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        논문(論文) : ≪사고전서(四庫全書)≫와 ≪존목(存目)≫에 수록(收錄)된 한국인(韓國人) 저작(著作)과 그 문화의의(文化意義)

        김호 ( Ho Kim ) 한국중문학회 2010 中國文學硏究 Vol.40 No.-

        目前爲止, 國內有關≪四庫全書≫及其≪存目≫收錄的韓國人著作的數量問題, 沒有得到一致的看法。而且國外學者亦對於此問題的看法, 因爲篇幅的關係, 難免有所簡略, 加上學界對於≪四庫各省採進書目≫收錄的韓國人著作問題、≪四庫全書≫及其≪存目≫收錄的韓國人著作之文化內涵等, 均沒有進行討論。鑑於前人硏究的不足, 本文擬要對這些問題, 進行一番探討。本文經過一番討論,得到以下幾點結論: 第一、當編纂≪四庫全書≫時,向中央政府進程的韓國人著作共有五種, 就是≪朝鮮史略≫、≪朝鮮志≫、≪高麗世系≫、≪朝鮮國志≫、≪徐花潭集≫。第二、≪四庫全書≫及其≪存目≫收錄的韓國人著作共有六種: ≪朝鮮史略≫、≪朝鮮志≫和≪武英殿聚珍版程式≫三種收錄於≪四庫全書≫; ≪高麗史≫、≪朝鮮國志≫和≪徐花潭集≫三種收錄於≪存目≫。第三、≪四庫全書≫及其≪存目≫收錄韓國人著作的原則, 可分爲「以資參考」、「以資考證」、「取技能」和「表彰儒術」等。第四、≪四庫全書≫及其≪存目≫收錄韓國人著作有其獨特的文化內涵。首先,幾種韓國人著作收錄於≪四庫全書≫的事實可證明韓、中兩國的書籍交流倂不是只從中國流入韓國的單方面的,而是雙方面的。其次, 幾種韓國人著作收錄於≪四庫全書≫及其≪存目≫,這意味著幾種韓國人的著作引起傳統中國知識分子的關注,這種現象甚値得予以重視。

      • 한국어 관용어 교육 연구 -중국인 학습자를 대상으로

        축취영 중국한국(조선)어교육연구학회 2010 한국(조선)어교육연구 Vol.7 No.-

        本論文以狹義槪念的韓國語慣用語爲主要硏究對象, 探索韓國語慣用語的構成原理以及與韓國語慣用語相關的文化內涵。 幷以此爲基礎, 深入硏究韓國語慣用語相關敎學內容及敎學方法。 以Canale和Celce-Murcia對語言能力構成的硏究爲基礎, 具體探討韓國語慣用語的敎學與韓國語能力之間的關系。 通過對比喩原理的分析, 總結出韓國語慣用語的構成原理; 通過中韓慣用語的比較, 조出與韓國語慣用語相關的文化內涵。 幷且從慣用語的理解和使用兩個方面出發, 探討适合中國學生的韓國語慣用語的敎學方法。

      • KCI등재


        Yang Mu Xiao,Yang Xiao Bin 한국중국산문학회 2013 중국산문연구집간 Vol.3 No.-

        홰나무를 소재로 한 변문은 위진시기 문인들에게 상당한 인기를 끌었으며 역대로 더욱 발전양상을 띄어 구식, 결구, 장법, 수사 등 여러 분야가 날로 성숙되었다. 홰나무에 대한 상징을 사용하는 일과 그 문화적 내함은 점차로 확립되어 당시의 심미관을 선명하게 체현하였다. 위진시기 홰나무 소재 변문 중 홰 나무 상징의 사용은 대략 세 가지 종류가 있다. 大槐安國(한 사람이 홰나무 밑에서 낮잠을 자다가 꿈에 대괴안국 왕의 사위가 되어 南柯郡을 20년 동안 다스리면서 부귀영화를 누리다가 꿈을 깨었다는 내용)의 정치적 우의, 槐社安民의 심리적 기탁, 그리고 槐仙之道의 현학적 함의이다. 일종의 상징 부호로서 홰나무는 위진시기에는 더 이상 자연지물에 대한 묘사는 아니었다. 부단한 전습과 변화로 다양한 측면의 인문 내함을 부여받게 되었고 농후한 역사적 연속성을 띄게 된 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        漢語“紅”與英語“red”的文化內涵比較研究 —基於詞典釋義的語義對比分析

