트의 온화한 기후특성과 함께 자연이나 개방성 그리고 그러한 것들을 포함하는 축제성이 시민 생활환경의 질 향상이라는 요구에 대응하기에 적합한 공간이라는 특징 때문에 부산에서는 해안지역 워터프런트의 개발이 수익의 극대화를 위해 초고층 건축물 위주로 개발이 진행되고 있다. 그러나 이러한 초고층 위주의 개발은 토지피복의 변화와 더불어 풍속을 약화시키기 때문에 개발에 의해 기후특성이 변화될 가능성이 크다고 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 초고층 개발에 따른 워터프런트의 기후변화를 파악하기 위해 최근 초고층 건축물 위주의 개발이 집중되고 있는 부산의 해운대 지역을 대상으로 개발 전후의 기후특성을 비교 검토하여 개발 이후 해운대의 겨울에 따뜻하고 여름에 시원한 해안지역 기후특성이 변화하여 여름의 기온상승이 현저하며 열대야일수가 증가하였음을 밝혔다.

      • 부산 해안지역 친수공간벨트 조성방안 연구

        이한석,이중우,안웅희 한국항해항만학회 2007 한국항해항만학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2 No.추계

        본 연구는 부산 해안지역에서 친수공간벨트를 계획하기 위해 친수공간벨트 및 이에 관련된 친수공간클러스터의 개념을 제시하고 개별 친수공간들을 워터프런트 그린웨이를 통해 체계적으로 연결시켜 친수공간벨트를 계획하는 방안을 제시하며 부산 해운대구 해안지역을 대상으로 구체적인 적용사례를 제시한다.

      • KCI등재

        부산 해안지역 친수공간벨트계획에 관한 연구

        이한석(Han- Seok Lee),이중우(Jung-Woo Lee),안웅희(Woong-Hi Ahn) 한국항해항만학회 2007 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.31 No.10

        본 연구는 부산 해안지역에서 친수공간벨트를 계획하기 위해 친수공간벨트 및 이에 관련된 친수공간클러스터의 개념을 제시하고 개별 친수공간들을 워터프런트 그린웨이를 통해 체계적으로 연결시켜 친수공간벨트를 계획하는 방안을 제시하며 부산 해운대구 해안지역을 대상으로 구체적인 적용사례를 제시한다. The purpose of this study is for providing a strategic plan of waterfront belt development at the coastal area of Busan city that might enhance the possibility on healthy use of spare time of the residents and demand of tourism, together with raising the potential and the value added effect of coastal space. This study is one of a series of studies for developing waterfront belt at Busan coastal area. In this study we suggest the new concepts of waterfront belt, waterfront cluster and waterfront greenway. And then we present a model of making waterfront belt through waterfront cluster, which is an aggregate of individual waterfront spaces, using waterfront greenway. After that we apply this model to Haeundae coastal area and test the applicability of the model.

      • KCI등재

        부산 광포전설과 로컬리티

        권도경 ( Do Kyung Kwon ) 부산광역시사편찬위원회 2011 항도부산 Vol.27 No.-

        This paper attempted to look into exsistence of Gwangpo(廣布) legend in Pusan and extract Pusan locality appearing in that. In the present Pusan region, is found transmission of baby general legend(아기장수 전설), mountain moving legend(산이동 전설), millionaire``s pond legend(장자못 전설), legend about a trial of strenth between brother and sister(오누이 힘내기 전설). These aspects of Pusan Gwangpo(廣布) legend seems to related to four Pusan locality. The first is the characteristic feminity of Coastal Villages in the Islands. The second is the pride and confidence in the power of the people. The third is the distinct characteristics of the marin defensive base. The fourth is the geographical characteristics of Coastal and easternhigh~westernlow topography. The fifth is the Metropolitan Cultural Orientation with neighboring Gyeongsangnam(慶尙南道)

      • KCI등재

        부산해안지역 워터프런트의 풍환경 분석 연구 : 해운대, 수영만, 광안리를 대상으로

        도근영(Geun-Young Doe) 한국항해항만학회 2009 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.33 No.5

        최근 워터프런트의 개방성과 자연환경을 만끽하기 위한 중요한 공간으로서 오픈스페이스와 이에 연계 된 노천카페 및 야외레스토랑의 계획이 많아지고 있다. 그러나 워터프런트는 낮은 기온, 강풍, 강한 일사 등 도심 및 내륙지역과는 다른 기후특성을 가지고 있기 때문에 노천카페, 야외레스토랑 등을 계획할 때에는 대상 워터프런트의 기후특성, 특히 풍환경에 대한 검토가 필요하다. 본 연구는 부산의 대표적 워터프런트인 해운대, 수영만, 광안리 지역을 대상으로 오픈스페이스와 노천카페 및 야외레스토랑 계획을 위한 워터프런트의 풍환경에 대해 검토하였다. 검토결과를 요약하면 아래와 같다. 1) 해운대~광안리까지의 워터프런트는 야외레스토랑 등에 적합한 지역이다. 2) 3월말에서 11월까지가 야외레스토랑 등을 이용하기에 적합한 시기이다. Recently, the number of design for open-spaces at waterfront, such as open-air restaurant and cafeterteria, has been increasing to provide openness and natural environment of waterfront. However, when planning open-air restaurant and cafeteria, it is essential to investigate the climate characteristic of waterfront, especially wind environment, since the waterfront has a special quality of climate like low-temperature and strong wind which differs from downtown or inland. In this study wind environments of Haeundae, Suyoungman, and Gwanganli, the famous waterfronts in Busan, were investigated for design of open-air restaurants and open cafeterias. The main results were as follows. 1) the waterfront area of Haeundae, Suyoungman, and Gwanganli is suitable for open-air restaurant and open cafeterias; and 2) the appropriate period for open space in th?s area is from the end of March to November.

      • KCI등재

        낙동강 하구지역 부산점토의 퇴적환경에 따른 압축특성

        정성교,류춘길,장우영,E. Ninjgarav 한국지반공학회 2006 한국지반공학회논문집 Vol.22 No.12

        In the Nakdong River estuary soft and thick clay, which called Pusan clay, are deposited. Despite a number of great reclaimed projects that have been performed in the area, the consolidation settlement and time have been significantly underestimated due dominantly to sample disturbance, since the last decade. In order to resolve the underestmation, it was necessary to examine the compressibility characteristics through a systematic geotechnical investigation on the clay. In this study an advanced sampling technique was adopted on two sites chosen along the coastline, and then oedometer testing and geological investigation were performed for the undisturbed and reconstituted samples. As the results, the compressibility parameters of the clay were representatively determined, as well as their correlation. Particularly the effects of depositional environment on the physical indexes, level of structure, sample disturbance and compressibility parameters were analyzed for the clay.

      • KCI등재

        갑오개혁 이후 해안관방 지역사회의 동향과 그 유산-부산과 울산지역을 중심으로-

        이창언 국립목포대학교 도서문화연구원 2022 島嶼文化 Vol.- No.60

        This study attempted to examine the perception and practice of the times of a specific class in a rapidly changing situation in the modern period, and the current meaning of their memories and traces. To this end, this study tried to examine the collective practices taken during the modern transition period and discuss the current meaning of the legacy by the clerk officers(吏任層) and military officers(武任層) who lived in charge of practical affairs in Eupchi and Gunyeong located on the coast. The clerk officers and military officers, who were in charge of practical affairs in Eupchi and Gunyeong located on the coast, reacted faster than any other class in the rapidly changing times after the Gabo-Reformation. They inherited the existing elderly organization and actively responded to the destruction of the existence-based collapse while continuing the offer, which was a symbolic asset of solidarity. The collective perceptions and practices of those who relied on the methods accumulated over centuries in traditional society and responded during the modern transition period are acting as a legacy that cannot be forgotten even in late modern times. Dongnaegiyounghoi, which functioned as an elite group in Dongnaebu, still continues to serve as an invisible public opinion agency in the local community. The descendants of the Gyeongsangjwabyeongyoung, who led the national liberation movement in Ulsan area, continued to form a discourse of resistance during the colonial period and inherited their unique regional identity. In Gyeongsangjwasuyeongyoung, rituals for the people who protested during the Imjin War presided over by the descendants of former military officers, the transmission of national intangible cultural properties, and rituals for Cheomsa who died in Dadaepo during the Imjin War are also acting as local identities. The legacy of awareness and practice based on social relations that continued from traditional society in the process of modern times of Gabo-Reformation and colonization and modern times of war and confusion is illuminated as an identity based on local history and culture, consistent with modern political and economic interests.

      • KCI등재후보

        해안지역 RC조 장기재령 건물의 비래염분 침투와 내부 분포에 관한 실험적 연구

        이승철,김지현,이재용,이수용 대한건축학회지회연합회 2007 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.9 No.3

        The study was intended to identify the absorption of flying salinity and internal distribution into the concrete of the buildings aged 20 to 40 years in a coastal district through the tests. The buildings subject to sampling for the test includes apartment and hotel buildings located within 500m from the seashore in the area of Nam-Gu, Suyeong-Gu and Haeundae-Gu in Busan. Those old buildings were mostly planned to be rebuilt or demolished. The core specimens were taken from the buildings, and were cut into 10㎜ and 50㎜ in depth and soluble salinity contained in concrete specimen were measured. The results are follows. (1) An average content of salinity contained in the specimen taken at the survey area was minimum 0.09㎏/㎥ and maximum 5.55㎏/㎥, which had a wide range of distribution. Viewing the content by specimen, the specimen at 10㎜ depth taken from the P-building contained as much as 13.17㎏/㎥, indicating the highest level among the specimens. (2) Among 51 specimens, 14(27%) were within the allowance of 0.3㎏/㎥ and 8(16%) were in 0.3㎏/㎥~0.6㎏/㎥, while remaining 29(57%) were in the range of 0.6㎏/㎥~5.5㎏/㎥, which was regarded a high level of salinity content. (3) The content of salinity was found to be dependent on distance from the seaside, age and coating type of building, and the content of salinity has been increasingly growing as long as the building exists. (4) In comparing the ratio of salinity distribution

      • KCI등재

        2012 여수세계박람회의 발전 방안에 대한 소고

        이정은(Jeong-Eun Lee) 한국해양비즈니스학회 2011 해양비즈니스 Vol.- No.18

        Busan, is the second largest marine city in Korea but there are not enough tourist attractions, particularly the marine-related resources. Given the enormous resources which come from the ocean and marine environment, this is the problem which should be solved in the near future. In the mean time, there is a good news. In 2012, Yeo-su located at Jeolla Province will hold the World Expo and the title is “The Living Ocean and Coast”. At the same time, Busan Metropolitan Government announced that the National Maritime Museum will be founded in Young-do and this is going to be open on the same date with the Yeo-su Expo in 2012. Both events are worth remembering. These events could evoke regional economic upbringing and also Korean people or local communities may have a chance to consider about marine tour and ocean-related issues. Surely marine tourism can be stimulated than ever and this finally would cause not only financial success in Korean marine tourism but also cultural identity within Korean people. Therefore this paper is trying to understand the substantial meaning of Yeo-su EXPO and also discuss the methods of the success. Also this work highlights the background of the foundation of the National Maritime Museum and then suggests some advice for the new Maritime Museum in order to survive in the time of its grand opening.

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