        DUAN DI 중국어문학회 2023 中國語文學誌 Vol.- No.84

        The color words "red" in English and "紅" in Chinese are frequently used in their respective languages. This paper gathers entries from authoritative dictionaries, namely "漢語大詞典" (Comprehensive Chinese Dictionary) and "現代英漢詞典" (Modern English-Chinese Dictionary), to delve into the cultural differences inherent in color terms. Utilizing qualitative, quantitative, and comparative analysis methods, this study compares the commendatory and derogatory ratios, semantic categories, and corresponding patterns of "紅" and "red" in their cultural semantics, drawing conclusions on their similarities and differences. These variances ultimately trace back to and reflect the distinct cultural values, aesthetics, and psychology between the two cultures. In teaching and academic research, the instruction, study, and translation of culture-laden terms have become an imperative issue in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. This is because the color terms in both English and Chinese languages encompass rich cultural significances. Teaching these terms aids students in grasping the conceptual and particularly the cultural meanings they represent, eradicating interference from students' native languages and cultures, and bolstering intercultural communication awareness and capabilities. This bears practical significance for lexicology and intercultural communication.

      • KCI등재

        The Entry of the Zhuangzi kouyi 莊子口義 by Lin Xiyi 林希逸 into Joseon, the Publication of the Commentary, and Its Cultural Significance

        ( Kim Ho ) 성균관대학교 유교문화연구소 2018 儒敎文化硏究(中文版) Vol.0 No.30

        《莊子》一書本具有豊富的詮釋空間,因此在不同時空背景中,往往出現不同內涵的詮釋著作。其中,(宋)林希逸的《莊子口義》具有“以儒解莊”的詮釋傾向,正因爲如此,此書傳播到朝鮮與日本,幷對於當時社會産生一些影響。《莊子口義》在日本的傳播問題,已有專文討論相關問題,而將林希逸《莊子口義》放在朝鮮的時空環境中加以探討的少之又少。鑒於此,本文以《莊子口義》的傳播與朝鮮學界的接受爲範圍,主要探究兩個問題:首先,從版本學的角度爬梳整理主要朝鮮刊本《莊子口義》,幷說明朝鮮刊本與中國刊本之間的異同;其次,對於《莊子口義》在朝鮮傳播與刊行的文化內涵,試圖加以探討,藉此窺見朝鮮學界亦有“以儒解莊”的詮釋傾向。 The Zhuangzi 莊子 is a book that can be interpreted diversely. For this reason, many commentaries on the text were written at different times in Chinese history, each commentary with different implicit meanings. Among them, the Zhuangzi kouyi 莊子口義 by Lin Xiyi 林希逸 from the Song dynasty 宋 is a commentary characterized by the fact that the text is interpreted from Confucian perspectives (yi ru jie zhuang 以儒解莊). What is interesting is that it was read in Joseon and Japan and had certain effects on the academic circles of the two countries. Previous studies on its entry into Japan have been conducted, yet in contrast, only few studies on its entry into Joseon have been made. With this difference in mind, this paper aims mainly to explore two issues within the scope of the research: its entry into Joseon and the acceptance of the text by Joseon academic circles. First, this paper intends to summarize and analyze the text Zhuangzi kouyi (the Joseon edition 朝鮮刊本) from the perspectives of bibliography, explaining the differences between the Joseon edition and the Chinese edition. Next, the implicit cultural significance that its entry into Joseon and its publication in the nation had will be explained in detail. That is, this study will explain the reception of the Joseon academic circles, as well its academic ethos in terms of why the Zhuangzi is interpreted from Confucian perspectives. [Article in Chinese]

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        최은,장재욱 인문사회 21 2020 인문사회 21 Vol.11 No.5

        The white ground and black flower decorative patterns of the Cizhou Kiln in the Northern Song Dynasty had a profound influence on Chinese ceramic culture, so it is necessary to study the deep cultural connotation of its decorative patterns. This paper takes the decorative pattern symbol of the White ground black flower of Cizhou Kiln as the research object, time category is the Song dynasty,which was from 960 to 1279. The content of the research is to first analyze the factors that affect the generation of the decorative patterns of the black flowers on the white ground of Cizhou Kiln, use the modeling theory to analyze the decorative pattern symbols from the three aspects-color, modeling and phase, on the basis of the above analysis, using Pierce’s semiotic theory to carry out in-depth research on its decorative pattern symbols, in order to explore its deep cultural connotation and expand the research of Cizhou kiln, which is a useful reference for the research and inheritance of traditional decorative pattern symbols. 北宋磁州窯的白地黑花裝飾紋樣在中國陶瓷文化上產生了深遠影響,因此有必要去深入研究其裝飾紋樣的深層文化內涵。本课题以磁州窯白地黑花裝飾紋樣符號爲研究對象,時間範疇爲宋代,即960年至1279年。研究內容爲首先分析影響磁州窯白地黑花裝飾紋樣符號生成的因素,用造型論從色彩、造型、位相三方面分析其裝飾紋樣符號,在以上分析的基礎上運用皮爾斯的符號學理論對磁州窯白地黑花裝飾紋樣符號進行深入研究,從而挖掘其凝澱在形式中的深層文化內涵,爲傳統裝飾紋樣符號的研究、傳承作有益的參考。

      • KCI등재


        馮燕慶 한국중국문화학회 2001 中國學論叢 Vol.12 No.-

        在國際文化交流日益頻繁的新世紀, 中國散已經開了對外開放的大門. 在文學藝術領域, 各式各樣的著名文學作品源源不斷地被譯介到國家外, 使世人遷漸認識和了解了有着懲久歷史的古老文明的國度他的昨天, 前天和今天的文化.然而, 作爲話劇,這一西洋泊來的文化藝衛品種, 在中國的歷史狼不太長, 特別是京味話劇的誕生和發展, 還未更多的被世人關注, 和了解. 筆者旨在介紹京味話劇初次走出國門從來曾創造過的輝煌, 竝分析. 探討京味話劇在新的歷史時期發展的前景和走向, 鐵世界深入了解中國, 認識北京, 提供一介審美的感性的舞臺,進一步促進中國和世界的文化交流活動.

      • KCI등재

        한국인과 일본인의 심리적 차이와 그 의미에 대한 고찰

        박혜경(Park, Hye-kyung) 가천대학교 아시아문화연구소 2015 아시아문화연구 Vol.38 No.-

        문화심리학에서는 동아시아와 서구의 차이를 집단주의와 개인주의, 혹은 상호의존성과 독립성의 대비로 이해하고자 노력해 왔다. 이러한 이분법적 대비는 동과 서를 포함한 다양한 문화와 사회를 비교하는 맥락에서는 서로 간의 차이를 이해하고 설명하는 데 유용한 틀이 될 수 있다. 그러나 동아시아인들의 문화를 집단주의, 혹은 상호의존성으로 뭉뚱그리는 것은 한국인과 일본인 사이에서 관찰되는 간과할 수 없이 중요한 차이 등을 설명할 수 없을 뿐만 아니라, 문화권 내에서의 변산에 주목하는 최근 문화심리학의 연구 흐름과도 맞지 않는다. 이러한 배경에서, 본 논문은 첫째, 심리학적 측면에서 한국인과 일본인간의 차이를 개관하고, 둘째,이러한 차이를 이해하고 설명하기 위하여 제안되었던 이론적 틀을 소개하며, 셋째, 심리적인 측면에서 동아시아인들의 다양성과 보편성을 밝히기 위하여 이루어져야 할 후속 연구의 방향을 제시한다. The field of cultural psychology has attempted to describe and understand cultural variation between the East and the West using collectivism vs. individualism and interdependence vs. interdependence dimensions as theoretical frameworks. These theoretical frameworks has been proved to be useful in parsing out variation across various cultures and societies. However, subcultural variation in East Asia including differences between Koreans and Japanese cannot be accounted for by these frameworks. Furthermore, it does not fit with the current trend in cultural psychology that emphasizes understanding of subcultural variation. Thus, this article first reviews psychological differences between Koreans and Japanese, second introduces some theoretical attempts to systematically understand these differences, and finally suggests future directions for uncovering psychological diversity in East Asia.

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